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July 13, 1937 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-13

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JULY 13, 1937




(Continued from Page 2)
reservation for the banquet with Geil
Diffendack, Telephone 7247, by Mon-
Souther'n Club: Miss Ethel Mc-
Cor-mick, Social Director for the
Summer Session, will entertain the
members of the Southern Club at a
Watermelon Cutting in the garden
of the Michigan League at 7 p.m.
Thursday evening, July 15. All
Southerners on the campus are cor-
dially invited to be present.
Chemistry Colloquium will meet'
Thursday, July 15, at 4 p.m. in Room
303 Chemistry Building. Prof. O. K.
Rice of the University of.North Caro-
lina will be the speaker. Subject:
"Remarks on the Liquid State and
the Theory of Fusion."
H.M.S. Pinafore: Final tryouts for
all those interested in principal parts
in this operetta will be held on
Thursday afternoon at 5 p.m. in the
Mendelssohn Theatre. Chorus re-
hearsals will continue as scheduled
with the exception of Thursday. All
parts, principal and chorus, will be

Caledonia Plows To End Of Journey A cross Atlantic

The Imperial Airways flying boat Caledonia is shown here as it plowed to the end of its trans-Atlantic
commercial trail-blazing flight in the bay at Port Washington, N. Y. The crew was brought ashore by boat.

League College Hears ourtis
Speak On New Teaching Trends


cast by the end of the week.I
Says School Life Must Be participate in social reconstruction.
all those interested in principal parts' Ces lollectiviis Artu B. Moehman of therethe educa-
in this operetta will be held this af- And Democratic ion schoo sa that thee is aget
ternoon in the Mendelssohn Theatre lack of professionalization of teach-
at 5 p.m. Chorus rehearsals will con- By IlOaACE W. GILMORE ers today.
"There are many teaching today,"
tinue as scheduled with the exception Teachers must abandon teaching he stated, "that have had little train-
of this afternoon. All parts, Chorus as it has been conceived in the past, ing in high school teaching."
and principal, will be cast by the and substitute "service to pupil pur- Professor Moehlman spoke of the
end of the week. poses" as the general aim, Prof. Stuart American Medical Association and
A. Courtis of the education school told how only slightly more than half
All wives of students and internes told the League College yesterday. of the medical profession are mem-
are cordially invited to a tea to be "Problem solving activities must re- bers of it because of its high stand-
given by the Michigan Dames in the place subjects, power to achieve must ards. "Numbers in a professional so-
Garden Court 'of the Michigan replace knowledge as an aim and ciety make another pressure group
League, Friday, July 16. 3:30 to 5 school life must be made collectivist, rather than a group working for
p.m. democratic and cooperative," he said. the advancement of the profession,"
The activities of the Michigan Dealing in more specific terms, Pro- he declared.
Dames, an organization of wives of fessor Courtis pointed out that the
University students, give many an teacher must present the real world1
opportunity to become acquainted. i o. evil and sordid conflicts of human Prof . Bulard
During the Summer Session there wills: ignorance, greed, lust, passion, P
will be bridge parties every Wednes- poverty, domination and exploita-
day afternoon and several family pic-o lleXt
nics. The time will be announced in Ideal World Must Be Given
the Daily Bulletin. "The teacher also must present the Niagara T r1I
iideal world that might be," he con- aT
The Bureau has received notice of tinued, "and he or she should inspire
. the following Civil Service Examina- pupils to strive to make the ideal of (Continued from Page 1)
tions: effort, patience, loyalty, self-sacri-_
ions. fice and cooperation real,,
Motion Picture Director and Spe- Professor Courtis declared that the erly called the Horseshoe Falls as the
cialists, $3,800 and $2,600 a year, res idcInternational B o u n d a r y passes
Forest Service, Department of Agri- current trends i education are re- through the center, has a span of
culture, and Social Security Board. defining the functions of education 3,010 feet as compared to the 1,606-
College work in journalism or Eng- and increasing the responsibility of foot length of the American Falls,
lish may be substituted for some of the teacher. Schools have been ex- and carries almost 95 per cent of the
the experience. pected to face, and to glorify, the one and a half mnillion gallons that
Assistant Clerk-Stenographer $1,-deal realistically with present day drop over the Falls every minute.
620 a year; For the blind, experienced controversial issues and to train for The buses will then proceed to
in the use of Braille and Braille ma- the future," he said. Luna Island, where a similar view of
chines. Applicants must be blind, the American Falls may be obtained.
For further information, please call Further, 'he continued, "the sug Near the bridge to Luna Island is
at the Office,.201 Mason Hall. sst sserttem s ndvid - the elevator shaft leading to the Cave
University Bureau of Appoint- ly and as a profesisonal group, and of the Winds, on the rocks at the
ments and Occupational In- they must play a larger part in. base of the Falls. Those of the party
formation. city, state and national affairs." who wish to make the descent will
Teachers To Aid Society don oilskins provided by the conces-
Persons interested in teaching Tsion there, and go out on the spray-
freshman English or other advanced Professor Courtis stressed the point dashed platforms from which an ex-
English courses in Hangehow Chris- jthat teachers, individually and pro- amination of the rocks that carry off
tian College, China, please inquire for fessionally as a pressure group, must the water falling from the gap be-
further information at the Bureau of tween Luna Island and Goat Island
Appointments. May be a three year M aorSmay be made.
position for a single man or a per- The stream falls on the rocks be-
manent position for married couple. hind the sightseers, and washes past
Salary for single man is $800, with AMERICAN LEAGUE them to join the main cataracts in
low living expenses. College is defi- W L Pet. the pool. At the far end of the plat-
nitely Christian and has Chinese New York . . . . . . . . . . . 47 22 .681 forms the party will be almost direct-
president and Chinese and mission- Detroit.............42 29 .592 ly behind and under the main falling
ary faculty. Requires person with a Chicago .............43 30 .589 body of water.
major in English and some advanced Boston.............40 28 .588 They will then return to the main-
work in English as well. Cleveland...........33 34 .493 and, and to the foot of the Peace
Bureau of Appointments. Washington .........39 38 .441 Bridge for the trip along the Cana-
St. Louis ............22 47 .319 Ban side of the Gorge.
Phi Lambda Upsilon: There will be Athletics ............20 49 .290
a picnic for all members on the cam- -
pus this summer on Saturday after- NATIONAL LEAGUE Japanese Ambassador
noon, July 24. Members of other W L Pet. To Be In Traverse City
chapters are asked to register their Chicago .............45 27 .625
names with G. W.. Stroebe, 2209 E. New York ...........45 29 .608 TRAVERSE CITY, Mich., July 12.
Engineering Building.. Pittsburgh ..........40 32 .556 -(/P)-Michigan notables will partici-
St. Louis ............39 33 .542 pate in a reception for Japanese Am-
College of Literature, Science, and Boston ..............33 40 .452 bassador Hirosi Saito when he comes
the Arts, and Architecture; Schools Brooklyn ............30 40 .429 to Traverse City to crown Miss Eliene
of Education, Forestry, ad Music: Cincinnati ..........28 43 .394 Lyon Queen of the Cherry Festival.
Summer Session students wishing a Philadelphia ........29 45 .392 Former Governor Chase Osborn
transcript of this summer's work only will be one of the group welcoming
should file a request in Room 4, U.H. PROFESSORS WRITE 12,126 PAGES the diplomat and his retinue when
several days before leaving Ann Ar- Forty-four books and 22 articles they arrive in Detroit Thursday morn-
bor. Failure to file this request will have been written by members of the ing.
result in a needless delay of several staff of the School of Education since
days. the beginning of 1935, the school's
monthly bulletin, off the press yester-
The Bureau has been asked for one day, revealed.
or two men in Ann Arbor to sell The books total 10,980 pages, and
health, accident, and life insurance, the articles total more than 1,146
either part or full time. Will those pages, making altogether 12,126 pages,
interested kindly call at the office,
201 Mason Hall; office hours 9-12
and 2-4. SOCIAL
University Bureau of Appoint- TeApCrac
ments wishes to remind all its former ' augt daily. Terrace
registrants that they should leave Garden Studio. Wuerth
Ann Arbor addresses and summer Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695
1 2nd Floor. Open eves. '
class schedules in the office in order ,__ _ _
to keep records up to date and to be-
on the active placement list. Any -
New Registrants who did not obtain
enrollment forms last week should do
so immediately, as all blanks are to
be returned this week. Office hours e
College of Literature, Science, and ,

the Arts, and Architecture; Schools ..-$ 4
of Education, Forestry, and Music: r
students who have changed their ad-
dresses since Juue registrationshouldET

More Than 250
Attend Dances
Held At Union
More than 250 couples attended
the fourth in the series of informal
week-end dances, which was held in
the Union Ballroom Saturday night.
Phyllis Miner, who is in charge of,
the Saturday dances, selected 25 girls
to act as assistants.
Music was furnished by Charlie
Zwick and his orchestra, who beside
the regular dance tunes, played many
new and original arrangements of the
popular songs of today.
The dances next week-end will be
held at the Michigan League. The
dances will be alternated each week
for the remainder of the summer in
order that the students may become
acquainted with both the Union and
the League, Hope Hartwig, president
of the League, stated.
Library Students
Enjoy Sunday Party
A series of informal Sunday night
suppers was initiated Sunday at the
Michigan League by the faculty and'
student members of the Department
of Library Science.
The suppers are to be of the Dutch
Buffet type, and numerous small
tables will be set up for the con-
venience of the guests. The supper
Served this week-end was the first of
three to be held during the course
of the summer.
More than fifty people attended
the supper, which was held in the
League Gardens from 5 p.m. until
6 p.m., according to Mr. Samuel Mc-
Allister, who is assistant librarian
of the University, and official masterl
of ceremonies for the suppers.

Summer Plans
Formulated By
Southern Club
More Than 100 Students
Are Present At Initial
MeetingIn Mason Hall
More than 100 students from the
southern states met recently in Ma-
son Hall to formulate their program
for the summer as the Southern
Club, according to Dr. T. Luther
Purdom, their sponsor. They planned
a program of social activities, in
which all of Michigan's many south-
ern students may participate.
Dr. Purdom wished it to be em-
phasized that all Southern students
are welcome at their activities as it
is unnecessary to belong to the club
to attend its social functions.
The first event on the program will
be a southern watermelon cut, to be
held at 7 p.m. Thursday, July 15 in
the Garden of the Michigan League.
The watermelon cut will be free and
informal. All students are urged to
come and get acquainted. Later in
the summer there will be a tea dance
at the League, under the sponsorship
of Miss Ethel McCormick. The plans
for the picnic, to be held July 28 at
Portage Lake, also were completedI
at the meeting Thursday night.
At the meeting, the group elected
its officers for the summer, and also
appointed representative from each
southern state represented. Each
representative will be in charge of all
other members from his state, and
all southern students interested in
participating are urged to call the
representative from their state.
The officers elected are: sponsor,
pr. Purdom; president, Byron L.
Smith; and secretary, Elvira Ham-
ernik. The state representatives are
'Lucille Goins, Georgia; Josephine
Allensworth, Tennessee; H. M. Hen-
ry, Virginia; Samuel Cranfall, Mis-
sissippi; Ed Reed, Kentucky; Bessie
Mitchell, Louisiana; Ida Raa, Flor-1
ida; Mary Elizabeth Shannon, West'
Virginia; Dorothy Olsen, Texas; M.
P. Gray, Alabama; Maryland Wil-
son, South Carolina; Letha Mc-
Causland, Missouri and Miss Ham-
ernik, Oklahoma.
Sapir Loses Brief
Case Near Library

Mystery M n' A rrested


DIN 1\

C H E O N S ..40c 50c 65c 75c
ER S . . . . . . . ...... 60c -75c 85c $1.10
DAY DINNERS. . .....75c $1.00 $1.10
DAY SUPPERS ...............4c 60c
we 'Waun ted "6~avern
ast Huron Street Dial 7781
1:30-1:30 Nights 5:30-7:30 Sundays 12:30 - 7:30

John Montague, whose feats on
the golf course have been legendary
around Hollywood, was arrested in
Los Angeles under the' name La-
Verne Moore on acharge of com-
plicity in the robbery of a road-
house at Jay, N.Y.; in 1930. Al-
though Montague gained 'fame as
an excellent golfer, he would never
enter. tootinments,, or permit pic-
tures. I e was released under $10,-
400 bond pending further hearing
and possible extradition.
ESCANABA, Mich., July 10.-(P)-
Alpena was chosen by members of
the Michigan Association of County
Treasurers as the site of their next
year's state convention here today
at the closing session of their two-
day convention.


The Battle Royal of the Ame
You haven't lived t
Coopers in theiri
heartaches and joy
°: IZ ~ 'A w

Probably to demonstrate that he is S U N I
a member of the summer faculty
and not a graduate student, Dr. Ed-
ward Sapir of Yale University, visit-
ing lecturer in the Linguistic Insti-
tute, resorted Thursday afternoon to
the expedient of showing that, like 417 E
any good professor, he is absent
minded. His effort was successful, Noons 1
but costly, for now his brief case is
Professor Sapir left the case, which_-
contained materials for an annual
organizational report he is about to
make, beside a campus bench near A
the library. So far it has not been
returned to the Lost and Found Bu-
reau in the business office,
:rican family! <f:r:"
ill you've met the
intimate riot of
1901 SHES White
The styles you've wanted, at

J: Y
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h Iegins Tomorrow! Oui
460 PG

sharkskin . . . short types. . . at sale. . . $3.95
novelty wools ... sharkskin and linens -- at sale
5,00 -- 7.95
wools, all lined . . . Swagger and boxy types,
sale at $12.95

washables in salyna, crepes and non-grush line
Sizes 12 to 241/2 . . . on safe at
$7.95 -- 10.95


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