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August 17, 1934 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1934-08-17

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Capitol At Roosevelt's Hyde Park Home


ntinued from Page 1)
the old imperial black,
red flag of Germany.
of expulsion for failure to
;h the orders was included,
ring an end to the banner
late President Paul von
'g, always a monarchist
loved and valiantly de-
er is regarded as a ftresh
that.Nazis are determined
until Germany, inwardly
rdly, is 100 per cent under

Ludwig Mueller's
tion of dictatorial
ast week and reports
changes in diplo-
recent developments

'Banks Pledge
Aid In Housing,
Plan By Loans
Government's Campaign
For Home Repairing To
WASHINGTON, Aug. 16. - (P) -
The government's campaign to stimu-
late home repairing strode forward
today with the pledges of 1,131 banks
throughout the country to co-operate
by making loans for such improve-
The banks which the Federal Hous-
ing Administration announced had
signed contracts to make insured
"character loans" of from $100 to
$2,000 for property repairs have ag-
gregate financial resqurces of $8,131,-
980,000. Situated in 46 states and the
District of Columbia, they serve a
population of 87,347,304.
The new housing setup expects
many more financial institutions to
join in the movement, and hopes
home owners will take advantage ofI
the o-nortunity. It seeks to stimulatel
business and employment.
Michael J. McDonough, president
of the building trades department of
the American Federation of Labor,'
told the 1,500,000 membes of his
craft that if the housing program
goes "over the top," it will mean "rea-
sonably steady employment for years
to come.". Eighty per cent of the
building workers now have no jobs, he,
said in a statement.
McDonough echoed optimism ex-
pressed in a radio address by James
A.- Moffett, the housing administra-
tor, who also warned profiteers they
would be exposed if they sought to
Prey on the program.-
Arizona and Idaho were the only
states not included on the initial list'
of co-operating banks. New York
topped the column with more than
200 banks that have signed contracts
-22 of them in New York City alone.
The banks listed included these
in Michigan: National Bank of Ad-
rian, Algonac Savings Bank, Allegan
State Savings bank, Deerfield Na-
tional bank, National Bank of De-
troit, Detroit Savings bank, Old Kent
Bank of Grand Rapids, Holland City
State bank, Kalamazoo Building &

By Beebe Refuses B
To Sit For Pictures
HAMILTON, Bermuda, Aug. 16. -
(P) - A huge deep sea fish, possibly ACC
unknown to man, was one of the curi-
ous sights which greeted Dr. William 1M
Beebe, American scientist, in a dar- G
ing record-breaking descent towai'd
the bottom of the ocean.
The underseas explorer and his as-EWe
'sociate, Otis Barton, were unable Euge:
to identify the monster they sighted "liais
from their "bathysphere" Wednes- ment
day. garde
Sealed in the two-ton iron ball, the p
Beebe and Barton were lowered to a Bla
depth of 3,028 feet, more than half noro
a mile under the surface. The descent resum
exceeded their record of last Saturday Atlar
by 518 feet and surpassed.the earlier up th
I mark of half a mile by 388 feet. He
A large gray "shadow" at 2,750 tratio
feet was the first appearance of the viewp
unknown fish. The object seemed to try to
$te illuminated by scores of tiny lights, ing c
glittering like a diamond necklace, recov
Dr. Beebe said. He estimated its length admi:
at 20 feet. Phosphorescent parasites the b
are believed to have given off the Bla
lights. serva
Beebe described the monster as the a ten
largest he had ever seen in a deep mean
sea dive. Barton attempted to photo- surar
graph it, but his results were uncer- exper
tain, as underwater creatures flee he ha
when a searchlight is turned on from Mr. ]
the bathysphere. Thi
of p:

ack res
of the
me his
nta re,
.e "liai
will s
on a c
points :
o Dut t

observers conceded that
ance Wednesday of a "po-
of von Hindenburg, com-
efore Germany will vote
Hitler's taking over of the
powers, was most timely.
i Hitlerism as a "decisive
ard national unity.
. 4 the propaganda min-
atically denied the exist-
hi a testament. A spokes-
sday said in explanation
did not know about it

Summer Social Session At The
League Is Highly Successful

ninistry obviously,
mnpaign to create
ndenburg as Hit
nd even transfer
halo" to Hitler.
Tannenberg fu-
.bined with scenes
von Hindenburg
ns they appeared
The idea is to
n of intimacy.
-o Pe
Old" Q"A

Activities at the League during the
1934 Summer Session were exceed-
ingly numerous. The social program
for. the University was in charge of
Miss Ethel McCormick, while the
League activities were headed by
Maxine Maynard as president, as-
sisted by Jane Fletcher, Jean Seeley,
Charlotte Whitman, Margaret Kim-
ball, and Mary Morrison.
Some social event took place every'
night during the first seven weeks,1
except Saturday, in addition to the
Repertory Plays which ran through
Wednesdays to Saturdays. Mondayl
nights were devoted to bridge les-
sons. These lessons had an enroll-
ment of 75 people and were con-
ducted by Mrs. John Mathes. She
was also in charge of the bridge tour-
naments on Tuesday nights .

,rley said
s increas-

stings, Repub-{
nan, contend-
not been far-

'ley, chairman of the Democra-
tional Committee, and Hastings,
airman of the Republican Sen-
l-Congressional Campaign Com-
e, expressed their views in for-
stings said- the "New Deal" had
a a couple of hard knocks" in
b primaries, citing the victory
V. (Vic) Donahey, former gov-
over Charles West, the admin-
ion candidate, for Ohio's Dem-,
c Senatorial nomination, and
efeat in West Virginia of Clem'
r, backed by Farley, at the
of Rush Holt fo rthe Senate
listen to Farley:
th a total of 26 states having
their primaries accounting for
it of 435 members, or more than
rcent of the entire House mem-
.p, the results justify completely
eling that the New Deal is in-
ngly popular with the people of

Dancing classes were held on Tues-
day and Thursday nights for begin-
ning and intermediate divisions. In
the first series during the beginning
four weeks, 150 were enrolled, 89 in
the intermediate class conducted by
Railroads To Ask
For Higher Rates
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15. -(P -
Basing their plea on wage increases
and the increasing cost of materials,
the railroads soon will ask for an in-
crease in freight rates . on many
classes of commodities. A -petition is
to be presented to the interstate com-
merce commission.
Farm products, the subject of spe-
cial treatment for several years prob-
ably will not be affected by/the peti-
Railroad attorneys declined today
to discuss the plea although acknowl-
edging it soon will be filed.
In 1931, although denied a general
increase, the railroads were permitted
to place surcharges on certain com-
modities. These were in effect until
last September.
The new appeal will include a long
line of commodities. It may follow in
the main the list on which surcharges
were allowed two years ago. This list
includes bituminous and anthracite
coal, coke, iron ore, coppe' and con-
centrates except a few exceptions for
local situations, lead ore and concen-
trates, 'zinc ore and concentrates,
sand and gravel, stone, forest prod-
ucts of all kinds, pig iron, scrap
iron, phosphate rock, crude petro-
leum, cottonseed meal' and cake, cit-
rus fruits, vegetables, rosin, turpen-
tine, gasoline and, other fuel oils,
bricks, fertilizers and many other

Roland Fulton and 60 in the begin-
ning class taught by Miss McCormick.
Approximately 80 people signed up
for the second series which was
taught together.
Miss Fletcher was in charge of the
four Sunday Night suppers which,
were sponsored by the University.
These suppers replaced the teas given
in former summers and were given
for the purpose of acquainting the
students of different divisions of the
University with their faculty.
The first supper was given for the
division of hygiene and public health.
Approximately 85 reservations were
made for this affair. Seventy stu-
dents and faculty members attended
the School of Music supper; 35 were
present at the supper given for the
division of library science; and 75
people attended the final all-campus
The Friday night dance was the
most successful social event of the
week. An average of 450 people a
week attended during the Summer
Session. There were 35 hostesses who
contributed to the success of these
dances and 15 hosts. -
Al Cowan and his band played for
the entire series The system inaugu-
rated during the last three dances of
allowing stags in the ballroom after
11 p -m. met with great success. So
popular have the dances become that
it has been suggested that they be
given on both Friday and Saturday
nights next summer.
A dinner .dance was given Aug. 6
for the officials who helped during
the season. Seventy-two attended
this function. Al Cowan played for
the dancing.
Besides the regular program spon-
sored by the League there were nu-
merous dinner parties given by Ann;
Arbor people. Fifteen weddings were1
held in the League chapel.
Amateur radio operators in the
United States have formed a. league
for transmission of messages.

Head Tax Gentlemen
Have 4 Million To Go
LANSING, Aug. 16.- (P) - The old
age pension bureau today attacked
the problem of collecting -about $4,-
000,000 in head tax receipts already.
four and one-half months delinquent,
according to Ed. L. Williams, admin-
istrator of the law and director of the
pension office.
William ordered all county clerks
to prepare a list of delinquents, point-
ing out "that the law is now in full
operation, it has been upheld by the
atton-iey general's office and we are
prepared to enforce the statute."
There has been some, contention
in the state from the first that the
law does not apply to collection of
head taxes for last year, and the pen-
sion bureau has consequently collect-
ed -only $350,000 to date. The esti-
mated collections annually at $2 per
person ,overthe age of 21 is more
than $4,000,000.
Von Papen Greeted
In BriefCeremony
VIENNA, Aug. 16.- (R) - In a per-
functory and colorless ceremony last-
ing only four minutes, Franz von
Papen, special envoy of Germany, to-
day presented his credentials to Pres-
ident Miklas in the presence of Chan-
cellor Kurt Schuschnigg and the staff
,of the German legation.
It was apparent that the Austrian
government wished to minimize the
importance of Hitler's representative
in making the ceremony as unpre-
tentious as possible.
The police kept the public away
from the foreign office, thus fore-
stalling any possible demonstration.
Von Papen and the German legation
staff were conveyed to the foreign of-
fice in several Austrian government
automobiles flying the Austrian flag,
but they passed through the streets
of the capital almost unnoticed.
A Spanish trader recently .bought
150 mules to be imported and sold in

WASHINGTON, Aug. 16. - (A") -
Secretary of the Interior Harold L.
Ickes said today that Fred R. Dea-
ton, of Texas, had been dismissed
from the Public Works Administra-
tion for activities in the interest of
private persons seeking public works
projects in Texas.
Terraces can save 20 per, cent of
low, wet areas and nine-tenths of
erosion losses on rolling highlands,
says the department of agriculture.
Savings association, Peoples Savings
association of Kalamazoo, National
bank of Ludington, Union National
bank and First National Bank &
Trust Co. of Marquette, and banks in
St. Johns, Sparta, Marcellus, Vassar
and Wakefield.

N, -i

Our Mair

ing i


by 1


lanta post tc
an office in VG
signed yesterc
ence at the N
dent said he c
his "new and
If VUw








New Fall


Fashions for Sports - Daytime - Dinner and Evening

To Wear Now!

c national organi-
n satisfied with the
.ayn's primaries in
Arkansas, and Ida-


READ CAREFULLY the following Price Schedule--
Plan to be here early for best selection!

ers Of State Meet
ere For Dairy Session
than 5,000 farmers repre-
all parts of the state are ex-
o gather in Ann Arbor today
ate-wide all-day milk confer-
Michigan farmers.
ession will begin at 10 a.m.
iYost Field House.
meeting is being held for the
of determining cost of pro-
and phases of this question
discussed by farm leaders of
'mers Co-operative and the
>nal Union of America.

0 Jacket Styles, of course,
with flattery, capey sleeves
on dress beneath. Peplum
and tunic styles.

VALUES TO $29.75

I IA. M.




College & Fraternity Jewelery
Watch & Jewelry Repairing
16 Nickels Arc. Carl. F Bay

Special group at


12 M. $10.70
1 P. M. $8.70
2 P. M., Choice $6.70
Final Drop,
3 P.M., choice

VALUES TQ $39.75
11 A. M., Choice $17.
12 M., Choice $15.
1 P. M., Choice $13.
2P. M., Choice $11.
Final Drop,
SP.M., choice .




est selected materials. Guaranteed strictly,
cream, finest table butter, tree ripened fruits

In the new Fall materi-
als, Suede Bark, Crepe
Bark, and Jumbo, a
diagonal material, in a
Special Group, at
Our exclusive "Hirsh-
maur" Sports Coats of
Boucle Tweed, wrinkle-
dust- and moisture-
proof, at

NOTE - Due to the tremendous losses there will be NO APPROVALS -

---and in the Annex

YourChoice of Any
White and Pastel

A Few LInen, String,
and Pique


I -


- - I+ nr


!o. i






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