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July 19, 1934 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-19

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cial Publication of the Summer Session



In Review
Richard Brinsley Sheridan's satirical farce on
scandal-mongers "School for Scandal" has been
given an excellent mounting by the Michigan Rep-
ertory Players. In contrast to "Grumpy," the first
play which Francis Compton, guest-director of the
season, directed and took part in, the rest Kof the
cast kept right up with Mr. Compton.

But have hope; we'll step out of the sticks surely.
'What makes it worse and worse for the sticks,
is these Junior Professors, jolly rogues, not so bad
at that, pipe in puckered mouths, weighted with
ponderous problems, that gallop into classrooms
where us Sticks set around, look us over with a
wise glint in their kindly appraising orbs, then
begin a bombardment with university words, heavy,
distant, Alpine, bottomless, Gee Wiz, and the smoke
of battle blown away, look at the clock, tell us
briefly about the next lesson, and leave us to
pick up the pieces. Say, Ed, my Roget gets nervous,
then, dizzy, and seems not to get over it; in fact,
it gets worse at sight of a Junior Prof.
-One of the Boys.

Publisned every morning except Monday during the
SUniversityar and Summer Session by the Board in
Control "of Student Publications.1
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service..I
- The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
o repbliation of all dews dispatches credited toit'
or not otherwise credited in this per and the local
new published heren. Allrights of republication of
special dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michgan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription duing summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail,
$1.50. During r'igular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
-Ofces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc.,°x°4 East ThirtyFourth Street, New Yfork City 0
: !Stn Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Phone 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con-
ger, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas *E. Groehn, Thomas i.
1 1 ner"iliam R.Reed, io b. Ruwvitch.
-1OR TES: Barbara Bates, C . Beulema, Donald R.
Bird, Ralph Danhff, Fraces English, Elsie Pierce, Vir-
.giia Sco'tt, Bernard =. Pred.
Office Hours g-12, 1-5 Phone 2-1214
Breadth Of The
San Franciso Strike...
,W HE RIGHT of employees to strike
against employers has been held in-
violable in innumerable cases by the courts of this
country, but by no legal or moral principle can the
general strike being attempted in San Francisco
be supported. This because it effects the liberty and
person of those -not .effected by the immediate
and original controversy, as the longshoremen in
San Wrancisco.
fiut by the same reasoning that makes the gen-
el strike -abomiftble, it also defeats its own
purpose.'For, by effecting the whole public, it
makes that public turn from any degree of neu-
tra ity whiCh it-might formerly have possessed and
extend all efforts toward culminating the strike.-
Thus the general strike is foredoomed,,and experi-
ences of the past show that it is impossible of ful-
At the same time, however, the original dispute
remains, involving the demands of the longshore-
men. If the general strike is defeated, it 'appears
all too likely that the employers in the original
dispute will recognize the fact as a termination -of
all claims upon the part of the longshoremen,.and
thus the whole situation will be only aggravated,
for the conditions which brought aboutthe original
strike will remain.
When Prof. Gilbert Murray of Oxford addressed
the International Universities Conference recently,
although he was thinking in the sphere of inter-
national relations, he made some remarks which
apply fittingly to the domestic situation. Speaking
on the international spread of violence, Prof. iVur-
,ray said, "In an atmosphere of violence everything
for which we stand and in which we believe is
made powerless. We want truth. It is a big blow
to us if we only say what the man with the
revolver wants us to say.",
It is the old question of agreement under coer-
cion. If the general strike were to succeed, which
we have remarked is impossible in the natural order
of things, then the Industrialists and employers
of San Francisco would be at the mercy of the
On the other hand, now that the strike is to be
broken, the longshoremen, who in their original
controversy precipitated the general strike, it ap-
pears that their claims may be wholly abrogated.
The only solution appears to be the extension, by
the industrialists and employers, to the strikers
and particularly the longshoremen, of a logical
for of retreat and a continuation of negotiations
to reach a fair settlement.
Vote In The All-Star
Football Poll.. ..

A real professional air was lent to the produc-r
tion by the introduction of considerable stage bus-
iness not indicated in the text of the play, and in
many cases lending an unexpected angle to the
dialogue. This business is traditional in the British
theatre as Mr. Compton's father was well-known in
the English theatre and an authority on the early
English drama.
One of the amusing scenes in the play is provided
by reconciliation of Lord and Lady Teazle, por-7
trayed by Mr. Compton and Sarah Pierce, fol-
lowed by an idyllic scene of marital bliss which
gives place, in turn to a bitter quarrel.
The play moves at high speed throughout with
the possible exception of the first act in which
the conversation of the gossipers, while witty,
is inclined to over-balance the action.
Another outstanding feature of the performance
is the costumes designed by Miss Evelyn Cohen.
They are truly exceptional for anything short of a
professional production.
With one or two exceptions the student members
of the cast were well-chosen and performed their
roles with skill. Mr. Compton was as usual excel-
lent in the part of Sir Peter Teazle. Special men-
tion should go to Charles Harrell who has con-
sistently improved during the course of the sum-
mer. As Charles Surface, the playboy nephew of
Sir Oliver Surface, he received an ovation as
he left the stage after one of his scenes. George
Totten in the role of Sir'Oliver Surface, the kindly
but canny relative of the Surface brothers, made
the character entirely convincing.'\
-Claribel Baird as Lady -Sneerwell, John Lee Doll
as Joseph Surface, Nancy Bowman as Mrs. Can-
dour, Morris Greenstein as Crabtree, and Sarah
Pierce as Lady Teazle were also very satisfactory.
The play itself is probably familiar to most
of the audiences. It deals with that element of
society which seeks its vocation and avocation in
tearing down the reputations of its members. The
hypocritical and backbiting side of this sort of
scandal is amusingly brought out in the play. But
virtue is triumphant by the final curtain.
Campus Opinion

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the Summer Session office until 3:30; 11:30

Screen Refletions
Much as we hate to see "Little Man, What Now?"
move out of our midst, there's no other show
we'd prefer having replace it as much as little
Shirley Temple's latest picture - "Baby Take;, a
Bow," which opens at the Michigan Theatre today
for a three-day run.
The Michigan, incidentally, seems to be copping
all the Butterfield gravy of late. So far this sum-
mer they've had "Little Miss Marker," "The Thin
Man," "Such Women Are Dangerous," and "Oper-
ator 13" - all three-star shows - climaxed with
"Little Man, What Now?" - a four-star produc-
And "Baby Take. a Bow" promises to maintain
this high film standard. I'm sure anyone who saw
Shirley Temple in "Little Miss Marker" wouldn't
think of missing her current presentation.
James Dunn and Claire Trevor are cast as her
father and mother in a picture that deals with
the struggle of a young man just out of prison,
and a girl who marries him because she believes
in him.
Shirley, as their baby daughter, lends merriment
to the action and turns a trick in the nick of time
that makes her the heroine of the drama.
Comedy and human interest has been injected
into the scenes showing the camaraderie and af-
fection between daddy and baby and the episode
-of the child's birthday party affords Shirley an-
.other opportunity to show her talents as a singing
and dancing entertainer.
Alan Dinehart is cast as the blundering detective
who is always dogging Dunn's heels.
It's a Fox Film, directed by Harry Lachman
The story is based on the play by James P. Judge
It will require a better than ordinary picture
to remove the awful memory of "Laughing Boy'
from the minds of those hapless moviegoers who
attended the Majestic Theatre yesterday or the
day before.
And that task is the responsibility of Elissa
Landi and Adolphe Menjou, who appearin "The
Great Flirtation," which opens there today.
The film relates the adventures of this pair
Menjou, as Karpath the darling of the Budapest
Theatre, and Miss Landi as the ambitious unknown
who climbs to fame over the wreckage of her
husband's career.
The major portion of the action is laid in the
United States where these two have come in pur-
suit of theatrical fame. Conflict of temperament
professional jealousy, the inveterate tendency to
act even in real life situations soon split them
Miss Landi is attracted to David Manners, a
young playwright, and Menjou drifts along unti
he comes back to view her as a star.
In the supporting cast are Adrian Rosley, Pau
Porcasi, and Lynne Overman. Charles R. Rogers
produced the show from the story by Gregory

Schooi of Education Students: All
students now in residence having
courses recorded as incomplete (),
or absent from examii4°ation (X)
must complete their work in these
courses by July 21. If, because of ex-
tenuating circumstances, a student
is- unable to complete his work by this
time, a request for an extension of
time, with the written approval of
the instructor, must be presented at
the Recorder's Office of the School
of Education.
In cases where neither a supple-
mentary grade nor a petition for an
extension of time is required, the
courses will be recorded with grades
of E.
C. 0. Davis, Secretary
School of Education Students: Per-
mission to drop courses without "E"
grades will not be given after Satur-
day, July 21, except under extra-
ordinary circumstances. No course
is considered officially dropped un-
less it has been reported in the of-
fice of the Registrar, Room 4, Uni-
versity Hall.
C. 0. Davis, Secretary
University High School bDemons-
tration Assembly: The second dem-
onstration assembly of the University
High School summer session will be
presented Friday morning, July 20,
at 10 o'clock in the University High
School Auditorium. The program will
be given by classes in the science
and fine arts departments. A series
of dialogues, written by the pupils,
which grew out of the work in the
unit on astronomy, will be pdesented
by pupils in the science class. Cos-
tume design will be the theme of the
fine arts portion of the assembly. All
summer session students who are in-
terested are cordially invited to at-
tend the assembly.
School of Education - Four Week4
Courses - Second Period: The seconc
group of four-week courses offered ir
the School of Education will star
next Monday, July 23. All students
who expect to elect one or more 01
these courses should register for then
this week if they have not alread3
done so.
C. 0. Davis, Secy.
Michigan Repertory Players: Sher
~ idan's "The School for Scandal" i:
to be presented tonight in the Lydi
Mendelssohn theatre with Franci
Compton in the role of Sir Pete
Teasle. Please make reservation:
early. The paly will also be presente
tomorrow and Saturday night.
Today at 4:30: Trip to University
t Fresh Air Camp for swim, supper an
camp fire with the campers. All wel-
r come.
Physiological Chemistry 120: The
first lecture in physiological chemis-
try 120 will be'given. Friday, July 20
at 7:00 a.m. in the West Amphithea-
tre of the West Medical Building.
Students enrolled in the Graduat
School will not be permitted to dro
courses after Saturday, July 21. A
course is not officially dropped unti:
it is reported in the office of the Grad-
uate School, 1014 Angell Hall.
Students who have changed theil
elections since submitting electior

cards should call this week at the
office of the Graduate School, 1014
Angell Hall. This involves the drop-
ping and adding of courses, the sub-
stitution of one course for another,
as well as the change of instructors.
G. Carl Huber, Dean
Graduation Recital: Miss Mary
Fishburne, pianist, in partial fulfill-
ment of the graduation requirements
for the Master of Music Degree, will
present the following program this
evening at 8:30 in the School of Mu-
sic Auditorium. Bach, Toccata and
Fugue in E Minor: Brahms, Varia-
tions and Fugue on a Theme by Han-
del; Griffes, The Fountain of the
Acqua Paola; Lecuona, La Comparsa;
Tansman, Hyme - from Third Son-
atine for Piano; Poulenc.


Dance Club: There will be a meet-
ing of the Dance Club today at 5
o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall,
Barbour Gymnasium. This is the
second meeting and will be a prac-
tice period. Everyone interested is
urged to attend.
The Men's Education Club baseball
series will continue today at 4:00
p.m. in South Ferry Field.
Professor Edgar G. Johnston, As-
sociate Professor of Secondary Edu-
cation, will speak at the Education
Conference today at 4:10 p.m. in
Room 4022 University High School.
His subject will be "Standards for
The following persons please re-
port to the Office of the Summer Ses-,
sion, 1213.Angell Hall, irmme iately:
Robert Schlapp
G. 'A. VanLear
William Rarita
W. H. Bair
E. H. Keeping
E. S. Akeley
C. D. Hause
R. D. Swisher
H. H. Goldsmith
B. Kurrelmeyer
W. W. Wetzel
Theodore Rushko
H. W. Duerloo
A. E. Edgecombe
Dr. Paul' Bassow
Dr. Paul Winde
Armand Novalli
Steve Worthin -
Charles Smith
Amanda Elbing
A. M. Urfatt
Mary B. Miles
S. E. Munson
H. B. Spencis
G. H. Russel
Sara Bruce
A. A. Gould
Esther Snell
Lucille Poor
G. E. Soltzman
Fred Williams
Irene Waldorf
Roy M. Sleetor
M. W. Young
Robert Kelly
Herman Hill
Social Dancing taught
s daily. Terrace Garden
Dancing Studio. Wuerth.
Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695

C. Meyer
W. W. Luitje
H. H. Shinn
Henry VanEngen
Michigan Vanguard Club meeting
tonight in the Michigan Union at 8
p.m. Mr. Rodrian, recently from Ger-
many, will lead a discussion on "The
Second 'Revolution' in Germany." All
teachers and students in the summer
session are invited to attend the
This group of hostesses will work
Friday, July 20. Please report prompt
ly at 8:45 on the second floor of the
Michigan League:
Delta Glass
Alice Brigham
Virginia Randolph
Phyllis Bruin
Kay Russell
Margaret Seivers
Marian. Wiggin
Dorothy Moore
Frances Thornton
Mary Ellen Hall
Elva Pascoe
Barbara Nelson
Marion Demaree
Sue Calcutt
Marie Held
Margaret Robb
Lucille Benz
Charlotte Johnson
Jean Keppel
Marian Hymes
Ethel MoCormick
Men who are acting as .officials at
the Friday night dance please report
promptly at 8:45 o'clock on the second
floor of the Michigan League:
Dick Edmundsen
Bob Calver
John Streif
Joe Roper
Bill Langden
George Burke
Paul Kissinger
Bob Hewitt "
Bob Fox
Garry Bunting
Bob Babcock
Chuck Niessen
John Pyster
John French
Ethel McCormick
Lutherans Join Attack
On 'Debasing' Movies
OMAHA, July 18.- VP) - An appeal
to young Lutherans "to refuse to at-
tend any theatre that persists in pre-
seinting plays that are debasing," Was
made at the forty-second annual in-
terpational convention of the Walther
League today by the Rev. 0. C. Krein-
heder, president of Valparaiso Uni-
"Salacious plays," he said, "present
a greater menace to the morals of our
young people and a greater danger -to
the spiritual life of our fine christian
young men and women than anyone
of the many other worldly amuse-
ments that appeal for the patronage
of our people in their hours of leis-
SWIM oat
Portage Lake 14 miles from town
e.J'' . Y. 1 ~':-- "d I -,

Letters published In this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of 'rhe
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are 'asked to be -brief, confining themselves to less
than 500 words if possible.
To the Editor:
While we are studying, directly and indirectly,
ways and means of developing a more socially ade-
quate coming generation,.dare we turn the mirror
obversely upon ourselves?
In a large eastern university some summers ago,
I found students unhappy in answering one an-
other's questions or willing to volunteer any help
because they thought this would only increase
their own competition. "Tell another student a fac\
which itshad taken an hour to ascertain? Oh, No!
Make explanation of some subtle problem which
it had required an hour to understand? Oh, no!
Rather, let him find out for himself. I don't want
to do my work for someone else!"
Such an attitude is, of course, opposed to the
spirit of education; but, further, it is also contrary
to the learning process as can be shown by a
homely comparison. If one has a pocketbook full
of money and continued to give liberally right and
left, there will come a time (all too soon) when
this pocketbook is quite empty. So, materially,
one. can become a bankrupt.
But suppose one's mind is full of facts and truths
and he continues to tell these to others - gives lib-
erally, right and left - will there come a time
when this store of truths is depleted? One may
feel, for a time, intellectually sterile after having
contributed much and long, but the return to
greater spiritual energy and ideas is inevitable,
both because of the natural accretion that comes
from telling or teaching, and because this atti-
tude is the way toward peace of mind. Intellectual
stinginess is quite stupid, even from a utilitarian
standpoint. You cannot bankrupt the spirit.
It is the privilege of students in colleges and uni-
versities to be of use. Each one of us may be a
unit of helpfulness within the group, fostering good
fellowship, an atmosphere of good will and ease
in classrooms and in other school activities; we
may volunteer information here and there, through
conversation, to individual students and to the
groups; we may develop the habit of giving knowl-
edge to fellow students.
It is our privilege to stimulate other students
by example, in cheerful attitude, neat personal ap-
pearance, and in attractive notes and written work.
And it -is our privilege to stimulate teachers by
thoughtful questions and remarks which imply a
fresh point of view.
-John B. Geisel.




I - p

Off The Record
rFTEN a bewildered program manager presses
Mrs. Lucille Foster McMillin, civil service
commissioner, into service. She is one of the cap-
itol's successful speechmakers.
But she insists she will never be the same since
she addressed a women's club. As she talked she
was quite flattered to notice the rapt attention of a
woman in the front row.
In the midst of the congratulations afterward
this attentive listener made straight for Mrs. Mc-
"I just wanted to tell you," she whispered,
"you're losing a hair pin."
* * * *
BOATS plying up and down the Potomac river
go by Mount Vernon, where George Washing-
ton is buried. For fifty years each boat has tolled a
bell just as it passed his tomb.
SO MANY PARTIES in Washington aren't "just
for fun." The inner circle has to go gabbing
day after day with some 200 near-strangers tea-ing
at someone's house.
One famous bachelor protested to his sister
that no one really listened to conversations at
such affairs. He'd go, but he'd try an experiment.
He would say in a low voice, "You're a so-and-so,
and I wish I hadn't come to this blankety-blank
party." And then he'd see what they'd say.
He proved his point. Everyone just smiled.
He spoke his piece for the last time to a man
on the back porch who was not confused by the
hum in the parlors. He heard .
"Shake," he said. "I'm the husband of this
DR. CHARLES W. GILMORE has no 'illusions


W- -- --






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T IS WITH A FLARE of what used
to be known as the "home town
spirit" that we note the results coming from the
West Coast in the Chicago Tribune poll to select
an all-star college team of players for a game with
the Chicago Bears. For sectionalism to the highest
degree is represented in Western balloting.
We, of course, recognize that each individual has
his own choice in anything, and few things are
more arbitrary than establishing the relative abil-
ities of gridiron performers. At the same time we
resent the failure of Westerners to extend recog-
nition beyond their own narrow horizons.
Michikan has four outstanding candidates for
the all-star squad. Two of them, both practically
unanimous choices for all-American teams, we be-
lieve should be included on any team. Of the other
two, one is an all-American in his own right on
many teams, and the other an all-Conference se-
lection in what is without question the toughest
league in the country, including the Pacific Coast


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To 'the ,editor :
I wouldn't mind it a bit if a fellow with some-
thing on his.chest shoved it over on the prostrate
Ed's weary body. If he feels better that way let him
feel, for it's curious, whichever way you look
at it. He's fooled, the only one, and doesn't even
know it's that way. Most likely he's from the
sticks, like others of us, and speaks a funny lingo,
a hick jargon, that doesn't scintillate that anybody

TONIGHT at 8:30
Scandl "


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