The Weather
Fair and somewhat warmer to-
day and tomorrow.
C, 1 40, r
tr4t an
Summer Session
Op portunities .. .
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Aiton Claims
War In Spain
Was Predicted
B Observers
Professor Lived In Spain
Just Before Civil Strife
Began A Year Ago
Speaker Supports
Az ana's Program
Finest Talent In
Laboratories I
More Than 100 P'resent At
First Lecture; Most Of
Enrolled Are Teachers
Thelecture series now being spon-
sored by the Electronics Institute in-
cludes a galaxy of scientists that could
hardly be equalled in the electronics
field, according to Prof. William G.
Dow, director of the Institute.
Professor'Dow said, "We couldn't
hope for better lecture talent," and
pointed out that because of the high
calibre of the lecturers required, the
Institute is only a "spot program" and
will not be offered again for some
The present conflict in Spain was years.
foreseen by most observers in the The generosity of the various com-
peninsula weeks before its actual out- mercial laboratories in putting their
break, Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the leading men at the service of the
history department, recognized au- University was praised by Professor
thority on Spain, told the third Sum- Dow. "Electronics is such a recently
Commercial Sutton Urges I
Here At Institute
in the electronics field in thecoun -Business Tie
try."u i es i
Next week, in addition to Dr.
Duschman, the Institute will have as
its guest lecturer, Mr. B. J. Thomp- S uthern Educator States
son, director of the vacuum tube de-
velopment and research for the RCA Prosperity Dependent
Manufacturing Company at Harrison, Upon Education
N. J.__ _
The fundamental purpose of the -
Institute, according to Professor Dow, Dr. Glenn Stresses
is to "enable men who have already
had practical experiencesinthe lab- Character Builing
oratories to tell their story to the
men who are teaching the subject in
the engineering school." The aim of education must be to
The Institute enrollment of 85 was teach students and the public to
termed "most satisfactory" by Profes- realize that the only basis of good
sor Dow. Two-thirds to three-fourths business is the aspirations of the l
of those enrolled are teachers of elec-pepefrbtrcodinsflvng l
trical engineering or physics, he said. people for better conditions of living, F
Dr. Willis Sutton, superintendent of "A
"* schools of Atlanta, Ga., said, speaking tru
ym posium n last night before a group of more th
Draws than 300 students, faculty members of
h sics fand NEA delegates in the Union. up
I "We must-bring business and edu-
cation together," he declared, "for th
good business is the upsurging of th
culture." h
Plan Lectures, Seminars Dr. Sutton stated that America will th
destroy herself in business unless she c
In 15th Annual Summer keeps ideolism, spiritual awakening
and culture in view. "The cultpral uC
evel of the people is a barometerICc
of good business," he said, "and the of
Men, universally recognized as greatest improvement of business Bo
leaders in their respective fields, are will come out of improving the spir- th
taking part in the 15th annual Sym- itual, and uplifting the morals and ag
posium of Theoretical Physics, be- deasm of the pe pnte out that we
ing offered this summer as part of have grown too far from the masses w
the program of the physics depart- in education, and "we must bring -
ment. education closer to the masses," he
Th ypsu ossso e-declared. I
The Symposium consists of lec~ Dr. Charles Glenn, president of the E
tures and seminars. The lectures are American Association of School Su-
given in independent series on dif- perintendents told the same group
ferent subjects, and range from per- that "education must see if it can
iods of one week to the duration of use a different approach in building
the Summer Session, and Seminars character."
are held twice weekly. "We must get away from lecturing
Those taking part in this year's and teaching character, and create
program include Enrico Fermi of the a good atmosphere for character de- F
Royal University of Rome, James velopment," he said.
Franck, Nobel Prize winner, of Johns Stressing again the importance of
Hopkins University O. E. Uhlenbeck character building in the schools, he
of the University of Utrecht L. A stated that the very best way to de-
To as th OhiState Universitf r tL Avelop it is by creating an exemplary 1
Thomas of Ohio State Universitry,
Uownsend R.ecalls
After Announcin
mer Session lecture audience yester-
day in his talk in Natural Science Au-
Expected Left Revolt
Professor Aiton. who was teaching
in Spain during the spring of 1936.
told how the widespread disorder and
uncertainty prevailing in the country
brought him to a decision to leave be-
fore hostilities were onened by one of
the factions contending for power.
"At the time," he remarked, "most of
us in Spain expected an attempted
revolution from the left to occur
rather than the movement from the
right." ,
Professor Aiton snent the early part
of his talk in a description of the
background of the 'resent war, trac-'
ing the history of Spain from the
early invasions of Romans. Goths,
Celts, and other peoples down through
the turbulent monarchy of early mod-
ern times to the seven-year regime
of Primo de Rivera, whose dictator-
ship he characterized as beneficial at
first but increasingly despotic, result-
ing in the minister's overthrow in the
Republican revolution of 1932-33.
Center Gets Victory i'n '33
The first general elections under
the Republican regime in 1933 proved
a victory for the forces of the center
and right, according to Professor Ai-
ton, particularly the Catholic Action
party, headed by the minister-indus-
trialist Gil Robles. The severe re-
pression of the leftist revolt of Oc-
tober, 1934, was followed two years
later by the election victory of the
Popular Front, a combine of most of
the elements of the left, who, how-
ever, were unable to cooperate under
the leadership of the moderate Pre-
mier Azana, for whose program Pro-
fessor Aiton professed his personal
"In April Azana made an appeal to
the different elements in his following
to support his program of modera-
tion," he said, "but was unable to
obtain their cooperation and subse-
quently retired from office to become
President." A revolt was clearly in-
cipient in the situation, he declared,
pointing out that the Constitution
was already suspended before the re-
belliop of July 19 broke out. The
Spanish army, with its German con-
tacts, was ripe for a blow at the
(Continued on Page 4)
McMath Continues
developed branch of electrical engi-
neering," he said, "that most of the
work has been done in the labora-
tories of electrical engineering- com-
panies; hence, our reliance on these
companies for our lecturers.
More than 100 people attended the
first lecture by Dr. Saul Duschman,
assistant director of the research lab-
oratory of the General Electric Com-
pany in Schenectady, N.Y. Dr. Dusch-
man will be here this week and next
and will lecture on thermionic and
photo- electric emission. Professor
Dow described Dr. Duschman as "one
of the three or four best known men
Ryder Cup Won
On British Soil
Sarazen Clinches Victory
By Sterling Play; Hold
Trophy Two Years
SOUTHPORT, Eng., June 30.-UP)
-The United States Ryder Cup team
today achieved the goal of an eight-
year-long quest when the hand-
picked squad of American profes-
sional golfers scored the first U.S.
victory on British soil, by 8 points to
4, and thus retained the international
trophy for at least two more years.
Leading,22 to 112 after yesterday's
Scotch foursomes, the invaders won
five singles matches, tied another and
lost two today.
Thus the Americans rounded out,
finally, their conquest of all of Great
Britain's golf trophies for men's com-
petition. Every other British prize
had fallen previously into American
hands at one time or another but
never previously had United States
players been able to capture the Ry-
der Cup on this side of the Atlantic.
As it turned out, the invaders did
not need that one-point margin they
picked up in yeserday's foursomes. In
the singles, played under a drenching
rain that was driven across the sea-
side sand dunes of the Southport and
Ainsdale course by a high wind, the
boys turned on the pressure in the
last 18 holes to write one of the most
dramatic stories in international golf
Appropriately enough it remained
for Gene Sarazen, who has played in
every cup match including the two
the Americans lost in Great Britain in
Agreement Closing Strike
inanciers Who Back Unions Two Indiana Corporations
Employing 19,000 Set
Are Still Troublin Henry Ford 'Zero Hour' At8 A.M.
I Power Of CIO Gets
DETROIT, June 30. - (P) - The control, that Ford cannot raise wages
rd Motor Co. in an article in its in its own plant . . He would not
llmanac" for July, asserts that "the be allowed to."
The article is introduced with the CANTON, O., June 30.-(P)--Pos-
ue meaning of this drive" (against statement that "Wherever in America sible beginning of the end of the 35
e company) is an effort on the part an industrial worker strives to better day-old steel strike occurred tonight
certain unnamed financiers to set his condition, he joins the fight for day-ol ersroccsedton -
" wage dictatorships." industrial justice which Henry Ford when Governor Townsend of In-
"Ford voluntarily has paid his em- has been leading for more than 30 diana suddenly demobolized troops he
oyes the highest industrial wages in years." It reviews Ford's own experi- had called out earlier in the evening
e world," the article says, and adds ence in the workshop, cites the in- and announced a peacefulagree-
at this "is the one and only thing auguration of the $5-a-day minimum
at keeps wages up all over the wage in 1914. and adds: ment under which 12,500 steel work-
"Ford's minimum wage today is $6- ers may return to work in Indiana to-
ur a-day for an 8-hour shift.morrow.
No direct mention is made of the adyfra -orsit
ionization drive against the Ford "Ford's high wage is the one and The CIO chief for that area, Van
mpany nor the recent complaint only thing that keeps wages up all A. Bittner, after confprring with the
the National Labor Relations over the country. If Ford should governor, sent telegrams ordering all
)ard that charged it with violating lower wages-or should any law or picket lines dissolved, and giving in-
e Labor Relations Act, but one par- agreement restrict his freedom to structions that no one interfere with
raph reads: raise wages-wages would go down the return to work.
"Shuldyou sign away your rights, all over the country. Calling Of Strike Considered
u will find out, a little later on, "With Ford paying $6-a-day, the The Governor's announcement was
hen all industries are under one financiers also are forced to pay high made at Indianapolis while here, on
wages in their plants, to attract labor. the Mahoning Valley strike front,
They want that stopped. Union leaders were considering the
"That's why they are again trying calling of a general strike to check the
xpect 3,000 right now to force Ford to do bus- back-to-work movement under which
ness their way. r the mills say they are rapidly reach-
For Reception drive to force Ford to accept an out- ing a pre-strike normalcy of opera-
side party as a wage dictator for tions.
Fr a' Ford employes ... The next step in Prior to reaching an agreement in
the game of the financiers will be Indiana, the Governor announced the
wage standardization." All plants of calling out of troops.
. the same kind will pay the same Two corporations at East Chicago,
aculty-Sponsored Affair wages. The skilled worker will have Ind., normally employing a total of
To Commence At 8 P.M. lost the benefit of his skill-because 19,000 men, set 8 a.m. tomorrow as
he will then have no market where he the "zero hour" for attempting to re-
In Michigan League can sell it for a price higher than that open their plants.
named by the wage dictator." Mayor Andrew Rooney of East Chi-
_h______s___ns__e__x-cago telegraphed a plea to Gov. M.
More than 3,000 students are ex-.
Beatsn 'Clifford Townserd for a reply to his
cted to attend the annual Faculty B arclay Beats earlier request for troops to prevent
eception to be given from 8:30 p.m. a mass scale clash.
1 a.m. tomorrow in the Michigan W i" T The East Chicago announcement
k11urnesa followed a strife-marked maneuver
)ague, Miss Ethel A. McCormick, to evacuate 2,000 non-strikers who
cial director of the Summer Ses- In M atch Pla had been interned in the Canton
, announced. . plant of Republic Steel since May 25.
The faculty receiving line will be Ask Troops' Withdrawal
ld from 8:30n 9:30 p.m. all ha ' N b Tw The CIO, meanwhile, pressed its
udents, and from 9:30 until 10:30 MichigansNumber TWOcampaign to get National Guardsmen
m. 'for incoming members of the Golfer Ends One Up In withdrawn from the strike-embroiled
ummer Faculty in the Ethel Foun- SecondIRound'Mahoning Valley.
in Hussey Room. _____R__ State officials sought to keep them
In order to avoid congestion, it has there. Attorney General Herbert S.
en requested that all guests wish- OAKMONT, Pa., June 30.-(P)- Duffy asked a continuance of the
g to go through the receiving line, The qualifying round pace-setters CIO's federal court suit to enjoin Gov.
se the stairs nearest the Lydia Men- HopyedobydmelosliceTrhsoks, Martin L. Davey of Ohio from using
~lsshn heare.Fift asistntsHoly Cross, developed slices, hooks,
lssohn Theatre. Fifty assistants and putting jitters in the National the troops to protect back-to-work
ave been selected to introduce guests Intercollegiate golf championship's movements.
the faculty members, and to con- opening match play competitions to- Referring to Governor Davey's
uct tours through the building, Hope day and wound up on Oakmont's side- proclamation ordering the guards-
artwig, '38, president of the Mich- lines, men to enforce the "Sacred right to
an League, stated. Exactly seven of the eight low work-the right to strike," Assistant
The entire building will be open scorers in the medal play rounds, in- Atty. Gen. A. F. O'Neil declared:
all guests. Included in the pro- cluding young Bobby Jacobson of "If the court declares the procla-
am for the evening will be dancing Dartmouth, who was three shots be- mation null and void * * * the decree
the ballroom with Charlie Zwick hind Turnesa's winning 146, cooled of the court might result in the re-
id his orchestra playing. The ball- off and took the long count in a day moval of all troops from the strike
om is to be decorated with large that was featured by cold rain, burn- zone, and that might, to say the least,
askets of flowers. ing sun and a pair of extra-hole mar- create a great dangerous condition."
As the usual custom for the sum- athons. Carripgton T. Marshall, former
er dances, approximately 25 wom- William Barclay, Michigan, put the Ohio Chief Justice, appearing as
a have been selected to serve as as- skids under the medalist, defeating Counsel for the CIO, told the court:
stants at the dance in order that Turnesa one up in the second round "The Governor has the right to
udents may come with or without as Stanley Holditch, Georgia Tech's send troops into the Mahoning Val-
artners. bespectacled star, wheeled out Jacob- ley, but the troops have no right to do
Fortune telling will also be a part son after 21-holes- N ,a.M - what they are doing there.
atmosphere around the students.
F. N. D. Kurie of the University of "The building of character is the pri-
California and Prof. Kasimir Fajans "ary thiling of education today," he
of the chemistry department. concluded.
All lectures are being held in Room
1041 of the East Physics building. Dr..
Uhlenbach will lecture at 10 a.m.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Ser ic
throughout the entire session. At 11 I
a.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and!
Thursdays through July 19, Dr. Fermia
will lf,,ture. I
Dr. Franck will deliver his lectures Over-Exposure
at 11 a.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and
Thursdays from July 19 till July 26,
andU nr . £ J4U chil tn ure n+In n am.i _--. .
and Dur. r ajans will iecture at to a.m.
Tuesdays and Thursdays from July
26 till Aug. 16.-
The lectures by Dr. Thomas will bej
given at 11 a.m. Fridays from July
19 till Aug. 9, and Dr. Kurie will lec-
ture at 10 a.m. Thursdays until July1
Arrangements have been made for
students and professors to live to-]
gether in fraternity houses during the
Laboratories and facilities for re-
search are offered in photographic
and infra-red spectroscopy, in the
fields of x-ray, sound, vacuum tube
work, ultra-short waves and in nu-
clear research.
Speak French? Go
The approach of July and the pro-
verbial Ann Arbor summer climes
hrniht with it esterda . a va.warning
uugll WLItyuuy y u~lig us
from Dr. Nelson M. Smith of the de
health service against over-exposure h
to the sun. to
Sun bathing should be done in such du
small doses that no effects occur ex- H
cept a slight ruddiness of the skin, ig
Dr. Smith said, and the time of ex-
posure each day should be gradually to
increased until a thick skin pigment gr
-protective tan-is built up. in
Dr. Smith cautioned against care- a.
less exposure on cloudy days as well ro
as sun bathing on the water. Water be
has a peculiar property of reflection,
he said, which greatly augments the m
number of ultra-violet rays striking en
the body. si
The two most dangerous effects of st
the sun, according to Dr. Smith, areIp
heat exhaustion and sun stroke. The
hI Lecture
Robert R. McMath, director of the
McMath-Hulbert Observatory. willI
1VVVU1 XU UU uvl a ly, W1 - , sv v~ .-
speak at 5 p.m. today in the Summer 1929 and 1933, to assure the team of To Foyer Francais
Session lecture series, and he will retaining the trophy by scoring a
supplement his astronomical lecture sterling one up victory over Percy And Brush It U
with motion pictures. I Alliss.-
The illustrated talk by Mr. McMath -_
will conclude the series for the first Rudge Successful, A little bit of "La Belle France"
weekof he ummr Sesio. Erlir 7 has been transported to 1414 Wash-
week of the Summer Session. Earlier Von(ra m tenaw during the Summer Session,
In the week Prof. Emeritus William H. To Meet V'ramm for the students who room and board
Hobbs lectured on the life of Robert Ithere will eat, sleep and breathe
Peary, and yesterday Prof. Arthur S.
Aiton spoke on the present situation WIMBLEDON, England, June 30. nothing but French throughout the!
in Spain. I -(P)-Red-headed Don Budge, Amer- term. These students living in the
The Session lectures are a regular ica's top-ranking tennis ace, met Foyer Francais have gone into this
part of the outside program of the stubborn resistance from an unex- with their eyes open, however, for
Summer Session.e pected quarter today but smashed his1 most of them are graduates concen-
___mmer ________n._way into the final round of the All- trating in French.
England championships along with Instituted two years ago by Charles
Luncheons For Germany's Baron Gottfried Von Koella, of the French department, the
Cramm.oFoyer Francais provides a real French
* * Budge, top-heavy choice for the!atmospherefor students who have
Insttute Betoin title relinquished by Fred Perry, had some training in French. All1
shuttled his Davis Cup team-mate, conversation must be carried on in
InUnion Today Frankie Parker, to the sidelines but French, French magazines are pro-I
only after yielding the first set of his vided and French songs are sung
current foreign campaign. Budge after dinner. Madame Vincent Scanio,
The first of the regular Tuesday finaly won after a bitter duel, 2-6, who was social director of the Foyer,
and Thursday luncheons given by the 6-4, 6-4, 6-1, to qualify for Friday's Francais last year, will again direct
Linguistic Institute throughout the championship round. activities, and Miss Deirda Mac Mul-
Summer Session will be held at 12:10 Von Cramm meanwhile, outlasted len has been appointed house man-
p.m. today in the small ballroom of frail Henry Wilfred (Bunny) Austin, ager.
the Michigan Union. England's Davis Cup hope, in the A "soiree dansante" is included in
The general topic for discussion E other semi-final, 8-6, 6-3, 12-14, 6-1,1 tentative plans for the social activity
will be Problems of the Phonene.Iand reached the final round for the of the Foyer, and plans are going
former, which can be caused by any of the evening's entertainment. A Barclay, the 21-year-old junior__
heat source, necessarily the sun, has bridge contest has been arranged as who plays No. 2 on Michigan's links
symptons of giddiness, nausea, stag- a feature of the reception. Both con- team, held the better-known and fa-
gering and uncertain gait, pallor of tract and auction bridge will be Ivored Turnsa square for the fron
the skin, rapid breathing, muscle played on the third floor. The high- niT hWillie made an error
spasms and unconsciousness. The est scores for the evening will be s and it cost him. He drove into
temperature is low and the body recorded, and prizes are to be award- bunch of trees and couldn't get outt
clammy with sweat. ed. Barclay's erratic putter allowedLu c e n
Turnesa to catch up on sixteen where
the Michigan engineer needed carpeti
strokes, but Barclay, who barely got A German table for the promo-
Sioht-Seein g Tour Of Cam pus in the tournament yesterday with 161, tion of oral command of the lan-
put the clincher on by driving the guage is being sponsored again this
Will Begin At 2 P.M. Today 302-yard par four seventeen for a summer by the German department
birdie 3. every day, except Sunday from noon
I until 2 p.m. and from 5:30 p.m. till
Interesting campus features will be throughout the country, will offer Bridges Whips Sox 7:30 p.m .at the Lantern Shop, 703
pointed out at 2 p.m. today for Sum- the party a view from its massive East University Ave.
mer Session students in the first of a tower of Ann Arbor for three miles 4-1, To Even Series Under the direction of Jacob Su-
series of 11 excursions to interesting on either side. dermann, Grad., and Walter Biberich,
places in the state, and Great Lakes Clements Library Open CHICAGO, June 30,-(Special to Grad., German conversation is car-
territory. Dr. Randolph Adams, director of The Daily) - The Detroit Tigers ried on throughout the meal, and a
To Visit Naval Tank the William L. Clements Library, will ThenDdily) seTe Dit T ig social hour is held following it. At
All students interested in taking explain the character and functions, evene there th the Thimy this time, German songs are usually
the sight-seeing trip, called "A Tour of this unique repository of source White Sox here today when Tommy sung and German games played. The
Bridges handcuffed the Bounding Sox
of the Campus," will meet in the material in American history. Repre- with five hits and won 4 to 1 before group has a room to itself in the
lobby of Angell Hall at 2 p.m. today. sentative book, map, and manuscript 5,000 fans who successfully withstood restaurant.
The tour ends at 4:45 p.m. after visits treasures of the library will be on the polar breezes off Lake Michigan. Participants in the German table
to the Naval Experimental Tank and display in the lobby. The General Thornton Lee, who previous to to- will form the nucleus of the German
Aeronautical Laboratory, distinctive Library is to be explained by staff day had a record of five victories Summer Club which will be organized
features of University equipment. members. and two defeats, was, touched for in the near future according to Prof.