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August 20, 1937 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1937-08-20

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Official Publication of the Summer Session

AboVe The Level
EDITOR'S NOTE: It is the ambition of every
newspaperman to write a column. Two other
members of the staff were begging to write "On The
Level' and in this and another column are their
brain children.
SPARKY McGEE, Sigma Rho sport who has
been fighting to remain in school this sum-
mer, perplexed temporarily his up-an-at-'em fra-
ternity brothers a couple of nights ago. Arriving
home after his eighth blind date in the last 10
days, Sparky baited the Greeks with, "Well, I had
my first blind date tonight."
"Why, what do you mean?" asked rollicking
Ned Hippy, whose father gave him a new red
Phaeton at the beginning of Summer Session.
"She was blind," Sparky said.

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and the Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Micigan as
second class mail niiatter.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mal,
$1.50. During regular school year, by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50..
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
* College Publishers Represenatie.
CITY EDITOR...................JOSEPH S. MATTES
Associate Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil-
more, Charlotte D. Rueger.
Assistant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Fitzhenry
Joseph Gies Clayton Hepler.
Women's Business Managers ..Alice Bassett, Jean Drake
Till We
Meet Again . .
fourth under the direction of Prof.
Louis A. Hopkins, is concluded.
As we stated the first week, the opportunities
for Summer Session students to gain a better
intellectual, cultural and social background were
tremendous, and no doubt many have taken
advantage of them. Indeed, Dr. Hopkins is to be
congratulated on the program which he ar-
ranged for the summer. He and his entire staff
did a fine job.
The University is far different in summer
than in winter. The makeup of the student
is far different, and we have the unusual situa-
tion of educators coming to school to get a
better rounded education. This difference is
student body calls for a varied program and one
which will give a broader conception of life
than students can perhaps gain during the win-
ter. Dr. Hopkins has grasped the need of this
difference in program and has thereby proved
his ability to direct the session.
Let us briefly relate some of the special
features of the past session. The Far Eastern
Institute, the Electronics Institute, the Linguistic
Institute, and the Physics Symposium are merely
a few of the more outstanding features. However,
the social program of the League directed by
Hope Hartwig and Miss Ethel McCormick was
another great feature. Lastly, the series of 5
o'clock lectures lived up to its splendid reputa-
tion of past years.
Thus the Summer Session is Over. We hope
it has been both happy and profitable. To some
we say goodbye, to others "au revoir."
Is This A
S TRONG LEADERS of men have
arisen in many nations from the
wreckage of the World War and without heed of
precedent or consequence have made laws as
their fancy dictated. There is no way of telling
at the present time whether this is a temporary
phase of development and if so, what the ulti-
mate pattern of political doctrine and social
organization will be in the nations of the world.
It is obvious, however, that if we have been able
to progress from the loose miscellany of the
hunting group, through patriarchal society, mili-
tary leagues, states, and feudalism in many parts
of the world to national union, we can go still
further and eventually achieve a federation of
all nations, regardless of how they are governed
Valuable as is the spiritual contribution of the
League of Nations toward this international co-
operation, it is clear that mankind is likely to be
destroyed before its hopes for world peace are

realized. An attempt might be made to bring
about an economic and political union with the
power to support its decisions by action, if neces-
sary. A union of nations to be effective must
have an international army for police power
to maintain its authority. The British Common-
wealth of Nations seldom uses its military force,
but it recognizes that without this latent power
its prestige and effectiveness would be destroyed.
Physical force, rightly directed, has been es-
sential in the achievement of many ends uni-
versally admitted to be desirable. The buying
and selling of human beings as commodities has
been stamped out by all civilized nations during
the past hundred years, but not by moralizing
and wishful thinking. In most nations the gov-
ernment found it necessary to resort to force in
order to free the slaves from their owners. Can it
be that the freedom of the race of mankind
f m n- m1-mmIYof tWi ll hnn +hrum mnyn

* * *


J IM AND JAKE AND I. All on top of The Hill,
growing maudlin over what we saw beneath us
... the Baird Carillon Tower . . . the flickering
lights of Ann Arbor streets . . . And then the
dawn . . . I thought what college meant to me
in those serene hours before the break of day .. .
and so did Jim and Jake ... football games and
beer and my ten o'clock in the Parrot and late
returns on the milk train from Detroit . . .and
then that little brown-haired beauty I met as a
sophomore and still love.
* * * *
THE GREASY SPOON is somehow different at
3 a.m. Inebriated clowns wander in and out,f
and Blotto Louie, the waiter, rehashes the Tiger
game with everybody that shows an interest. I
always get a thrill out of the fact that both the
New York Times presses and The Daily presses
are rolling out paper after paper at this time.
And probably N.Y. Times reporters are in Greasy
Spoons in N.Y., too, just as I and Jim and Jake
are in the Ann Arbor Greasy Spoon.
Here I am up in the clouds. Really, though,
I'm down on earth. That's college life for you.
PASSING THOUGHT: I wonder who the cer-
tain somebody is that got his jaw broke
the other night when girl friend kicked him in
the face. Probably Ginnie Kookie, Grosse Point
socialite, could tell you. How about it, Ginnie?
On The Levkel
WHEN EXAMS are done, the readers of The
Daily will have something else to be happy
about besides the fact that this is the last time
this column will clutter up the editorial page.
People have been saying, "If all good things come
to an end-ivhat will become of ON THE LEVEL?
Will it go on forever?" We scoff and go blithely
on ignoring all adverse comments, and disre-
garding the satires above and below.
THE AGE of chivalry has changed into an era
of Fordisms. We noticed a lovely Judy walk-
ing by Swift's Drug Store the other day, with a
flowing handkerchief topping off her ensemble.
A group of oglers were standing in front of the
place, and couldn't have helped noticing the
hankie drop from the girl's pocket to the side-
walk. We waited for the "boy meets girl" episode,
but the blokes kept on talking and the handker-
chief remained on the walk until .another Judy
came along, picked it up and handed it to the
blonde after a chase. This little act may have
started a beautiful friendship between the two
girls concerned, but we couldn't help resenting
the fact that the Joes in the drug store had
passed up a swell story book romance.
IT IS COMFORTING to note that quite a con-
troversy is going on at the present over the
game called "Craps." The controversy is be-
tween -Edward Larocque Tinker and Herbert As-
bury concerning the true origin of Africai Golf.
Tinker, in his scholarly paper, "The Palin-
genesis of Craps," claims that the pastime got
its monicker in old New Orleans, when all
Americans hated the French and called them
"Johnny Crapauds." When the little dice-game
itself was brought over from France, it was first
called "Crapauds," and then shortened to
But Mr. Asbury, author of "The French Quar-
.ter" down in Nawleens, scoffs at this theory
and sides with Mr. Webster in claiming that
the word is a Gallic corruption of the word
"crabs" or "Crebs," which means the throwing
of two aces, at hazard.
* * * *
We nominate for the best liar of the year,
August F. Berning, of St. John, Mo. He sent the
following letter into the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:
Those tol-corn arguments going on up
there between Iowa and Illinois *prove that
neither of the contending parties has ever
been very far away from home or they would
have heard of the famous "squirrel corn"

that grows down in Horseshoe County, Mo.
Down there, in the loop of Horseshoe
Creek, is some overflow land. That patch
of bottom land is as rich as cream.. It is
covered with a dense forest of oak trees 80
feet high. Standing on a ridge you can look
down on the top of this forest, smooth and
even as a meadow. And rising from out of
the top of the forest about this time of year,
are large golden corn tassels, big as Christ-
mas trees.
Squirrels poaching. corn from neighboring
,ilrm A rnim - rS3;MQ:o- i+ -+1 .

As Others See It
The Roosevelt Constitution
(From New York Herald-Tribune)
WE REMARKED yesterday, as the President
set forth for Roanoke, upon the unhappy
manner in which Mr. Farley had managed to
rewrite its history. The warning, it seems, was
more opposite than we knew. Mr. Farley's error
was a relatively innocent confusion of geography.
The President, following in his footsteps, has
not only rewritten the history of the United
States but confused-with an adroitness which
can hardly lay claim to innocence-the very
nature of the Constitution which he is sworn to
uphold and defend.
One may pass over his startling discovery that
the early colonists were "socialists" and that they
ingerminated this nation with the principles of
Karl Marx long before that philosopher pub-
lished his Communist Manifesto. The President's
concept of the Constitution, because it is more
immediate practical significance, is more im-
portant. To the President, apparently, that
document is the work of those "who wanted a
king," "who wanted to create titles" and who
believed "that suffrage and the right to hold
office should be' confined to persons of property
and persons of education." If this is the Pres-
ident's picture of the Constitutional Convention,
then much in the history of the last few months;
devoted as they have been to the destruction of
the convention's work, becomes understandable.
But is the President really as ignorant as he
implies himself to be? After lengthy quotation
from Macaulay, he goes on: "Macaulay con-
demned the American scheme of government
based on popular majority . . . I seek no change
in the American form of government. Majority
rule must be preserved." But what was that
"scheme" or that "form" unless it was the form
established by the alleged royalists of the Con-
stitutional Convention? The President is simply
using words in double meanings. He knows that
the Constitution of 1789 was fully "based on pop-
ular majority". he ought to know that it was not
and never pretended to be a simple charter of
dictatorship by any majority that might arise
under any circumstances. It did not authorize
any majority to do what it liked in 1789 any
more than it authorizes a majority to, say, hang
the Scottsboro defendants out of hand today.
If it had, it would have been thrown out of the
window by the sturdy democrats of 1789; just
as any officer who now proposes to convert it
into a charter for that kind of majority rule
(it is the kind of majority rule now operating
in Germany) deserves to be thrown out of office.
If the President is not deliberately misleading
his auditors, then he is revealing a large mis-
comprehension of the organic law to which
he is bound by his oath of office.
Below The Level

Hour of

All other




Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 3213
A. H. until 3:3C; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
Examination for University Credit: U.H. several days before leaving Ann
All students who desire credit for Arbor. Failure to file this request
work done in the Summer Session will result in a needless delay of
several days.
will be required to take examinations vea__day_._
at the close of the Session. The ex- Colleges of Liteiature, Science, and
amination schedule for Schools and the Arts, and Architecture; Schools
Colleges on the eight-week basis is as of Education, Forestry and Music:
follows: Each student who has changed his
address since June registration should
Hour of
Recitation 8 9 10 11
Time of Thursday Friday Thursday Friday
Examination 8-10 8-10 2-4 2-4

file a change of address in Room 4,
U.H. so that the report of his sum-
mer work will not be misdirected.
In the interim between the close of
the Summer Session and the opening
of the fall semester the General Li-
brary will be closed evenings, but
service will be maintained in the
Main Reading Room, the Periodical
Reading Room, the Medical Read-
ing Room, and the Circulation De-
partment from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m., with
the exception of the period from
Aug. 30 to Sept. 6, when the building
is closed completely while extensive
repairs are in progress. Graduate
Reading Rooms, and Study Halls
both within and outside of the main
building will be closed until the op-
ening of the fall semester. All de-
partmental and collegiate libraries,
with the exception of the Transpor-
tation Library, are also closed during
this interval
First Mortgage L oan s: The
University has a limited amount of
funds to loan on modern well-located
(Continued on Page 3)

Time of Thursday Thursday
Examination 4-6 10-12
Instructors in the Colleges of Lit-
erature, Science and the Arts and
Architecture; Schools of Education,
Forestry and Music:
Blanks for reporting grades at the
close of examinations may be secured
at the Registrar's Office, Room 4,
University Hall, or from the secretary
of your school or college. When
filled out they should be returned to
the Registrar not later than three
days after the examination has been
It is especially important in August
that lists be rechecked carefully by
the instructors to make sure that
no names are omitted.
Report students in literature, sci-
ence aid the arts, architecture, edu-
cation, forestry or music on the
blanks of the school or college in
which the student is registered, and
return these reports to the registrar.
Grades for students registered in
any other units than the above should
be sent directly to the Secretaries of
the schools, or colleges concerned.
The Ruling governing the regula-
tion of automobiles will be lifted for
the Summer Session on Friday, Aug.
20, at 12 noon.
The Intramural Sports Building
will be closed Friday, Aug. 20, at 6
p.m. All lockers must be vacated or
renewed for theschool year by thate
date, the fee being $2.50 for the
period from Sept. 21 to June, 1938.
The University Extension Service
credit and noncredit course catalog
is now reedy for distribution and.
may be obtained at 107 Haven Hall.
Colleges of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and Architecture; -Schools
of Education, Forestry and Music:
Summer Session students ' wishing
a transcript of this summer's work
only should file a request in Room 4,




Classified Diretoryj

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241.
The classified columns closeeat five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
Iextra charge.
Cash in advance only 11e per reading
line for one or two insertions. 10c per
reading line for three or more insertions.
(on basis of five average words to line).
Minimum three lines per insertion.
POSITION WANTED by cook in any
clientele. Preferably a fraternity.
Female, white. Tel. 3557. 675
ROOM WANTED: Senior wants room
in quiet home with no or few other
students. Phone Andriola 9086.
WANTED: Situation as permanent
porter in men's fraternity or in
public building. Expert service ren-
dered. Call Willis Harris. Phone
6152.- 671
WANT A ROOM: Bedroom-sittingI
room near West Side of campus.
Phone 2-2050 or Box 12, Michigan
Daily. 663
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned,
Careful work at low price. ix
FOR SALE: Office desks, coat racks,
cupboards for filing large books,
large bookcase, filing cabinet, type-
writer tables, upholstered daven-
ports, with straight chairs and
rockers to match. Counters and
large circular desk. Student Pub-
lications, 420 Maynard Street.

FOR SALE: 1932 V8 coupe. Reason-
able. Private owner. Phone 2-2180.
FOUND: A smal lamount of money
was found on campus which the
owner may get from C. E. Caroth-
ers. 332 E. William St. 674
FOR RENT: 810 Church, 1 single
room. Bath attached. No other
roomers. Graduate student or bus-
iness woman preferred. Phone
7627. 677
FOR RENT: Suite- with private bath
and shower for three. Two large
doubles with adjoining lavatory.
Shower bath, steam heat. Approved
for men. Phone 8544. 422 E. Wash-
ington. 676
LIGHT housekeeping rooms for bus-
iness or graduate woman. Utilities
furnished. 806 Arch St. Phone
7485. 672
FOR RENT: My home, furnished in
Ann Arbor Hills, 2815 Washtenaw,
from September 15th to February,
June or September. A. R. Morris.
Phone 2-1807. 665
TWO ROOM apartment furnished.
Large, clean and comfortable. Tele-
phone 3079. 815 Arch St
WILL STORE piano in private apt.
in return for use. Call 3153. 668
TYPING: Neatly and accurately done.
Mrs. Howard. 613 Hill St. Phone
5244. Reasonable rates. 632

Ann Arbor-where Greek letter man meets
Greek laundry man; where town knocks gown
and thousands fear Joe Bursley's frown. It's a
motley menage of gals and pals; rain and straight
grain; carillons and terrible puns but its your
town . . . when you're home. By the time this
hits print the road will be calling again and
the right thumb raised imploringly. Before sum-
mer school you started out (remember?) and
managed to travel 2,500 miles before The Daily
started publication . . . now you're going to see
if you can still get a good 50 cent room at the
Sailor's Rest half a block off Broadway . . . if
the beer's still as good in Greenwich Village:..
and as expensive . .. if the moon is as beautiful
when you're sleeping in a New Hampshire hay-
stack . . . if the tumbling cascade of Niagara's
Falls can make you forget you're broke again.
And after you get back maybe there'll be a con-
voy to California . . . and room for a driver ...
gas and oil free . . . and 2,800 miles to bum back
... in time for school . . . But on with the col-
umn . . . Joe's Above the Level, WRAG is on the
Level . . and you know where that leaves us ...
Whew, it's hot down here.
If you can feel hard muscles bulging from
your thighs and calves and you like to hear
Mrs. Grundy next door tell the groceryman that
you're crazy, here's an idea . . . bicycle for a
month. We tried it last year-550 miles-and it's
a fine mixture of swell and hell. Start at the
Straits of Mackinaw and come on down to Ann
Arbor ... but don't set any route. Go where you
please . . . have a girl in Grand Rapids point and
say "Look at that funny man in shorts" . . . Be
so tired you're sick and never want to leave Burt
Lake . . Have a nosebleed at three a.m. in Mus-
kegon, go to the bathroom for some cold water
. . . and have the 60 year old landlady scream
you're trying to break into her room. Live 10
days-on nine dollars .. . cook your own hash ... .
It's fun.
Or hitch to Alabama . . . ask people what they
think of Fascism and Father Coughlin and the
Townsend Plan and Roosevelt . . . Hear that the
Bankheads and God are both hot stuff . . . see
that fellow you met at school .. . get stuck out-
side of Louisville for eight hours because some
fool hitch-hiker slugged a driver the day before
... see a car stolen in Cincy and have a bullet
meant for the thief whistle by your ear . . . get
that girl's name . . . you might come back . . .
when you're hungry use that last 50 cents for
six servings at a church sunner . . . Tell 'em you

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