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August 19, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1937-08-19

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The Weather
Showers and thunderstorms
today, somewhat warmer in
north; partly cloudy tomorrow.




Apron Strings...
Towards A Happier Life .. .


Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Portugal Breaks Off
Diplomatie Contact
With Balkan Power

Ford Men G et More
Of UAW Literature
DETROIT, Aug. 18.- (P) - The
United Automobile Workers of Ameri-
ca quietly distributed literature to
Ford Motor Company employes near
the Rouge plant, in suburban Dear-
born, today.
Copies of the union's publication,
the United Automobile Worker, was
tossed into workers' automobiles as
they passed street corners. It was the
third such distribution since the
Committee for Industrial Organiza-
tion affiliate opened its drive to or-
ganize Ford employes.

Details Of Action Are Kept
Secret By Censorship Of
Lisbon Government
No Breach Is Known
With Czechoslovakia
LONDON, Aug. 18.-()-The Por-
tuguese government, said a dispatch
from Lisbon today, has severed diplo-
matic relations with Czechoslovakia.
The dispatch did not mention cause
or details of the reasons for severance.
The cable from the Associated Press
correspondent in London said only
"Portuguese government severed dip-
lomatic relations with Czechoslova-
kia," and it had been delayed some
hours by the Portuguese censor.
Further details were not at once
available because of censorship.
There have been no recent indica-
tions of any diplomatic breach be-
tween Portugal and Czechoslovakia
and there was not at once any indi-
cation of what led the Portuguese
government to take the apparently
summary action.
Portuguese Favor Rebels
Portugal's diplomatic conflic ts
within the past year have dealt chief-
ly with the Spanish situation, Portu-
guese sympathies having been with
the Spanish insurgent cause.
Portugal was among the last na-
tions to adhere to the 27-nation non-
intervention committee, designed to
prevent spread of the Spanish con-
flict to other European nations.
Portugal this summer precipitated
collapse of the non-intervention com-
mittee's patrol of Spain to keep out
foreign volunteers and arms by aban-
I l-ing the land patrol of her fron-
tier which borders Spain.
Italy and Germany previously had
withdrawn their warships from the
naval patrol of Spain, France lifted
the Franco-Spanish patrol by the
non-intervention committee repre-
sentatives, and the plan collapsed.
Britain Tries To Renew Patrol
Britain in recent weeks has been
seeking by compromise with the na-
tions involved to reestablish some
form of effective patrol. Czechoslo-
vakia, however, has taken no marked-
ly active part in these deliberations
although she is a member of the
Spanish Non-Intervention Commit-
London dispatch on March 5 re-
counted persistent reports that the
Germany minority within Czechoslo-
vakia, possibly aided by German
Nazis, was planning an insurrection.
There was no confirmation of these
repprts and no indication of what
part Portugal might play in the event
of such an outbreak.
Czechoslovakia would, foreign ob
servers and diplomats in London have
reasoned, however be a likely first
battleground if Germany and the
Soviet union ever should be involved
in combat.
Portuguese Government Fascist
The Portuguese government is mo-
delled after the Ita an Fascist plan
of a corporate state, headed by Pre-
mier Antonio de Oliveira Salazar. The
president is General Antonio Oscar
de Fragoso Carmona.
Recent disturbances within Portu-
gal incuded bombing of the -Ministry
of War on January 21, for which
police blamed Communist agitators.
SThere were several other bombings
through the city, and Minister of the
Interior Sousa declared then:
"The bombings prove the Portu-
guese government did right in declar-
ing the struggle in Spain endangered
life in the Portuguese nation. The
bombing is the work of foreigners
aided by Portuguese agitators. It
was a repercussion of present inter-
national disorders."

One result of the bombings was a
series of deportations of foreigners
"considered dangerous to security of
the country."
Premier Oliveira Salazar escaped a
bomb on July 5. It exploded on the
sidewalk as he was leaving his auto-
mobile to attend mass.
Six Workers Killed
In Destroyer Blast

F.D.R.'s Youngest
Denies Squirting
Wine At Official

Homer Martin, president
ed Automobile Workers

of the Unit-
of America,

PARIS, Aug. 18.-(IP)-John
velt, youngest son of President
velt, denied today that he had
ed champagne in the face

of the

mayor of Cannes or slapped him with
a bouquet of flowers at a Cannes
"battle of flowers" Sunday.
He said the playful celebrator must
have been someone else.
However, George Goin, chairman
of the fete committee who made the
original identification of young
Roosevelt as the one who encountered
the Mayor, said in Cannes:
"It was young Roosevelt who at-
tacked the Mayor and there is no
"I was sure of it before and I
verified it afterwards."
Mayor Pierre Nouveau himself, who
had a telephone conversation today
with American Ambassador William
C. Bullitt, asserted:
"I was told that my attacker was,
young Roosevelt although I had never
seen him before. I regret to say I
am certain now it was Mr. Roosevelt.
I wish the whole affair were ended."
Attempt Made
To Keep Black
Off High Court
Former Aide Of Attorney
General Seeks To File
Petition With Court
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18. -(P)-A
former Federal judge sought today to!
have the Supreme Court itself keep
Senator Black off its bench.
Albert Levitt, who served as judge
in the Virgin Islands, asked the high
court for permission to file a petition
against Black. The petition asks the
court to require Black to show cause
why he should be permitted to serve
as an associate justice.
Levitt, after leaving the Virgin
Islands, was made a special assistant
to Attorney General Cummings but
resigned last month. He had in-
curred the displeasure of Cummings
by appearing before a Senate com-
mittee to oppose the appointment of
Lawrence W. Cramer as governor of
the Virgin Islands.
Cummings said at that time he was
"disgusted" with the incident. Today
the Attorney General said of Levitt's
action :
"It is typically Levittesque and in-
troduces an element of comedy re-
Levitt advanced these arguments
against Black:!
He was a member of the Senate
when that body increased "emolu-
ments" of justices by permitting re-
tirement at full pay.
There is no vacancy in the Supreme
Court because Justice Willis Van De-,
vanter, who stepped down from bench
service early this summer, legally re-
mains a member of the court.
® Echoes of yesterday's debate over
the confirmation of Black were heard
in the Senate today. Black's col-I
league, Senator Bankhead (Dem.,
Ala.), read to the Senate expressions
from Jewish, Catholic and Negro res-
idents of Alabama and interpreted
the messages as answers to charges
that Black was a sympathizer of the
Ku Klux Klan.
Bankhead said the letters, which
congratulated Black on his elevation,
represented the views of "leading
Catholics and Jews" after observing
Black's Senate record for 10 years.
Seeks Accounting
Of Bethlehem Steel
NEW YORK, Aug. 18.-(P)-A new
effort to obtain an accounting from
the Bethlehem Steel Corporation of
more than $37,000,000 paid as bon-
uses to officers and directors fromi
1911 to 1930 was begun in Federal
Court here today.
The suit, brought by Mildred B.
Sarafan, who alleges that she has

been a stockholder since 1929 and
that the 6 .it is not collusive, asks for

meeting with his executive committee
here, said today the committee had
decided to refer the Wisconsin con-
troversy between the union and the
state CIO to John L. Lewis and John
Brophy, national CIO leaders.
The state CIO has demanded the
UAWA turn over to it charters of
all unions not directly affiliated with
the automobile industry.
Roosevelt Hits
Advocates Of
Rule Class
Accuses His Enemies Of
Using Constitution As A
Cloak To Hide Designs
FORT RALEIGH, Roanoke Island,
N. C., Aug. 18.-(P)-President Roose-
velt today accused his foes of strug-
gling to place control of the govern-
ment in the hands of "a select class"
and challenged them to stop using
the Constitution as a cloak to hide
"their real design."
Speaking to thousands gathered at
this historic fort in commemoration
of the birth of Virginia Dare, the first
child of English parentage born on
the American Continent in 1587. Mr.
Roosevelt emphasized hissfaith in
democracy -and said he sought no
change in the form of American Gov-
"Majority rule must be preserved
as the safeguard of both liberty and
civilization," he said. "Under it prop-
erty can be secure; under it abuses
can end; under it order can be main-
tained-and all of this for the simple,
cogent reason that to the average of
our citizenship can be brought a life
of greater opportunity, of greater se-
curity, of greater happiness."
It was these worthy hopes, the
President declared, that led the f a-
thers and mothers of many nations
to settle in America. It was called
pioneering in the olden days, "and
pioneering it still is-pioneering for
the preservation of our fundamental
institutions against the ceaseless at-
tack of those who have no faith in
The President spoke from a plat-
form atop a hill overlooking an am-
phitheatre in which a spectacular
commemorative pageant was held.
About him were replicas of the crude
buildings thrown up at the Fort by
the early settlers who fought a never-
ending struggle against hardship and
raiding Indians. His remarks were
broadcast over nationwide hookups
of the Columbia and National Broad-
casting systems.-

House Shouts
Loud Approval
Of Homes Bill
Amiendmients Are Defeated
As Represenitahives Rush
To Adjourn Saturday
Senate Considers
Tax-Evasion Law
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18.-P)-
The House roared approval tonight
of a $526,000,000 program of Federal
aid to state and municipal low-cost
housing projects.
The chamber worked overtime for
the third night in a row in the hope
of going home Saturday.
It refused to alter the housing bill's
provisions for local contributions to-
ward the cost of dwellings for fam-
ilies of small means.
Without even a record vote, the
representatives shouted disapproval
of an amendment by Representative
Voorhis (Dem., Calif.) which would
have authorized the government to
lend to state and local housing agen-
cies 100 per cent of the funds neces-
sary for acquisition and development
of projects.
Voorhis Argues In Vain
It left unchanged a provision for
loans of up to 85 per cent of the cost.
Voorhis argued in vain that many
cities could not supply the remaining
15 per cent.
"The issue." said Representative
Williams (Dem., Mo.). "is whether
the government shall make the en-
tire loan or some responsibility should
be placed on local authorities. To
say that great cities can't supply 15'
per cent is, to my mind, ridiculous.
If they are not willing to put up
15 per cent to save criminal, delin-
quent and health costs, they are not
entitled to government thelp."
An 82 to 51 standing vote defeated
a proposal of Representative Hancock
(Dem., N.C.) that communities be
required to put up their 15 per cent
in cash or land, rather than in such
items as tax remissions or community
facilities or services.
Representative Spence (Dem., Ky.)
got through a couple of committee
amendents permitting the housing
authority to defer the razing of slums,
as required bythe bill, where such
demolition would cause "dangerous
Hancock's Proposal Downed
The House turned down, however, a
proposal by Hancock to make demoli-
tion mandatory within two years of
completion of each project.
The Senate, meantime, began con-
sideration of the House-approved bill
to close loopholes in the tax laws.
It delayed a vote until tomorrow after
Senator Schwellenbace (Dem. Wash.)
protested against the measure's be-
ing rushed through "without even a
pretense of adequate consideration."
Vice-President Garner previously
had gaveled through a series of com-
mittee amendments so fast that even
Senate leaders did not know what
had been approved.
Drafted after an investigation by
a joint congressional committee, the
tax bill is designed to increase federal
revenues about $75,000,000 annually
by checking the use of personal hold-
(Continued on Page 3)

Panorama To
Be Given Free
To 6,000 Here
Panorama, Michigan's new picture
magazine, the first issue of which will
be off the presses this September, is
exciting comment even off the cam-
College Humor, in its Collegiana,
says, "A semi-monthly picture maga-
zine will begin publication this fall
at the University of Michigan. It is
felt something nice should be done
for those students who have not yet
learned to read."
Though humor magazines take
cracks at the enterprise the New York
Times has realized its remarkable
newness as a college publication, and
has written it up from a Daily story.
The first issue has gone to press.
The staff has worked all summer on
the brain child., Editors Joan Han-
son and Bob Lodge say that inasmuch
as photography is sweeping the coun-
try, they hope that Panorama will be
to the University what "Life" is to the
United States.
Six thousand copies of the first is-
sue will be distributed to students
free, so that the student body may
judge for itself possibilities and value
of the photographic magazine.
Places for students interested in
working on Panorama as an activity
will be available. Tryouts will be held
the first of the fall term for those in-
Campaign Book
Sale Is Attacked
By Woodruff
Michigan Representative
Accuses Democrats Of
Coercion, Intimidation
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18.-('P)-
Representative Woodruff (Rep.,-
Mich.) said today public opinion
should be directed against the "po-
litical coercion, intimidation and ex-
tortion" represented in the sale of
Democratic campaign books.
"Otherwise," Woodruff said in a
radio speech, "the citizens of this na-
tion may well expect to witness other
campaigns by these predatory politi-
cians to sell administration favors
and parcel out the taxpayers' money
on a basis of a division of the loot be-
tween the contributors, the Demo-
cratic National Committee and its'
horde of high-powered salesmen."
Woodruff said the Democratic
Committee had been "peddling" the
year books, containing the signature
of President Roosevelt.
"Copies of these books," he said,
"were forced upon unwilling cor-
poration officials at prices varying
from $100 up to as much as $1,000
a copy."
PONTIAC, Aug. 18.-(P)-Howard
Vance, 26, Pontiac, was killed early
Wednesday when his automobile col-
lided with a tractor driven by Earl
Partlo of Bay City on the Dixie High-
way near here.

Japan Encourages
Separatist Move
In Northern China
TIENTSIN, China, Aug. 18.-(P)-
An underground North China sep-
aratist movement, encouraged by
Japanese, came into the open here
and in Peiping today. It sought sep-
arate peace with Japan.
It urged the establishment of anr
anti-war and anti-communist ad- 1
ministration divorced from the Nan-
king Central Government in a "Northa
China for North China" campaign.t
The North China Youth Party andC
similar groups, through open dis-
tribution of handbills and newspa-
per advertisements, advocated com- f
plete break with Nanking and estab- t
lishment of an autonomous govern- i
ment ,independent of backing from t
"rapacious war lords and corrupt p
officials," for the creation of "a para-
dise for northern Chinese. "
They stressed the necessity for s
Sino-Japanese economic cooperation. b
Concurrent with China's stand a
against Japanese forces in Shanghai
and stubborn resistance at Nankow p
Pass in North China, Japanese army d
and civil authorities grasped inform- s
ally at this opportunity with dona- c
tions of advertising space. Officially,
Japan was "unconcerned" with the v
movement. b
Among the listed backers of the o
Anti-Nanking campaign were several
local peace preservation societies, al- t
ready functioning under Japanese C
financial and military auspices. t
Japanese , circles here, however,
showed no intention of organizing
immediately any permanent autono- d
mous regime; nor have they moved s
to include Hopeh province in a Man- i
churian state pending completion of s
the military phase of Japan's North r
China program.
Franco Takes f
Arena, Close
To Santander1
Crisis Near As Insurgents
Close In On Last Seaport
Of Loyalists In Biscay
HENDAYE, Franco-S anish Fron-
tier, Aug. 18.--(P)-The Insurgentt
radio at Bilbao announced tonight
that General Francisco Franco's
troops have occupied the town of1
Arena, 28 miles from Santander. t
Arena is 11%/2 miles north of Rein-
osa, important northern Spanish
town taken earlier in the week by
the Insurgents in their campaign
against government-held Santander.
Claim 1,700 Surrender
The radio communique said 1,700
Government militiamen surrendered.
A government communique claimed
that a surprise sortie of crack Astur-
ian and Santander troops from the
mountains west of Reinosa had crum-
pled the left flank of the Insurgents
The Government troops were said
to have rushed from their rocky
strongholds this morning and swept
the Insurgents from their trenches
along the Palencia Highway in a
complete rout.
Insurgent artillery and aircraft
tried to defend the positions, the
Government said, but the attackers
finally drove out the Insurgent forces
to take command of several hills.
The Government victory occurred
within 40 miles of Santander, its last
Biscayan seaport and stronghold, to-
ward which Insurgent Generalissimo
Francisco has been driving steadily.
Important Position
If he captures it, it may prove the
most important conquest of the 13-
month-old civil war. He will then

control the northwest provinces of
Spain and will be able to turn his
full attention to the Teruel campaign
against Madrid.
Insurgent officers characterized to-
day's Government attack ash"minor."
They denied they had been forced
to halt their advance in order to rush
reinforcements to protect their Rein-
osa flank.
In the fierce fighting around Rein-
Ren-()a.e * r r~r.. ad a .ain Jntii,4

Shanghai A rtillery
Rep ulse Night Raid
By Japanese Planes

Heavy Forces Of Chinese
Press Foes, Scuttle Six
Jap Steamers In River
Bombers' Attack
Centers On Pootung
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18.-()-
The Chinese Embassy reported to-
night the Japanese lost eight planes
in four raids on Nanking yesterday.
The Embassy said two were shot down
at Kashing, three at Cuyung and
three others at Chinkiang and Yang-
SHANGHAI, Aug. 18.-(IP)-Japan's
ighters blasted tonight under a
Shanghai moon against overwhelm-
ng numbers of China's strongest
roops on both sides of the Whang-
poo River.
A Japanese bombing squadron,
making the first night air raid .in the
ix days that Shanghai has been a
attleground, opened the heaviest
erial-artillery duel so far.
Japanese warships in the Whang-
poo River joined the fire below where
daring Chinese soldiers earlier had
cuttled six Japanese ships to barri-
ade the upper stream.
Guns from the Japanese men-of-
war shelled Pootung, on the east
bank, opposite the Bund in the heart
)f the city.
Chinese artillery roared back across
he river to silence the warships and
Chinese anti-aircraft batteries swept
he sky to beat off the air bombers.
Pootung Sprinkled With Fire
Pootung, drenched with explosives
during the 40-minute cannonade, was
sprinkled with new fires when the fir-
ng suddenly ceased, billows of dense
smoke showed where the Japanese
massed bombardment had struck.
Despite an almost full moon and a
starry sky, the pall was so heavy that
t engulfed the brilliantly spotlighted
flags flying from the stem and stern
of the United States Cruiser Augusta,
at the head of an International pro-
tective fleet.
The Japanese aircraft wheeled west'
high above the foreign quarters to
attack unknown objectives across the
city. Thousands of foreign residents
crowded to rooftops to watch the
The planes dived steeply, loosing
their explosives from low altitudes.
Each time a bomb struck, flashes of
flame shot skyward and the west side
of Shanghai rocked with the detona'-
Bombs Strike Flames Skyward
In the darkness it was impossible
to tell just where the attack was cen-
tered. It was believed, however, that
the Japanese were aiming at a rail-
road junction and, possibly, at China's
Hungjao Airdrome.
This correspondent, luckily on the
(Continued on Page 4)
3 Discharged
UAW Workers
To Stay Fired
DETROIT, Aug. 18.-A(P) - The
Chrysler Corp. announced today that
three members of the United Auto-
mobile Workers Union who were dis-
charged before the shutdown of the
plant Aug. 4, will not be rehired.
A fourth UAW member, dismissed
at the same time, will be reinstated.
The plant- was closed after a fight
between UAW members and members
of the Independent Association of
Chrysler Employes. The union
charged the company with a lockout,
and the company said the union had
called a strike in a key 'department.
The plant was reopened Aug. 8
after the company and the union
agreed that a committee should study

the case of the four discharged men.
UAW officials today expressed the
belief that the discharges would re-
sult in no disorders.
Court Action Ends
NEW YORK, Aug. 18.-(P)--Court
acrtiorn washbeiin toayThuto nd nr'Ir-

James Mills, Veteran Correspondent,
.Describes Siau8ghter Along Whangpoo

(EDITOR'S NOTE: James A. Mills,
veteran Associated Press foreign corre- vital waterway, an array of strength
spondent. reached Shanghai today from formidable enough virtually to blow
Japan, where he has been chief of the Shn aioftemp
Tokyo bureau. Mills, at home anywhere Shanghai off the map.
in the Orient, followed the Japanese We arrived amid a terrific bom-
troops in the Manchuria campaign and badetbyfrhewsIws
was in Shanghai during the 1932 Sino- bardment, by far the worst, I was
Japanese hostilities. His last yar as- told,.in the six days of incessant fire.
signment was in Addis Ababa during Along the shore, as far as we could
the Italian campaign in Ethiopia.)
see, great sheets of fire, dense col-
By JAMES A. MILLS umns of smoke and impenetrable
SHANGHAI, Aug. 18.-(A)-I ar- clouds of dust were rising from ruins
rived in Shanghai today under fire of Chinese areas.
from Chinese snipers. ' Woosung Forts Silent
Some 300 other Americans, besides Despite a bright noonday sun the
myself, twice targets ourselves, wit- sky was blackened along parts of
nessed scenes of rampant destruction the waterfront.
and slaughter a few hundred yards The Woosung forts were silent, in
from our ship, the Dollar liner Pres- strange contrast with 1932 when they
ident McKinley. held the Japanese forces at bay for
We watched great sheets of fire two weeks.
rising from ruined areas of the city A short distance below Woosung,
and bombings by squadrons of Jap- the passengers saw a harrowing spec-
anese planes. tacle. They watched the China Mer-
Saw 38 Jap Destroyers chant Corporation wharves suddenly
Coming up the 50 miles to Shanghai chnoprto hre udny
Comig u the50 ile to hanhaiengulfed in flame after a terrific Ja-
by liner and tender along the Yangtze pne e airrbombing.
and Whangpoo Rivers from the China'panese air bombing.
Sea I counted 38 Japanese destroyers, It seemed like a field day for the

McKinley itself was the innocent by-
stander in a crossfire from Chinese1
and Japanese guns. A rain of bombs;
from Japanese planes fell dangerously
close and Chinese bullets whistled
through her rigging from shore bat-
teries peppering the riverful of Ja-
panese destroyers.
After taking inward-bound . pas-
sengers to Shanghai, the tender re-
turned to the President McKinley
with outward-bound refugees.
The latter-294 Americans, mostly
women and children-were panic
stricken when bullets began splatter-
ing around the vessel. They dropped
to their stomachs on deck, afraid
even to stand long enough to dash
for safety below.
Marines At Scene
United States Marine guards made
the round trip on the tender from
Shanghai to the McKinley's Woosung
anchorage and back. They tried to
reassure the refugees and about 50
American and other passengers com-
ing to Shanghai from the liner.
Some of the McKinley's arriving
n.-qo anc nft.r avrir pinL, athe aI


six cruisers, four dreadnaughts, an
airplane carrier and numerous gun- tered objectives without let-up and,
+,,,+ without, hindrance. Their relentless .


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