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August 03, 1937 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1937-08-03

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Dr. Soule Discusses
Cures For Leprosy
(Continued from Page 1)
so-called "cobra treatment" has been
used, by which the leper is bitten by
% cobra, under the theory that if he
recovers from the cobra bite he will
get over his leprosy. In China the
time-honored "chaulmoogra" oil is
still widely used, as it is in the Phil-
ippines, where it is injected under
the skin and between the muscles of
the patient, a very painful process
which Dr. Victor G. Heiser, author of
"An American Doctor's Odyssey,"
played an important part in institut-
ing. Iodine has been added to the
solution, as well as various other
changes. Soluble sodium salts of the
fatty acids of chaulmoogra are a fa-
vorite variation. It has not, how-
ever, proved particularly effective.
"Individuals rarely die of lep-
rosy," Dr. Soule said. "Instead, they
succumb to tuberculosis or other mal-
adies after being reduced to a weak-
ened condition by leprosy." Children
are considered especially susceptible
to the disease, and in the leper colony
at Malakai in the Philippines the
precaution of separating babies from
their mothers at birth has been tak-
en, and proved highly successful. On
the other hand, while a number of
those who were left with their moth-
ers till the age of six months con-
tracted the disease.
The various types of disease, nodu-
lar, anaesthetic, and mixed, were
shown by slides. The nodules break
down in the later stages of the afflic-
tion, and ulcerate. Extreme cases,
which never occur among well-cared-
for patients, result in the frightful
appearance which has given the
disease its "untouchable" reputation.

- -

The News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures





Members of the Chinese Twenty-ninth Army are shown behind hastily constructed sandbag barricades
defending the historic Marco Polo bridge 14 miles southwest of Peiping, against Japanese attackers July 8,
the day after the start of the present crisis in Sino-Japanese relations. This picture, rushed to the United
States from Shanghai by trans-Pacific Clipper plane, is one of the first to reach this country since the start
of hostilities.

A Japanese military truck loaded with gasoline is shown here after
it had been ambushed south of Peiping during the current hostilities.
The crew was killed. War has not been declared but Japanese and
Chinese armies have set themselves for battle in Peiping and environs.
This picture was rushed to America by trans-Pacific air mail.

Driving Tests
Offered Free
For Students
Reactions Will Be Tested
In Four Examinations
By Columbia Man
All students and faculty members
are invited to have their driving abili-
ties tested free of charge at a testing
program to be conducted from 9 a.m.
till 4 p.m. tomorrow in the lobby of
the East Engineering building by Dr.
Herbert J. Stack, director of the Ed-
ucational Division of the National
Conservation Bureau.
Four tests will be given-a reac-
tion time test for breaking, a steer-
ing ability test, a 'driving vigilance
test and a visual acuity test under
various driving conditions. The en-
tire examination will take about 10
Dr. Stack, a member of the faculty
of the School of Education of Colum-
bia University, will also deliver three
lectures during the day at the Univer-
sity high school.
At 8 a.m. he will give an illustrated
lecture on "Safety Education in the
Public Schools" in the auditorium of
the high school.
Dr. Stack will speak to physical ed-
ucation students at 10 a.m. in Room
3002. His topic will be "Safety in
At 3 p.m. in the high school audi-
torium, he will present sound movies
on traffic safety and fire safety.
Dr. Stack will maintain a safety ex-
hibit all day in Room 1203 of the
high school.
8 Highway Lights
Installed For Year
Eight of a battery of 10 fog-pene-
trating sodium lights installed by the
Detroit Edison Co. for a year's test-
ing at the dangerous intersection of
Plymouth and Ford Roads have been
put in place and were turned on for
the first time Saturday night, Edison
engineers announced.
Each of the lights are 1,000 candle-
power. One of them has been placed
directly over the intersection and the
others are staggered along the road
140 feet apart in all three directions
from the intersection, two of them on
Ford Road and five along Plymouth
One of the added lights will be
added to the two south of the inter-
section on Plymouth Road, and the
other will be placed 420 feet from
the intersection on Ford Road.
Read Daily Classified Ads
Student Supplios
0. D. Morrill

I Major Standings


W. L. Pct.
New York ............60 29 .674
Chicago ..............57 36 .613
Boston ................50 37 .575
Detroit , ..............51 38 .573
Cleveland ........ . ... 43 44 .494
Washington ...........39 48 .448
St. Louis" ..............29 61 .322
Athletics_.............. 26 62 .295
No games scheduled.
Detroit at Philadelphia.
Chicago at New York.
St. Louis at Washington.
Cleveland at Boston.
W. L. Pct.
Chicago ..............59 32 .648
New York .............54 39 .581
Pittsburgh ............48 42 .533
St. Louis ..............48 43 .527
Boston ................45 48 .484
Brooklyn .............37 52 .416
Cincinnati............37 53 .411
Phillies ...............38 57 .400
No games scheduled.
Philadelphia at Chicago.
New York at Cincinnati
Boston at St. Louis
Brooklyn at Pittsburgh (2).

The Davis Cup, emblematic of world amateur tennis supremacy, was returned to the United States after
a ten-year absence by America's triumph over Great Britain in the challenge round, 4 to 1. The team is shown
here walking off Wimbledon's court with the trophy. Left to right: Don Budge, Frankie Parker, Walter Pate,
non-playing captain, with the trophy, Bryan "Bitsy" Grant and Gene Mako. This picture was trans-
mitted from London to New York by radio.

Undaunted by the disaster of the dirigible Hindenburg last May, the
cause of which has recently been ascertained to be the so-called "St.
Anthony's Fire," a name given by mariners to fire caused aboard a ship
by lightning, Germany is once more building airships. This giant is
under constructon at Friedrichshafen.

(Continued from Page 2)
tainable at this office.
It is desirable that candidates for
the doctorate prepare to satisfy this
requirement at the earliest possible
date. A brief statement of the na-
ture of the requirement, which will
be found helpful, may be obtained at
the office of the Department.
This announcement applies only to
candidates in the following depart-
ments: Ancient and Modern Lan-
guages and Literatures, History, Ec-
onomics, Sociology, Political Science,
Philosophy, Education, Speech, Jour-
nalism, Fine Arts.
Secretary in Department of
Romance Languages.
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts and Architecture; Schools
of Education, Forestry and Music:
Students who have changed their ad-
dresses since June registration should
file a change of address in Room 4,
U.H. so that the report of his sum-
mer work will not be misdirected.
College of Litreature, Science and
the Arts and Architecture; Schools
of Education, Forestry and Music:
Summer Session students wishing a
transcript of this summer's work only
should file a request in Room 4, U.H.
several days before leaving Ann Ar-
bor. Failure to file this request will
result in a needless delay of several
The Bureau has received notice of
the following Civil Service Examina-
Dental laboratory mechanic, $2,000
a year; assistant dental laboratory
mechanic, $1,440 a year; and Dental
Hygienist, $1,620 a year; in public
health service, treasury department,
and veterans' administration.

Grace Archbold
Becomes Bride
Of Dr._Krueger
Ruth Grace Archbold, daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward M.
Archbold, became the bride of Dr.
Hugo Martin Krueger, son of Mrs.
Lydia Leona Krueger, Saturday, at
Dr. David H. Glass, of Pontiac, read
the service. Mrs. Glenn Kyker, a
sister of the bride, was the only at-
tendant and Walter Steinfatt, of Ann

Local Players
Open Summer
SeasonAug. 5
Play To Be 'The Amazing
History Of Master Peter'
The Hampstead Community Play-
ers will open their second summer
dramatic season Aug. 5, with the pre-
sentation of "The Amazing and Very
Comical History of Master Peter

Arbor, was the best man. Pathelin.,
Miss Archbold graduated from the j The play will be a modernization
University and was a member of Al- of the famous medieval farce "Mais-
pha Chi Omega sorority and Omega tre Pierre Pathelin." The para-
Upsilon. Mr. Krueger was graduated phrase of the original was written by
from the University and is a membell Harold Whitehall especially for the
of Beta Kappa fraternity. He is an Hampstead Players.
associate professor in the University The scene is transferred from me-
medical school. dieval France, where the original play
Miss Lorna Blood, daughter of Mr. took place, to the town of Winstead,
and Mrs. Howard E. Blood, was mar- Norfolk, England, in the late 15th
ned to J. Nal Candler, son of Mr. century. The six characters have
and Mrs. George V. Candler. The wed-! been transformed into contemporary
ding took place July 28.B d -English types, deeply involved in local
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beardslee re- politics.
cently announced the engagement of A sub-plot involving the town-
their daughter, Floydene, to Donald reeve and Pathelin's wife, has been
Brownlee, son of James S. Brownlee, added to give 'dramatic contrast to
BRhesse, N.Bardslee and Mr. the main plot,, and the dialogue,
completely revised for characteriza-
Brownlee graduated from the Univer- tion, has been extended through the
sity. addition of lyrics.
Peter Badger will take the role of
School Health Peter Pathelin and Mabel Clair Gold
will play the part of Willomette, Pet-
By er's wife. Other members of the cast
D iscussed By are: Ralph Chubb, Fritz Schiller,
Robert Stanton and Lowell Carr.
Prof Sun wa l The play will be presented in the
Prof. SundHampstead OutdoorpAmphi-theatre
which has been improved by new
The big problem in school health lights and a larger stage. In case of
today is who should do the school rain the play will be postponed until
health work, Prof. John Sundwall, di- the next night. The admission is 25
r.n.7fr o-f th division of aiene and cents.

Steve Mason, Track
Captain In '38, Dead
(Continued from Page 1)
gently, developed slowly in his sopho-
more year and then blossomed out
this spring into a Big Ten champion
in the low hurdles.
"Not only does Michiganbloseta
great track competitor, but the
University has lost one of its most
popular students. I am sure that his
death is as great a shock to the boys
who elected him track captain as it
has been to me."
He is survived by his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Stevens Mason, and two sis-
ters, Adelaide H. Mason, '40, and Mrs.
Thomas Allerby.
The funeral will be held at 2 p.m.
Wednesday at the William R. Hamil-
ton Funeral Chapel, Taft Ave. and
Alexandrine St. Detroit.
Kay Manning
To Give Dance
A dance lecture and demonstration
will be given by Miss Katherine
Manning at 8:30 p.m. today in the
dance studio on the second floor of
Barbour Gymnasium.
Miss Manning is a member of the
Humphrey-Weidman dance group
and is teaching in the Department of
Physical Education for Women this
summer. She will be assisted by
Miss Beatrice Lovejoy who was grad-
uated from the University in June
and plans to major in dancing.
In her lecture Miss Manning plans
to discuss the place of dancing in
physical education as well as the re-
lation of dancing to the theatre.
The classes in modern dancing are
increasing with each summer school
at Michigan, and there has been a
growing interest in the modern dance
among the men students.
The lecture demonstration will last
about one half hour. The public is
cordially invited to attend.
! Iw



VICTORIA, Can., Aug. 2.-(P)-
Author H. Bird lost a wallet and nine
days later reported to police it had
been found by his dog. The dog
walked into its master's home with
the wallet in its mouth.


JARVIE, Can., Aug. 2.-(RP)-Oran
Homer lost his inexpensive watch
in the fields 14 years ago. This sum-
mer he found it with crystal broken,
wound it up and it has been keeping
good time since.



An event which provides an excellent opportunity to pick up smart
clothes for little money - clothes that can be used just as well
next year.
1/2Ooriginal prices
Former Values $5.95 to $39.75
DRESSES. . . Sizes 12 to 46
COATS and SUITS 12 to 20

public health, yesterday told a group
in the auditorium of the University
high school.
"In selecting school health author-
ities," Professor Sundwall said,

NEW YORK, Aug. 2.-( P)-Clinton
L. Bardo, 70, one-time head of the
National Manufacturers Association,
and1 in 1935F a kev witness in the Sen-





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