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July 10, 1934 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-10

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Five-Man Board
Takes Over NRA
Duties As Test
To See If Commission Is
Able To Do Johnson's
Work This Summer'
General Will Relax
Last-Minute Rush Keeps
Administrative H e a d s
Busy At Desks
WASHINGTON, July 9. - (P) -
NRA came today to the threshold of a
new experiment.
Gen. Hugh S. Johnson, national
recovery administrator, expected to
clean up a batch of business before
converting the recovery agency's one-
man leadership into a "five-man con-
trol" for the summer.
Most of the job of directing NRA
will be shifted to five assistants. John-
son wants to see how NRA can get
along without his hand on the helm.
The tryout, which is purely informal
and designed to give Johnson a
chance to relax, will be also an im-
portant test of commission control.
The general's way of relaxing will
be a swing across the country to sell
the Blue Eagle and put in a good word
here and there for the New Deal.
Last Minute Rush
A last-minute rush of affairs came
to his desk today. Among problems
that awaited his return from a week
of rest and conferences in New York
Promulgation of one big code for
450 small industries. It would be sim-
ple, touching on such matters as
wages, working hours, and child la-
NRA's price policy awaits further
clarification, especially President
Roosevelt's 15 per cent "tolerance"
order. This permits concerns belong-
ing to "open price" codes to go as
ueuh as 15 per cent below listed code
prices in bidding on Government con-
tracts. Steel and some other indus-
tries are reported to be seeking ex-
emptior from this tolerance.
''A 50-page report, ordered by Presi-
dent Roosevelt, on salaries paid mov-
trig picture stars, is expected to be
turned in soon.
Tentative Plans
Johnson's plans for his tour are
tentative but NRA officials expect
him to travel to the Pacific, beginning
his speeches Wednesday at Waterloo,
The five-man board will run NRA
except for major decisions which
Johnson must malee under the law.
On the board will be G. A. Lynch,
NRA administration officer; Robert
W. Lea, assistant administrator for
industry, and George L. Berry, A. R.
Glancy and George Buckley, division
After the basic code for small in-
dustries has been promulgated, John-
son plans to put NRA's emphasis on
compliance, and it is this job par-
ticularly which the board will have
in his absence.
Raises Issue
Mr. Roosevelt's 15 per cent order
concerning open-price listing has
raised issues.
For example, NRA's legal division
doesnot believe the order applies to
retail lumber dealers who already
have cut prices from 4 to 8 per cent.
But Johnson must make the final rul-
Officials say also it does not apply
to the lumber and timber products
code. This code authority recently has
completed a new price list of 40,000
items which NRA officialscsay repre-
sent cuts from 8 to 16 per cent.

EAST CHICAGO, Ind., July 9. - (P)
-Forty thousand men returned to
work in the East Chicago and Gary
steel mills today on short week sched-
Instead of working the full steel
code week they will be given three or
four days employment a week until;
production expands, thus aiding in
spreading the work among the 40,000
men on the payrolls. Production in
the East Chicago mills was at 42 per
cent of capacity today.

-r -10 4 dX *

Herr Adolf' In Typical Military Pose


hian's Urigin
s Subject For
Talk By Guthe
heologists Seeking To
stablish Time, Place Of'
oming To America

Make Ready For Flig ht To Highest Altitude


-Associated Press Photo
* * *
Hitler Was Quick To Discover
V ueOfHavi ug Trusted Aides

(Continued from Page 1)
as a systematic science. "The first
real job of survey work in the United
States was done in 1840," Dr. GutheI
stated, "and in the 1890's the people
in Wisconsin and Ohio suddenly
began to take an interest and started
to organize archeological material."
"The twentieth century brought
trips by scientists and right now
there are some 80 organizations at
work in North America," according
to Dr. Guthe.
Not All Field Work
In explaining the work of the ar-
cheologist, he destroyed the popular
fallacy that it is all field work, and
also discouraged what he termed the
"Sunday afternoon picnic expedi-
tions" that go out and excavate with-
out proper preparation.
"The archeologist must work
months on, research before he ever
begins to look for ruins," Dr. Guthe
said. He explained that there is ap-
proximately nine months of work in
the laboratory to every three nonths
that is spent in the field in excava-
In addition to that, Dr. Guthe said,
the archeologist must clean, interpret,
identify his specimen with a definite
period, and publish a report before
his work is completed.
He also outlined the three funda-
mental principles of archeology as a
modern science.
Tangible Reveals Little
"In the first place, it is practically
impossible to discover anything about
the social, political, or religious con-
ditions of a period through arche-
ology, because the tangible objects,
which are the scientist's only instru-
ment, reveal little information on
that character.
"In the second place, a historical
record does exist in the ground,
and only the archeologist, who is
capable of interpreting stratifications
and knows why an object is in a
certain place and not in some other,
can read the story in the ground.
"And finally, archeological speci-
mens are of value only insofar as
they serve to interpret the past. The"
scientist must not only have the speci-
men at hand, but must see the place
and surrounding conditions in which
it is found."

Disputes Come
Before Board
Garrison, Millis, SIm i t It
Comprise Membership
Of New Group
WASHINGTON, July 9. - (T) - A
new "supreme court" for capital-la-
bor disputes plunged today into the
task of trying to keep peace between
workers and their employers.
Known as the national labor re-
lations board, it succeeded the na-
tional labor board. Its three mem-
bers, Lloyd Garrison, Harry A. Millis
and Edwin S. Smith, expected to meet
today to outline their policies. Garri-
son, 37-year-old dean of the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin law school and
great grandson of the famous aboli-
tionist, is chairman.
Regional Board Change
Among the questions to be decided
was what the subsidiary set-up should
be. There were indications that the
old regional labor boards which
worked under the national labor
board would be re-organized or abol-
The new board was appointed by
President Roosevelt under the re-
vised Wagner labor disputes act. It
has power to arbitrate disputes from
request of both' employers and em-
ployes, to mediate, and to conduct
elections for collective bargaining.
It also may investigate and act on
complaints of discrimination against
union employes.
Board Lasted 11 Months
The old national labor board, head-
ed by Senator Wagner (Dem., N. Y.)
passed out of the picture today after
11 months of existence. It was formed
as a result of a western Pennsylvania
coal miners' strike which harried NRA
chiefs for days. Its first decision set-
tled a long strike of full-fashioned
hosiery strikers, and after that the
board and its regional subsidiaries
handled 4,276 cases.
Much of the old organization's per-
sonnel will be retained by the new.
ST. PAUL, July 9.- (IP)-- Albert
(Pat) Reilly, charged with conspiring
to harbor John Dillinger, pleaded not
guilty when arraigned in Federal Dis-
trict Court today and was bound over
to the fall term of court for trial.
Bail was set at $20,000.
Reilly was a former mascot for the
St. Paul Base Ball Club.

This is the last of a series of dSily
articles depicting, the career of Adolf
Hitler, Germany's Chancellor.
Consolidation of the "full power"
he had won was Adolf Hitler's first
concern as chancellor. He had Franz
von Papen as vice chancellor.
Hie filled other posts with his most
trusted lieutenants. For some he cre-
ated new offices, making Joseph Goeb-
bels "minister of propa'ganda." Others
held places without portfolio. Her-
mann Goering was made minister of
aviation and premier and minister of
the interior of Prussia.
Trusted subordinates were given
"special assignments" to various bur-
eaus to see that affairs were admin-
istered in the "true Nazi spirit." Ernst
Roehm, chief of staff of the storm
troops, was placed in charge of these
Foes of the regime were rounded
up into "concentration camps" and
trades unions were abolished and a
"national labor front" was substi-
Jews Ordered Out
Jews were ordered out of all public
offices; many of them were forced out
of professions; they were barred from
Work camps were initiated to com-
bat unemployment, but eventually
youths of every background and
training were ordered to serve in them
for six months to learn the dignity
of labor.
Women were told their field was
the "three K's"-"Kinder, Kueche
und Kirche" (children, cooking, and
In the foreign field Hitler demand-
ed equality of rights for Germany.
Finding the world disarmament con-
ference unimpressed by his argument
that the World War victor nations
had not disarmed and therefore Ger-
many should be permitted to expand
her defensive forces, he withdrew his
country from the conference and the
League of Nations.
Reichstag Dissolved
The reichstag was dissolved and a
one-party list of members was sub-
stituted in a ballot which showed 97
per cent of Germany endorsing. Hit-
ler. This body in a seven-minute ses-
sion gave him all legislative and ex-
ecutive power.
Von Hindenburg continued as pres-
ident. Hitler in person, a cabinet
member explained, "importuned 'der
alte' to remain in office and thereby
show the nation an example of ster-
ling devotion to duty and love forthe
From stifling anti-Nazi political
elements Chancellor Hitler went on
to "co-ordination," a campaign to
make his ideals the goal of every so-
cial and ecohomic activity in the na-

It wasn't all plain sailing.
One of the first warnings of com-
ing storms appeared in religious cir-
cles. The Lutherans combined the
29 organizations into one but when
"Nazi German Christians" gained
control there was open rebellion by
many pastors.,
A concordat negotiated by Vice
Chancellor Franz von Papen on a visit
to Vatican City, barred Catholics from
taking part in politics but they re-
-tained liberty of action as to schools,
religious societies and contact with
the Vatican. Many disputes followed.
Political Union
"Anschluss," or political union of
Germany and Austria, from the be-
ginning one of Hitler's cardinal ten-
ets, was checked by a dictatorship of
Catholic rightists at Vienna. Italy
encouraged the Austrian movement
and when Hitler visited Mussolini in
June, 1934, "Il duce" got from "der
fuehrer" an agreement on the desira-
bility of continuing Austrian inde-
Foreign trade, shrunk by the world
economic crisis, continued to decline
for Germany. Commercial boycotts,
fanned by pro-Jewish agitation in
many countries, were cited as one of
the contributing causes.
Another was Germany's financial
plight. The drain of foreign debts con-
tinued. Then a moratorium on pay-
ments abroad for the last six months
of 1934 brought reprisal threats from
other nations.
Von Papen in a public speech found
fault with some of Hitler's under-
lings. The leftist element of the
Nazis demanded his political head.
Chancellor Strikes
In the closing hours of, June "thet
new iron chancellor" struck. He per-
sonally raided headquarters of the
malcontents at Munich and pro-
nounced judgment of death on Ernst
Roehm, chief of staff of the storm
troopers. Arrests and executions took
place in Berlin and other centers.
Former Chancellor von Schleicher
and his wife were killed "resisting ar-
rest." Von Papen, taken into "pro-
tective custody," was released by Hin-
denburg's intervention. The storm
troops were given a month's vacation.
Back of the ruthless visitation were
Hitler's picked guards, the secret po-
lice under Hermann Goering, and
the propaganda service under Joseph
Goebbels. President von Hindenburg,
assured of the personal safety of his
friend, von Papen, congratulated Hit-
ler on "saving Germany."

-AssociatedIPress Photo
Capt. Albert W. Stevens (left) and Major W. E. Kepner are shown
as they entered the stratosphere gondola near Rapid City., S. D., for a
test in which the gondola was sealed to provide conditions like those
they will encounter in the projected flight to attain the highest altitude
ever reached by man.
* ~* *
Stratospherists Await Good
Weather For Balloon Ascension

RAPID CITY, S. D., July 9. - (P) -
Everything except the weather was
G ready today for man's latest venture
into the thin upper air.
Officials of the National Geographic
society and Army Air Corps waited
hopefully for the favorable weather
they must have for the safe strato-
sphere voyage of their 3,000,000-cubic.
foot capacity balloon.
Maj. William E. Kepner and Capt.
Albert W. Stevens, who will be pilot'
and scientific observer, respectively,
announced all preparations had been
completed for an immediate ascent.
Disappointing civic leaders who
hoped the balloon would be called
"Miss Blackhills," Geographic society
and army officials in Washington se-
lected "The Explorer" as the name
for the air-tight metal gondola.
An official statement announcing
the name said it "tells in a word the
object of the unique expedition far
above the earth," and added:
"The gondola of the balloon which
soon will rise far into the strato-
sphere -is more fully equipped for ex-

ploration than any that has been
taken into that region before. The
expedition will explore the upper
stratosphere - itself , and the unseen
forces so vital to the world below that
play on its outwardly calm spaces. It
is hoped to bring back to earth as a
result of its explorations new facts
from a new world as truly as did Co-
lumbus when he crossed an unknown
sea of water." -
Pouring upon it liquid air from one
of the containers to be taken on the
flight, Mrs. Tom Berry, wife of South
Dakota's governor, will christen the
gondola in a ceremony at the expedi-
tion's camp, Moonlight Valley today.
The International Student Forum
will give a dance Friday night at
Stalker Hall, the purpose of which is
to give students of all nations a
chance to socialize.
Admission is set at 50 cents a couple
and 35 cents for single admission.
Dancing will be from 9 to 1.


Where To Go


By Expert Operators
All types of. Beauty Work
Phone 8878 "Over the Parrot"

2:00 - Michigan Theatre, "Opera-
tor 13" with Marion Davies.
2:00 - Majestic Theatre, "Wharf
Angel" with Alison Skipworth.
2:00 -Wuerth Theatre, "Wonder
Bar" with Al Jolson.
4:00 -Same features at the three
4:10 - Conference; "Functions of
the Guidance and Placement Bureau,"
T. Luther Purdom, Director of the
University Bureau of Apointments
and Occupational Information. (Room
1022, University High School).
5:00 - Lecture, "Can and Should
America be Self-Sufficient?", Pro-
fessor Max S. Handman.
7:00 -Same features at the three
8:15 - Concert. Thelma Lewis, so-
prano; Dalies Frantz, pianist; trio
Wassily Besekirsky, violinist; Joseph
Brinkman, pianist; Hanns Pick, vio-
* Canoeing on the Huron every af-
ternoon and evening.
Dancing at the Blue Lantern Ball-
room, Island Lake.
Dancing at the Whitmore Lake Pa-



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