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August 08, 1937 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1937-08-08

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The Weather
Local showers today; tomor-
row 'rising temperatures.


131k igzr


Housing Bill
A La Senate ...

Official Publication Of The Summer Session

VOL. XLVI. No. 36




Diplomats Try
For A Peaceful
Settlement Of
Oriental Crisis
Issue Must Be Determined
Quickly, Spokesman.Of
All Japanese Told
To Leave Hankow
SHANGHAI, Aug. 7.-(P)-Chinese
and Japanese diplomats took steps to-
day to settle the month-old North
China crisis by peaceful means and
added that there was still a chance.
Shigeru Kawagoe, Japanese ambas-.
sador to China, who has just re-
turned from the zone of hostilities,
declared that he was determined to
exhaust all diplomatic means for a
A spokesman of the Chinese foreign
office at Nanking said that if the
Japanese ambassador desired to open
negotiations there will be negdtia-
Chinese Will Negotiate
He said that Sino-Japanese rela-
tions have reached such a critical
state that the issue of peace or war
will have to be determined quickly.
"It is still not too late to avert
armed conflict if there is the greatest
effort in that direction by Japan," he
added. "Failing that, it would be dif-
ficult to discover further hope for
After . arriving in Shanghai to-
night, Kawagoe said that the situa-
tion was grave and delicate, with cir-
cumstances, graduallyspointing to-
ward a dangerous crisis.
HANKOW, China, Aug. 7.-()-
Japanese naval and consular officials
today ordered complete evacuation
of all Japanese in this important com-
mercial city and international treaty
port at the confluence of the Yangtze
and Han Rivers.
The officials, reportedly acting on
orders from Tokio, decreed that all
Japanese nationals must quit Han-
kow before noon Sunday, leaving ad-
ministration of the Japanese con-
cession to Chinese authorities.
Other Cities Evacuated
Although Hankow is hundreds of
miles south of the North China hos-
tilities, Japanese have expressed ap-
prehension for the safety of her citi-
zens in Central China, asserting that
large bodies of Chinese soldiery were
concentrated in the region.
Other cities along the great Yang-
tze water.way to the sea have been
evacuated by the Japanese as a pre-
catuionary measure.
The order meant that the remain-
ing Japanese community, numbering
several hundred persons and an est-i
mated 400 marines and soldiers,
would board ship for the coast in an
unparalleled abandonment of a long-
established colony here.
The wholesale withdrawal was un-
derstood to reflect the Japanese atti-
tude that their position was unten-
able at Hankow in the face of mount-
ing uncertainties of the conflict be-
tween the two great oriental powers,
and that the only step was to retire
down the river toward Shanghai.
Roosevelt's Aid
Will Win Race,

NEW YORK, Aug. 7.-W)-Senator
Royal S. Copeland, Manhattan Dem-
)cratic designee for mayor, predicted
today his two antagonists' flourish-
ings of the New Deal standard would
defeat them..
"Mr. Roosevelt could go back to the
polls today and win on a New Deal
appeal because of his great personal
popularity," he said in an interview.
"But there is no other man in the
country today who could take that
issue and win."
Copeland faces a primary contest
with Jeremiah Mahoney, pro-New
Deal designee of the Democratic lead-
ers of the four other New York bor-
oughs, and his possible electoral tilt
with Fusion candidate Mayor Fiorello
La Guardia.
Teaching Methods
Will Be Discussed

First Daily' Appeared In 1890
And We're Still Running Strong

No Fraternity Men Were
Members Of Staff On
With the announcement yesterday
that $10,000 is to be spent by the
Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions in completely refurnishing the
Publications building, another chap-
ter has been added to a story which
started in 1890 when a handful of
Michigan independents decided to
start a newspaper.
The first issue of that forerunner
of The Daily appeared on Sept. 29,
1890. It was a four column, four
page affair published by "The U. of M.
Independent Association" and named
the "U of M. Daily," if the scanty
evidence available is correct. Its
masthead bore the name of The
Daily's first editor-Ralph Stone,
'92L, a sophomore law student.
Fraternity Men Admitted 1895
Not until 1895 were fraternity men
admitted to the staff. A year after
that step the Michigan Alumnus con-
gratulated the paper on a "Woman's
Issue" and in 1897 the same publica-
tion lauded The Daily for being out
of debt. The location of the earlier
publication offices are not sure-ru-
mor handed down from staff to staff
for almost half a century says the
editorial work was originally done
downtown, later moved to the second
story of the old University Music
Store building and then changed
again to the Ann Arbor Press build-
ing. Offices were maintained on the
first floor for some time there ad
were later moved upstairs. But that
was long after the turn of the cen-
It was back in 1901 when State
Pinafore' I s
Next Offering
Of Repertory
Light Opera To Be Third
Produced With Aid Of
Music School
"H.M.S. Pinafore," one of the most
celebrated of the comic operas of W.
S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan, will
be presented by the Repertory Play-
ers in conjunction with the School of
Music from Wednesday to Saturday
of next week in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre.
Thie production will mark the third
musical show on which the Players
have collaborated with the music
school. In 1935 Oscar Strauss's light
opera "The Chocolate Soldier," was
given, and last summer the Gilbert
and Sullivan comedy, "The Pirates of
Penzance" was presented. Both were
outstanding successes.
Heading the cast as the captain of
the Pinafore will be Frederick Shaff-
master, who has appeared in a num-
ber of important roles this summer
and during the year. Sir Joseph
Porter, the heavy comedy lead, boss,
along with his sisters, his cousins
and his aunts, of the Queen's Navy,
will be played by Vernon Kellett,
while Mildred Olson will play the
heroine, Josephine. Both Mr. Kel-
lett and Miss Olson starred in last
year's "Pirates of Penzance." The
female comedy lead, Buttercup, the
bumboat woman, will be enacted by
Marguerite Creighton, who has been
prominent in recent Play Production
work. Ralph, the hero, will be played
by Harold E. Koch, and Sherrod
Towns will play Dick Deadeye.
Other parts will be taken by John
Elwell, Bernard Regier and Wilbur
Nelson. The production will be di-
rected by Valentine B. Windt, Direc-
tor of Play Production.

Street was a dirt road and sopho-
mores had to be warned each year
not to kidnap freshmen that a group
of students decided to issue a rival
publication called "The Varsity
News." A merger with "The U. of M.
Daily" nipped that plan in the bud,
however, and "The Michigan Daily
News" resulted.
Six Men Organize
Two years later, on Thursday, No-
vember 19, 1903 to be exact, six men
held an organizational meeting for a
group which was to be called "The
Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions." Present were Prof. H. S. Whit-
ney, Dean of Education; Prof. F. N.
Scott; Dean Lloyd of the Law School;
the Messrs. Thompson, Sims and
Stoner. The meeting resulted in
new ownership for The Daily which
up to this time had labored under
inefficient and semi-irresponsible
management. The student stock-
holders indthe paper were bought
out in a deal the details of which
(Continued on Page 4)
Local Churches
Today Feature
Interfaith Servie Lists Dr.
Blakeman, Counselor Of
Religious Education
Ann Arbor's various churches plan
a variety of sermons today with the
interests of summer session students
held particularly in mind.
The union service of the Congre-
gational Church and the First Pres-
byterian Church to be held at 10:45j
a.m. today will feature a sermon
by Dr. W. P. Lemon, minister of
the Presbyterian Church, on "Temp-
tations to Rightdoing."
At 7:30 p.m. the weekly Interde-
nominational Service will have Dr.
Edward W. Blakeman, University
counsellor on religion, as its leader
on the subject "Education-a race
with Catastrophe."
Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach
"To The Unfortunate" as his weekly
sermon at the First Methodist Church
At Stalker Hall Prof. W. D. Revelli,
leader of the Michigan Band, will
speak on "Music as a Service to the
Community" to the Wesleyan Guild
meeting, which is to start at 6 p.m.
Bethlehem Church, whose service
starts at 10:30 a.m., will hear Rev.
Theodore R. Schmale on "Exteided
Atn:15 a.m. Pastor Henry O. Yoder
of th9 Trinity Lutheran Church will
conti ue the series of sermons on I
Corinthians. Services in Zion Luth-
eran Church will begin at 10:30 and
feature the sermon of the pastor, the
Rev. E. C. Stellhorn.
Holy Communion will be held at
Saint Andrews' Episcopal Church at
8 a.m., with morning prayer and a
sermon by the Rev. Frederick W.
Leech following at 11 a.m.
3rd Vespers Service
August 15 Is Last
The third and last Vespers service
will be held at 7:30 p.m. Sunday on
the steps on the Main Library.
The Summer Session Chorus under
the direction of Prof. David Mattern
of the music school, will offer several
hymns, and accompany the assembly
in singing others. Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, counselor of religion, will
present the invocation.
In the event of rain the service
will be held in the Congregational

England Ousts
Reich Scribes
In Reprisals
Controversy Seen Likely
As Three Correspondents
Are Ordered To Leave
Conference Called
By Embassy Staff
LONDON, Aug. 7.-(MP--The Brit-
ish Home Office's order compelling
three German newspaper correspon-
dents to leave England tonight ap-
peared likely to open a prolonged
Anglo-German controversy. Two of
the three already have left for eGr-
As Berlin dispatches told of Ger-
man official threats of retaliation,
there were indications that the Ger-
man Embassy was preparing for some
action in the matter.
Two members of the embassy staff
traveled by airplane to Renfrew, in
Scotland, where the ambassador,
Joachim von Ribbentrop, is on vaca-
Confer On Situation
The correspondents' plight was un-
derstood to be the subject of a con-
ference, and it was indicated that
when the two embassy members re-
turned to London tomorrow the em-
bassy would at least "ask for further
information" concerning the Home
Office order.
The Home Office declined, without
eplanation, to renew the labor per-
mits of the German writers and they
were given two weeks to wind up their
personal affairs and leave the country.
The one remaining in London was
Werner Crome, chief correspondent'
here of the Berliner Lokalanzeiger for
the last three years, about 40 years
Other Men Younger
Theaother two were younger men
who had been here onl-'a few months
representing a German agency spe-
cializing in news of Germans abroad,
Franz Otto Wrede and Wold Dietrich
Marie Edenhofer, Crome's secre-
tary, and another German woman,
secretary to Langen, left some time
Crome said that he was preparing
to leave shortly.
In Berlin the official German news
agency said that the Reich "makes no
attempt to conceal the fact that it
has been most disagreeably impressed
by the Englishnaction." The agency
added that since the British Gov-
enrment has taken such action I
against persons whose presence it
deems "undesirable from the view-
point of Anglo-German relations," it
will be understandable if "corre-
sponding action is taken on the Ger-
man side."
Biology Station To
Hold Open House
The public is invited to attend the
tenth annual Visitors' Day of the
Biological Station of the University
to be held from 2 to 5 p.m., today,
Prof. George R. LaRue, of the biology
department, station director, an-
iounced yesterday.
Located on the southeast shore of
Douglas Lake, Cheboygan County, on
the old Cheboygan-Petoskey road
thirteen miles southeast of Cheboy-
gan, the station will welcome visitors.
Used for summer work in biology,

the camp includes a huge track of'
land. Guide service and well-in-
formed exhibitors are promised for
the event.

Term Plymouth
Worse Than

The Detroit Board of Commerce
demanded an official investigation
of the Plymouth disorders today,
declaring it "much more serious
than the so-called 'Ford riot.'
"In the Ford incident," the
Board's official organ said, "no one
needed any hospital attention. No
part of the plant was shut down.
nobody's employment was affect-
ed. But lowal and national law
acted quickly-ruthlessly.
"It makes no difference which
side one favors. Assault and bat-
tery is a crime. Ignoring this issue
will induce even more public re-
vulsion against the labor-politico
alliance that has permitted so
much lawlessness."
Britain Sends
Fresh Protest'
To Gen. Franco
Italian And French Ships
Also Struck By Shells Of
Unidentified Planes
HENDAYE, Franco - SpaishE
Frontier, Aug. 8.--(Sunday)_--(P)
Spanish Insurgent radio stations
today broadcast an official state-
ment denying categorically that
airplanes which attacked British,
Italian and French vessels in the1
Mediterranean were units of Gen-
eral Francisco Franco's air fleet.-
A broadcast communique said
"such acts are not the work of
a responsible government.
LONDON, Aug. 7.-(IP)-Great Brit-
ain, convinced that Spanish Insurgent
airplanes were responsible, today add-
ed to her long series of protests to
the regime of General Francisco
Franco with another against the air
attack yesterday on the tanker Brit-
ish Corporal.
Merchantmen of Italy and France
also were targets for three unidenti-
fied planes in a narea about 30 miles
off the Algerian coast, and the cap-
tain of the Italian steamer, Franco
Solari, died of wounds.
But Italian officials, evidently as-
suming that Spanish government
planes made the attacks, took no ac-
tion although they expressed keen
indignation. The British and Italian,
vessels were not harmed.
Britain's portest a note to Insur-
gent authorities at Palma, Mallorca,3
was made after her consul-general at
Algiers reported the bomb and ma-
chine gu nattack "probably" was the
work of "anti-government aircraft."
Aboard the Italian vessel, the Mon-'
gioia, not only was the captain fatally
wounded but a Dutch observer for
the international non-intervention
control was injured.
Next Concert.
To Be Given
By Ensemble'
The 1937 Chamber Music knsemble
of the School of Music, under the di-
rection of Prof. Hanns Pick, will pre-
sent the next faculty concert at 8:30
p.m. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium.
The program consists of music not
often performed, ana features the
chamber, orchestra, instead of the
more intimate groups, such as the
string quartet, which usually appear
on recitals of chamber music.
Their musical offerings begin with
a "Pavane," for strings by Purcell, a
17th century predecessor of Bach;
followed by a little known piano con-
certo of Mozart's which the youth-
full prodigy wrote when he was nine,
and playe dat his recitals for some

time. Mozart is further represented
on the program by a "Serenade" for
two small string orchestras and tim-
pani-a short but intriguing three
movement piece in which he manages
the drums with delightful pomposity
and mock seriousness, while the or-
chestras are coversing pleasantly with
each other.
A more modern group of selections
follows the intermission; the first a
very colorful set of two dances for
strings and harp by Debussy, which
are impressionistic mood-picture of
the dance as an expression of religious
ecstacy and of wordly delight; the
first movement from the "Quartet for
Piano. Violin, Viola, and Cello"
(strings tripled), by Strauss and
"Suite for Piano Trumpet, and
Strings, by Saint-Saens.


Court Issue Settled
Bpy Senate 'sPassage
Of Comproinise Bill1

Hull Asks Congress
To Lease Warships
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.-()--
Secretary Hull asked Congress today
to bolster the national defense of
other American Republics by leasing
them warships the Navy no longer
He said he was acting at. President
Roosevelt's request.
Invoking the Administration's'
"good neighbor" policy, Hull recom-
mended specific cooperation'with
Brazil, which he said was concerned
with "certain tendencies of the world
political situation" and "forceful ac-
tion" taken by some nations to ob-
tain "access to raw materials."
Because of its concern over world
affairs, Hull said, the Brazilian gov-
ernment had thought "it the part
modest national defense."
)f prudence to improve its relatively1
Chairman Walsh (Dem., Mass.) of1
the Senate Naval Committee intro-
duced a resolution Hull proposed
which would authorize the President
to lease decommissioned destroyers
to American Republics. It provides
that those countries would pay ma-
rine insurance as rent.
Sapir To Talk
On Speech Side
Of Personality
Other Lectures Of Week
Are On Japanese Art,
"The Speech Side of Personality"
will be discussed by Prof. Edward
Sapir of Yale University, visiting in-
structor in the Linguistic Institute
in the first of next week's Summer
Session lectures.
Professor Sapir, whose talk will be
given at 5 p.m. Monday in Natural
Science Auditorium, recently spoke'
before the Linguistic 'Institute lun-
cheon on the question, "Are Linguists
Studying Speech?" He is one of the
foremost authorities in the country on
language and its influence, and has
interested himself particularly in the
question of speech in relation to in-
dividual personality.
MacLean To Speak
At 5 p.m. Tuesday J. Arthur Mac-
Lean, curator of Oriental art in the
Toledo Museum, will speak on "Ja-
panese Wood-block Prints and Print-
ing." Mr. McLean has the distinc-
tion of being one of the first men in
his field to recognize the worth of
modern Japanese prints as compared
with the older work. In his talk he
will go over the history of both the
old and new prints, starting with
th# 18th century activities in print-
ing and following with the modern
school. The lecture will be illustrated
with lantern slides.
At 3:15 p.m. Tuesday a special lec-
ture will be given on the same sub-
ject by Mr. MacLean, with a dem-
onstration, in the Pendleton Library
in the Union, admission to which will
be by card only. In connection with
these talks, Mr. MacLean has pre-
pared an exhibit of Japanese prints
in the Alumni Memorial Hall, which
will remain there the duration of the
Knott To Lecture
At 5 p.m. Wednesday the regular
lecture will be given by Prof. Thomas
A. Knott of the English department,
formerly general editor of the Web-
ster dictionaries, on "Editing Dic-
tionaries." Professor Knott is at
present engaged in directing the work
on the Middle English dictionary of
the University.
Prof. Ralph W. Hammett of the

College of Architecture will talk at
5 p.m. Thursday on "Japanese Re-
ligious Architecture." Professor Ham-
mett has worked in Japan for several
years, and formerly taught a course
in Far Eastern architecture. This
talk, like that of Mr. MacLean, will
be sponsored by the Institute of Far
Eastern Studies, which is holding four
luncheon meetings next. week. On

Garner Sends Act Through
A Disorganized Senate
Without Roll Call
Procedure Draws
Several Protests
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.-(P)-The
historic court controversy in the
Senate ended abruptly today with
passage of a compromise judiciary
reform bill dealing only with lower
Federal tribunals.
There was no roll call vote. Vice-
President Garner gavelled the meas-
ure through after less than an hour
of perfunctory debate.
Few senators were on the floor
when he banged his ivory mallet on
the desk and declared the bill passed
by unanimous consent.
Senators Surprised
Several senators, caught by sur-
prise, sprang to their feet and pro-
tested that they 'wanted a chance
to vote against the legislation.
Garner promptly ruled that their
objections came too late, but said
they could have their opposition noted
in the record.
The measure had been agreed to
by Administration leaders after they
abandoned President Roosevelt's or-
iginal proposal to appoint additional
justices to -the Supreme Court if in-
cumbents past 70 years of age did not
Just One Criticism
Speaker Bankhead immediately
predicted the House would pass the
measure with dispatch.
The substitute bill, drafteI by the
Senate Judiciary Committee, did not
even mention changes in the Supreme
Bench, but provided for four pro-
cedural reforms in lower courts.
Only once was there any epres-
sion of opposition.
Senator Lewis (Dem., Ill.) criti-
cized the measure as "a direct viola-
tion of the Constitution" because it
would remove the power of single
Federal judges to hold actof Congress
invalid. The bill would require a
three-judge court to pass on ques-
tions involving the constitutionality
of Federal laws.
Would Wipe Out Protection
Such a provision, Lewis argued,
would wipe ou the protection which
a single Federal judge can now af-
ford by enjoining the enforcement of
statutes he believes to be invalid.
The bill provides for these changes
in lower court procedure:
1. Intervention by the Attorney
General in cases involving Federal
interests or the validity of any act
of Congress.
2. Direct appeal to the Supreme
Court from decisions by lower tri-
bunals invalidating a Federal law.
3. Hearing by a three-judge court
of pleas for injunctions restraining
the enforcement of Federal statutes.
4. Reassignment of district judges
by the senior circuit judge of each
circuit uo clean up congested dockets.
The bill was the only major issue
on the Senate's calendar. There re-
mains, however, the necessity for
agreement with House changes on
controversial legislation already
passed by the Senate.
Majority Leader Barkley (Dem.,
Ky.) predicted an adjournment "by
Aug. 21 or perhaps a little sooner."
Will Organize
Esperanto Club
Her e Tuesday
'A meeting for the purpose of or-
ganizing a club to further the study
and use of the international auxil-

iary language, Esperanto, will be held
in Room 25, Angell Hall, at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, it was announced yesterday.
The club, open not only to univer-
sity students and faculty but also to
anyone else who may be interested,
is the result of Esperanto classes
which have been given in Ann Arbor.
A class in the subject was held this
summer and for a number of years


Maxwell Studies New Cormet, Hurtling
Through Space 52,000,000 Miles Away'

The small new blur of light barely
visible in the northern sky this month
-known as Finsler's Comet-is an
80,000-mile diameter mass of gas par-
ticles, with a tail of more finely-di-
vided particles streaming after it for
apparently 1,250,000 miles as the body
moves along its parabolic orbit.
That orbit has been, for Prof. Allan
D. Maxwell, of the astronomy depart-
ment, an anxiety for the past ten
days. It is he who has probably beat
the entire astronomical world in com-

and the University of California.
Each of these observatories has an
"observer," Vho determines the posi-
tion of the comet in the skies, and
a computer, such as Professor Max-
well, who takes up the burden and
figures out to decimal degrees where
the body will be a thousand years
News of the discovery of this comet
at Zurich, Switzerland, on July 4 by
an astronomer named Finsler, who
had already discovered a comet in
1924, was flashed to Harvard Univer-

says. The majority move in para-
bolic or hyperbolic orbits, and never
come this way again. In this last
group is Finsler's Comet, which is
even now hurtling headlong into in-
finite space. It can be seen by the
naked eye almost to the end of Au-
gust, he says, and will be seen by
telescopes until probably nearly Oc-
While it's here, the curious may
possibly discern it as a hazy spot re-
sembling a nebulous star through fog,
if he follows the directions of this

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