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August 08, 1937 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1937-08-08

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Assoieate Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil-
more, Charlotte D. Rueger.
Assistant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Fitzhenry,
Joseph Gies, Clayton Hepler.
oi FICi MANAGER.................RUTH MENEFEE
Wmen's Business Managers ..AliceBassett, Jean Drake
IHousing Bill
A La Senate . .
and one Robert W. Wagner are as
nearly agreed on their federal housing views as
super-patriot Hamilton Fish and Robert La-
Follette are alike politically it would seem from
the- number of amendments which the solons
have deemed wise to tack on the Wagner-Stea-
gall Housing Bill.
The bill as it slid through the Senate Friday
resembled nothing so much as a battle-scarred
war veteran with his face lifted. Its countneance
was scarcely recognizable from the rosy form
which started in the Senate last Winter.
Most damaging to the qualifying paragraphs
was that of Senator Byrd which restricts the
cost of the housing to $4,000 a family unit or
$1,000 per room. The good southern senator
it seems has sone antipathy to federal housing
in the larger cities of the countries because au-
thorities agree that $4,000 per unit will prove
entirely inadequate for durable structures in
high-cost cities like New York, for example.
The experience of WPA in its recent $135,000,-
000 housing venture, spread out over 51 projects
and totalling some 21,000 dwellings, seems en-
tirely disregarded. WPA found that a one-fam-
ily unit with an average rental of $5 per room-
month averaged $6,500. And building costs are
mounting monthly! Obviously the minimum ex-
penditure should vary with the locality and
could easily be supervisd by the United States
Housing Authority-an organ provided for by
the bill consisting of an administrator and four
directors appointed by the President.
Senator Wagner asked for a billion dollar ap-
propriation, he got $700,000,000. His sixty-year
housing program was pared to 20 years. Even
this, we suppose, was an estimable concession
from a Congress obviously far more interested
at this juncture in the old swimming hole than
in Roosevelt legislation. Highly encouraging
is any federal housing venture on such a scale,
in view of the abortive attempts which have
been made in the past.
The need is great. And the 'occasion hardly
orie for rigid economy. Authorities estimate
the number of families with incomes of $1,000
or less to be 9,000,000, all of whom are eligible
for federal housing. Roofs for 9,000,000 would
cost $36,000,000,000, so the present appropriation
may be considered a good half-drop in the
Previous housing attempts have failed be-
cause families with middle-class incomes filtered
into the units to the accompanying exodus of the
poorer classes. But the Wagner Bill has allowed
for this contingency by stipulating that only
those whose income is not more than five
times the rental, or in case of three or more
children, six times the rental, will be eligible
for admission. 'Equally meritorious is the pro-
vi'sion that no subsidies will be granted unless
they include the elimination, improvement or
effective closing of unsanitary dwellings at least
equal in number to the number of new units to
be constructed. This stipulation should be in-
strumental in concentrating the building pro-
gram in the blighted areas.
For twenty years now housing is to be the
direct concern of the government. The futile
attempts in the past of philanthropists, limited-
dividend corporations and zoning laws have fi--
nally been recognized and the flourishing days
of the American tenement owner are numbered.

The work of the American Battle Monuments

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the camDus.
How About This; Mr. Waltz
To the Editor:
Does it not seem odd that the Michigan
Union should grant the use of its facilities
to the National Manufacturers' Association and
deny them to a student group which has been
recognized by the University? To one who walked
down the corridors of the Union looking for
the room of meeting, lack of space is certainly
no excuse. In fact, the room was waiting in
readiness. Also, the reservation was made suit-
ably in advance, and, contrary to the manage-
ment's excuse, through the desk clerk who has
always been empowered to make them.
Granted that the Union management is Tory
and/or cowardly, this move also seems singularly
stupid. Obviously a factor in the decision was
the University's morbid fear that any suspicion
of liberality will cut down its legislative appro-
priations and other gifts. Not to go into the
metaphysical problem of the worth of lime-
stone mausoleums containing cowed and medi-
ocre professors, it is obvious that this action fo-
cusses attention on the very situation which'
the University has always preferred to have
ignored. The percentage of students interested
in modern social problems has always been rela-
tively small, and this meeting would doubtless
have aroused no untoward excitement. But as
it is, the Union management's unjustifiable
action will give the affair wide publicity and
lead to protest on the part of those who have
no special interest in labor's cause, but only
in simple fairness.
Granted, again, that the Union management
is Tory, does it not owe it to its position in a
so-called institution of learning to submerge its
own prejudices and fears and allow both sides
to be heard? With the labor situation the fore-
most national problem of the times, does it not
seem suspicious that college students should
be so carefully insulated from one side of the
debate? Are labor's arguments so pernicious
that students cannot even be permitted to hear
them stated on University property? Are they
so persuasive that the sensible classroom analyses
of our professors cannot be trusted to demolish
them? If they are as false as the Tories wish to
believe, could not some solid Republican Liberty
Leaguer expose them during the question period
which always follows a speech, and send the
audience home properly informed? Last night's
action is a compliment to labor's strength and
merit. -Shocked.
The Michigan University of the Air will pre-
sent the final series of summer session broad-
casts this week beginning Monday at 3 p.m.
The schedule of programs is as follows:
Tonight at 10 p.m. Prof. Wilmot Pratt plays
the final bell concert from the Baird Carillon;
Monday, James M. Mitchell, member of the
Michigan Municipal League and visiting instruc-
tor, will speak on "A Scientific Approach to
Human Relationships." This will be followed
by a class discussion on English usage with the
microphone set up in front of Prof. Densmore's
Tuesday, two skits entitled "Harmony in a
Musical Club," and "Rooming House Ranting."
Wednesday, a radio play, "Lovers Leap," based
on an Indian legend followed by a poetical
and musical program.
Thursday, an original skit, "The Mill of the
It is interesting to note that a good many
responses have been coming into the radio
office praising the work done by the choral read-
ing group under the cgrection of Ethel Hamilton.
Some of these letters say that it is the best choral
reading program ever heard, and many of the
letters ask for copies of the poems used together

with directions for working them up into choral
readings. Your columnist while in the broad-
casting office Saturday morning was handed five
letters commending the choral readings. And
these only two days after the broadcast are con-
sidered a good indication of public interest.
One of the cleverest original skits of the
Summer Session series of broadcasts was the one
titled, "Home Work" broadcast last Thursday.
The playlet was written and directed by Edith
Steele, radio student who is assisting Prof. Ab-
bot in giving auditions to the less experienced
The other day an amusing incident happened
during a broadcast. There are many such inci-
dents, but this one was particularly humorous
at the time. The program was coming to a
close, but everything was behind time. Since
the program must end and control transferred
back to WJR in Detroit by eactly 30 seconds be-,
fore 3:30, the announcer is left perspiring all
throughthe program wondering whether or not
it will be long or short. Well, the last thing
on the program was a play called "The Sleep-
walker." The announcer was growing fidgety as
the second hand was swinging around on the
last minute. Edith Steele was talking into a

On The Level
DEAR WRAG: After dark Ann Arbor slows
down to a. crawl and when beer gardens
have quit serving and the theatres have spewn
forth their daily quota of amusement seekers,
there are only two remaining centers of activity
-the "Quick and Dirties" and The Daily office,
located on Maynard St. across from Helen New-
berry. But in that office, where a handful of
the fourth estate prepare tomorrow's serving of
that curious, intangible thing called "news,"
things really happen.
The stories of great nights at The Daily be-
come almost legendary after a few years, but
back in the yellowed files there is always verifi-
cation. Take, for instance, that fabulous night
when the United States entered the World War.
It happened late the last night before The Daily
suspended publication for Spring Vacation-
and it wasn't in the next morning's Daily. Why?
Well, if you remember the story, just as the
paper was going to bed, the Detroit office of
the Associated Press called up to relay the
information. A sophomore answered the phone
-and said it was too late, The Daily wasn't
Then there was the night Hoover won the
Presidency. George C. Tilly was on night desk,
as ardent a Democrat as ever fed sugar to a
donkey. Came the Republican landslide and the
next morning's Daily. Smack in the middle of
the front page was a six by seven picture of
Al Smith and under it in the cut-line "Glorious
in Defeat"-and under that an editorial which
read: "Like Jefferson in his ideals of Democ-
racy, like Lincoln in his moral integrity and his
rise from humble origin, and like Roosevelt in
his fighting spirit and his progressive energy,
Smith stands head and shoulders above other
figures on the political stage." Buried in column
six was a one-column cut of Hoover with the
cut-line "Next President."
It was only a couple of years ago, Wrag, that
one of The Daily's most famous headlines ap-
peared on its front page. (P) had filed a story
on Michigan State's picking an Agricultural
Queen. The Daily carried it and the next morn-
ing a few thousand startled readers found "The
Udder Futility of These Cow Colleges" in 14
point Bodoni bold type staring up at them!
There are a hundred other tales we both know
about the grandest sheet there is, but edit page
space is usually limited. So here's to The Daily,
mistakes and all. STAN SWINTON.
'* * * *
delving into odd facts around campus, and
after much thinking, have come up with the
following "Things I Never Knew Till Now" .. -
That those stone pillars which look like a
breath of old Rome in the Architect School back
garden, are in reality stone
pillars from old banks that
were torn down in Michigan
during the recent hard-times
!1e That the University was
estimated as being worth
some 60 billion bones in 1935
--and has come up about three'
and a half more since then.
(If the place were sold, the
sales tax would only come to
something like $1,800,000!)
That the oldest building on campus is the
Prexy's Home which was finished in 1837. (Last
year it got a new bath-tub, but they censored
The Daily story on the fact because of implica-
That the tallest affair outside the Carillon
of all University buildings is the Law Library.
(The minarets topping it off reach some 90 feet

Publication in the Bulletin is const
University. Copy received at the offle
A. H. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturda


Pinafore Orchestra Rehearsal: Re- f
port for dress rehearsal at 8 p.m.1
The Graduate Outing Club willv
meet at Lane Hall Sunday, Aug. 8,
eetat 9:30 a.m. to go to Lake Erie. There
will be swimming and baseball. Din-
ner and supper are to be served.c
Those with cars are urged to bringC
them. All graduate students are cor-
dially invited to attend.
Bethlehem Church, So. 4th Ave.:
Service at 10:30 a.m. Rev. Theodorel
R. Schmale will speak on the subject
"Extended Boundaries."
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship for Sunday are1
8 a.m., Holy Communion; 11 a.m.,t
morning prayer and sermon by The
Rev. Frederick W. Leech.
Episcopal Student Fellowship meet-
ing. There will be a meeting of
Episcopal Summer School Students
and their friends at Loch Alpine on,
Sunday. Cars leave the Church at 5
p.m. Swimming and baseball.
Services will be held in Trinity
Lutheran Church at 9:15 a.m. Pastor.
Henry O. Yoder will continue the
series of sermons on I Corinthians.
Services in Zion Lutheran Church
will be held at 10:30 a.m. with sermon
by the pastor the Rev. E. C. Stell-
Lutheran Students will meet at
Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at 5 p.m.
for an outing at the Stein Farm. Cars
will be available for all who desire
transportation. This will be the last
meeting sponsored by the Lutheran
Student Club for the summer school
First Baptist Church: At 10:45 a.m.,
William E. Umbach, a Michigan man
and now a member of the faculty of
the Case Schools of Applied Sciences
at Cleveland, Ohio, will speak on "Re-
ligion in a Realist World."
Stalker Hall: 9:30 a.m. Student
class led by Prof. J. S. Worley.
5-6 p.m. Social hour and tea.
6-7 pm. Wesleyan Guild meeting.
Prof. W. D. Revelli, leader of the
Michigan Band, will speak on "Mu-
sic as a Service to the Community."
At 7:30 p.m. the group will attend the
interchurch meeting at Congrega-
tional Church which will be led by
Dr. Blakeman and a panel on "Ed-
ucation-A Race with Catastrophe."
First Methodist Church: 10:30 a.m.1
morning worship. Dr. C. W. Bra-I
shares will pretch on "To the Un-

The Religious Issues Series, Sun-
day, Aug. 8, 7:30 p.m. at the First
Congregational Church. The theme:
"Education or Catastrophe," Dr. E.
W. Blakeman, chairman. Speakers:
Social Education: Prof. Lowell J.1
Carr. International Education: Mr.
Kermit Eby. Religious Education:
The Rev. W. P. Lemon.
First Presbyterian Church: 10:45
a.m., Summer Union Service of the,
Presbyterian a n d Congregational
Churches to be held at the Congre-
gational Church, corner of State and
William Streets.
Dr. W. P. Lemon, minister of the
Presbyterian Church, will preach. His
subject will be "Temptations to
10:45 a.m., Nursery and Church
School in the Church basement.
5:45 p.m., informal round table
conference for students. In order
that next Sunday evening may be
kept free for other plans, the topic
will be that which was intended for
Aug. 15. Dr. Lemon will lead the
discussion on "What's Coming in Re-
7:30 p. m., Interdenominational
Service at the Congregational Church.
There will be a symposium on "Edu-
cation-a race with Catastrophe."
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Counsellor
of Religion of the University of Mich-
igan, will preside assisted by Prof.
Lowell J. Carr, Mr. Kermit Eby and
Dr. W. P. Lemon.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
409 South Division St.
Morning service, 11 a.m..
Subject, "Spirit."
Golden Text: I John 4:12, 13.
Responsive Reading: Luke 4:14-22.
Sunday School at 9:30 before
morning service.
Fine Arts g192s, g 193s, g194s, trip
to Detroit Institute of Arts; meet at
624 Church Street Monday, Aug. 9
at 1:30 p.m. sharp.
"The Speech Side of Personality,'
is the subject of the lecture to bE
given by Prof. Edward Sapir of Yale
University in Natural Science Audi-
torium Monday at 5 p.m.
Prof. Francis D. Curtis will speak
on "Techniques in Science" at 4:0
p.m. Monday in University Higi
School Auditorium.
Dr. Y. Z. Chang will meet his
classes in Chinese Literature (Or.

student from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the
evenings of Aug. 10, 12, 17.
Chamber Music Concert: The
Chamber Music Class, of the Univer-
sity School of Music, under the direc-
tion of Prof. Hanns Pick, will give a
concert in Hill Auditorium, Tuesday
evening, Aug. 10, at 8:30 pam., to
which the general public is cordially
A meeting for the purpose of or-
ganizing a club to further the study
(Continued on Pace 3)


Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241.
Thc' classified columns close at five.
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance only 11c per reading
line for one or two insertions. 10c per
reading line for three or more insertions.
(on basis of five average words to line).
Minimum three lines per insertion.
TYPING: Neatly and accurately done.
Mrs. Howard. 613 Hill St. Phone
5244. Reasonable rates. 632
EXPERT TYPING done. carefully
and neatly. Miss DeWitt, 114 N.
Ingalls, phone 3130. Rates reason-
able. - 649
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned,
Careful work at low price. 1x
Priced Reasonably
All Work Guaranteed
Shirts ............... ........12c
Shorts -........................ 4c
Tops ..........................4c
Handkerchiefs ... . .............2c
Pajamas .....................lOc
Slips .........................30c
Dresses .......................25c
Panties....................... 7c'
Handkerchiefs...... .. .... . .2c
Pajamas.. ...........10c to 15c
Hose (pr.)....................30
Silks, wools our specialty. All bundles
done separately--no markings. Call
for and deliver. Phone 5594. Silver
Laundry. 607 E. Hoover.

Lang. g187s) and Chinese Civiliza-
' tUL T N1 ion (Or. Lang. g186s) Monday, Aug.
9 at 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. respectively in
ructive notice to all members of the Angell Hall. There will be no
of the Summer Session, Room 1213 classes for these two courses, Tues-
y. day, Wednesday or Thursday.
fot naThe Mathematics Club will meet
e. Tuesday, Aug. 10, at 4:15 p.m., in
Disciples Church, Sunday, Aug. 8, Room 3017 Angell Hall. Dr. Ralph
at 10:45 a i., Dr. E. W. Blakeman Hull will speak on "Abelian Algebraic
will preach upon "The Need cif Chris- Fields."
tian Solidarity."
The Union Pool will be open to any

I 1


, :..

* * *


ABOUT the only redeeming feature in the
Repertory Player's "Accent On Youth" dur-
ing the past week, was the acting of Dick Orr as
"Flodgell," the butler. The play itself is excel-
lent and full of "ha ha" lines, but the cast on the
whole failed to do them justice. We realize that
the cast had very little time to prepare for the
play, but that is the test of a finished Thespian,
and the cast for the most part flunked out.
Frankly . . . we want the Sarah Pierce of three
years ago. We feel there has been a marked
retrogression from the Sally of "Double Door"
and the Sarah of "Accent on Youth." She seems
to be reciting now.
Charley Harrell gets our vote for posture and
make-up. He seems physically to fit into all his
varied roles. But his voice-a drawback-we
could pick him out of a hundred people in a
dark room.
Ralph Bell is another voice pattern. He is
also a hair pattern. le's usually a swell actor,
but his "drunk" in "Accent on Youth" was one
of the poorest we have ever seen. Some of the
freshman women have put on better acts after
one beer.
We wer disappointed most in Fred Crandall's
portrayal of "Steven Gaye." Herbert Marshall
spoiled it for us. Crandall was too unsympa-
thetic in his treatment, and we felt none of
the tugs at the heartstrings that we presume we
should have felt. We also felt that he was guilty
of recitation. It may be an obsession with us,
but we should have liked to have seen Ed Jurist
in the role.
world to do? Only those with years of experience
attempt it. Well, sir, you know that William
Rice, who happens to be chief of the announcing-
staff, told all his announcers, "Be certain that
you have enough filler to use if the program is
short." But while announcing a program last1


Greene- sworn
Some Folks Just Don't Know How To
Attain A Dainty Appearance, But
Most Folks Who Want Their



Greene s

--e onm~li?- -



I 1

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