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July 16, 1937 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1937-07-16

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1IMII; ANHI 1 A11AY ____ifMAY PV ~M

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furl J30' .. rrl 1 rt ,(lf {iJtjfrrer~
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a A. 11. Loav ajp ll, Saf'r"V- Lhg

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®i 1at iat aiaaal0Waa~xai ha'a Va tlla' Ia'1aal aai a aill a~
Ftt i t t i liatAAi l a~tt atl a la lalil il Iatla
NE .a 1 i h it t h e 'ia'a ~ ~i
A tr a *t a' a''leaaaa aiaaa a iia lti t tatiit' lad t hp laa
1"' A t a ail %i( t k I '"alii a t ia l 0 t11ia'a iat 1li
~aty a t i la'Wt%"atia it t iitnti+t aaa'aa a l tri alatI'a11iit I a
Sau ~t a aa ti a aai aa11 thi l9 lit Lltatlaa'l00 a l'l I a ~i illt
II? 1 l t t p t i attill voAalltlttu AMA atl i t, a~l i aaai a a'a
1 11t ia al h I li i'a llita a ta t ia Aaaaa*1 00,a1lI'ltait ata
'a, 1 11aa i t ki ll o lat tliitta t y a al allaa , 11 1 ax Iaql
;° t i i tis aiaal trranmrarlay a n a t at% 4ta a
a iatl eAl~ i li': t r~aaaAr f t ~awaa
440 MarinitN AVVa Nw'ae "a N Va
Los Ar'aai40. re~,aai ..ar ~AlIs
MANA01NG0 llVV()U1131 . lla,411l101 i lttl~r'la
CITY 1EITOR ...... ..... ..... llM6 41 1 Rt l' l t~rt
Asocaiae Pltora: (Cl a.inon 11 C(alael Tl' ia'a 'vik1" 1111
more, Charlotte D, .Riagaz.
Asss~nt Editors: Janeas A. DHaaawatl halou't I Wimalaeaaa
Joieib Gies, Clayton Nobler.
BUSINESS MANAGER ................, TORN 11. A~iH
ASSISTANT Bus. MGR. ...... NORMAN 13. STINrkmi1
OFFCE MANAGER .................. JUTH3 MENEFEE
Women's Business Managers . .Alice Bassett. Jean Darake
Trouble I
The Par East ...
East may be the beginning of the
almbAt inevitable world-wide war. Now a Far
Eastern affair exclusively, the conflict may be
consdeed by either Germany or Russia as a
means for attaining personal ends. And in such
event a world already tense over the Spanish sit-
uation could easily be drawn into the warfare.
At present it appears that China will be hes-
itant about "shooting the works" against Japan,
especially if Kuomntang leaders have their way.
Ching Ka Shek's hand may be forced by the
Chinese people, whose already profound hu-
mility increases at each additional blow from
Japan, but the long-standing Chinese traits of
wisdom and patience will probably be instru-
mental in a hasty Chinese withdrawal.
Japan, on the other hand, is probably anxious
to force a showdown. Directness is always her
way of action, and her tactical intuition likely
leads her to believe that the time is ripe for
plupklhIg off more of China without outside in-
" terf erence. If her intuition is correct she will
be given more of China; if it is wrong, this con-
flict is the beginning of a world-wide conflict. If
events take a turn toward the latter alternative,
one m~ay be fairly certain that China will in
effect win the war. China will withdraw when
she can safely do so, leaving the other two or
more parties to fight it out, and as at other times
in her history when she has adopted this policy
she will end up on top.
But while predictions as to probable develop-
ments must remain hazy, one conclusion may be
made in regard to this Far Eastern affair. It is
that the Western world, particularly the United
States, is pitiably uninformed in affairs Far East-
ern. Our formal education is directed toward
Europe from where our civilization came. Only
in scanty doses do we receive information on the
Far 'mast. Efforts of the Foreign Policy Associa-
tion and of such educational projects as the Uni-
versity's Institute of ar Eastern Studies have
be 1en more. frt nfful in recenrt yars bt such edu-
cation mist be rn?itlel aith evr) greter f'f-
thia c"3mi1
i A5 ?# 11 ?.#. ;S""s. (atr ' f: ' ,.'F f ' k :xetc l'fi i rI'f

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X. a. IiJh' l,r i all Inlarinia .l S f the camrX7]
I'1 at. ,anaa 'a law q a r(a li Hand Ill'1I hal allln laal ada zd ur Ay ft-
a ci ii . l it tt l i li Ital l l l 11 1 .J ihy .4 Mafrrd)ar7I of 1other
Iaa a a t I 'tall ' , Illll 111 i ~;_r w , 81r~nrba', r2O9 a '1
a1 '.20 /a alj hl ahaltaallaF.lilhlf
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t 1 ,:IlrUj, . al ,s 'r h IA'a'r , r r c'hor" olr

a' f4, Iy a , hal I Ii i ~I.


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,i.. [ 1a1 J r itlu' ':to il thi rup hstJif
1,i 11'1 1.}1]:; 11t 11a:ay A j


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Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to acept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and Interest to the ampus.
'47,096 Ptiges Of-ilust'
To the Editor:
Far from being an event open to criticism of
the kind that Jay Harrison makes in The Daily
for July 15th, I believe that the large output of
12,126 pages turned out by the School of Edu-
cation since 1935 is deserving of favorable ap-
plause. I do not share Mr. Harrison's naivete
in presuming that what is in those pages is of
any importance, having spent enough time in
academic circles in general and the School of
Education in particular to realize that it is bulk
that counts today. I am essentially a simple
man, and I feel that if the staff is going to write
at. all, it should write as many pages as possible.
Length was one of the virtues of 17th century
literature, and it is generally agreed that noth-
ing good has been written since 1800, excepting a
few monographs by Dr. Schorling (no relation to
the Danish aesthete of the same name who star-
tled Copenhagen in 1694 by granting that a
New World had been discovered) on the rela-
tion of aithmetic to juvenile delinquency and
the formation of West Virginia,
Aye, the achievement of th School of Edu-
cation is noteworthy. If it taks an averae of
five minutes, including the nc esary burrowing~
in the back files of the N.E.A. Journal, to write
one page, then it must haac taker 1009 hous;
(circa) or 54 day' and niht (ia') ' or lf08
twelve-hours days to complete. ths tan'k Naw,
940 days have elapsed since thisv:wok ws, jaf'a ,
which means that 885 d'y ad ni lts, r ;3
twelve-hour days have heen Iwastd by thI. Eala -
cation School start, hours':'wichtadijt1 _ h a
been devoted to producing minss. Wa t, I llpr
was the staff doing for this length f irw
Let our slogan (I sa'y "or"a b, tss I : ri 'atly
have become identified witha he, aiiivi f f eia
noble men, though I stanrd i the' :arna' l'rhto
to them as a feed-b'ag t a JO :. ,blot4,0)(
pae;by 1939 or bhs!".ha'Iuv, ]d't a na'lit
« 16 pag 'e in ths "l 'a fri to 1,;k . c r af i T'
a'rIdetat s pdaiin,, i"a l' vii'r,y ora ,Joftis aahn
Jh~l hfa a al are -Zaii
'It ht i7a , l r e 1If w o ty s rfrr tt if
sa.~w pfe ra r' t' f l a i//a ra t i, ft' 'a a rat ; , I o t
0ia " o afi kf 'litiota a t tl s a athaii a a: ' f, ita 't
IaIt"3 j , err a 7. 1k , aj afl ' r+I ly O~ ai f t ia't fi
a v wI ll l' ik'!i t ~ ~iar a'aifi t at fl t i;f arif to
1.li/a ,;r ,aaaf if I a) t ' Ii /,1111 a:f ' I ~sa t 'r atful,.,"
t aa/if r',taf / ,."'S1, ire l 1 " ta Va avaa a ia
0 941 trfrflaf' f tr ar a a 'j t a hah a lf t If : a l to afi'
0aI , a A t .a]! ] aa( t l a 'a irt 'a) ~ f liS ruf Il l
(at j a 11v let, I a fi m, I ('1 1IaatI ta aiah'i rf l t ~r ha
ar'tls ,j ea a at I .aI I I a ;,aiff a gal I Ir artil , ltaaaalal
a ita ;,it? 1/ l'/1 ,'a'a ~l~y at la' tattl t, h ll' af-
)'I ,a l' a taf:flr-/.fr ~fl alv fitaaua alfrt ,a t
;r if 31 iro i r ~t a atlah a if aaff~ lf-ra Irif gll a t. aatt
#A j oi h i ,Il fia III , 1 alt a lira ! a ,a'laata't at at I h fath a
lai"/ rf l f I inaid, i at/ t li'elwaar Ia 11aihl!"/~ h
a! tat 1 at / ataiff I i f l I ta a ta ir lal f allila af f
a al frl / aI hifP a at ll("i t it i r tt ii t h 'II I sr lIt tlt
I l / hlrr i i f If I rf a I tah' / I i f i /a lr
a a rl it l ah I / a t a'af~ifIr ia I It I a a aa lalaal Ii a
1; fa t/ la fr hflt j ta a a ati ,'Iiat -I I Ita aIf tai ta
li ta a #W fiai ; traa'~ it"I,' athat a rI ta h

q trt4"9t ait'a a la'l a I }t ta ati t '!* 9 iI
iP a l a ,a I rat t a0 t ; i 1 a l a i d
lax a ar a I t'ta a 1 1t t 'ala It Nita aaaa
tI a at at ta I I t a aaaIaa altdrr I
a ,al ai a a r laaaaala 4 4 r' t il I I a ti- R
a ~tata ttit+ a tad I t a x aaI it1r t t4tttIala I i ti t
I a t tut tu 4 i ft t tuff I 'dI It 1'hi~ t
?l It 'tal II ti tl
I o tt l 11 1"'tthl tC'an't 'ake It With Von"
a I% ih' tiamue uoftheat'book you wnt, only you
t'at't take it with you because it's out; but
you canf take "I Can't Take It With You"
with you as soon as it cones in again.
Student: Thank you. I guess I can take it.
Those gazing over our shoulders as we type
this out, say that the above is the funniest thing
we have yet had in our column. We are about
ready to resign.
SCENE: Tea dance at the League, Wednesday.
Characters;: One extremely tall woman and
one very short man dancing together. Sof;
music, shuffling feet, et al.
Woman: What do you wear on your hair,
1j}ERE'S SOMETHING a clerk in one of the
town's favorite drug stores told on himself
recently. It happened about two year. ago, but
it's good enough to reprint. It was back in th
days when the sales tax was a nuisance and not
a habit, and ex-Governor Comstock was taking
the blame for all the spare pennies that people
now find in their pockets. A woman walked into
this drug store and bought a pound of candy for
50 cents. The clerk wrapped tht~ box up and
gave it to the lady, saying, "That'll be 50 cents,
and two cents for Governor Comstock."
"Pardon me!" the woman froze, "I am Mrs.
publications and informational materials which
he has neglected to read, and which in his own
naive philosophy, hie may never be "expected" to
read. -Ruth Westover.
Antd Still More
To the Editor:,
According to the School of Education Bulletin
the staff of that school (which I suppose, includes
ltypists, secretaries, ,janitors, etc.)-the staff has
written r 10,980 pages of ooks and 1,146 pages
I rm.;g=azires in a year or so. Unkindly they
9 ra 'p roio al the number of lines and words
I hi'. axrnoourafs to. Educators, of course, use
blVa , ' w'rli'a ,tat olthi'rpople, ut (onting the
a ar 7l',f; look 0wtiatrra a:. 1run36 or 37 lines con-
ta" i al10 or z 1 2 i; o f fal' 't tl~ f ' f; the sm aller
fw' a'i'i41''at at', t1.th tfhatr' aa' itnoc iajr ra':r;oai'a
tytant lator ) l 'a) IIJJ'a V/aa I ddla t Ilt' 1111a'h i'tt'
l tivf~'l ,t 19,28i) itr;In w sIItta'. al]Vi a:,$ laa 4 lt wtai'ui;
lra insava t ar.
A tjalt , o ra' plaaa ila titt, wfica I t aal li ti ll
rla t' ,,tl h faa I va' tlflr'ia' lt ia'. I vi p iII I ta t a~
0'Itw taa' vp' iisva'lit a/a'',! wahli a iait: r I ta i I lila
rolit'.'Ia f /au htlf at ilth c' taa'l a ittii~i' witlha1hI14a
IVo l t Ia'lti Itt' l' I , tli hi't',lia l hiatiita' h'll r
Pr~na Of lrat. 11ifh'rtt-s11'alhlttht~ laiIl
lt aakiral' wlta'i a ;aaI~ a a' haka'ia ana'athbyliv ,'xa ra
iatit nlai. /ttrittlit i t, lI: .r I ii la, ltart t'.i a la
lri ai'( la aailatttlilteith(fill' Is.'11t caah. 'itf Iia aah a'
tt Ifillat}a: /ll ii ti I tai ' if a 1 1th tIl l tl+a aa -
firalwora 'f't i li aI 'lac I tall 11111 aa u'a 11 -to iaat alt a
Itrra tl l tt a lJfy ia itlf l at' a'Vi 'I u111 laaftlit:.iI a'aa h
lahiha at ar~la/alaff .atita' forh t l l il a'l l lihl ah itl
111(ath 1la h" l l 11 fli f1 alal l I'h laC illIII Ill
I rtraal ' to /aaflai , ta1,1 ll aah xxifltta II IltlY fll
aidill al it aahth Vy . Ilat tl~r - lIg It I Iha't ailltol~

i at tat f aitt a' IreIala; atItv oi 11' .I i il ilti I hula.
hat t ha l~l vit a ' I a tS1th Ita a'a 11 11 i t l I Ia al 111',
hl tat, lal a atlI t t aliaa' h I tt/l llt'la ' ll llV l't) ( ltilA
al f'tal l ' aI lll I I ar'al ha I la 11 ll i ltt II
'/ali i .' a l Iiii a hI I i i P 'al aal f. Ita l f III llaa ll I

a I i a1a1a I ' I
1111 al l I i . a l' li aal h i
i~i iI tla~I I a aa I i alll', n l a ' allll lt 1
ila' 1h, taltItl ' a I a ~ai a, 1)t '; -11 I ?
aaaIta ,Ia t:, ail al 1G(lIl ' P it vI litaaa
A luncheon for the,( Women.'s Edu
cation Club) will711he edFidyno
at the 'WomenaTl:; l. agul :. Ech pr-
dantererednn Eatin reinitd
gienDil.by'e 'cign am';inth
Gpciardn cout f the.MiP, o:
p.m. rI
Dames, n Roomanl, Alo wve o
Will hobridgeinparseeyXen
day afteron Fcand se :cvelfamly)-e
nic.The tie willsheannoued i
LinguisicInstitutectur: A

i it h l i Pliti a' l i id 1leaa
ri'r. I't la)I
1 illiam l1). IIielli, Conlduttor.
Ul h V. Iusha Guest Conductor.
'[ha Graduate Outing Club wl
not, at; 2 p.m. Sunday, July 18. a
ca. reuredto bg= them.All
Thf Christian Student's Praverin


i l a
I Iajala.

Va I'
a j/a'

a oual v I

Colleges of Li-erature, Science and
the Arts, and Ar1chitecture; schools
of Educa tion, Forestry and M'usc:
Eah -1tudent hohas changed 111,3
addres snce June regi-tration
!hould fl a change of address in
Poemzr 4. C.H. so that the report of
his smmer ork ill not be mi:,-
Dv ut, eher Verein : A meeting will
be. hel at -._threage, n he Grand
Rap~~':Roo, onMonay.July 19. at
atA 8:5pn.Apoga fmagic xwill
era nuber bya quartette. Every-

_..ac_. _. ...trt .. a.___aa .a._ a. .w+,E.....a :.a.... w..m.:s.a.... .a

vitesall tudets t attnd is weely1 ody s codialy initedto attend.
metigshedeahr atrya t -1 _1__9_

WSomen Stujdents in Department F:
m-tFcoreare cor dialy i n'.ited
tions mst be nmadeby -Friday eve-
Swiming: The Physical Education

Piano Recital: Walter Ihrke, Ply-
muth_, W .-student of Prof. Joseph
Brin kman of=te School1 of 'Music, will
giv a-pano r, .; a?.Monday, July 19,
at the SohoolVof Music Auditorium at
8:30 p.m.. towhchte general pub-
Ie wih =heeceptiojn ofsmall chil-
{Phi Delta Kappa wil old: its week-
lylnho Tueda.July< 20 at 12:10
p~~~~m_ 'iCte icign :non. Members
andterget r cordially urged
Faculty Concert: Joseph Brinkman.
aConln- on Page 3)

Ca ssiled ietry
Y .r
i I" !1 EiCATLEI


P!ace atlverti~-ements with Classified
Acl~.er:>±ng Department. Phone 2-~4i.
The cla'~HficQ cciumr'.s COSC at live
o'clock pre;'lcus to day of insertion.
B',x nurnher1 may be secured at no
cxtra charge.
Cash in advance only iic per reading
.:ne l~r ~c cr two insertions. lOc per
reaciir.g i~ne for three or more insertions.
ron ba~is o~ five a~.'erage wcrd~ to iinej.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sex darned.
Careful work at low price. lx

FOR SALE: Mri E Flat Alto Saxo-
phouie. Excellent- condition. Rea-
!sonable. Willi accept camera as
part p ayment. Lee 5533 or 6989.
TYPING: Natyand accu.rately done.
Mrs.Howrd.613 Hill St. Phone
5244.Reasonabl:e rates. 632

- - - - - - - - - - -

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