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July 12, 1934 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-12

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Twelve Years - A New
Life Expectancy .. .

Official Publication Of The Summer Session



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Hyma Is Chairman
The second regular session of the
conference will begin at 2 p.m. in the
Michigan League. Prof. Albert Hyma
of the history department will be the
The first topic is "The Function
of Music in Worship" and will be de-
livered by William Doty, instructor
of organ music in the School of
Music. 1
Mrs. Frederick B. Fisher will de-
liver the second speech on "The Place
of Worship in the Curriculum of Re-
ligious Education." A discussion will
be led by Rev. Henry Lewis, rector
of St. Andrews Episcopal church here.
The Sunday morning services in all
Ann Arbor churches will be primarily
based on the theme of the conference.
At 6 p.m. Sunday there will be a
social hour for Presbyterian students.
Refreshments will be served by the
Woman's Association of the Presby-
terian Church and the function will
be held at the Presbyterian Church
House, 1432 Washtenaw Ave. Mem-
bers of the congregation are cordially
Summer Band
Performs First
.O Programs
Summer Session students and
townspeople last night had opportun-
ity to hear the first of the series of
concer.ts offered by the University
Summer Band, under the direction of
Nicholas D. Falcone. The music was
heard on the steps in front of the
General Library.
Two songs of the University, the
"M" Men March, composed by Mr.
Falcone himself, and the famed "Yel-
low and Blue",featured the program.
Seven other numbers were played
by the band, these being of a more
classical nature. Included among
these were Nicolai's Overture to the
"Merry Wives 'of Windsor," "Prelude
and Berceuse," by Jaernefelt, the
march from Wagner's opera "Tann-
hauser;" three dances from "Henry
VIII," by Edward German, Bizet's
"Serenade Espagnole," and the Over-
ture to "Zampa" of Arthur William
Prof. Nelson Talks To
Vanguard Club Members

CHICAGO, July 11. -() - Over a
protest from a minority that it made
them "just a party against," young
Republican leaders today indorsed
the, campaign policies of their elders.
The young political leaders had
ben asked to write a statement of
policy by the party's national man-
agers, as part of a meeting of 63 dele-
gates from young Republican clubs
of 23 states. Immediately a dispute
arose over whether the party should
criticize the New Deal or offer alter-
The policy committee's report con-
demning bureaucracies and belittling
the Democrats for spending too much
money won out, but over a vigorous
dissent from delegates from Maine,
New York, and New Jersey.
"It's a lot of high-sounding words,"
said Delegate Albert B. Hermann of
Milltown, N. J. "It makes us sim-
ply a party of 'opposers.' Let's offer
something constructive."
"Rather than see us offering noth-
ing, I see us do nothing," said Dele-
gate Archie O. Dawson of New York.
New Code For
Group Outside
NRA Is Started
Is To Be Given Choice Of
Action Before 30-Day
WASHINGTON, July 11. - (A) -
Hugh S. Johnson promulgated a new
"basic code" for industries still with-
out the NRA fold today and set a
30-day deadline for winding up Blue
Eagle code making.
In a special order, Johnson gave
all uncoded industries the choice of
lerging with existing kindred codes
or operating under the new basic code
with a general NRA code authority
to be created by Johnson.
Johnson said, "It is not intended by
this plan to force all remaining un-
codified industries under codes," but
gave notice that industries remaining
outside NRA which appear to be har-
boring labor abuses may have a code
NRA said the mopping-up plan
would cover 262 pending codes and
any industries which had not yet ap-
plied for codes. Code agreements ap-
peared near on 135 of these and NRA
urged their completion in the next
15 days thereby eliminating them
from the basic code group.
Several codes, such as for anthra-
cite and shipping, were described as
"having special and important eco-
nomic, labor, or legal conditions"
and will be held aside for individual
consideration. The service trades,
who fair practice provisions have
been suspended, are not included in
the plan.
The uncoded small industries, while
numerous, were said by NRA to em-
ploy far less than 10 per cent of
America's 24,000,000 industrial work-

Painters Are
By Donaldson
Fine Arts Chairman Says
There Is No Such Thing
As Pure American Art
Influence Of French
Is Great On Our Art
D i scu s s e s Twenty-Five
Artists In Lecture With
There is no pure American paint-
ing and we can never expect to have
a national school of painting unless we
stop immigration, stated Prof. Bruce
M. Donaldson, chairman of the di-
vision of fine arts, who spoke yester-
day on "Contemporary American
"American painting is a compli-
cated mixture of artists ofsvarious
racial stocks, although the school of
Paris is perhaps the dominating in-
fluence in painting in this country."
The saving grace of American
painting, according to Professor Don-
aldson, isrthat throughout the major-
ity of it runs a definite sense of hu-
mor. The chief trouble with the Ger-
man painters, he continued, is that
they "are so infernally serious."
Lists Contemporaries
Taking a list of 25 representative
contemporary American painters with
techniques ranging from radical to
conservative, Professor Donaldson
showed one, and in some instances
two of their works, on slides and dis-
cussed the distinguishing character-
istics of each. Included on the list
discussed were:
Peggy Bacon: "a clever draftsman
and caricaturist, with a grand sense
of humor."
Thomas Benton: "He has the abil-
ity to combine romance with dignity
and one of his chief peculiarities is
the elongating of figures to represent
figures of poverty. He is undoubtedly
one of the greatest if not the greatest
of American mural painters."
Alexander Brook: "Extraordinary
quality of design, a fine sense of color
and arrangement of figures."
Edward Bruce Cited
Edward Bruce: "An amateur artist
who does most of his work for pleas-
ure. His pictures have a very sound
quality about them and he believes in
reducing a painting to its simplest
form. He was also one of the chief
promoters of the Federal Public Works
of Art, which during the depression,
saved many a good artist from starva-
Charles Burchfield: "He is one of
the many contemporary artists who
are opening the eyes of the public
to the fact that a great many sub-
jects hitherto believed unpaintable
are excellent subjects. He paints such
things as viaducts, factories, and
John Carroll: "Consummate crafts-
manship and excellent technique. He
has a genius for analyzing the sub-
ject matter of his themes. Many do
not like his portraits because of his
peculiar manner of drawing eyes. His
better pictures are of a pictorial na-
Also Mentions Chapin
James Chapin: "Best known for his
latest picture 'The Boxer and his
Manager,' which is now hanging in
the Rockefeller Center. Has great
ability in bringing out essential ex-
pressions of his subjects."
John Stewart Curry: "Best known
work is the 'Kansas Baptism.' He is1
ne of the many painters who has
shifted subject matter of paintings
from the east to the far west. He

has an excellent insight into ordinary
Stuart Davis: "Specializes in sur-
face designs. His buildings are of an
unstable character and although some
of his works are charming they all
tend to be almost effeminately fra-
Preston Dickinson: "Interested in
the painting of factories and other iri-
(Continued on Page 4)
Report Ivy Lee
Advising Reich,
On Armament
NEW YORK, July 11. - (P)~
Evidence that Ivy Lee, the public-
relations counsel, is receiving $25,000
a year from the German Dye Trust
for service which include advice on
Genrman re-armRamnnt wn nPC m P


Contact With Caamp
Engineers at Camp Davis, the Uni-
versity engineering camp, at Jackson
Hole, Wyo., cannot get out of touch
with the University, even though
more than 1,000 miles separates
W7DKZ, the camp's radio station,
and W8AXZ, the University station
in the R.O.T.C. Building.
Richard Brown, 405 S. Forest Ave.,
inadvertently joined the circulation
staff of The Daily last night when he
took a message over the University
station requesting two copies of The
Daily for campers. Brown related
how he talks direct vxith Camp Da-
vis every Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday night, both over the Univer-
sity station and his own, W8GSZ.
Brown explained that he talks in
code with members of the camp and
receives the news which brings the
two University units together of the
nation-wide distance.
In the future, he will co-operate
with The Daily in receiving and re-
laying news for publication here and
of interest at Camp Davis.
Stunt Ni ht At
League Draws
Large Crowds
Well-Known Entertainers
Of Campus Featured On
Evening's Program
Despite the play opening at Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre last night which
drew large crowds from other events,
the second Stunt Night of the Sum-
mer Session, started last week as an
innovation intended to provide mid-
week entertainment for summer stu-
dents, found many dancers and look-
ers-on in the grill room of the League.
A program which consisted for the
most part of numbers presented by1
entertainers well-known on the cam-
pus provided the central feature of
the evening upon which the entire in-
formal plan was based.
Richard Edmonson served as mas-
ter of ceremonies to introduce a trio,
tap dancer, and novelty pianist. The
short series of novelty acts opened
with a piano number by Tom Stacey,
who amused the audience by playing
with his back to the instrument. His
number was followed with two se-
lections, "O' Pappy" and "Mississippi
Mud" sung by a trio composed of Jane
Seeley, Maxine Maynard, and Mary}
Morrison, all well-known to those
who have attended other similar'
functions given at the League during
the regular session.
The program was concluded with a
tap dance by Harriet Townsend.
The third Stunt Night of the Sum-
mer Session will take place next
Wednesday night, itcwas announced
by Edmonson, at which time another
series of unusual entertainment fea-
tures will be presented. A small min-
imum charge is made for those at-
ending the Wednesday night infor.
mial gatherings, which are expected to
become the leading mid-week social
event for the summer.
The Tigers and New York both
continued on their pennant fight yes-
terday with each team batting out,
victories in the American League.
An account and box score of the
Detroit contest will be found on page 3.

University Radio

In Direct

River Rouoe
Plant Visited
By 4th Tour
32 Students Make Trip To
Ford Factory To Study
Watch Assembly
Of Line Of Cars
Inspect Power Plant And
Machine Shops; Tour Is
To Be Repeated
Thirty-two students accompanied
Prof. Carl J. Coe, director of excur-
sions, to the Ford Motor Co. plant at
River Rouge yesterday on the fourth
of the Summer Session excursions for
The party left Ann Arbor by mo-
torbus shortly before 1 p.m. yesterday,
reaching the River Rouge plant in
less than an hou" . There the party
first went to the power house, which
supplies electricity for the entire sys-
The engine rooms of the power
house were first visited, where steam-
driven turbines turn the generators
for the plant. The furnace rooms of
the power plant were also visited,
where over 2,000 tons of powdered
coal is blown into the furnace daily.
From the power house they went
to the machine shops, where all the
motor machining is done, from the
boring of the block itself to the more
delicate adjustments of smaller parts.
An interesting feature was the meth-
od of guaging all the fine adjustments.
The room where the gauges are kept
is constantly heated to a temperature
of 68 degrees.
A portion of the motor assembly
line was next seen. Here a new
method of inserting valves was shown
the party. The process is rather in-
teresting in that it was not made pos-
sible until several years ago, when dry1
ice was discovered. Formerly the en-
gine block was always heated, after
which the valve was inserted and the
block was allowed to cool down on the
valve. Now the valve is contracted by
the use of dry ice, and after it is put
in the motor block it expands, achiev-
ing the same results without heating
the entire engine block.
The last portion of the plant to be,
visited was the main assembly line,
where the completed car is assembled
in 45 minutes, starting with the bare,
frame. As the conveyor-belt moves,
along the line of workers, the axles,,
fenders, running boards, wheels, en-,
gine, steering wheel, and finally the
body are added until at the end of the
line the car is driven away under its
own power.
Attempt Made
To Settle Dock
Strike Trouble
Labor Dispute Board Will
Hold Workers' Election
For Union Agents
SAN FRANCISCO, July 11. -('P) -
Struggling to avert a general walk-
out of upwards of 100,000 marine
workers which became increasingly
likely in the face of more shooting
and other violence on Pacific coast
waterfronts, President Roosevelt's La-
bor Dispute Board announced today
it would hold an election among the

striking marine workers to choose
union representatives in future nego-
Buckshot from police guns wound-
ed four strikers at Portland, causing
a situation described by authorities
as "desperate."
National guard bullets whizzed
again last night on the San Fran-
cisco embarcadero as the militiamen
dispatched a gang of prowlers.
A citizens' emergency committee re-
quested the use of state police to drive
"alien agitators" from the city on the
ground that they were responsible for
strikes and violence there.
Growing demands for a general
strike in San Francisco, Oakland, and
Portland were heard as President
Roosevelt's board forced a last-min-
ute truce.
The board still awaited answer
from both shipping men and strikers
as to whether they would submit the
various issues to Federal arbitration.
Unions began taking strike votes.

Conference Speaker

Law Lecture
Will Be Given
Next Monday
Prof. C. C. Hyde To Speak
On U. S. Interpretation
Of Law Of Air
The third in the series of five lec-
tures on the program of the Summer
Session on Teaching International
Law will be given Monday, July 16
by Prof. Charles Cheney Hyde of the
conference teaching staff on "The
Law of the Air as Interpreted in the
United States,"
Professor Hyde, who is the Ham-
ilton Fish Professor of International
Law at Columbia University, has been
on the law parley teaching staff for
the past three summers. In addition
to presenting his lecture, he is leading
two group conferences this summer on
"Realistic Approach to International
Law" and "Tests for Ascertaining
Proficiency of Students."
He is also teaching a course on
"Treaties: Their Making, Interpreta-
tion, and Termination."
The fourth and fifth lectures of the
series will be given on succeeding
Monday nights by George A. Finch,
managing editor of the American
Journal of International Law, and Dr.
James Brown Scott, director of the
division of international law of the
Carnegie Endowment for Interna-
tional Peace, who is chairman of the
'Some Japanese Cities'
Is Title Of Hall Lecture
Prof. Robert B. Hall of the
geography department will deliver
an illustrated lecture at 5 p.m. to-
day in Natural Science Auditorium
on "Some Japanese Cities."
Professor Hall will discuss the
origin of some Japanese cities and
hold their forms and patterns of
the ancient cities have carried
through to the modern cities of
Japan. Types of towns which will
be explained are the market towns,
the shrine towns, the temple towns
of the feudal age and how they
have developed.
During the past five years Pro-
fessor Hall has been in Japan 'three
times, once for a year's study and
the other times for a shorter dura-
He has published many pamph-
lets and monographs about the
subject and included among the
societies to which he belongs are
the American Association of Geog-
raphers, the American Oriental So-
ciety, the China Institute, the Asi-
atic Society of Japan, and the So-
ciety for Japanese Studies.
Dolufuss Given
Fullest Powers
Against Nazis
VIENNA, July 11. - (P)- As a pre-
liminary to a ruthless campaign
against Austria's bomb-firing Nazis,
Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss today
concentrated the full military and
police powers of the country in his
own hands.
The van u m tea oncenr neh-

'Tax Rich,'
State Education Executive
Advises Conference In
Leading Speech
Teachers Must Be
Leaders, He States
Says Many Children Are
Wasting Time Un der
Present System
Advocating higher taxation for the
rich to meet Michigan's education
problems, Dr. Paul F. Voelker, State
Superintendent of Public Instruction,
defended the right of every child to
get an education in his address yes-
terday before the fifth annual Su-
mer Educational Conference,meeting
for the closing sessions of its two-
day meeting.
"The wealth of Michigan belongs
to the people of Michigan," Dr. Voel-
ker said. "We must get the money
where it is to be found." He criti-
cized the policy of heavy taxation
upon small farms and small homes
beyond the ability of the people to
pay, saying that "someone is making
money and the burden should fall
upon those who are able to pay."
It was Dr. 'Voelker's thesis that
such added taxation had become a
necessity through the added respon-
sibility of present day education. "If
America is going to advance the so-
cial frontier, education must be there
to show the way," he said. "It must
prepare the youth of our age for a
life in a more complex age than ours."
Stresses Changing Role
Dr. Voelkerhstressed the changing
role "which the educator must play,
that of the leader and not the fol-
lower." Throughout all history, h
said, educators have been in the rear
of progress; but now, he 'Indicaed,
the time is ripe for a new style of
leadership. "Thecivilization which
is on the way will bow down to theĀ°'
rule of reason.'"
"Education must furnish the vision,
the method, the plan, and the pro-
gram for the new age if it is not to
be possessed by a new swarm of life-
destroying parasites, Dr. Voelker
said, concluding his prophecy that
education would advance both in
power and prestige.
Dr .Voelkerhthen turned to the
problem of what he styled "wasted
energy, the attempt to make intel-
lectual giants out of children that
do not have an intellectual heredity."
Frankly admitting that "education
cannot do much for these under the
present system which stresses an in-
tellectual development over that of
the character," he advised a change
in emphasis, "an attempt to produce
good citizens instead of intellectual
Many Wasting Time
As proof of his contention that the
vast majority of children are partially
wasting their time under the present
educational system, Dr. Voelker cited
statistics to show that "only about
15 out of 10,000 who enter school are
ever truly successful in accordance
with the aims of educators in the
past. The other 9,985 are partial fail-
ures," he said.
"If the, development of character
were emphasized," Dr. Voelker con-
tinued, "it would be possible to pro-
duce at least 9,985 good characters
and good citizens out of 10,000 whom
we are trying to affect in our educa-

tional environment. In a new social
order the character of our citizens will
be of far greater importance than
their intellectual capacity.
"We shall need to develop such
traits as social initiative, social loy-
alty, the spirit of co-operation," Dr.
Voelker said. "To us, a concern for
justice and the rights of the common
man shall be more important than
the training of our youth to a high
degree of discrimination in science,
mathematics, or philosophy. With the
imminent changes in our civiliz tion,
education will need to keep pace at
least in preparing our youth for ac-
tive participation in the new order
which is on the way.
Stimulates Individual
"So far, education has concerned
itself largely with stimulating the in-
dividual in his personal development,"
Dr. Voelker stated. He advanced the
theory that the schools of tomorrow
must teach co-operation, as opposed
to the prevailing method of appealing


New York.
St. Louis ...
Chicago ..''

47 27
48 29
42 35
.39 36
.........39 39
.31 39
.30 45
'25 51


Yesterday's Results
Detroit 13, Washington 7.
New York 9, Cleveland 4.
Games Today
New York at Detroit.
Boston at St. Louis.
Washington at Cleveland.
Philadelphia at Chicago.

New York.....
St. Louis......
Brooklyn ...... .

49 28
48 30
43 32
38 34
39 39
32 45


T I. _.. _l _1 _I__.


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