Cloudy, cooler today, followed
scattered showers at night;
niorrow unsettled.
Alitithane ssait
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
OL. XV No. 5
Press Policy
Is Subject Of
Bruimn Talk
Newspapers Cannot Give
Public What They Need,
Journalist Asserts
Reader Interest
Focused Wrongly
Says Human Nature And
Not Wicked Editors Is
Cause Of News Trends
It Seems Rev. Hughes Is To
Have Busy Day Of Knot Tying
NEWPORT, R: I., June 28. - John
Jacob Astor, III, and Ellen Tuck
French will be married at 4 p.m.
Saturday, June 30 at Trinity Epis-
copal Church by the Rev. Stanley C.
Hughes, rector of the church.
Miss French is the daughter of
Francis Ormond French of Dedham,
Mass., and Mrs. Livingston French
of New York. Astor is the son of
Mrs. Enzo Fiermonte and the late
John Jacob Astor.
A reception following the ceremony
will be held at Mapleshade, residence
of Amos Tuck French, Sr., grand-
father of the bride.
Virginia Middleton French, sister
of the bride, will be the only at-
tendant. Lloyd G. Griscom, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd P. Griscom of
Syosset, L. I., will be best man.
Relatives, classmates of Astor at
St. George School, and friends will
comprise the staff of ushers.
Roosevelt Tells
Of Gains During
Last 15 Months.
"If the newspapers gave the public
what they should have it would en-
list them in the services of heaven but
would probably also disrupt them
financially," stated Prof. John L.
Brumm, head of the department of
journalism y e s t e r d a y afternoon,
speaking on "The Newspaper and
Reader Interest."
"The newspaper above all else is
at all times under trial of reader-
critics," he said, "and it is because of
this that it maintains such a promi-
nent place in the social world."
Mencken's Views
"According to such critics as H.
L. Mencken, the American press is
ten times as bad as Sinclair describes
it in the 'Brass Check,' " said Pro-
fessor Brumm. Mencken used such
acid statements in describing the
press as "courageous as a rat," "in-
telligent as a Baptist evangelist," "as
honorable as a police station law-
yer," and "as learned as a high school
,rofessor Brumm agreed in part
with some. of these accusations, say-
ing "all too frequently the news-
papers had betrayed public trust by
suppression and by openly flaunting
crime, sex, vice, and scandal."
He. de f e n d e d the newspapers
against Mencken's radical views, how-
ever, by stating that "Mencken has
rot shown any partiality to anything
else in his criticisms of this 'imper-
"Newspapers do not formulate
opinion, they only reflect it," accord-
ing to Professor Brumm. Also in a
good many cases the opinion they do
reflect is not the opinion- of the ma-
jority but of the interests which the
papers represent."
Press An Industry
The reason that papers present to
the public only what they choose to is
because they are a business enter-
prise controlled by their advertisers
and circulation. Reader interest be-
ing the control of circulation, it is
only logical, stated Professor Brumm,
that newspapers should present the
typeof news which pleases the reader
without offending the advertiser.
The real question, according to
Professor Brumm, is "what, in view
of the best and worst in newspaper
offerings, do newspapers actually give
the public?" He answered this ques-
tion by stating that they give their
readers news of three types. First,
that type which affects personal wel-
fare, second, that kind which af-
fects national and community in-
terest, and lastly, that kind of news
which affects others personally.
An analysis of a number of metro-
politan papers was presented to show
the audience the spectrum of reader
interest. Comparisons were drawn
between representative papers of the
socially constructive papers and those
papers which play up the "sex appeal"
angle in their headlines.
In the former category, Professor
Brumm presented as an example, the
Christian Science Monitor, which de-
votes approximately 23 per cent of its
front page headlines to foreign news
and citizenship news, and in the lat-
ter category he presented as an ex-
ample The New York Mirror, a tab-
loid, which because of its use of 11
kindswof stories on their front page
which have a minus news value rat-
ing on the news interest spectrum,
are given a minus percentage, of 87.
Both the Monitor and the United
States News have a remarkable de-
votion to a specific type of news and
r e a d e r, according to Professor
What Does Public Want?
"Does the public want the type of
news as presented by such papers as
the Monitor, the Boston Transcript,
The Emporia Gazette, and the New
York Times?" An examination of
several New York papers revealed that
the public is not partial to this type
of news. The New York Daily, a tab-
loid, has a circulation of 1,274,000
readers, with 24 per cent sex interest
in their front page headlines, while,,.t7..1>mm nc ln rin- a tisns
ANN ARBOR, June 28. - Ellen
Howell Reeves and Alexander Kim-
ball Gage, Jr., will be married at
3:30 p.m. Saturday at St. Andrews
Episcopal Church by the Rev. Stan-
ley C. Hughes of Trinity Episcopal
Church of Newport, R. I.
Miss Reeves is the daughter of
Prof. and Mrs. Jesse S. Reeves, Ann
Arbor. Gage is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Alexander K. Gage of Detroit.
A reception following the ceremony
in St. Andrew's Episcopal Church will
be held at the Michigan Union. The
maid of honor will be Miss Elizabeth
Ladd,'32. and Henry Gage, '32,
brother of the groom, will act as
best man.
The bridesmaids will be the Misses
Louise Breakey, '32, Mary Shields,
'32, Barbara Lorch, Mary Gage, Han-
nah Reeves and Mrs. George Herre-
ran. Assisting as ushers will be Arthur
Reeves and Frank Donovan.
The Tigers won another game yes-]
terday, beating the Chicago White
Sox, 8 to 7, in 10 innings at Navin
Field, their first game in the home
park since their successful swing
around the East. New York took al
game from Washington, 4 to 0, in
the meantime, to remain in the lead
of the race for the American League
American League
Lauds Congress' Actions
And 'Non-partisanship'
In Radio Speech
WASHINGTON., June 29. - (/P) --
President Roosevelt told the nation
tonight "substantial gains" had been
made during the last 15 months.
In a speech over the radio, he
pointed to the future in which the
new governmental structure would be
"a part of and a fulfillment of the
He lauded the Congressional action
of the last session and the "non-
partisanship" of members; and dealt
heavy-handedly with critics of the
administration program.
"Substantial gains well-known to
all of you have justified our course,"
he said. "The simplest way for each
of you to judge recovery lies in the
plain fact of your own individual sit-
uation. Are you better off than you
were last year? Are your debts less
irksome? Is your bank account more
secure? Are your working conditions
better? Is your faith in your own
more individual future more firmly
Speaking of "self-seekers and the
periodical die-hards who tell you of
the laws of individual liberty," theI
President said, "the toes of some peo-
ple are being stepped on and are go-
ing to be stepped on."
"But these toes," he said "belong
to the comparative few who seek to
retain or gain possession of riches by
some short cut which is harmful to
the greater good."
Looking to the future, the President
said the first principle of the pro-
gram would be means of providing
better homes for the people of the
"The second," he continued, "is to
plan the use of land and water re-
sources of this country to the.end that
the means of livelihood may be more
adequate to meet their daily needs.
"And, finally, the third principle
is to use the agencies of government
to assist in the establishment ofI
means to provide sound and ade-
quate protection against the vicissi-
tudes of modern life - in other words
social insurance.
"A few timid people, who fear
progress, will try to give you new and
strange names for what we are doing.
Sometimes they will call it 'Fascism,
-sometimes 'Communism' - some-
times 'regimentation' -sometimes
'Socialism.' But, in so doing, they are
trying to make very complex and
periodical something which is very
simple and very practical."
New York........
St. Louis.........
.W" -L
..40 24
..40 25
..35 31
..36 32
..32 29
.,28 34
..26 38
..21 45
Detroit 8, Chicago 7.
New York 4, Washington 0.
Philadelphia 7, Boston 1.
Only games scheduled.
Friday's Games
Detroit at St. Louis.
Cleveland at Chicago.
Only games scheduled.
National League
Is Attended
By Over 100
Prof. Carl J. Coe Leads
Group On Trip Around
Group Is Divided
Into Two Sections
Itinerary Includes The Law
Quadrangle And Union;
Many Women Present
More than 100 people made the
firstexcursion yesterday, led by Prof.
Carl J. Coe, director of Summer Ses-
sion excursions for 1934. The young-
est to make the trip was a little red-
headed boy about five years old, and
from there on there was a represen-
tation of almost all age groups. About
three-fourths of the party were wom-
There was one student there who
had been on the campus for several
years, but he. went because he had
nothing better to do, and because
some of the girls were good-looking.
Before the trip was half completed,
he had found out that he did not
know as much about the campus as he
had thought he did. So he completed
the tour.
Due to faulty connections, the
group started off in two sections, the
second section of about 30 missing
the trip through the Law Group.
There the first party saw the Legal
Research Library, the Assembly
Room, the Court Room, and the
Alumni Room at Hutchins Hall, and
the Lounge -and the Dining Hall in
other buildings on the quadrangle.
One Group Gets Left
After some wait, the second con-
tingent learned that they had missed
the start, but they were able to join
the group just as it was going in the
Union - by the side door, of course.
The veteran student had seen all
the lounges, and he had seen the ball-
room many times, but there was a
piccolo player practicing there who
was new to him. And this was the
first time that he had raised the am-
bition to climb to the top of the Tower
for the view of the campus which it
offers. He found it a surprisingly in-
teresting trip because of the delight-
ful breezes. From this point Profes-
sor Coe began a visual tour of Ann
Arbor, pointing out buildings of in -
terest to the excursionists. Part of the
group were very reluctant to leave,
but were reminded that it was a
downhill trip all the rest of the way,
so with one more gulp at the breeze
they left, resolved to return later.
At the library an official took one
look at the horde, and fled for re-
inforcements. Finally three guides
were drafted for service, and the par-
ty did the Library in sections..Here
at last the student who thought he
knew all about the campus found out
how the conveyor system works-
he's always wondered - and just
what happens to a book from the
time he asks for it to the time he gets
it or doesn't. The trip included the
usual tour of the stacks and various
reading rooms, and also a visit to the
rare book rooms.
See Clements Library
The next point for the excursion-
ists was the William L. Clements Li-
brary of Early American History.
Here they heard a short talk in the
Main Room by one of the librarians
on the contents of the Library, and its
purpose. In the course of this talk,
the students learned that, thanks to
Mr. Clements, the University possess-
es one of the few copies remaining
of Waldseemuller's Geography from
which this continent took its name,
one of 20 copies of an edition of a let-
ter written by Columbus about his
first trip, the only extant copy of the
first book printed on this continent,
(Mexico City, 1544), and a copy of the
first book printed in what is now the
United States, (Massachusetts, 1644).
The group was also allowed to enter
the vault in which the more valuable
of the books are kept. This, the vet-
eran student further learned, was a
huge block of cement set in the center
of the building, with steel doors, and
steel shutters for thewindows, so
that the room is burglar-proof and
fireproof. But the steel doors are
covered by paneled wooden doors, and
the steel shutters are rolled back, and
the result is a lavishly furnished li-
brary of invaluable books.
Group Disbands
At this point the group disbanded
Sc a iA ,','*.fl or fl Tfnl1A' lad +1'n
Treatment Of
Youth Scored
By Edmonson
Six Points Given In Proof
Of Indictment In Speech
By Education Dean
Proposes Four-Fold
Program of Action
Stresses Need For More
Liberal Provisions For
Wholesome Recreation
America's treatment of its youth
has resulted in a policy of "serious
neglect," Dean J. B. Edmonson of the
School of Education charged yester-
day, speaking in the Education Con-
ference Series on the general topic,
"The Washington . Conference on
America's Youth Problem."
In a suggested indictment of the
present situation, he presented six
points to prove his assertion that
American youth was not receiving
proper consideration and treatment.
They were: (1) thousands of Amer-
ica's youth forced to loaf, loiter, and
roam without aim or purpose; (2)
thousands denied the opportunity to
engage - in constructive work; (3)
thousands denied a chance to profit
by a type of educational training
which would safeguard their interests
until employment was available; (4)
number of potential criminals in-
creased by the country's failure to
safeguard the moral well-being of its
youth; (5) America blind to the
importance of building community
life in terms of the promotion of the
welfare of children and young peo-
ple; and (6) America's trying to ex-
cuse neglect of youth problems by
claim that more urgent and vital
problems must be solved.
Sees "Adequate Proof"
Dean Edmonson admitted that
some of the charges may be over-
drawn, but it was his view that from
the articles that have appeared in
oir magazines and newspapers there
is adequate proof of the seriousness
of America's neglect of its youth."
As chairman.of one of the three
round-table groups at the Washington
Conference on the youth problem,
Dean Edmonson spoke with consid-
erable authority. The meeting, called
by George F. Zook, United States
Commissioner of Education, was at-
tended by some fifty of the country's
leading educators and social workers,
and Dean Edmonson was chosen to
preside over the round-table group for
the consideration of the leisure-time
After declaring that the age-group
from 16 to 24 constitutes a much
neglected group in American life, and
that the problem presented by this
group "is far more serious than is
generally realized," the speaker listed
the various subdivisions of this group
and their respective problems.
Names Four Groups
First, he said, are those whose par-
ents have such limited income that
the children must find employment
or become dependent on charity. Sec-
ond, those who need employment or
instruction in order to protect them
from loss of morale and to keep them
from becoming potential criminals.
Current economic trends are also
affecting youth problems, Dean Ed-
monson said, pointing out that with
"the codes with restriction on child
labor, considerable numbers of young
people who find it difficult to make
adjustment to a period of enforced
idleness have been released from em-
ployment." Last in his grouping of
subdivisions were the "wanderers of
the highways," the one which attracts
the most attention.
It was Dean Edmonson's conclusion
(Continued on Page 3)
New York ....
Chicago ...... ...
St. Louis.... .
Pittsburgh ....
Boston .........
Brooklyn .......
. .34
.. 26
Philadelphia ..x
Cincinnati ....
14 University Students Are
Representative Of As
Many Nationalities
DETROIT, June 28. - Need of an
auxiliary international language to
promote international good will and
a broader program in behalf of the
40,000 university students who are
being trained in countries other than
their own, were chief topics of study
on Rotary International's agenda.
Describing foreign students s po-
tential pioneers of world unity and
a diplomatic corps of first importance,
Charles D. Hurrey, of New York urged
Rotarians to help in seeing that no
such student returned, horne ,with dis-
trust or hatred for another people.
France Welcomes Students
France, he said, welcomes about
10,000 students annually; the United
States 8,000; Japan 1,500, and the
British Isles 5,000. About 100 coun-
tries in all are'-represented in this body
of student envoys.
"They are not salesmen or poli-
ticians or missionaries, but pioneers
of world unity," Hurrey asserted. "We
are not drawing on our imagination
when we say that within the control
of foreign students lies the destinies
of nations in coming years.
"Don't think of America as a
melting pot, but rather as a loom
weaving the beautiful fabric of civili-
zation. Into it let us weave the best
of many cultures, creeds and colors
- a composite worthy of our age."
Fourteen students of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, all of different na-
tionalities were introduced.
Declaring that language barriers
are still in the way of international
understanding, Dr. Herbert N. Shen-
ton, professor of sociology at Syra-
cuse University, regretted the fact
that hundreds of languages are spok-
en in the world.
"Even if we leave out of consid-
eration those that are spoken by
less than a million people," he said,
"we still have 38 languages, most of
which are used as literary as well
as spoken tongues. The burden of in-
tellectual customs duties is undoubt-
edly heavier than the material ones."
There is no necessity for displacing
any mother tongue. An auxiliary in-
ternational language, he said, merely
will serve as one new tool of inter-
national communication, standing in
much the same relation to existing
national languages as stenography
to long hand writing and printing.
Kocsis turned in the best exhibition
of golf that had been witnessed here
in a week of continual shooting by
college boys from all sections of the
United States. His sub-par round of
71 was the first to be made in the
week and then he continued his snip-
ing for 10 holes this afternoon before
he ended the match on the twenty-
eighth green.
Malloy never had a chance with
the sharpshooting Redford lad from
the third hole this morning when
Kocsis dropped a sizeable putt for
his par four after laying an approach
shot dead to the pin. From then
on it was just a matter of how badly
Kocsis would defeat his teammate.
In a match that went one extra
hole and in which the lead changed
five times, Ed White, of Texas, elim-
inated Johnny Banks, of Notre Dame,
one up at the 37th hole.
Two Georgia Tech lads, Charley
Yates. qnd Frank -Ridley, urvivec$
the quarter-finals and will clash in
the semi-finals tomorrow. Yates, by
dint of a great comeback on the last-
nine holes, this afternoon defeated
Bill Dear 2 and 1. It was Dear who
yesterday eliminated Walter Emery,
the playing-through champion. Rid-
ley won from Vince Fehlig, the last
Notre Dame hope, 4 and 2.
In the semi-finals tomorrow Kocsis
will tangle with White, while the two
Georgia Tech lads clash in the lower
bracket match, with the finals sched-
uled for Saturday.
Their cards:
Thursday's Results
No games scheduled.
Friday's Games
Philadelphia at Boston.
Brooklynaat New York.
Chicago at Pittsburgh.
St. Louis at Cincinnati.
Education Club League
Selects Teams , Captains
Registration and entries in the Ed-
ucation Baseball League were com-
pleted yesterday with the announce-
ment of the selection of four teams
and their captains.
The teams and captains are, Teach-
ers, Conrad Templeton; Superinten-
dents, L. Vredevoogd; Principals, V.
W. Hicks; and Educational Research,
Rome Rankin
A round-robin tourney is planned,
with each of the four teams meeting
each other team three times during
the play. Games will be played every
Tuesday and Thursday on Ferry
Field, and will begin at 4 p.m.
The first game will be played next
week, on Monday, because of the holi-
day on July 4, and no other games
will be played during the week. The
regular schedule will be resumed the
following week.'
Par, out .
Kocsis ..
Par, in
Kocsis ...
Malloy ..
First Round
.4 5 4 4 3 4 41
.4 4 4 4 3 4 5
.4 4 5 5 4 5 4E
.4 3 5 4 3 4 5E
.4 3 4 5 4 4 4
.4 3 5 5 4 5 4
3-35 71
Detroit To Be
Subject For
Second Tour
The second of the Summer Session
excursions for 1934 will leaveat 8:00
a.m. tomorrow for a trip to Detroit.
Students wishing to make the trip
are asked to make reservations at the
office of the Summer Session, Room
1213 Angell Hall, before 5 p.m. today.
Expenses for the trip will total about
$2, including round trip bus fare and
The first stop for the group will
be the Detroit News plant, where
they are due at 9:30 to make an in-
spection of the entire building, with
special guides provided by the News.
At 10:30 the party will leave for a
90-minute bus ride through the down-
town business sestion of Detroit, and
through Bell Isle Park on the De-
troit River. At 12:00 noon they will
stop at the Fisher Building on Grand
Boulevard, where they will eat lunch-
eon in the cafeteria. After lunch
they will visit the studios of station
WJR in the 28th story of the Fisher
Building, where a good view of down-
town Detroit may be obtained.
At 1:30 the party is due at the De-
troit Institute of Arts, where a staff
member will show them the much dis-
puted Rivera frescoes, and will serve
as guide through the collections of
moder nand medieval European art,
late and early Roman acid Greek art,
Asiatic art, and colonial, nineteenth
New Custom To Be Inaugurated;
Department Suppers At League
Students Doff Coats And Ties;
Go A.W.O.L. As Mercury Rises
Meeting at 5:45 p.m. Sunday on
the lawn of the League, the faculty
and students of the Division of Hy-
giene and Public Health wil linaugu-
rate a new custom and one which it
is hoped will be well received among
summer students. The faculty mem-
bers and their wives will meet with
the students of the department for a
supper at that time, the purpose of
which is 'to enable the two groups to
meet on a social basis.
Everv Sundav night for the re-
ture, Science, and the Arts, and the
School of Education.
During the Summer Session of
1933 the attendance in this division
was 250 and, while the official num-
ber has not been received for this
session, it is expected that it will ex-
ceed the last year's total. Nineteen
courses indPublic Health and Hygiene
are offered this summer.
Among the faculty attending will
be: Dr. John Sundwall, Director of
University students went A.W.O.L.
in great numbers Thursday afternoon
as the temperature hit 100 degrees,
then gradually crawled up to 103.1, a
new all-time high for June. In addi-
tion to being the hottest June da3
since the Weather Bureau at the
Observatory started keeping com-
plete records, in 1910, it was the sec-
ond hottest day that has been re-
corded here in the 25-year period.
The mercury went into high ground
at around 2 o'clock, and at 4:15, the
tha tamnarncvotia -n,-, oifll' nrorn R
Thursday's climb sent the tempera-
ture up nearly 40 degrees from its low,
the mercury having sunk to slightly
below 64 degrees in the early morning
hours. A heavy mist shrouded the city
then and until shortly after daylight.
By seven o'clock it had cleared, how-
ever, and the mercury had started'
on its mission of torture. By noon it
was just 99 degrees, and from that
point its advance slowed. Two hours
later it was up three degrees more.,
Many temperature readings taken
in the sun showed 110 degrees and
PnvPen monrP ia o f rf thaQa 1akr, +l-a