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July 09, 1937 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1937-07-09

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The Weather
Fair, somewhat cooler in
south today; tomorrow general-
ly fair, somewhat, warmer in af-


Official Publication Of The Summer Session

Ambulance service .
Solution; To crime .. .



Fr. Marquette
Was Scientific,
Crane Thinks
Had Real Curiosity As Well
As Fortitude And Zeal,
Historian Says
300th Anniversary
Father Jacques Marquette, French
missionary-explorer whose 300th an-
niversary is being celebrated this
year,possessed not only the fortitude
and zeal typical of the 17th century
Jesuit priest but a share of scientific
curiosity as well, Prof. Verner W.
Crane of the history department told
the Summer Session lecture audience
Although modern estimates have
revised somewhat the more extrava-
gant opinions previously held of
Marquette's work, his remarkable de-
votion and capabilities are still held
in high esteem, and his explorations
credited with a large part in the de-
velopment of the great colonial riv-
alry of the European powers in
America which had so important an
effect on the history of the world,
Professor Crane said. Many his-
torians have expressed the belief that
Marquette was not the first of the
many French missionaries and cour-
eurs du bois exploring.the region of
northwest America to reach the upper
Mississippi River, but in general he
is still credited with this feat in con-
j.unction with his fellow-explorer.
Louis Joliet.
Born in Laon, France, in 1637,
Marquette came to the New World in
1666, succeeding to 'the outermost
frontier miission of the Jesuit So-
ciety in North America in 1669. His
remarkable aptitude for Indian dia-
lects as well as his ability to be "all
things to all men," as a companion
described him, soon made apparent
his exceptional fitness for his post.
"He was a Frenchman to the French,
a Huron to the Hurons and an Al-
gonquin to the Algonquins."
' " In ~73 1 arquette at last was given
the opportunity for the westward
voyage into uncharted territory which
he had so long planned, following
the reception by Gov. Frontenac of
French Canada of instructions from
Louis XIV's minister Colbert to begin
a search for an outlet to the South
Sea. Joliet was probably the actual
leader of the expedition, Professor
Crane said, although there has been
(Continued on Page 4)
Speaker Says
Asiatics Work
On Less Food
Have Greater Endurance,
Need More Room, States
Dr. Mukei jee .
That Asiatic workers can equal the
physical and mental accomplish-
ments of the Caucasian on a food
consumption of 15 to 20 per cent less,
has been conclusively proven by
metabolism tests, Dr. Radhakamal
Mukeijee, head of the department of
economics and sociology at the
University of Lucknow in India yes-
terday told the tenth lecture audience
of the Far Eastern Institute Series.
Because the Asiatic has a superior
endurance capacity and because he is

living in an area already grossly over-
populated, Dr. Mukeijee declared that
the yellow man should be allowed to
inhabit parts of the world which are
now forbidden to him. He cited
Northern Australia as a barren, un-
inhabited country which the Asiatic
could easily cultivate successfully if
he were given the chance.
Such areas as Northern Australia
are peculiarly suited to alleviate the
Asiatic population problem, he stat-
ed, because of the temperate climate.
The yellow man c'annot live success-
fully in climatic extremes, such as
are offered by Africa, South America
or the countries of the far North, he
Dr. Mukeijee emphasized the pop-
ulation unbalance extant. Monsonia,
a geographic area including China-,
Japan, India and Korea, he observed,
has 7%/2 per cent of the world's land
area and about 50 per cent of the
world's population.
Dr. Mukeijee suggested in conclu-
sion that a more equable distribution
nf the nrld's nnn lAfinn mig--n

Michigan Outpost In colorado
Summer Home For Geologists

Leroy Weir
Is Made New

Joins Coaching Staff

14 Students And Faculty,,
'Roughing It' With Own
Health Service
STATE BRIDGE, Colo., July 28.-
(Special to The Daily)-The Univer-
sity of Michigan geological field sta-
tion, at State Bridge, Coo., is located
in an area rich in opportunity for
the study of geology. Some 60 miles
northeast of Glenwood Springs, the
nearest town of any appreciable size,
the base camp is nestled at the foot
of a state highway bridge, on the
north bank of the Colorado River.
The State Bridge area offers much
for the field geologist. There is a
chance to study various rocks from
the earliest geologic times to the veryl
recent; and there are interesting and
varied physiographic features such as
extinct volcanoes, lava flows, hog-
backs, etc., in the vicinity. Minerol-
ogist and paleontologist alike find
many interesting and valuable speci-
mens. Several nearby sedimentary
beds are rich in vertebrate and inver-
tebrate fossils. Not far from State
Bridge are two high mountain ranges,
the Gore and Holy Cross, offering op-
portunity to study mountains and re-
lated features at first hand.
For approximately the first half of
the eight weeks' session the students'
time has been given over to general
field geology, including some work in
measuring beds and recording lith-I
ology, and to study of structure; the
remainder of the term will be devoted
to the mapping of an area not far,
from State Bridge.
State Bridge itself consists of a
Haven't We Seen
These Same Names
Some Other Place?,
The fourth in the series of dances
sponsored by the League was a big
success, accompanied by cool weather
and Charlie Zwick's trio.


small hotel owned by Mrs. R. Mc- Tennis Coach
Glochlin, a gas station, and a group T n i
of tourist cabins, and boasts a green
lawn and trees and shrubbery in con-
trast to the adjoining sage-brush and, In Finals Of City Net Meet
juniper-clad hills. Small flower beds T .
lie about the hotel and cabins. Signs This Afternoon; Ranked
at either edge of the settlement read 3rd In Midwest
"State Bridge, Unincorporated." In
front of the hotel, between the road w w- u
and the river, run the tracks of the Will Work Toward
Denver and Salt Lake Railroad, which
includes State Bridge as a flag stop. Doctorate Next Year
The 11 men enrolled in geology
courses at the camp have their quar- BY CLINTON B. CONGER
ters in a former dance hall behind the The appointment of Leroy M. Weir,
hotel. Along the longer walls are 36TeapsoidtCen eroy h .hWeir,
arranged single beds for each man; in 36 years old, Cleveland high school
(Continued on Page 4) teacher now in summer school, as a
member of the coaching staff in ten-
nis was revealed last night by Fielding
Solons Convene H. Yost, director of athletics.
Mr. Weir, who completed work for
For Rehearing his master's degree here in 1935, ex-
pects to be here for the next year
Of Civil Service at least while working on a doctor's
degree in history. During that time,
according to Mr. Yost, Weir will as-

Chinese Bombard
Tientsin As Japan
Drives On Peiping

Among the
were Phyllis
Brown acting

many people present
Miner and Mary F.
as hostesses. Jean Gey-

er, in a blue and white sports en-
semble was seen dancing with Gus
Collatz. Al Dewey, president of last
year's senior class was present, as
was Don Smith.
Dave Blue and Janet Shute also,
attended while Jean Bonisteel called
a "Paul Jones." Jimmie Sargent at-
tended with Jane Collings, who was
dressed in a white sports suit with a
black blouse. Among the ever pres-
et stags were Jim Miner and Jack
Refreshments were lemonade, limei
.rappe and individual chocolate1
cakes. Enjoying the same were Grete
Holt with Sam Perry and Vi Brod-
veck with Henry Homes.
A few of the others dancing were
Joan Hanson and Bob Lodge, also
Jerry Baron with Addie Mason . .
"So Rare," played by Zwick and his
trio concluded a pleasant afternoon.
British Rulers
Escape Injury
In Fierce Blast'
BELFAST, July 28.- P)-Irish ter-
rorists today set off a dynamite mine
les sthan 500 yards from where King
George VI and his Scottish queen
rode in royal splendor on their cor-
onation visit to Ulster.
The blast, which rocked the cen-
tral part of Belfast and scattered de-
bris over a 300-yard area in which not
a single window pane remained un-
shattered, climaxed 24 hours of terror
that ranged from clubbings and arson1
to bombings and gun battles.
The explosion, which brought star-
tled expressions to the faces of the
monarch and Queen Elizabeth as they
stood on the steps of the City Hall,
occurred an hour after the royal pro-
cession had passed near the spot.
The terrorism, blamed by author-
ities on Free State republicans, con-
tinued tonight along the fifty-mile
border between Northern Ireland and
the Free State in a series of terrify-
ing incidents reminiscent of the
bloody Sinn Fein revolt of 1923.
An attempt was made to blow up
a bridge of the Midland Railway at
Temple Patrick in County Antrim
with the object of halting a train
carrying Ulster Constabulary forces to
Derry. .
Authorities first said that the Bel-

Technicality May Hinder
Plans For Calling Extra
Session, Murphy Reveals
LANSING, July 28.--(P)-The legis-
lative civil service dispute was reop-
ened here today as members returned
for adjournment of their regular ses-
Governor Murphy conferred withl
the conference committee in which al
civil service measure was locked whenI
business sessions ended a month ago.
Murphy said he explained his position
clearly, and emphasized that "civil
service must be approved in the in-
terests of good government." The
committee later agreed to report a
compromise bill to the floor when the
legislature reconvenes f o r m a 11 y
Thursday morning. It will contain
provisions for a qualifying examina-
tion for present state employes, ap-
pointment of the director by the Gov-
ernor and probably immediate effect.
Opposition from many directions was
in prospect.
Meanwhile, the Governor was con-
sidering changing the schedule of ad-
journment and special sessions
through which he hopes to push his
program to completion. He had
planned to call an extra session im-
mediately following adjournment of
the regular session Friday afternoon.
A legal technicality may delay the
extra session until Monday.
Murphy said the attorney general
believed sufficient time must elapse
between the issuance of the special
call and the session for the members
to reach Lansing. Theoretically all
members will be here for adjourn-
ment, but a few absentees who would
be unable to arrive in time for a Fri-
day afternoon session might raise a
legal question. The special session
may be called for Monday.
'Escape From Siberia'
Price's Subject Today
Prof. Hereward T. Price of the Eng-
lish department will deliver today's
Summer Session lecture at 5 p.m. in
Natural Science Auditorium. His sub-
ject will be, "Escape From Siberia."
Professor Price, captured and im-
prisoned by the Russians during the
War, experienced a number of dan-
gers before paking his escape. He
has written a'book describing his ad-

sist Coach Johnny Johnstone in di-
recting either the Varsity or the
freshman tennis team, and will also
' attempt to develop the local interest
in squash racquets to a higher point.
The new coach has spent the last
four summers here, and in 1935 en-
tered and won the All-City tennis
tournament. At present he is paired
to meet "Hap" Sorenson in the cur-
rent All-City men's singles finals this
i fternoon, and yesterday with Chris-
tian Mack as a partner annexed the
men's doubles crown.
Mr. Weir graduated from Wooster
College at Wooster, 0., in 1922. In
1928 he won the Chicago city and
Illinois state tennis singles titles, and
in 1931 he repeated the slam with
the Cleveland and Ohio crowns. He
won the Cleveland title three times
altogether. While in Chicago he was
for two years ranked third in the
Mid-West tennis rankings, yielding
the first two places to George Lott
and Emmett Pare, the latter now
coach at Tulane. Both men have
toured with Bill Tilden's professional
In squash racquets Weir last winter
went to the semi-finals in the singles
and the finals in doubles play before
being defeated in the national tour-
Rebel Attacks
Gaining Area
Near Madrid
HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Bor-
der, July 28.-(/P)-With the struggle
west of Madrid seemingly deadlocked,
Spanish Insurgents tonight claimed
conquest of more than 700 square
miles in the Cuenca sector, midway
between Madrid and Valencia.
An Insurgent communique said the
Valencia government was hurrying a
brigade of foreign soldiers and other
reinforcements in the hope of check-
ing a smashing Insurgent offensive.
Government troops had begun to
throw up fortifications around Cuen-
co, about 80 miles east and slightly
south of Madrid, the communique re-
Madrid dispatches said that the
combat west of Madrid had settled
down to artillery dueling as both
armies dug in. The Insurgents' next
objective, now that they have taken
the village of Brunete, 15 miles from
Madrid, was Villanueva De La Can-

Next Excursion
T o Cranbrook
Party To Visit Schools Of
Distinctive Architecture
In Bloomfield Hills
The excursion to Cranbrook, post-
poned July 10, will be held Saturday.
Reservations must be made by 5 p.m.
The visit to the two Bloomfield
Hills schools-Cranbrook, for boys,
and Kingwood, for girls, will offer
many points of particular interest.
The Cranbrook Academy of Arts and
the Cranbrook Institute of Science,
give both boys and girls training in
modelling, sculpture, metal and leath-
er work, and similar handicrafts.
Christ Church, along with the two
schools, is of distinctive architectural
design, and possesses a fine carillon.
The schools of the Cranbrook
Foundation are the gift of Mr. and
Mrs. George G. Booth, Detroit, and
are located in Bloomfield Hills, 20
miles north of downtown Detroit, and1
43 miles from Ann Arbor. They carry
their students through the 12th grade.1
Cranbrook School, oldest of the two,
enrolls about 210 boys in its six
grades. Kingwood School opened
four years ago with 80 girl students.
Brookside School is for younger boys
and girls up to the seventh grade.
The party will be conducted
through the buildings by Dr. Frayer,
executive secretary of Cranbrook
Foundation. Buses will leave Angell,
Hall at 8 a.m. Saturday, to return
about 4 p.m.
Begin Repair'
Work On Auto
Job Costs About $5,000;
Relocation Of Campus
Walks Also Started
Following a decision to repair rath-
er than to replace the Automotive
Laboratories of the West Engineering
Annex, University workmen yesterday
began the work of altering the build-
ing to accommodate the research to
be resumed with the opening of
classes in September.
The southern half of the frame
building, which was the part most
severely damaged by a blaze three
weeks ago, will be torn down, and the
other half repaired, according to Prof.
Lewis M. Gram, director of University
plant extension.
To accommodate the overflow of
the Laboratories' facilities, part of the
first floor of the Annex will be re-
modeled to become a part of the lab-
oratory building. Repairs on the
part of the frame and tarpaper build-
ing which is to be retained will be
needed principally for the roof and
floor, and a new wall will be added
at the south end of the structure.
The work is expected to cost about
A $2,400 project in relocating side-
walks at the southwest corner of
the campus has also been begun, with
the aid of a $1,400 WPA expenditure.
The walk from the entrance to Al-
umni Memorial Hall will run south-
west to the corner instead of straight
west to State Street, to remove the
traffic hazard created by pedestrians
crossing the street diagonally be-
tween Alumni Memorial Hall and the

The Chinese Situation
PEIPING-Battle lines are flung
around former capital of China as
Japanese army launches punitive
campaign in North China; Jap-
anese planes drop leaflets warning
populace to flee; American resi-
dents rush to safety in embassy
TIENTSIN-Both armies claim
successes in major scale fighting
on North China front from Tient-
sin to the sea; heavy Japanese and
Chinese reinforcements and sup-
plies arrive.
TOKYO-Premier-Prince Fumi-
maro Konoye tells cheering parlia-
ment Japan must resort to arms
in China; United States assured
American lives and property will
be protected in Peiping.
NANKING - Chinese central
government weighs severance of
diplomatic relations with Japan;
spokesman declares: "We accept
the issue of battle."
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
State null says possible evacua-
tion of Americans from Peiping
being considered; President Roose-
velt keeps in constant touch with
Far Eastern developments.
CCC Awakens
Public Need For
Remedial Help
Schorling Tells TeachersI
Conservation Campers
Show Reading Lack
The CCC camps have awakened1
the public to the need for remedial
reading, Prof. Raleigh Schorling of
the education school told the morn-
ing session of the Round Table Con-
ference on Reading yesterday.
"Through these camps two things
have been shown," he said, "The CCC
boys have a low reading standard and
they have a dislike for formal educa-
Speaking on the subject "To Whatk
Extent Do Reading Difficulties Con-
dition Slow Learning?" Professor
Schorling stated that improvement
can be achieved in reading in a short
time, and gave examples to prove his
He declared lower intelligence
groups show three characteristics.
"Their mental age is two years be-
low their chronogical age, they have
difficulty in studying and they arel
low in transfer from situation to sit-
uation," Professor Schorling said.
Speaking at the afternoon session
of the conference, Prof.sStuart A.
Courtis of the education school pre-
sented an analysis of the measure-
ment problem in the field ofreading.
"This analysis is being presented
from the viewpoint of a specialist
who is concerned with improving the
scientific study of educational prob-
lems, not from the point of view of
teacher of reading," he said.
Professor Courtis pointed out the
contributions which tests and meas-
urements have made to education in
general and to teaching and readingI
in particular.
"They have proved the existence
and importance of individual dif-
ferences in the capacity of children,
they have revealed differences in the
children's patterns of development,
they have led teachers to define their
aims more objectively and they have
stimulated experimental work," he
"As a consequence," Professor
Courtis continued, "the teaching of
reading has been greatly improved;
our textbooks have been marvelously
enriched, their contents have been
adjusted to their users' interests and
levels of development, and to life ac-

To Give Special Matinee
Of 'H. M. S. Pinafore'
Because of the great advance in-
terest in the Repertory Players'
Production of "H.M.S. Pinafore," a
special matinee performance will
be given Saturday, Aug. 14, Val-
entine B. Windt, Director of Play

Foreigners Seek Shelter In
Cellars As Heavy Shelling
Continues In 2 Cities
Japanese Wires Cut
In Tientsin Vicinity
TIENTSIN, July 29.-(Thurs-
day)-(P)-British, French and
Italian troops threw up barri-
cades early today to protect for-
"eigners, including Americans,
against fighting for Tientsin by
Chinese and Japanese troops.
The American 15th infantry
barracks is situated in the Chin-
ese area, but a majority of Amer-
icans are residing in the British
and French concessions.
PEIPING, July 29.-(Thurs-
day)-(P)-The 37th Chinese Di-
vision has at last complied with
Japan's demand to withdraw
from Peiping, Japanese said to-
day, thereby lessening the danger
of battle within the walled city
TOKYO, July 29.-('P)--(Thursday)
-(By telephone to New York)-(IP)-
The second day of Japan's undeclared
war in North China took on a graver
phase this morning, with fighting in
the suburbs of Tientsin and with
American residents reported seeking
safety in basements.
Chinese fired at a Japanese de-
stroyer off Tangku, the navy office
announced, whereupon the Japanese
turned to battle.
Army forces joined with several
warships in the offensive at the port,
on the Hai River, which serves Tient-
sin about 20 miles west.
Situation Grave
The combined land and sea offen-
sive gave a grave turn to the second
day of Japan's undeclared war- in
North China.
Bursting shells were reported to
have fallen into the Japanese conces-
sion, the Japanese consulate general's
buildings, and the Japanese Club.
Telephone lines were reported sev-
ered between the Japanese concession
and the outside world.
Americans and other foreigners
within Tientsin, garrison headquar-
ters for Japan's North China army,
sought safety in basements and other
refuges. (Tientsin dispatches told of
a surprise offensive begun early today
by Chinese.
Japanese forces continued relent-
lessly to attack the 29th Army posi-
tions in the environs of Peiping in
order to prevent Chinese reinforce-
ments from entering the forbidden
Battle Continues
At five o'clock this morning fight-
ing still continued in Tientsin.
The Domei, Japanese, News Agency
correspondent at Peiping said that the
Japanese army's plans in North China
are proceeding smoothly.
The Chinese forces have lost
ground, the correspondent advised,
and are unable to counter attack in
the vicinity of Peiping.
The Chinese army will soon with-
draw from Peiping and its neighbor-
ing garrisons, he predicted.
This assuredly would bring a fa-
vorable turning point in the situation
for Japan.
Japan's Gains Large
The Japanese army now is said to
occupy the towns of Nanyuan, Feng-
tai, Wanpinghsien, among others near
Although fighting in North China
reached a grave stage the Japanese
government, according to the Tokyo
press, still resents any suggestion of
foreign intervention.
The Nichi Nichi says that in view
of the fact that the powers' possible

joint action is likely to be more ser-
tous than that during the Manchurian
incident the Japanese government
now is devising means to cope with
"third power" interference.
Nichi Nichi adds that the govern-
ment is especially watching Great
Britain's future action with the great-
est concern and declares that yester-
day's joint Anglo-American represen-
tations to the Japanese government
are considered to have been made

Problems Of Meaning Studied
By Linguistic Institute Today

Followers of the Linguistic Insti-
tute program series will turn today to
a round-table discussion of "Problems
of Meaning" after having listened last
night to a detailed presentation of an
etymological study in an obscure but
important ancient language.
Leading this noon's attack upon
"Problems of Meaning" will be Dr.
Lloyd S. Woodburne and Prof. Here-
ward T. Price, both of the University.
Dr. Woodburne will approach the
topic from the point of view of the
psychologist; Professor Price, who
not only teaches English literature
but also serves as associate editor of
the Early Modern English Dictionary,
will view it as a philologist and lexi-
cographer. A free-for-all discussion
will follow.
Today's session will be held at 1
n.m., immediately after the regularl

said that each of these words had long
bothered Hittite scholars, who have
suggested various theories as to their
precise meaning.
The importance of this apparently
minute problem lies in the fact that
its solution will help throw additional
light upon the Hittite tongue, which.
recently discovered, is one of the two
or three earliest representatives of the
great Indo-European family of lan-
The theory that "numan" is a var-
iant form of "nuwan" and hense is
related to the stem "nu," the ancestor
of the English "now," was declared
invalid by Dr. Hahn, who saw. it
rather as a compound of the negative
prefix "n," the stem "u," and the par-
ticle "man." The whole, she said,
would thus mean "not at all" or
"never," depending upon the degree

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