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July 30, 1937 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-30

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Price Relates
Escape From
Prison Camp
Condition Of Russia At
Tine Of Revolution Is
Described In Talk
(Continued from Page 1)
lowed by a visit of an inspecor. The
prisoners soon learned the signifi-
cance of this phenomenon: the camp
authorities, learning of the approach-
ing visit of the inspector to examine
the accounts, would have recourse to
arson to destroy the records of their
usurpations. Even men dying of ty-
phoid were not safe from the depre-
dations of the greedy orderlies who
pocketed the money intended for
their food.
Russians Are Ftalistic
"When Rasputin was killed I heard
for the first time discussions of poli-
tics by the Russians," Professor Price
said. "In their curiously fatalistic
manner, they would say, 'Something
is going to happen to us,' rather than
we are going to do something.'
Lenin, leader of the Revolution, was
described by the lecturer as a man
who realized a revolt was inevitable
in the corrupt and autocratic Tsarist
Russia and determined to make it a
successful one.
To do so he studied all the revolu-
tions of history to discover the secret
of their success or failure. He learned
from the Puritan Revolution of Eng-
land the value of propaganda, ac-
cording to Professor Price, and re-
solved to utilize its value in putting
into force the Marxian ideals in
which he believed.
Army Disintegrates
The disintegration of the Russi.an
army in the field under the impact of
the events at home soon reached such
a stage that soldiers ordered to the
front from Siberia sought notes from
the German prisoners saying that
they had received good treatment in
concentration camp and asking that
the Russians be treated well by their
German captors likewise, since the
Russians only contemplated going
into the battle line in order to be
taken prisoner.
In, Siberia, when the conflict be-
tween Bolshevik and Menshevik So-
cialists broke out, the former turned
to the German and Austrian pris-
oners of war to aid them, Professor
Price said. Many of the latter joined
the Bolsheviks and contributed great-
ly to their victory, especially in the
capacity of instructors of artillery
and cavalry.
Wakes Before Battle
On one occasion, Professor Price
recalled waking up in a house in
which he had been sleeping to find a
soldier outside his window who proved
to be a skirmisher engaged in a battle
just breaking out around the building.
The Czech revolt, in which several
thousand Czechs who had deserted
the Austro-Hungarian armies rose
against the Bolshevik regime, broke
out in Vladivostok directly under the
eyes of Professor Price. During the
troubled period which followed, an
Allied fleet appeared in Vladivostok
harbor and landing forces came
ashore. The Japanese took advan-
tage of the opportunity to examine.
the topography of the surrounding
country, he said, and to take.the most
careful soundings of the harbor.
An interesting incident occurred
when the American naval comman-
der was promoted to the highest rank
in the navy so that he would out-
rank the commanding Japanese offi-
cer and avoid the necessity of serving
under him.
Japanese Same In 1920
The Japanese, he said, played the
same role in 1920 in Siberia that they
have played more recently in China,
supplying arms and doing their best
to instigate and keep going sporadic

fighting which might help weaken
The new regime of Russia has done
much to strength the military posi-
tion in the Vladivostok region, build-
ing new roads, railways, fortifications,
etc., and iaintaining huge garrisons,
he said, but a great deal of disaffec-
tion exists among both the soldiers,
far from their homes, and among the
civil populace, which has not been
entirely won over to Communism.
Nevertheless, if a war breaks out
once more between Russia and Ja-
pan, Professor Price expressed the
opinion that barring treachery the
Russian commanders, more resolute
and capable than their predecessors
of 1904-05, will have an excellent
chance of victory.
Owner Of Mad Dog
SoughtBy Officers
Sheriff's officers are attempting to
contact the owner of a car, believed
to be a Plymouth, which was parked
at the Loch Alpine reservoir with a
terrier in it during the afternoon of
July 16.
Mrs. Martha Hughes, 441 S. 5th
Ave., yesterday reported that her
daughter Patricia, 17 years old, had
been bitten by the dog while at the
reservoir on that date. The owner of
the dog is asked to call the sheriff's
office, or phone 2-2605 in order that it
may be determined whether or not
there is any danger of rabies being

Joe Moore, Giant Outfielder, Tries Out Bat Visitors Swarnn


Joe Moore, outfielder for the New York Giants,, is shown here with
the bat with which he made three hits in four trips to the plate in a
game against the Chicago Cubs, contributing to the final score of 5 to 0
for the Giants. Moore is from Texas.
Telegraph Key Used 100 Times
A Year Belongs To Smithers
C7 1

Dude Ranches,
Setting Record
Total Of 20,000 Expected
To Be Present, President
Of Association States
SHERIDAN, Wyo., July 29.-UP)-
Another great Westward, Ho! trek is
on. It's a trek for pleasure, topping
the gold rushes even of the Pikes-
Peak-or-Bust days.
And it proves anew "There's gold
in them thar hills." This time it's not
the yellow metal to be dug in the
mountains; it's greenback gold mined
from the pockets of "dudes."{
The west's old ranchers are smiling.
Looks Like Greatest Year !
"It looks like the greatest dude
ranch year in the history of the in-
dustry," says Walter C. Nye, secretary
of the Dude Ranchers association, in
explanation of the smiles.
"The season may top the record
dude ranch year of 1929. We expect
at least 20,000 visitors to the ranches
of our members, compared with 17,-
000 last year."
W. G. Ferguson, manager of Mon-
tanans, Inc., and Stow Witwer, pres-
ident of the Colorado Dude Ranchers
association, are equally optimistic.
Every nook and cranny of the West
has its "dude outfit."
"It's safe to say that upwards of
100,000 persons will visit the higher
class ranches in the western states
this year and that they will spend
better than $10,000,000," said an of-
ficial of a Denver agency that keeps
tabs on tourists in 11 western states.
"Hundreds of thousands of dollars
will be spent by other classes of tour-
ists in other types of resorts."
What They Want
What the dude tourists have want-
ed ever since the first dude ranch was
established back in the eighties, is
"the old west and all its color."
They demand a rustic ranch house,
good food, a comfortable bed, a west-
ern horse, excitement and relaxation.
Right now many of the ranchers
are debating whether they should add
inside plumbing," said one official.
"They are having a hard time decid-
ing whether the dudes want a tiled
shower bath with inside toilet or if
they prefer the more primitive con-
ditions.aOne rancher installed inside
toilets at his outfit and next year
many of the guests complained the
place had lost some of its 'charm.'"
' Another trend is toward amuse-
ments to supplement horseback rid-
ing, fishing and hunting. Several
places in Montana have installed
Vocal Program
Is Planned For
German Group
Dramatic readings and a vocal pro-
gram will feature the meeting of
Deutscher Vereinat 8 p.m. Monday
in the Grand Rapids Room of the
League, according to Arthur Gross-
man, director of the club's social ac-
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
will be rendered in both German and
English. Prof. Henry W. Nordmeyer,
head of the German department will
read his own translation of the fa-
mous epic in German and Vernon B.
Kellet will give the English version.
Prof. Arthur Hackett of the music
school, Hardin Van Deursen and Miss
Thelma Lewis will combine their ef-
forts in the vocal part of the pro-
gram. Professor Hackett will sing
"Ah Moon of My Delight," by Leh-
mann and "Myself When Young," wil
be sung by Van Deursen.
Miss Lewis will conclude the pro-
gram with four selections: "Es BlinktI

der Jan," by Rubenstein; "Liebes-
briefchen," by Korngold; "In Meiner
Heimat," by Trunk; and "Waldselig-
keit," by Marx.

Se. BobLafollefle, Jr. Pur-dom Denies
Forgettinr Men
For Positions
Appointmnt .Head States
That Two Names Were
Never Registered
(Continued from Page 1)
quirements. The bureau makes no
personal recommendations, letting
the applications talk for themselves,
Dr. Purom declared.
4 Many persons who come to the bu-
reau for occupational information
discover they need more objective in-
formation about themselves before
the requested information can be of
x direct help to them in the choice of a
vocation. Those cases which are ser-
Sen. Robert M. LaFollette, Jr., ious enough to require medical diag-
Wisconsin Progressive, was among nosis of personality maladjustments
the . considered "possibilities" for are referred to the proper sources be-
appintment to the supreme court fore vocational guidance is attempt-
vacancy. ed, according to Miss Gertrude Mux-
en, adviser on occupational informa-
Shooting Match Is Dr. Purdom indicated cases where
35, 40 an 45 recommendations had
Planned By Police; been made in the behalf of a single
student over a period of three or four
Tlhree TeamS Enter years,,the student not succeeding in
landing any position referred to. One
A rift in thepolice department may applicant had been given more than
Ad rift ithe olice udpamnting.70 recommendations in five years.
lead to its downfall Sunday morning. "We can't get the jobs for those en-
Not that it's exactly serious, but rolled. We submit their qualifications
the Ann Arbor officers will have to to the employer, and the rest is up to
trade shots with their crack marks- the person himself," the directof said.
man against them in a three-corn- Since Nov. 10, a total of 1,290 calls
ered revolver duel starting at 9 a.m.hv n evd, atta b,2eals
Sunday at the police rifle range two have been received bythe bureau for
miles northeast of Ann Arbor. For- teachers alone, while statistics are
tunately for the three teams, the duel not complete for other professions.
will have targets as the objective of Colleges asked for 410 applicants to
wig hanstrget a thepobjetsveofconsider, high schools requeste 487,
firing instead of the opponents, elementary schools 239, private
Officer Casper Enkemann, leading schools 65; aministrative positions
marksman of the department, will be called for 40 recommendations, Fed-
heading the team of the Liberty Rifle eral openings numbered 17, and there
and Revolver Club, of which he is were 32 other positions open in the
president, while the Jackson police teaching profession.
revolver team will be the third entry. Business at the bureau is booming
Sgt. Norman E. Cook and patrolmen at the present time, with an average
James Ogilvy, George Stauch, Con- of 125 persons in the office each day.
rad Miller, Walter Schmid, and Er- About 65 persons on the average are
win Keebler will make up the local recommended daily for teaching po-
department's team. The match will sitions alone, Dr. Purdom said.
include slow, timed, rapid and sil- Calls come from every section of
houette fire. the United States, he said. On July
26, in addition to requests for appli-
Mig ty Cardinals cants from the State of Michigan,
gyopportunities came from Texas, Ar-
Defeat New York ! kansas, Wisconsin, Indiana, North
Dakota and Connecticut.
ST. LOUIS, July 29.-( P)-Lefty Placements through the bureau has
Bob Weiland took the pitching and steadily increased, Dr. Purom assert-
hitting honors today as the Cardinals ed. In 1935-36, 927 positions were
won the "rubber" game of their series filled, as compared with 743 in 1934-
with the New York Giants 5 to 2. 35, and 504 in 1933-34, with a consis-
Weiland allowed the New Yorkers tent decline toward 1929.
seven hits, and held them scoreless. Reenrollments are often made by
until the eighth, when Wally Ber- alumni who desire better positions,
ger's single drove in the only Giant and their cards are entered again in
runs of the game. the active files, Dr. Purdom declared.

Importance Of Gadget Is
Almost As Creat As The
Vice-President's Gavel
WASHINGTON, July 29.-(P)-,
That telegraph key which Presidents
have pressed to open bridges, high-
ways and the like since 1909 is almost
as important a governmental gadget;
as the gavel the Vice-President
swings. It's used almost a hundred
times a year. But it doesn't belong to
the government.
It's owned by the much-loved
"Doc" Edward J. Smithers, chief of
communications at the White House,
who started with the government
when Cleveland was President.
Taft pressed the key first-on June
1, 1909-to open the Yukon-Pacific,
exposition at Seattle. Every Presi-
dent since has used the key, so col-
lectors look at it covetously. But it's
not for sale. Smithers has refused
Melted down just as it stands, it
would be worth $500. It's made of
some of the first gold that came out
of the Klondike with contact points
of platinum. Around the base is a row
of nuggets as they came from the
ground around Bonianza Creek.
The key was sent to President Taft
by one of the reputed discoverers of
the Klondike, George Carmack. The
big, genial President gave it to Smith-
ers, who had set up the wiring so it
could be used in the President's of-
Between appearances, the key is
wrapped carefully in flannel andl
carted off by Smithers to a hideout.
Then along comes some committee1
all smiles. They are opening a tri-
state fair, a new mountain highway,,
a new dam, a huge bridge. Will the
President please flash the "Go" sig-
nal; will he touch off the spark for
the dynamite; will he send the juice
that lights the Great White Way?
He will if it's a community affair
of enough importance, and not too,
too commercial. Most PresidentsI
don't know it, but they even are asked
to open fire sales.
The key operates like any tele-

graph key. The juice is carried by
telephone, telegraph or radio, which-
ever is most direct.
When the time arrives the Presi-
dent is at his desk, the gold key be-
fore him, Smithers standing by, stop-
watch in hand.
"Right," says Smither.
The Presidential finger moves. And
somewhere, maybe three thousand
miles away, thousands of people,
cheer, their hats and a celebration is
Just once there was a hitch. That
was in August, 1935, President Roose-
velt had promised to open the new<
Cummings highway over Lookout
Mountain on the Tennessee-North
Carolina border.j
Everything was ready. There was'
silence in the President's office with
two minutes to go. The cautious'
Smithers tested the line. No spark.
He scrambled under the President's
desk, and there was the trouble.
Some one had kicked a wire basket
and cut the wire.
From under the desk Smithers,
voice calm as ever, announced,
President Roosevelt pressed the
The signal flashed on Lookout
Mountain and a highway was opened
on time. All because Smitlhers was
lying under the President's desk hold-
ing the severed wires together.
A meeting of the Cercle Francais
was held yesterday evening at the
Foyer Francais, 1414 Washtenaw.
Prof. C. A. Knudson of the French
department addressed the group. Af-
ter Prof. Knudson's speech, French
songs were sung and refreshments
were served.




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