The Weather
Generally fair today and to-
morrow; somewhat warmer to-
dayg and in east portion.
- -- IV
I n kJF 1
Three Kinds
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Earhart Lost
At Sea Near
Small Island
Navy Searches For Flie
Around Howland Island:
Fuel Shortage Blamed
Shark Threat Feared
For Flier, Navigator
WASHINGTON, July 2. - (P) -
Coast Guard headquarters were ad-
vised tonight that Amelia Earhart
was believed to have fallen into the
Pacific shortly after 4 p.m. (E.S.T.)
A message from the cutter Itasca,
stationed in the vicinity of How-
land Island in the mid-Pacific, said:
"Earhart unreported at Howland
at 6 p.m. (E.S.T.). Believe down
shortly after 4 p.m. Am searching
probable area and will continue."
Earlier, the coast guard had ordered
the cuter Roger B. Taney to proceed
from Honolulu to Howland Island to
aid in the search for Miss Earhart.
Fear was expressed that Earhart
and her navigator, Fred Noonan,
might be threatened by sharks, which
infest the Pacific along the equator.
WASHINGTON, July 2.-(IP)-Ad-
miral William D. Leahy, chief of
naval operations, instructed the com-
,nandant of the naval station at Hon-
olulu tonight to render whatever aid
he may deem practicable in the
search for Amelia Earhart.
Leahy acted after receiving word
from the coast guard that Miss Ear-
hart was believed to have been forced
:lown in the Pacific in the vicinity
of Howland Island.
A number of fast surface vessels,
mostly destroyers, are now at Hon-
olulu, as well as more than a score
of long range naval bombing planes.
Honolulu is approximately 1,600
miles from Howlands.
The coast guard headquarters here
received information that Miss Ear-
, art probably ove'-shot tiny How-
land Island because she was blinded
by the glare of an ascending sun.
The message from the Coast Guard
Cutter Itasca said it was believed
Miss Earhart passed northeast of
Howland Island about 2:20 p.m.
The cutter's skipper expressed be-
lief the Earhart plane had descended
into the sea within 100 miles of How-
The battle force commander at
Pearl Harbor later sent word to the
Navy Department that he was pre-
pared to send a patrol plane to How-
land Island to assist in the search.
He said the plane could leave at
about midnight (E.S.T.) and asked
the navy department for advice.
Chinese Course
Offered H e r e
For First Time
Dr. George Kennedy Leads
Class Of 20 In Modern
Gathered in Ann Arbor from all
parts of the country this summer is a
group of 20 students participating in
an intensive reading course in mod-
ern Chinese which is being presented
for the first time in the history of the
Summer Session.
The course is offered by the Ameri-
can Council of the Institute of Pa-
cific Relations in association with the
Linguistic Institute and the Institute
of Far Eastern Studies. Most of the
attending students are here on small
stipends granted by the Pacific Rela-
tions Council.
Dr. George A. Kennedy, lecturer in
Chinese at Yale University, is direct-
ing the course, assisted by Mr. C. P.
Sha of the University of California.
Dr. Kennedy was born in China and
has spent more than 20 years in that
country. A graduate of Worcester
College, he took his PhD from the
University of Berlin and translated a
section of the Chinese law code for
his dissertation. For a year and a half
previous to his Yale appointment, Dr.
Kennedy was connected with the
Congressional Library.
It is Dr. Kennedy's hope that at the
end of the eight week session all of
his students will be able to read in-
telligently any modern Chinese maga-
zine with the aid of a dictionary.
Chinese as a language is far more
difficult to learn than any European
Novel Lawn Mower
Bawls As I t T rims
New Students Halloween Was
Due To High Each Saturday
Grass Of Zeta Psis Law Institute
A new gadget for cutting grass has
just appeared on the Zeta Psi front
lawn. Its called Snookums, and its
a cow.
Few lawn mowers are in Snookums
class. Besides cutting grass she is
decorative and maybe, some day, she
will give milk. Crowning accomplish-
ment of all, she can bawl. This is
an understatement. One of the by-
standers remarked that she added
tone to the place.
Said Don Smith, owner of 50 per,
cent of the animal, "It was purely a
humanitarian impulse. We wanted
to save her from a bloody vealistic
death." At thisthe pattedbSnookums'
head affectionately. She bawled.
At first the boys had planned to
keep the heifer down in the beer
room. Smith insisted that his half
of the animal would cause no trouble.
When they got her there she bawled
and it reverberated from the walls.
Sober second thought convinced the
boys that beer and cows don't mix,
even when the cow gives milk which
Snookums doesn't.
Greatest source of worry at the
present time is the attitude of Com-
mander, the Zeta Psi St. Bernard,
who doesn't like calves. He just can't
get along with them. The calf is af-
fectionate, however, and licks every-
thing in sight. When she is very
happy she bawls. She is usually
happy at night.
Barelay Beaten
In Semi-Finals
By Leslie, 3-2
Succumbs To Louisianan
After 34 Hole Battle;
Haas Other Finalist
O .pens Session
' Group Meets Here Under'
Auspices of Carnegies
Peace Endowment
James Brown Scott
.Heads Faculty List
Under the auspices of the Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace
and with the cooperation of the po-
litical science department, a Sumier
Institute of International Law opened
its five-week session this week, in
Hutchins Hall in the Law School, for
the sixth consecutive summer, with a
distinguished faculty of four visiting
professors and the attendance of 45r
advanced students and teachers, who
have come to Ann Arbor, by invita-
tion of the Division of International
Law of the Endowment, whose direc-
tor is Dr. James Brown Scott, of
Washington, D. C.
The Endowment has employed the
faculty and reimbursed the invited
members of the Institute for their
traveling expenses, as part of its pro-j
gram, originally suggested by the latej
Andrew D. White, of encouraging the'
study and improving the teaching
of international law in the Jnited
Has European Academy
The same division, one of three di-
visions of the Endowment, likewise
sustains an even larger Academy of
International Law in Europe, which
has met reGularly every sumrier for
a dozen years in the Carnegie Peace
Palace at the Hague, Holland, with
the collaboration of a faculty o! 201
Increased Summer School
Facilities Also Factor
In Large Enrollment
Great Demand For
Graduate Degrees
Increased enrollment of 13 per cent
in this year's summer graduate school
is due to steadily increasing standards
for teachers set by boards of educa-
tion, and to the special facilities in
the Electronics, Linguistics, and Far
Eastern institutes, according to Dean
Clarence E. Yoakum of the graduate
school, and Prof. Louis A. Hopkins,
Summer Session director.
High schools are demanding mas-
ter's degrees, and colleges are asking
doctorates; and teachers hoping for
promotions find necessary extra in-
struction, Dean Yoakum said. Ap-
proximately 250 master's degrees will
be earned this summer in the grad-
uate school. Salary raises are auto-
matic in many school systems for such
additional endeavor, he said.
Factor Is Rackham School
Development of the Rackham
School for Graduate Studies is an-
other factor presented by the dean
as favorable to achieving the record
in enrollment, as well as the fact that
a larger number of people are now at-
tending colleges and desire special
work in some field of learning.
While the graduate school registra-
tion has increased by 289 persons
over this time last year, the under-
graduate school has dropped 57 reg-
istrants below last year's mark. Pro-
fessor Hopkins said that the grad-J
uate school figure would reach 400'
when many teachers arrive here next
week for a special course in the School
of Education after the National Ed-
in r ek1A " Cb -t u1 V t.lI 1!«Si
"Hallowe'en came every Saturday
night" with University students back !
in the days of President James Burill
Withdraws Troops
ina thai rh av5t fL-p1G7UGr ilt 5nj Pvll
Angell, according to no less an au-
thority than the man whose father Santander Province
was sheriff of Washtenaw County l.' t .
from 1866 to 1870.
Writing to the present sheriff, Ja-
cob B.aAndres, this 76-year-old Unit-
ed States Commissioner at Malta,
Mont., whose name is C. M. Porter,
draws a vivid picture of campus life
back in the earlier days of Ann Ar-,
Further insight of the life of those'
I times was provided by a description
of the intense religious feeling that
was everywhere evident. "Antipathyl
and hatred between religious sects-
Protestants and Catholics-ran very
high those days," the letter states.
"Thank God it is not so today. The
boy whom the mob attempted to take
belonged to one sect and the boy he
stabbed and killed belonged to the
other. Both were University stu-
The mob referred to was one thati
made an "attempt to take a prisoner
from jail and hang him," Porter says.
It was only his father's military com-
pany, known as Porter's Zouaves, andl
similar to Sheriff Andres' Veteran'sl
Military Police Reserve, that prevent-
ed any bloodshed.
"Father (Byron R. Porter) got a
tip of the mob's intentions and got
word to six or eight of his men to go
to the armory, get their muskets,
wrap them up well and come to the
jail' one by one," the letter says.
"Sure enough, the mob came, late at
night, and pounded on the south side
entrance door which opened into thei
Sheriff's office." j
iReached By Franco
MADRID, July 2. --(A')-Insurgent
Generalissimo Francisco Franco's
forces reported today they had
reached Santander Province, which
contains the city of Santander, their
major remaining objective in north-
west Spain.
Capture of 2,000-foot Mount Mello,
insurgent officers reported, gave them
a foothold in the province south of
Somorrostro. Another insurgent col-
umn was reported advancing west-
ward along the Valmaseda and Castro,
Urdiales highway.
Plan Vespers
With Carillon
For Tomorrow
Summer Session Students
To Sing Patriotic Songs
On LibrarySteps
Call to worship on the carillon will
open the first Vespers at 7:30 p.m. to-
morrow when the steps of the Main
Library will be thronged with Sum-
mer Session students singing patriotic
hymns in observance of the Fourth of
Japanese Gunboats Also
Removed From Area
Involvel In Dispute
Soviet Action Comes
After'That Of Tokyo
MOSCOW, July 3.-P)-The
Russian government announced
in a communique early today it
had ordered the withdrawal of
military cutters and armed pa-
trols from islands in the Amur
River which both Russia and
Manchouku claim.
The communique said the ac-
tion was taken only after Ma-
moru Shigemitsu, Japanese am-
bassador, had announced the
withdrawal of Japanese-Man-
choukuoan military cutters from
the disputed area.
Orders for the Russian evacua-
tion, it said, were issued by Mar-
shal Klemnti_ E. Voroshiloff,
Commissar of War and Navy.
TOKYO, July 3.--(P)-Russia's
agreement to evacuate her forces
from the disputed Amur River
islands was received today with
intense relief throughout Japan.
Cabinet ministers expressed
their deepest satisfaction that
possible war had been averted.
Newspapers flooded the streets
with extras.
The emperor conferred with
Field Marshal Prince Kotohito
Kanin, chief of the general staff,
and General Gen Sugiyama, war
minister, who submitted reports
on the Amur crisis.
Meader Sees No War
OAKMONT, Pa., July 2.-(P)- noted European jurists and the at- ucation Association meeting in De-
Louisiana's Paul Leslie and Freddie tendance of about 200 students and troit.
Haas meet tomorrow for the Na- junior diplomatic officials from many Indication of Prosperity
countries. The record enrollment is to Profes-
tional Intercollegiate Golf champion- The faculty of this summer's In- sor Hopkins an indication of return-
ship. stitute inrAnn Arbor in addition to ing prosperity. During depression
Leslie got the jump on Bill Barclay, (continued on Page 2) years when teachers were paid in
of Michigan, nursed his lead carefully local script, Summer Sessions were
a n fi in ally ,w n u rse3 h i lea d 2. ef a l nyp ro h ib itiv e , a n d n o w sp e c ia liz e d in -
and finally won 3 and 2. Haas, on ecOn d innual strction is possible again. he said.
the other hand, started like a duffer, Growing facilities of the mid-west
was five down after ten holes and Ba dti- are attracting persons who formerly
then, when it appeared he was cer- Band 0 1 attended summer classes in eastern
tainly doomed, began to hit his shots universities; and too, the weather in
like a champion. His rally overtook Here M onda y the mid-west small towns where uni-
Vincent D'Antoni, of Tulane, and versities are situated, is cooler than
he won 5 and 4. in the eastern cities, Professor Hop-
Haas was runner-up in the 1935 High school students, supervisors kins indicated.
tournament and medalist in 1936. and teachers from all over the state Professor Hopkins predicted to the
Leslie was runner-up to Chuck Koc- fiBoard of Regents a Session enroll-
sis, of Michigan, last year. On his will gather here from Monday until (Continued on Page 4)
way to the finals of 1936 Leslie elim- July 24 for the second annual high
inated Haas. A fortnight ago Haas, school band clinic conducted by the 1
who holds the Canadian amateur School of Music under the directionJ 3,00 Gather At
title, won the southern championship. of Prof. William D. Revelli.
Leslie is western amateur king. Selection of applicants for the clin- . .
Leslie found a worthy foeman in ic will be based upon the endorsement Leagu B ildin
Barclay, but the Louisianan took a of high school principals and school i
small, early ee holes, as the westerner music directors.FR e eption
The students will be housed on the
steered his irons smack toward traps, campus, the boys going to the Union
and passed the quarter-pole two up. and the girls to Mosher-Jordan Halls. Official
Barclay rang up a pair of birdies jOfca aut eevn
to reduce his deficit to one hole at Meals will be served to both boys
th e lfway mark. ut tnhe sand I and girls in the Union cafeteria. Line Headed By Prof.
beaches got him again on the third Supplementary to the regular And Mrs. Ho>kins
nine and even though he drilled in School of Music faculty, and as an
a3 o fa d a e added feature for the high school The faculty of the Summer Ses-
he was three down as they moved clinic, several guest conductors and sion extended its official welcome to
into the stretch. instructors have been secured, more than 3,000 students and new
A par 4 on the 29th and a birdie They are Harold Bachmann, di- members of the faculty last night at
4 on the 30th sent Leslie five up, and rector of the University of Chicago the annual Summer Session Recep-.
even the courageous Barclay could band, Ralph Rush, director of bands tion at the League.
do no more than prolong the finish and orchestras at the Cleveland Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of,
to the 34th green. Heights high school, Cleveland,'0., the Summer Session and Mrs. Hop-
Clifford P. Lillya, director of the kins headed the receiving line which
APPROPRIATION BILL SIGNED Marshall high school band of Chi- was formed in the Ethel Fountain
LANSING, July 2.-(A)-Governor cago, and Arthur Schuchow of Louis- Hussey Room.
Murphy today signed bills appropriat- ville, Ky. Other members of the receiving
ing millions of dollars to state insti- Supervised dances, swimming, ten line were as follows: Regent and Mrs.
tutions, among them the University nis, baseball and trips to many rec- Junius E. Beal, Vice-President and
of Michigan and the Michigan Col- reational grounds in the neighbor- Mrs. Shirley W. Smith. Vice-Presi-
lege of Mining and Technology, at hood of Ann Arbor will take place ent and Mrs. Clarence S. Yoakum,
Houghton. weekly during the clinic. 1ent AM-LA,,-,ren S.m-,--A
yi u
"Father opened the ,door wide. A bariton solo by Hardin Van Deusen
The tableau that they saw-was eight A rofesor hre, an deofeth
soldiers in uniform with rifles and guest professor here, and head of the
fixed bayonets. They-the mob lead- Albion College voice department, will
ers-had their money's worth, and be a special feature of the one-hour
after talking it over among them- service at which Prof. Louis A. Hop-
selves, left. Every one of thensol- kins, Session director, will make i
diers had smelled on ofde o- brief address to its students.
er ha led egun powder on Professor Van Deusen will sing Car-
Southern battle fields." penter's "The Home Road," and later
he will join the Summer Session
CIhnl in "M lfl _- _ !f1-
onrus in H The Battie Hymn of the
Republic." Small danger of the Russo-Japan-
Prof. David Mattern, of the School ese crisis on the Amur River explod-
On Eduction of Music, will direct the assembly in ing into war was seen yesterday by
other patriotic songs. An invocation Prof. C. L. Meader of the Russian de-
wil The given by Dr. E. W. Blakeman, partment.
Com ing H ere counselor in religious education. More than 150 similar incidents
The Vespers will be closed before have been recorded in the past year,
8:30 p.m., when Prof. Wilmot F. Pratt, and the present incident, while im-
The University will sponsor two carillonneur, will play the Second portant as, an indication of continued
state-wide educational conferences Concert for the Summer Session. The friction on the Manchukuo border,
for teachers, administrators, school recital wil linclude hymns and Eng- should be peaceably settled, he said.
board members and the general public lish airs. Neither Russia or Japan, continued
:uring the month of July at Ann-------Professor Meader, is prepared to
Auring tefight a war at the present time, and
Arbor. S eond S sion only under the gravest provocation
e first conference will last for would such a step be taken. The
three days from July 19 until July 21. W illpresent crisis does not constitute such
The program will relate to selected Trii our provocation.
state and national issues includingTo"Russia's energies are wholly ab-
school support. federal aid, curricu- , etroit Today sorbed in carrying out her cultural
s o rspor, f l aprogram. In order to accqmplish this
lum revision, public relations and she has need of continued peace. War
similar issues. The second in the series of 11 Sum- with Japan could only waste labor
Among speakers at this conference mer Session excursions will visit De- and money needed to build up her
will be Dr. W. G. Carr of the Na- troit today in special motorbuses to industries," he stated.
tional Education Association, Dr. view interesting features of the auto- Dare Not Risk War
Bessie Lee Gambrill of Yale Univer- mobile center. Japan, too, Professor Meader said,
sity, Dr. Dennis Cooke of Peabody The party will meet at 8 a.m. in dare not risk a war. "Social unrest
College for Teachers, State Superin- front of Angell Hall and will return is rife among the lower classes with
intendent of Schools. to Ann Arbor about 5:30 p.m. Ex- strong Socialist and Communistic
The second conference will last five penses for the day, includingk trans- leanings complicating the situation.
days from July 26 until July 30. It portation and luncheon, will total Election recently of a liberal Prime
will deal with the problem of im- about two dollars, according to Ses- Minister is indicative of this feeling
proving the quality of instruction in sion officials. and also of the dispute between the
reading in the elementary and th- The Detroit Institute of Arts, Belle army and the civil authorities which
secondary schools. Isle Park, the Fisher Building, the divides the ruling group. Such dis-
Included in the visiting lecturers Detroit Zoological Park, and WJR organization is too potent a threat
for the second conference will be Prof. broadcasting station are among the to permit the Japanese government
Ernest Horn of the State University places on the schedule, to embark lightly on a major strug-
of Iowa, Prof. Bessie Lee Gambrill The third in the excursion aeries gle," he explained.
of Yale University and Prof. Louise will be held Wednesday, July 7, when At stake are simply a number of
Farwell Davis of the National College the party will visit the Ford Motor Co. worthless islands in the Amur sub-
of Education. plant at River Rouge. ,merged at high tide, which were ced-
ed to Russia by China in the treaties
of 1858 and 1860, he declared. Japan
refuses to recognize these treaties and
demands that Russia evacuate the
Lake Great Feature Of SeSSion' islands. Russia agreed to do so if
Japan will do the same. A general re-
vision of the boundary questions along
the Manchukuo border under dispute
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the firs the north and the deciduous hard- is more likely to arise from the squab-
of a series of articles on the Biological
Station located on Douglas Lake in wood forest region to the south, thus (Continued on Page 3)
Cheboygan County. presenting types of vegetation char-I-
By RICHARD G. HERSHEY acteristic of both regions. Neutrality P
One of the great features of the Directed by Prof. G. R. LaRue of
University Summer Session is the the zoology department, the biology * *ee tedB Britain
maintenance of the Biological Sta- camp has been a regular part of the
tion on the shores of Douglas Lake Summer Session since April 28, 1909,
wherV 100 students, including men when it was authorized by the Board LONDON, July 2.-(IP)-Britain to-
and women, who have satisfactorily of Regents. The total area of the night promptly rejected a proposal of
completed a year's work of college station is more than 3,900 acres. Italy' and Germany that the naval
grade in biological science, study The region, according to biologists, patrol of Spanish coasts be aban-
zoology and botany in what is per- offers an excellent variety of vegeta- doned and belligerent rights be ac-
nc -.;f- rirm V' i- - +-- tional condition .-sme nrinoh nanrrldd hoth narties in the Snanigh
iand Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, and
Dean Edmonson, Dr. and Mrs. John
Sundwall, Prof. Henry C. Anderson,
A hroProf. and Mrs. Wells I. Bennett,
Fr Research In Indian Iistor Prof. and Mrs. Earl V. Moore, Mrs.
Byrl F. Bacher and Dr, and Mrs.'
Louis M. Eich.
In the electronics group in the
By TED GRACE t ing contact between these early set- Mary Barton Henderson room were
Dr. Emerson F. Greenman of the tlers and the Indians. Dean Alfred H. Lovell and Prof. andl
museum of anthropology 'recently Some burial features of this site are Mrs. Neil H. Williams, Prof. and Mrs.
very similar to those found at the Neil H. Williams, Prof. and Mrs. Mel-
left Ann Arbor with a group of stu- Younge Site in Lapeer county, Michi- ville B. Stout, Prof. and Mrs. A. D.
dents for another regular, field sea-1 gan showing that the settlements of Moore, Prof. and Mrs. William G.
son in the study of Michigan Indian these Indian groups were anything Dow.
history. I but localized. Fortune telling was held in the din-
The party will be located near Mt. Dr. Greenman said that there is no ing room and bridge in the library.
Clemens where Dr. Greenman has done 1 way of dating these burials accurate- Ona Thornton, '37, was in charge.
a considerable amount of research in ly, particularly the pre-historic ones, Among the students attending were
the past few years. Last year at this but that it has been generally agreed Hope Hartwig, '38, president of the
time he worked with four helpers on upon that the historic burials date E ,. A nrn --... QQ-1--4