The Weather
Fair today and tomorrow;
somewhat warmer in North to-
day; continued warm.
A61F 4bp
International Law
Institute ..
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Deaths Mount
With Mercury
Mellencamp Has His Problems
In Staging Of 'Ethan Frome'
H ti 10208 Premiere Of Play Marked
By Few Mishaps; Mount
41 SceneryOn Wagons
Heat Prostrations Which By On gos
WereNotFata Swll;By JOSEPH LIES
Were Not Fatal Swell; The heavy stage sets, whose real-
Five In Detroit istic construction is one of the leading
features of the Repertory Players'
production of "than Frome," playing
Michigan Records this week in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre are a real problem, if you
Total Of 12 Dead take the word of Bob Mellencamp,
stage manager.
As Ann Arbor yesterday felt a dis- "The tirouble is," he explained,
tinct reminder of last summer's heat "there isn't any room off stage in
wave which started exactly a year this tetostagteal the time."epTa
ago and soared to a maximum of reason for this lack of off-stage space
102.8 degrees before it broke July 15, lies in the counterweights, large pieces
the thermometers at the University of scrap iron on chains that hang in
Observatory registered a day's maxi- the wings and by means of which
mum of exactly 92 degrees during things are moved back and forth.
the afternoon. Anyway, whatever they're for, it
An oppressively hot night resulted seems they get in the way so the sets
in an unofficial temperature of 75 can't be shoved away in a corner
degrees at 7 a.m., which jumped to as they might be otherwise.
82 at 9 a.m. and into the 90's at noon. The scenery is all mounted on three
Ann Arbor missed, however, the ill wagons. Each set is double; the re-
effects of the heat wave felt in larger verse side of the kitchen set is the
cities, with no prostrations reported exterior of the house, for example.
to the hospitals here. This, as well as the elaborate nature
of the scenery makes each wagon on
(By Associated Press) extraordinarily heavy stage weight
The mercury soared in Michigan and necessitates maneuvering it with
again Thursday and so did the the aid of iron hooks which are fas-
state's total of deaths attributed, di- tened into rings attacked to the bot-
rectly or otherwise, to the three con- toms of the sets.
secutive days of scorching weather. There weren't any serious accidents
Five deaths reported Thursday, during the premiere Wednesday night,
added to seven for the two previous the climax of a week's intensive work
days, placed the "total at 12. on the part of the stage crew, al-
In Battle Creek two 84-year-old though a corner of the kitchen set
men, Wilbert K. Frank and John C. pulled a little and had to be strength-
Beatty, were victims. The other new ened with a brace yesterday. The
heat deaths reported were those of crew itself, Mr. Mellencamp pointed
4 A
Albert E. Harms, 60, at Detroit; Mrs.
Edward A. Johnseck, 38, at Port Hur-
on, and Noble L. Gaut, 62, at Sparta.
A thermometer reading of 97 was
recorded at Grand Rapids, while De-
troit had a maximum of 94 degrees.
This was the hottest day of the sum-
mer in both cities.
Heat prostrations which did not
result in fatalities were numerous.
Sample Sends
Two To Prison
For Thievery
There were five such in Detroit alone. Alleged Boss Of Chicken
Stealing Ring Comes Up
, S ",i Tj G _1 ~7
° .7d 1J1 . k v.PZi v For Trial Today
2nd Linguistic Two junior partners in a Negro
chicken-thieving firm received sen-
tences to Jackson Prison from Cir-
Lecture cuit Judge George W. Sample yester-
day while the man they allege bossed
the ring remained awaiting trial after
Authority On Tocharian a plea of not guilty.
Language Will Present Ed. Willman, 25 years old, of De-
troit, and William Whitfield, 18 years
Latest Material old, of Inkster, who were arrested last
Saturday morning by Lewis Dicker-
Prof. Edward Sapir of Yale Univer- son, Inkster plainclothes policeman,
sity, the outstanding authority in lin- chickens nightly for more than two
isti willp nttheadmitted they had been stealing
gu cs, wil presen e second lec- land and Monroe Counties, and
ture for the Linguistic Institute at pleaded guilty in court.
7:30 p.m. today in Room 25, Angell Willman received a sentence of
Hall. He will speak on "Tocharian three and a half to four years and
and It's Placement in Indo-Europ- Whitfield was given two and a half
ean." to four years, with the minimum sen-
Tocharian is a language recently tence recommended in each case. The
discovered in central Asia that be- formal charge was larceny.
__ -&--- In their confessions the two
out, was a pretty tired bunch after
the performance, whichwoundup a
tough 18-hour day for all hands.
The realistic atmosphere created
by the scenery is by no means merely
synthetic. It includes two real old-
fashioned stove, which add quite a
Ybit in themselves to the net weight
of the wagons that have to be shifted
around so often in the drama's many
scene changes,the pump, which
pumps real water, and of course
the hilltop down which Ralph Bell
and Mary Pray start on their tobog-
gan ride in the last act. The hill-
top is the hardest set of all to man-
age, according to Mr. Mellencamp.
That glass pickle dish, whose break-
age is one of the high points in the
production, was a problem too. In
the Philadelphia opening, of the New
York production it seems that the
dish gave the cast a mild shock by
refusing to break when it was knocked
off the kitchen table onto the floor.
To ensure against any similar diffi-
culty here, Sally Pierce took the in-
genious precaution of having it cut
beforehand and put together with a
light coating of cement, which seemed
to solve the question satisfactorily.
Informal Dance
Tonight To Be
Held In Union
Design Building Rotation
To Acquaint The Session
Students With Both
To acquaint Summer Session stu-
dents with the Union as well as the
League ballroom the second Friday
night dance in the series of summer
informal dances will be held there
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today.
Charlie Zwick's orchestra will play
for the dance, and novelty numbers
by individual orchestra members will
be featured. It is not necessary to
have a date for the affair for 29
dance assistants willbe provided, ac-
cording to Hope Hartwig, president
of the League.
The names of the dance assist-
ants were announced yesterday by
Jeanne Geyer, chairman of the Fri-
day night dances. They are: Betty
Shigley, Adelle MacDonald, Mary
Schmidt, Marian Marshall, Dorothy
Wiekel, Phyllis Cozart, Eva Goldman,
Janet Cqllings.
Joan Takken, Cynthia Adams, Bes-
sie Burgoyne, Mary Ann Frank, Ida
Lee Warner, Eleanor Reed, June
Pollon, Helene Zimmerman, Bernice
Abrahams, Beulah Adler, Peggy Nor-
ris, Alma Shock, Martha Mosier,
Mary Louise Patrick, Hope Hartwig,
Ona Thornton, Phyllis Miner, Jean
Bonisteel, Pat McNicholas and Ruth
League College
Hears Fraser
Talk In Union
Americans Have Not Been
Taught Requirements Of
Democracy Teacher Says
The American people have not been
taught to understand the require-
ments for democracy, Prof. Mowatt
Fraser of the education school told
the League College, meeting yesterday
in the Union.
"The varied opinions on the sit-
down strike showed very definitely
that the people of the United States
do not know how to attain equal op-
portunities for all," he said.
The American public school should
encourage students to study how to
attain equal opportunities for all,
Professor Fraser stated, "but at the
same time the stu'dents should reach
their own conclusions."
"There is not an American school3
text for elementary or secondary
schools that encourages readers to
understand democracy," he declared,
"and it is absolutely necessary that
they be taught to know and under-
stand democracy."
In teaching students how to attain
equal opportunity for all, Professor
Fraser pointed out that pressure
groups, such as veterans and patriotic
and business organizations, might try
to prevent this type of teaching in
the public schools.
"There are two ways to prevent the
effectiveness of these p r e s s u r e
groups," he said in concluding. "We
must have tenure laws without loop-
holes to keen teaehers from heing
Blume Praises
Denby's Work
In China Court
Michigan Graduate Drew
Plan For Establishing
U.S. Judiciary In Orient
Law Was At First
Handled By Consul
Prof. William W. Blume of the
Law School yesterday paid tribute
to Edwin Denby, a graduate of the
Law School here in 1896, as spon-
sor of a Congressional reform bill of
1906 which provided for the estab-
lishment of the United States Court
for China as it now exists.
Blume, speaking before Rotarian
'delegates in an address on "Ameri-
can Courts in China" sponsored by
the Institute of Far Eastern Studies,
said, "Denby was well' qualified to
draw up and pilot through the House
of Representatives the bill , which
finally established the court."
The one-time Michigan student is
the son of Charles Denby, United
tSates Minister to China from 1885
to 1898. Edwin Denby also went to
China in 1885, and served under Sir
Robert Hart in the Chinese Imperial
Maritime Customs for seven years,
studying law Pere while on a leave
of absence fr his post.
Before Denby's bill was introduced
and enacted, American extraterritor-
ial jurisdiction in China had been
handled by the consuls, often men
with no knowledge of the common,
criminal and civil laws or of legal
principles, Professor Blume said. He
traced the history of United States
judicial powers on Chinese soil since
Sept. 23, 1821, when, while the Amer-
ican ship "Emily" was anchored in
the Canton River, a Chinese woman
fell from a river boat and lost her
life, Chinese authorities claiming
that a sailor by -the name of Ter-
ranova on the "Emily" had hit her on
the head with an earthen jar.
They demanded that Terranova be
surrendered to them for punishment,
and when officers refused, a Chinese
magistrate tried him on shipboard,
and after hearing only the prosecu-
(Continued on Page 4)
Pickets And Police
Clash Before Plant
NEW YORK, July 8.-(kP)-Mount-
ed and foot police clashed with CIO
pickets late today at the Robins Ship-
yard Plant in Brooklyn where a "back
to work" movement was launched in
an attempt to break a strike which
had tied up shipbuilding throughout
the New York-New Jersey coastal area
since June 14.
A shower of stones from a noisy
crowd greeted a caravan of 1 auto-
mobiles as they started transporting
the workers from the plant flanked
by motorcycle policemen. Imme-
diately, a large force of mounted
and foot police drove off the CIO
picket line.
A score or more were reported hurt'
in the brief riot but only one vgs re-
ported injured seriously. H was
Mounted Sergeant John Steinle,
struck in the back and almost knocked
from his horse by a rock.j
Advocates New
State Program
InLand Buying
EAST LANSING, July 8.-UP)-Pro-
fessor P. A. Herbert, head of the
Michigan State College Forestry De-
partment, today advocated a state
program of landacquisition. It would
include, among other things, a huge
recreational site in the southern part
of the state.
Professor Herbert, speaking before
county agricultural agents at the Col-
lege for the annual Summer School
Session, went on record as favoring
the acquisition by the public of sev-
eral million acres of non-agricultural
landin southern Michigan for parks,
game refugees and public hunting
"These facilities should be made
available to the person of moderate
means close to his home," he asserted.
"Most of our people live in the south-
ern part of the state. They should
be allowed the opportunity for recre-
ation somewhere in the south section
and should not be forced to travel
hundreds of miles, evolving transpor-
tation costs and much time in travel
that should be given over to more
healthful recreation. Such lands can
be purchased now' at a cheaper price
than it will be possible to purchase
it a hundred years from now."
Threat Of New
Walkout Looms
Over Steel Mill
Green Declares Strikes
Ordered By Lewis Lost;
Troops On Duty
WARREN, O., July 8.-(P)-The
threat of a new "walkout" at Republic
Steel Corporation's Youngstown mills
was dropped on strike-troubled "Little
Steel" tonight a few hours after Pres-
ident William Green of the American
Federation of Labor declared the
steel strikes directed by John L. Lewis
had been lost.
The "walkout," set for 11:30 a.m.
tomorrow at the Youngstown mill,
was announced by George Simcox, as-
sistant to Tom White, president of
the Republic Steel Workers Organiz-
ing Committee Lodge there.
"We have key men in the plant and
they will bring the men out," Simcox
told several hundred strikers and
sympathizers at a mass meeting. Re-
public reported today that 6,200 men
were working in its Youngstown plant
out of an average daily employment
of 6,800.
Ohio national guardsmen are still
on duty at the plant. Earlier today
indictments were returned against
eight accused Warren bombers in con-
eection with -steel strike violence
Cranbrook Excursion
Postponed To July 31
The excursion of the Cranbrook1
Schools, originally planned for Sat-,
urday, July 10, will not be held, ac-
cording to Prof. Louis A. Rouse, who1
is in charge of the excursion series.
However, it will be held Saturday,
July 31.
The reason given for the postpone-1
ment was that Prof. Walter Frayer,
executive secretary for the Cran-+
brook Foundation has found it im-
possible to be present at the time
originally planned.
Girdler Is Naned
In Labor Strikes
WASHINGTON, July 8.-(')
Rep. Jerry J. O'Connell, Butte,
Mont., charged in a speech in the
House today Tom Girdler, Republic
Steel Corporation head, "Is respon-
sible for the premediated murder"
in recent labor strikes.
Lansing at House critics of strik-
ers in steel-producing states, O'Con-
nell said they "Are only repaying
the money and grants given them by
wealthy, intrenched interests."
"Labor leaders have been accused
here of causing violence and terror
and bloodshed in the strike areas,"
O'Connell said, "and I come to tell
you today who is responsible for the
violence, the bloodshed, premeditated
murder and atrocities. The man back
of it all is Tom Girdler."
Aluminum Co.
Fails To Pacify
Union Strikers
Arbitration Plans Collapse
As Management Refuses
To Discuss Terms
ALCOA, Tenn., July 8.- () - A
move to arbitrate differences between
strikers and management of the Al-
coa Plant of the Alumnium Com-
pany of America, where two men
were killed and 28 wounded in riot-
ing yesterday, apparently collapsed
Gov. Gordon Browning, in response
to a request from Fred Wetmore,
President of the Alumnium Work-
ers' Union at Alcoa, an American
Federation of Labor affiliate, tele-
phoned A. D. Huddleston, regional
manager of the company, to get his
reaction to appointment of a board
of arbitration.
Huddleston said later that since
the company's wage scale "is higher
in relation to Tennessee living con-
ditions than that paid workers at the
Pittsburgh Plant," he did "not be-
lieve the company has anything to
The strikers are asking an increase
from 45 to 60 cents an hour, or ap-
proximate wage parity with the com-
pany's workers in northern plants.
yesterday after having been shut
down since May 18.
Education 'Best
Anti-War Agent
Byrd Declares
8,000 Hear Explorer Talk
Peace; Presented Scroll
For Courage, Character
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., July 8.-
(I)-Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd
told nearly 8,000 members of the In-
ternational Society of Christian En-
deavor tonight that the best anti-
war "serum" is "education as to the
truth of war."
In a speech prepared for delivery
at the first general session of the
thirty-sixth biennial convention of
the society in Civic Auditorium, the
aviator and Antarctic explorer, plead-
ed for world peace.
"The only way to keep this nation
from suffering the terrible conse-
quences of a foreign war is to keep
other great nations from fighting,"
he said.
Admiral Byrd addressed the con-
vention shortly after he had been
presented with a scroll on behalf of
international youth which said that
"his courage, character and achieve-
ments are a heritage that we, the
youth of the world, will forever treas-
The scroll was presented by Dr.
Daniel A. Poling, of Philadelphia,
president of International Christian
One Killed, Another
Wounded In Break
HUNTSVILLE, Texas, July 8.-(IP)
-One convict was killed and a prison
guard was wounded when nine des-
perate prisoners broke from Eastham
Prison Farm today and exchanged
shots with pursuers.
Officials expressed belief W. H.
Bybee, leader of a June 22 break in
which 19 convicts escaped, planted
rifles with which today's escapes
made their getaway.
Three of the fugitives kidnaped
a man named Dunlap and fled in
Chinese Fight
Japanese .After
Bridge Is Scene Of New
Conflict After Parleys
Last All Night
Forces To Evacuate
Zone Near Peiping
SHANGHAI, July 9.-(Friday)-
(/P)--A Domei (Japanese) news
agency dispatch from Peiping today
reported that Chinese and Japanese
troops began evacuating the zone of
conflict west of Peiping at 6:40 a.m.
today (5:40 p.m. EST Thursday).
The agency reported that firing
from the Chinese lines upon the
withdrawing Japanese at 5 4.m.
threatened for a time to precipitate
another crisis but a peaceful ad-
justment was made.
Japanese asserted the attack
caused three casualties.
Both forces, in conflict since Wed-
nesday night near the Marco Polo
Bridge, were ordered to cease fire at
daybreak, the agency said, as the re-
sult of an agreement between Colonel
Tajuro Matsui, Chief of the Japan-
ese Army's Special Service Section in
Peiping and Chang Yun-Jung, Chin-
ese official.
PEIPING, July 9.-(Friday)-(P)-
Heavy fighting between Chinese and
Japanese forces near the Marco Polo
Bridge some 10 miles west of here
was resumed early today as the au-
thorities apparently were unable to
notify the combatants an agreement
to halt the conflict had been reached.
The clatter of gunfire was audible
here from the bridge sector as fight-
ing was renewed at 4:30 a.m. (3:30
p.m. EST Thursday) and still con-
tinued two and one-half hours later.
A settlement designed to end the
conflict was reached here after all-
night negotiations but apparently the
authorities were not able to get word
through their own martial law re-
strictions to the fighting zone.
It was understood the settlement
provided for temporary withdrawal of
both Chinese and Japanese forces
from the Marco Polo district, which
centers about the magnificent bridge
over the Yungting River.
(Toyko dispatches from Peiping
reported that the Chinese agreed to
withdraw their troops from the
vicinity of the bridge to points south
of the Peiping-Hangkow railroad and
on the right bank of the Yungting
River. The Japanese consented to
transfer their forces to points north
of the railroad and on the left bank
of the river.)
(Continued on Page 4)
Sets Fire Loss
In Laboratory
Greatest Damage Done To
Machinery; No Definite
Plans For Replacement
Edward C. Pardon, University su-
perintendent of Buildings and
Grounds, yesterday set the loss suf-
fered in the fire which gutted one
end of the Automotive Laboratories
between $30,000 and $36,000.
The figure, announced as a pre-
liminary estimate, covered damages
of $5,000 or $6,000 to the building in
the event that it is repaired, and $25,-
000 to $30,000 to machines, gauges,
and other instrumentsdamaged by
heat, smoke and water during the
blaze Wednesday night.
Prof. Walter E. Lay, director of the
Laboratories, after an inspection of
the building yesterday, said it had
not yet been definitely decided whe-
ther or not a new building would be
necessary in place of the structure,
which adjoins the West Engineering
Annex, but Mr. Pardon expressed a
doubt that the damages caused by
the fire could be adequately repaired.
No estimates have been made on the
possible cost of replacing the Lab-
Sopwith's Chances
Wane As Aide Dies
NEWPORT, R. I., July 8.-(AP)-T.
O.M. Sopwith's second British chal-
lenge for the America's cup was dealt
longs to Indo-European. It has
thrown new light upon the back-;
ground of the Indo-European lan-'
guage, according to Prof. Charles C.
Fries of the English department, di-
rector of the Linguistics Institute.
Professor Sapir has been working
with Tocharian for several years, and
the material he will present today is
expected to shed light upon the Indo-
European language in general.
He formerly did a great deal of
work with the American Indian lan-
guages when connected with the
Ottawa Museum, and there recorded
a great part of the American In-
dian languages. Professor Sapir is
at present considered the outstand-
ing authority in linguistics.
The aims of the Linguistic Insti-
tute, which is being held here this
summer for the second time, is to-
wards the development of a scientific
knowledge of linguistics in their
function among tribes and peoples.
The courses offered by the Insti-
tute have their main appeal to men
doing research in languages, to pro-
fessors of languages and to graduate
students in languages, it was said.
Foyer Francais
Hears Rovillain
On Sea Lecture
Prof. Eugene Rovillain of the
French department addressed the
Cercle Francais at the meeting held
at 8 n.m. vesterday at the Pover
younger Negroes asserted they had
been paid $3 a night each by Hue
Smith, 31 years old, of Detroit, ar-
rested with them, who operates a
chicken store in Detroit where he
had more than 600 chickens on hand
when the trio were caught on the
verge of raiding a farm near Ypsi-
lanti. Thefts had been as great as
300 a night, they said. {
Smith, arraigned in justice court
yesterday before Jay H. Payne, de-
manded an examination, which was
set for 2 p.m., July 16, and was held in
jail pending the hearing when he was
unable to furnish a $5,000 bond. He
denied charges made by his two com-
Act Is Violated
By Employers
LANSING, July 8.-(P)-Frank A.
Picard, chairman of the Michigan
Unemployment Compensation Com-
mission, charged today that a fourth
"of the employers in five large Mich-
igan cities had failed to comply with
terms of the Unemployment Compen-
sation Act.
Picard said field representatives of
the commission had found the vio-
lators in Detroit, Grand Rapids, Flint,
Saginaw and Lansing. He added the
field men took the registrations when
they visited the plants. Ignorance of
the law was given as the reason for
most of the violations.
Biology Camp Has All Facilities
For Study Which City Maintains
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in
a series of articles on the Biological
Station located on Douglas Lake in
Cheboygan County.
Not only are the natural conditions
for study of botany and zoology ex-
cellent at the Biological Station, but
general living conditions and facilities
for instruction and research at the
Biological Station are equal to those
in the city.
The physical plant covers about 30
acres of level ground, and there are
two long streets running parallel to
the shores of Douglas Lake connected
by cross streets along which the build-
ings are arranged. There is a central
campus with laboratories and other
buildings of general use, and two res-
idential areas, one at the west of the
campus containing 43 houses and
the other at the east containing 50
There are houses set apart for
women, married students, men, guests
investigators. faculty and helners.
insure plenty of enjoyment for all
attending for the Summer Session.
There is a large recreation field for
baseball and excellent facilities
for swimming, diving and boat-
ing. These sports and the excursions
offer sufficient exercise for most stu-
dents. The clubhouse provides a
common recreation center.
The equipment for study and re-
search includes launches, rowboats,
trucks, nets and seines, aquaria, traps
and almost all facilities for study.
Five darkrooms are maintained for
photographic work as well as a good
working library.
Members of the station live in one
room cottages usually equipped to
accommodate three persons. Each
house has screened doors, windows,
heating stoves, cots. The Dean of
Women has general supervision over
the women's quarters and activities.
Board is furnished at the dining
hall. under a commissary committee=