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July 16, 1937 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-16

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FRIDAY, JULY 16, 193'

New Discipline
Is Encouraged
By Edmonson
Schools Must Remember
Purpose In Elementary
Education, Dean Says
The aim of education is to fit the
individual to live with and for others,
that is, to be a useful member of so-
ciety, and in considering disciplinary
control in the school, this aim must
be kept constantly in mind, Dean
James B. Edmonson of the education
school told the Conference on Ele-
mentary Education yesterday.
"In the older type of discipline
there was marked emphasis on quiet,
order and submissiveness. In the
new type of discipline, the emphasis
is placed on industry, cooperation
and helpfulness," he said.
Speaking on "The Old Versus the
New in School Discipline," Dean
Edmonson stated that discipline
should not be interpreted in the
narrow sense as a means of punish-
ment, but that a broader interpreta-
tion should be placed upon it.
"It should be a means of trans-
forming a pupil or group from an
undesirable situation to a desirable
one which, ultimately will be for the
betterment of the individual or
group," he declared.
"It is commonly agreed," the Dean
continued, "that the major tasks of
the adult citizen are to assist in or-
ganizing of all. The pupils of our
school have a similar set of tasks
and our modern schools are emphas-
izing a type° of discipline that af-
ford opportunity to give pupils train-
ing in these tasks."
He pointed out that there are three
eneral types of discipline that may be
introduced into the school-the ab-
solute authority, the appeal to per-
sonal interests and the control
through group responsibility.
Hutchins Talks On
Youth Opportunity
(Continued from Page 1)
ted, it never became a real alphabet.
Yet most scholars agree in linking
the alphabet with Egyptian, for they
believe that these consonantal sym-
bols in Egyptian provided the ana-
logy upon which it was constructed.
Evidence for this belief is found
in the recently discovered Serabit in-
scriptions of the Sinai peninsula,
where the ancient Egyptians mined
turquoise. Apparently the contacts
thus established brought the Phoeni-
cians some knowledge of the Egyp-
tian cuneiforms, and, finding these
few alphabetic symbols, felt incor-
rectly that Egyptian writing was
what scholars call acrophonic, that
is, that each symbol represented the
first sound of the name of the object
istration and the CCC camps some
emergency employment and financial
aid for unoccupied youths in relief
families," he said. "Also, we find that
employment in private industry has
again reached such a level that many
of the older youth are able to find re-;
munerative jobs."1
Speaking of the influence the public
school has had upon helping the
youth of the country, Dr. Hutchins
said that they are giving a great deal
of time and effort to the matter of
guiding each stuednt into the types
of work that he can best do, and that
they have developed new means of
easing the transition from school to
In closing Dr. Hutchins called at-
tention to the work of the American
Youth Commission that is trying to
determine the nature and character-
istics of youth, the influence which

bear upon how his development, such
as schools, radios and organizations,
and how these influences and agen-
cies can be best brought into a coop-
erative working relationship.

Soviet Consul Congratulates Record-Breaking Aviators

Harris Traces
Effort To Find
Alphabet Start
Prof. Walter Petersen To
Give Final Lecture Of
Week ThisEvening
(Continued from Pame 1)
originally designated by the ideo-
graphic symbol. Thus they developed
a phonetic system of symbols, or al-
"Either this Sinai alphabet actual-
ly is the original," continued Dr.
Harris, "and it spread by being
adopted by neighboring peoples; or
Phoenician is the original and de-
veloped in exactly the same way. The
manner of development must be the
same in either case.
"This is true even though a com-.
plication entered a few years ago with
the finding of a new alphabetic writ-
ing in Ras Shamra in Northern
Syria. This writing, of about 1500
B.C., like the Sinai alphabet has no
vowels, but the odd thing is that it is
written in cuneform symbols.
"The explanation must be again
that its development was analogical,
and proceeded upon the same pat-
tern as the Sinai system or that of
Phoenician." He did not express
the opinion that it is the original al-
In conclusion Dr. Harris suggested
some of the social effects of the
spread of the alphabet under various
conditions. Traditional usages were
altered in respect to certain con-
sonants, he explained, when it was
adopted by different Phoenician
peoples using the same language.
Other effects occurred when the al-
phabet was taken over for use in a
related language, such as Aramaic,
and still other changes, such as the
use of a symbol with a new sound
value, when it was adopted for a non-
related language, such as Greek.

Opposes Young Teacher

3rd Telescope
In Size To Be
Located Here
A 97-Inch Reflector, Made
By Corning Glass Co., Is
Now In Storage
(Continued from Page It
more than five tons, and is 13 inches
thick. The moving parts of the tele-
scope weigh 100 tons, and are moved
by 50 electric motors, controlled by
switchboards near the eyepiece. Yet
it is so perfectly balanced that it can
be rotated by a force of only a small
fraction of a horsepower.
Work on the new observatory itself
will probably start within the next
few years if expectations are fulfilled.
The total cost is very hard to esti-
mate closely, but it is expected to run
to several hundred thousand dollars.
However, when completed, the
University of Michigan Base Lake
Observatory will be as modernly
equipped as any in the world, and
will be one of which we may be justly

Miss Maria Smith, 73, retired
teacher, was one of three school
board members who voted against
re-appointment of pretty Isabelle
Hallin, in the Saugus, Mass., high

Consul General Grigori Gokhman of San Francisco extended the greetings of his Russian cou'ntrymen
to the three Soviet aviators who flew from Moscow to San Jacinto, Calif., for a new distance record. Their
direct airline distance was 6,262 miles, although they flew much farther in avoiding bad weather. Shown
here at March Field, left to right: Pilot Mikhail Gromoff, Kokhman, Co-Pilot Andre Yumnosheff, and Navi-
gaitor Sergei Danilin.

a ls History
Measures Time
For Geologist

Niagara Gorge Serves
A Readable Record
The Glacial Age


(Continued from Page 1)
lake, the water struck a deeper pool
and lost most of its cutting power.
As a result the third stage of the low-
er Gorge has a channel only 40 feet
The river, flowing down from Lake
Erie, crossed St. David's Gorge, a
former channel, at the present site
of the Whirlpool. This old channel
had been covered up by the glacier
mostly with a soft soil known as
glacial till, portected by a thin wall
of rock.
This wall was continually weak-
ened until it finally gave way to the
pressure of the falling stream of
water. The stream then rushed into
the old channel with tremendous
Took Short Time
"It is hardly to be conceived that
the washout of the ancient channel
to form the Whirlpool Basin could
have occupied more than a small
fraction of a day," says Professor
Hobbs in "Earth Features."
Thus the great bowl was hollowed
to a depth of over 125 feet in an in-
credibly short period. The tearing
away of the Gorge was stopped only
by the slide of boulders it occasioned

in scooping out the loose deposits
from far below. The boulders formed
a heavy protective layer that stopped
the stream from racing on down the
old channel.
The Falls now reestablished them-
selves on the cliff at the point where
the old St. David's cataract had been
when the glacier had covered it up.
This turning of the river has caused
a looping motion below, occasioning
the Wirlpool. The water was tem-
porarily halted by the obstructions it
was forced to clean out of its path,
and as a result the Gorge is quite
narrow just above the Whirlpool ba-
Water Crosses Over
Now the water, rushing into the
basin, crosses over in a stream 35
feet deep to the opposite side, where
it strikes the sheath of boulders and
is turned to the left. It doubles back,
and plunges underneath itself to
"boil" up visibly and pass on down
to the Lower Gorge.
It had taken 25,000 years for the
Falls to recover from the attack of
the Glacier, and to recut a channel
from Lake Ontario to the edge of the
Whirlpool, where they stood when the
ice cap covered them.
The ever-receding glacier now
came into the picture once more by
uncovering the northern Ottawa Val-
ley and draining all the Lakes except
Lake Erie across northern Ontario.
The fourth stage of the Gorge, then,
is only 400 feet wide and 35 feet deep.
Today, however, with the full volume
of water forced through it again, it
becomes the world's most turbulent
Gorge Is Deep
Just above the railroad bridges the
river once more gets its full volume
by the demand of the St. Lawrence
for the water which had been flow-

ing across Ottawa. Here the Gorge is
again 150 feet deep, and is 1,000 feet
The Ottawa Valley was now too
high, and the Fallsybegan receding
at their present rate. The Falls lay
where the bridges now are some 4,000
years ago, and the final two miles
have been cut since the dawn of the
Christian era. At first receding at
4.2 feet a year, the Falls have been
robbed of some water for power pur-
poses, and now cut back 3.2 feet each

All White Hats...$2.95
Values up to $6.00
Clearance of ail darker hats
1 Group at $1.95 ea. - 1 Group at 50c ea.
309 South State Street --- At the DMlon Shop


Your Money On









Wear Faded Blue Denims
for your active Summer Sports
It's ever so flattering to all types, and really
shows off fine summer tans. Practical be-
cause it's sanforized and sun fast.
Overalls with bra-halter tops $2.50
Slacks with bolero tops . . $1.95
Separate Shorts . . . . . . . $1.95
Separate Middies . . . . . . $1.95

A THOROUGHBRED will carry more weight fur-
ther and faster than an ordinary horse. All
blooded race horses trace their descent from three
Arabian Studs, Byerly Turk, Darly Arabian, and


superb racing strains of Eclipse, Herod





12 to 18

Godolphin Barb.

Crossed with English mares

Sanforized Shrunk

Separate Halters . .

Checks - Plains - Stripes
14 19 4

Polo Shirts.

. . . $1.50


Wash Ties 35c, 3 for $1.00
Sox .......35c, 3 for $1.00

t r

current fad of the younger set
They go well with everything from swim
suits to skirts and tailored frocks.
Made of heavy off-wvhite canvas, with
h.e patch pockets that hold everything,
and sliny gold coin or beer mug buttons
down the front.


any before known.

of Godolphin Barb is the most romantic.


covered in 1728 hitched to a hackney cab on the
streets of Paris, he was purchased by an English-
man, Mr. Coke, and given by him as a present
to a friend, Mr. Williams, who in turn presented

The strain proved so fine

that it was kept carefully intact and resulted
in the fleet Thoroughbred.
OF THESE THREE HORSES, perhaps, the history

these stallions produced horses vastly superior to

Matchem, known wherever men discuss fine
horses. Strange to say, the Thoroughbreds thus
developed proved far fleeter than the horses by
whom they were sired, and today it is common
knowledge that a medium Thoroughbred will
outrun the best of the Arabians. But from the
three noble stallions they received an unmatched
heritage for courage, endurance, intelligence,
and speed that would respond to breeding.
OVER A PERIOD OF YEARs The Michigan Daily has
proved its right to the title of Thoroughbred.
Its Editorial policy is intelligent and courageous,
its Display and Classified Advertising Service
efficiently administered. Backed by readers ex-
ceeding five thousand in number, it stands alone
as an Advertising medium for those who would

the stallion to the Earl of Godolphin.

In the

Dress Shirts


Earl's stables the horse was to make famous the
name of Godolphin.

Belts, Sport .... 50c and 95c
Suspenders, Fancy. . 54c
and 95c

reach collegiate Ann Arbor.




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