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August 19, 1937 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1937-08-19

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tect maladjustments and to respect their sig-
nificance, rather than using threats to reform
the child. She should be able to refer to arschool
or city psychiatrist, who could confer with her
and the parents to advise treatment for the child,
whether the maladjustment has originated in tb,1
home, in inability to get along with playmates,
or inability to do good school work.
As the child progresses in school, assemblies or
classes should be devoted to rules for mental
health, and, although expert opinions on them
vary,* certain ones are generally acceptable.
Thus, each person needs to know his capacities,
so that he may seek to fulfill them but not to
aim beyond them. If they are less than he would
like to have, he needs to develop an acceptance
of them.
Again, one should worry no more than he can
help. Hard as this sounds to the chronic worrier,
it is more a matter of habit than is ordinarily
supposed, and it is possible to deny as well as
to cultivate it. Presented a situation, one should
face it, analyze it and decide a course of action
and then not repent. Chronic regret or "con-
science" is often a prodroming of neurosis or
When a child thus trained leaves school, he
will be better prepared to face strains without
breakdown, to recognize symptoms of mental dis-
turbance and seek out a p'operly trained physi-
cian to treat him, and, finally, he will be prepared
to give his children a better beginning and, thus,
a better course in life.
IAs OthersSee It
Thoughts On Far-Eastern War
(From Chicago Daily News)
CHINA WILL FIGHT-is fighting now. That
much seems clear. And Japan cannot back
down. The war is on. For how long? Who can
say? Months, assuredly; perhaps years. China is
a vast country, and if it resists with any skill at
all it cannot be crushed or conquered quickly.
Meanwhile what will Russia do? It is vaguely
threatened by Germany in Europe, and it will not
care to risk having to fight on two widely sep-
arated fronts at once. Moreover, Stalin has been
executing some of his best generals and tech-
nicians. But a war between China and Japan
can hardly leave Russia indifferent. If Japan
beat China, would not Russia's turn come next?
Therefore, will not Russia be tempted to help
China now? And if it does, will Japan extend its
attacks to Russian territory-to Vladivostok and
Russia's far-eastern provinces, which Japan has
long coveted?
Confronted by such problems as these, and
with possible European complications in mind,
the statesmen of Britain and France will doubt.
less seek a common policy of neutrality an
vigilance, then wait. Both, undoubtedly-but
more particularly Britain-may be expected to
keep in close touch with Washington, if, indeed,
Britain is not already in close touch with Wash-
For a war in Ethiopia or Spain is one thing;
it can be circumscribed and isolated. But a war
between China and Japan, threatening to involve
Russia, is something incalculable.
And what of our own policies? We shall re-
main neutral-that goes without saying. But
how? In what conditions?
We can go it alone. Or we can keep more
or less closely in touch with Britain and France,
to work out some common program. Under exist-
ing treaties, we are more or less bound to con-
sult with other peaceful nations in time of crisis.
But we are not bound in advance to any program
of action-not internationally.
We are definitely hampered, however, by the
foolish and dangerous neutrality law which Con-
gess and the President recently insisted upon
adopting, under which, without the slightest
necessity, we more or less surrendered in advance
our freedom of action, in the matter of. trade
with belligerents.
Japan has its own war industries. China's
war industries are still in the making. Japan
makes its own equipment. China has to buy
abroad many of the arms and supplies it needs
for self-defense. President Roosevelt invoked
the law and declared embargoes in the cases of
Ethiopia and Spain. In a passive way we thereby

helped Italy against the Ethiopians, and Franco
against Madrid. Having created these prece-
dents, Mr. Roosevelt is faced now with the di-
lemma either of pretending that the Sino-Jap-
anese war is not a war, or of admitting the fact
of war, and putting on embargoes, the result of
which would be to help Japan's aggression and
handicap China's defense. For a considerable
part of China's military equipment is American,
and while China might still buy arms in Britain,
Russia and elsewhere, these arms would not be
of the same models China now uses. It is to be
hoped, in the interests of fair play and of future
world peace, that the President will find some
way of keeping a free hand as long as possible
even under our shortsighted neutrality law.
Adjusted Taxes
(From Hamilton Gazette)
the general tax burden Can be equalized
and lowered without impairing the operation
of government is the income tax, especially on
incomes in the higher brackets. It has been
shown that the retail sales tax, while an effec-
tive means of obtaining revenue quickly, is detri-
mental in the long run from a social and eco-
nomic point a of view. The inadequacy of the
property tax lies in the fact that the value of
real property and of personal property, such as
furniture, implements, and equipment, can be
readily concealed. Where the taxes on property.
have to carry the entire burden and are neces-
sarily high, experience has shown that people
-01 mndpri them Where ninenmp tnov hnochPann

On The Level
BEING WRESTED from my Pickwick Papers
and coffee with the abrupt notification, "You
write the column tomorrow," is an ominously
distracting procedure for two reasons. First of
all, guest columning approaches in difficulty the
paroxysmal agony of a first column, where you
don't know exactly what to say to make a good
impression. Second, I have shied away from
such a medium of expression since my piquant
newsy paragraphs in a local weekly publication
brought demands from a young lady for a public
apology, and again from a big bruiser a request
to step into the alley-
* * * *
to the last lamplit melodrama 25 years ago in
University Hall auditorium, and now this old
place, barricaded and covered with dust, once
seating 3,000 students, dreams in unhurried sleep
of past glories--lone with its reveries of Emer-
son and Schumann-Heink, who came there. Each
day 12,000 students rush past the closed portals
and few of them know it is there.
We were introduced to the old hall two semes-
ters past, and stood there without speaking, in
the midst of what seemed a shrine, as the snow
swirled outside in a December dusk. To those
such as Secretary Shirley Smith, Regent Julius
Beal, and others with whom we've talked en-
joyable hours about the Hall, should they stand
there now they should certainly hear faint echoes
of the melodious voice of forceful William Jen-
nings Bryan-James Whitcomb Riley reciting to
a hushed audience, "Good-bye, Jim," back in
1893-and erudite Charles A. Dana-or the im-
mortal Paderewski evoking all the possible beauty
from Chopin's "Nocturne"-
Invocation of such memories of the far-far-
away must include Mme. Ernestine Schumann-
Heink, her voice, as rich and deep as her soul,
flung to the high ceiling .. . and the then "prom-
ising" naive Alma Gluck . . . and to their ears
must come even now the vague but ever indelible
impressions of Bill Nye, Hamlin Garland, Booker
T. Washington, Mark Twain, Champ Clark and
others of a gone day in brave parade. They.
must, if they listen with alert ears, catch the
reverberations down the years of John Phillip
Sousa's band bursting into that new march, "The
Stars and the Stripes Forever," . . . they must
hear the sobbing violin of Kreisler, and the
dancing tunes of one Victor Herbert ...
James Burrill Angell's lie was intimately in-
terwoven with that of old U. Hall auditorium.
When its splendor was given the final touch in
1873, he had been prexy for two years, and it
was only four years after he gave his last swing-
out address in trembling, hesitating words on
May 4, 1909, that the last ripple swept across the
last audience, and Hill Auditorium was dedicated.
It can't be many years before the old place will
be torn asunder, for it serves no practical pur-
pose in this world of common sense. But now
it stands proud, like something out of the past,
its dreams hardly disturbed by the soft fall of
December snow and the summer breeze brushing
the leaves of the ancient trees outside its lofty
ornamental dome.
* * * *
COEDS SEEM to be measured for their ca-
pacity for drinking rather than their capacity
for thinking. But this young woman at a recent
unofficial fraternity party, combined the two
with. exquisite adroitness. She swirled in an
ecstatic mist for an hour before passing out. We
kept the note to her roommate she had pinned
on her chest before the final swoon. The mes-
sage, it's ink blurred by an indiscreet Tom Col-
lins, bears the words: "Pulease Connie, Pin My
Hair Up."
* * * *
OUR BARBER remarked that the students will
be deserting the place in a few days, and with
some thought added, "And it won't be long until
the college boys come in again." Next week the
campus, mAde quiet by the absence of 5,000 souls,
will slumber in terrible stillness. The carillon
will boom out the quarter-hours to resound only
on the emptiness of the ivy-entwined buildings.

The campus will hear no off-key seranading
those midnights, and the classrooms will be
strangely silent, as no footsteps cross the thres-
holds. A deadly quiet will permeate the campus,
the slight breeze in the old trees is the only
thing that stirs.
ONE OF THE MOST important activities of
college is just talking. And surroundings are
perhaps the greatest factor in stimulating and
influencing talk and moods to fill nostalgic mem-
ories a decade hence. The Parrot, where chat-
ter of forthcoming dances is interspersed by
comments on professors and people, how tough
bluebooks are, and what orchestras are best,
thrown against a filigree of smart cracks, and all
drowned in a wave of swing music. And in op-
position the quietude of Foster's Tea Room with
Prof. Artie Cross seated across the way with his
cane, and small log burning in the fireplace of a
winter's afternoon, encourages talk of books and
make-believe. And those small all-night res-
taurants clustered about the' courthouse, for
consideration of affairs, economic, social and
political over black coffee at 3 a.m. The Pretzel
Bell, where you go to see people and to be seen
(isn't that the reason?) where the conversational
pattern demands a forced conviviality and re-
spectability. The little ice-cream parlor on
Main Street not far from the double-feature
movie places, where sincerity has a chance. The
beer places beyond Main where be-smirched
stories are swapped (or listened to). The restful
Haunted Tavern, where a slow-paced meal may
bringr ont anv kind of discugsinn And after

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 3213
A. H. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Examination for University Credit:'
All students who desire credit for
work done in the Summer Session
will be required to take examinations
at the close of the Session. The ex-
amination schedule for Schools and
Colleges on the eight-week basis is as

of Education, Forestry and Music:
Summer Session students wishing
a transcript of this summer's work
only should file a request in Room 4,
U.H. several days before leaving Ann
Arbor. Failure to file this requestl
will result in a needless delay ofj

Hour of
Time of

address since June registration should
file a change of address in Room 4,
U.H. so that the report of his sum-
mer work will not be misdirected.
In the interim between the close of
the Summer Session and the opening
of the fall semester the General Li-
brary will be closed evenings, but
service will be maintained in the
Main Reading Room, the Periodical
Reading Room, the Medical Read-
ing Room, and the Circulation De-
partment from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m., with
the exception of the periobdfrom
Aug. 30 to Sept. 6, when the building
is closed completely while extensive
repairs are in progress. Graduate
Reading Rooms, and Study Halls
both within and outside of the main
building will be closed until the op-
ening of the fall semester. All de-
partmental and collegiate libraries,
with the exception of the Transpor-
tation Library, are also closed during
this interval.
First Mortgage L o a n s: The
University has a limited amount of
funds to loan on modern well-located
Ann Arbor property. Interest at
current rates. Apply Investment Of-
fice, Room 100, South Wing, Univer-
sity Hall.





Thursday Friday Thursday Friday
on 8-10 8-10 2-4 2-4





All other

I r

Time of Thursday Thursday Friday Friday
Examination 4-6 10-12 10-12 4-6
Instructors in the Colleges of Lit-
erature, Science and the Arts and several days.
Architecture; Schools of Education, 1
Forestry and Music:
Blanks for reporting grades at the Colges of Literature, Science, and
close of examinations may be secured the Arts, and Architecture; Schools'
At the Registrar's Office, Room 4,f of Education, Forestry and Music:
University Hall, or from the secretary Each student who has changed his
of your school or college. When
filled out they should be returned to
the Registrar not later than three 1
days after the examination has been u las sified
It is especially important in August
that lists be rechecked carefully by
the instructors to make sure that Placesadvertisements with Classified
no nmesareomited Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241.
no names are omitted. The classified columns close at five
Report students in literature, sci- o'clock previous to day of insertion.
ence and the arts, architecture, edu- extra charge.
cation, forestry or music on the Cash in advance only li per reading
blanks of the school or college in line for one or two insertions. 10c per
blans ofreading line for three or more insertions.
which the student is registered, and (on basis of five average words to line).,
return these reports to the registrar. Minimum three lines per insertion.
Grades for students registered in WANTED
any other units than the above should
be sent directly to the Secretaries of ROOM WANTED: Senior wants room
the schools, or colleges concerned. in quiet home with no or few other
students. Phone Andriola 9086.

The Ruling governing the regula-!
tion of automobiles will be lifted for
the Summer Session on Friday, Aug.l
20, at 12 noon.
Daughters of Atreus: A few tickets
are still available for the last per-
formance of this Michigan Reper-
tory offering, tonight, Aug. 19. Call
Mendelssohn box-office, 6300.
The Intramural Sports Building
will be closed Friday, Aug. 20, at 6
p.m. All lockers must be vacated or
renewed for the school year by that
date, the fee being $2.50 for the
period from Sept. 21 to June, 1938.
The University Extension Service
credit and noncredit course catalog
is now ready for distribution and
may be obtained at 107 Haven Hall.
Colleges of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and Architecture; Schools

WANTED: Situat:on as permanent
porter in men'S fraternity or in
public building. Expert service ten-
dcred. Call Willis Harris. Phone
6152. 671
TO BUY: Cash for a good 1930 or '31
Ford coupe. Must be in good condi-
tion. Phone 8741. 666
WANT A ROOM: Bedroom-sitting
room near West Side of campus.
Phone 2-2050 or Box 12, Michigan
Daily. 663
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned,
Careful work at 'low price. ix
FOUND: A smal lamount of money
was found on campus which the
owner may get from C. E. Caroth-
ers. 332 E. William St. 674

LIGHT housekeeping rooms for bus-
iness or graduate woman. Utilities
furnished. 806 Arch St. Phone
7485. 672
FOR RENT: My home, furnished in
Ann Arbor Hills, 2815 Washtenaw,
from September 15th to February,
June or September. A. R. Morris.
Phone 2-1807. 665
TYPING: Neatly and accurately done.
Mrs. Howard. 613 Hill St. Phone
5244. Reasonable rates. 632
TWO ROOM apartment furnished,
Large, clean and comfortable. Tele-
phone 3079. 815 Arch St.
FOR SALE: Office desks, coat racks,
cupboards for filing large books,
Slargebookcase, filing cabinet, type-
writer tables, upholstered daven-
ports, with straight chairs and
rockers to match. Counters and
large circular desk. Student Pub-
lications, 420 Maynard Street.
FOR SALE: 1932 V8 coupe. Reason-
able. Private owner. Phone 2-2180.
WILL STORE piano in private apt.
in return for' use. Call 3153. 668

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