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June 29, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1937-06-29

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The Weather
Partly cloudy and somewhat
cooler today; tomorrow gener-
ally fair, warmer.

L r e



The Civil
Service Bill ...


Official Publication Of The Summer Session


New Regi strations
Force Enrollment
Past 4,000 Mark'

Of Cook Fake,
Hobbs Asserts
Geologist Describes Noted
North Pole Discoverer
In First Lecturer
Successful After
Three ExpeditiOns

Charles Orr
Freed After
Spy Charges
Form er FacFiily Man, Wife
,Jailed(In in aFollowing(
Rise Of1' SItdinists
Elited, Broadcas
F~or T roi sky G roup

hree CIG Dynamiters
Confess Activities Near
Republic Steel Company

First Day Of Classes Sees
4,252 Students Present
At Summer Session
Men Lead Women
More Than 1,000
Proportionate In c r e a s e
Should Yield Over 4,800
Summer Students
Enrollment for the Summer Ses-
sion passed the 4,000 mark yesterday
as 1041 students registered to bring
the total to 4,252.
This enrollment surpasses that of
the first Monday of last year's Ses-
sion by 264 students. On the same
day last year, 3,988 had enrolled.
The men's totals reached 2,691 yes-
terday while 1,561 women have reg-
istered. Last year at this time, 2,558
men had enrolled and 1,430 women
were registered with the University.
The total enrollment last year was
4,528, the greatest ever recorded in
any Summer Session. In view of the
increase at the present time, it is'
expected the total enrollment for'
the 1937 Session will top the record
set last year.
With the figures for Monday af-
ternoon's enrollment showing an in-
crease of nearly seven per cent over
last year, total enrollment for 1937
should reach the record peak of 4,823,
if the same increase is maintained1
for subsequent registration during the
The three principal types of courses,
offered by the Session started yes-
terday. They are those for under-
graduate students regularily enrolled
in the University to supplement reg-
ular work and to fulfill requirementsa
for special curricula, certain tech-
nical courses for teachers, librarians,

engineers and professional men
actvie practice and courses leading
higher degrees.


Katayev' s Play
S easonTonight
Mary Pray, Sarah Pierce
Support Charles Harrell
In 'Path Of Flowers'
"The Path of Flowers," a humorous
satire on the marriage code of Soviet
Russia by the young playwright Val-
entine Katayev, will be presented to-
day at 8:30 p.m. in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre as the first offering
for the summer season of the Mich-
igan Repertory Players.
Katayev's successful comedy hit,
"Squaring the Circle," was one of the
most popular of last summer's plays.
The current production tells the story
of a young Communist leader who
preaches free love and non-clerical
marriage, and the varying success
which greets his attempts to put his
theories into practice.
Charles Harrell plays the leading
role of the farce, supported by Sarah
Pierce and Mary Pray as his wife and
sweetheart respectively. Virgini a
Frink plays another of the hero's
sweethearts, while Hattie Bell Ross,
Edward Jurist, Claribel Baird, Nancy
Bowman, Morlye Baer and Ralph Bell
complete the cast. Valentine B.
Windt, Director of Play Production,
directs the performance.
"The Path of Flowers" will be pre-
sented again tomorrow, Thursday
and Saturday at the same time. Tick-
ets are available at the Lydia Men-
delssohn box office in the League.
Announce Michigan
Delegates To A.A.U.
YPSILANTI, June 28.-{P)'-Lloyd
Olds, Michigan Normal coach and
chairman of the state A.A.U. track
and field committee, announced to-
day the list of athletes selected to
represent Michigan in the National
A.A.U. championships at Milwaukee
July 2 and 3.

TVA Chairman
Asks Emphasis
On Individuals
Wlittemore, Curtis And
Edmonson Also Address
75th NEAMeeting
DETROIT, June 28.-(Special to
The Daily) - Arthur E. Morgan,
chairman of the Tennessee Valley
Authority told the 75th Annual Na-
tional Education Association meeting
fere tonight that too much emphasis
cannot be placed "on the idea that
education must concern itself with
the whole of human personality in all
relations to individuals, to society,
and to the physical world."
Morgan said that in this philosophy
he found himself in sharp disagree-
ment with President Robert M. Hut-
chins of the University of Chicago.
Wallace On General Welfare
Secretary of Agriculture Henry A.
Wallace, in an address prepared for
delivery at last night's session, told
the general conference that to serve
the "general welfare" it is "essential
that the schools of the United States
give more definite instruction about
the soil, population and income."
There never can be satisfactory sal-
aries for teachers, he said, until there
is "scurity of tenure for farmers."
Members of the University of Mich-
igan faculty speaking at sessions of
today's convention included Dean
James B. Edmonson of the education
school, Prof. Francis D. Curtis of the
education. school, Prof. H. O. Whitte-
more of the landscape design de-
partment, Prof. Clifford Woody of
the education school and Prof. Nor-
man Anning of the mathematics de-
Edmonson, Curtis, Speak
Dean Edmonson addressed the Na-
tional League of Teachers Association
at 1 p.m. in the Book-Cadillac hotel,
and Professor Curtis spoke before the
department of science instruction at
2 p.m. on the subject of "Shall De-
sirable Objectives Be the Basis fo
the Selection of Subject Matter?"
Professor Whittemore talked to a
group interested in landscape design.
"Fundamentals of Landscape Design
That Could Be Taught Through Gar-
dening Work," and Professors Woody
and Anning addiessed a group inter-
ested in mathematics.
Prof. John Sundwall of the hygiene
department, Prof. Henry Carver of
the mathematics department and
Prof. Fred C. Dunham of the Latin
department are among those who
will address groups of the conven-
tion today and Dean Edmonson will
have charge of the meeting of the
League College.
150 Ask Permits
TO Drive Autos
During Summer
Cars May Be Used Only
As Recreational Means;
Social Use Forbidden
More than 150 students so far have
applied for permits to drive automo-
biles during the Summer Session, the
office of the Dean of Students an-
nounced yesterday.
The office called special attention
to the fact that many students who
indicated intention of driving a car
during the summer did not put the
license number of their car on the
registration blank. It is necessary
that this be done before the office can
consider any applications for permits.
All students desiring to drive cars
must secure permits at Dean of Stu-

dent's office, Room 2, University Hall,
and it was especially emphasized that
the filling out of the registration card
in the section devoted to automobile
operation does not constitute a per-
mit to drive.
Passengers may be carried in cars
in connection with athletic activities,
but mixed company in a car after
9 p.m. will not be permitted. With
the exception of the recreational fea-
ture the social and personal use of

The career of Admiral Peary, By CLAYTON ITEPLER
famed discoverer of the North Pole, Repercussions of the tense Spanish
was described by Prof.-Emeritus Wil- situation were felt recently in Ann
liam H. Hobbs of the geology depart- Arbor when the news of the arrest of
ment, authority on Peary's life, as Charles Orr, former member of the
unique both becaue of its achieve- University faculty, was made known
ment and the subsequent victimiz- by Barcelona authorities. His re-
ing of the explorer by the notorious lease and that of his wife was an-
Dr. Cook, in the first of the Sum- nounced Sunday.
mer Session lectures in Natural Sci- Orr, who was a teaching fellow in
ence auditorium yesterday, economics during the academic year
"It was only after the swindler of 1934-1935, was editing the Eng-
Cook had been discredited by the
verdict of the Copenhagen tribunalI lish edition of the P.O.U.M. publica-
that Peary was generally acclaimed tion, "The Spanish Revolution,"
as the discoverer of the Pole," Pro- when he and his wife were taken in-
fessor Hobbs declared. Cook, who to custody on espionage charges by
had claimed to have discovered the the Stalinists He was albd
Pole in April of 1908, a full year be- . so road-
fore the successful Peary expedition, casting daily on behalf of the Trot-
was described by Professor Hobbs as skyist party, for which he was work-
probably the greatest faker of all ing.
time." Leaving here in June of last year,
Varied Experiences Orr contemplated traveling to India
"Peary was born in 1856 of sturdy to complete research in international
American stock but of a family of trade, the subject he chose for his
comparative poverty," the lecturer doctor's degree. He graduated from
stated. "With the aid of a scholar- the University in 1933 and received
ship he studied at Bowdoin College, his master's degree a year later.
graduating in 1877, second in a class Traveled Through Europe
of 55." He spent a number of years "He had traveled through Ger-
as a surveyor and as a civil engineer many, France and Italy," his mother,
in the navy, in which capacity he Mrs. Emma Orr, of 1413 S. University,
distinguished himself, particularly in said, "when the revolution broke out.
the North Greenland expedition of Finding a faction that most nearly
1892. In 1902 he made an attempt suited his beliefs, he offered his serv-
on the Pole itself, and although he ices."
started from 400 miles farther south The Marxist party then in power,
than the previous unsuccessful Brit- which follows Trotsky rather than
ish expedition, he reached a point Stalin, quickly made use of his tal-
considerably nearer the Pole, but was ents. He and his wife, the former
forced finally to turn back without Lois Cuter, of Louisville, Ky., oc-
achieving his destination. k cupied the German Embassy, a 10-
Success In 1908 room apartment, vacated when the
Another unsuccessful attempt in Marxists forced the Fascists out of
1905-06 culminated in a return filled the country.
with the greatest hardships, Profes- "Living conditions weren't so bad,"
sor Hobbs said, partly because of the Mrs. Orr quoted a letter from her
unfavorable weather conditions. son.as saying, "but at one time chick-
Finally in 1908 the explorer organ- en was the only thing we could get
ized the expedition which eventually to eat. I got very sick of chicken for
reached the Pole, returning to the a while."
land on April 23. 1909. The land trek Arrested By Stalinists
was accomplished by an ingenious Orr continued his services until a
device of Peary's; he divided his short time before his arrest. The ar-
forces into separate units of Eskimos rest was made by the Stalinists, who
and dogs under white lieutenants and succeeded the Trotskyists in power.
periodically sent back to the base the The gravity of the situation was
most inefficient dogs and men. The stressed by Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, of
returning sleds he provided with half the history department, who will lee-
rations of fuel and food only, on the tune on the Spanish situation tomor-
theory, proved correct by the results, row in Natural Science auditorium.
that the homeward journey would be "I don't believe that he will be ex-
made much more quickly than the ecuted," Professor Aiton said at the
outward one. By this means he saved time, "but they can keep him in jail
much valuable food and fuel, with the indefinitely if he is tried before a
result that when his own unit of the court. If he had been a Spaniard, he
expedition alone was left for the final probably would have faced the firing
dash to the Pole, an abundance of Aquad before this."
provisions was available. 'Stalinist Bribery'
Word had been received six months Reason for the Stalinists' advent
previously of C o o k' s supposed to power was described by Mrs. Orr
achievement, and the latter made as purely a case of bribery. "My son's
hundreds of thousands of dollars, ac- party stood for Spain for the Span-
cording to Professor Hobbs, in a gi- iards, while the Stalinists wanted a
gantic lecture tour on the strength form of Marxism that would include
of his false claim, which was finally Russia. But the Stalinists offered
nullified by a tribunal of his own food to the Spaniards, and the re-
choosing sitting at Copenhagen. sult was only natural."
Today's lecture will be an illustrat- News dispatches have not indicated
ed talk by Dr. Herman L. Riecker on just what Orr and his wife now plan
"The Meaning of Indigestion." to do. It is probable that he will con-
continue on to India, as he had or-
Tr fCiganlly planned. They expect to re-
Tour Opus turnto the United States by June of
S s next year.
rV1Th rsdayV 1 r s t Such concern was felt for their


Cyclotron To Demolish Atom
ForStudy Of Its Secret Life
University Physicists Tear rotate much as do the piantets, but
it was not known that the atomic
Down Atomic Nucleus "sun" or nucleus itself was of com-
To Discover Make-Up plicated structure.
With this discovery came the de-
By SAUL R. KLEIMAN velopment of means whereby the
Like the proverbial alarm clock, make-up of the nucleus could be de-
the nucleus of the atom, long con- termined, and leading among these
sidered the irreducible particle of means is the cyclotron which is now
matter, is now being taken apart by being utilized at the University under
University physicists with the hope the direction of Prof. James M. Cork.
of finding "what makes it go." Deuterons-the "suns" of heavy
The only difference is that the hydrogen atoms-are seperated from
physicists do not have to worry about their "planets" and speeded up to a
putting the atom's nucleus together velocity of more than three million
again. miles per hour, then directed at the
It has long been known that the material to be studied.
atom resembles the solar system in When these energetic particles
that it consists of a nucleus compar- strike the nuclei'of the atoms bom-
able to the sun about which electrons barded, they serve as triggers to re-
lease more energy than they them-
selves possess.
The deuteron is made up of a pro-
G erm anl M ake ton, a particle of matter with a posi-
tive electric charge, and a neutron,
Aircraft Bom b a particle of matter whose mass is
the same as that of the proton but
Li s lwhich has no electric charge.
When the deuteron strikes the
nucleus of the atom one of two
things may occur, depending on
Italians, Nazi's Unlikely To whether or not the deuteron divides
into its two components: either the
Agree To Britain's Plan deuteron is not affected by the col-
To Fill Patrol Gap lision and the bombarded nucleus
breaks up to form nuclei of atoms
(By Associated Press) of lower atomic weights; or the deu-
Spain's Valencia government as- teron divides, its proton is absorbed,
serted Monday that German-made the neutron continues onward, and
seaplanes had attacked and set fire (Continued on Page 5)
to a government plane over the Med-
iterranean, while an unidentified war-
ship bombed 22 miles of government- Emery Leads
held coastline north of Valencia.
Those developments overshadowed M* i ne
Spanish events outside Spain, but
Tuesday new moves were expected in
a subcommittee of the International In Collegiates
Non-Intervention Committee, called
to meet at London.
Great Britain and France hoped Wolverines Trail Leaders
for Italian and German agreement on
their proposal for British and French By 12 Points In Battle
ships to fill the gaps in the commit- For Team Honors
tee's naval patrol of Spain, left by ___a____
withdrawal of the warships of the OAKMONT, Pa. June 28.-(Se-
two Fascist powers. AM TP.Jne2.(p-
Authoritative sources in Berlin and cial to The Daily)-Little Jack Emery,
Rome said, however, that Germany junior clubster from Detroit, was the
and Rome would reject that plan. only Wolverine to break 80 here to-


CIO-Producer Showdown
Over Signed Contracts
Nears Climax At Chicago
2,500 Pickets Besiege
Inland Steel Plalits
Roosevelt, Miss Perkins,
Denounced In House For
Strike Policy
WARREN, O., June 28.--(P)-
Chief of Police Gillen announced
tonight the "smashing of a dyna-
mite ring" through the arrest
and the confession, he said, of
three C.I.O. strikers. The confes-
sion, he said, solved a series of
dynamitings in the vicinity of the
Republic Steel Company mill
The confessions named Gus
Hall, the C.I.O. organizer for the
Warren-Nileis strike sector, as
having plotted the bombings, the
chief said.
Charges of "unlawful posses-
sion and use of explosives" were
made against Hall and five
others, three of whom were placed
in jail. The crime is a peniten-
tiary offense.
Gillen said he had sighed
statements from the three men
in custody, named as Arthur
Scott, John Boraweic and George
Their statements, as related by
the police chief--who said the
National Guard cooperated in the
investigation-charged Hall with
directing the bombing plots.
The statement of Scott, as
made to City Solicitor George
Buchwalter, charged Hall with
having issued orders to blow up
homes of non-strikers and to set
off bombs on the property of the
Republic Steel Corporation, the
Light and Power Company, the
Baltimore and Ohio anud the
Pennsylvania Railroads, a bridge
at the Trumbull Cliff furnaces
belonging to Republic, and hun-
dreds of gallons of volatile ben-
zol, stored near Republic's benzol
The city solicitor said statements
from Boraweic and Bundas corrobo-
rated Scott's story.
Charges filed by Chief Gillen said
that the "ring" had a sub-machine


British spokesmen declared Brit- day as Michigan trailed by 12 oint gun and other weapons, and that a
an's future foreign policy may hang the leading G gto o confiscated milk can containing
on the committee's action, Wa igeogeown University of enough explosive to "wreck the en-
The air battle over the Mediter- Washington team in the battle for tire block" was found on the second
ranean occurred about 18 miles off the team title in the National Inter- flood of C.I.O. headquarters.
Cartagena, the Valencia government collegiate Golf Championship. The plot to bomb the bridge lead-
said. The announcement stated that Bunched with five other sockers at ing to the Trumbull Cliff furnaces
the government craft, set aflire by the 77, including Northwestern's Big Ten was nipped, Scott said, when a na-
German-made plane, fell into the champion Sid Richardson, Emery, tional guard patrol car chased the
Geran-made pae, femllrs intorhe who competed in the National Open bombers' automobile. Bombs explod-
sea; its four crew members were two weeks ago, led all the entrants ed when an attempt was made to
diedcued by a British vessel but one from Michigan schools. Next in line throw them into the river, and the
Adtets.ng vwere Captain Al Saunders and Bill bridge was damaged slightly.
Accmntscoftes ell in gorhe ov-Barclay, who reached the quarter- Officers found three quarts of nit-
bene csal are vri. aSom final of the Detroit district cham- roglycerine,hall that remained from
observeirs said only one ship was in p ionship last week, who turned in two and a half gallons Boraweic and
action, believed to be the insurgent dentical scores of 83. Bundas had obtained (the statement
cruiser Canarias. D a m a g e onl Had Best Start said) in Oil City, Pa., June 18.
shore was slight. Government bat- Emery had the best start of the The three men arrested were ar-
teries replied to the fire, day as he birdied the first two holes. raigned tonight in municipal court.
Passengers on an air-France liner He made the turn in 37 but he started Bond was fixed at $25,000 each.
who reached Oran, Algeria, said a pushing his shots on the back nine
Spanish government airplane ma- and ended up with a 40 for his 77 YOUNGSTOWN, O., June 28.-(A_)
chinegunned the plane near Alicante. Captain-elect Al Karpinski and -Steel executives mapped plans to-
They reported the liner landed safely, Billy Warren, former Detroit district night to reopen more picket-sieged
none was injured and government au- junior champion, turned in rounds of mills, asserting the 33-day-old strike
thorities apologized. 89 each while Bill Griffiths trailed by John L. Lewis' C.I.O. was definitely
with a 90. "broken."
Old Man Par, accustomed to weath- Strike leaders promptly retorted
City W ill Pay ering National Open and Amateur that the companies were staging
firing here, took all the punches the "dummy" back-to-work parades.
undergraduates could toss and was While quiet reigned along the east-
still laughing as the first round ended ern front in the 7-state labor dispute,
in the .36-hole qualifying test. the "showdown" battle between the
i er Taxes Holditch Leads C.I.O. and four independent steel pro-
A curly-haired blonde Southerner, ducers over the question of signed
sturdy Stanley Holditch of Georgia bargaining contracts neared a climax
Ann Arbor property owners will pay Tech, drove and pitched and putted at Chicago.
summer taxes 8.7 per cent higher under a warm sun and a cooling Officers tonight estimated there
than those levied last year, it was breeze and the best he could do was a were 2,500 pickets besieging the plants
announced yesterday by City Assessor 37-37-74 two over par that topped in East Chicago, Ind.
Herbert W. Crippen. all others. In Washington the House rang to-
This year's rate, which will be pay- Georgetown, with a four-man score day with denunciations of President
able July 15, will be $11.15 per thou- of 320, took the lead in the team Roosevelt and Secretary Perkins in
sand, but is still lower than the all- championship battle, with Georgia connection with the steel strike.
time high of $12.36 set in 1935. It is Tech, chiefly through Holdich's Representative Cox (Dem., Ga.) de-
also below the original estimate of shooting, just a shot behind. clared that Miss Perkins had made a
$11.39 made in May by the city coun- Willie Turnesa, the Holy Cross boy suggestion to Governor Martin L.
cil budget committee after establish- whose brothers are professionals and Davey of Ohio which constituted "one
ing the budget figuies and the amount . taught him the game, got the worse of the most shocking incidents that



In TripSeries
11 Excursions Planned
Include Ford Motor Co.
And Niagara Falls
A tour of the campus Thursday will
open a series of 11 excursions to
places of interest in Michigan to be
provided by the Summer Session. For
out-of-town trips, fees covering trav-
eling expenses will be charged.
Most of the excursions will be on
Wednesdays and Saturdays during the
session and will last only one day.
Reservations should be made at the
office of the Summer Session.
The tour of the campus will include

safety that members of the university
faculty Saturday sent telegrams to the
state department at Washington ask-
ing its aid in securing their safety.
Mrs. Orr had already wired Senator
Prentiss Brown asking that he devote
his attention to the affair.
Summer Cession students wish-
ing journalistic experience may
apply for work on The Michigan
Daily editorial staff at 5 p.m. any
day this week at the Publications
Building on Maynard Street.

Professor Karpinksi .
To Leave For Europe
Prof. Louis C. Karpinski, of the
mathematics department, will leave

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