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July 22, 1934 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1934-07-22

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-Associated Press Photo
With the lifting of the food blockade in San Francisco's general
strike, truckloads of vegetables and other produce rolled in to be
welcomed by a populace which had been piece-mealing for several days.
One of the trucks is shown being unloaded in the commission house


De Cespedes Plans Middle
Course For Cuban Salvation

Rush Work At Mints
Points To Prosperity

HAVANA, July 21.- (A) - In an
effort to reconcile Cuba's warring po-
litical factions, former President Car-
los Manuel de Cespedes has launched
a centrist party which he hopes will
draw to its fold both leftists and
With a platform based on the idea
that a "sound, sane, centrist party
is the political salvation of Cuba,"
Cespedes has just finished a tour of
the eastern provinces of the island.
Himself a proven conservative, Ces-
pedes was caught in the currents that
swerved the course of three successive
Cuban governments from right to left
and again back to right.
Cespedes' downfall from the presi-
.dency, where he was placed after
Machado was forced from office in
August, 1933, was caused by the "en-
listed men's revolution" of September
4, while he was touring hurricane-
torn districts of Cardenas and Sagua.
He had been in office 22 days when,
returning from the interior, he was
met at the presidential palace by the
then sergeant, Fulgencio Batista, and
five members of a revolutionary com-~
mittee - Sergio Carbo, Guillermo
Portela, Jose Irizarri, Porfirio Franca
and Ramon Grau San Martin.
They.informed him he was "through
as president." Cespedes picked up hisu
hat and walked out of the palace
Death For Army Graft

New Tammany
Head Follows
Father's Lead
James Dooling Succeed
Curry And Fulfills Hi.
Family Destiny
NEW YORK, July 21. - ) - Olc
Peter Dooling's boy - football hero
ex-artilleryman, lawyer --has mad
good again. In the Happy Hunting
Grounds where Tammany Braves go
they must have rallied around the olc
warrior and pounded him on the bac
when his boy, James J. Dooling
climbed into the saddle and became
the third college-bred man in histor3
to rule Tammany Hall.
Dooling's elevation marks the cli-
max to the fight that unhorsed Curry
It also marks Tammany's accord onc
more with a national democratic
A Bachelor Leader
The victory gives the society d
young bachelor for a leader. Dooling
is not yet out of his fortieth year
He is slender, slightly under six feet
and his eyes are clear blue set undei
well-defined brows, with his hair a
shade darker thanauburn. He i
forthright in manner.
Dooling was admitted to the New
York bar in 1920. He served through
the war as an artilleryman. Previous
to that he was a football and base-
ball hero at Fordham university, from
which he was graduated in 1915.
His midtown residence is the house
ii which he was born.
Father Was Sachem
Reared in an atmosphere of poli-
tics, Dooling's flair for it is part of the
legacy handed down to him by Old
Peter, a sachem of the Wigwam and
one-time congressman, who ruled the
lower section of the Fifth Manhat-
tan district. At his death in 1931 the
leadership passed to his son.
In private life the new leader is a
sportsman and a lover of the theatre.
Like his friend, George M. Cohan, he
often spends an afternoon with the
Yankees or the Giants, and when
Fordham plays football, if he isn't in
the stands it's because he is down on
the field with the players. He wears
his duties as easily as his well-cut
clothes, and believes nothing in poli-
tics can "be so serious as say, when
some opponent has Fordham's back
against the goal line.
Rising Flood Water
Threatens Warsaw
WARSAW, July 21.- () -More
than 200 persons dead and damage
estimated at about$200,000,000 were
reported today as the flood waters of
the Vistula River reached the very
gates of the presidential palace in
The deaths and damages have oc-
curred during a full week of high
waters. Now a flood wave from the
Carpathian Mountains menaces the
Polish capital.
The Vistula has risen to a level
of 16 feet as compared with its nor-
mal four-foot level, and authorities
said that if it rose above 19 feet
the heart of the capital was in danger
for the levees of the left bank are not
expected to hold much longer.
Police, soldiers, municipal workers,
and civilian volunteers worked madly
today in efforts to strengthen the
Hundreds of boats and automobiles
have been drafted for the work.
The streets of the suburb of Prager
and the amusement center, Luna
Park, are under water. Seven nearby
villages are inundated.

Seeks Settlement

Lab Theatre Is Repaired In
Hopes Of Renewed Activity

-Associated Press Photo
The Rev. Francis J. Haas (above),
federal conciliator, said he was "quite
hopeful" of ending the Minneapolis
trucker's strike withottt trouble.

Exhibit Gone, Iowa
Farmer Criticizes
WASHINGTON, July 21. -(P) -
Joseph Indry, farmer from "some-
where out in Iowa" after looking in
vain for his favorite exhibit at the
Department of Agriculture blamed Dr.
Rexford G. Tugwell for its disappear-
Indry, bronzed, mustached and sus-
pendered, explained that "this is my
first visit since Hoover got licked."
He circles the court of the De-
partment's main building, looked into
the fountain, peered among the rub-
ber plants and then announced:
"It jist ain't here."
"I used to come down to Wash-
ington mighty nigh every year," he
said. "Now, when I do come back
everything is changed. They used to
have a sort of store counter out here
which showed you a lot - how to
build rat traps, spread fertilizer, and
L things like that.
"It had pictures and a man could
understand it. I never could make
heads nor tails of them booklets they
sent out. I'll bet that feller Tugwell
had it taken out."
The exhibit had been removed to
another building by official order.
Tugwell, under secretary of agricul-
ture, apparently had nothing to do
with it. But Indry was not convinced
"I'm a Republican, I reckon," he
said slowly, "though not as bad as
some. I've heard a lot about Tugwell.
Why, some of the people out my way
blame him when the hens don't lay."
Crime Conference Will
Convene At WashingtonI
WASHINGTON, July 21. - () -
A crime congress of unprecedented
scope will sit in Washington next fall
to assist the government's fight
against kidnapers, gangsters and
other evil-doers.
Attorney-General Homer S. Cum-
mings, in a recent speech to the
National Press Club, said that with
the approval of President Roosevelt
he would invite representatives of
every state to a "crime conference
of nationwide significance."
Surveying his department's fight on
crime, he hit "unscrupulous lawyers"
and "crooked officials" who seek to
protect criminals.

Olson Tiohtens
Grip On North
Dakota Politics
Makes Appointments To
Replace Those Made'By
Former Gov. Langer
BISMARCK, N. D., July 21. - (A)
-Swiftly but calmly, acting Gov. Ole
H. Olson today tightened his grip on
North Dakota's State governmental
machinery as political allies of Wil-
liam Langer, ousted Governor, hung
their hope on a special session of the
Olson made new appointments to
replace Langer associates holding
State jobs, while the Langerites beat
political tom-toms that sounded a call
to continue the fight.
They advanced Mrs. Langer as the
Republican nominee for Governor if
her husband was disqualified from
running in the fall by his Federal
Court conviction, the basis for his
Controls State Committee
Langer, in winning the nomination
in the recent primary, two days be-
fore he was sentenced to serve 18
months in Federal prison for solicit-
ing political contributions from Fed-
eral workers, also won control of the
State Republican Central Committee.
This Committee, in opinion of most
lawyers, would be authorized to pick
a nominee if Langer were barred.
That the Langer men were still
full of fight was indicated by one of
their leaders, Highway Commissioner
Frank A. Vogel, who defied Olson's
order removing him.
Vogel stood on his claim that he
could be removed only for cause, and
refused to vacate the office.
Bert M. Salisbury, Minnewaukan
County clerk of court, had taken the
oath as Highway Commissioner by
appointment of Olson. He awaited
legal moves to install him in office.
Federal road officials said that they
would stand squarely behind Olson's
appointee, and would release a grant
of $1,200,000 for road building to him.
Promises Racket Expose
ST. PAUL, July 21. -(P) - United
States Senator Gerald P. Nye, of
North Dakota, predicted today that
"an untold amount of graft," which
he said existed in North Dakota State
departments, soon would be exposed.

After two days of frantic investi-
gation, a reporter assigned to the
case by The Daily's city editor has
discovered what is being done to the
old Laboratory Theatre.
The quest started Friday afternoon,
when the reporter called up every-
one he had ever heard of who might
know about what was going on at the
old box-like shack in back of the
Union. He called up a total of seven
-and didn't get in touch with one
of them.
Friday night he tried again. This'
time he got in touch with one man
who referred him to a second who re-
ferred him to a third who was not
Yesterday morning he made nine
telephone calls without any luck; all
he could achieve was to question a
man who insisted he didn't know
anything about it. Undaunted, he
tried a tenth number, his last resort.
He called up Edward C. Pardon, head'
of the Building and Grounds depart-

It worked! Mr. Pardon not only
knew what his hirelings were doing,
but he knew why they were doing it.
A bit of the history of the Laboratory
Theatre might be helpful here.
In 1922 it was bought by Mimes,
campus dramatic organization, from
the Union, which had previously used
it for a dance hall. There they
evolved, in the following winter, one
of the most successful of the many
Union Operas: "Cotton Stockings
Never Made A Man Look Twice." The
title was censored except for the first
two words, and with this excellent
publicity for a start, Mimes had a
most successful year.
But by 1929, Mimes was truly in a
slump, and when the University of-
fered to buy the theatre for Play
Production purposes, there were no
objections. Two years later the thea-
tre was condemned as a fire hazard,
and has not been active since.
What the busy workmen are doing
now is to rip away the old board
sides, and replace them with plaster.
This was done because some annoy-
ing sparrows were nesting behind
loose boards, and because there were
some skilled plasterers on the wel-
fare rolls.
Its only a step toward renewed op-
eration of the building, Mr. Pardon
explained, as the real fire hazards of
the building lie inside. It did seem,
though, that the shabby exterior in-
fluenced fire marshals and insurance
agents against the building.
So they're going to refinish the
theatre, and maybe with a bright new
exterior things will look up for the
old theatre, and the wheels will start
turning again.
Party Fight Halts
Cabinet In France
PARIS, July 21. - (P) -- The future
of France, endangered by a clash be-
tween Andre Tardieu and Radical
Socialist members of the cabinet, was
once again today in the hands of 71-
year-old "Papa" Gaston Doumergue.
Failing to heal the breach within
their ranks, the ministers called the
premier and former president in to
act as umpire.
Doumergue will not return to Paris
from the south of France until next
Tuesday or Wednesday, counting on
time to let party passions simmer
down. He also has a full week-end
to find a solution to the delicate
problem with facts presented him by
Henri Cheron, minister of justice and
vice premier.
Five ministers were obliged to be
absent over the week-end to accom-
pany President Lebrun on an official
tour of Auvergne, another reason for
the delay in action.
Louis Barthou, foreign minister and
twice a premier, appeared to be the
only dissendent. He demanded that
Tardieu, also a former premier, and
now minister without portfolio in the
polical truce cabinet, resign forth-

PHILADELPHIA, July 21. - ()-
An unprecedented demand for small
coins is taxing the three mints to
their limit, Director Nellie Taylor Ross
declares, adding that it clearly par-
allels a steady business improve-
ment. ..
The Philadelphia mint has gone on
a 24-hour day in some divisions and
the staff has been augmented, she
said. The coining of fifty-cent pieces
will begin in Philadelphia after a lapse
of several years, and the production
of other coins, especially quarters and
pennies, will be speeded.
Dairy Seeks


-Associated Press Photo

New Penalty

In China

Test On U. S.

Mi 1 Cotrol
BALTIMORE, July 21. - (P) - A
test of the constitutionality of the
Agricultural Adjustment Act as it ap-
plies to contrql of' milk in the Balti-
more territory' will be sought by an
independent local dairy in its action
set for hearing late this month in
United States District Court here.
The plaintiff brought Secretary
of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace into
the case when a deputy Federal Mar-
shall found him in a Pullman berth!
en route through Maryland and served'
him with a summons to appear in.
court on July 23.
The suit resulted from inauguration
of the milk control plan for the Balti-
more milk shed under the AAA. Op-
position immediately came from sev-
eral "independent" dairies. They
claimed that the plan would work to
the advantage of the Fairfield-West-
ern Maryland Dairy and of the Mary-
land State Dairymen's association.
The Royal Farms Dairy, Inc., of
Baltimore, began its litigation to test
'the act when it instituted its action in
the Circuit Court. Judge Eugene
O'Dunne granted an order restraining
the AAA from examining the dairy
company's books.
Washable Crepe
It's so hard to find d resses
like these at any price-some
white, some pastels, some
sleeveless, some sunbacks.
Sizes 12 to 42
$5.00 and $6.95
Jacket Frocks
White and Pastels
Sizes 14toI42


NANCHANG, China, July 21. --(A')
-Hereafter graft in the sale or pur-
chase of supplies for the Chinese
army will be punishable by death or
prison sentences running up to life,
says an edict by General Chiang Kai-
Shek, China's "strong man."
To warrant the death penalty, how-
ever, those concerned must have prof..
ited to the extent of $5,000 or more.
Those who take less "squeeze" than
that will get prison sentences of fromJ
six months upwards.
Bonthron Loses To
Star British Miler,
(Continued from Page 1)
4:07.6 in the Princeton stadium last
summer, a mark since erased by Glenn
Cunningham's great 4:06.7 mile on
the same track last month.
It was a stunning upset for the
Americans who had been led to believe
a knee operation last winter had
robbed the New Zealand star of much
of his speed. Bonthron only two weeks
ago had established a new world mark
of 3.48.8 for the 1,500 meters and was
thought to be at the top of his form.

with his aides, warning his successors
that theirs was "the responsibility
-before history."
Now, almost nine months since he
was ousted, Cespedes is campaigning
for a new party. Whether he will be
a c candidate for the presidency in
the December elections has not been
On his recent trip, from Matanzas
to Oriente, he expounded as'the idea
on which his centrist party is based:
"That Cuba's ship of state should
not be steered to the right or to the
left; that a center course is the best."
Speaking in all the important towns
of the interior, Cespedes called on
Cubans to put patriotism above polit-
ical or social prejudices.
He urged "proven statesmen, the
most brilliant intellects, men of seri-
ous mind, men of strong arms, ideal-
istic youth, laborers, field workers
and all other solid elements," to rally
to a centrist platform. ,.
"Both rightists and leftists have in
turn carried the country to the brink
of the abyss," he declared.


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