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August 20, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1937-08-20

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The Weather
The outlook is for local show-
ers today and tomorrow in the
lower lake region.

C, .4 r

ict Tan esast
Official Publication Of The Summer Session

Till We Meet Again .,..
Is This A Solution? .. .




Law On Child
Labor Passed
B U.S Senate.
Follows Suggestion House
May Agree To Separate
Child Labor Ban
Tax Law Loopholes
Bill IsApproved
WASHINGTON, Aug. 19.--()-
Legislation to outlaw child labor shot
through the Senate today with unani-
mous approval in an 11th hour ef-
fort to save that phase of the Ad-
ministration's buried labor standards
The surprise action followed a sug-
gestion that the House might agree
to a -separate Child Labor ban this
session even if it does not act on the
Senate-approved Wage and Hour Bill
carrying a similar prohibition.
Carried To Caucus
Demand for enactment of the Wage
and Hour legislation in its entirety
was carried by some advocates to-
night to a caucus of Democratic rep-
resentatives. They forced the caucus
after a coalition of Republicans and
southern Democrats in the House
Rules Committee had blocked the leg-
islation, and leaders had abandoned
hope for it this session.
John L. Lewis, chairman of the
Committee for Industrial Organiza-
tion, visited the Capitol a short time
before the Democratic conference.
He told reporters he was just "pass-
ing through" but added the CIO is
vitally interested in immediate pas-
sage of the Labor Standards Bill.
Agents of the rival American Fed-
eration of Labor also were observed
talking with leaders.
The separate Child Labor Bill car-
ries the same language incorporated
in the child labor section of the Sen-
ate-approved Wage and Hour legis-


OldAmbulance Company Trained
On Ferry Field To Hold Reunion

All Europe Is
Suspicious Of
Portugal's Act

ThreeGroups Organized
20 Years Ago To Hold'
Commemoration Of '17
(EDITOR'S NOTE : The following
story of Co. 591 of the U. S. Army Am-
bulance Service during the World War,
which is to hold its reunion here Aug.
28 and 29, was written for The Daily
by Dewitt C. Millen, '05, former news-
paperman and author of "The College
Cut-Up," a book about the University
life. Mr. Millen was a member of the
Twenty years have passed since
three companies of the United States
Army Ambulance Service trained on
old Ferry Field. Those companies
were 589, 590 and 591. One hundred
and ten young men worked hard to
get into condition for the World War.
In June, 1917 the three companies
were sworn into the United States
Army in the old Michigan Union
building. The cellar of the present
Michigan Union was being dug. One
hundred and ten men marched down
State Street, Ann Arbor, in the rain,
to the Michigan Central Depot, where
they entrained for Allentown, Pa.
In Allentown 6,000 men from the
large universities of America went in-
to training for the War. Out of 6,000
men, 1,000 were picked by French
officers and United States Army of-
ficers for front line duty in the first
war zone.
The Michigan company, known as
United States Army Ambulance Co.
591, was the only company picked to
Is Planned For
Farms Of State
Program Formulated At
State Capitol For Special
Legislative Session

go with the first 1,000 men to France.
It was the old Michigan spirit of
htard work, fine condition of the men,
and their superior drilling that placed
them with the first 1,000 men. Com- 4
pany 591, with companies from Yale,
Princeton, Harvard, Cornell, Wis-
consin, Chicago, and California left
Allentown Aug. 21, 1917, for New
York City, where they embarked on7
the transport ship Baltic, for the War.J
After 24 days on board the Baltic,
they were attacked in the Irish Sea by
a German submarine. The boat was
struck by a torpedo but was repaired,
and the Baltic steamed into Liver-o
pool, England, the next morning.
After an all night march Companyl
591 reached Southhampton. They a
then crossed the English Channel to O
France. After a few weeks training
(Continued on Page 4)a
Graves Namesh
Wife To Follow
Black In Senate
Vote Is Planned Later To c
Select Successor For RestA
Of Term -
Gov. Bibb Graves, of Alabama, an- c
nounced today the appointment oft
his wife, Dixie, to succeed Hugo L.a
Black as senator from Alabama.
He announced at the same time thep
calling of a special election for Aprila
26, 1938, to select a successor for then
rest of the unexpired term.h
Graves' announcement was madev
in a formal statement given out fromo
Black's office in the Capitol at thet
same time that the newly confirmedf
associate justice announced his resig-s
nation, from the Senate.
Governor Graves said in his state-n
ment that he did not desire to maket
an appointment that would "give any,
one candidate for the position any ad-l
vantage before the people to present
his candidacy." -r
He said that his wife would serveĀ°
only until a Democratic candidate
had been selected and that then thata
party candidate would become sen-
"In my judgment," he added,
'Dixie Bibb Graves is in all respects
the best fitted to serve in this ad in-
terim appointment and to carry out
the policies above mentioned.
"I am,. therefore, appointing her
as senator from Alabama to fill this
position until the Democrats of Ala-
bama shall select their senator."
Bradley Holds Lead
In Yachting Races
CHICAGO, Aug. 19.-(P)--Ralph
Bradley of Peoria, Ill., sailed his sloop,
Blue Bill, to victory in the fourth
race of the series today to take an
apparently safe lead in the competi-
tion for the Great Lakes Star Class
yachting championship.
Bradley piloted his craft over the
10-mile windward-leeward course on
Lake Michigan in one hour, 31 min-
utes today, to raise his point total to
44. Twin Star, entry of John T. Pirie
III of Chicago, finished second in
1:31:27, with another Chicago sloop,
E. E. Raymond's Dolphin, third in
Ibis of St. Joseph, Mich., sailed by
Phil Upston, fell to seventh place in
today's race, but remained in second
place in the standing with 37 points,
to 36 for Twin Star. Blue Bill could
finish as far back as sixth in the
final race tomorrow and still win the

U. S. Refuses Demands Of
W arring States Restrictig
Evacuation Of Americans

To Maki

k If Germany Is
o Behind Scenes
e 'Rhineland'

Prohibits Goods Shipment r
It would prohibit the shipment in
interstate commerce of goods madef
by children under 16 years of age and,
in the case of hazardous industries,t
under 18. Merchandise made by chil=1
dren would have to be labeled plain-t
The first prohibition is similar to1
that which Congress enacted in 1916
and the Supreme Court killed in
1918. President Roosevelt said re-
cently that it would require a reversal
of the old Supreme Court ruling to
become effective.
The second is a new approach,i
based on a recent decision of the1
High Tribunal that Congress hasf
power to ban shipment of prison-
made goods into a state in violation ofz
its laws.i
Pass Tax Bill{
In its rush toward adjournment,
the Senate not only approved Child
Labor legislation but as quickly2
passed the Administration's bill to
close tax law loopholes.
The measure, which some authori-
ties said would save the government
$100,000,000 a year, already had re-
ceived House approval. It is designed
to check the use of personal holding
companies, foreign corporations, mul-
tiple trusts and' incorporation of per-
sonal talents to avoid income tax li-
Tigers Defeat
Chicago, 12-4,
In Short Game

LANSING, Aug. 19.-)-A sim-
plified rural electrification program,
to be presented to the special session
of the Legislature next winter, took
form today.
Administration leaders indicated
they had decided to discard a con-
troversial feature of the program that
was discarded by the regular session,
hoping this would strengthen their
Authoritative sources said the pro-
gram, minus the discarded section
which would have sought to encour-
age the formation of new co-opera-
tives, would provide:
1. Public utilities commission jur-
isdiction over the extension of power
lines by private and cooperative rural
electrification projects.
2. Permission for two or more
municipalities to combine in organ-
izing power districts to provide cheap
electricity to residents.
3. Authority for municipalities to
issue self-liquidating bonds against
municipal utilities properties, but not
against other resources of the muni-
It was understood the simplified
program had the endorsement of the
Public Utilities Commission. Joseph
M. Donnelly, commission member,
said the program would be built about
;a simply worded bill that would com-
pel utilities to obtain from the com-
niission a certificate of public con-
venience and necessity before ex-
tending any rural power line.
This, he said, would permit the
commission to determine whether a
private or co-operative enterprise
should receive the sanction when
there was a contest, and would end
"cut-throat competition for territory
between them at the expense of the

Portugal Hints At
'Third Party' Acts
LONDON, Aug. 19-(P)-Portugal's
one-sided severance of diplomatic re-
ations with Czechoslovakia became
a red flag tonight for the suspicions
of all Europe.
Czechs, in Praha, their capital,
asked if Germany is working behind
he scenes to make their strategic,
hemmed-in country a "future Rhine-
and" in a coming struggle between
he two great political camps, Fas-
cism and Communism.
Authoritarian Portugal blamed a
"third party"- presumably Soviet
Russia-for influencing the Czechs to
fail to fill an order for machine guns,
official reason for the breach. Nazi
Germany and Fascist Italy sympa-
Within 24 hours, however, other
capitals of Europe had supplanted
Portugal's expressed motive for the
break with strong ideas on deeper
causes-militant interest in the Span-
ish war and the often-expressed
theory that Germany is preparing to
attack Czechoslovakia.
Czechoslovakian authorities ex-
plained their armament industry had
peen unable to supply Portugal with
new Bren machine guns because it
had been swamped with Czechoslo-
vakian and other previously-placed
orders. Then Praha's suspicions
turned to Germany's and Portugal's
friendship for Insurgent Generalis-
simo Francisco Franco in Spain.
Bluntly, Praha questioned Lisbon
motives for this "unprecedentedhac-
tion" and sought to discover whether
Germany inspired the moveras a pre-
lude to pouncing on the Czechs.
Sources in Praha intimated the
move might be a German effort to
weaken Czechoslovakian resistance
to aggression; then, by consolidating
a central Europe Fascist bloc, bring
about a showdown on the Spanish
English Women
Tennis Champs
Seek First Win
NEW YORK, Aug. 19.-(P)-Seek-
ing their first victory in seven years,
the English women's Wightman Cup
tennis team will take the court at
Forest Hills tomorrow afternoon with
a line-up that is 50 per cent veteran,
50 per cent recruit and 100 per cent
The six English girls-Kay Stam-
mers, Ruth Mary Hardwick and Mar-
got Lumb, in singles; Freda James,
Miss Stammers' doubles partner, and
Evelyn Dearman and Joan Ingram,
the No. 3 doubles pair-are hopeful
of ending not only the series of Unit-
ed States triumphs in this particular
rivalry, but also the 1936 series o
American cup victories that already
f have absorbed the Ryder, Davis and
America's trophies.
Ranged against the six invader
will be an all-veteran array of fou
Americans. Heading the defendin
contingent will be National Champior
Alice Marble, with Helen Hull Jacobs
Mrs. Sarah Palfrey Fabyan and Mrs
Marjorie Gladman Van Ryn as hei
The two-day program of five single,,
and two doubles matches, decided or
a basis of four victories, will ope
tomorrow with two singles and on
Nation Sweats With
SHigh Temperature
(By The Associated Press)

Enervating heat plagued the natioi
on both sides of the Mason-Dixon lin
Temperatures rose into the 80's an,
90's in the East, South and much c
the Midwest. High humidity double
Planters in the important section
of the Corn Belt were cheered by re
viving rains but in most of the Sout
farmers scanned the skies in a vai
s search for signs of showers neede

Wilkins Starts
Hunt For Lost
Soviet Airmen,

Flying Boat, Bought
Soviet Government,


NEW YORK, Aug. 19.-(P)-A 17-k
ton flying boat bearing Sir Hubertf
Wilkins, veteran Arctic explorer,1
headed into the Northwest today on1
the first leg of an expedition to
search for six Russian transpolar
fliers who have been missing sinceI
Sir Hubert alighted at Toronto
Harbor at 2:30 p.m. (EST). Port
Arthur, Ont.. was the next scheduled
stop before the long flight into the
Arctic wastes where the Russians
were believed to have been forced
The flying boat, the Guba, was
purchased by the Soviet government
yesterday and equipped hurriedly at
North Beach airport for the rescue
attempt. It has a cruising range of
approximately 4,000 miles and can
remain aloft 20 hours without refuel-
Late this afternoon, after refuel-
ling on the Toronto waterfront, thel
plane took off for Port Arthur. +
Sir Hubert, comnissioned by the+
Soviet Embassy in Washington to di-
rect the expedition, was accompanied
by Herbert Hollick-Kenyon, Canadian
flier who will serve as chief pilot,
Russell Rogers, the ship's regular;
pilot, Raymond Booth, radio opera-
tor, and Gerald Brown, mechanic.
The expedition planned to set up
its operating base at the mouth of
the Coppermine River, on the edge of
the Arctic Ocean. Sir Hubert said
he would continue the search for
several months if necessary in an
effort to find Sigismund Levaneffsky,
"the Soviet Lindbergh," and his five
companions on a projected flight from
Moscow to California.
More Slot Machines
Are Ordered Out
LANSING, Aug. 19.-(P)-Attorney
General Raymond W. Starr today or-
dered a cleanup of slot machines in
Benton Harbor and St. Joseph. He
demanded that Berrien County Pros-
ecutor Edward A. Westin notify him
not later than Sept. 1 that this had
been done.
The Attorney General disclosed his
order as a House of Representatives
investigating committee announced it
would invite Governor Murphy to as-
sist its inquiry into the gambling
racket in Michigan. The committee
f stood in recess until Tuesday. Its
chairman, Rep. Carl F. DeLano, Re-
publican, Kalamazoo, said the invita-
tion to the Governor to appear and
s personally lend his advice would not
r be issued until later in the week.


Students Asked To
Donate Text Books
Students of the Summer Session
are once more urged to donate text
books to the text book lending library
to be put in operation next semester
by the faculty committee in charge.
Books of all kinds used in regularI
University courses will be accepted for
the library, according to Prof. Erich
A. Walter of the English department,
chairman of the committee. The li-
brary is designed to aid students in
financial straits who would otherwise
have difficulty in obtaining neces-
sary text books.
The project was begun last spring,.
at which time a number of contribu-
tions were made by students of the
regular University classes.
Education Work
Called Success
By Prof. Davis

Many Projects,
Keep School
Summer Sessi

Busy In

Termed "hugely successful in its
summer program" by its secretarye
Prof. Calvin O. Davis, the School of w
Education has completed eight weeks a
of important conrerences, special
course and conventions.d
The first special meeting conducted b
by the education school this summer i
was the League College, a two-weekV
conferenec held each year in a univer-r
sity near the convention city of the
annual meeting of the National Edu-
cation Association.
It was held here from July 5 untilf
July 16, and offered a course entitledc
"Current Studies of Selected Prob-
lems of Professional Organizations."v
There were four major topics of
the course: "Taxation and Schoolf
Support," "New Demands on thee
School," "Teacher Welfare," andf
'The Teaching Profession" and "Se-t
lected Economic Developments." C
In the middle of July, the second
annual conference on Remedial(
Reading was held. At this meetingt
several prominent men in the fieldk
of reading were brought here fort
this meeting, and several facultyt
members participated in it.
The eighth annual summer educa-
tion conference on "The Implications
for Michigan Education of the Work
of the Educational Policies Commis-
sion" was held here July 19, 20 and
21. Among those taking part in this
were Dean James B. Edmonson of
the education school, Eugene B. El-
liott, state superintendent of public
instruction, and Dean Clarence S.
Yoakum of the graduate school.
A lecture course, taking up modern
educational trends and open to the
general public, was also offered by
the school during the summer. These
lectures were held at 4 p.m. every day.
t in the auditorium of the University
high school.

town the Whangpoo river today by
tender to the liner President Hoover.
Japanese warships bombarded Poo-
ung, across the river from the In-
ernational Settlement, as the third
evacuation of Americans swung under
way. Aircraft zoomed and dived in
attack against Chinese positions.
It was estimated 1,000 women, chil-
dren and men in all would be taken
by tender to the President Hoover at
ts anchorage at Woosung, where the
Whangpoo empties into the Yangtze
Two Missions Bombed
This stand was taken as the United
Sattes Consulate General was in-
formed of the bombing of two Ameri-
can missionary properties in the
Shanghai region by Japanese planes,
without los sof American life.
Meanwhile Japanese m a r i n e s
fought tenaciously in Shanghai's
eastern district early today to keep
from being swept into the Whangpoo
by the most impressive Chinese drive
of the undeclared war.
The Japanese lines, with masses of
Chinese infantry surging against
them, swayed back toward the river,
but held against the Chinese attempt
to thrust a disastrous breach through
The evacuation of American
women and children from Shanghai,
(Continued on Page 4)
Driver Is Killed
As Own Truck
Runs Over Him
Thrown From Cab As Car
Strikes Stone In Road;
He DiesImmediately


Consulate And Navy Insist
Japanese And Chinese
Keep Whangpoo Free
Vaccine Is Rushed
To Combat Cholera
SHANGHAI, Aug. 19.-P)-United
States authorities tonight firmly re-
jected Japanese and Chinese measures
which would impede the evacuation
of Americans from Shanghai.
The Japanese Navy was notified
in decisive terms that the United
States would not agree to restrictions
on traffic on the Whangpoo River,
Shanghai's highway to the sea. Of-
ficials said similar rejection would be
given a Chinese notification consid-
ered tantamount to demanding with-
drawal of foreign naval ships from
Shanghai harbor.
American Consular and Naval of-
ficers made it clear they would de-
mand that the Whangpoo, avenue by
which nearly 1,000 Americans already
have fled Shanghai be kept entirely
Refugees Flee
Fleeing from embattled Shanghai
as Japanese warplanes dived over-
head, American refugees streamed

Public Administration Institute
Offers Novel Type Of Training


CHICAGO, Aug. 19.-(Special to
The Daily)-Behind the hitting of
Rudy York, the Detroit Tigers today
captured a 12-4 victory over the
White Sox, in a game called in the
seventh inning because of rain.
York drove home eight runs with,
his 20th and 21st home runs, and
stood a good chance of breaking or
tying the major league record for,
runs batted in during a single game,
when rain started to fall.
It started to rain when the Sox
had two out in the seventh, and had
the inning been completed the score
would have been 15-4 instead of 12-4.
However, the game reverted back
to the end of the sixth, and the Tigers
lost three runs they had made in the
first half of the seventh, and York
didn't receive credit for the two runs
he had batted home in that inning.

Big Intramural Sports Program
Proves Popular Summer Feature

With 12 organized sports and a
host of other sponsored activities, the
Summer Session Intramural pro-
gram, under the direction of Ran-
dolph Webster, has been the most
successful in its history.
Complete records of the summer's
competitions were released by Mr.
Webster yesterday, and at the same
time announcement was made that
the Intramural building will close at
6 p.m. today until the class of 1941
floods into Ann Arbor for Orienta-
tion week.
Running from July 12 to Aug. 11,
swimming proved one of the most

record of the toasted. Six individ-
uals took part in this elimination
which ran from July 21 to Aug. 10.
Badminton, the sport introduced to
Michigan fans only a few years ago,
had eight entrants, the best of whom
proved to be Robert LeAnderson.
Runner-up was L. W. Olson in this
series of play-offs which took place
between July 19 and Aug. 4.
Fifty-six students entered the ten-
nis singles competition, which will be
finished today. The tennis run-off
began July 22, proving the most pop-
ular of summer sports.
In the tennis doubles 38 entrants

By STAN SWINTON thority are rapidly realizing that an
For that group of students who intelligent man can make a stab at
mix an interest in their fellow men administrative work, but not as good
with the usual desire for good pay, a stab as a trained one, he says.
the University offers training for an Functionally, the training course
important new field-that of effi- provides for its men to enter public
cient, planned municipal and state administration. Generally the pre-
administration, according to Prof. velant social attitude, which may be
GeorgeC. S. Benson of the political an outgrowth of the depression,
science department and the Institute makes college graduates more likely
of Public and Social Administra- to enter public life, Professor Benson
tions. believes.
"I'm no prophet but I haven't One present student, for example,
much doubt that most of the better upon graduation could step into an
governed municipalities and states important job in a family business
will have well-trained men in gen- but instead, because he is interested
eral administrative positions within in police administration, is going to
a few years," Professor Benson said work up in his chosen field from the
and pointed out that already such lowly post of patrolman.
men fill the professional posts of Work of the type the Institute does
1 1. n aa ,f k - -, oi irhi-an Tn 18 82

In a freak accident yesterday after-
noon Fred W. Wagner, 57 years old,
of Ann Arbor, was killed instantly
when his own truck ran over him.
Wagner, a truck driver who lived
at 319 S. 7th St., was driving along
the Platt Road a half mile north of
US-112, hauling gravel, when his
truck hit a large stone in the road
and swerved sharply. The driver was
thrown from the cab of the truck and
under his own vehicle, dying when
the leftsrear wheel passed over him
and crushed him.
The truck continued on to side-
swipe an oncoming truckndriven by
Clifford M. Butler, 112 Kosh Ave.,
Ann Arbor, before it stopped. Butler
was not injured.
The accident, which occurred at
5:30 p.m., was handled by the Ypsi-
lanti detachment of the state police.
Dr. Bradley M. Harrih, Ypsilanti
coroner who was summoned to the
scene of the crash, pronounced Wag-
ner dead and ordered his body taken
to the Stevens and Bush Funeral
nme in Vnsilanti

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