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July 03, 1934 - Image 1

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The Weather

arm today;

fair, not quite so
tomorrow probably



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Official Publication Of The Summer Session

VOL. XV No. 8


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Wilson Gives

Denominationalism attacked
By Dr. Blakeman In Speech

w History,

Law Professor Delivers
First Of Annual Series
Of Five Lectures
Declares Conditions
Show Improvement
Accomplishments Of Two
Pe a c e Conferences At
The Hague Discussed

Whether Christians know the dif-
ference between saving humanity and
saving the church is often doubtful,
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, University
counselor in religious education, de-
clared yesterday while speaking on
"The Function of Religion in Com-
munity Life" in one of a series of
Lducational School Conferences.
"American denominationalism, the
disgrace of many communities, leads
us to question the seriousness of
Protestant purpose," Dr. Blakeman
said. He decried "the duplication of
edifices, of hospitals, of schools, and
of orphanages, as well as a score of
other anti-social or semi-social cus-
toms which give us the debit side of
religion's ledger."
Not particularly inimical toward
Protestantism, Dr. Blakeman also crit-
icized the separate school system of
the Catholics, "the Jews intent upon
ancient family custom and distinc-;
tive ceremonies both for worship and
for the fireside, and the Christian
Science group, with its aversion to
health precautions."7
As a result of these practices, the
speaker indicated that "on the sur-
face, the function of religion mightl
seem to be to divide neighbors alongj
lines of sectarian convictions, to per-I
petuate traditions associated withl
faith, regardless of their present so-
cial values, to accentuate racial or

The history of the progress of in-
ternational law, which he declared
has been in existence an unknown
length of time, was traced by Prof.
George Grafton Wilson, professor -of
international law at Harvard Univer-
sity, last night in the first of a series
of five lectures which are a part of the
program of the annual Summer Ses-
sion on Teaching International Law.
"The progress in the development
of international law during the past
35 years has been greater than in the
250 years between the signing of the
Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 and the
First Hague Conference in 1899,"
Professor Wilson said in commenting
on the present status of international
law. He added that in spite of the
recent World War "it is far from a
time for discouragement."
Describes Progress
In describing what he termed "the
great progress of the 20th Century."
Professor Wilson said there has been
improvement "in arbitral and judicial
settlement of international differ-
ences as well as in the many and
comprehensive settlements of out-
standing disputes by numerous mixed
claims commissions."
The speaker declared that there
was international law before the
twentieth century, but that it is dif-
ficult to say exactly when topics
which are now classed as internation-
al law first began to be studied.
Beginning in the eighteenth ceh-
tury courts more and more followed
the law of nations, but -in the next
century they respected precedent and
such names as Lord Stowell and Chief
Justice Marshall, Professor Wilson
The beginning of real accomplish-
ments in the field of international law
(Continued on Page 4)
Indict Sapiro
On Attempted
Bribery Count
Tampering With Federal
Jury Stated As Cause For

Faculty To Be
Presented In
First Concert
Hackett, Christian, Tr i o
Will Appear In Varied
The first of the series of weekly
concerts to be given by members of
the School of Music faculty will be
presented at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill
Arthur Hackett, professor of voice,
has chosen songs by Schumann and
Schubert for his part of the program.
Palmer Christian, organist, will play
u Bach concerto in D, arranged by
The School of Music Trio which was
.responsible for a number of the most
satisfactory concerts during the reg-
ular school year, will use as its se-
leption Goossens' Five Impressions of
a Holiday. Wassily Besekirsky, violin-
ist, Hanns Pick, cellist, and Joseph
Brinkman, pianist, all associated with
the School of Music, make up the
Throughout the winter, weekly con-
certs were given by representatives
of the School of Music, and plans are
to continue that idea throughout the
summer session. The concerts will be
given every Tuesday night.
The Detroit Tigers split a double
header with the Cleveland Indians,
winning the first game behind the
pitching of Tommy Bridges, 9 to 2,
and dropping the second to the Tribe,
6 to 5. In doing so they dropped a
half game to the league leading Yan-
kees who shut out the Red Sox, 5
to 0.
In the National League, New York
and Chicago continued their burning
pace, the Giants defeating Boston, 7
to 4, and the Cubs subduing the St.
Louis Cardinals by a like score.
American League

language differences, and to look
upon a community as an iniquitous
asylum from which souls are to be
saved by the grace of God and the
power of preaching." All of which Dr.
Blakeman believes not to be the func-
tion of religion.
However, "on the credit side of the
ledger," he listed three functions of
religion in community relations which
he believes are important.
First: "Religion is a sacred emo-
tion capable of taming the native
urges of men and projecting God's
wish as man's destiny here and now."
This Dr. Blakeman styled evidence of
social leadership. Second: "Religion
is man in potential unselfishness,
committing himself to an earthly
task, reverently, fearlessly, and with
assurance. Thus social solidarity is
made possible," he said.
His third point was that "religion
prescribes a hierarchy of values, sets
the person high in that series, and
offers man an adequate goal and in-
centive," and he summarized this
point by saying that "religion offers
the social idea as real."
Concluding, Dr. Blakeman gave as
his belief that nothing. can be found
to "progressively challenge the crea-
tive powers, the tender emotions, the
lofty ideals, or the enduring aims
of the ablest within the unit, except
Literary Detectives
Find First Editions
In Reality Spurious
NEW YORK, July 2.--(P)- Two
literary detectives have reached the
sensational conclusion that many of a
series of supposedly rare and extreme-
ly valuable mid-Victorian pamphlets,
some treasured in the United States,
are spurious.
Chief on the list is the famous
1847 Reading Edition of Elizabeth
Barrett Browning's "Sonnets from the
Portuguese," a copy of which has sold
as high as $1,250. At least 15 copies
of the disputed edition are in Amer-
ican libraries. ..
Not only is this "first edition" de-
clared a fake by John Carter and Gra-
ham Pollard, but they have put the
stamp of forgery, piracy or of high
suspicion on early dated booklets by
Lord Tennyson, W. M. Thackeray,
John Ruskin, Charles Dickens, Robert
Browning, Dante G. Rosetti, William
Morris, Algernon C. Swindburne,
Matthew Arnold, George Eliot, Robert
Louis Stevenson and Rudyard Kip-
Pittings themselves against the
elder bibliographers who held the pro-
ductions genuine, the younger m'en
went at the subject scientifically with
a microscope, making paper and type
The paper test, according to the
two, revealed that many of the
pamphlets, purporting to have been
printed between 1842 and 1870 and
after, contained paper which was not
in use in England until years later.
The same applied to the type.
The men held that the pamphlets
were manufactured specifically for
the first edition market, which had a
tremendous growth near the turn of
the century.
Carter and Pollard's suspicions
originally were aroused by similarities
in type faces, dates, format and paper,
indicating a common origin for a
number of the pamphlets.
Regarding the 1847 Browning "Son-
nets" the "detectives" said: "The
paper is composed of chemical wood,
with a trace of rag paper, which can-
not have been manufactured before
1874, and is very unlikely until before

Chaos Rules
India, States
Prof. Wadia
Decries British Rule As
'Oppressive;' Country Is
'Fettered' By English
Describes Gandhi
As Martyr In Vain

Asserts New Constitution
Will Not Help Present
A picture of an oppressed India,
which for the last 15 years has fought
'to free itself politically from the fet-
ters of British rule, only to fail mis-
erably, was presented last night by
Dr. P. A. Wadia, dean of the faculty
of arts at the University of Bombay,
India, who spoke on "The New Out-
look for India."
"In 1930 Mahatma Gandhi, feeling
that all constitutional methods of rec-
tifying the oppression were futile,
adopted the non-co-operation move-
ment. Gandhi," according to Dr. Wa-
dia, "felt that by offering his life and
manifesting his love for his country,
that he and his followers might be
able to bring about a change of heart
in the British rule."
The essence of the non-co-operative
movement as explained by Dr. Wadia
was that his followers should break
certain laws. The two most impor-
tant ones were the salt law and the
forestry law.
Following the instigation of this
movement came one of the most de-
grading pictures India has ever seen,
according to Dr. Wadia. Literally
thousands of men and women were
thrown into jails for the opposition to
the law. Jails became so crowded
that ordinary criminals were released
to make room for the revolters. When
the jails were filled to capacity, peo-
ple were bludgeoned and whipped.in-
stead of receiving jail sentences k
Three years have passed since that
time, Dr. Wadia continued, and it is
a sad prospect that India faces.
Dr. Wadia stressed the fact that
the followers of Gandhi did not enter
the movement with the idea of re-
sults to be gained but rather they
were seeking to establish those things
first which are first.
The ordinances which were insti-
tuted during the time of the revolt
are now permanent statutes. They
oppress the people of India even more
than before. When reform comes
these temporary emergency laws will
stay on every statute book because the
British government will claim that
the period of emergency has not
Announce Engagement
Of Two Former Students
A tea given Sunday afternoon by
Mrs. M. W. Wheeler was the occa-
sion for the announcement of the
engagement of her niece, Miss Vir-
ginia Ladd to Robert Treat Crane,
Jr., of New York, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Treat Crane of New York,
formerly of Ann Arbor.
Miss Ladd, who was one of the
bridal party in the Reeves-Gage wed-
ding, is a graduate of the University
and a member of Collegiate Sorosis.
Mr. Crane also graduated from Mich-
igan, where he was affiliated with
Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, and has
just finished his studies at Harvard
University Law School. The date of
the wedding has not yet been set.

Declares That It Is Not An
Inter-Party Break, But
Rift In Dominant Unit
Loops For Further
Split In Hitler Party
Charges That Chancellor
Shackled And Browbeat
German Electorate
Germany is experiencing, not a
break between parties as might have
been expected, but a break in the
dominant Nazi party, Prof. Preston
W. Slosson of the history department
told members of the Men's Education
Club last night in a brief summary
of events in Germany since the World
Professor Slosson said that while a
break between the Nazis and the
Junker, or rich industrial and land-
owning, party, was reasonably due to
occur, it was nearly unforseen that
Hitler would come to odds with many
of his chief lieutenants.
His speech opened with a short
statement of the events which pre-
ceded and brought about the rise of
Hitler to power. According to Pro-
fessor Slosson, post-war Germany was
oppressed by the results of the war,
but, singularly enough, did not take
it out on the war government but on
whatever government happened to be
in power at the time. Trade losses,
general foreign hostility, and sharp
division among German political par-
ties, all played their part in German
dissatisfaction, Professor Slosson said.
Capitalized On Discontent
Hitler capitalized on this wide-
spread discontent, the speaker con-
tinued. He took the ardent national-
ists, the royalists, the "liquidated
middle classes," but still did not
have a majority of the Reichstag. It
was not until the Junker class finally
capitulated to the accession of "the
upstart," that Germany could get a
leader with a majority of the voting
power, said Professor Slosson, and
that capitulation was only because
the capitalists feared Hitler less than
they feared the Communists.
They alone were the final factor in
Hitler's success and are still a deci-
sive factor in the government, de-
clared Professor Slosson, "as evi-
denced by Franz von Papen's occupa-
tion of the third most powerful post
in Germany, the vice-chancellorship."
Hindenburg Important
No one can say what would happen
in Germany were President von Hin-
denburg to die at present, Professor
Slosson said. In that case, he added,
the Hitler government's most power-
ul link with the capitalist class would
be broken.
Professor Slosson expressed doubt
that Hitler could obtain a majority in
an openly-conducted election, saying
that he had never done so unless the
electorate was "shackled and brow-
Along with most other observers,
Professor Slosson looks for still more
bombshells in the German political
situation. He believes that Hitler
cannot control Germany indefinitely,
and that he is more like the ill-fated
Louis Napoleon of France than like
the strong dictators of the present
day, Mussolini and Stalin.
Council Agrees
On Figures of
Disposal Plant
The Ann Arbor City Council came
to an agreement Monday night on
the question of accepting engineering
figures on construction of the dis-
posal . plant and thereby possibly
avoided the loss of PWA aid. The con-

tracts with the firms of Ayres, Lewis,
Norris, and May and of Shoecraft,
Drury, and McNamee provide for en-
gineering costs that will be five and
one-half per cent of the actual cost.
It is not known as yet what the
cost of the project will be, but the
government already has offered to
advance $450,000, to be repaid out of
revenues of the plant. It is making
a direct gift of 30 per cent of the
total cost of the project, and advanc-
ing the remainder as a loan. An-
nouncement of its willingness to aid-
has been made from Washington, but
the city still is awaiting official word
of the grant.
TTnder the original rontra:t for

Nazi Party Is
Facing Break,
Slosson States

Reports Story Of
Execution Of 60

NEW YORK, July 2. - (P) -Aaron
Sapiro, nationally known attorney
who once sued Henry Ford for $1,-
000,000 in a libel action, was indicted
today by a Federal Grand Jury on
charges of conspiracy and attempted
bribery of jurymen.
The Grand Jury also indicted Sam
Roth, who previously had been
charged with jury tampering in con-
nection with the trial of Murry C.
Harwood, Sidney Paris and others.
This indictment related to the
same trial, in which Harwood and
Paris were convicted of mail fraud.
After being sentenced, Harwood as-
serted in New York Federal Court that
an attorney had promised to appeal
the case, accepting $10,000, and then
did not take action. The attorney
was not named.
Sapiro recently was acquitted in
Chicago of having conspired with
others in Illinois to commit malicious
mischief by causing the explosion of
bombs, destroying buildings and in-
flicting injuries on various persons in
the laundry business there.
He returned to New York and on
June 7 entered a voluntary petition of
bankruptcy, in which he estimated
his assets at $14,425 and his liabilities
at $181,000.
Sapiro is charged in the indictment
today with having made improper
contacts with wives and brothers of
three jurors in the Harwood-Paris
The fourth count in the indictment
charges the two defendants with con-
spiracy. It is set forth that in January,
1933, Sapiro introduced Roth to Har-
wood in Sapiro's Fifth Avenue office.
Sapiro was Harwood's attorney at
the time.

DETROIT, July 2. - (P) -Another
group of bankers or former bankers,
among those indicted by the Fed-
eral grand jury here on charges of
making or conspiring to make false
reports to the comptroller, were placed
under $2,500 bond in United States
district court today.
Today's group numbered seven,
leaving three of those indicted yet to
be arraigned.
Those arraigned were: Robert O.
Lord, former president of the Guar-
dian Detroit Union Group, Inc.; John
H. Hart, former executive vice-presi-
dent of the First National Bank of
Detroit; Steven A. Graham, president
of the First National Bank of Detroit;
Stephen A. Graham, president of the
First National and Savings Bank of
Port Huron; Donald N. Sweeny, for-
mer president of the First National'
Bank of Detroit; James L. Walsh,
former executive vice-president of the
Guardian group; Herbert L. Chitten-
den, former chairman of the execu-
tive committee of the First National
Bank of Detroit, and John R. Bodde,
former vice-chairman of the board of
the First National Bank of Detroit.
Remaining to be arraigned are Earl
H. Sheppard, vice-president of the
First National Bank and Trust Com-
pany of Kalamazoo; Charles S. Camp-
bell, president of the same institu-
tion; and John Ballantyne, former
president of the Detroit Bankers Com-
pany, and now president of the Man-
ufacturers National Bank, Detroit.
Edmonson Speaks
To Joint Meeting
Speaking last night before members
of the Women's Education Club and
Pi Lambda Theta, education sorority,
Dean J. B. Edmonson advised an au-
dience composed mainly of teachers
that "the teacher should feel obligated
to protect the educational interests
of children, and should therefore be
much concerned with recent trends in
both the moral and the financial
support of education."
With the topic, "What Can Teach-
ers Do in the Present Emergencv?"

BERLIN, July 2.- ()- Hundreds
of persons have been summarily ex-
ecuted in Chancellor Hitler's ruthless
suppression of revolt in Nazi ranks a
reliable source stated tonight, as the
full significance of the party's "blood
purge" became more evident.
More than 60 person were shot
down in Berlin alone, this authority
said, indicating that previous reports
that only a score or so fell were far
short of the real facts.
The government, which has been
promising an authentic list of those
executed, tonight again postponed
giving it out.
Secure thus far in his. position, to
which he waded through this ocean of
blood, Hitler prepared to consolidate
himself and his colleagues by forcing
from power the mainstay of the con-
servatives, Vice Chancellor Franz Von
Von Papen To Go Out
An authoritative source said that
Von. Papen, a stanch friend of Pres-
ident Paul Von Hindenburg and a de-
vout Catholic and a critic of many
Nazi policies, will go out of office to-
Von Papen, it has been declared,
is named as heir to the President, in
a "political will."
Present plans, it was said, call for
elevation to the Vice Chancellorship
of Hermann Wilhelm Goering, Prus-
sian premier and co-purger with Hit-
ler in Saturday's suppression of "trai-
Meanwhile, Von Hindenburg warn-
ed that Von Papen must not be
harmed. The bluff, soldierly Presi-
dent, regarded 24 hours ago as a sick
old man, exposed his iron hand to
the strife-torn nation by making the
Reichswehr (regular army) directly
responsible for the safety of- Von
Papen, his friend and protege.
Brother Fliers End
FlightIn Warsaw
WARSAW, July 2. - (P) - Joseph
and Benjamin Adamowicz, Brooklyn
brothers. ended their flight from


New York ......
Detroit ...,.... .
Washington .
Boston ........
Cleveland ......
St. Louis .......
Philadelphia .,..
Chicago ........

. 42 24
. 42 28
. 37 33
. 36 33
. . 35 32
. 30 35
. 27 40
..... 23 47


Yesterday's Results
Detroit 9-5, Cleveland 2-6.
New York 5, Boston 0.
Washington 7, Philadelphia 3.
Only games scheduled.
Today's Games
Detroit at Cleveland.
Washington at Philadelphia.
Boston at New York.
Only games scheduled.


Changing Direction Of Evolution
Discussed By Shull At Lecture

Evolution from the Lamarckian
idea of environmental causation,
through the Darwinian theory of nat-
ural selection and finally to the most
accepted trend, mutations, "the stone
out of which the edifice of evolution
was built," was discussed by Prof. A.
Franklin Shull, in his lecture yester-
day on "Changing Trends in Evolu-
tionary Thought."
"At the time of its conception, evo-
lution was literally opposed by many
and championed by few," according to
Professor Shull. The objections were
not based on religious grounds for no
religious relation was seen until the
ape entered the argument."
Professor Shull said that the fail-

trolled by Alpine climate, soil, nutri-
tion, and physiological differences.
Charles Darwin, who followed La-
marck, accepted his theory of envir-
onmental causation so far as to feel
obliged to devise a theory to account
for the inheritance of such environ-
mental modifications, according to
Professor Shull.
"Darwin, however, used environ-
ment in a different way, devising a
theory named Pangenesis, in which
modifications of animals and plants
were assumed to occur but the causes
of which might be anything."
Explaining this theory further, Pro-
fessor Shull said that environment
preserved or destroyed the variant in-
Hi i iia. rrhie farns.- crm -444 -

Nattional League

New York.........
Chicago ..........
St. Louis........
Pittsburgh ........
Boston ...........
Brooklyn .........
Philadelphia. . .






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