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June 30, 1937 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1937-06-30

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Riecker Calls
Mental Strain
Disease Cause
Gastric Disorders Result
From Emotional Shock,
Doctor Declares
Emotional stress as a cause of gas-
tric diseases was stressed by Dr. Her-
man L. Riecker in an illustrated lec
ture yesterday in Natural Science Au-
ditorium on "The Meaning of Indi-
gestion," second in the series of Sum-
mer Session lectures.
Gastric diseases, which he declarecd
were second only to respiratory dis-
orders in number of cases, Dr. Riecker
divided into four classifications: or-
ganic, including ulcer, gastritis and
cancer; reflex, including gall bladder
ailments, chronic appendix, consti-
pation, pelvid disease and kidney le-
sions, all of which are "reflected" in
stomach disorders; systemic, as typ-
ified by brain tumor, and functional,
which Dr. Riecker called the largest
class, resulting. from nervous or emo-
tional strain.
Ulcers of the stomach have a sea-
sonal character, the lecturer said, us-
ually occurring in the spring and
fall. "The thin or asthenic type of
individual of meticulous mind is par-
ticularly susceptible," he stated, as
opposed to the heavy-set, or pyknic
type, which is susceptible to gall blad-
der ailments. When ulcers are ac-
companied by gastritis, the condition
often leads to cancer of the stom-
ach, he said.
Changes in the motility of the gut
are usually accompanied by symptoms
of gastric diseases, Dr. Riecker stated,
and are the result of emotional shock
or strain, the so-called "psychic
trauma." Common constipation is
also the result of mental or nervous
strain, he declared, and can best be
treated by relaxation, rather than the
popular laxative method.

Two Weeks Ago Today

(Believing the advice and construc-
tive criticism offered the University
during the celebration of 100 years in
Ann Arbor June 15-19 to be helpful and
valuable to this institution, The Daily
in theso columns will present during
the next week a day-by-day recon-
struction of the Centennial Celebration,
which, because of the suspension of
publication, would not otherwise find
its way into The Daily's files for refer-
ence in future years)
ANN ARBOR, June 16.-Christian
Gauss, Dean of the College at Prince-
ton, returned to his home town here
yesterday to urge faculty members,
students, and Centennial visitors to
cast aside policies of narrow national-
ism in favor of a recognition of world
"In my conception the responsibil-
ity of a university, even a municipal
or a state university, or a national
university, transcends national lim-
its," Gauss said. "There are, in other
words, no geographical limits to the
responsibilities of the educated man.
"In the catalogue for 1837 there is
not a single cultural course in which
the subject is taught from the na-
tionalistic standpoint. The present
catalogue indicates that we teach
now, as we did not then, courses in
American literature, in American his-
tory, in American philosophy. I know
this is patriotic but I am only won-
dering whether this is wise.
"We have multiplied courses on
American literature and American
history to the point where they
threaten to efface that sense of larger
perspective which every educated man
should have. Wars have been started,
by pursuing precisely this method. If
any Frenchman, Italian, German, or
Japanese wishes to confer upon his
own nation that consciousness of
'manifest destiny' which has so often
made war 'inevitable,' there is no bet-,
ter system to pursue.
"You will find that the greatest
universities in Russia are supporting
the Russian type of communism. You
will find that the greatest universitiesI
in Germany are supporting German
Fascism. Even in America, American
literature; history, and philosophy are
assuming an increasingly important1
place in the curriculum. We all seem
to be moving in the same national-1
istic direction."
Making a plea for research of a
more vital nature, Gauss, who was
born and brought up in Ann Arbor
and successively took his bachelor'sj
and master's degrees here in 1898 and
1899, continued ."The great research
man is and must be a specialist, and;
usually works in a highly specializedi
and therefore rather narrow field.I
Perhaps 80 per cent of the research
carried on in the colleges on which;
promotion is usually based can hon-
estly be characterized by only one
word, piddling.]
"This has had a most unfortunatei
effect upon all those subjects we usedk
to include under the general title of]
the liberal arts or the humanities.1
Must we not admit that in philos-;
ophy, in literature, even in history, so
far as developing fundamentally valid1
conceptions of the most significant1
human activities and processes are

Vanderlip Dies
From Intestinal
Rose From Machinist's,
Helper To A Leader In
NEW YORK, June 29.-(A)-Frank
A. Vanderlip, 72, one of the nation's
great financial masters, who rose to
the heights from the obscurity of a
machinist's apprentice bench, died
today in New York Hospital.
He was known throughout the
world for his financial and economic
Death was caused oy an intestinal
ailment, less than two weeks after
he had entered the hospital for what
his son, Frank A. Vanderlip, Jr., de-
scribed as "observation following an
illness in California eight months
Born in Aurora, Ill., Vanderlip
moved with sure tread through life,
to become president of the National
City Bank of New York, one of the
world's largest financial institutions,
before his retirement in 1919.
He was the third financier of na-
tional renown to die in recent weeks.
May 23, John D. Rockefeller, Sr.,
head of the oil millions, died. His
death was closely followed by the
passing of George F. Baker, interna-
tional financier, who died on his
yacht May 30 at Honolulu.
Left fatherless at an early age,
Vanderlip carved his own career,
building on slender savings set aside
from meager wages of a machinist's

Still Able To Grin

Tryouts Called
For 'Pinafore'
By V. B. Windt
Tryouts for the Gilbert and Sul-
livan comic opera, "H.M.S. Pina-I
fore," to be presented the second!
week in August by the Michigan Rep-
ertory Players and the School of
Music will be held at 5 p.m. today in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, it
was announceddyesterday by Valen-
tine B. Windt, director.
All students are invited to tryout
whether or not they are affiliated
with the Players or the music school.
"H.M.S. Pinafore" will be the thirdl
summer musical to be presented by
the School of Music and the Reper-
tory Players. Last year, the two
groups offered the "Pirates of Pen-
"Pinafore," the story of the captain
of the ship and his family, has been
presented many times in schools all
over the country,

Enrollment For Class
In Dancing Passes 50
More than 50 students have already
enrolled in the beginning dancing
(lass to bedheld at theMichigan
League, Miss Ethel McCormick, di-
rector announced yesterday.
Thebeginning class was originally
scheduled to be held at 7:30 p.m.
Monday. in the Ballroom of the
League, but due to the large enroll-
ment, an additional section will be
opened at 7:30 p.m. today. Regis-
tration for this class may be made
any time today at the Michigan
League, Miss McCormick stated.
Classes for intermediate dancers
are to be given at 7:30 p.m. on Tues-
day and Thursday evenings. A series
of six lessons has been planned for
each group for $1.50 At the con-
clusion of the hour lessons, social
dancing for practice is planned, Miss
McCormick said.
HOLLYWOOD, June 29.-(')- Fu-
neral services were held today for
Colin Clive, 37, English actor, who
died last Friday.



(Continued from Page 3)
Attention: Women Students:
Classes scheduled by the Depart-
ment of Physical Education for Wom-
en begin on Wednesday, June 30. The
following classes will meet today.
6 a.m., Riding. Meet at Barbour
3 p.m., Golf. Women's Athletic
3:30 p.m., Modern Dance (Begin-
ners). Barbour Gymnasium.
4 p.m., Archery. Women's Athletic
4 p.m., Golf. Women's Athletic]
4:30 p.m., Modern Dance (Meth-
ods). Barbour Gymnasium.
5 p.m., Tap Dancing. Women's Ath-
letic Building.
5 p.m., Tennis. Women's Athletic
7:30 p.m., Mixed Badminton. Bar-
bour Gymnasium.
7:30 p.m., Swimming. Union Pool.
7:30 p.m., Riding. Barbour Gym-
Dept. of Physical
Education for Women.
United States Army Veterans
Scholarships: Notice is hereby given
that final assignments to these schol-
arships will be made on Wednesday,
June 30, for the Summer Session. The
five eligible applicants whose recom-
mendations from the Adjutant Gen-
eral of the U.S. Army come first in
chronological order will be desig-
nated. These scholarships are re-
tricted to World War Veterans of
the United States Army who have
been recommended by the Adjutant
General of the Army to the Presi-
dent of the University for this spe-
cific purpose. Eligible persons, whose
recommendations are on file, and
who are in residence during the
Summer Session, should apply in per-
son to F. E. Robbins, Assistant to the
President, 1021 Angell Hall, before
June 30.
French Club: Students desiring to
join the Club will please consult with
Prof. A. J. Jobin, Room 405 Ro-
mance Languages Building. Hours:
9-10; 11-12; 2-4 during the first week
of the Session.
Psychology 109s will meet at 10
a.m. on MTWT, and Psychology 165s
will meet at 9 a.m. on MTWT, in
Room 2003 Natural Science Building,
instead of in the room scheduled in
the catalogue.
Intramural Department: Building
Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., daily except
Sundays and holidays.
Pool Hours: 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon.
3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Daily except Sunday
and holidays.
Advanced Russian: All Summer
Session students who wish to pursue
a course in advanced Russian should
consult immediately with Professor
Meader or leave word at his office,
2022 Angell Hall.
C. L. Meader.
Excursion No. 2,. Saturday, July. 3:

concerned, we are accomplishing pit-
ifully little?
"In a time of instability and change
like ours, when what we need is not so
much new facts, new processes, ind
new machines as a re-examination of
the great truths and ideals that men
have found helpful in the past, is,
not this tendency destructive rather
than constructive? If the life seems
year by year to be oozing out of
what we used to call the humanistic
disciplines, is not this the reason?"
In a speech preceding that by
Gauss, Shelby Schurtz, Grand Rapids
attorney, who graduated from the
University in 1908, and who was one
of the leaders in changing the date
on the University Seal from 1837 to
1817, urged that a monument be
erected as a memorial to the men
through whose efforts the nation's
first state university was founded. He
named for the memorial not only to
the Reverend John Montieth and Fr.
Gabriel Richard, president and vice-
president of the Cathelopistemiad, but
to the acting Territorial Governor,
William Woodbridges, and two terri-
torial judges, Augustus B. Woodward
and John Griffin, who passed the
founding statute Aug. 26, 1817.
Prof. Arthur L. Cross of the his-
tory department, outlining the
achievements of the University dur-
ing its century in Ann Arbor, sum-
marized the functions of the univer-
sity as follows: "It would seem that
all the universities that profess to,
stand in the first rank have three
functions to perform: first, to pre-
pare students for their life work, and
it is still a question of how that can
best be done; next, to preserve and
hand on and add to the beauty, the
wisdom and the achievements of the
ages; and finally to provide the re-
sources, what President Eliot calls
the 'durable satisfactions of life' that
make a man something more than
just a craftsman or a specialist."

Robert Irwin (in white suit) still
had a grin on his face after hav-
ing undergone several hours of
questioning about the "Gedeon
murders" Easter Day in New York.
He is shown here walking down the
corridor in New Yor k police head-
quarters. Samuel Leif-nwitz, noted
criminal defense lawyer,

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One In Five Ann Arborites Was
A Drunk In 1837_Greeley Says

One in five of all the inhabitants of
Ann Arbor was a "confirmed drunk-
ard" a century ago according to
Horace Greeley writing for the "New
Yorker" in the year 1837. He adds,
"There's room enough for reform at
Ann Arbor, in all conscience."
"It is understood that the legisla-
ture will appropriate $150,000 for the
erection of buildings for the State
University at Ann Arbor," continues
Mr. Greeley under. the heading
"Items from the Far West."
Fifty years later this sentence from
the "New Yorker" was quoted and
brought up to date with this state-
ment: "Now the magnificent build-
ings and the almost unrivalled Wes-
tern University, stands forth, not
only a credit to Michigan, but an
honor to the nation."
Other interesting items found in
the "New Yorkers" for a century ago
were these: "The first trip of the
cars on the Detroit and St. Joseph's

railroad was to be made on the 3rd
inst.. The road is completed from
Detroit to Ypsilanti, 30 miles. .
The state penitentary has been lo-
cated at Jacksonburg, Jackson Coun-
ty, by an almost unanimous vote ...
Some 200 barrels of flour have been
shipped from Adrian, Mich., to Troy,
N.Y.-the first time the staff of life
has taken this backward route. . .
The territory of Wisconsin is being
divided-the portion west of the Mis-
issippi is to take the name of Iowa."
The "New Yorker" also describes
progress in transportation and com-
munication: "Whether or not it be
safe or practical to perform the pas-
sage between New York and London
by steam, it would be useless to dis-
cuss further. The experiment is
about to be tried by the Great Wes-
tern Steamship Company . . . The
postage on single letters between
New York and Buffalo has been re-
duced from 25 cents to 18% cents."

A THOROUGHBRED will carry more weight fur-
ther and faster than an ordinary horse. All
blooded race horses trace their descent from three
Arabian Studs, Byerly Turl, Darly Arabian, and
Godolphin Barb. Crossed with English mares
these stallions produced horses vastly superior to

any before known.

The strain proved so fine

Intramural Sports Department
All men students are eligible for competition in the following
sports. Check on the list below the sports in which you wish to
No Entry Fee Is Required
The Intramural Sports Department will make drawings and sched-
ules, furnish equipment needed for team sports, and provide officials
for the contests where necessary. Notification of opponent and time
of play will be mailed to each participant.

that it was kept carefully intact and resulted
in the fleet Thoroughbred.
OF THESE THREE HORSES, perhaps, the history
of Godolphin Barb is the most romantic. Dis-
covered in 1728 hitched to a hackney cab on the
streets of Paris, he was purchased by an English-
man, Mr. Coke, and given by him as a present
to a friend, Mr. Williams, who in turn presented
the stallion to the Earl of Godolphin. In the
Earl's stables the horse was to make famous the
name of Godolphin.

superb racing strains of Eclipse, Herod and
Matchem, known wherever men discuss fine
horses. Strange to say, the Thoroughbreds thus
developed proved far fleeter than the horses by
whom they were sired, and today it is common,
knowledge that a medium Thoroughbred will
outrun the best of the Arabians. But from the
three noble stallions they received an unmatched
heritage for courage, endurance, intelligence,
and speed that would respond to breeding.
OVER A PERIOD OF YEARs The Michigan Daily has
proved its right to the title of Thoroughbred.
Its Editorial policy is intelligent and courageous,
its Display and Classified Advertising Service
efficiently administered. Backed by readers ex-
ceeding five thousand in number, it stands alone
as an Advertising medium for those who would

Tennis Singles
Tennis Doubles
Handball Singles

( ) Archery
( ) Horseshoe Singles
( ) Horseshoe Doubles




Table Tennis




reach collegiate Ann Arbor.


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