The Weather
Fair today and tomorrow;
somewhat warmer today; to-
morrow warmer.
Lit iga
Army's Newest Plaything .. .
Roosevelt's Labor Policy .. .
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Faculty Man's
Son Is Killed
Under Wheels
Of Automobile
Jose Albaladejo Hit By Car
When Tossed From Bike
By Swinging Door
Inquest Is Planned
For 8 P.M. Friday
A freak accident at 5:30 p.m. yes-
terday became Ann Arbor's first traf-
fic fatality of the year, when Jose
Albaladejo, 9-year-old son of Prof.
Jose M. Albaladejo of the Spanish
department, died on his way to the
hospital, of injuries received when he
W'as catapulted from his bicycle un-
der the wheels of an on coming car in
the 1200 block on Packard Street,
near the intersection of Wells Street.
Thrown To Pavement
The boy, riding toward town on
Packard, rode headlong into the open
door of a parked car and was thrown
over the handlebars of his bicycle to
the pavement, where both right
wheels of a car which was following
him passed over his body.
According to Jesse S. Tomlinson,
47 years old, of 1310 Dixboro Rd., he
had just parked across from the
Kroger store on Packard, and had
opened the door, putting one leg out,
when Albaladejo crashed against the
opened door from behind him.
The car which followed him, driven
by Mrs. William M. Couper, 28 years
old, of 1604 Ferndale Ave., passed
over the boys prone figure before it
could stop. According to witnesses,
Albaladejo got up, ran more than
100 feet toward his home a few
blocks away, and then collapsed.
Dead On Admission
A bystander, Horace Robinson, of
1209 Packard St., took the boy to the,
hospital in his car, but he was pro-
nounced dead on admission.
Coroner Edwin C. Ganzhorn an-
hounced last night that an inquest
would be held at 8 p.m. Friday in the
County Court House to determine
whether there was any negligence.
The fatality was the first since
September, 1936, in the city of Ann
Arbor. Last year's traffic deaths in
town totalled 11, six of .them in the
month of July, according to Officer
George Camp, record clerk for the
Police Department. Both drivers
were released after questioning at
the Police Station.
Sapir To Give
Linguistic Talk
At Union Today
"Are linguists studying speech?"
This question will provide the
starting-point for the discussion to-
day at the regular luncheon confer-
ence of the Linguistic Institute. Prof.
Edward Sapir of Yale University, vis-
iting faculty member of the Institute
this summer, will seek to define the
relationship between the fields of lin-
guistic research and speech study.
The discussion should prove of
considerable interest, according to
Prof. Charles C. Fries, director of the
Institute, because of the overlapping
of investigations in speech and in lin-
Those attending the conference
should note, added Professor Fries,
that tlie luncheon will be held in the
dining room of the Michigan Union
annex instead of in its former loca-
tion. Non-members of the Institute
are invited to attend both the lun-
cheon and the subsequent discussion.
Prof. Allinson
To Lecture On
Spanish Policy
Prof. Brent D. Allinson, professor
of internationallaw at American
University, Washington, D.C., will
discuss "American Policy Towards
Spain," at a meeting of the Ann Ar-
bor Committee for Medical Aid to
Spain at 8 p.m. Thursday night in
the First Methodist Church.
Fresh Hair, Pardon, It's I
Fresh Air Gets Hair Cut
More than 100 Fresh Air Campers
wore fresh haircuts yesterday after
nine Ann Arbor barbers from the
State Street district had groomed
the camp gratis Sunday morning.
After the boys' ears had been set
out from thick hair, Barbers Emmert,
Shank, Smith, Berry, Maltby, Ash-
brook, Miller Lirette and Budniak in-
spected the camp and then ate din-
s er with the campers and staff.
On Aug. 15 the barbers from the
downtown district will clip the hair
of the second contingent of boys, who
are to arrive at Patterson Lake July
Education Clubj
Hears Brumm
Talk At Uniont
Assumption Of Leadershipx
Necessary In Teaching,
He Contends
Education must concern itself with1
a better way of life for all people andt
assume leadership in its directionq
rather than merely nourish rich po-
tentialities of gifted individua fort
a society in which the deve pedE
powers can have no opportunity tot
function, Prof. John L. Brumm of
the journalism department told a
meeting of the Men's Education Club
last night in the Union.
Lists Four Goalst
"There are four goals that educa-N
tion should pursue," he stated. "Iti
must organize around the idea that
the selfish individual is a negationN
of social life, it must put forth thet
conviction and belief that no groupI
may arrogate to itself a sense of su-z
periority without social defeat, itt
must develop the capacities for mak-1
ing superior choices and it must strivei
towards a courageous lifting of cen-c
sorship from teaching and knowing."1
Professor Brumm declared that the
real test of education is not. the sys-c
tem, but the teacher. "It is not thec
form of literary masterpiece thatc
matters most, but what gets ex-
pressed through it," he said.
Thinking Confused
He pointed out that confusion ex-
tends pretty generally throughout the
range of the average citizen's think-
ing. "The average citizen blows hot
and cold," Professor Brumm stated.
"If he is a conservative, he be-
lieves that nothing should be done
the first time; if he 'is a radical, he
believes that the sooner everything is
done for the last time, the better1
off will be everyone concerned." 1
He continued saying that educa-
tion can be charged with leaving little
done to banish confusion and to
establish goals of richer promise for
human happiness and well being.
"Our confused laymen simply reflect
their confusion," Professor Brumm
Brinkman And
Doty To Play
At Next Concert
The third of the Summer Fac-
ulty Concert Series for the public
will take place at 8:30 p.m. today
at Hill Auditorium.
The artists performing at this con-
{ cert will be Prof. Joseph Brinkman,
pianist. and E. William Doty, organ-
ist. Both Professor Brinkman and Mr.
Doty are members of the School of
Music faculty, and are well known in
their field as performers as well as
teachers. Professor Brinkman will
open the program with Beethoven's
"Sonata, Opus 13," better known as
the "Pathetique."
Mr. Doty will play a varied group:
"Toccata and Fugue in D Minor," by
Bach; "O Sacred Head," by Brahms;
"Minuetto antico e Musetta," by Yon;
and "Sonata in G," by Robert Rus-
sell Bennett.
Prof. Brinkman will conclude the
program with the "Miroirs" suite, by
Ravel. There are three parts to this
group: "Oiseaux Tristes," "Une Bar-
que sur l'ocean," and "Alborado del
Life Saving Class
Is Planned Today
First meeting of a class for those
wishing to pass or review the Senior
Smillie Tells
Of Tropical
Disease TollI
Recalls Experiences With
Half-Primitive Natives In
South America
World's Warmest
Place, He Claims
Disease and death in tropical
jungles formed the background fors
Dr. Wilson G. Smillie's Summer Ses-c
sion lecture yesterday on "Field Re-
search in Brazil."a
Dr. Smillie, formerly professor ofb
public health medicine at HarvardC
University, told his audience a num-a
ber of experiences among the half-s
primitive natives of the South Amer-I
ican interior, which he described as
"the hottest place in the world, as far
as I know."a
"One of the most virulent enemieso
of the health of the inhabitants ofa
the savage country is the hookworm,"
he said. "The ravages of this para-e
site are so widespread in South Amer-I
ica that it may prove a valuable aid
in establishing the direct relation be-d
tween the inhabitants of that contin-v
ent and those of Asia, long a favoritea
theory of geologists and anthropolo-t
Dr. Smillie told of a murder in
which he aided in the solution by ex-e
amining the suspect and establishing
the length of time he had lived in the
vicinity by the number of hookworms'
inhabiting his intestine.t
In one section of the land throughd
which he passed, Dr. Smillie declared,
the population had been so decimatedv
by malaria that it was said ,'there was
a death for every tie on the railroadt
track" running through the area.c
Even the pigs and the goats were fall-
ing prey to the fever. At one point at
child of eight was the only living in-r
habitant for miles around.
At another place where he stoppedt
with his travelling companions, a sol-a
diers' brawl broke out in a building
opposite to that where Dr. -Smillie
(continued on Page 4)
Leaders Plan
Quick Disposal
Of Court Bill
WASHINGTON, July 19.-(P)-Ad-
ministration leaders passed the word
tonight that they would make no at-
tempt to delay a "show-down" this
week on President Roosevelt's court
revamping bill.
If the opposition makes a move to
pigeon-hole the measure tomorrow
or later in the week, an immediate
vote can be obtained, the Roosevelt
leaders said. They expressd confi-
dence they have sufficient support to
defeat such a move.
The White House remained stu-
diously silent on Governor Herbert
H. Lehman's public criticism of the
measure, a criticism which stimulated
the opposition.
The last hours of the "armistice"
occasioned by the death of Majority
Leader Robinson of Arkansas wore
away with few sign. of any new com-
promise. The battle will be on again
in the Senate tomorrow, Vien debate
on the court bill is automaticly re-
sumed, perhaps about 2 p.m.
All-Campus Swim Is
Led By Morgenroth
Bill Morgenroth increased his lead
in the All-Campus swimming meet
to 260 points yesterday when he
placed second to John Smillie, who
won the 25-yard breast stroke in the
time of 15.1 seconds.
Jack Flowers was third, Lee Lyon
fourth and Mat Sielski fifth. The
next event will be the 50-yard free
style, which is scheduled for 4 p.m.
,omorrow in the Intramural Sports
building pool.
Ford May Build Plant
At Pinckney, Is Claim
PINCKNEY, July 19.-(P)-Pinck-
ney speculated today the possibility
that this village may soon become the
site of a new and modern factory of
the vast Ford Automobile Co.
Visits during the past week by Er-
nest Liebold of Dearborn, private sec-
retary of the auto magnate, during
No Exceptions
Finch Asserts
Says 20th-Century Effort
To Limit Arbitration Is
Backward Step
Courts Must Get
All Dispute Cases
The 20th-century effort to limit the;
scope of international arbitration by
classifying disputes into "justiciable"
and "non-justiciable" categories, is a1
backward step in the progressive de-
velopment of international law, Mr.
George A. Finch, last night told the1
audience of the third publictlecture
sponsored by the Summer Session of
International Law.1
Cites Permanent Court
The difference between "justici-
able" and "non-justiciable" disputes!
often implies the difference between
a situation making for peace or war,,
Mr. Finch pointed out. He cited theI
example of the Permanent Court of1
International Justice at The Hague
which hears and decides "justiciable"
disputes as a matter of routine and
with scant public attention, whereas1
at Geneva the questions debated by
the League of Nations are regarded
as "non-justiciable" and, if they can-
not be satisfactorily settled, lead in-
evitably to hostilities.
The word "justiciable," Mr. Finch1
said, signifies a question or matter1
liable to be tried in a court of jus-
ice. Its use in international law
dates only from the establishment of'
the Hague Courts in -1899 and 1907,
where attempts were made, in defin-
ing the jurisdiction of the new court,
to draw a distinction between so-
called legal and political cuestions. 1
Unwilling To Arbitrate
"The attempt to distinguish be-
tween these two classes of disputes,"+
he continued, "was coincident with
the modern period of concluding trea-
ties stipulating in advance for the
arbitration of future international
differences. The nations have been
unwilling to agree to arbitrate all
disputes of whatever character, and
have sought to limit arbitration to
disputes of a so-called legal character,
or to except from arbitration, ques-
tions of alleged honor, vital interests
or independence."
Mr. Finch gave as an example the
(Continued on Page 3)
State's Prison
To Be Visited
By Excursion
Must Make Reservations
For Tomorrow's Trip
By 5 P.M._Today
Michigan State Prison, at Jackson,
representative of modern penal insti-
tutions and built at a cost of $8,000,-
000, will be visited tomorrow by the
seventh session excursion.Reserva-
tions should be made by 5 p.m. today.
The statepenitentiary covers an
area of 57 acres within its walls and
has a total of 15 cell blocks housing
5,500 men.
During the hour and a half at the
prison, there will be opportunity for
the party to ask questions of prison
officials, and to secure statistical
Officers will conduct the students
through the iron-barred triple gate
and around a 5-deck cell block. The
textile plant, the second building to
be visited, lies across the prison yard
beyond the athletic field. Here about
500 inmates are engaged in the man-
ufacture of thread for fabric also
made in this building-overall ma-
terial, sheeting, blankets and shirting.
Returning across the yard, the
party will inspect the cafeteria din-
ing hall, kitchens and bakery, and the
service building, where are housed
the 200-bed hospital, the school and
prison offices.
Reservations should be made in
Room 1213 Angell Hall. The party
leaves from Angell Hall at 1 p.m. to
return at about 5 p.m.
Add-Kipke's Yawl Also
Ran-But Not In Story
-Sonata, owned by R. R. Williams, of
Detroit, led a fleet of 23 yachts across
Niagara Storm
Fails To Daunt
Studen ts' Spirits
An electrical storm Friday night,
buffeting the huge four-deck steam-
er through the waters of Lake Erie,
provided as much thrill to the 65 stu-
dents and two faculty members on
the Niagara Falls excursion as the
illuminated Falls or the ride on the
Maid of the Mist, excursionists re-
ported yesterday after a return to
Ann Arbor at 10:15 a.m.
Termed by the lake steamer crew
the worst storm this year, lightning'
and thunder accompanied a wind
that sent oversized waves high into
the night air as the boat plowed to-1
ward one of the wonders of the con-
tinent-Niagara Falls.
Rain-In-Face Tribee
Dancers donned rain garb and
braved the rain-filled wind to wit-t
ness the electrical displays and feelt
the mist from the lake in their faces.
The party, headed by Prof. Fred M.-
Bullard, visiting professor in the
geology department, from the Univer-
sity of Texas, was given a laugh Sat-'
urday morning at 9 a.m. when a short,
bearded man arose from a rear seat of
the chartered bus making the trip
from Buffalo to Niagara, and asked:
"Where is this bus going? I'm go-
ing to Toronto, and this doesn't seem
the way-."
He had been on the special bus an'
Had A Good Time, Anyway
Outstanding features of the Ni-
agara trip, were an illumination of
the Falls Saturday night, a descent1
to the Cave of the Winds, a tour of
Goat Island, and an inspection of;
Scenic Rock, with a tunnel trip un-
der the Canadian Falls, a visit to the
Whirlpool Rapids, the abandoned
cataract, and Brock's Monument.
On the American Side of the Falls
the party made a stop at "Devil's
Dancing was held each night of the'
Murphy Names I
Truck Parley
LANSING, July 19.-(UP)-Governor
Murphy today designated Paul H.
Todd, chairman of the State Public
Utilities Commission, as his repre-
sentative in a strike peace conference
between truck drivers and truck line
The conference is to be held to-
norrow in the executive offices. The
truck lines operated meanwhile under
a 30-day truce arranged Saturday in
Muskegon, with the Governor as me-
The selection of Todd was an-
nounced here by Norman H. Hill,
executive secretary to Governor
Murphy, after Hill had conferred
with the Governor who is on Mack-
.nac Island.
Stahlman Hits
Pr e s s Guilds'
'Closed Shop
Says 'World Has Gone Hay
Wire,' Calls On Press To
Fulfill High Mission
DETROIT, July 19.-()-James G.
Stahlman, president of the American
Newspaper Publishers Association,
told the National Editorial Associa-
tion today that "the world has gone
haywire," and called upon the press
of America to "fulfill its high mis-
He asserted that a "closed news and
editorial shop" is "incompatible with,
and inimical to, a free press," and
invited the N.E.A., composed of ed-
itors and publishers of non-metropol-
itan newspapers, to join with 12 other
daily newspaper organizations in op-
posing such a movement.
Clayton T. Rand, of Gulfport, Miss.,
president of the association, said the
matter of formal affiliation with the
"newspaper committee" organizec
three weeks ago in Chicago to op-
pose the closed shop, probably would
come to a vote in Wednesday's session.
He telegraphed Stahlman during the
Chicago meeting, promising the coop
eration of the association in main-
taining an "open editorial shop.'"
Stahlman told the non-metropol-
itan publishers that "you talk to a
mass of American citizenship no
Court Bill Termed
Perilous Precedent
By N. Y. Governor
Graves T Discuss
Study Of Far East
"Far Eastern Studies in America"
will be the subject of a lecture by 1
Mortimer Graves of Harvard Uni-
versity under the auspices of the Far
Eastern Institute at 5 p.m. today in
Natural Science Auditorium.
Mr. Graves was one of the firstI
educators in the country to become
convinced of the advisability of in- 5
troducing study of Far Eastern affairsF
and problems in theruniversity sys- F
tem. He has just returned from a
seven months' stay in Russia. 2
Rankin Speaks
About ReformI
Of Curriculum r
State Schools Must Change
As Social DevelopmentsF
Appear, He Declares
The Michigan school curriculum
must continue changing as long as
social change contiues, Dr. Paul T.
Rankin, supervising director of cur- I
riculum and research in the Detroitt
public school, told a group yesterdayr
in the auditorium of the Universityt
High School.
Speaking on "Michigan's Program
of Curriculum Reform," Dr. Rankinc
pointed out the purposes of the steer-
ing committee studying a program oft
curriculum revision for Michigan.
"They have two purposcs," he said,
"to define the best possible exper-
iences for children in schools, and to
develop the best possible guide for
"Th real curriculum reconstruction
comes only when teachers in all
schools begin rethinking what should
be done in their schools," he de- t
Dr. Rankin continued by pointing
out what the steering commission
has done, what it is doing and what it t
expects to do for the future of Mich-~
igan education.-
In closing, he told what local school -
systems could do to cooperate with
the committee.
Rebels Storm
Loyalist Lines
Around Madrid
MADRID, July 19.-(P)-The great-
est battle of the civil war raged
through its fifth day today as the
Insurgents poured thousands of fresh
troops against the government s
newly won lines west of Madrid.
One hundred thousand men were
believed to be fighting in each side.
No longer was it a tactical struggle
for position or a few miles of terri-
tory, but the bitter clash of two ar-
mies trying to destroy each other.
Generalissimo Francisco Franco
hurled his greatest strength against
the salient in the government lines
at Brunete, 12 miles west of the cap-
ital. The Insurgent drive evidently
was designed to wipe out the govern-
ment's recent gains, which, in a two-
weeks offensive, had been driven far
enough to constitute a grave perial
to the Insurgent forces besieging Ma-
Scene Painted
Ominous Black'
TOKYO, July 20.-(Tuesday)-(P)
-Japanese official and press dis-
J patches from China today painted an
Lominous picture of the continuing
e clash or arms and interests between
- the two countries. Events were de-
- scribed as leading dangerously in the
direction of war.
The Japanese army in a "last
t warning" to the Central Chinese gov-
Lehman Letter To Wagner
Takes Stand Opposing
His Old 'Chief'
Affirms Continued
Support To F.D.R.
ALBANY, N.Y., July 19.--(P)-
Differing with his old "Chief," New
York's Democratic Governor Herbert
H. Lehman today opposed President
Roosevelt's Supreme Court reorgani-
zation plan, calling it "A greatly
dangerous precedent."
Later the Governor's secretary said
'scores" of congratulatory telegrams
were being received by the man whom
Roosevelt, while himself Governor,
alled "My strong right arm." Leh-
man was lieutenant governor at the
Makes Letter Public
In making public a letter to Dem-
ocratic United States Senator Robert
F. Wagner, of New York, asking him
"To voice my opposition to the court
bill," Lehman praised Roosevelt's
"social program."
Enactment of the court bill, Leh-
man asserted, "would create a great-
y dangerous precedent which could
be availed or by future less well in-
tentioned administrations for the
purpose of oppression or for the cur-
tailment of the constitutional rights
of our citizens."
Senator Wagner declined comment
on the letter until he has read it,
probably tomorrow when he returns
to Washington after a week-end at
Avon, N.J. There was no immediate
White House comment.
Lehman's First Backfire
The Governor's unexpected action
on the eve of a "finish fight" on the
bill threw a bombshell into political
circles, coming as it did as the first
opposition to any Roosevelt admin-
istration policy since he succeeded
the President as New York Governor
in 1933.
"Like many others I have fre-
quently felt keen disappointment
that' important legislative measures
have been declared unconstitutional
by a slim and unconvincing margin
in the Supreme Court," the Governor
wrote Wagner.
"And yet I believe that the orderly
and deliberate processes of govern-
ment should not be sacrificed merely
to meet an immediate situation. From
the broad standpoint of the public
interest whatever immediate gain
might be achieved through the pro-
posed change in the court would, in
my opinion, be far more than offset
by a loss of confidence in the inde-
pendence of the courts and in govern-
mental procedure."
Budge, Mako
Take Germans
In Cup Doubles
Uncork Rally To Win Last
3 Sets, Virtually Assuring
U.S. Victory In Series
WIMBLEDON, Eng., July 19.-(P)
-The powerful Californians, red-
headed Don Budge and blond Gene
Mako, won a heroic four-set doubles
match from Baron Gottfried Von
Cramm and Heinrich Henkel today
and gave the United States an all but
insurmountable 2-1 lead over Ger-
many in the Davis Cup interzone
Beaten in the first set and trailing
5-3 in the second, the Americans un-
corked as fine a rally as Wimbledon
,ver has seen to win four successive
games in the second set, race on to
take the third and then come back
after the intermission to win five in
a row for the fourth set and the
The scores were 4-6, 7-5, 8-6, 6-4
and at the end there was only seven
points difference between the two
All the Americans needed tonight
to gain the right to face Great Bri-
tain's mediocre team in the challenge