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July 16, 1937 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-16

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The 'weather
Generally fair today and
tonwrrow; somewhat cooler to-
morrow, and in north today.


A6i a n


Trouble In The Far Est...
A Worthwhile Tag Day ...

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


60 Fresh Air
Campers Hold
Tag Day Here
Higher Costs Of Living
Force Greater Budget
For This Summer
Officials Say Goal
Is Set At $2,500
With $2,500 the goal, three score
of sun-tanned Fresh Air Campers
will comb the campus all day today
in an annual summer Tag Day.
If the campers don't reach the
goal, some of the fellows on the list
of 160 waiting in Detroit, Hamtramck,
and Wyandotte will be disappointed.
Each year several hundred boys
unable otherwise to spend four weeks
at camp, are given the opportunity of
enjoying the pleasures of the Fresh
Air Camp at Lake Patterson, 25
miles from here, where 20 University
students and graduates as counselors
under George G. Alder, director, in-
struct the boys occupying the 15 large
cabins in swimming, nature lore,
handicraft, art, and games.
320 Are Selected
This year 320 boys have been se-
lected by cooperating schools and so-
cial bureaus in the above cities to be
Fresh Air Campers. The camp is
supported by contributions from
many friends of the camp, together
with student donations, gathered
twice yearly-once in the spring, and
again each summer. Because of the
rise in living costs, the balance need-
ed to fulfill the budget this summer
is higher than in previous years.
Two loudspeaker systems will be
used in the campaign today and to-
morrow, when the crew here will be
augmented by a second group o'f
campers who will arrive after break-
fast to scour the downtown area.
Camp Open For Inspection
Visiting days are held on Sundays,
when the camp.is open for inspection
in the afternoons. Parents are espe-
cially urged to make visits at such
times, although patrons and friends
of the camp may visit at any time,
according to Mr. Alder.
The Fresh Air Camp, rapidly be-
coming one of the best equipped
camps of its type in the country, in-
clude 15 airy cabins with double-
deck beds, a council room for in-
door campfire activities, offices, staff
quarters, and shops, together with a
director's lodge, dining room, kitchen,
museum, bakery, infirmery, and
water-front building.
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe is in charge
of medical examinations of the camp-
ers with the assistance of Dr. George
Governor Sees
Fast Settlement
Of Truck Strike
Pickets Ordered To Desist
From Halting Of Trucks;
No Violence Reported
DETROIT, July 15. -(P)-Gov.
Frank Murphy predicted today a
quick settlement of a strike that re-
duced sharply the number of trucks
operating between Michigan cities
and instructed state police to keep
the highways open while the strike
is in progress.
In three counties, sheriff's officers
and state policemen ordered strike
pickets to desist from halting trucks.
There was no violence.
There were conflicting reports on
the effectiveness of the strike. Sev-

eral large users of truck transporta-
tion said they had been only slightly
affected. Continuation of the strike,
some of them said, would affect their
shipments however within a short
Interstate traffic and movement
of freight within cities were not af-
fected, but the Internaional Broth-
erhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs,
Stablemen and helpers attempted to
prevent the interstate shipment of
general freight until its wage de-
mands are met.
Automobiles, gasoline, milk, fruit,
other perishable goods, and beer were
exempted specifically by the union.
At Port Huron, a truck carrying mail
and bread was not permitted to leave
until the bread was unloaded.
Governor Murphy sought an im-
mediate resumption of negotiations
that were broken off late yesterday
when the strike was called for mid-
night.- He said he was confident the
conference he hoped to arrange would
result in a quick settlement.

cooperative Government Gains
Favor Over Strong Central Rule

Hutchins Declares Youths
jCondition Much Better
Than Two Years Ago
Although opportunities open to the
youth who typifies America's youth
problem are relatively limited, the
situation today is not nearly as bad
as it was two years ago at this time,
Dr. H. C. Hutchins, assistant secre-
tary of the Educational Policies Com-
mission yesterday told a group in the
auditorium of the University high
"Wheh the situation was at its
worst about two years ago," he said,
"the National Youth Administration
was brought into the picture, and it
has provided many opportunities for
young people, as well as funds which
have enabled thousands of individuals
to continue their work in high school
and college."
"But in spite of these helpful in-
fluences the youth problem remains
with us today in many of its aspects,
although the emergency nature of it
has largely disappeared," Dr. Hut-
chins stated.
Looking at the meaning which the
youth problem has for the present
generation as well as for those to
come, he pointed out that there were
five aspects that must be considered.
"We must look at the effect that
the depression has had upon the
young people who are now assuming
adult responsibilities, we must con-
sider those young people who, under
more auspicious circumstances might
have become leaders in many honor-
able occupations, have been left to
develop their talents as best they
could," Dr. Hutchins said.
"Then, in the third place," he con-
tinued, "we find that a generation
which is shot through and through
w th members who have travelled
along socially undesirable paths, must
necessarily have lesser respect for the
established institutions of our culture
than others more favorably situated.
In the fourth place, there is no doubt
but what the depression has taken'
a heavy toll of the health assets
possessed by the young adult pop-
"And finally, as the last of these
discouraging effects," he stated, "let
me point out the loss in creative abil-
ity which the circumstances of this,
undeveloped generation has im-
posed upon our national culture."
Dr. Hutchins continued saying that
the social trends affecting youth are
not all of a discouraging nature. "The
Federal government now provides
through the National Youth Admin-
(Continued on Page 4)
Funeral Services
Held For Gershwin
NEW YORK, July 15.-(')-Fu-
neral services were held simultane-
ously in Hollywood and New York to-
day for George Gershwin, whose
nimble fingers and lilting genius for
jazz carried him from the lower East
Side to an eminent place in the world
of music.
The body of the young composer
who died in Hollywood Sunday lay in
the sanctuary of Temple Emanuel,
on Fifth Avenue, as the last rites
were said.
Followed by Mayor F. H. La Guar-
dia, Al Jolson, former Mayor James
J. Walker, and a host of admirers
from all walks of life, the flower-
banked coffin was taken from the
temple. _________

FearvOf StateTCompulsion
Gives Way To Emphasis
On Voluntary Methods
Many people who fear a strong
central government look hopefully to
the cooperative because of its em-
phasis on voluntary methods rather
than on state compulsion, Dr. H. C.
Hutchins, assistant secretary of the
Educational Policies Commission told
the League College yesterday.

Design Marks
Parthian Art,
Equestrian Figures A r e
Most Prominent; Flying
Gallop Is Used
Influences Greek,
Jewish, Roman Art

Court Fight To Continue,

Roosevelt Tells Barkle
Successor OfRobinson
*rst Concert CIO Again Moves President Rails Against
Foes Moves At Time
Will Be Given To Organize Ford Of Mourning
EDGEWATER, N. J., July 15.-(P) e dJ i
TwO BndS --The Committee for Industrial Or- Need Of Judieial
ganization began its campaign to or-
ganize the 3,700 workers of the Ford Reform Mentioned
M tAJ Cu±1Lpmuny blzuc y j~ulian i L -t


f ®

"The cooperative movement is be- The art of the Parthian people,
Lg held before us a practical method who lived South of the Caspian Sea
hereby we may advance our ethical before and during the period of early
ealism-a way whereby we can Christianity, is characterized by an
ring justice and decency into eco- exposition accepting design rather
omic relations and at the same time than realism or naturalism as in
tablish a system of production for Greek art, Prof. Clark Hopkins of
se that will eventually insure plenty the Latin and Greek departments told
)r all," he said. a Summer Session lecture audience
Explaining the difference between yesterday.
e cooperative and the corporation, The Parthians devoted the greater
r. Hutchins stated that there were part of their artistic efforts to the
ve. "In the corporation business portrayal of equestrian figures in
conducted mainly for the benefit of scenes of hunting and war, according
ie stockholders, while the business to Professor Hopkins. Their horses
conducted for the consumers' ben- are notable for the "flying gallop,"
it in the cooperative," he pointed an innovation of Parthian art in
it. which all four feet of the horse are
Other differences brought out by off the ground and the rear hoofs
r. Hutchins were the manner of turned backward, in contrast to the
ting methods at meetings of stock- Assyrian gallop, in which the rear
olders, the sale of the stock, the feet of the horse rest on the ground.
stribution of the earnings and the Changes Made in Style
centives that push the cooperative Later, Hellenistic artists made a
nd the corporation on. change in the Parthian style. The
"There are four types of coopera- forefeet of the horse, previously al-
ves in the United States," he said. ways close together, were drawn sep-
They are purchasing cooperatives, arated slightly. Still later another
edit cooperatives, marketing coop- modification was introduced, and the
atives and production cooperatives." angle of the artist was made slightly
Speaking at the same meeting, lower. The Chinese gallop is also re-
rof. John Shepard of the psychology lated closely to the Parthian, Pro-
epartment stated that cooperatives fessor Hopkins said, showing either a
Ter the democratic way out of an common source or direct influence.
onomic crisis. The Parthian effect on Roman art
"To get the most out of coopera- was pointed out in a slide showing
ves," he said, "we must' go into Amazons fighting with bows on horse-
)litics; not machine politics, but back, a form of warfare unknown to
litics that work through political those people but common to the Par-
tion." thians. In all examples of Parthian
art the chief effort is toward showing
as much detail as possible, according
howersBring to Professor Hopkins, and the artists
often went to great lengths in their
eH ot endeavors to do so.
I Influenced Hebrew Art
Warriors are often depicted draw-
Western States ing bowstring with the left hand,
men falling from horses turn their
faces toward the spectator, and
(By Associated Press) wheels of chariots are seen even in
Cooler weather was in prospect to- pictures supposedly' representing a

MOOr company assem ly plant Lo-
Ralph E. Rush To Be Guest' day on the eve of what company of-
Conductor; High School ficials termed the annual summer
Clinic Band Featured Two men were arrested today. They
were booked as John Kaufmann, 18,
The Summer Session band and the of the League for Industrial Democ-
high school clinic band will present racy Summer School, New York, and
a concert at 7:15 p.m. today on David Clendenin, 30, treasurer of the
the steps of the General Library with Workers' Defense League.
Ralph E. Rush, director of"the Cleve- Police Chief Frank Joret said Kauf-
land Heights high school band, Cleve- man was charged with violating a
land Heights, O., as guest conductor. borough ordinance prohibiting dis-
In addition to presenting a group tribution of circulars without a police
of selections independently, the two permit, and Clendenin was charged
bands, totaling more than 170 musi- with disorderly conduct. Both were
cians will be combined for the final leased in the custody of their at-;
portion of the program. torney..
The high school clinic band will The CIO focused its opening cam-
offer "Children's March" by Edwin paign at the company gate at quitting
Frankel Goldman, "Serenade Ro- time, distributing CIO circulars and
sita" by DuPont and "Merry Men" by carrying placards.
Max Thomas.
The Summer Session band will pre- a n
sent six selections, "Manitou HeightsMhr apae ends
March" by Christiansen, "The Vet - u
eran Overture" by Thiele, "Two Lit- Hom e Troops
tle Japs" by Charrossin, "Sylvia" by
Henricks, "In A Moonlit Garden" byT
King and "Amparita Roca" by Tex-
To conclude the program, the two apanese Infer Gravity In
bands together will play Varsity bypY
Earl V. Moore, "West by East" by P. North China Situation;
Gibson, a selection from Tschaikow- Nationalsat.
sky and the march, "Men of Maize Vacating
and Blue." TOKYO, July 15.-(P)-The gov-
In event of rain, the concert will be ernment announced today troops
cancelled. from Jaian's homeland divisions are

Russian Fliers
To Be Honored
In Los no~ee

day for most of the north central
states-stronghold of a protracted
heat wave.
Relieved only temporarily during
the week by thundershowers, the area
welcomed the forecast of J. R. Lloyd
of the weather bureau at Chicago
that temperatures would recede to'
near normal in heat afflicted areas
of the lower Missouri and upper Mis-
sissippi valleys and the Great Lakes
Those areas, along with the south-
eastern states and thetcentralsCan-
adian provinces, continued to swelter
in "unseasonably* warm" weather,
Thursday, however.
New England and New York state,
included in the early phases of the
heat wave, reported temperatures
below normal, while the middle At-
Itantic states had little reliefbto ex-
pect, with a forecast of probable con-
tinuation of above normal thermo-
meter readings.

straight-front view.^
This Parthian method influenced

are f

ew art as well as others, Pro-*
r Hopkins pointed out, as indi- SAN DIEGO, Calif., July 15.-(A)-
I by a reproduction of a battle Soviet Russia's three world record
een the Philistines and the Is- smashing fliers went shopping today
tes, in which all the characters after high naval and marine corps
facing the spectator.
officers honored them at luncheon.
The fliers, who had no room for
rris Traces extra clothing in the plane they land-
ed yesterday in a cow pasture after
Jffort To Find a 6,262-mile flight from Moscow,
bought suits and a quantity of haber-
dashery in which conservative colors
Alphabet Start predominated.
Their wardrobes replenished, 'the
fliers-Pilot Mikhail Gromoff, Co-
f. Walter Petersen To Pilot Andrei Yumasheff and Naviga-
tnrJJ Sr r Jdiili- dipra r 1 U fn

being sent to North China while of-I
ficials disclosed that a large scale
exodus of Japanese civilians from the
Chinese interior was under way.
The war office announced the de-
cision to send units from the home
garrison in such a way as to empha-
size its view that the situation in
North China, where relatively small
Chinese and Japanese forces have,
been fighting for eight days, has be-
come grave.
Such emergency action has not been
taken by the Japanese army since.
1932, when more than two divisions
were sent to Shanghai to overcome
Chinese resistance.
Previously government leaders had
announced that "adequate armed
forces" would, be sent from Japan
proper, Korea and Manchuria to the
North China zone of conflict.
The war office did not state how
many men or what units were being
sent to China.
(Chinese reports have said three.
Japanese divisions were crossing the
China Sea. A Japanese division var-
ies in strength from 8,000, to 16,000
men. Frequently Tokyo has an-
nounced a decision to dispatch troops
to the continent at about the time
they 'were being landed on Chinese
soil). _

WASHINGTON, July 15.-(P)-
President Roosevelt replied with a
ringing "no" tonight to those who
lave urged him to drop his court re-
organization proposal as the result of
the death of Senator Robinson, the
Democratic leader.
"I believe it is the duty of the
Congress, and especially of the mem-
bers of the majority party in the Sen-
ate and the House of Representatives,
to pass legislation at this session to
carry out the objectives," he declared.
Abandonment of "judicial reform"
means abandonment of the goals of
economic security and social better-
ment, the President added, and the
responsibility will be "squarely on the
Congress of the United States."
Writes To Barkley
Outlining his attitude in a long
letter to Senator Barkley of Ken-
tucky, the acting Democratic leader,
Mr. Roosevelt said he had hoped
with him that a "decent respect" for
the memory of Senator Robinson
would defer political and legislative
discussions at least until after his
He said he was glad Berkley had
called his attention to "certain events
of yesterday and today."
"It is with regret," Mr. Roosevelt
wrote, "that I find that advantage is
being taken of what, in all decency,
should be a period of mourning."
He added he was compelled in the
public interest, against every Inclin-
ation, to write to the acting leader.
Letter Is A Great Appeal
Mr. Roosevelt's letter constituted
he most vigorous public appeal he has
made for court reorganization since
he discussed the issue with the
country in a broadcast months ago.
Over four years ago, he declared, it
became apparent to the American
people and to the leadership of the
new Administration in Washington
that "grave problems of many kinds
called for great reforms." The
people, he continued, recognized the
need for bank reform, agricultural
reform, labor reform, housing reform
and judicial reform.
When he recommended reorganiz-
ation of the judiciary last February
5, he said, the time had come to act
upon that subject.
"At no time have I or any member
of my Administration insisted that
the method or methods originally'
proposed be sacred or final except to
(continued on Page 3)
Monroe Has Light
Cut Off By Storm
MONROE, July 15.-(ff)-A wind,
rain and electrical storm tonight
caused considerable damage and left
Monroe without lights or power.'
Fifty persons who were in a
theatre escaped injury when the
storm ripped off the roof and tossed
it against a grocery store across the
street, caving in the front.
The theatre screen and some oth-
er fixtures were- ruined.
The Detroit Edison Co., plant was
damaged extensively. Residence and
street lights were out and factories
with night shifts closed for lack of
power. Utility officials said service
likely would not be restored before
Trees and poles were toppled over,
blocking streets and roads. Lightning
struck a few buildings, and the storm
blew in the side of an old section of
the Consolidated Paper Co., south
side plant.



University To Have World's
Third Largest Telescope Soon

The University of Michigan will;
soon have the third largest telescope
in the world. A 97 and one-half inch
reflector is already completed and
when installed will be surpassed in
size only by the celebrated 200-inch
mirror of the California Institute of
Technology, and by the 100-inch re-
flector of the Carnegie Institute's
Mt. Wilson Observatory in California.
The University reflector has been
cast in the Corning Glass Works, at
Corning, N.Y. A try at an 86-inch
one in January, 1936, was unsuccess-
ful, but the 971/%-inch was highly sat-
isfactory. The pouring was done last
September. However, it took more
than eight months to cool in the
Corning ovens. It is now stored at
Corning, pending construction of a
new observatory-.
The probable location of this build-
ing is a University-owned site of
obout 100 acres, south of Base Lake,
and 14 miles from Ann Arbor. The
construction itself is being held up
indefinitely by a lack of funds, al-
though a new observatory has been

and the mirror is ours. It cost about
The reflecting type of telescope
was chosen rather than the refractor
type (with which the observer looks
directly at the object through lenses)
because of several advantages they
former has over the latter. Chief;
among these is the single polished!
surface of the reflector. The reflec-
tor needs four highly polished sur-
faces, and two perfectly transparent
Also there are the advantages of
comparative facility of construction,
the great weight being at the lower
end of the tube, and of the compara-
tive shortness of the tube necessary
to bring the object into focus. This
last advantage is well illustrated by
the largest of the two types now in
The largest refractor is at the
Yerkes Observatory of the University
of Chicago which is 40 inches in di-
ameter and has a focal length of more
than 750 inches. On the other hand,
the largest reflector, in use, is at the
Mt. Wilson Observatory near Pasa-

Give Final Lecture Of
Week This Evening 0
How modern scholarship has pro-I
gressed in its research into the origin
of the alphabet was traced yesterday
noon at the regular Linguistic Insti-
tute luncheon conference by Dr. Zell-
ig Harris of the University of Penn-
The concluding Institute lecture
of the week will be presented at 7:30
p.m. today in Room 25 of Angell'
Hall. Prof. Walter Petersen of the
University of Chicago, one of the
few special guest lecturers of the
summer, will discuss "Hittite and the
Substratum Theory."
In his talk yesterday Dr. Harris
pointed out first that the alphabet is,
not a natural development from
earlier forms of writing. Although
an ideographic or logographic lan-
guage exhibits a tendency to develop
simpler signs or to eliminate the more
complex signs, an alphabet does not
necessarily evolve from such a pro-
He pointed out further the general
agreement today that all alphabets
are derived from one original alpha-
bet, and then proceeded to explain
the theories about its inception.
Any acceptable theory as to the
origin of the alphabet, he said, must
account for certain phenomena.
These are that the order of the signs
is the same in the various languages,
that the names of the signs corre-
spond in the early languages such
as Syriac and Hebrew, that these
names stand for objects or things,
and that the early forms of the al-
'phabet uniformly lack signs for vow-

The geological history of Niagara'
Falls is a history of a stream of water
and the forces opposing it. Called "a
clock of recent geological time" by
Professor-emeritus William H. Hobbs,
the Falls and the Niagara Gorge be-
low them form a vivid record of the
geological forces that have been at
work in the Great Lakes region in the
40,000 years or more-since the forma-
tion of the Falls by the recession of
the Great Glacier.
Recession of the Great Glacier into
Canada left the country tilted east-
ward, so that water from Lake Erie
flowed through a wide river to Lake
Iroquois, a large body of water ly-
ing in the present position of Lake
The waters of Lake Iroquois were
still quite low as a result of the re-
cent pressure of the glacier, and as a
result the Niagara River poured from
some height directly into Lake Iro-
quois, creating a considerable water-
fall at Lewiston.
As the stream of water dropped
300 feet from the top of the cliff at

back into the rock for three-eighths
of a mile, the river lost a portion of
its supply. The Great Glacier, re-
ceding into Canada, had uncovered
the Trent River, which was another
route leading from Lake Algonquin
to Lake Ontario. The water from
the Lakes was therefore drained
through the Georgian Bay region.
With the smaller cutting power
the Falls receded for one and one-
eighth miles in a channel only 60 feet
deep and 500 feet wide. The water
from Lake Ontario at this time
reached the ocean by way of the Mo-
hawk and Hudson rivers, as the St.
Lawrence was still covered by the
ice cap. The Mohawk valley is high-
er than the St. Lawrence and in con-
sequence the level of Lake Ontario
was higher than at present.
As the glacier drew back still far-
ther, it shut off the Trent River, hav-
ing previously opened it. This it did
indirectly, by allowing the Trent
Valley to spring back up. Relieved
of the weight of the ice cap, the
entire region of eastern Ontario is

Niagara Falls Is Called 'Clock
Of GeologicalTime' By Hobbs,

tor oergei uanenn-were reaa yfor
another round of acclaim tomorrow
at Los Angeles.
Mayor Frank L. Shaw of Los An-
geles announced tentative plans for
a public reception, including a down-
town parade followed by ceremonies
on the city hall steps.

V '

Creamery Officials,
Strikers To Meet
DETROIT, July 15.-(A')-Creamery
operators and members of the strik-
ing United Dairy Workers met sep-
arately today and considered arbi-
tration proposals that will come be-
fore a joint meeting with Mayor

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