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July 15, 1934 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-15

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ulty and Church Men Address Initial Audiences Of Confer


ne Hundred At
irst Session Of

Conference Speaker


ous Pa rley

Richardson's Address
s Highlight Of Morning
onvene At League
urtis Presents S u r v e y
)iscussion; Dr. Fisher

Worship's Aims
Are Best Aided
By Music-Doty
Speaks To Conference On
'The Functions Of Music
In Worship'
Music, of all the arts, is that which
is best suited to assist in attaining
the aims of true worship, said E.
William Doty, instructor of organ
in the School of Music, when he
spoke on "The Functions of Music
in' Worship" yesterday at the after-
noon meeting of the Religious Edu-
cation Conference.
This is essentially true, he said,
because of the directness of music's
message and because of its predomi-
nant place in historical ritual.
Music may be used most effectively,
according to Mr. Doty, as instru-
mental music in the worship service
and as vocal music offered by a
group of soloists and the congre-
The Religious Education Con-
ference will hold no scheduled
meetings today, but as a part of
its program will include the var-
ious services at all Ann Arbor

Gives Talk
(Continued from Page 1)
ality those values which can be trans-
mitted into desirable personality
traits or qualities of character. Thi
is addition. The former functior
is subtraction or eradication.
"Considered from the standpoin
of God, the liturgy of worship ma
be looked upon as the means whic
God uses in the further disclosur
or incarnation of Himself within thc
personalities of those who make us
of them while characterized by the
faith attitude.
"But when considered as the suit-
able facilities for use in achieving
either the negative or the positive
results above referred to, the aims
or purposes for which it may be con-
stituted are numerous.
He then proceded to name 19 dif-
ferent aims or purposes of the lit-
urgy of worship as seen by the clergy,
saying, "They represent centuries of
experience in conducting services of
orshik. They embody tradsitions
that date back to the first century.
They are validated by extensive use."
He continued by suggesting many
questions which arise in connection
with the use of these various lit-
urgies in churches:
"Should each worshiping congre-
gation be provided with 19 differenti-
ated liturgies - each one available
for use in order to realize a specific
"Can the church that has but one
order of worship which it uses con-
tinuously meet all of the needs of
those .who worship in its sanctu-
Sanctuaries Are Uncrowded
"If people have the needs indi-
cated in this list, and if the avail-
able liturgical forms and materials
can be used to meet these needs,
why is It that the sanctuaries are not
crowded at the hours for public wor-
"Should there be a deliberate and
systematic differentiation of func-
tion among the various Protestant
denominations - each one by com-
mn consent specializing in selected
"Should every local church pro-
vide all 19 of these facilities for wor-
"Are the clergy sufficiently well-
trained in the philosophy and sci-
ence of liturgies to make it possible
for them to provide such a wide
range of facilities as this?
Is Constrution Adequate?
"Issthe ordinary church building
constructed with adequate consider-
ation for the worship function?
"How can the building of a wor-
shiping congregation be undertaken
as a co-operative project by the min-
ister and the entire membership of
his church?"
In discussing the purpose and at-
tainments of the Conference fol-
lowing his speech, Dr. Richardson
commended the University as being
a pioneer in the study of the use of
liturgy in the church. He said that
the above questions could only be
answered after a completeisurvey
among 'pastors and congregations of
churches of various denominations
had been made.
7/ 1l


Blakeman Opens Program Of
Religious Education Conference

* * *
Is Visioned By
Dr. F. B. Fisher,

Outlining generally the purposes
and issues of the Conference, Dr. Ed-
ward W. Blakeman, niversity Coun-
cilor of Religious Education, opened
the morning program of the Reli-
gious Education Conference.
Dr. Blakeman presented three rea-
sons why the conference should take
the method of pursuing its problems
that it is.
Calls Conference Basic
"Conference," he said at the out-
set, "is a basic method in all higher
The first of the reasons that he
gave for the Conference method of
education was that of acquainting
leaders of diverse or contrary opin-
ions with one another. By this meth-
od, he said, the "human element" is
given wider rarige and in so doing
"enriches faith in our fellows."
Must Reduce Data
"Conference," Dr. Blakeman stated
in citing his second reason, "must
reduce to study and reverential dis-
cussion the revealed or accepted data
on which our religious customs and
institutions rest. This should spread
Kaye Don Found Guilty
On Manslaughter Charge
DOUGLAS, Isle of Man, July 14. (P)
--Kaye Don, British racing driver,
was found guilty of a charge of man-
slaughter today growing out of the
death of his mechanic, Francis Tay-
lor, in a crash during a test run here.
The trial judge postponed deliver-
ing the sentence until Monday.
Don insisted today, under cross-
examination that he thought he had
shown no carelessness during the test
run which resulted in the crash. ;
He said yesterday he took his rac-
ing car out on the night of May 28 to
test it for the "Round of Houses"
race at the suggestion of Taylor him-

Tells Religious Education
Conference Sectional
Cultures Are Passing

Older sectional cultures are chang-
ing and a new world culture is com-
ing into being, Dr. Frederick B. Fisher,
recently selected pastor of the Central
Methodist Church of Detroit, told a
luncheon audience at the Religious
Education Conference yesterday.
In Christianity, he said, the various
denominations are losing the bitter-
ness of sectional strife and are reach-
ing out 'after some common grounds
for agreement and unity.
"Tolerance in religion has-taken the
place of bigotry. It would seem that
inquisitions are things of the past."
Dr. Fisher expressed the belief
thatrthe "unifying church of tomor-
row" will find its victory in worship
rather than in discussion. The min-
istry, he opined, will be an inspira-'
tional ministry and life will be lifted
instead of analyzed.
"We live abundantly while we
think, instead of refusing to live
until after we have thought things
through," Dr. Fisher stated. "In some
ways this has been a petty age, a di-
vided age, a critical age, and there-
fore a confused and distracted age.
We have created too many problems
and have solved too few.
"We have made a problem out of
God and prayer and immortality and
life itself, instead of finding some
great element of worship in the uni-
verse itself and a worshipful response
within our own hearts and uniting to-
gether in the inspiration of worship.
We have paid so much attention to
analysis that we have forgotten the
elemental synthesis of life itself."

Mr. Doty offered various sugges-
tions for the improvement of pres-
ent conditions in music and worship.
He advocated the employment of
well trained choirs in true choral
music and the greater use of early
Protestant music, especially the Bach
Further, he said,. there should be
an increased co-operation with the
minister of music in building an ef-
fective ritual and growing apprecia-
tion of the power of music to pre-
pare a congregation for the minis-
ter's message.
Of primary importance, the speak-
er said, is "a realization of the dif-
ference between music which is sa-
cred and secular in character and a
determination to purge our churches
of the musically unworthy."
WASHINGTON, July 14.- (/P) -
Allotments totaling $1,960,000 for
continuing improvements to the St.
Clair and Detroit Rivers in Michi-
gan were announced today by Secre-
tary Harold Ickes, public works ad-

knowledge, offer added basis for good-
will, and strengthen the good in every
Finally he characterized the con-
ference method as producing a ten-
sion "between the ideal and the ac-
tual so that education may take
Deliberation on the intimate meet-
ing-place of religion and education
was pointed out by Dr.Blakeman as a
primary issue of the conference.
"We hope," he said, "this Con-
ference in some measure may clarify
thinking and suggest solutions for
some of the problems which take their
rise just where education is at its
Is Suggestive In Nature
The speaker emphasized that the
conference is only suggestive in na-
ture. Solutions, he said, will wait
upon further study.
"The subject is bad. Our time is
short. It is fair to remind ourselves,
however, that religion has not func-
tioned adequately in recent decades
and that our decade needs that re-
ligious sense of destiny and high pur-
pose which will purge our motives and
tone up our behavior."~
(Continued from rage 2)
this week. Tickets are now available
at the box-office. Phone reservations
may be made by calling 6300.
Season Ticket Patrons - Michigan
Repertory Players: Please make your
reservations for "School for Scandal"
as early as possible. The advance
sale for this show is very heavy, and
your co-operation will assist the Play-
ers in supplying good seats.
The Michigan League Against War
and Militarism will meet Monday
afternoon at 4:30 in room 302, of
the Michigan Union. All old mem-
bers arehrequested, and those inter-
ested are cordially invited to attend.
College & Fraternity Jewelery
Watch & Jewelry Repairing
16 Nickels Arc. Carl. F Bay

Excursionists Have
Thrills On Tours Of
Huge Test Grounds
(Continued from Page 1)
opened in 1924, there has been only
one fatality in 35,000,000 miles of
driving. That came when a stripped
Cadillac was turning a speedway
curve at 115 miles an hour. "What
happened?" came the inevitable ques-
tion. "Oh, it threw an outside front
and hopped the fence," was the la-
conic reply of the driver. "Joe was
pretty badly smashed up."
In the midst of all this efficiency,
it is disconcerting to see that even
such a giant corporation as General
Motors isn't sure what business it's
in. Reason: when the engineers laid
out the plot they left blank a ten-
acre strip. With not much else to oc-
cupy the space, somebody planted a
thousand fruit trees. Apparently Gen-
eral Motors can, if it wants, invade
the ranks of the apple sellers.
Another surprising sight was to see
four hay mows on the property. What
a motor car manufacurer wants with
horse fodder is rather difficult to
All in all, the University excur-
sionists had an exciting and curiosity-
arousing day. They all expressed the
desire to return. And, as one gour-
mand expressed himself, "especially
for the meal."
SOFIA, Bulgaria, July 14. -- () -
A Government communique revealed
today a new anti-Government plot
has been uncovered among the gar-
rison in Plovdiv, less than two months
after the coup d'etat which estab-
lished a new regime.

Repertory Play
Written To Pay
(Continued from Page 1)
in the cast were proteges of Garrick,
and the play was an immediate suc-
The Players' Club in New York,
which is made up of the greatest
names in the theatre today, decided
to use "The School for Scandal" as
their annual production back in 1923.
On June 3, 1923 at the Lyceum The-
atre in New York, the play was pre-
sented with a cast of such great
names as John Drew, Ethel Barry-
more, Francis Williams, Walter
Hampden, Grant Mitchell, Robert
Mantell and Violet Kemble-Cooper.
Many people were unable to see Mr.
Compton in "Grumpy" because the
tickets were all sold. The advance sale
of tickets for "The School for Scan-
dal" to be presented at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre on Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
nights of this week is very heavy, and
those who desire to see Mr. Comp-
ton in one of his best roles are ad-
vised to secure their tickets imme-
Don't Wait For Your
Friends To Tell You
About Our-
Drop in and see them .
for yourself
Crepe - Print - Chiffon 4
. to size 44 1
July Sale Prices
$6.95 upwards
_ ~to.size,46
July Sale Prices
$2.00 - $3.95 - $5.95
-' SWEATERS $1.00 - $2.00
SKIRTS - - - $2.00
HOSIERY 65c -- $1.15
605 East Wiuiam
Just a Block from Campus

Certain high elements, according
to Dr. Fisher, are now manifesting
themselves in the modern universal
religious actions. He pointed out that
we are experiencing a more compre-
hensive conception of God, a recog-
nition of all men as brothers, of move-
ments toward a universal moral
standard of conduct, respect for in-
dividual experience, and social cohe-
sion through spiritual fellowship, co-
operation, arts,. and worship.

Where To Go
2:00 - Michigan Theatre, "Little
Man What Now?" with Margaret Sul-
2:00 -Majestic Theatre, "Spring-
time for Henry" with Otto Kruger
and Nancy Carroll.
2:00 -Wuerth Theatre, "House of
Rothschild" with George Arliss.
4:00 - Same features at the three
7:00 - Same features at the three
Canoeing on the Huron every af-
ternoon and evening.
Dancing at the Blue Lantern Ball-
room, Island Lake.
Dancing at Chubbs.

802 Packard Street
Today 12 Noon to 8 P.M.


i ------------

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Classified Column

Every Surgeon Knows...


... That he must keep abreast of the scientific advances
in his profession. Every dry cleaner owes his customers
the same duty ...
We are pleased to announce the addition of a com-
plete unit of three new finishing machines for the press-
ing of white goods - men's summer suitings, linens,
palm beaches, etc.
While we are justly proud of these three machines
we feel it is only another step forward in the scientific
improvements we have made available to the dry clean-
ing public of Ann Arbor.
We need only remind you of the addition, two years
ago, of the only factory hat finishing machine in Ann
Arbor ... the introduction a year and a half ago of
Microcleaning ... and this past June the introduction
of 'Micro-White to, prevent the yellowing of flannels
and white goods.
A trial will convince you of the high standard of
workmanship possible with our exclusive Micro-White
process 'for summer suitings . . . plus the finishing on
these three new machines, the only complete unit of
their type in Ann Arbor.



On. these uncomfort-
ably hot evenings,
we offer a sugges-
tion . .Relax com-
pletely - loaf for
hours on the cool
Huron River in an
Old Town Canoe.-



(Short term charge advertisements accepted)j,
Place your ad now- and your


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