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July 14, 1934 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-14

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IE MICMGAN iAILY Russia Obliged
cial Publication of the Summer Session To Back Water.

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emmmeana osa m e n marwe en ...a.,-..,->
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year andBummer Session by the Board in
Control, of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
The Asaociabed Press is exlusivel entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it
orW nott oherwise crdited in tls paper and the local
Ieias published shereineAllrights of republication of
special dispatches are reserved.,
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matt t. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster.General.,
Subseription durig summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail,
$150. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
Of(ces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
mn Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
1Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
- 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Phone 4925
A8SOCIATE EDITORS: Chares A. Baird, Clinton B. on-
~gez+, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H.
l'en Willian Rt Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch.
RiaP RS: harbor sates, C. 9. Seukema, Donald R.
*jtrp, Raih. Danhoff, Frances English, Elsie Pierce, Vir-
ginia Scott, Bernard H. Fried.
Office Hours: 9-12, 1-5s Phone 2-1214
Journi1sm Suffers
A Great Loss...
Ij THE DEATH of Mr. Seymour
W Beach Conger Ann Arbor has lost
one ofits most distinguished citizens and the news-
paper world one of its ablest correspondents.
One has only to look at the positions held by
Mr. Conger since the turn of the century to see
what a truly potent force he has been in molding
the opinion of the world. The Associated Press is
the largest news-gathering agency in the world
and 4r. Conger covered for the Associated Press
many of the history making events of this cen-
A A.P. correspondlent in, Leningrad --then
called St. Petersburg --he covered the Russo-Jap-
anese War from the Russian side. As head of tile
Berin bureau he covered the.World War from the
Gernan side ,and he was present at the Peace
Conference and tpe signing of the Versailles
Treaty for the Associated Press.
~Isby-lune, "By S. Beach Conger" is a familiar
sight to thousands of newspaper readers in the
United States and they have come to learn that this
by-line meant accurate, complete, and unbiased
news. During the War many Berlin correspondents,
infected with the environment, became pro-Ger-
man. But it was said of Mr. Conger, together with
Carl Ackerman of the United Press, by Ambassador
Girard that "at all times in spite of their sur-
roundings and in the face of real difficulties they
preserved their Americanism unipaired and re-
fused to succumb to the alluring temptations held
out to them."
,As a student in the University of Michigan he
was the kind of man we would all like to be -
a letter man on the track team and a member of
Phi Beta Kappa. His success was not limited to his
college years, however, for as a newspaperman he
earned the universal respect of his colleagues.
Mr. Conger was the type of journalist which the
schools of journalism of the United States are
striving to turn out. He would be a good model
for these schools to set before their students. Hon-
est, fair, and brilliant, his life was a living example
of the ideals of the student journalist.
It is with real regret that we realize that never
again shall we see the by-line "By S. Beach Con-
ger" over a despatch which is thereby certified
to be authoritative. Mr. Conger was of the highest
kind of journalist and citizen. The newspapers of
the United States and the citizens of Ann Arbor
will feel his death deeply.
The Religious Education
C feretice Offers You

IN OPPORTUNITY seldom offered
to students of the University is that
provided by the Religious Education Conference,
convening today and tomorrow at the, Michigan
Under the sponsorship of the committee on reli-
gious education of the First Presbyterian Church,
and a number of prominent members of the
University faculty, and ministers in local churches,
it will offer a program of interesting and helpfulI
speeches and discussions.
Subjects vital to young and old will be taken up
informally in such a way as to stimulate an ex-
change of views.
Such men as Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Dr. Nor-
man B. Richardson, Prof. S. A. Courtis, Dean J. B.
Edmonson, Dr. Albert Hyma, Dr. Frederick B.
Risher, William Doty and the Rev. Henry Lewis
will be on hand to give of their rich experience in
various fields. Questions will be answered; prob-
lems will be solved.
This conference offers you an opportunity for

RUSSIA, the country of applied ideal-
ism, has found herself obliged to
back water. She has found it necessary to abolish
for the greater part the committee system of
conducting national affairs, and to substitute per-
sonal management and responsibility. In the words
of one of her own newspapers, this has been done
for the purpose of "securing concrete leadership
in all branches of economics and governmental
work, establishing close con act ambng the leaders
of basic organizations and eliminating bureau-
cratic weaknesses."
The word "soviet" means "committee" or "coun-
cil." The fact, therefore, that Soviet Russia has
become less a government by the soviet has a def-
inite significance. It means that the Soviet Re-
public, in trying her system, has found some cer-
tain part wanting.
Russia is a republic headed by soviets, or com-
mittees, of the Workers', Soldiers', and Peasants'
Deputies. None of these committees has fallen
under the axe of revision and simplification. All
sub-committees, however, and especially those in
control of industrial production, have. been dis-
carded and individuals placed in their stead. This
step, it is acknowledged, simplifies the govern-
mental structure, "making changes which are im-
perative to solve the gigantic problems of the sec-
ond Five-Year Plan, providing emphasis upon per-
sonal responsibility, which is a decisive factor in
correct organization of industry."'
This move upon the part of the Soviet Republic
does not mean that she has given up any essen-
tial part of her political philosophy; she has seen
fit only to change its administration. In the words
of a daily columnist, she "acknowledges and brings
.back from banishment the priceless element of
individual initiative."
In the past, individual initiative and the profit
motive have been irrevocably bound as one in the
minds of economists and their fellows. It has
been difficult for anyone to visualize any political
system which would allow personal expression and
its, accompanying gain of power or leadership with-
out linking this gain with crass desire for property
or monetary accumulation.
It will be interesting to observe the operation of
the Soviet's new system of administration, to de-
termine whether this new-placed individual re-
sponsibility, with its stern call for personal initia-
tive, meets witlh the same eager and ready re-
sponse it would receive in the capitalistic economy-.

mobile accident about a month ago.
I agree with you in that I think she MIGHT have
gone far had she not met such an untimely death
...but I think mistakes of this kind are - Well -
Don't you ever read anything but The Daily?
EDITOR'S NOTE: "Wharf Angel" was Miss
Dell's "initial screen appearance," it having been
produced before "Little Miss Marker." The other
point is correct.
To the Editor:
In reviewing Tuesday's concert E. I. J. says "the
praises of the School of Music Trio have been
sung before. It would be unnecessary reiteration
to state them again."
This is an age of revolt; perhaps something dif-
ferent might be said. The review adds: "Perfect
understanding of each other is the impression
obtained . . . This sounds a bit vague; it is
probably not so intended. For myself, I would be
more pleased to hear the music. The impression I
obtained may be suggested: it was watching a
pursuit race between a piano and two ghosts. At
intervals a sort of excited scratching confirmed the
existence of violin and 'cello, but any time Mr.
Brinkman got down to business the bows might
have been left in the dressing room.
F. Brandeis

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as eXpressing~ the editorial opinion of The
Daily Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less
than 500 words if possible.
EDITOR'S NOTE - The Daily has received
letters intended for publication in this column
whiph cannot be published because the writers
have not incuded their names with the arti-
Iles. All anonymous communications must be
disregarded although the names of communi-
cants will be held confidential and will not be
published if the writers so request. If those
who have already sent anonymous letters to
The Daily will send in their names at once
their communications will be published at the
earliest possible date.
to the Editor:
Here is another letter.
However, I like to reverse the procedure of the
litigious paranoiac, who writes "crank" letters
whenever he is dissatisfied with an institution, by
writing a letter of commendation once in a while
when a praiseworthy work is being done. And,
whereas "crank" letters are destructive and an
end in themselves, I like to be of use occasionally
in stimulating continued effort by expressing, in
simple sincerity, my awareness of good work that
is going on in the present.
I should like to say that I think our paper is an
especially fine collegiate publication. .From an
editorial standpoint, it can be said that The Michi-
gan Daily presents the essential of news in which
students are and should be interested. I am think-
ing now of notices of University activities, local
community news, publication of helpful maps and
schedules, general collegiate news, alumni news,
and foreign affairs.
The Michigan Daily not only helps the organiza-
tions of the school by giving conservative publicity,
but also helps the individual student by keeping
him informed on just those matters which interest
him. From a mechanical point of view, it is imme-
diately noticeable that our paper is prepared by
workmen competent in newspaper typography.
The first bit of reading I do each day is from
The Michigan Daily, and everywhere around me as
I walk, and in the Union when I breakfast, I see
others do likewise. Every Monday morning I feel
the loss. And I believe, from my fellows' opinions
as well as from their evident active interest, that
this letter is voicing a praise which is generally
Editor, it's good work. Keep it up. We're shaking
hands with you in our minds. John B. Geisel
To the Editor: (Attention, Mr. C. A. B.)
Upon reading C.A.B.'s review of "Wharf Angel,"
I was reminded of an article I read in the June 18,
1934, issue of Time concerning Miss Dorothy Dell.
I am enclosing this article for your convenience
so you may be saved from making the same sad
mistake again.
Here are a few things C. A. B. slipped up on:
1. This was NOT Miss Dell's first appearance.
Her first appearance before Ann Arbor theater-
goers was in "Little Miss Marker," and whoever
reviewed it must have spent their time watching
'that rat' run up and down the aisles of the -
Theater or he was not impressed enough by Miss
nell tn evn nal rC A ? A' R(an +,-. 1.,to .

The Theatre
BOX OFFICE reports from the Mendelssohn
Theatre indicate that Maxwell Anderson's "Both
Your Houses" is the most popular play of the sea-
son to date. Wednesday and Thursday night
houses were quite sizeable, and last night's crowd
filled the theatre. A sell-out is predicted for to-
night. "Grumpy" 'was second in box office favor,
many people having been turned away at its last
FRANCIS COMPTON and Frederic Crandall,
both Repertory Players, directors, have carried
their share of acting duties and "practiced what,
they preached" by turning in the best single per-
formances in three of the four shows that have
played so far. Mr. Compton's portrayal of Grumpy
was undoubtedly the best bit of acting we've seen
in many summers. And Mr. Crandall left nothing
to be wanted in his handling of roles in "A Hun-
dred Years Old" and "Both Your.Houses."
, *. * *
ALTHOUGH one could hardly expect the Play-
ers acting to be of quite the same high calibre as
that of the Dramatic Season, their technicians far
outshine Mr. Henderson's. Bouquets are in order
for Alexander Wyckoff, Art Director; Oren Parker,
Scenic Artist; Evelyn Cohen, Costume Designer;
Carl Ellsworth, Stage Manager; Howard Fettes,
Electrician; James V. Doll and Sarah Pierce.
* '1 * *
WE'RE PLEASED to see newcomers to the Play-
ers this summer holding their own with Play Pro-
duction's seasoned actors. We're referring in
particular to Claribel Baird, Morris Greenstein,
Charles Orr, John Doll, Wayne Smith, Emory
Horger, Eva Nelson and George Totten.
* * * *
HE HASN'T been in any shows this season, and
he isn't officially on the staff, but Alton Brimmer
is one of the Players' busiest and most enthusiastic
workers. Box Office work is his specialty, with
publicity a sideline,
Screen Reflections

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the Summer Session office until 3:30; 11:30

A Committee has been appointed
to make a thorough study of Orienta-
tion Week and report the result of this
study. Members of the faculty are
invited to send criticisms and sug-
gestions on this general subject to,
Committee on Orientation Week,
Room 107, Mason Hall.
Seniors, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts; .School of Edu-
cation; School of music; College of
Architecture; and School of Forestry
and Conservation: Tentative lists of
Summer Session seniors in these five
units have been posted on the Bul-
letin Board in Room 4. U. H. Each
student who expects to graduate at
the close of the present Snmmer Ses-
sion should inspect these lists, and
see that his or her name appears and
is spelled correctly. Any omissions
or corrections should be reported im-
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information: The
Bureau_ has the following call for
which applicants are desired:
Man to handle commercial d e
partment and general shop in small
high school.
Two women and one man for camp
counsellors. Positions paying only
maintenance and transportation.
For further details call at the of-
fice, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours
9-12 and 2-4.
Psychology 53: Any students or
others wishing to act as subjects on
the Minnesota Space Relationsstest
may see Miss Dorothy E. Wiley in
Room 3127 N.S. between 1:00 and
5:00 p.m. on Monday, July 16.
Economics 171s: Mimeographed
problem assigned for Monday er-
roneously shows a credit balance in
the Notes Receivable account. It
should show a debit balance of $1,000.
Raleigh Schorling, Professor of Ed-
ucation, will speak at the Education
Conference Monday, July 16, at 4:10
p.m. His subject wil be "Procedures
That Are Effective in Teaching Dull
Pupils." This will be held, as usual,
in Room 1022, University High
Men and Women's Education Club:
There will be a joint mixer for all
men and women interested in Edu-
cation on Monday evening, July 16,
at 7:30 in the Women's Athletic
Building. All students and members
of the faculty with their wives or hus-
bands are invited.
Southern Club: There will be a tea
for the members of the Southern Club
and their families in the Library of
the Elementary School Tuesday af-
ternoon, July 17, at 4:30. The ad-
ministrative officers of the School of
Education will be present.
Michigan Dames: A picnic for
Michigan Dames and their husbands
and families will be held on Mon-
day, July 16, at the Island. The
committee in charge requests that
each Dame bring sandwiches and
beverage for her own group and one
dish to contribute to the general pot-
luck. There is drinking water on the
Island forthose not caring to prepare

any picnic drink. The general get-
together will be about 5:30 p.m. at the
Island. Those not knowing how to
go there will find a guide at the North
U entrance to the League from 5:00
to 5:30. If you have no means of
transportation, call Mrs. Clay at
2-1924. All married students and
married internes and their families
are cordially invited. Come and make
this first summer picnic a success.
For further information call Mrs.
Clay at 2-1924.
IHealth Service Examinationsand
Ref rac tions: Students of the Sum-
mer Session who desire tests of their
eyes for glasses or complete health
examinations at the Health Service
should report for appointment soon.
The eye refractions will not be pos-
sible during the last two weeks of the
Summer Session.
All former students and alumnae
of Mount Holyoke College who are
interested in a Mount Holyoke din-
ner please communicate with Esther
Colton, 191 Jordan Hall. The tele-
phone number is 2-3281. Call be-
fore Monday, July 16.
Episcopal Student Group: Sunday
evening the group will meet in the
downstairs lobby of the Michigan
League at 7 o'clock. Arrangements
have been made for a swimming party
to be followed by a discussion on "The
Philosophy of Pleasure." All stu-
dents are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00
a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00 a.m.
Kindergarten; 11:00 a.m. Morning
Prayer and Sermon, "What May We
Do to Make Worship More Vital" by
the Reverend Henry Lewis. Music by
St. Andrew's boys' and men's choir.
Unitarian Church: 10:45 a.m. Rev.
Walton E. Cole, of Toledo, Ohio, will
speak on, "An Economic Eden." He
will discuss the part played by re-
-ligion in the economic planning for
the future, indicating how values are
idealized and obtained. This sermon
has been prepared to co-operate with
the Religious Education Conference
being held on Saturday and Sunday,
on the general theme, "Worship and
the Conservation of Values."
7:30 p.m. Prof. Max Handman of
the department of Economics of the
University of Michigan will speak to
the student conference on the topic,
"Religion in Economic Planning.'
This will be a practical and care-
fully thought out discussion by one
of the best informed men in the
United States, a truly great states-
man as well as an economist. At the
close of his speech a period of dis-
cussion will follow in which all pres-
ent may take part.
Stalker Hall' Today at 12:30 p.m.
there will be a tour to the Starr
Commonwealth at Albion. This will

Of especial interest to theater-goers of
Arbor is the screen adaptation from the
"Springtime For Henry," which opens at
Majestic Theatre today.


It will be remembered that "Springtime For
Henry" was one of the highlights of last year's
Dramatic Season. An excerpt from a Daily review
at that time may help revive it in your minds.
"'Springtime For Henry' is, first of all, franti-
cally funny; secondly it is charmingly smart; and
thirdly it is completely disrespectful of moral vir-
tue. More important than all these things, to us
at least, is the fact that this play -granted that
it is bawdry, risque, naughty, what you will -is
so completely light and giddy that not its sourest
critic could accuse it of being anything but nice.
"It seems that Mr. Jelliwell's married life is not
always entirely happy. Oddly enough, those mo-
ments coincide exactly with the periods when Mr.
Dewlip is NOT carrying on an illicit affair with
Jelliwell's wife. And there is the story, if you
can call it one.
"Mr. Dewlip, bosom pal ever since 'lower third'
of Mr. Jelliwell, has, apparently over a' considerable
period of time, been paying THAT kind of atten-
tion to Mrs. Jelliwell. A new secretary who is 'just
terribly keen on the decent thing,' changes all that.
Mr. Dewlip stops drinking; he stops gambling; he
stops being a social parasite. But most important
of all he stops paying 'the proper - or improper,
if you prefer - attentions to Mrs. Jelliwell.
"And so everybody blows up. Finally the hardy
Dewlip sees the error of his ways and agrees once
more, partly for Jelliwell's sake, but mainly for
his own, to become the normal old rake he once
In the Dramatic Season production Tom Powers
played the role of Mr. Dewlip, Robert Loraine was
Mr. Jelliwell, Rose Hobart was Mrs. Jelliwell, and
Violet Heming was the secretary.
The question in the minds of most people is:
will the screen adaptation be as successfully enter-
taining as the stage production. And prophecying
from past experience, the chances are it won't
It will be interesting, however, to see just what is
done with Mr. Benn W. Levy's brain child.
Otto Kruger plays the part of Mr. Dewlip, Nigel
Brice is Mr .Telliwell. Nancy Carroll is Mrs. Jelli-


Nobody would talk but the victim - and he couldn't!
Phillips Holmes - Mary Brian - Zasu Pitts - Ned Sparks
Margaret Sullavan Douglas Montgomery
, ...c . MAJESTIC . . . . ....
Matinees: All Seats 25c -- Evenings: Balcony 25c, Main Floor 35c
Even funnier than it was on the stage!
"Springtme For Henry
Otto Kruger Nancy Carroll Heather Angel

Matinees 15c . . . . . W U ERT H . . . . . . Nights
Buster Crabbe Edw. G. Robinson
"Search ForBeauty" "DARK HAZARC



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1 .

Maxwell Anderson's Pulitzer Prize Play

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