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July 07, 1937 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-07

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On The Level
PHIL PACK, well-liked publicity manager for
the Michigan Athletic Association, told this
one on himself the other day.
It seems that in his early law practice, Phil
took a case for a farmer who was having a bit
of a tiff with his landlord. In his usual suave
manner, Philip fixed it up in favor of the farmer.
His cultivating client, cashless on the receipt
of a $50 bill, finally settled it all by giving Phil
a healthy little calf that seemed to be worth the
money. It was O.K. by Phil, who had young
visions of cleaning up in the law business and
retiring to a farm before his calf was too old.
Came winter. Came spring. Came the farmer
with a bill of $62 for the five months' feeding
of Phil's unclaimed calf. Phil settled by return-
ing the calf to the farmer along with a ten and
two crisp ones.
table at one of the downtown restau-
rants. She claims to be a member of the
Ohio State chapter of one of our more pro-
minent sororities. Because she wore no pin,
and used an occasional phrase like "Ain't
that grand," her date decided to check her
story the other night.
"Say, how's the Phi Bete house down at
Ohio State?" straightfaced her date.
"Oh, they have a lovely house and a swell
bunch of boys. I've dated several of them,"
came back the girl, as she nonchalantly lit
a cigarette. This fact would no doubt startle
some of the Ohio State Phi Beta Kappas.
* * * *
WE HATE TO MENTION the unfortunate ex-
poits of Lu Kentfield again, but his peculiar
experience of Monday night cannot long go
silent. After being purposely lost in the Ar-
boretum, and being chased by a farmer for un-
knowingly hitting cows with a .22, and living
through other evenings that have been widely
laughed at, he topped them all Monday night.
Coming back from Alpha Phi's country home
via the dark back streets, Lu was approached by
a young lady who was hurrying in the direction
of Ypsi. "Pardon me," she said, "Is this the
right direction to get me downtown?" Lu knows
practically nothing of the map or Ann Arbor,
but he told her that he thought she was going in
the wrong direction, and volunteered to guide her
to State and Liberty.
All went well until they got to the League. At
that point a Packard car pulled up alongside,
and two men got out. They started to wrestle
with the young lady Lu was escorting, and tried
to force her into their automobile. The girl
shied and cried, so Lu bravely pointed a trem-
bling finger at the two ruffians and told them
to scram. To his relief and surprise, the two
fellows promptly returned to their car muttering
puzzled expressions under their breath. It turned
out that the girl had jumped out of the Pack-
ard in the country somewhere, and was in the
process of walking home when she met Lucius.
Buoyed by his conquest of the men in the car, Lu
then walked her all the way home to further
protect her from the men who were slowly trail-
ing them in the car. On her safe arrival home,
the girl told him that she was working for an
Ann Arbor radio company, and she was going to
get him a radio for having protected her so
bravely from the two ruffians.
Lu told her that it was really nothing, shaking-
ly hailed a cab, and raced home looking nerv-
ously out of the back window all the way. Once
inside his fraternity house, Lu ran up to his
room, opened a drawer, and pulled out a four-
inch Bowie knife. "That," sighed Lu, "Is what
I shall wear on my belt for every date I have
from now on!"

WEDNESDAY-Tonight at 7:15, Mrs. Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt will speak over NBC, Walter
O'Keefe takes over Fred Allen's program at nine
and there will be more gang busting by Philips
Lord at 10 over CBS. For swing music, we'll
have that of Bunny Berigan from the Glen
Island Casino, and-hurrah-Tommy Dorsey and
his swingsters from the roof of the Pennsyl-
vania. These will come over NBC a little later
in the evening.
* * * *
THURSDAY-Today is a pretty stock day for
you radio listeners. Alexander Woollcott,
Lum and Abner, Boake Carter, Jack Armstrong
and stuff will have to fill in until 10 when Bing
Crosby, Bob Burns, Jimmy Dorsey and the rest of
the Music Hall gang comes on over NBC.
* * * *
FRIDAY-Tonight at 8:30, Alice Faye joins up
with Hal Kemp to add a little dash of some-
thing or other to the Chesterfield show over CBS.
At 9 little Frances Langford will do some shout-
ing for soup on the Hollywood Hotel program
over CBS and we'll have another taste of swing at
10 in the Tommy Dorsey style.
We Like Ice Cream
(From The Chicago Daily News)
BE IT EVER SO SLOPPY there's no dish like
ice cream. No matter to what far clime the
American may voyage he takes with him the
memory and desire of this most indigenous of

As Others See It
Nazism Vs. Religion
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
R ECENT STRAWS in the wind indicate that
the Nazis' ruthless war on religion is about
to reach a climax on all its various fronts. The
Rev. Martin Niemoeller, foremost protestant op-
ponent of Nazi church policy, has at length been
arrested, along with several hundred other pas-
tors. On the Catholic front, the Nazis have
closed 966 parochial schools in Bavaria and ended
control of these institutions by the church after
more than 12 centuries. The spectacular im-
morality trials, organized by the Propaganda
Ministry to discredit the church, are to be re-
sumed soon on a larger scale than before. Dis-
solution of the concordat with the Vatican is
momentarily expected.
Nazi-ism is meeting far more opposition in its
efforts to dominate the churches than in any
other field it has attacked. Its swift strokes
have won control of countless institutions and
activities, with little or no opposition, but the
attempt to dictate worship and spiritual beliefs
has roused leaders of all denominaions to heroic
resistance. It cannot be said that the religious
war will unseat the Nazi regime, but its continu-
ance will create bitterness and resistance that
must react against its stability, and that will
make meaningless Hitler's boast of ruling a
united nation.
The great majority of church members accept
Naziism on virtually every other point. They are
loyal Germans who would follow Hitler faith-
fully on his nationalistic policies. Then why do
the Nazis deliberately alienate the churches' sup-
port? There are two reasons: the "boss complex"
that is an inseparable part of the German dic-
tatorship, and the desire to give the nation a
new religion, National Socialism, in place of the
ancient faiths. It is no mere figure of speech
that the goal is to supplant the cross with the
swastika. The deification of Hitler is a part of
this process. As an example of how far it has
proceeded, consider the following extract from
a decision on one phase of the anti-Catholic drive
by the Brunswick Court of Appeals:
"The Fuehrer is an envoy whom God has
charged with a great mission for his people and
for the world. It is therefore the duty of the
church not to oppose but to obey the will of
God of which the Fuehrer is the expression.
Particularly bitter is the warfare being waged
on the Catholic church, Catholic schools and
youth organizations are recognized by the con-
cordat signed in 1933, but the youth groups have
now been outlawed, and schools are being seized,
so taht all children may be trained exclusively
in Naziism. From this, it is obviously only a step
to seizure of church property.
The charges of vicious immorality in church
institutions have been widely publicized. How-
ever, the great majority of alleged offenders are
not priests or .teachers, but lay brothers, unem-
ployed derelicts taken in by the monasteries
during the depression, who took no vows and do
menial labor around church institutions. For
the offenses of a few of these, the entire church
is being held up as a monster of immorality in
No longer ago than last December, Hitler or-
dered an end to the attacks upon the Protestant
dissenting groups, and promised elections in
which members were to have free choice of lead-
ership. It is obvious now, however, that the
promise will not be kept, that whatever elections
are held will be conducted under pressure. Prison,
concentration camps and even death have been
the fate of opponents, but this has not deterred
the leaders of the faith, and no signs of surrender
are visible.
The Nazi government has one powerful hold on
its church opposition, its control of the purse-
strings, use of which was hinted a few days ago
by threat to withhold funds from dissident
groups. When the German Republic was estab-
lished in 1918, it was proposed to separate church
and state, as in most other progressive democ-
racies, but the churches feared loss of govern-
ment revenues, and the change was not made.
The churches thus place themselves in the hands
of whatever regime is in power, an experience

that has so often been repeated in the world's
history, and the battle for religious freedom thus
is materially handicapped before it begins.
Official endorsement of the Neo-Pagan cult,
with the old Teutonic deities and the most in-
tense nationalism as its deities, shows unmistak-
ably the government's intention to supplant the
people's ancient faith with a heathen cult.
The conflidt in Germany thus differs from the
strife between creeds in the Middle Ages. What
is being waged there is a war between paganism
and faith, between regimentation and religious
freedom, between Caesar and God.t)
Bob Burns, the Romeo of the Arkansas bad
lands, and Martha Raye, his hillbilly dream girl,
are back together again with another string of
hilarities of the more rough and ready type, this
time with the familiar whiskers-and-shotgun
Ozark mountaineers assisting.
Bob is the scion of the Burnsides, who have
patched up their feud with the Shepherdsons in
favor of a marriage alliance which the unro-
mantically-inclined Bob breaks up by running
away on his mule, which, by the way, turns in a
sterling character portrayal and steals most of
the scenes he (or she?) appears in.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received' at the oftice of the Summer Session, Room 1213
A. H. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

are also invited to be present. En-
trance through rear doors only.
Earl V. Moore, Musical
Political Science 151 will meet in
2014 A.H. the remainder of the Sum-
mer Session.
Political Science 185 wil meet in
2014 A.H. the remainder of the Sum-
mer Session.
H. J. Heneinan,

Excursion No. 3, Wednesday, July
7. The Ford Plant. Inspection of the
various Ford industries at River
Rouge. Round trip by special bus.;
Reservations in office of Summer Ses-
sion, Room 1213 Angell Hall by Tues-
dq Jul 6 5 m Private cars mak-

ginning dancing class which was
scheduled for Wednesday evening at
7:30 p.m. will not meet tonight, but
will meet as usual on Monday next
week at 7:30 p.m. Ethel McCormick.

uciy, o u 0, o p~m. rlt auu Ualo' i IPhyt ical Education Luncheon will Ue
ing trip report directly to Rotundae University Bureau of Appoint-
Building on Schaefer Road. be held at the Michigan Union, sec- mens and Occupational Information:
There will be no excursion on Sat- 0nd floor terrace, at 12:15 today. Registration of all Summer Session
urday, July 10. The visit to the Cran-- Pictures of the 1936 Olympic Games students will be held at 4:10 p.m. on
brook School will be made later. will be shown. All students enrolled Wednesday, July 7, in Room 205 Ma-
in Physical Education courses are son Hall, across the hall from the of-
Pi Lambda Theta, Professional Ed- iinvited to attend. fice of the Bureau. It is requested
ucation Sorority, will hold a tea for - - I that all students wishing to register
members and guests this afternoon All graduate students in the School this summer attend this meeting with
in the Elementary School Library at of Music and those enrolled in the Dr. Purdom. This is for new regis-
4:30 p.m. All Pi Lambda Thetans, Graduate School with a major in trants only.
from whatever chapter, are cordially music, are invited to attend a meeting Students who have been previously
urged to attend. in Hill Auditorium at 8:15 p.m., Wed- registered with the Bureau and who
-- nesday evening, July 7. Members of l are enrolled in the Summer Session
Dr. Dennis H. Cooke, professor of the faculty of the School of Music (Continued on Page 3)
School Administration, George Pea-_
body College, will lecture at 4:05 this !
afternoon on "Adjusting Pupils to la s , fd
Their School Subjects," in UniversityD S 1r
igh School Auditorium.
"Four English Amateur Gardeners" --FOR RENT
. ff Dice ave +Iic i i t S iuii 1 ci i I F R E Te...

is the topic of the illustrated lecture'
to be given in Natural Science Audi-
torium by Prof. Harlowe E. Whitte-
more at 5 p.m. today.
Symposium on "Some Aspects of
Modern China": Attention is again
called to the Symposium to be given
in the ballroom of the Michigan
League by the Chinese students under
the chairmanship of Prof. Y. Z.
Chang, Wednesday evening at 8:15
p.m. The symposium is to be fol-
lowed at 10 o'clock by a reception to
the foreign students of the Summer
Session, the visiting Rotarians, and
the faculty and students of the Insti-
tute of Far Eastern Studies.
J. Raleigh Nelson,
Counselor to Foreign Students.
The Michigan Dames will enter-
tain at their first of a series of week-
ly bridge parties this afternoon at 21
p.m., at the Michigan League. The{
room will be announced on the bul-,
letin board. All wives of students
and internes are cordially invited.
Both auction and contract bridge will
be played. There will be a charge of
10 cents per person. Those desiringI
additional information may call Mrs.
Louis Kulcinski, 7537, who is chair-
man of the summer bridge parties.
Beginners' Dancing Class: The be-
Ii _________

Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance only iic per reading
line for one or two insertions. 10e per
reading line for three or nore insertions.
(on basis of five average words to line).
Minimum three lines per insertion.
Priced Reasonably
All Work Guaranteed
Shirts .........................12c
Shorts ......................... 4c
Handkerchiefs .................2c
Socks ......................... 3c
Pajamas............ .. . .10c
Slips ........................l...1 c
Panties 7c
Handkerchiefs 2c..... .2
Pajamas.......... .10c to 15c
Hose (pr.)............ . . . . . 3c
Silks, wools our specialty. All bundles
done separately-no markings. Call
for and deliver. Phone 5594. Silver
Laundry. 607 E. Hoover. 3x
EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu-
dent laundry. Call for and deliver.
Phone 4863. 2x
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned,
Careful work at low price. 1x

COMPLETELY furnished apartment
with private bath and shower. Con-
tinuous hot vater. Garage or park-
ing space. 422 E. Washington.
Phone 8544. 622
FOR RENT: Unusually nice, clean
single room for man student. 723
Haven. Phone 5003. 620
girls or young couple. Also nicely
furnished room for one or two. 426
E. Washington. Phone 8544. 621
NEAR CAMPUS: Rooms single or
double. Clean and reasonable. 432
S. Division. 618
develop, or promote, write 955
Cherry St., S. E. Grand Rapids
Michigan. 619
BOARD for women during Summer
School in League House. Excellent
food. $4.50 for 14 meals. 1223 Hill
St. Phone 2-2276. 617
WANTED: Second-hand bicycle with
a definitely second-hand price.
Leave message for Fitzhenry At
Mich. Daily. 620



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