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July 09, 1937 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-09

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THURSDAY, JUL 29, 1937

Yieal Publication of the Summer Session



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Edited and mnaged by students of the University of
ichigan under the authority of the Board-in Control
fstudent Publications.
; ublished every morning except Monday during the
riversity year and the Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
se for republication of all news dispatches credited to
or not Otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
'republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
ibdnd class mail matter.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
t.54. During regular school year, by carrier, $4.00; by
loil, $4.50.
fember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
A College Publishers Representative
EDITOR..................JOSEPH S. MATTES
ssociate Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil-
mnore, Charlotte D. Rueger.
slistant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Ftzhenry,
Joseph Gies, Clayton Hepler.
UINESS MANAGER ..................JOHN R. PARK
r ens Business Managers ..Alice Bassett, Jean Drake
~ervic. .
N THIS same month last year, de-
lay in obtaining ambulances at the
cene of a crash at Webster Church and North
'erritorial roads, nine miles north of Ann Arbor,
ras followed by the death of Mrs. Reba Brower
f Detroit, while eight others were injured.
Last Sunday, following a crash on the Webster
hurch Road about a half mile from the scene
f last year's crash, two ambulances required
wo hours to remove the last of seven injured
arties from the place of collision.
A solution to the ambulance problem, and a
urth-while solution, would be the purchase and
riaintenalce. by the city of Ann Arbor and
dashtenaw County of a four-place ambulancI
o be run by members of the local fire de-
At the present time there are two ambulances
Xi town available for emergency runs. One of
hem, operated by the Staffan funeral home,
an carry one iijured person on a light bed and
second on a stretcher placed on the floor,
#hile the second, operated by Red Top cab,
an accommodate only one person. Four people
njured means two round-trips.
Doctors have repeatedly pointed out that all
njured persons, no matter how minor their hurts
nay appear, should be transported by ambu-
ances and not in passenger cars because of the
langer of spinal injuries or further damage to
>roken bones.
Both the city and the county would find an
Imbulance a worthy addition to their equipment,
ind the fire department, which has more men
slways for duty, is the ideal organization to
>perate such a vehicle. In the event of drown-
ngs, for example, an ambulance, with its many
ervices, would also be invaluable, especially for
tperation of the pulmotor while transporting
he victim to a hospital at the same time.
In one drowning last summer after recovery of
L man the pulmotor was used for some time on
he shore of Whitmore Lake before a panel
ruck could be commandeered to transport him
o University hospital, where he was placed in
It iron lung,.
There appears to be little chance, however,
that an ambulance will ever be added to the city-
:ounty equipment. The sheriff's office, which
=onstitutes the fire department for the entire
ounty outside of various city and village limits,
nust borrow its fire extinguishers from the local
department each time they are needed, and the
muditors, presumably believing that the dog war-
ten should be able to lasso stray mutts, have
wer a period of years seen no reason for buying
46n a net. In Washtenaw County necessity is
he mother of nothing.

To Crime...
FROM all appearances, the United
States is participating in a per-
nnial war against crime yet surprisingly little
s accomplished of lasting value. The public is
apathetic, always shocked by a few spectacular
rimes which are particularly satisfying to a
norbid curiosity, yet seldom is it realized that
)rganized crime is the chief menace to society.
Thomas E. Dewey, special prosecutor of New
York City, said that "the, struggle between or-
ganized society and organized crime is slowly
eaching a crisis" for there is a steady growth
if organized crime in this country and it is only
a matter of time until society will take steps
against it. The prevalence of racketeers is sim-
lar to a malignant growth on society. Rackets
victimize or affect a large proportion of the legiti-

to the source, for the successful racketeers appear
in the best circles, not as gun-toting crooks, but
as successful business men at the head of a
highly organized, carefully administered organ-
ization whose activities by their nature are anti-
As yet, the fight against racketeers has been
ineffective for they appear to be an established
group in society and the mere killing of a few
gangsters only makes place for their more am-
bitious and dangerous successors. In fact, elim-
inating one crop of criminals, resembles the pro-
cess of pruning the trees occasionally so that they
may thrive all the better in the long run, by
being fewer in number, but more powerful and
influential in effect.
Until we follow a wise suggestion of Mr. Dewey
and encourage the formation of citizen's groups,
the function of which is to provide the necessary
leadership of public opinion, combined with
hard-working day-to-day detailed study of law
enforcement as it actually operates, there is
little hope that organized society will put up a
winning fight against crime.
"Pride and Prejudice," a dramatization by Helen
Jerome of the novel by Jane Austen. Presented by
the Michigan Repertory Players in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Helen Jerome has succeeded in translating the
most popular work of the most precocious and
witty woman novelist in English literature into
one of the best costume comedies of recent years
in 'this adaptation of the celebrated Austen story
of manners and morals of 1815.
The outstanding comedy acting of several
members of the cast, notably Nancy Bowman,
Truman Smith and Ralph Bell, matches the good
performances of both Virginia Frink Harrell and
Charles McGaw in the leads. Mr. McGaw par-
ticularly, as the handsome but haughty Darcy,
carries off his role with elan.
Mr. Bell and Miss Bowman, as Mr. and Mrs.
Bennet, the former gruff and dryly humorous,
the latter cheerful, flighty and anxious for her
unmarried daughters, prove excellent foils. Mr.
Smith, playing the chirpily smug Rev. Collins,
made a hit with both his lines and gestures,
which were just sufficiently exaggerated to be
funny without falling into actual buffoonery.
Sarah Pierce scored her usual success as the
raucously aristocratic Lady Catherine de Bourgh,
a tough old female grenadier whose tilt with
Elizabeth, played with polish by Mrs. Harrell
furnishes one of the best bits of restrained
comedy of the play.
Mary Pray and Miriam Brous, as the antithet-
ical sisters Bennet, are pleasantly wistful and
amusingly flighty respectively.
An outstanding feature of the play is the pic-
turesque costume-designing and beautiful scen-
IAs. Others See It
The Housing Bill
MR. LONGDON POST the other day discerned
in the revised Wagner-Steagall housing bill
the one number on the bob-tailed Congressional
program enjoying "universal support." Senator
Wagner has claimed an "almost unanimous
agreement" by all parties that it represents "the
one practical method of clearing slums." The
second statement is perhaps more precise than
the first. There are not a few, particularly
among realty men, who still look dubiously upon
Federal subsidized housing of any sort. One of
them was recently citing the melancholy example
of Vienna, where "the public stood the cost, but
when the rents wee lowered to 60 cents a room
a month, the taxpayers rebelled and destroyed
the housing, including some of its occupants."
But one cannot quite picture heavy artillery ever
battering its way through, say, the new Williams-
burg buildings; while it is true that if there
is to be Federally subsidized housing at all, the
Wagner-Steagall bill represents the soundest

method yet advanced for providing it.
It devolves initiative and primary responsibility
upon local authorities. The Federal government
offers them the use of its cheap credit; it offers
them in addition an annual rent subsidy to en-
able them further to reduce the rents into the
genuinely low-cost field below $6 a room, but only
under a contract which will require the local au-
thorities to observe Federal standards. Beyond
this, it's up to the local authorities, who are left
with the responsibility of deciding most of the
many controversial. questions raised by any sub-
sidized housing project. The main issue for the
Federal government is that of cost.
The original bill authorized the outlay of $1,-
000,000,000 in credit over four years (at no cost
to the taxpayer, since it would be fully secured),
which has been reduced in the revised bill to
$700,000,000 over three years. The end of the
four-year period in the original bill would have
left Congress obligated to provide $20,000,000 a
year in subsidies over sixty years; the revised ver-
sion apparently contemplates a continuing ob-
ligation of only about $11,000,000 a year, subject
to revision or cancellation after twenty years.
Instead of the 375,000 units envisioned by the
original bill, it is estimated that the revised pro-
gram could produce only 175,000, and a limita-
tion has been added requiring the demolition or
renovation of an equal number of slum-dwelling
A charge of $11,000,000 a year is too small, in
these days, for serious objection; but by the same
token it is likewise too small to accomplish a
great deal. There are 500,000 families living in
old-law tenements in New York City alone. Hope
for real improvement in American housing must

On The Level
WE SAW MIKE MARTIN the other day and
just the sight of him brought back a flood
of laughs. Mike has perhaps had more unusual
experiences jammed into his 22 years than any
other fellow we have ever known. So let us
reminisce a bit ...
About the time Mike was coming back from
the Detroit Yacht Club and bet us that he could
walk across the railing on the Belle Isle Bridge.
We took him up, so he climbed up onto the stone
railing and started his precarious amble toward
the Detroit end of the span. He got along amaz-
ingly well until he was about a hundred yards
from the end, when he lost his balance and
toppled over into the ice-cold Detroit River.
We ran for the life-preservers that are boxed
along the railing at intervals, grabbed one, and
tossed it over the side to Mike. But the life-
preserver had an unfortunately short rope at-
tached to it, and it merely dangled down about
ten feet while Mike was in the water some fifty
feet below. We had nothing to cut the rope
with, so all we could do was watch Mike flounder
around in the water until a police cruiser pulled
up alongside and hauled him aboard. He spent
a couple of days in the jug and emerged on
crutches from that escapade.
Then there was the time we were up at Hig-
gens Lake. Dressed immaculately in white suits,
we were backing away bidding the girls adieu
when Mike backed into one of the many garbage
pits that are to be found in that section. The
pits are dug into the ground, and the one that
Mike ended up in was some eight feet deep. Once
again he was floundering around below us until
we got a ladder for him after having a hearty
laugh first.
Another time Mike was working for a well-
known refrigerator concern, and had an all-
white sautomobile with an all-white trailer for
advertising purposes. The trailer was filled
with display articles and a radio amplifier
blasted forth music as an added attraction. While
driving this contraption around the streets of
Detroit one day last year, Mike turned onto
John R. and right into the middle of a Negro
funeral procession with the radio blatting out
"Lulu's Back in Town." Before he realized what
he had done, a copper stopped him and planted
a fine of ten dollars on Mike for disturbing the
* * * *

t j

____ All graduate students who expect
Prof. Rene Talamon will give an to complete the requirements for a
illustrated lecture on "Paris" in Na- degree at the close of the Summer
tural. Science Auditorium at 5 p.m. Session have not already filed the di-
today. ploma application should call at the
-----office of the Graduate School, 1006
"Psychological Factors Underlying Angell Hall, to check their records
Homeroom Activities," is the topic of and to secure the proper blank to be
the lecture by Prof. William Clark used in making application for the
Trow to be given at 4:05 p.m. today degree. This application must be

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213
A. H. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
All students expecting to receive changed its meeting date from Mon-
the Master's Degree in Sociology at day to Tuesday, Aug. 3 so that allI
the end of the Summer Session are men wishing to attend the Cabaret
requested to see the secretary at the Dinner sponsored by the Women's'
Sociology Office, 115 Haven Hall, im- Education Club may be free to go.

in University High School Audi-f
Cercle Francais: Meeting will be1
held tonight at 8 p.m. at the Foyer
Francais. Speaker: Prof. Charles A.
Knudson. Refreshments
Stalker Hall: Swimming party andl
picnic today. Meet at Stalker Hall at
5 p.m. Small charge for supper.
Reservation, call 6881. If you have ay
car and can bring it, will you let us
know? Summer Session students
and their friends welcome.
Notice to All Staff Members: In
view of the fact that July 31 falls on
Saturday, pay checks for the month
of July will be ready for distribution
on the morning of Friday, July 30.
S. W. Smith.
Phi Delta Kappa will hold its sum-
mer initiation in the Michigan Union
today at 4:15 p.m. The initiation
will be in charge of Ralph Frostic
and Clyde Vroman. Following the
initiation, a banquet will be held
honoring the neophytes at 6:30 p.m.
Public Evenings at Angell Hall Ob-
servatory: The 10-inch refractor and
the 15-inch reflector, located on the
fifth floor of Angell Hall, will be
availabe for Summer Session students
from 8 to 10 p.m. on Friday, July 30.
Michigan Dames Family Picnic Fri-
day afternoon at Loch Alpine. Group
leaving Michigan League at 5:15 p.m.
There will be swimming and baseball.
Bring food for your own group.
Excursion to the Cranbrook Schools
will take place Saturday, July 10.
Meet in front of Angell Hall at 8 a.m.
Round trip by special bus. Trip in-
cludes inspection of the five schools
of the Cranbrook Foundation, Bloom-
field Hills, Christ Church, and the
Carillon. Reservations should be
made in the Summer Session office,
1213 Angell Hall, by 4:30 p.m. Friday.

filed this month. C. S. Yoakum, Dean. I
Comprehensive Examination in Ed-1
ucation: All candidates for the
Teacher's Certificate (except grad-
uate students) are required to pass at
Comprehensive Professional Examin-i
ation covering the Education courses,
prescribed for the certificate. The
next examination will be given in1
1022 U.H.S., Saturday, Aug. 7, at 9
a.m. The examination will cover Ed-
ucation A10, C1 special methods, and1
directed teaching. (This notice does
not include School of Music students).
English Country Dancing will be
taught on Thursday evening from
7:30 to 8:30 p.m. in Barbour Gymna-
sium for men and women students
attending the Summer Session.
Professional Students in Hygiene
and Public Health: A supper for all
professional students in Hygiene andl
Public Health attending the Summer
Session is scheduled for Sunday eve-
ning, Aug. 1, Michigan League, 6 p.m.
The price for this supper is 40 cents.
All students are urged to attend.
Tickets may be .purchased in Room'2,

Tokyo Is Quiet
As Nipponese
Troops March
(Continued from Page 1)
Japanese conversations in London
looking to the promotion of interests
of both governments in China, as well
as at home, foreign minister Koki
Hirota said it is apparent that no
Anglo-Japanese agreement regard-
ing assistance to China would be of
any practical value in view of the
present disturbed situation.
In spite of large scale fighting in
North China and the enormous cost
involved, the Japanese nation re-
mainedcalm and seemingly almost
The only outward sign of war were
the crowds of people outside the news-
paper offices.
Commenting on the extraordinary
coolness shown by semi-official and
unofficial quarters respecting the ex-
isting conflict in North Chihja, the
Asahi newspaper says:
"The attitude of the members of
the lower house are exactly the same
as in ordinary times and do not re-
flect the gravity of the existing situa-
The Asahi's nationwide drive for
funds to build more army airplanes
reached two million yen (the yen is
about 28 cents) today.
Waterman Gym before Friday noon,
July 30.
Teacher's Certificate Candidates:
Any students in the School of Edu-
cation, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts, and Graduate
School who wish to be candidates for
the teacher's certificate at the close
of the Summer Session and whose
names do not appear on the list post-
ed in 1431 U.E.S. should report to
the Recorder of the School of Edu-
cation, 1437 U.E.S.

____.___l'____d___ ____ ________-

We read a story about "The
inanity" that was torn down in
day to provide scrap for the
battleships. We couldn't help
irony of the situation.

Temple of Hu-
Japan the other
construction of
laughing at the

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance only 11c per reading
line for one or two insertions. Oc per
reading line for three or more insertions.
(on basis of five average words to line).
Minimum three lines per insertion.
LOST: Wrist watch. Bulova. On or
in vicinity of State St. Will finder
please return to the Publications
Building or call 2-3241. 640
LOST: A blue fountain pen. With
name M.E. Caldwell. Lost on cam-
pus. Reward. Phone 3968. 642

EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu-
dent laundry. Call for and deliver.
Phone 4863. 2x
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned,
Careful work at low price. 1x
TYPING: Neatly and accurately done.
Mrs. Howard. 613 Hill St. Phone
5244. Reasonable rates. 632
IDE to Cleveland, Youngstown or
vicinity this week-end. Share ex-
penses. Call Graban at 2-2551.

TO MAKE SURE that he would keep his will
and remain dateless during his five-week
Finals, a certain lawyer who asks that his name
be withheld, partook of an extremely odoriferous
meal the other night. Starting off with pig's
knuckles and beer, he finally topped it off with a
limberger and onion sandwich. As Stu Tatum
told him, he is "awfully young to become a her-
mit." But now a few days have passed, exams are
over, and people have begun to speak to him
again without holding their noses.
* * * *
BILL DAVIDSON has been making a research
into the lives of all the foreign students who
are enrolled at the University this summer, ands
he has been calling up students who have come
from far points of the globe to see how they have
acclimated themselves to the whirl of Michigan
college life. Last week he called up Anwar Has-
ani, who has come all the way from Bagdad,
Iraq. On getting the number he called, Bill asked
for Mr. Anwar Hasani, and the voice answering
the phone said, "Just a minute please-Hey,
Butch! Phone!"

The Men's Education

Club hasI







Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Another Forgotten Woman
To the Editor:
The letter pertaining to 1932's forgotten class
has struck a much too familiar note. I also
as one of the virtually unemployed of that group.
1932 was a rotten year-a perfectly logical and
acceptable alibi. But with the upward trend in
1937, there are jobs! When is the Bureau of Ap-
pointments going to get wind of that fact? Why
have a Bureau anyway?
If the large staff of that office were in propor-
tion to the number of placements, practically no
graduate should be on their ever-increasing wait-
ing list. The cost of maintaining such a "service"
could be put to a much more worthwhile use. The
mere fact that smaller educational institutions
throughout the state place most of their grad-
uates (while we are gloating over our superior
training) leaves much opportunity for introspec-
tion concerning the apparent neglect of this
"palace of learning."
Many recent criticisms of the Bureau come
cropping into my mind:
1. Records poorly.kept and not up-to-date.
2. Applicants' records not in the active file-
although the applicant had made repeated ap-
pearances at the office, stating a desire for place-

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