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Official Publication of the Summer Session
Edid and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and the Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mal,
$1.50. During regular school year, by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representatie
Associate Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil-
more, Charlotte D. Rueger.
Assistant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Fitzhenry,
Joseph Gies, Clayton Hepler.
Women's Business Managers ..Alice Bassett, Jean Drake
International Law
Institute .. .
the Summer Institute of Interna-
tional Law now being held at the University
that may, we think, eventually awaken an in-
ternational conscience strong enough to put the
iron hand in the empty glove which the League
of Nations is now holding.
Held under the auspices of the Carnegie En-
dowmhent for International Peace the Institute
is designed to afford an opportunity for those
teaching international law in the smaller schools
to come into contact with some of the leaders
in the field, who are paid by the endowment
to spend the summer lecturing. An attempt is
made to bring about conditions conducive to a
general exchange of ideas between the students
and the teachers as well as among the teachers
The subject of international law, indeed of
internationalism itself, is comparatively new
Pioneers in the field are still living. Prof. Jesse
S. Reeves in fact introduced the first course in
the subject taught outside a law school.
Being of such recent birth, then, we can scarce-
ly expect momentous results yet from the at-
tempted administration of international law.
The benefits accruing thus far have not been
monentous. But popular confidence and faith
in the employment of rules of reason and justice
in international affairs has been stimulated.
Public opinion is being wooed to the philosophy
of pacifism, and countries which adhere to the
old-fashioned "might is right" principle, are be-
ing condemned.
The manner in which concerted international
action is to be expected agaist an enemy of the
nations is one of the gravest problems facing
the proponents of internationalism, and until
this problem is effectually met the question of
world-wide peace will be ever before us. It
has been suggested that an international police
force be created similar in administration to the
one used on the occasion of the Boxer Rebellion
in China. To this form of procedure, France and
the non-Fascist countries of Europe are staunch
backers, but comparatively isolated countries
such as the United States and even England
fneet it with lukewarm support. It has been sug-
gested that economic sanctions or boycotts should
be the accepted method, but the Ethiopian affair
proved this plan, temporarily at least, a dismal
failure. Lastly it has been suggested that the
forces of public opinion be united against war-
like action or irregular conduct upon the part
of any state in the family of nations.
Next week will not see this latter force co-
hesive enough to effect a great change in inter-
national policy but under the inspired leader-
ship ofselected groups such as the Institute some
of us may live to see the day when the engines
of war are forever outlawed, when there will be
"no geographic limits to the responsibilities of
an educated man."
Traffic safety drives are being carried on
throughout the country on an unprecedented
scale. Cities, states and the Federal govern-
ment have joined in removing many grade cross-
ings. Yet the toll from these death traps con-
tinues to mount. Figures just announced by the
Association of American Railroads show that
crossing fatalities in the first quarter of this
year were considerably larger than in the same
period last year, a rise from 396 to 495. At the
same time, injuries increased from 1352 to 1497.
For March alone, the number of deaths was 163,
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of 'the
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the rightto condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the critera of general editorial
Importance and interest to the campus.
Professor At Fault
To the Editor:
It seems to me that a college senior usually
has his technique of studying down cold; when
such a student, who has received nothing below
a B during his entire college career suddenly re-
ceives a C in a course which requires neither a
background of technical knowledge nor a great
deal of work during the semester, but which is
just straight, exceedingly simple facts-then
there is something wrong-not in Denmark, and
emphatically not with the student.
When a textbook is announced as optional
reading, by what right does a professor ask ques-
tions on quizzes and on the final exam, the an-
swers to which can be found only in that text?
Moreover, since when is the students' ability to
comprehend the pronounciation of names of
places which only God and the lecturer ever
heard of, a criterion for measuring the student's
mastery of the course? And there can be no ques-
tion but that the professor wishes to make this a
criterion, and an exceedingly important one at
that, for he refuses absolutely, to repeat, spell
out or write out on the blackboard his utterly
unintelligible prattle. Thus, though they strain
their ears to the bursting point, the listening
students may later easily lose ten to fifty points
on a quiz and easily ten points on the final for
failing to locate such names on a map!
If the professor who teaches Geography 33,
wishes to stiffen his course, I suggest he do it
fairly, by assigning more work to be done, not by
setting traps and grading students on their suc-
cess in escaping them. Such success is entirely
irrelevant to any true mastery of the course, and
grades on this basis completely lose their mean-
ing. If the professor fails to follow this sug-
gestion, may I further suggest that those students
who are foolish enough to elect this course read
the "optional" textbook conscientiously, sit in
the first row, and above all present the lecturer
with a megaphone and a piece of chalk before
the first lecture-if they wish to get a grade
out of the course-for only these things and
neither comprehension of subject matter nor
hard work will be necessary.
I should very much like to see a refutation
by a member of the Geography department in
this column. -Disgusted.
Swing music has been the main topic of dis-
cussion with record collectors for months, but as
yet no one seems to be able to explain just ex-
actly what this peculiar jazz phenomenon is.
Far be it from this department to attempt any
further definition of swing; too much damage
ha's been done in that direction already. The
best we can do is to offer examples of the fore-
most exponents of the style. In our opinion,
Benny Goodman, Red Norvo, Fletcher Hender-
son, Tommy Dorsey and Bunny Berigan offer
the best swing music today. If you are at all
familiar with the music of these bands, you will
have a fairly hazy idea as to what this business
of swing is all about.
Some of the definitions offered by swing musi-
cians in regard to swing have really resulted in
trouble. The modern swing trumpet player seeks
always for strength in his upper lip. John O'Don-
nell, trumpet player, says in 'Down-Beat': "I
have developed center strength in upper lip but
that does not mean I play in center. For example
a meat man has in his butcher shop a strong
cross beam with many hooks located on the left
to right beam. Running up and down is a center
strength beam. Now it doesn't matter on which
hook the butcher hangs his pigs, the side hooks
are as strong as those in the center. So it is with
upper lip center strength. I have strength in
center but my mouthpiece hooks on a little to
the left side. I call it a hook, some call it a
muscle, or ball, others call it a corn." Which all
proves that the side hooks are still as strong
as those in the center.
This past month has revealed a fairly good
crop of records. The work of Jimmy Dorsey was
disappointing, but this has been true all along so
his showing this month was no surprise. The rise
of Les Brown and his Duke University Blue Devils
has been pleasant, and with a little more experi-
ence, this band is bound to reach the top. The
other major recording artists have all remained
consistently good with the exception of Stuff
Smith whom, it seems, just hasn't the orches-
tration for a good recording ensemble.
Digga Digga Doo aind I Can't Believe You're
In Love With Me-Cootie Williams and his Rug
Cutters. With the aid of Duke Ellington and
some of his band, these recordings are tops in
swing. You'll especially go for the Duke's piano
work in "Digga Digga Doo." (Variety M187).
I'm Hatin' This Waltin' Around and Your's
And Mine-Typical Lombardo discs. Disregard-
ing Carmen Lombardo's vocal work, "I'm Hatin'
This Waitin' Around" is still one of the best
standard recordings of the month. (Victor 25599).
Spring Cleaning and You've Been Reading My
Mail-More high-jinks from Fats Waller. It's
a shame a good rhythm section should be ruined
On The Level
"DOC" BRASHEAR, Louisiana State med, told'
us this one about a Rochester, N. Y. society
party that we couldn't resist retelling. It seems
that a social matron was throwing a large party
with steak and mushrooms as the main course.
She bought a pile of mushrooms from a nearby
farmer, but she wasn't certain that they were
edible, so she fed a lot of them to her dog about
two hours before the dinner. When the butler
rang the dinner-gong, the dog was still happily
skipping around the house, so the social shot
told her cooks to go ahead and use the ques-
tionable fungac.
The cocktail, soup, salad, and steak courses
had all been eaten clean by the guests, an
everything was progressing laughingly, when a
maid came into the dining room and whispered
into the hostess' ear, "Madam, your dog is
dead." Immediately the madam thoughtdof all
the mushrooms that her guests had recently
consumed. She shrieked,rrushed to a phone and
told two prominent Rochester doctors to hurry
over with stomach pumps. Then she -told her
startled guests about the mushroom test on the
dead dog. They nervously waited for the doctors
to get there with their stomach pumps. Finally,
the doctors arrived and succeeded in their efforts
with the pumps.
Then, as everyone was feeling fortunate that
they had been saved from a horrible death
caused by poison mushrooms, a police officer
walked into the room and told the hostess that
he had caught the driver of the car that had
run over and killed her dog. Thus, all the diners
had had their stomachs needlessly pumped, and
shakingly wended their way home again to eat
in their own kitchens. The party was ruined.
* * * *
TWO TRI-DELTS were walking by the
Sigma Chi house the other day when
one of them noticed that an American flag
was still floating from its pole in the fra-
ternity's front yard. "Look," said the first
girl, "They've still got their flag l p."
"Yeah, it's another hangover from the
Fourth of July," wised the second.
* * * *
MEANDERINGS ... There is a very prob-
able All-American football player . . . go-
ing here to Summer School ... but he won't
be playing for Michigan next year . . . un-
fortunately. His name is ... Johnny An-
drews ... and he plays fullback for Tulane
... in the Southern Conference. He made
several of the All-Southern Conference se-
lections ... last year ... and he's here taking
a course to make his load lighter next fall.
He's a sophomore ... in Med School . .. ad
one of the very few . . . med students ---
that we have ever heard of playing football.
* * * *
PROF. VRNER SIMS, who has hit this col-
umn before, seems consistently to be getting
into hot water in his Psych lectures. Wednesday,
he was lecturing on the reactions of human be-
ings to certain things, and said that a certain
psychologist states that when people are put
into dark, quiet places they immediately fall
asleep. "This is silly," said Professor Sims, "What
would you do if you were put into a dark, quiet
room?" The class immediately began to laugh
"Oh, I see," continued Sims. "Well let's not
The Ann Arbor Committee for WMPC is not commerc
Medical Aid to Spain will present on can best be summed ul
Friday, July 9, 8 p.m., at Natural its director says hask
Science Auditorium; Prof. J. M. Al-
baladejo and Dr. M. J. Bicknel who as the meaning of the
vill speak on the present conditions Where Many Preach4
in Spain with special emphasis on Actually the lettersn
the need for medical aid government letter) a
Protestant Church. T.
Student Loans: There will be a S. Hemingway, pastor+
meeting of the Loan Committee Fri- church, is the opera
day afternoon, July 9. This will be Mr. Hemingway ope
the final meeting of the Loan Com- station in 1926 with a
mittee to consider loans for the Sum- fit. Now, wattage hasx
mer Session. All applications for to 250 with a freque
loans to be acted on at this meeting kilocycles.
must be filed in Room 2, University As program director
Hall before noon of July 9. is careful what is b
dance bands, no co
Prof. Abrham White of the Depart- ncuncements, not even
ment of Physiological Chemistry of
the Medical School of Yale Univer-
sity will speak on "The Chemistry of
Insulin with Especial Reference to its cA assi
Sulphur Content' in Room 303 Chem-
istry Building on Friday, July 9, at
adio station
ial. Its policy
p in a phrase
been accepted
call letters-
mean: W (the
S __
nd Methodist formed President Ralph D. Hetzel
'he Rev. Frank of Pennsylvania state college that
of the Lapeer of 157 girls graduated from the school
rated his first in June, 1936:
a 30-watt out- One hundred and fiur have jobs;
been increased 13 have some earning while pursu-
ncy of 1,2000 ing graduate study; 29 are unem-
ployed; 11 are married.
r, the minister She reported that of the graduates
broadcast. No who majored in home economics,
mmercial an- more than 80 per cent obtained jobs,
!n for a church while only 10.5 per cent married.
ified Dfrectory
The lecture is open to all interested.
All members of Alpha Kappa Al- Priced Reasonably
pha Sorority, who are visiting in the All Work Guaranteed
city are invited to meet one another Shirts.......................12c
at tea on Saturday, July 10, at 4 p.m. Shorts .........................14c
The place: The Dunbar Civic Cen- Tos4c
ter, 420 N. 4th Ave. Hops.k.c............4.c....
rHandkerchiefs ......... ...... 2c
1 Q -1 +. fie'
Students ,College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: No course may be
elected for credit after the end of the
second week. Saturday, July 10, is1
therefore the last date on which new1
elections may be approved. The will-1
ingness of an individual instructor tol
admit a student later would not af-7
feet the operation of this rule.
School of Education, Changes of
Elections: No course may be elected
for credit after Saturday, July 10; no
course may be dropped without pen-
alty after Saturday, July 24. Any
change of elections of students en-
rolled in this school must be reported
at the Registrar's Office, Room 4,
University Hall.
Membership in class does not cease
nor begin until all changes have been
thus officially registered. Arrange-
ments made with instructors are not
official changes.
First Mortgage L o a n s: The
University has a limited amount of
funds to loan on modern well-located
Ann Arbor property. Interest at
current rates. Apply Investment Of-
fice, Room 100, South Wing, Univer-
sity Hall.
Socks .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. ... .. ..... .5U
Slips ..........................10c
Dresses ........................25c
Panties ........................ 7c
Handkerchiefs .................2c
Pajamas ............... .10cto 15c
Hose (pr.) ..................'... 3c
Silks, wools our specialty. All bundles
done separately-no markings. Call
for and deliver. Phone 5594. Silver
Laundry. 607 E. Hoover. 3x
EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu-
dent laundry. Call for and deliver.
Phone 4863. 2x
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned,
Careful work at low price. lx
.,I,, : - am
As Others See it,
Lower Fees At The University
(From St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
LAST MARCH, the State House of Represen-
tatives passed a bill to reduce materially and
limit by law student fees at the University of
Missouri. The action was promptly recognized
in the Post-Dispatch and elsewhere as a legis-
lative interference with educational practice
which might open the way for political moles-
tation of the university. The president of the
Board of Curators promised that a fee reduc-
tion would be forthcoming if the Legislature
appropriated enough additional money for the
university to enable it to cut fees without impair-
ing services. This promise has been kept. Taking
proper notice of the increased appropriations the
curators have cut fees charged residents of Mis-
souri to $30 a semester. While it is difficult to
believe that the previous fees kept very many
students from attending the state university,
there can be no question about the reasonable-
ness of the present schedule. The end sought by
StateRepresentative L. D. Joslyn of Mississippi
County has been achieved,, but without intro-
duction of the dangerous principle embodied in
his bill.
band. Les Brown and his Duke Blue Devils
really ride in "Ramona." (Decca 62043).
Zig Zag and The Goblin Band-This is just so-
so stuff from the Casa Loma outfit. (Decca
Just Lately and Peckin'-Just another good
reason why Jimmy Dorsey shouldn't have had
that little spat with brother Tommy. Bing Crosby
is supposed to sing the vocal in "Peckin" but he
doesn't; he just talks. The ashcan for this. (Decca
DLA 733).
Swing Guitars and Stompology-"Swing Gui-
There will be a supper in the gar-
den of the Michigan League Sunday,
July 11, at 6 p.m. for students and
faculty of the Department of Li-
brary oftScience. Husbands and wives
are invited.
Deutscher Verein: A social gather-
ing will be held at the League in the
Grand Rapids Room on Monday,
July 12, at 8:15 p.m. A brief ad-
dress of welcome will be followed by
a musical program offered by
our Glee Club and solos by Mr. Ver-
non B. Kellett. Refreshments will be
served. Everybody interested in Ger-
man song is cordially invited.
CLOVIS, N.M.-(UP)-It took two
thousand miles of hitch-hiking from
Douglas, Wyo., to Clovis and back
but Fred Armento, an Indian, re-
covered his dog.
The dog was left at Fort Sumner
following a recent automobile acci-
dent in which Armento's mother was
killed. Working at Douglas, he !at&i'
was notified the dog had been run
over and injured.
Armento started at once to hitch-
hike, not stopping until he claimed
his dog and put it in an animal hos-
pital here.
Rhythm Slips
Tailored by PATRICIA
Very Specially Priced at
Pure Dye, Pure silk crepe slips,
smartly and sleekly tailored with
shadow panel, double top, and
lastex adjustable shoulder straps.
Pre-tested for washing and wear-
ing qualities. The silk in these
slips is generally used for the
higher priced slips. . . and it's an
unusually fine garment being of-
fered at $2.00
also at
The Downtown
Clearance of SHOES
Group of broken sizes in sports, street,
and dress shoes. Black, brown, blue,
grey . . . a few white shoes included.
Values to 8.75
at 6.85.
No Telephone
These are Peacock shoes reduced from
8.75 and 10.00. Styles for street and
dress in brown, blue, grey, black and
multi-colors. No white in this group.