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July 03, 1934 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-03

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,ial Publication of the Summer Session


one thing - the number of foreign language news-
papers published and circulated in the large cities.
of the country.
Robert E. Park, in his book, "The Immigrant
Press and Its Control," points out that in 1920 there
were 1,043 foreign language newspapers in the
United States, including 450 printed in 10 of the
largest cities. There were New York, 146; Chicago,
106; Cleveland, 34; Minneapolis, 27; Philadelphia,
25; San Francisco, 23; Pittsburgh, 25; St. Louis,
23; Bostgn, 23; and Milwaukee, 18. The average
total circulation of foreign language newspapers
in the United States in 1927 was 2,293,746.

( 1


Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
A5$0Cilated &lolte __t_______5
- n 1933 NTWnM .ct. 1934
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it
or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local
news published herein. All rights of republication of
special dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrfer, $3.75; by
mall. $4.25.
Oces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives.
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Chicago. ____
Phone 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con-
ger, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H.
Kgeene, William R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch.T
REPORTERS: Barbara Bates, C. H. Beukemas, Frances
Tnglish, Elsie Pierce, Virginia Scott,BEdgar H. Eckert,
Bernard H. Fried.
office. Hours: 9-12, 1-4 Phone 2-1214.
Concerts Deserve

There is a certain need for foreign language'
newspapers in the immigrant's first days in a
strange land, but after that they act as a stumbling
block to the process of assimilating the foreign
element. Anything that delays such assimilation
tends to set up nationality lines and slows the
procedure of making good citizens..Provided with
newspapers in their own language, it is the natural
thing for immigrants to cling to the customs,'
culture and habits of the old country.
Were the foreign language newspapers printed
as supplementary to the functions of the Amer-
ican press among the immigrants, the danger to
the Americanizing process would not exist, but
the majority of them are designed to cover all
the news of the day and to take the place
of the American newspaper.
. Another danger lies in the fact that such
papers may easily be used as instruments for un-
scrupulous political factions. The majority of their
readers are too new to the affairs of this country
to exercise rational judgment, and, consequently,
they are easy prey for an editor desirous of foster-
ing certain beliefs and prejudices.
There is, too, the danger occasioned by the fact
that false statements and libel may be more
easily overlooked in such papers by the interests
attacked, while the poison inculcated by the ut-
terances has perfect freedom in which to work its

smelling of test tubes, picked a (you guessed it)
luscious blonde. He thought to entertain her. Ban-
ality? No. Conversation showing depth of thought.
And as they danced, he asked her, if she thought
the ventilation was sufficient.
She murmured that she did not know. This
place - he estimated its size, the amount of air
able to come through the window space per
second. The number of cubic feet of air a person
needs per second. The number on the league floor.
The rhythm of the music, he calculated, .not to
increase breathing, but hesitated on age and pas-
sion. Finally he decided that the air was not suffi-
cient for the crowd in the League. Would his part-
ner like to take a walk?
And, she refused.
A horde hung around the edges of the battle.
Two men discussed the modern dancing. "I can't
describe it, quite," said one. "I only know it looks
queer, very queer."
"Well, if you'll pardon me, I'm an architect,
and I think . . ." He did not speak low. "It seems
to me I see a resemblance to the leaning balus-
trade, or perhaps, better, the flying buttress . .
"Sir?" asked a young thing at his elbow.
"Your pardon, miss. I was not thinking or talking
of you, but of your a-a-a ilk."




I.- -


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the Summer Session of"ice until 3:30; 11:30

Then came her ilk,


And ran and snatched her, and with lusty-shout
Lifted her away, and gave the crowd a show,
And saved a great cause that heroic night.
With qualms for Edward R. Sill
And His "Opportunity."

Faculty Concert: Members of the
aculty of the University School of
/usic will give the following pro-
-ram, Tuesday evening, 8:15 o'clock,I
n Hill Auditorium, to which the gen-
ral public with the exception of
mall children is invited. Attendants
re requested to come sufficiently
early so as to be seated on time as the
loors will be closed during numbers:
Concerto in D.......Vivaldi-Bach
Introduction - Fugue
Palmer Christian
Sonata Op. 30, No. 3 .....Beethoven
Allegro assai
Tempo di Minuetto
Allegro vivace
Wassily Besekirsky and
Joseph Brinkman
['rockne Blumen
Du Bist die Ruhr
................. .......Schubert
Im Wunderschonen Monat Mai
Aus Meinen Thranen Spriessen
Arthur Hackett
Five Impressions of a
Holiday ................ Goossens
In the Hills
By the Rivers
The Water Wheel
The Village Church
At the Fair
Wassily Besekirsky, Hanns Pick,
and Joseph Brinkman
Charles A. Sink, President
Summer School Mixed Chorus: Re-
hearsal in Morris Hall 7 to 8 p.m. Al
singers are cordially invited.
Men's Education Club Golf Match
The first match will be held Tues.
day, July 3, 4:00 p.m., University Gol
Course, because of the holiday 01
July 4. Beginning the following weel
matches will be held every Wednes
day afternoon.
Phi Delta Kappa will hold a lunch
eon today at 12:10 p.m. at the Mich
gan Union.

Women's Education Club and Pi
Lambda Theta will hold a joint meet-
ing tonight at 7:15 p.m. in the Alum-:
nae Room at the Michigan League. ;
Men's Education Club will hold a
meeting tonight at 7:30 at the Mich-
igan Union.
Men's Education Club will play
baseball at 4:00 today at Ferry Field.
Mr. Ira M. Smith, Registrar of the
University, will speak on "The Uni-
versity's Relations with High School
Principals" today at 4:10 p.m. This
is one of the series of Educational
Conferences, and will be held in
f Room 1022, University High School.
Michigan Repertory Players: The
character-comedy, "Grumpy," with
Francis Compton in the title role,
will be presented this week. The play
will open tomorrow night, July 4, and
wvill continue through Saturday.
There will be no Friday performance

because of the University reception.
The box-office of the Lydia Mendels-
sohn theatre is open daily from 9:30
a.m. to 8:30 p.m. The telephone
number is 6300.
Michigan Repertory Players: A few
specially priced season tickets for the
remaining seven plays of the summer
season are available to those patrons
who neglected to purchase coupon
books during the first week of the
plays. Please call the Lydia Mendels-
sohn theatre box office, phone 6300,
for further information.
Intramural Sports Building will be
closed all day July 4th.
Stalker Hall: Wednesday at 3:30
p.m. Outing, swim, and picnic sup-
per. Bring your swimming suits.
Bring car if you have one. Everyone



Toe, tap, acrobatics.
Taught daily. Terrace
Garden Studio, Wuerth
Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695
Open evenings.



Screen Reflections


Musical Events

Yor Sport
of the summer series of concerts
presented by the School of Music. Under the aus-
pices of this organization, which in the past has
presented the most notable talent the music world
knows, a group of artists will give recitals here
during the summer months.
The concerts, which will be given on Tuesday
nights in Hill Auditorium will take place every
Tuesday night for the next six weeks as a part
of the general Summer Session program of the
School of Music faculty.
Unlike the concerts which make up the Choral
Union and May Festival programs, the current
presentations are free. Such a large-scale offering
upon such a noble basis should, not go unrewarded.
It is to be hoped that all students and faculty
members of the Summer Session will respond to
this excellent opportunity by attending each of
the concerts and offering their full support.
In the past these concerts have been a remark-
able success. There can be no doubt that this
season will be the same in that respect as its
prdeecessors. Inasmuch as Hill Auditorium seats
5,000 persons, there is little reason why every
person in any way affiliated with the University
should not attend. Townspeople, students and fac-
ulty members alike are welcome. A large attend-
ance means bigger and better programs in the
You will not gain the fullest possible benefit from
your presence in the Summer Session unless you
take advantage of all opportunities for cultural
Leisure Time Activities,
An Investigation. .
"tINDINGS of the National Recrea-
F tion association in a study of the
leisure time activities and desires of some five
thousand persons in 29 cities of 10 states last
year, as summarized in a recent issue of The Ar-
chitectural Record, present some interesting and
valuable food for thought.
At no other time in this country's history has
there been such a need for leisure time activities
for adults, and it appears certain that there will
be, even more free time for the average person
in the not far distant future. Working days must
be shortened to provide employment for all, ac-
cording to the new philosophy emerging from
the. ashes of the depression.
The investigation was conducted by the asso-
ciation to determine what people are doing in
their spare time, whether or not any change could
be noted in their utilization of spare time during
the past year, and what activities they would pre-
fer to pursue if the opportunity were afforded.
Some of the cities in which the survey was carried
out were Boston, Newark, Worcester, Mass., Ossin-
ing, N.Y.; Irvington, N.J.; Durham, N.C.; and Mill-
burn, N.J.
One of the most significant findings of the
survey was that leisure time activity is largely
determined by cost and availability, and that the
real desires of the people concerned were often
suppressed because of that fact. The home is the
denter for seven of the ten most popular activities
for which a preference was expressed, and little
if any expense is involved in any one of these.
From these and other facts, the economic fac-
tor in activity choosing seemed to be paramount.
The study also showed that few take part in music,
drama, and the crafts as compared with other
activities, and the same holds true for games,
sports and outdoor activities.

Summer School students will have their first
opportunity of the season for an evening of free
musical entertainment tonight when the first con-
cert of the season is held at Hill Auditorium.
Palmer Christian, Organist; Arthur Hackett,
tenor; Wassily Besekirsky, violinist; Hanns Pick,
violoncellist and Joseph Brinkman, pianist, all
faculty members of the University School of
Music, will unite their resources in providing an
interesting program of musical numbers.
All those planning to attend are respectfully re-
quested to be in their seats at 8:15 p.m. sharp.
The program follows:
Concerto in D ................ Vivaldi-Bach
Palmer Christian
Sonata Op 30 No 3 .............. Beethoven
Allegro assai
Tempo di Minuetto
Allegro vivace
Wassily Besekirsky and Joseph Brinkman
Trochne Blumen, Fruhlingsglaube,
Du Bist die Ruh ................. Schubert
Fruhlingsnacht, Im Wunderschonen Monat
Mai, Aus Meinen Thranen Spriessen,
Auftrage ...................... Schumann
Arthur Hackett
Five Impressions of a Holiday ......Goossens
In the Hills
By the Rivers
The Water Wheel
The Village Church
At the Fair
Wassily Besekirsky, Hanns Pick and Joseph
The Theatre
Burns Mantle in Munsey's Magazine:
"In 'Grumpy', a mild melodrama written by
two English authors Horace Hodges and T. Wig-
ney Percival, Cyril Maude appears as a doting
grandfather of eighty odd years, irascible and
tender by turns. As a young man he had been a
rather famous criminal lawyer, and when his fa-
vorite nephew, carrying an uncut diamond valued
at something over $400,000, from the diamond
fields of Africa to London stops at Grumpy's house,
and is there robbed of the stone, all of the old
gentleman's thief-catching instincts are revived.
Ile goes on nodding in his easy chair or tottering
about his garden, but all the time he is following
such clues to the robber as he is able to ferret out,
and in the end, of course, brings the thief to book.
Then, with a chuckle of satisfaction, he totters off
to bed fussing good-naturedly with his faithful
S -* * * . -
The Saturday Review of Literature:
"The plot is a simple one and is sentimental
,enough to make a wide appeal, but what has given
the piece the large public it has always enjoyed
,is the characterization of the old man. This fidgety
gentleman who is all salt without and all sugar
within, and who in the intervals between wheezing
and sleeping unmasks a villain and restores a
stolen diamond to his daughter's fiance is a type
of man germaine to most families."

Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
Nick .................... William Powell
Nora .......................Myrna Loy
Dorothy ............ Maureen O'Sullivan
Guild..................Nat Pendleton
Mimi ................... Minna Gombell
Maccaulay .................. Porter Hall
Tommy .............. Henry Wadsworth
Julia Wolf .............Natalie Moorhead
Somehow or other it's much easier to write a
review finding fault with a show than one which
praises it. Any person with a normal number of
prejudices can find fault with most anything. No
matter how well he likes a show, a drawing, a book
-or even a person, a bit of critical analysis will
reveal no end of faults.
That's the problem we ran into in reviewing this
show. We sat through "The Thin Man" and thor-
oughly enjoyed it. At the time our mind didn't
function in a consciously critical manner. We
didn't say after each scene: "We liked that, be-
cause . . . " or "We didn't like this, because . .."
We were just one of the audience. Most reviewers
are like that. They have to be or their job grows
frightfully boring.
After the show their real work begins. They as-
sume a critical attitude. If they enjoyed themeslves
they try and find the reason why. And if they
didn't the same holds true. Sometimes they get
crossed up. They like something but realize it has
many faults. Or they dislike it and still think it
has lots of merit. This paradox can usually be
traced to pretty prejudices that reviewers, like
other people, have.
Now we enjoyed this detective story. William
Powell and Myrna Loy gave it a delightful touch.
They handled their parts with just the right
amount of finesse to make them amusing.
The fault in the show was not due to the actors
or director. They did what was required of them
and did it well. It is one which is found in nearly
all detective stories - this one included. The
reader doesn't get a break. All sorts of means are
used to point the finger of suspicion'at everyone
in the cast. Then in the final showdown the guilty
person proves to be someone whom the reader
has seen very little of. Of course, on looking back
over the story, we discover reasons that weren't
at all apparent at the time. The murderer was
never in the spotlight. He was made conspicuous
by his inconspicuousness. Familiar with this type
of story, we spotted him almost at once.
The thing that really puts this show over isn't
the plot - it's the superb acting of William Pow-
ell and Myrna Loy. Powell plays the role of the
detective who apparently cares for nothing except
liquor and his wife. Life is not a serious matter
with him. It's fun. It's comical. And Miss Loy, as
his wife, is an ideal mate. Her philosophy is the
The dialogue is especially amusing. With Powell
and Miss Loy it helps carry the show. It has a
touch of the inimitable Noel Coward. In fact Cow-
ard himself could have done little better.
Whether or not you like detective stories, you'll
like "The Thin Man." For it's different. It's a de-
tective story comedy. -C.A.B.

in Dashiell Hammett's Delightfully Charming Mystery Play
... .... .... MAJESTIC . . . . . ..
in the Paramount Social Drama
"She Made Ker Bed"
An interesting story of a one-man woman who
refused to cheat a cheater.
Matinees 15c U . . . .WUERTH . . . ....*Nights 25c
Norma Sh earer "RIPTIDE"






00 p I
.-0 "Ov 1-00 P"



Claude Van pniff,Grad.®,
Will Find It Necessary To
Pace the Floors But a Few
Days longer and Then











will be off the prae
and Claude's worries will be over.
He'll know the address ain phone num-
ber of the fellow who promised to take
himd to Detroit to the ball; gamle, of the
young lady who sits next to him in Fine
Arts and of the faculty member whose
assignments he always forgets.
Phone Reservations


"iv wIN im uM v "

y v
Casual Essays
This I beheld,
Not dreamed it in a dream:
There spread a crowd of people at the League.
A - t..---- m n - inn f rlaanmr a na--tar

Richard Arlen and Sally Eilers are starred in
the Paramount production, "She Made Her Bed,"
which comes to the Majestic Theatre today. Sup-
porting them are Robert Armstrong, Grace Brad-
ley, Roscoe Ates and Richard Arlen, Jr., who makes
his initial appearance on the screen.
The story tells of Sally Eilers and Robert Arm-
strong, unhappily married, who own a tourist
camp. Richard Arlen enters the picture as a med-
icine man in a side-show who falls in love with
Sally. At the same time her husband has an affair
with Grace Bradley, who is also in the show.
Of course things work out in the end so that
obstacles are removed from the Arlen-Eilers affair.
The story was taken from "Baby in the Ice-
Rn" hv James M .Cain It is directed hv Ralnh

For Your Directory To 2-1214
Campus Sale Thursday


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