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July 08, 1934 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-08

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67 Students
Make Fourth
Of Excursions
Large Party Inspects The
Schools Of Cranbrook

Hitler and Von Hindenburg; Power and Prestige

(Continued from Page 1)
girls' school, was not completed until
At 10:45 the group reached Christ
Church Cranbrook, where Mr. Andrew
Williams, verger of the Church, took
charge of the party.
The first thing to be examined was
a large stained glass window at one
end of the Church, devoted to women.
This window portrays not only Bibli-
cal characters and women connected
with the history of the church, but
poets, artists, authoresses, scientists
and all categories of famous women,
ranging from Sarah Bernhardt to
Harriet Beecher Stowe and Martha
and Mary.
The group then saw the Chapel of
St. Paul the Apostle, and the elab-
orate wood-carvings on the pulpit,
the choir stalls, and the sacristy.
Mr. Minor, the organist of the church,
then played a short prelude on the
organ, and opened the huge doors on
the organ case. These doors are
opened by machinery as therorgan
starts, and are each over 25 feet
high and 10 feet wide.
Inspect Chapel
They next went down into the crypt,
where they saw St. Dunstan's Chapel,
a shrine to the patrons of the arts and
crafts, and the Chapel of the Resur-
rection, where there are 25 vaults des-
tined to be the burial places of such
men as may be selected for that
honor. The stop at the church was
concluded by a climb of the bell tower.
First the carillon controls were ex-
amined, and next the set of 47 huge
bells, cast in England. Then the group
got a bird's eye view of the Cran-
brook units from the top of the 177-
step tower, while Mr. Miner, who had
been asked to play the carillon, played
three choruses of "The Yellow and
the Blue."
At 11:50 the group reached Kings-
wood, the girls' school, where they
examined the buildings, which were
designed by Eliel Saarinen and dec-
orated by his wife and daughter.
They then returned to Cranbrook,
where they saw some of the class
rooms, a study hall, the gymnasium,
the dormitories, and the large dining
hall which is considered, next to the
Church, the most beautiful spot of the
entire Cranbrook system. The group
then left Cranbrook for the Devon
Gables on Long Lake Road, where
they had luncheon.
Party Divides
. After luncheon, the party divided
into two groups at about 2:15, and
about half of them returned to Ann
Arbor, while the rest went back to
Cranbrook for a more thorough tour
of inspection. This time they saw the
workshops where the arts and crafts
studies are carried on, the theat're,
and the second and larger of the
two gymnasiums, the physics, biology,
and chemistry laboratories, and the
school library. They then left Cran-
brook, and reached their last objec-
tive, the Institute of Science, shortly
before 3:
Here they viewed collections rang-
ing from mineralogy and stuffed wild
life to American Indian exhibits,
rattlesnakes, and tropical fish. This
was followed by a short stop at Carl
Milles' statue of Jonah and the
Whale, which overlooks the extensive
rock gardens and swimming pools
series being built behind Cranbrook.
The party then left for Ann Arbor.

Hitler Attracts Youth; Made
Chancellor With'Full Power'

This is the second of a series of daily
articles depeiting the career of Adolf
Hitler, Germany's Chancellor.
(By Associated Press)
Adolph Hitler emerged from prison
in 1924 with a program for building
up his national Socialist ideas. Muz-
zled personally by the terms of his
release, he figured little in the public
eye, but his ideas spread.
He appealed particularly to the
youth of the fatherland, young men
whose boyhood kept them out of the
war and who now found themselves
trying to carve careers out of a social
order staggering under the financial
and economic loads imposed on Ger-
many by the victorious allies.
The treaty of Versailles became
one of the chief texts of the propa-
ganda. It was declared morally in-
valid, the source of all European ills.
Racial feelings were appealed to,
the destiny of the nordic race extolled
and "Juder heraus" ("Jews, get out")
became a potent slogan. So did "Ger-
many awake!"
Young men flocked to the brown
shirt standards, attracted by board,
lodging, a uniform and a bit of pocket
money. They drilled and marched,
singing as they tramped or as they
massed into huge "reviews."
The world depression bore down on
the Reich, unemployment grew, the
brown shirt ranks expanded, other
parties split and in September, 1930,'
there was another election.
The Nazis came out of that voting
with 107 parliamentary seats.
In November, while Nazis were raid-
ing a Berlin 'movie house because it
showed what they considered a pa-
cifist film, loosing stench bombs and
garter snakes in the audience, Joseph
Goebbels, now Minister of Propagan-
da, shouted from a balcony:
"Hitler is at the gates of Berlin."
"The Avalanche Rolls"
"The Avalanche Rolls" was a fa-
vorite headline over election returns
in Nazi newspapers following the 1930
vote which raised the party's repre-
sentation in the reichstag from 12
to 107.
The national legislature which met
in October, 1930, was brief but tur-
bulent. It reassembled in February,
1931, and was thrown into disorder

by obstructionist tactics of Nazis and
nationalists. Finally it was split when,
the brown shirts arose and walked
Hitler wasn't in Berlin then. He was
busy overseeing the decorations of the
"Brown House," new storm troop
headquarters in Munich.
"We must show our critics we pos-
sess more culture than they," he
wrote in a newspaper.
Bruening struggled along as chan-
cellor under a decree regime until
May 12, 1932, resigning when von
Hindenburg refused to sanction divi-
sion of East Prussian estates into
small farms as an unemployment re-
lief measure, and Franz von Papen
became chancellor.
Meanwhile, Hitler, "a man without
a country," ever since he enlisted for
the World war, gained German citi-
zenship. The state of Brunswick,
Nazi controlled, gave him a post in
its diplomatic mission to Prussia. He
took an oath to support the consti-
tution, Feb. 22, 1932.
Presidential Candidate
Hard upon Hitler's citizenship came
his candidacy for the presidency. Von
Hindenburg defeated Hitler and Ernst
Thaelmann, communist, by 2,500,000,
but the Nazi leader polled more than
13,400,000 votes.
There was a reichstag election July
31 in which Nazis won 230 seats, and
they demanded the chancellorship for
"der fuehrer." Von Hindenburg asked
him to accept the vice chancellorship
in a coalition cabinet under von Pa-
pen. He refused. "Full power or
nothing" was reported as his reply.
When von Papen finally resigned
in December, von Hindenburg again
summoned Hitler. Again the reply,
"Full power or nothing."
The mantle fell on Kurt von
Schleicher, minister of defense under
von Papen. He held on 57 days.
For the third time Adolf Hitler was
summoned to the presidential pres-
ence. This time he got his "full
On January 30, 1933, the former
Austrian paper hanger, the "lance
corporal from Munich," took the oath
as chancellor of Germany and became
head of a nation of 65,000,000.

' Highway condinons
To Be Checked By
Trick Electric Eye
Many motorists will have their pic-
tures -taken this summer, unknown
to them, by means of an electric eye
which will "see" their passing car
and snap a camera shutter. The ob-
ject of the picture taking will not be
promiscuous spying, but to make a
record of traffic problems by a new
The device, which automatically
makes a permanent graphic survey
of street and highway conditions, was
developed here by Professor Bruce D.
Greenshields, of Dennison University
and Professor Roy S. Swinton. A sur-
vey of Ohio traffic is already planned.
In one form of the device, a small
moving picture camera is set up by then
roadside, its operation controlled by
a photo-electric cell, or "eye" which
is sensitive to changes in light. Across
the road and focussed on the eye, is
a small mirror. When a passing car
breaks the beam of light from the
mirror, it affects the eye, which in
turn automatically causes one picture
to be snapped and a new film to be
moved into readiness. Sixteen pictures
in a second may be taken if neces-
In another set-up, intended espe-
cially to study what happens at in-
tersections and traffic lights, the
camera is usually placed on a high
building, where it snaps pictures au-
tomatically at intervals of about one
second. Pictures made by either pro-
cedure are thrown on a screen marked
with vertical parallel lines. Simple
calculations enable observers to tell
the speed of a car, time lost in de-
celerating and accelerating and the
number of cars using a road or inter-
section. At the latter points it also
shows the reasons for automobile
congestion and pedestrian behavior.
College & Fraternity Jewelery
Watch & Jewelry Repairing
16 Nickels Arc. Carl. F Bay

Congdon Takes
New Position
Next Semester
Goes To Lehigh University
To Become Director Of
Word has been received here that
Dr. Wray H .Congdon, assistant di-
rector of the bureau of co-operation
with educational institutions, will re-
sign his position with the University
to accept one at Lehigh University
this fall.
Dr. Congdon is to be director of a
new office of admissions at Lehigh.
This position is the result of a re-
organization in the office of the dean
and the recorder.
He has been with the University of
Michigan since the year 1921-22, hav-
ing been a professor of English at
Peking University, China, head of
the English department at Peking
Academy, head of the English depart-
ment at Tientsin Academy, superin-
tendent of a county school at Tient-
sin and principal of the Boys' Acad-
emy there.
Dr. Congdon was born at Bradford,
Pa., and received his education at
Genesee Seminary, Syracuse Univer-
sity and the University of Michigan.
New clothes are just as
important as the vaca-
tion itself.
Dark Sheers and Prints
are ideal for traveling
.. Pique and Seersucker
grand on the t e n n i s
court . . . and general
"tearing around."
String Lace and Boucle
are always a favorite--
they never wrinkle . . .
Chiffons - they' re so
heavenly cool ...
And the white suit goes
Cotton Frocks $5.95
Sheers and Crepes
$10.75 and $16.75
605 East William
Just a Block from CampusI

Michigan Lexicographers Now
Working On Two Dictionaries


Photo Studio - Annex



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