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July 01, 1937 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-01

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and the Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Offic at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscription during sumimer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year, by carrier. $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
CITY EDITOR ...................... JOSEPH S. MATTES
Associate .Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil-
more, Charlotte D. Rueger.
Assistant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Fitzhenry,
Joseph Gies, Clayton Hepler.
BUSINESS MANAGER ..................JOHN R. ,PARK
Summer Session
Opportunities . .
1 has Prof. Louis A. Hopkins termed
the 1937 Summer Session the most colorful ever
offered by the University since the summer term
was-inaugurated as a part of the University pro-
gram 44 years ago. A brief survey of the special
features shows that the session not only is very
colorful but also offers students an opportunity
to gain much more than simply "book larnin'."
The 11 excursions, although not a new feature
this year, provide recreation at a minimum cost
and a rest from the monotony of class attend-
ance for those who take advantage of them.
They include an inspection of the Ford Plant,
the General Motors Proving Ground, a trip to a
beautiful island in Lake Erie, which will entail
an 125-mile steamer ride, to the Michigan State
Prison and Henry Fo~d's famous Greenfield Vil-
Of course the daily lecture series which in-
cludes Prof. Aiton, Prof. Jesse Ormondroyd, who
aided in mounting the 200-inch telescope made
for a California observatory, Prof. Fred M. Bul-
lard, Dr. W. G. Smillie, and Dr. Mortimer Graves
will again be one of the outstanding features of
the session.
Culturally, the faculty concerts and the nine
plays offered by the Michigan Repertory Players
should leave little to be desired. Prof. Windt's
productions have been satisfactory and popular
in the past, and this year's especially attractive
prograi headed by "Pride and Prejudice,"
Ethan Frome," and "H.M.S. Pinafore," is one of
the best ever offered. Concerts on the carillon,
which were thought so valuable that they were
included in a tourist program made up by the
state in Lansing, Will be a part of the Summer
Session features for the first time. These will
probably be attended by persons from all parts
of the nation.
The social activities for the summer center in
the Michigan League, and, well directed, they
will do much to do away with the popular fal-
lacy that a student at a great university is
"merely one among thousands," with few, if any,
For small groups of students, the Electronics
Institute, supported by great corporations spe-
cializing in the manufacture of'electric appara-
tus, the seminar in the Chinese language, the
Far Eastern Institute, the General Linguistics
Institute and the Physics Symposium will greatly
enhance the 1937 Summer Session. Many meet-
ings in each of these will be open to all students,
and thus will be available to all. Moreover,
there are special forums each week led by men
well versed in special fields. of study for the
benefit of any who desire to attend.

It is an accepted truism that he who knows
but one subject or profession well or who de-
votes his entire time to study and thereby fails
to develop other aspects of his personality is a
very small man indeed. They who planned the
Summer Session program have kept this in mind.
There is great opportunity during these next
eight weeks to acquire those qualities which
should distinguish the educated man.
The Country Doctor
(From The Chicago Daily News)
murmurs deeply. Summer heat creeps like
a slow tide into the house. At any season or hour
hands knock in desperate urgency on the door,
or phone clamors to rouse the*country doctor.
He cannot choose but heed. It may be Maw

On The Level
THE SMOKE OF BATTLE has cleared away
and nothing has happened since Monday, so
we feel that we can tell of the verbal combat
between Vice-President Shirley Smith and Police
Officer Ben Ball, that took place in front of the
cashier's office this week.
The time was 3:55 p.m. Monday, and the doors
of the cashier's office had just been shut to a
long waiting line of late registrations, when up
rushed Mr. Smith, who couldn't see why the office
should close shop five minutes early on such a
busy day. He broke through the crowd and went
up to the door, where Ben Ball (wearing the
badge of the Ann Arbor police department) was
holding the fort. .
"Open the door," said Mr. Smith.
Officer Ball paid no attention.
"I said to open the door," reiterated Vice-
President Smith.
"Who the heck says so?" murmured Ball, in
words to that effect.
"I am Shirley Smith," responded Mr. Smith
Here, Officer Ball missed a chance for a swell
cinema-like reply by not saying, "Yeah? Well
I'm Shirley Temple!" However, he continued to
ignore Mr. Smith and all the waiters he was
championing, so Mr. Smith settled the whole
affair by getting another officer to fling open the
hard won door. It must have been difficult for
Officer Ball to stand there and watch people file
through the portal that he had Horatiussed so
* * * *
instructing Sociology 159 among other
courses this summer, left himself wide open
to the barb of a class wit in his Tuesday
lecture. Speaking on the subject of juvenile
delinquency, he said, "The old adage-You
can't teach an old dog new tricks'-is very
true. And how do I know that?"
"By experience," interrupted a feminine
voice in the back of the room.
DOROTHY BERNARD, swell sister of Mich'
igan's All-American, Chuck, nearly trumped
a lawyer's ace recently in his bid for a date, but
he outwitted her and made the contract. He
was very premeditating, and thought up one
of the most intricate plans for getting a date
that we have ever heard of. His plan consisted
of first phoning Dot frofm the Publications Build-
ing and telling her that she had been recom-
mended to him by Professor Brandt; as a clear
thinking young woman. Then he said that he
was gathering data for a proposed "dating bu-
reau," and that he .would like to have her fill
out a questionnaire that was being compiled by
The Daily. At this point, Dot laughed and told
the guy that she was all dated up. But the
young man professed sincerity of purpose and
said that his intentions were merely statistically
inclined. Dot, trusting soul, then thought that
she had misjudged the boy, and agreed to meet
him the next day to fill out the questions.
Sure enough, the next day the fellow appeared
carrying a brief case full of questionnaires, and
Dot spent the next hour filling out blanks to a
lot of questions such as, "How many dates do
you have with a man before you let him kiss
you?" After she had finished, the young man
confessed that he was connected with no such
"date bureau," and that he was merely attempt-
ing a new approach for getting a date. Dorothy
then realized she had played the goat, but grant-
ed him a, date for his ingenuity. The only thing
that bothered her was the fact that the fellow
had all the data on her reactions to pertinent
things, in her questionnaire.
MEANDERINGS . .. "Bud" Lundahl .. .
president of the Interfraternity Council
... is enrolled in Summer Session ... "Bud-
dy-L Toys"... playthings of a million kids in
the U.S.... were named after him ...
SOMETIMES WE WONDER just when wres-
tling publicity agents will run out of ideas

to attract crowds. When things were looking
pretty dark for wrestling in Detroit, some bright
publicity man succeeded in building up a perfect
hatred between Ivan Rasputin, The Bearded
Russian; and the Masked Man Number II. The
hatred was given quite a bit of space, and finally
the two were matched. Then, in a brave mo-
ment, Ivan stated that if he lost the match, he
would shave off his foot long beard, and the
Masked Man retaliated by guaranteeing to take
his famous mask off if he happened to lose. This
promised to be quite something, so we couldn't
resist attending when the match came off last
week. The bout was disillusioning to us, who
have always been under the impression that all
wrestling matches were fixed for days ahead,
because the boys went at it tooth and claw.
Neither wanted to lose his forfeit, and at one
time both the boys were out cold. Finally, the
Mystery Man won the third fall with his famed
"Pile Driver Special" and it was Rasputin's turn
to shave. At first he refused, claiming that he
was never pinned, but when the crowd started
yelling for a refund, he sat down like a slightly
trained lion and a barber (all in white), clipped
away his flowing beard scoop by scoop. We
shall never forget how mammoth Rasputin sat
there and cried like a baby as they shaved away
the growth he had had for some twenty years.
It was some show, and the publicity man who
thought it up ought to rake in a nice bonus.
P.S.: The boys are now rematched.
Josh Pibble's imaginary lesions and Aunt Hepsy's
n-lri 1'~pcth All the t im c.hp, ic, e,~sint nr rpvfrmprc'

Portrait of Girdler
(Folowin, are excerpts from a portrit of Tm
Girdler. chairman of the board of Republic Steel.
who refused to enter into Fedieral-sponsored medi-
ations, which appeared in the St. Louis Post-Dis-
patch of June 29.)
FIGHTING IT OUT on the picket line with
John L. Lewis and the CIO is nothing new
for Tom. M. Girdler of Republic Steel. He has
been battling against unionism ever since he
entered the steel industry 35 years ago.
Hard-boiled, bald-headed Tom Girdler got his
start in a meteoric career, which has netted him
riches and reputation, by keeping the unions out
of Aliquippa, site of the principal mills of Jones
& Laughlik He left that town and the corpora-
tion'of which he had become president, in 1929,
to become chairman of the board of Republic.
Foe Of Professional Unionism
Long before the Committee for Industrial Or-
ganization was ever heard of, Girdler was a foe
of professional unionism. He was as basically
opposed to any agreement with William Green.
president of the American Federation of Labor,
as he is to making terms today with Lewis.
He is frankly and outspokenly a member of the
GO.P. Old Guard, both politically and indus-
For 10 years, from about 1915 to 1925, Girdler
ruled Aliquippa, a place of 31 nationalities, with
iron hand and all-seeing eye.
Unwary union organizers were escorted out of
town. Others knew better than to set foot
there. In the great steel strike of 1919, when
labor vainly fought for abolition of the 12-hour
day and 7-day week, Girdler's mills never closed,
nor were they disturbed by picket lines.
Only last month, when Jones & Laughlin held
its plant elections, resulting in a CIO victory by a
count of 17,000 to 7,000 and a signed contract,
Girdler sent armed men to his old bailiwick.
His "Observers" Go Armed
When his emissaries were detected election-
eering, Girdler blandly explained they were "ob-
servers." He laughingly referred to them in dis-
cussing with the writer his industrial philosophy
and in confirming the major points presented
to him by the correspondent about his activities
at Aliquippa. He even added a few anecdotes of
his own for good measure.
When this writer visited Aliquippa, he found
that Tom Girdler was a legend and a tradition,
He learned that it wasn't until the last year or
so that it was safe even to talk about unionism
in that iron-clad industrial town.
An efficient deterrent against undue activities
was found through the development of a com-
pany police force. It was drilled to an efficiency
unsurpassed by any units of the Coal and Iron
Police, now legislated out of existence. It enjoys
hearty cooperation from the city police.
Incoming trains were met. Organizers, sus-
pected organizers-in fact, anyone who didn't
look rig'ht-were taken into custody, sometimes
beaten, put on the next train back to Pittsburgh.
Organizers Beaten
If anyone in town talked too freely he was
likely to find his home raided and to be given
short shrift. Those deviating from the estab-
lished order were branded troublemakers or
agitators--the convenient term Communism
hadn't come into use then.
Numerous more indirect devices besides stool
pigeons and police kept the employes in line.
Most of the houses are owned by the company,
sold on long-term payments. A prospective home
owner would think twice before risking his job
and his investment.
The company also owns the waterworks; it is
furthermore the arbiter of credit at the company
store, although other stores operate.
Some of the men of Aliquippa became dissatis-
fied with a union in another town. Sure that
they would never join another union, Girdler
hired them. On the other hand, the sons of
known union adherents in other communities
were blacklisted. And an Aliquippa-trained man
could get a job anywhere in the industry.
"It's surprising to me to be talking to you,"
one steel worker said, "because even two years
ago I wouldn't have dared breathe unionism,
and you would have done well to get this far."
Another broke in:
"The big trouble was, we couldn't call our souls
our own. We couldn't think unionism. All the
swimming pools in town and all the athletic

fields and Tom Girdler's man-to-man policy
couldn't make up for the fact that we had no
job security.
"We were treated like pig iron. We were just
a commodity."
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of Ihe
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of . general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
A 'Ridiculous Pittace'
To the Editor:
Recently, the local chapter of the American
Federation of State County and Municipal Em-
ployees which is composed primarily of University
Hospital employes, presented a petition to Dr.
Haynes, director of the Hospital.
Among a few minor requests, the petition
asked for a substantial wage increase. The
present average hourly wage of University Hos-
pital employes is about 36 cents per hour. The
union asked for about 10 cents per hour more.
On the wage issue, Dr. Haynes' reply indicated
that the Hospital would grant them an increase
of one cent to five cents per hour. Taking the
average for the group as a whole, the increase
wouill gmouintt nohout.twocents iner hour.

fice, Room 1, University Hall.
be held Thursday at 8 o'clock at the
Publication in the Bulletin is cnstructive notice to all members of the Fe F1414 Washt1n1w
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session. Room 1213
A 1I. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. (Kappa Alpha Theta House). Speak-
or-: Mr.JmsO'Neill. Refreshments.
All students interested in conversa-
At 4:05 p.m. today Dr. C. O. Davis, Summer Session Orchestra: Open tional French are cordially invited to
Professor of Secondary Education, i to all students who play. Perry School, join theCerele.
will speak on "The History, Policies, Division and Packard Streets, Thurs-.o
and Achievements of the School of day, Friday, 1 to 2:30 p.m. Foyer Francais: There is still some
Education" in the University High
School Auditorium. Psychology 109s will meet at 10 room available for women studen4W ts
Astronomical motion pictures, dis- a.m. on MTWT, and Psychology 165s at tie:French House (1414 Waslte-
nawelepone 22547. Plces at
playing the behavior of prominences will meet at 9 a.m. on MTWT, in the French table for the noon and
on the sun, will be shown in thea Room 2003 Natural Science Building,melarasoviab.
Natural Science Auditorium at 5 p.m., instead of in the room scheduled in evening meals are also available.
Thursday, July 1. These pictures the catalogue.
xvil oeaccmpaied y alecureCandidates for the Master's De-
xvii ocaccmpaied y alecuregree in History: Please register in the
given by Mr. Robert R. McMath, Di- Graduate Students in all depart- History Department Office, 119 Ha-
rector of the McMath-Hulbert Ob- ments who during the Summer Ses- ven Hall, July 1, if you expect to
servatory of the University of Mich- sion wish to take the German'reading take the language examination for
igan. Students of astronomy are examination required for the doctor- the Master's Degree in History this
urged to attend and the public is ate and those in the exact and na- summer. Students are urged to take
cordially invited. tural sciences who wish to take both' this examination during their first
the French and German examina- period of registration as a candidate
Excursion No. 1: Tour of the Cam- tions are requested to consult with for the Master's Degree. The exam-
pus: The students who will make an Professor Lee Thursday of this week ination will be given on Monday,
inspection of the Cook Legal Re- between 4 and 5 p.m. in Room 3, East Aug. 16, at 4 p.m., Room B, Haven
search Library, Law Quadrangle, Hall. Hall. It is one hour in length and
Michigan Union, General Library, C. S. Yoakum, Dean. candidates are asked to bring their
Clements Library, Aeronautical Lab-- - own dicti usaries. Copies of old
oratory, and Naval Tank. Those who Student Mail: Students expecting, language examinations are on file in
wish to attend should meet in the mail addressed in care of the Univer- the Basement Study Hall of the Gen-
lobby of Angell Hall, Thursday, July 1 sity should call at the Business of- (Continued on Page 3)
at 2 pm There is no charge for this --


Recreational Swimming, Women
Students: The Union Pool will be
open for recreational swimming for
women on Tuesday and Thursday
evenings from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. A
small fee will be charged.
Intramural baseball teams will be
organized today at 4:15 p.m. on Ferry
Field at the first gate south of Yost
Field House. All men students in-
terestedin playing softball are asked
to report at this time. Men's Edu-1
cation Club League will be organized
Thursday, July 8 at the same time
and place.
R. W. Webster, Director
Summer Intramurals.-
Announcing Journalism Course j
118s: The Teaching of Journalism:
In view of the many requests of
teachers of journalism and super-
visors of publications in high schools
and colleges for including this course
in this summer's schedule, the De-
partment of Journalism has arranged
with the Director of the Summer Ses-
sion to offer the course under the
direction of Assistant Professor Wes-
ley H. Maurer. Will the students who
petitioned for this course please meet
in the News Room, second floor, Ha-
ven Hall, at 4 p.m. this afternoon for
purposes of organization? Other
!students interested in this course may
interview Professor Maurer at his
office, Room 211, Haven Hall, from
10 to 12 and from 2 to 4 today.
John L. Brumm,
Chairmaln, Departmpnt of

Classified Directory

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
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All Work Guaranteed f
Shirts .........................12C
Shorts ........................ 4c
Tops......................... 4c
Handkerchiefs .... ... ... 2c
Socks ......................... 3c
Pajamas .......................10c1
Slips ..........................10c
Dresses .......................25c
Pajamas1................0c to15C
Hose (pr.)....................3
Silks, wools our specialty. All bundles
done separately-no markings. Call
for and deliver. Phone 5594. Silver
Laundry. 607 E. Hoover. 3x
EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu-
dent laundry. Call for and deliver.
Phone 4863. 2x

LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 1x
3 SINGLE rooms for girls near cam-
pus. Clean, newly decorated. Home
privileges. Phone 3968. 606
FURNISHED APT. with private bath
and shower. Continuous hot water.
Garage or parking space. 422 E.
Washington. Phone 8544. 605
SINGLE and double rooms for girls.
Large and airy, large yard, trees.
1511 Washtenaw. Tel. 3851. 603
B E A U T I F U LL Y furnished brick
apartment for summer. 2 bedrooms,
$60 month plus utilities, 1506 Pack-
ard. 602
RENT: Cool large rooms downstairs.
Reasonable. 2-2159. 314 E. Liberty.
FOR RENT: Single room and half
of suite. Furnished. Above average.
Reasonably priced. 720 Catherine.
Phone 2-3509. 611
FOR RENT: Cool large rooms. Down
stairs. Reasonable. 2-2159. 314 E.
Liberty. 608
GIRLS' ROOM with house privileges
and garage. Reasonable price.
Phone 3481. 613
ROOM for man. Preferably graduate
student. 1110 Olivia. Phone 6152.

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