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August 03, 1937 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1937-08-03

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- I-

Thinks Interest
In Vital Issues
Churches' Hope
Threadbare Discussions
On Gospel Subordinated
To Broader Outlook
(Continued from Page 1)
type of clergyman may meet, there is
no denying they indicate a trend of
the church to become involved in real
issues, and an inclination away from
milk-sop religious attitudes.
The interest of organized religion
in current issues is shown by the work
of many organizations such as the
Social Relations department of The
Unitarian Church, the National Re-
ligion and Labor Foundation, com-
posed of members of 25 denomina-
tions, and the Inter-Church World
Movement, which made a complete
study of the causes of the steel strike
in 1919.
The Unitarian Church's Social Re-
lations Department agreed in 1934 on
a program advocating such things as
universal reduction of armaments, a
mandatory minimum wage, liberal
views on divorce, a nation-wide sys-
tem of social insurance. The program
also asked that sex education be
given frankly and at an early age,
ann that scientific information on
birth control be dessiminated.
And so it is that the church is mov-
ing from discussions of most points of
the gospel to broader concepts of re-
ligion. Rev. Marley insists that the
church must be built ip from the new
scientific outlook, must forget thread-
bare harangues on immortality.
The church, after having fostered
education in the middle ages, and
having nourished it thereafter, is
finding many of its services desig-
nated to other organizations, accord-
ing to Rev. Marley. Persons who are
losing interest in the church, can only
be brought back and retained, he
believes, by its entrance into world
problems, of which there are many-
peace, international good-will, co-
operation, and the rights of the great-
est number. This minister insists,
however, that personal guidance can
never be disregarded in this projec-
tion of energies into broader fields of
Rev. Marley is at present engaged
in writing a biography of Homer
Of 4,700 ministers who replied to a
questionnaire of the National Re-
ligion and Labor Foundation last
year, 2,100 supported the right of
labor to strike, and 2,400 favored
public ownership of utilities and basic
industries, and said they would work
for these ends. Conservative minis-
ters have repeatedly made accusa-
tions that the church holds com-
munists and socialists in its ranks.
And so, the church has embraced
a wider scope of duty to the people,
and only as long as it retains an in-
terest in the common man, will it
cease fading into disuse, according to
the Unitarian minister.
German Group
Hears Program
Of Music, Poetry
Dramatic readings and a vocal pro-
gram were enjoyed at the meeting of
the Deutscher Verein last night at
the League.
Thelma Lewis of the music school
opened the program with four selec-
tions. Prof. Hardin van Deuresen,
guest instructor in voice sang several
selections, among which were "My-
self When Young," and "Aus Meinem
Grossen Schmerzen."

"The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyan"
was rendered {n both German and
English. Prof. f-enry W. Nordmeyer,
head of the German department, read
his own translation of the famous
epic in German. Vernon B. Kellet
read the English version.
Deutscher Verein will give a final
banquet on Aug. 16 to close the Sum-
mer Session activities of the organi-
zation, it was announced.
Public Health Faculty
Entertained At Supper
The Summer Session faculty of the
Public Health Division and students
in Public Health were entertained at
a supper Sunday evening in the
Grand Rapids Room of the League.
'There were 105 guests present.
Miss Ethel McCormick, social di-
rector of the League, and Miss Hazel
Harringshaw, of the Public Health
Division, were in charge of arrange-
ments. There was a socialnmeeting
afterwards in the Ethel Fountain
Hussey Room.
RENO, Aug. 2.-(P)-All records for
marriage licenses issued in this di-
vorce "capital" in one month were
broken in July, when 958 couples were
married here.
If iiA LA )CC A 1

'Salute' To Workers

Golf Ace-Criminal Fights
N.Y. Extradition Count
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 2.-(A)-
John Montague, whose golf show-
manship entranced Hollywood, sat
placidly before Gov. Frank F.
Merriam today and heard attorn-
eys trying to prevent his extradi-
tion .on an old robbery charge
term him "a man reborn."
Officers seeking Merriam's per-
mission to take Montague to Es-
sex County, New York, for trial on
a charge of participating in a 1930
roadhouse robbery were confront-
ed with a plea that Montague has
rehabilitated himself and that fur-
ther punishment is not necessary.
Guy Kibbee of the movies and
a stack of affidavits from Holly-
wood friends lauded Montague as
above reproach while he hob-
nobbed with them.
"For what purpose are they try-
ing to take Laverne Moore (Mon-
tague's real name) back to New
York?" asked Attorney Jerry Gies-
ler. "To take him back would be
only to punish his physical body.
This man has rebuilt himself un-
der a new name, a new man and a
new soul."

Wounded In China

This is the gesture with which
one strike sympathizer expressed
her feelings toward workers enter-
ing the plant of the Robins Dry-
dock Co. in Brooklyn. Other strike
sympathizers found words ade-
quate in showing their disapproval
of men going to work.

Children Capable Of Intelligent
Settlement Of Own Problems

The Navy Department announced
in Washington that Private Julius
F. Fliszar (above), of the mounted
marine detachment at Peiping,
China, had been wounded by un-
aimed rifle fire from Chinese troops
near the American embassy at Pei-
ping. State Department officials
said no protests would be made,
since the shooting was unintention-
LANSING, Aug. 2.-(P)-The State
Liquor Control Conmission called 50
liquor dealers before it today in the
crusade against violations. Chairman
Edward W. McFarland, presided at
the all-day session. Fines were heavy,
suspensions numerous.

Conclusion Is Reached By1
New York School Head
After Investigation
Put a youngster to work on a typ-
ical childhood problem and he will
solve it. Not only that. His sQlu-
tion will tally with favored psycho-
logical theories.
Dr. Alexander Fichandler, prin-
cipal of a New York junior high
school, made, that discovery and no-
body could have been more surprised
than Dr. Fichandler himself.
He found it out after watching the
reactions of a dozen or so children,
picked more or les sat random, at the
conference table of a broadcasting
chain (NBC). The children were as-
sembled to discuss frankly problems
about which other children all over
Lhe United States had written them.
They're Sympathetic'
They've told the results of their
conferences to radio lister.ers on.
Saturday mornings when they broad-
cast their program, "Raising Your
Dr. Fichandler has discovered the
parent-raisers sympathize with chil-
dren who are tired of being super-
vised every minute. Show your mo-
ther you can safely be left to play
alone, they say.
They tell a boy who doesn't want
to mow the lawn that he should have
;ome responsibility about the house.
And he shouldn't expect his parents
to pay him, either.
They advise twelve-year-old girls
who want "boy friends" not to be so
serious. Have boys as companions,
bring them home, but don't single
out one as a favorite. Plenty of time
when you grow up, say the parent-

raisers. And the books back them

The boy-girl problem
the commonest, reports
Cross, who conducts the
on the air.

is one of
Milton J.

'Girl Wants Boy'
"It's usually girl wants boy, not
boy wants girl," he says. But nowl
and again the parent-raisers get
a letter like this:
"Should boy and girl be al-
lowed to play together? My an-
swer is yes, because I am a boy of
13, and play with girls part time.
There are 3 girls and 4 boys and
we do have fun."
But the usual boy-girl letter reads?
"I am a sophomore in High
School. My mother and father
are so old-fashioned that they
won't let me go out nights with
boys. . . . I think I should be;
allowed to go out sometimes, as
long as the people that I want
to go with are all right."
Letters like these are an outlet for
children who feel they can't confide
in their parents.
Mr. Cross finds the children on
the program make good psychologists
because they are logical; uninhibited;
unemotional, but appreciative of par-
ents' anxieties; have the normal,
American point of view because they
dislike snobs, sissies and social climb-
ers; use their own experiences in
solving the problems.
.dromptly and neatly done by exper,-
~nced operators at moderate pnx.
314 South State Street




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