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July 15, 1934 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-15

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The Weather
Generally fair. todAy and
tomorrow; not much chane in

C, , r

41ko i' gan




A Suggestion For The League...
Let Them Be Gay'...

Official Publication Of The Summer Session

VOL. XV No. 18



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Churches Will
Use Theme Of
Local Services Will Be
Built Around Topic Of
Religious Conference
Richardson To Give
Final Talk Tonight
Nine Sermons Are Listed
In Day's Program For'
Local Congregations C

Francis Compton, who is directing
the Repertory Players' presentation
of "The School for Scandal," is play-
ing the role of Sir Peter Teazle. Mr.
Compton is well-versed in the re-
quirements for making this a splendid
production, for it was in this vehicle
that he made his debut, playing the
part of Trip, and he has also ap-
peared in the play sever'al times
since that memorable date in his
The whole tone and temper of
"The School for Scandal" are inspired
by the disguest which Richard Brins-
ley Sheridan felt at the comments
made by the gossip-mongers at Bath
on the romantic and ridiculous inci-
dents of his elopement with Eliza-
beth Linley, and his duels with Cap-
tain Mathews.
Garrick, after reading the manu-
script, became genuinely enthusiastic,

and predicted for it a great success.
So impressed was he with the play
that he took a fatherly interest in
adapting it to the requirements of
production, and records show that he
held long consultations with the man-
ager about the cast.
The first performance of "The
School for Scandal" was a great
triumph. Even Horace Walpole, a
critic who was most difficult to please,
called it "a marvellous resurrection of
the stage." Historians of the theatre
claim that so perfect a combination
of talent has never been brought to-
gether on the English stage as was
seen that night in 1777 at the Drury
Lane Theatre. Garrick himself would
have played Sir Peter Teazle if he
had not already determined to re-
tire, and this being the case, the
part was delegated to the best of his
disciples, Mr. King. All of the actors;
(Continued on Page 3)

'School For Scandal' Written
To Ridicule Gossip-Mongers

Services in Ann Arbor's churches
today will carry out the theme of the
Religious E d u c a t i o n Conference
which enters its second and last day
today - "Worship and the Conserva-
tion of Values."
"The Religion of Jesus" will be dis-
cussed by Dr. Howard M. Chapman ir
the Christian Church pulpit (corner
of Tappan and Hill) at the 10;:45
worship service.
Dr. R. Allison Heaps' topic at the
First Congregational Church this
morning will be "Radiance in Reli-
Two masses at 7:30 and 9 a.m. will
be held at St. Thomas.
As the third sermon in his series
for the summer Dr. Frederick B. Fish-
er, at the First Methodist Episcopal
Church, will speak upon "Satisfac-
tions to be Gained." There will be
music by the vested summer choir.


Detroit Takes
First Place By
Beating Yanks

Appoint New
Social Heads*
Of Residences

12 To 11 Victory Comes
As Result Of Rally In
Ninth Inning

Prof. Wirth To Talk
At Stalker Hall at 6:30 p.m. Prof.
Louis Wirth, University of Chicago,
will lead a discussion upon "The
Fu,,nction of Religion as Seen by a
Sociologist." Gordon B. Halstead will
act as chairman.
The Rev. Walter Cole at the Uni-
tarian house of worship announces
two interesting themes. At 10:45 his
sermon, "An Economic Eden" and at
7:30 p.m. Dr. Edgar G. Johnston will
discuss "Religion in Ethical Develop-
At the First Baptist Church the
pastor, the Rev. R. Edward Sayles,
will speak at 10:45 a.m. upon "A Sense
of the Tragedy in Life," and at 7:30
p.m. Dr. Chapman will meet the Bgp-
tist students in their regular devo-
tional service.
Will Have Discussion
"Things Left Undone" will be dis-
cussed at worship at 10:45 a.m. in the
Bethlehem Evangelical Church, Fifth
Ave. between Williams and Jeffer-
At the Trinity Lutheran pulpit on
the corner of Williams and Fifth Ave.
the Rev. 0. H. Yoder will preach upon
"Finding God -Then What?"
At the St. Andrews (Episcopal)
Church, corner of N. Division and
Catherihe, the Rev. Henry Lewis will
conduct worship and preach upon
"Aesthetic Appreciation in Worship"
at 11 a.m./
"Rediscovery of Worship" is the
subject chosen by the guest preach-
er, Dr. N. B. Richardson, in the 10:45
worship at the First Presbyterian
Presbyterians To Meet
Presbyterian students and their
friends are invited to the Church
House on Washtenaw Ave. at 6 p.m.
for a social hour and refreshments,
as guests of the Women's Associa-
tion of the Church.
At 7:30 p.m. Dr. Richardson will
deliver the final address of the Con-
ference on Worship, using as his
theme, "Strengthening Personality
for a Critical Time." The singing
will be led by Prof. David Mattern.
The student group of the Episcopal
church will hold a swimming party
at Barton Pond this evening. Mem-
bers of the group will meet at 7 p.m.
at the League and then proceed to
Barton Hills. The Rev. Lewis will
lead a discussion on "Philosophy of
School Of Music Will
Hold Dinner Tonight
Reservations made for the School
of Music supper to be given at 5:45
tonight on the lawn of the League
already exceed 55. Additional tick-
ets are to be sold until this noon from
the League desk "for 35 cents.
This supper is the second of the
series to be given during the Sum-
mer Session for the faculty and stu-
dents of various divisions of the Uni-
versity. The first one, given two
weeks, ago, was for the Division of
Hygiene and Public Health.
Jane Fletcher, '36, is in charge of

1 NAVIN FIELD, Detroit, July 14. -
' After fooling the customers for two
' days with pitchers' duels of the high-
est order, the two leaders in the Amer-
ican League put on a typical New
York-Detroit game of former years,
the Tigers downing the Yanks, 12 to
Burleigh Grimes, the ancient spit-
baller, took up the pitching duties in
the ninth and was credited with the
defeat. The Tigers gained a total of
20 hits.
The Yanks presented Gomez with a
four -runlead in the first inning, and
ran it up to a 9 to 1 lead in the
fourth before the Tiger sluggers awoke
and drove the Castilian away to the
DeShong and his successor, Van
Atta, could do little better, although
DeShong did succeed in holding the
Tigers at bay until the all-disastrous
ninth. Coming to bat in that inning
with the score 11 to 8 against them,
the Tigers unleashed a blast of power
which sent the entire mob home shak-
ing and which sent the Yankees home
quaking. It.
The Yankees had registered two
more runs in the seventh off Elon
Hogsett, who replaced Eldon Auker,
'on a double by Bill Dickey and a
homer by Frank Crosetti. Fred Mar-
Perry then replaced Hogsett, and fin-
ished the game, blanking Ruppert's
Riflemen and failing to allow a single
hit. Big Firpo got credit for the
In the big ninth Owen opened up
by singling to center and Manager
Cochrane lofted out to Sammy Byrd
in left field. Schoolboy Rowe then
batted for Marbei'ry and singled to
center, sending Owen to third, and
Flea Clifton was sent in to run for
Coming to the top of the batting
order, Pete Fox lifted a double into
the left field temporary stands, scor-
ing Owen and putting Clifton on
(Continued on Page 4)

Pfohl Is Named Newberry
Director; Delta Smith At
Alumnae House f
Announcement was made yesterday
at the office of the Dean of Women
of the appointments of new social
directors of Helen Newberry Resi-
dence and Alumnae House by their
respective boards of directors.
Miss Ruth Pfohl, harp teacher and
librarian in the School of Music, will
act a director of Helen Newberry
Residence for the coming year in
place of Mrs. Florence Tousey. Miss
Pfohl will continue her position as
teacher in the School of Music as
well. She was educated at Salem
College, Winston-Salem, N. C., grad-
uating from that school in 1926. She
next attended the Curtis Institute
of Music in Philadelphia, Pa., after-
ward teaching two years at the Mo-
ravian College for Women in Beth-
lehem, Pa.
Miss Pfohl has been a member of
the School of Music faculty here for
the past three years. She is a harp-
ist of considerable note, having been
harpist in a symphony orchestra in
Easton, Pa., and this year giving a
concert at the national convention
of Mu Phi Epsilon, musical sorority.
The director of Alumnae House is
to be Mrs. Delta M. Smith. Mrs.
Smith has been the chaperone at Al-
pha Delta Pi sorority for the past
two years. She has had extensive
experience in house management.
Mrs. Smith is spending her summer
in California, but will take up her
new duties in September.
The new director of Betsy Barbour
House and an assistant director of
Mosher-Jordan Halls are expected to
be announced at the end of this week.
Mrs. Leona B. Diekema, present di-
rector of Betsy Barbour House, has
resigned her position to take one in
the Dean of Women's staff at Leland
Stanford University. Notice was made
this spring after the resignation of
Miss Ruth Smith, director of Mar-
tha Cook Building, that her position
would be filled by Mrs. Charles Codd.
Prof. Watkins To Give
Next Summer Lecture

Have Thrills,
.ButNo Spills
Sixty-Five Make Trip To
General Motors Proving
Ground At Milford
Drivers Show Skill
On Speedway Drive
University Tourists Want
To Go On Return Trip;
ThoughtMeal Great
Eighty miles an hour, roaring
around the banked curve of the
speedway, and the driver lifts his
hands from the wheel and waves to a
pal who is wheeling a lumbering bus
around the base of the turn. And
that's only one of the thrills at the
General Motors Proving Ground, near
Milford, which members of the fifth
Summer Session excursion toured
Of course, no one from the excur-
sion was riding with the apparently
intrepid driver, for Proving Ground
visitors aren't permitted on test cars,
but it was still a thrill to see anyone
with nerve enough to drive 80 miles
an hour with hands off the wheel.
University excursionists had a field1
day yesterday. Leaving Ann ArborI
at 8 a.m., they arrived at the Prov-
ing Ground an hour later. Then thef
fuh began. Half the group went onc
the test trip, the others taking sight-
seeing buses around the 1,268-acre
expanse of outdoor laboratory, whereI
cars are tested 24 days a day.I
The ones on the test group first
participated in a roadability test. For. -
the comfort-loving among them, itt
would have been all right for that
particular test to last all day. It's
run very simply. The subject leansI
back against the softest of cushions,I
which registers the slightest road de-
pression, the drivers wheel the carsI
ver a;registered hlfenrile,ar'd hen
that's over one gets a long slip ofI
paper on which are registered all the
joun'ces, jolts, and bumps. I
Apparatus Is Sensitive I
The apparatus is sensitive: one girla
leaned forward momentarily, and the
record looked as if the car had hit aI
The other group, which was to taket
the tests in the afternoon, spent thet
morning inspecting everything on theC
grounds, from the 3.8-mile speedway
to the shops where mechanics give a
car every conceivable kind of test.
The groups reunited at noon, and
then General Motors really camej.
through. A lunch was served which
nade most of the excursionists vow
o visit there often.
After lunch the groups reversed0
programs, and went through prac-
ically the same routine. That is, it 1
was new to the excursionists but rou-s
tine to the drivers. After all, theyt
work there.o
Drivers Make Story .
The whole story of the Proving |
3round might be written around theo
Irivers. They work for eight hourss
day, putting all brands of cars
hrough as gruelling tests as men2
ver designed. They wheel theses
jobs," as they style them, around the
;peedway at anywhere from 30 to 80
niles an hour, sometimes for more
han a 24-hour stretch, with three7
rivers shifting turns.1
It's on this type of test that their
eal danger comes. The car is, of
:ourse, due to crack up after a few
housand miles of continuous driving,
>ut the drivers, not being gifted with

second sight, don't know exactly
One of them was telling a group
yesterday what happened to himt
when a cam rod broke when he was
;aking a curve at 80.
"Well," he said, "I just grabbed thet
>rake and prayed. I don't know
which I did the most, but we stopped."t
The drivers - and there are prob-I
ably a hundred or more connected
vith all the divisions there --have a
omparatively easy time of it. Or, atI
east they do when they're riot as-I
igned on the speedway for an eight-
hour grind, or when they don't have
o answer a thousand questions froms
in inquisitive group of tourists.
Lot Was Difficult
Before this year their lot was even
iarder. A casual tourist could dropc
n at the Proving Ground, and be
aken all over the place. "But," saide
nother driver, "Knudsen stopped allr
shat." (Knudsen" is William S. Knud-s
en, vice-president in charge of ther

Prof.Hyde To
Talk Monday
On Air Laws
To Discuss Interpretation
Of Statutes By United
Is Serving His Third
Summer Term Here
Lecture Is Third Of Lis
Scheduled For Session;
Next Planned For 23rd
Prof. Charles Cheney -Hyde of the
teaching staff of the annual Summer
Session on Teaching International
Law will give a public lecture on
"The Law of the Air as Interpreted
by the United States" at 8 p.m. to-
morrow night in Room 1025, Angell
Professor Hyde will trace the his-
tory of the law of the air and dis-
cuss various problems and questions
which have figured in its interpreta-
tion by the United States.
He is now serving his third summer
as a member of the faculty of the
Summer Session on Teaching Inter-
national Law. During the present
session he is conducting a course in
"Treaties: Their Making, Interpreta-
tion and Termination," as well as
leading group conferences on "Real-
istic Approach to International Law"
and "Tests for Ascertaining Profi-
ciency of Students."
Is From Columbia
Professor Hyde is a member of the
faculty of Columbia University, where
he has been Hamilton Fish professor
of International Law and Diplomacy
since 1925. Previous to that time he
was a professor of .law at North-
western University law school.
He practiced law in Chicago and
Washington, D.C. until 1923, when
he withdrew from his law firm to
accept an appointment by President
Harding as the solicitor of the De-
partiEnt of State. Professor Hyde
held this position until he went to
Columbia University. In addition to
his teaching there, he has practiced
law in New York City since being
admitted to the bar in 1927.
He is a member of the American
Bar Association, the American Society
of International Law, the Interna-
tional Law Association of London, the
Chicago Law Club, and the Associe
de l'Institut de Droit International.
Has Written Much
Among the works he has written
on the subject of international law
is "International Law Chiefly as
Interpreted and Applied by the United
States." He has also made contribu-
tions to legal and other periodicals
on matters relating to international
law and prepared monographs printed
by the Department of State.
This lecture is the. third in the
series of five which are a part of
the program of the Summer Session
on Teaching International Law. The
last two addresses will be given by
Dr. James Brown Scott, chairman
of the parley, and George A. Finch,
Mr. Finch will speak Monday, July
23, on "Manchuria," and Dr. Scott
is scheduled to talk Monday, July 30,
on "Sanctions of International Law."
Professor Assails
Professors For Ill
Usage Of Language

WASHINGTON, July 14. - (P) -
One professor has assailed some
other professors for, of all things,
their use of English.
Prof. R. O. Hughes, of Pittsburgh,
speaking before the National Educa-
tion Association, pleaded with sa-
vants to bring their language down
to earth. He lit into a recently pub-
lished report, signed by Dr. Ada
Comstock of Radcliffe, Dr. Charles
Beard and nine others which has been
nterpreted as meaning that the
United States is heading for planned
Hughes challenged some conclu-
sions, but what appeared to irk him
worst was the language. He called
it "completely over the heads of most
of us."
"I found one sentence that stretch-
es over 23 lines and another over 21,"
he said. "We, read sentence after
sentence and ask ourselves, 'what the
heck does this mean, anyway?'

Experts Insist
Major War Is
Unlikely Now

Gives War Views

A major war is a possibility, but
nothing more. Money with which to
fight a war is nowhere to be found.
Each government is 'watching its
neighbor like a hawk, but is directing
its principal effort to consolidating
its strength against opposition at
home. The possibility of major con-
flict is more remote than it was a
year ago.
That is the consensus among three
experts on international law who are
members of the faculty of the Sum-
mer Session on the Teaching of In-
ternational Law being conducted at
the University under sponsorship of
the Carnegie Endowment for Inter-
national Peace.,
The men are Dr. George Grafton
Wilson, professor of international law
at Harvard; Dr. Jesse S. Reeves, pro-
fessor of political science at Mich-
igan, and George A. Finch, manag-
ing editor of the American Journal
of International Law.
Two Others Silent
Two other members of the faculty,
Dr. James Brown Scott, secretary of
the Carnegie Endowment, and Dr.
Charles Cheney Hyde, Hamilton Fish
professor of international law at Co-
lumbia, who isretained by several
nations as counsel on questions in-
volving international law, have not
expressed opinions because their posi-
tions do not permit it.
The Far Eastern situation is en-
tirely different from that in Conti-
nental Europe, the experts hold, but
it is only a little more, if at all,
fraught with real-as differentiated
from imaginary - danger.
Japan's policy holds the key to
the situation, but Japan is proceed-
ing intelligently to carry out a plan
for world trade. She is not going
ahead on the impulse of any man-
iacal prejudice motivated by race
discrimination or religious fervor. She
has bristled once or twice in the last
year, but it is for what Prof. Reeves
terms "domestic consumption" for
the strengthening of the party in
power. Japan actually has the great-
est respect for world opinion.
Internal Troubles Are Check
Prof. Reeves believes that the in-
ternal troubles of nations alone are
sufficient to prevent their actually
carrying chips on their shoulders.
Such oratory as has been indulged
in is simply a display of showman-
ship intended to start flags waving
and strengthen support for those in
"Every country has so much in-
ternal trouble that the likelihood of
war is remote," Dr. Reeves says. "We
are living in the aftermath of the
war. There has been much breaking
down of governments. The existing
governments in some countries are
wobbly right now. The result is that
while each one is watching his neigh-
bor like a hawk, he is more concerned
with the settling of internal differ-
ences than with foreign difficulties.
"The methods being applied are
old and familiar. They involve the
consolidation of the party in power
and the ridding of all opposition by
means of an aggressive foreign policy,
a policy that will arouse the people
and bring about solid backing of the
government. Mussolini did it. We did
it at the start of the Civil War.
War With Japan Doubtful

International Law
Briefly Analyze


100 Attend
First Day
Of Parley
Dr. Richardson's Address
Is Highlight Of Morning
Session On Religion
Blakeman's Speech
Opens Conference
Courtis Presents Survey
Discussion; Dr. Fisher
Gives Talk
More than 100 faculty members,
laymen, and ministers in the local
churches were in attendance at the
first day's session of the Religious
Education Conference, which con-
vened yesterday in the Grand Rap-
ids Room of the Michigan: League.
From the opening speech of Dr.
Edward W. Blakeman at the morning
session, to the afternoon discussions,
the speakers were met with enthus-
iasm, and the discussions were en-
tered into whole-heartedly.
The morning session was perhaps
the most significant of the day, it
featuring, along with Dr. Blakeman's
opening address, a . speech by Dr.
Norman B. Richardson and a sur-
vey discussion by Prof. S. A. Courtis.
Dr. Richardson's address on "The
Aims and Direction of Worship" was
the highlight of the 1Q o'clock ses-
He discussed at length the prob-
lem of the use of different liturgies
in various churches, saying: "From
the standpoint of the worshiper, there
are two basic functions which the
liturgy of worship may perform. One
is to provide the means whereby in-
dividuals who come to church and
who are suffering from -mal-adjust-
ments with reference to themselves, to
their fellow men, or to the world in
which they live, nay find peace, par-
don, re-established confidence, re-
newed hope, or much-needed com-
"The other is to furnish the fa-
cilities for incorporating into person-
(Continued on Page 3)
Union Workers
On Coast Call
General Strike
SAN FRANCISCO, July 14. -W)-
A paralyzing general strike, affecting
intimately the 1,000,000 residents of
San Francisco and Oakland, was or-
dered by union labor tonight to begin
Representatives of the 105,000
workers voted the walkout in a des-
perate maneuver to help Pacific Coast
longshoremen and marine workers
locked deeply in battle with employ-
Howling down "conservative" ele-
ments in a zero hour meeting of huge
general strike committees represent-
ing the 65,000 union men of San
Francisco, the rank and file voted
overwhelmingly for the walkout.
Unions which had already voted to
strike were instructed to walk out
Monday. Those not having balloted
on the matter were ordered to take
strike votes immediately.
Like a flash the vote fired transbay
Union elements into action. The Ala-
meda county (Oakland) Building and

Trades Council voted simultaneous
strike of all its unions. Labor lead-
ers there announced the Central La-
bor Council would meet Monday night
and declare a general walkout for
that city another 40,000 men.
Find Ann Arbor Youth,
Drowned In Huron River
Karl Kreuger, 20, an Ann Arbor
youth, was drowned in the Huron
River near Foster's bridge yesterday.
Kreuger's body was dragged from
the river by sheriff's officers at 6:45
p.m., following a search of more than
seven hours.
The youth, whose birthday oc-
curred yesterday, was apparently in
swimming and is believed to have
become exhausted while attempting
to cross the river.
Kreuger was the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur W. Kreuger, 745 Foun-

Hitler Lauded
By Nazis For
His Address
BERLIN, July 14.-() - Nazicraft
poured forth to the German public
today its praise of Adolf Hitler for
his Reichstag speech and gave a char-
acter of the world's approval.
All was praise for the Chancellor.
His address, testifying the violent
death of 77 persons in the "Roehm
Revolt," was lauded to the skies.
The identity of the dead, however,
unrevealed by Hitler, remained un-
published by the press, and a gov-
ernment spokesman said that official
list will never "see the light of day."
It was said that had Hitler chosen
to have it published, he would have
announced the names himself.
Special correspondents of German
papers in New York, London, Paris,
Warsaw, Rome, and other world cities
notified their newspapers in long
dispatches that all the world is at
least impressed and in most cases
approved of the Chancellor's word.

Prof. Leonard L. Watkins of
the economics department will de-
liver the thirteenth Summer Ses-
sion lecture at 5 p.m. tomorrow
in Natural Science Auditorium,
speaking on "The Monetary Sit-
Professor - Watkins will review
and analyze some aspects of the
present monetary situation.
"Modern Housing" is the sub-
ject of Prof. Wells I. Bennett of
the College of Architecture, who
will lecture at 5 p.m. Tuesday in
Natural Science Auditorium.
Cavalcade Wins Another
But That's No News Now
CHICAGO, July 14. -(A') -Surging
forward from last place, Mrs. Isabel
Dodge Sloan's Cavalcade won the
$35,000 added Arlington Classic by
four lengths today, capturing the
three-year-old championship of the
American turf in a dramatic finish

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