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June 28, 1937 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1937-06-28

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', JUNE 28, 1937



JUNE 28, 1937 ?AGE FJV~

Summer Session Social Program Centers At League
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CAnter Of All Summer Social Activities

Activities Start
With Reception
Students Are Invited To
Annual Affair; League
Open For Inspection
Dance To Be Hed 1
Social activities for the Sumnme
Session will officially commence with
the annual Faculty Reception to be
given for all students from 8:30 p.m.
to 1 a.m. Friday, July 2 in the Mi(h-
igan League Building according ts
Miss Ethel A. McCormick, social di_-
rector of the Summer Session.
The entire building will be open
for inspection during the reception.
Although men are not usually per-
mitted in the garden or on the thirdi
floor, they may visit these places Fri-
day night.
Faculty To Receive
Tentative plans for the reception
schedule the faculty administrative
receiving line for 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. in
the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room.
There will be approximately fifty as-
sistants to introduce students to the
faculty members, Miss McCormick
Following the reception, there will
be dancing in the ballroom with
Charlie Zwick and his band playing.
As the usual custom for the summer
dances, approximately twenty-five
women will be selected to serve as as-
sistants so that students may come,
.with or without partners.
Fortune Telling
Fortune telling will also be a part
of the evening's entertainment.
Guides are to be furnished for tours
of the building, and a bridge con-
test has been arranged as a feature
of the reception. Both contract and
auction bridge will be played on the
third floor.
Refreshments will be served in the
garden which is to be lighted by a
colorful variety of lanterns, Miss Mc-
Cormick stated. Approximately 3,000
students are expected to attend this
annual event. The entire program
scheduled for the evening will be
given free of charge.
Six Programs
To Be Offered
By Music Staff
Six concerts by members of the
faculty of the School of Music will
be given from July 6 until August 10
in Hill Auditorium, it was announced
yesterday. All concerts will begin at
8:30 p.m.
On July 6, Prof. Joseph Brinkman,
pianist, will present the entire pro-
gram, and on July 13 there will be a
group of cello solos by Prof. Hanns
Pick and Professor Brinkman; solos
by Hardin Van Deursen, baritone.
and a group of piano solos.
Prof. Wassily Besekirsky, violin-
ist, and Prof. Joseph Brinkman, pi-
anist, together with Prof. Palmer
Christian, organist, will offer the
concert of July 20.
An entire program of vocal sol
and duets will be presented on July
27 by Prof. Arthur Hackett, Prof.
Thelma Lewis and Mr. Van Deursen.
The concert of August 3 will be
given by Miss Mary Fishburne, pian-
ist, and Prof. E. William Doty, or-
ganist, and for the last concert Aug.
10, Professor Pick, Professor Besekir-
sky, Professor Brinkman and Prof.
Anthony Whitmire will present a
program of 18th century music.
Also featured throughout the sum-
a1er will be recitals by various stu-
dents of the School of Music.

Carillon Course Is
To Be Taught Here

Gym Is Scene
Of Registration
For Recreationl''
Registration for recreational classesE
in tennis, swimming, golf, riding, bad-1
minton, modern dancinug and tap'
dancing will open today in Barbour
Gymnasium from 8 a.m. till noon'
and 1:30 till 4:30 p.m.
All facilities at the Women's Ath-l
letic Building are open to women!
students in summer school. A field!
for golf practice, a putting green,3
and 12 clay and four cement tennis
courts will be available for practice3
and play.
Women students may have men
guests on the tennis courts by obtain-
ing a guest card from the main desk
of the Women's Athletic Building.
Instruction will be given in these!
activities at the following times: ten-
nis, 4 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday,
and 5 p.m. Monday and Wednesday;:
Golf, 4 p.m. Monday and Wednes-
day, and 5 p.m. Tuesday and Thurs-
day; Badminton, 7:30 p.m. Wednes-
day; Riding, 6 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.,
Tap dancing, 5 p.m. Monday and
Wednesday and 7:30 p.m. Tuesday
and Thursday; modern dancing, 3:30
and 4:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday. Swimming will be given
at 11 a.m. Monday and Wednesday,
7:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday.

Katherine Manning
lo Give Dance Work
Katherine Manning, of the Ben-
nington School of dance, has been
relected to head the modern dance in-
struction for the Summer Session, itI
was announced by the Women's De-
partment of Physical Education.
Miss Manning, a member of the
Humphrey-Weidman Concert Dance
Group, with which she toured the
country last winter, is a graduate in1
Physical Education of Skidmore Col-
lege, Saratoge, N.Y., and has had ex-
tensive training in the modern dance.
Classes in modern dance for be-
ginners, intermediates, and advanced
students, and instruction in teaching
modern dance are available for Sum-
mer Session students. Registration
will be held today and tomorrow in
Barbour Gymnasium.
Dancing And Bridge
Registration Is Today
Registration for dancing classes
and bridge lessons will open today
in the Michigan League Building, ac-
cording to Miss Ethel McCormick, di-
A series of six dancing lessons is to
be given for $1.50, and will be held
every Monday and Tuesday evening
in the Ballroom of the Michigan
League. The classes are to be divided
into beginning and intermediate
groups, to be held Monday and
Tuesday evenings respectively.
Six bridge lessons will also be pre-

Get into the
. all wool knit trunks,
cut to fit snugly and in a
variety of colors. . . gabar-
dine trunks built for swim-
ming comfort as well as
style . .
from $3.95
Nickels Arcade

: j


nde Mao~ Reg

Plitured above is the League, which will be the center of all social
activi~es of the Summer Session. Dances, receptions and teas will
be held here.
'e League Library, located on the KOEPANG, Timor, Dutch East in-
third floor of the Michigan League dies, June 28. - (Monday) --- (P) -
Buding, is to be open for women Amelia Earhart, on a leisurely round
students from 12 :30 to 9:30 p.m. the world flight, hopped off from this
every day during: the Summer Ses . tiny island at 5:30 a.m. today (4:30
. ius is the only library on the. 1.m. Sunday Eastern Standard Time ,
for Port Darwin, on Australia's north-
::umlns reserved exclusively for the ern coast. She faced a 500 mile flight
jse vf women students. across the Timor Sea.


sented for $1.50. These lessons will
BEACH SANDALS open next week.
Multi-colored, toeless beach san-
dals with wooden heels and crepe FOUR ARE KILLED
rubber soles have been ranked first LONDON, June 27.-(f)--Four per-
for this summer's bathing accessories . rons were killed and 12 injured late
Along with these, may be worn tonight when a Southern Railway
striped robes made of towelling. train crashed into a dead-end sidingI








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."That's the best ad-
vice we could possi-
1 bly give you on how
to spend a cool and
fashionable sum-
t mer. Spend your
days in a light-color-
ed tropical worsted,
fit a Filmspun or a
linen into your mid-
summer's nights
schemes . . . and
when you come to
make your selections
spend a few minutes
with us ... we have
the right whites for
Also many dark colors to select from.


At BargainPrices

" $l


o $4500

The first course on the carillon ever
taught in America will be offered here
this summer by the School of Music
under the supervision of Prof. Wilmot
F. Pratt, University Carillonneur.
According to President Charles A.
Sink of the music school, those stu-
dents who show that they have a'-
vanced far enough musically will be
allowed to take this course-onc of
the two available in the world.
The credit hours allowed, Processor
Sink explained, will depend on the!
number of lessons taken.


ich 's


Please Come in and Browse

Opposite Engineering Arch
Half Block North of Education School

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