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July 31, 1937 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1937-07-31

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SATJRDAY, JUY 31, 1937


Of The DAY
(By The Associated Press)
Albion Foundry
Workers Strike
ALBION, Mich., July 30.-R)-The
Gale Manufacturing Company's gray
iron foundry continued in operation
tonight despite a strike vote an-
nounced by union leaders.
Superintendent Karl H. Miller an-
nounced the plant would be open to
receive the day shift, which reports
at 6 a.m., but leaders of a strike
group of 40 men who picketed the
gates soon after the strike vote was
taken said they would not permit
non-striking workmen to enter.
Elmer Reynolds of Kalamazoo. an
organizer for the American Federa-
tion of Labor, said that members of
an International Moulders' Union lo-
cal voted 177 to 40 to stage the strike.
Hie said the vote did not represent
the local's full strength. Since many
members of the A.F. of L. affiliate
were at work at the time it was taken.
The Gale Manufacturing Company
employesabetween 350 and 400 men.
The Gale Company and the Albion
Malleable Iron Company, whose 600
employes are idle because of a strike,
suspension, employ 60 per cent pf
Albion's laboring men, according to'
Chamber of Commerce figures.

Tall One

Fear Epidemic
Of Rabies May
Hit Ann Arbor

Mad Dog Case Is First
Be Reported In City
Several Years


Drukman Slayer
Condemned To Die
NEW YORK, July 30.-(W)-Fred J.
Hull, who appealed from a 25-year
second-degree murder sentence for
the killing of Samuel Drukman, was
convicted tonight of first degree mur-
der. The verdict automatically car-
ries a death sentence.
First convicted 18 months ago in
the celebrated Brooklyn case that be-
came a city political issue, Hull ap-
pealed on the grounds that he was
not represented by counsel of his own
choosing. The appellate division up-
held his contention and ordered a new
Two other defendants, Meyer and
Harry Luckman, in whose garage
Drukman's body was found March 3,
1935, withdrew their appeals.
I-M Tourneys
Being Run Off
in Rapid Time.
Summer Session Matches
All Reach Semi-Finals,
Webster Announces
Although the Intramural program
is considerably augmented this year
with a record enrollment the various,
tournaments are being played off
faster and with more efficiency than
in former years, according to Ran-
dolph W. Webster, director of in-
tramural sports.
With the golf tournament enter-1
ing the semi-finals, Walter Wetlly,
regarded as the favorite to win, is
still going strong, but George Han-
sen, who was expected to give him
some stiff competition, has been el-
iminated. After this unexpected up- I
set anything can happen. Stude
Worely, who has participated in these
tournaments for many summers, but
never succeeded in coming out on4
top, may reverse his luck in this one.1
He is in the semi-finals with just two f
more games ahead of him and his

Tall story or tall corn, take your
choice. (A') claims "pretty Gwynn
Ryan" is climbing a 12-foot corn
stalk without benefit of ladder to
test the Iowa crops.
Wait A While;
You May Have
A Home On Ice
OAKLAND, Calif., July 28.-(A)-
To find out whether the Arctic re-
gions are suitable for big scale colon-
ization is the object of a 14-month
research trip mapped by Dr. Victor
E. Levine. He has taken a leave of
absence from his chair of biological
chemistry at Creighton University,
Omaha, and sailed for Point Barrow,
Alaska, on the coast guard cutter Du-
"The population of the world is in-
creasing at about 20 million persons
a year," said Dr. Levine. "In years to
come new areas will have to be op-
ened up for human habitation.
"How the food and climate of the
Arctic regions will react on people
from tropic and temperate climates
is what I hope to find out."
DrV Levine. a veteran of four other

An outbreak of rabies became im-
minent in Washtenaw County yes-
terday despite a dog quarantine
placed in effect more than a month
ago with the announcement that a
dog which had bitten at least three
persons and a number of other dogs
in the city had died of rabies, accord-
ing to a brain examination of the dead
dog by the local Pasteur Institute.
It was the first case in three or
four years in which it was definitely
known thathpeoplegin Ann Arbor had
been bitten by a dog which was proved
to be rabid.
Those known to have been bitten
Donald Hudson, 7 years old, 305
E. Ann St., son of the dog's owner.
George Dailey, Jr., 5 years old, 303)
E. Ann St.
Roy Brown 23 years old, of Pollard,
Ark., an orderly at University Hos-
Brown was bitten when he came
too close to the dog while it was tied
up at a gas station at N. Ashley St.
and Miller Ave., operated by the own-
er of the dog, Clyde Hudson. The
dog, which was quite small, brown,
longhaired, and part Pomeranian, is
known to have bitten at least one
other dog which has been ordered
tied for 10 days.
Dr. John A, Wessinger, city health)
officer, yesterday asked all owners of
dogs which may have been exposed
to the rabid one to keep them tied for
10 days in order that it may be de-
termined whether or not they have
contracted the disease. Neighbors of
the Hudsons and nearby children
who may have been exposed to the
dog were advised to take the Pas-
teur treatments. The city furnishes
the anti-rabies treatment free of
charge to all asking for it, according
to Dr. Wessinger, and those unable
to pay for physician's treatment will
be given the injections at the county's
expense either at the Pasteur Insti-
tute or by Dr. Edwin C. Ganzhorn,
county physician, if a written order
is first obtained from a member of
the board of supervisors.
Brown, the hospital orderly, left for
a trip to Pollard, Ark., the day after
he was bitten, and the .Pollard Police
Depatrment was notified by wire yes-
terday to inform Brown the dog was
rabid. The Hudson dog is believed to
have contracted the disease when he
was taken to Mt. Clemens, where it
is prevalent.
It was also reported to police yes-
terday that eight-year-old Fred Eib-
ler, 406 E. Jefferson Ave., had been
bitten by a dog owned by Oscar
Goetz, 508 S. Division St. The dog
was ordered tied.
Faculty Beaten
By Cubs; Yanks
Heavy slugging by all teams in
both the University and Educational
League made the scores look very
much like a final card game report
Thursday afternoon.
In the University league, the Cubs
triumphed over the Faculty to the
tune of 10 to 8, while the Chemist
boys were easing out a victory over
the Yankees 4 to 3. The Cards were
idle today leaving their percentage
the same, at 4 games won and 1 lost,
but with the other teams playing such
clubs as the Chemists having lost
all previous games raised their per-
centage to .200, by virtue of their
victory over the Yankees.
In the Educational League Thurs-
day, the Tigers trounced the Pan-
thers quite decisively 22 to 8. The
Bees increased their games won to
2 because of their victory over the
Indians by the score of 11 to 8. There
is still one more game to be played
which has been scheduled for next

DOORN, Netherlands, July 30.-(jP)
-Former Queen Victoria Eugenia of
Spain, heavily veiled, motored alone
from Germany today to pay a visit
to former Kaiser Wilhelm of Ger-
many. Shearemained indoors with the
former Kaiser and was not seen walk-
ing the grounds. It was known Wil-
helm told former King Alfonso two
years ago that "I hope I can see
Queen 'Ena' before I die."
---- MEALS
30c - 35c - 40c
Delightfully C-O-O-L
Plenty of Parking Space
A Unrv..-- naRn Dtw

(By Associated Press)
Oriental armies totalling
men-15,000 Chinese and


Japanese-were massed in a small
section of Hopeh Province, North
China, as the Far East reached the
peak this week of a new crisis that

recent years and her troops drilled
by European experts.
The leades:
For China-
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek,
5, Premier of China and its strong-

i II.

tum; Langfang Chinese garrison
bombarded; fighting anew outside
July 27-Ultimatum expires with-
out China's compliance.
July 28 - Severest fighting at
Nanyuan, Fengtai, other points near
Peiping, after Japan announces it is
forced to resort to arms to punish

may become a fullfledged war. man since 1926, who thus far has,
The scene taken no positive action in the crisis.!
Hopeh Province is China's north- General Sung Cheh-Yuan, 52,
commander of the 29th army and
ernmost coastal province borderingch
Japanese - dominated Manchoukuo head of the Hopeh-Chahar Council,)
and across the Yellow Sea from now flying back from America.
Korea. Wang Chung-Kui, China's foreign
It contains Peiping, City of "North- minister, a former World Court judge.
ern Peace," once China's capital, still For Japan-
the seat of foreign embassies though Prince Fumimaro Konoye, 46, Ja-
the modern capital is at Nanking, 600 pan's aristocratic Premier who came
miles south, to power last April.
Hopeh also includes Tientsin, in Lieut.-Gen. Kiyoshi Katsuki, 50,
which Japan has extensive conces- outstanding Japanese militarist and
sions, commercial gateway to the rich commander of Japan's North China
North China region. garrison.
The causes: Koki Hirota, 54, astute former
Japan frankly seeks economic dom- Premier who is Japan's foreign min-
ination of Hopeh, adjacent Chahar ister.
Province and perhaps other North American interests:
China territory. Hopeh is the next tSate department figures disclosed
step after Manchoukuo on her ad- 1,300 Americans were in Peiping, focal
vance into the Asiatic mainland. point of the tension. Others were
Japan demands withdrawal of scattered through the trouble zone.
Chinese troops, suppression of anti- The United States embass y is
Japanese movements, new military guarded by 22 Marine officers and 489
rights and complete freedom of North men under Col. John Marston.
China from Nanking's authority. Ambassador Nelson T. Johnson, like
China seeks to retain even a loose other envoys, maintains offices ati
hold on the northern provinces, and Nanking though the embassy is in
to halt the Japanese advance. Peiping, the old capital.
The armies: jForeign troops:
Foreign military experts estimate International guards in Peiping in-
at 15,000 China's troops in the trouble lude: United States 511; Japan 500;
zone-10,000 near Tientsin, 5,000 near Great Britain 250; France 200; and
Peiping. An additional 35,000 were Italy 90.
believed concentrated 80 miles south Events:
at Paotingfu, all a part of the 29th July 7 - Sino-apanese f o r c e s
Army. clashed at Marco Polo Bridge west of
Unconfirmed reports said another Peiping during Japanese night ma-
100,000 Chinese were in distant parts neuvers.
of Hopeh. July 8-Battle at nearby village of
Japanese forces were placed at 20,- Wanpinghsien; martial law in Pei-
000-5,000 at Fengtai, Japan's mili- ping. Ten apanese killed, 22 wounded.
tary base near Peiping, 500 within July 11 - Fighting renewed after
Peiping, 500 in Tungchow, and 14,- truce, and continues sporadically.
000 at Tientsin. July 13 - Japan asks troop with-
Observers said Japan's military drawals after clash at Peiping's gates.
equipment, including planes, tanks, July 16-- China calls attention of
and artillery, gave her great military i foreign powers to Japanese threat.
superiority. Nanking's full resources July 19 - Japanese delivers repeat-
were unknown though China's air ed demands.
force has been greatly augmented in July 20 -Further demands pre-
_____ _sented; Wampinghsien bombarded;
Japan seizes Tangku waterfront.

Read Daily

Classified Ads






Two Known Dead, Three Missing As Coastal Steamer Burns
Called from Baltimore, Md., after the Chesapeake line steamer "City Gf Baltimore" caught fire, the fireboat
"Torrent" is shown pumping water on the stricken vessel. Of the 90 persons aboard, two were known dead
and three others were missing.
Chinese Armies Stand At Bay In Face
Of Japan's Threats In Hopeh Province

'®, _...


Spring and Summer
Dresses, Coats, Suits
Many are priced far
below cost!
Sizes for Misses
Sizes for Women
Elizabeth Pilion

In the tennis tournament such 1,V
players as C. R. Coleman, J. F. Thom- expeditions into the far north, is
son, and John Edmunds have come being accompanied by Tu-tu, a pet
out victorious in their matches so far half wolf and half dog. The scientist
with the finals scheduled for Friday, will cover the mainland around Point
Aug. 16. Out of 64 entries in theB.
tournament upsets have been num-)islands.
rounamuten tse mas thae b avori- The cutter Duane is carrying sup-
erous, but in the main the favorite Iplies to several Arctic outposts, in-
players have lived up to expectations.) cluding the camp on King's island,
T. B. Estep and John Andrews are where Father Bernard Hubbaard, the
Slated to play off their match in the "glacier priest," is doing research.
handball tournament within the next
few days. Along with these men, G.p
B. Naeseth, another favorite, has won' Ordinance Of 87
his matches so far and will be in Isl15 Y r s
there for the finals. 1 50 Years Old
With things moving along as
smoothly as could be expected, Mr. (Continued from Page 1)
Webster says that this is without a ---------
doubt, the most successful Intra-
mural Summer Session program in but in 300 communities a pereginat-
years. ing pageant will visit with dramatiza-
In the semi-finals, Walter Wetly tions of the enactment of the ordi-
and Stub Worely are paired off as one nance. The commission hopes to
match with Walker Graham and bring the pageants in driving dis-
John Willson comprising the other. tance of 57,000,0000 people in the six
The finals are but a week away, and states.
from the scores turned in by these On Dec. 3, 1937, an ox-drawn wa-
four men, an exciting championship gon, much like those used by the
game is certainly anticipated. Ohio Company settlers, will rumble
gam_____tny__ic __t .out of Ipswich, Ohio, traveling about
MHaU ta To Try 18 miles a day, the occupants living
rs auptman the lives of pioneers, and presenting
To Clear Bruno's Name pageants.
Eight episodes are required by the
BERLIN, July 30.-(/P)-Mrs. Bruno traveling actors to tell the story of
Richard Hauptmann is on her way the Ordinance from the time a union
back to the United States to continue of the colonies was discussed at the
her efforts to clear the name of her Albany convention in 1754 to the
husband, executed for the killing of establishment of civil government at
Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr. Marietta. Ohio, in 1788.
Sh pi sharr the liner Bremen mha m ntPns in the Northwest

Auto License Deadline
Will Not Be Extented
LANSING, July 30. -(P) - The
deadline for half-year automobile li-
cense plates, set for midnight Satur-
day, will not be extended, Secretary
of State Leon D. Case said today.
"Motorists who have been operating
with half-year stickers and who at-
tempt to use- old plates after mid-
night Saturday .will be arrested if
caught," Case said.

July 21 - Chinese start withdrawal
from zone west of Peiping.
July 24- Japan demands faster
July 26 - Japan presents ultima-

;s l


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