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July 07, 1937 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-07

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Of The DAY
(By Te Associated Press)
Budget Out Of Balance
LANSING, July 6.-UP)---State Bud-
et Director Harold D. Smith said to-
day the state's budget stood $18,000,-
000 out of balance, instead of the $5,-
000,000 to $10,000,00 other financial
experts had estimated.
Smith said the $125,365,538 the
Legislature voted as the cost of state
government for the current year, and
prospects of state income not to ex-
ceed $107,000,000 presented Governor
Murphy with the task of virtually re-
writing the budget.
Persons close to the Governor saw
not more than $10,000,000 or $12,000,-
000 that he might save in the revision,
indicating a deficit of $6,000,000 or
more for the year. Members of the
Douse Ways and Means Committee,
through whose hands all appropria-
tions must pass, have perdicted free-
ly a special session of the Legislature
to act on some new revenue proposal.
The Legislature armed the Gover-
nor with authority to cut appropria-
tions "as he deems necessary to keep
total expenditures for any fiscal year
within the total revenues available."
Few authoitative sources thought he
could cut away more than $5,000,000
or $6,000,000 by this method. He also
has the right to eliminate entirely
any single item in any appropriation.
measure. Few thought he would be
able to save more than $6,000,000 by
such deletions.
Picket Dies In Clash;
Hold Non-Striker
MENOMINEE, Mich., July 6.-(P)-
A clash between pickets massed
around, the gate of the strike-bound
Lloyd Manufacturing Co. and non-
striking employes who attempted to
return to work by driving through the'
lines resulted today in the death of
a picket.
Joseph Jozwiak, 42, was injured fa-
tally, Police Chief Frank Parsek said,
when he fell beneath an automobile
driven by Harold Eiman, 25, of Mar-
inette, Wis., after jumping on the
front bumper. Eisman was described
by police as a non-striking workman.
Eisman, who told police he did
not see Jozwiak, was held without
charge pending an inquest.
More than 400 pickets gathered at
the plant early today to prevent
about 450 non-strikers from return-
ing to work. Company officials had
announced their intention of reopen-
ing the plant after they said they
had received petitions from 446 non-
De Valera Lacks
Mjo'rity In Ireland
DUBLIN, Irish Free State, July 6.
-(M-President Eamon De Valera's
Fianna Fail party failed to gain even
a majority in the Free State's Dail
Eirean election, complete returns
showed tonight.
The announcement was a sharp
blow to the New York-born president,
and political observers predicted he
might call another election within a
few rhonths in an effort to get clear
De Valera, however, won his fight
for a new constitution cutting Ire-
land's last ties with Great Britain.
The country accepted the proposed
charter by 686,042 to 528,296, the
final tabulation showed.

Report Four'
County Deaths

Days Are Full At Fresh Air Camp

From Reveille at 6 a.m. to Taps at 10 p.m., a day
Camp is filled with things to do. Above are shown
handicraft, botany study, and just talking.

at the Fresh Air
boys engaged in

Rotary Groups
Open Two-Day
Session Here
100 Service Committees
From Michigan, Ontario,
Send Delegates
Delegates to a conference of Ro-
tary International committees open
a two-day session today here with
headquarters in the Union.
Representing about 100 clubs in
southern Michigan and western On-
tario, the Rotarians will participate
to a large extent in the regular pro-
gram of activities planned for the
Institute of Far Eastern Studies.
Prof. Y. Z. Chang of the English
department, will address the assembly
at luncheon on "Whither China?"
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, chairman
of the political science department,
will preside over a forum in the af-
ternoon in Pendleton Library of the
Union, when the subject will be "Na-
tionalism in the Far East."
The delegates have been invited to
attend both the reception of foreign
students at the League tonight, and
to the symposium preceding it, ac-
cording to Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson,
counselor ,to foreign students.
The conferences will be continued
tomorrow, with lectures by Prof. Rob-
ert Hall of the geography department,
Prof. Charles F. Remer, of the econ-
omics department, and Prof. William
Blume, of the legal research depart-

Horse Handler
Hoot Grounded
By Cash Bond,
Hoot Gibson, the film cowboy who
was prone to treat wtih disdain the
injunction upheld in circuit court last
Thursday which prohibits him fromi
performing with any other circusl
than one operated by the Macon Cir-
cus Equipment Co., found yesterday
that the brand was permanent when
a $15,000 bond was posted to ensure,
continuance of the injunction.
Hoot received his first setback be-
fore visiting Judge Earl C. Pugsley
when, after a hearing that took all
day, the injunction that kept him
from appearing with the Hagenbeck-
Wallace Circus here Wednesday was(
sustained. The Macon Company
charged him with walking out on the
Wallace Brothers Circus, which it op-
erates, June 28 in Gary, Ind.
Countercharging in a motion filed
the day following the service of the
injunction that the Wallace Brothers
Circus had "gyped him out of $18,-
000," Hoot was still happy because, as
he expressed it, "They haven't any
money. Why I'll probably have to
lend Conaway (Paul Conaway, secre-
tary of the Macon Company) the
money to get back to Georgia."
Now, unless the Hollywood Ham-
stringer wants to go back to work at
a guaranteed minimum of $750 per
week plus a cut of the gate, he will
have to stand trial within the next 301

Fresh Air Camp|
Starts Summer
With 160 Boys
Season Will Open With 20
Counselors To Instruct
Boys In FairPlay
(continued from Page 1)
bers, the campers are lulled to peace-
ful sleep by the monotonous chant of
Aims To Be Democratic
Aiming to be truly democratic, the
camp gives each boy a voice in its
affairs, and a like amount of work is
done by each. Washing dishes, clean-
ing the grounds, gardening, averages
about three hours of a boy's day. Dur-
ing the two-hour "project period"
each afternoon, they are engaged in
handicraft, music, dramatics, boxing,
wrestling, reading and other activi-
A complete plant is this camp, with
permanent buildings including a bak-
ery, infirmary, museum, power
house, athletic building, barn and
farm. The new Main Lodge provides
kitchen and dining room facilities, a
council room for indoor activities, of-
fices and staff quarters, and a general
recreation room. Waterfront equip-
ment includes a floating dock, two
stationary docks with diving towers,
12 rowboats and two large lifeboats.
Physical Exams Given
Physical examinations are given the
campers each year. Dr. Warren E.
Forsythe, director of the University
Health Service, supervises the health
program with the assistance of Dr.
George May, professor of physical ed-
ucation. Of 308 boys examined last
year, a number were found to have
defects, among which were malnu-
trition, defective teeth, and diseased
tonsils, and the more serious cases
were corrected.
Through a carefully planned pro-
gram, and through association with
counselors and leaders of the highest
type, the best possible influences are
brought to bear on the boys, Mr. Alder
The cost per boy per week is about
eight dollars, part of which is carried
by various contributing social agen-
cies as well as the many patrons of
the camp. The cost to the boy de-
pends upon the ability of his parents
to pay. Each spring the Student
Christian Association conducts a Tag
Day, when student contributions are
When finally the camp assumes its
usual summer bustle, each boy will
find many different ways of spending
the time. In the well-equipped shop
will be found a boy making an ash-
tray for dad and another weaving a
floor mat for his mother. On the
water-front another lad is passing
his first swimming test and his broth-
er is learning about life-saving.
Snakes and turtles may command the
interest of another camper, and the
woods hold mysteries for others. And
over there, his back against the trunk
of an oak, is a youngster with a blade
of grass in his mouth and a book in
his hands.
Letters Quoted
Better than any second-hand de-
scription of the camp, are the letters
written by the boys to the organiza-
tions who help make it possible. Writ-
ten in doubtful scrawls, sometimes
delightfully original in spelling, they
tell eloquently of camp life, and of the
utter need for it:
"Dear Sir:
"If you were one of us boys out here
and someone would furnish some
money for you to stay out at camp a
few days how would you feel well
that's just the way I feel, greatful and.

happy. The reason is because they
have friendly counsellors and a well
equipped camp. Thanking you-
Harold-, Detroit."
And another:
"Dear Mrs. Sigma Pi, I had the
best time of my life. I never swam in
a lake like this before, or a camp that
had boats like this one, the food is
of the best. Each boy picks out his
Interest Hour and stays in it for a
part of the camp period and then goes
to another. When he passes the test
he gets a head band. The camp has
a zoo that is growing all the time.
This is the first year that I was in
camp and I hope I can go again next
year. Yours truly-."

Opportunity to register in the recreational classes in sports will con-
tinue until noon today according to Miss Laurie Campbell, director of
the Department of Physical Education for Women. After that time
students will not be allowed to enroll in classes without special per-
mission from the instructor. Classes in modern dancing, tennis, archery,
golf, swimming, tap dancing, folk dancing, riding and badminton are
offered at least twice a week with instruction. Women students are
to register in Room 15 of Barbour Gymnasium before attending the
classes. Equipment may be rented for the tennis and golf classes
at a small fee. Some theory such as rules and etiquette are covered
in each sport besides the practical work. Additional work is offered
to students wishing teaching procedures.

Tennis Instruction Offered Students



Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members othe
n :versit. Copy received at the offlceat.the A&A1taat to tte Pres14gO
Utfi 3:30; 21:00 am. on Saturday.



(Continued from Page 2)
are requested to call at this office as
soon as possible to leave schedules
and addresses. This applies to stu-
dents who were in residence during
1936-37 as well as those who have
been here during previous years.
The preliminary meeting for thel
organization of the Southern Club,
and arrangements for activities for l
the summer, including the Annual
Southern Club Picnic will be held in
Room 205 Mason Hall at 7 p.m.
Thursday evening, July 8. All in-
terested are invited to come.
T. Luther Purdom.
Prof. Abrham White of the Depart-
ment of Physiological Chemistry of
the Medical School of Yale Univer-
sity will speak on "The Chemistry of
Insulin with Especial Reference to its
Sulphur Content' in Room 303 Chem-
istry Building on Friday, July 9, at
4 p.m.
The lecture is open to all interested.
Students ,ollege of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: No course may be
elected for credit after the end of the
second week. Saturday, July 10, is
therefore the last date on which new
elections may be approved. The will-
ingness of an indvidual instructor to
admit a student later would not af-
fect the operation of this rule.
School of Education, Changes of
Elections: No course may be elected
for credit after Saturday, July 10; no
course may be dropped without pen-
alty after Saturday, July 24. Any
change of elections of students en-
rolled in this school must be reported
at the Regsitrar's Office, Room 4,
University Hall.
Membership in class does not cease
nor begin until all changes have been
thus officially registered. Arrange-
ments made with instructors are not
official changes.
Religious Education: The Counselor
in Religious Education is available
daily, except Saturdays and Sundays,
at 11 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 3 p.m., or
other hours by appointment, at the
counseling room, Room 9, University

Hall. Personal problems, community
issues in religion, or questions of re-
ligious education are welcomed.
Tea for Wives of Faculty Members
and Women Members of the Faculty:
Wives of faculty members and women
members of the faculty are invited to
a tea, July 13 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the
Michigan League. Members of the
Faculty Women's Club.are cooperat-
ing with the Social Director of the
Summer Session in arrangements for
the tea which will be in the garden or,
ballroom, depending upon the weath-
er. The wives of the members of the
faculty and women faculty members
from other institutions will be guests
of honor.


Sob at.aMartha!

Importance Of International Law
Stressed By Prof. G. G. Wilson
(Continued from Page 1) of Peace, there followed from 1920 a
period of reconstruction and experi-
of International Disputes, the re-p
mentation. Much was expected of the
vision of the Laws and Customs of
war avision te s Ctoms of(League of Nations as it was anticipat-
wa n a revision of the Geneva e that all the great states would be-
Convention. There were also declara- e htaltegetsae ol e.
tion inregad t th dishare o come members. As this expectation
Lios nnsnvntonnreaegTererd th wee lsth ichrdischargofe d om mebes.AswhisepenatonProecilslfombadosthausny wsentpeairemanentarmeta
Projectiles from balloons, the use of wa o elzd ayeprmna
gas, and the use of expanding bul- plans were put forward, such as the
lets. There was a resolution favor- Locarno Pact of 1925, the Kellog-Bri-
able to the limitation of armaments 3Lnd Pact of 1928, and various doc-
but this was referred to the next con- trines such as the Stimson Doctrine
ference. of 1932, in regard to the Far East.-
"The second Hague Conference met This period, 1899 to 1937 has also
in 1907 and elaborated conventions seen many changes in the topics re-
previously agreed upon, drew up rules quiring international regulation, such
for naval warfare, and planned for a as the conservation of the resources of
third cohference in the year 1915. the sea and the air, as well as the use

John Howard " Terry Walker
Directed by Robert Florey
.A Paramount Picture


Washtenaw County contributed "The first conference was held to-
three of the 51 violent deaths in ward the close of the Victorian age
Michigan over the Fourth of July just at the end of the "gay nineties"
week-end, a check-up showed today, and in the "horse and buggy" days.
while a fourth person died en route Many cases were settled by arbitra-
to the University Hospital from an tion and pacific methods. In the first
automobile accident in Hudson, Mich- decade of the 20th century, the world
igan. looked forward to a long period of
Frank J. Dzikowicz, 30 years old, peace under established international
died in St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital'law.
Sunday following an accident on The German Chancellor on Aug. 4,
Route US-12, six miles west of Ann 1914, definitely stated that he wasI
Arbor Saturday in which Arthur acting contrary to the dictates of in-
Geske, Jr., a 13-months old baby, ternational law. The states entering
died almost immediately with a frac- the war issued more than 50 declara-
tured skull and a fractured neck. ' tions, thus showing their respect for
Mrs. Mary A. Wheeler, 70, of Kala- the conventions adopted in 1907.
mazoo, is still in a critical condition With the conclusion of the Treaty
as a result of the crash.__________________
A Detroiter, Harold Sumetz, 17 -=__l---
years old was drowned while swim-
ming in Long Lake Sunday on the
Camp Unser waterfront. His body
was recovered Monday morning after
state police and sheriff's deputies had
dragged all night.
Miss Luella Riggs, 21 years old of

of the sea by submarines and the
air by aircraft and radio. The pres-
ent drift is toward recognizing more
and more the need of automatic sanc-
tions in order that peace may be as-









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