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August 14, 1934 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1934-08-14

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The Theatre
THE MICHIGAN Reportory Players sing their
1934 Summer Season swan song tonight and to-
morrow night with the presentation of "Cradle
Song," G. Martinez-Sierra's classic drama. The
play is presented by the students of the advanced
acting course under the direction of Frederic 0.
Crandall. This restriction, however, has caused no
cast deterioration, the majority of its members
having proved their ability in previous presenta-
tions. In the order of appearance they are: ,

and domestic worries that he may even forget
to eat lunch, if his wife does not call him up
and remind him of it. If, however, he had a hobby
to which he could turn, even for a few moments,
he would find immeasurable relief. He would be
mentally revived and he could turn to the duties
of the afternoon or the next day with an entirely
refreshed point of view."
Who knows? Maybe America as a whole is taking
herself too seriously. Perhaps a compulsory recrea-
tion period sometime during the day would raise
the morale of the nation-at-large.


State Directs


Sister Sagrario ...........Virginia Frink
Sister Macella .............. Jane Brewer
Prioress ............. ...Bertha Stover
Sister Juana of the Cross . . Laurine Hager
Mistress of Novices .......... Nora Tully
Vicaress ................. Claribel Baird
Sister Tornera ...........Muriel Horrell
Sister Inez .............. Sara Carnahan
Sister Maria Jesus ........ Ruth Hurwitz
A Countryman ..............Paul Auble 1
The Doctor ........... Josh Philip Roach
Norman Rose
The Poet ................ Charles Harrell
Teresa ................. Phyllis Brumm
Antonio .................Goddard Light
Frank Funk
* * * *
IN A SHOW with as great a magnitude as
"Marco Millions" unusual and unexpected compli-
cations were bound to occur. Mary Pray, who por-
trayed remarkably the role of Princess Kukachin,
for example, was considerably embarrassed Friday
night by the presence of an ordinarily harmless
fly. In the last act death scene where Mary was a
corpse, the insect buzzed around and nearly drove
her crazy. With considerable difficulty she avoided
becoming a live corpse.
AT THIS LATE DATE a story comes to light
in connection with the production of "Double
Door." The stork, it seems, like time and tide
waits for no man - or even for a Repertory Play-,
ers' production. Director Windt got wind of the
expected "blessed event" and it had him worried.
But a short time before the opening Josh Philip
Roach, cast in the part of William, received word
that he had become a father. But Mr. Roach, true
to theatre tradition knew that "The show must
go on." A hurried trip to the hospital, and then
back again for the curtain.
IT'S BEEN a profitable summer for box office
employees. Alton Brimmer, for example, just pur-
chased a car and announced that he planned to
enter the Yale dramatic school in the fall. Don't
get excited, folks. We've already applied for a
position in the box office next summer. We've
always wanted to go to Yale.
* * * *
SOME HOME TOWN boy makes good notes:
Jack Nestle, Paul Showers, and Martha Ellen Scott
well-known in campus dramatics, are entertain-
ing the World's Fair visitors this summer. They are
members of the Globe Theatre in the Merry Eng-
land Village. T. W. Stevens, Repertory Players
director for three summers, is in charge.
JAY POZZ and Ione Skiff recently left foi
Northport, Mich., to join the theatre group there,
under the direction of Amy Loomis. Many other
past and present University players are members
of the same vacation group. -C.AU.B

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief. confining themselves to less
than 500 words if possible.
To the Editor:
With a prophetic gesture of his pen, our friend of
"the tempest" has squelched our landladies in a
most decisive manner, and left them with this
hopeful bit of philosophy, "half a living is better
than none." Charity, no doubt, is supposed to
contribute the other half.
This writer is tempted to ask the former if he
has ever run a business wherein the expenses
exceeded the profits - anywhere but down;
whether or not he has ever had one of those super-
low priced rooms with the service that accompanies
such; and if he has tried renting rooms in other
small, non-college towns of even quite remote
counties of this state. But no, he will list reason for
reason as does our sage friend. Why is this League
"move" necessary?
First, to maintain themselves decently. Not
their brother, their father, and seven other rela-
tives, but at least expenses for their living quarters.
This affects landlords as well as rentees.
Second, to keep comfortable living quarters for
the roomers. I am inclined to smile just a bit as
these students {who, having obtained a room for
two dollars, beef about the cold rooms, the icy
water, and rotten service.
Third, because the University, while demanding
the'right to stamp approval upon the house, abso-
lutely wash their hands of responsibility of pricing
the rooms.
Lastly, the writer would like to question the poo
student's inability to pay a fair sum for his room
Fortunately or unfortunately, most of us are face
with the problem of getting along as cheaply a
possible. But his (the writer's) observations havE
been that the money which would otherwise g
for room rent very, very often goes for that extra
bottle of gin, or that second date of the sam
week. This "heaven help the poor working stu
dent" is alright; we (the poor working students
appreciate the attitude. Still, let's call a spade
-A Campus Observer of Four Years.
Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.

Organ Recital:
Ernest Ibbotson, student of Pal-
mer Christian of the School of Music,
will give the following program, Wed-
nesday afternoon, August 15, at 4:15
o'clock in Hill Auditorium to which
the general public with the excep-
tion of small children is invited:
Fantasie and Fugue in C
Minor .................. Bach
Two Choral Preludes........ Bach
Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme
Dies sind die heiligen zehn Gebot
Pastel (Op. 92 No. 1) .... Karg-Elert
Prelude and Fugue in G
Minor .................. Dupre
Cathedral Strains, Inter-
cession, Suite Op. 25 . . Bingham
Scherzo (Symphony 4) ......Widor
Chant de Mai .............. Jongen
Finale (Symphony 1) .......Vierne
Charles A. Sink, President.
Michigan Repertory Players: Sea-
son Ticket Holders-"Cradle Song,"
the last play of the summer season,
will be given only two nights, Tues-
day and Wednesday. Please make
your reservations immediately to as-
sure good seats.
The Intramural Sports Building
will be closed for the summer on
Friday, August 17th, at 6 p. in. Lock-
ers must be vacated or renewed on or
before that date.
Attention of All Concerned: Name-
ly faculty, administrative and clerical
staff members and students, is re-
spectfully called to the following ac-
tion by the Regents.
Students shall pay in acceptable
funds (which shall not include notes
unless the same are bankable) all
amounts due the University before
they can be admitted to the final ex-
aminations at the end of either se-
mester or of the Summer Session. No
r office in the University is authorized
to make any exception to this rule
Any specific questions that can b
foreseen arising in this connectioi
s should be taken up with the prope
e authorities at the earliest possible mo
o ment.
a 'Shirley W. Smith
) Social Directors; Sorority Chaper
ons; Househeads; University Wom
a en: All residents of approved Uni
versity houses, dormitories, sororit
houses, and League houses, must b
out of their rooms by Saturday noon
August 18.
University Women: The lists of ap
proved residences for 1934-35 ar
now available at the Office of th
Dean of Women.
Summer Session Faculty: All sal
ary checks are to be called for in th
Business Office after examination
have been completed and grades re
ported. Checks not called for will N
banked at the end of the month.
Canudidates for the Teacher's Certi
ficate: The fee for the Teacher's Cen
tificate must be paid by the end of thl
summer session. Blanks for this pm
e, pose may be secured in the office o
d the Recorder of the School of Edu
n cation, 1437 U.E.S.
m C. O. Davis, Secretary

Airport Work
Attention Is Focused Upon
250 Other Communities
Wanting Fields
LANSING, Aug. 13.- With work
drawing to a close on most of Mich-
igan's 53 airport projects under the
federal relief program, the State
Board of Aeronautics is focusing at-
tention on some 250 other Michigan
communities which also want air-
According to Floyd E. Evans, State,
director of aeronautics, work will be
completed this fall on perhaps 45 out
of the 53 current projects. Thirty
of these projects are entirely new
fields, the remainder are projects
which include improvements in exist-
ing fields. As these are finished, new
fields will be started to take their
place on the program, he said. Many
communications have been received
by the Board from towns and villages
desiring airports, and at least 25 new
projects from this list will probably
be started with FERA funds this fall,
Evans declared.
Only about a half-dozen of the cur-
rent airport projects will remain un-
finished when winter arrives, the air
director painted out. They include
Lansing, Jackson and Flint, where
in each case the development is of an
exceptional nature.
"Building an airport is not a mere
six months' job," Evans explained
"If doae right it takes a couple of
years to complete.'
He pointed to the task of removing
traces of stump holes, dead furrows
etc., as one of the problems requir
ing patience and time to fully over
come on landing field development
due to settlement due to rains an
Out of 53 current projects, fiv
have been coinpleted at: a total cos
of about $58,000,000, according t
Evans. These, together with the ap
r proximate amounts spent in their re
spective cases out of CWA and FERA
funds are': Muskegon $8,400; Adria
$12,000; Sault Ste. Marie $18,000
Midland $18,000; Ishpeming $1,600.
Since May 1 when CWA appropria
tions ended and that program wa
transferred to the FERA, only fou
- projects covering entirely new field
y have been added, it was said. The
e are at Negaunee, Hillsdale, Roger
, City and Benton Harbor.
One new site was selected by th
Aeronautics Board as a likely spo
for an airport and for which F'ER.
e funds will be asked is at DeTour,'
e small village located at the extrem
easternmost tip of the Upper Penir
suit mainland. This spot is 50 mile
- from the nearest railroad and 4
e miles away from the nearest airpor,
s which is at Hessell.
- The airline distance between De
e Tour and Ironwood, where Michigan
westernmost airport is situated,
approximately 300 miles.

Expect RFC To
Collect All Of
LoanTo Dawes
Jesse Jones Says Entire
Amount Will Be Gotten
If It Takes 10 Years
I WASHINGTON, Aug. 13. - (om) -
Chairman Jesse Jones expects the
RFC to collect all of its $90,000,000
loan to the Central Republican Bank
& Trust Co. if it takes 10 years.
Already, he said today, $58;221,937
in principal and $3,000,000 in interest
, was in arrears on the loan made in
June, 1932, and due six months later.
But he added:
'We've collected more than $29,-
000,000, and that isn't so bad."
The Central Republican Bank has
long been known as the "Dawes Bank"
because it was once headed by former
Vice President Charles G. Dawes. The
loan to the institution, Jones as-
serted, was "well secured" by "good
"There remains." he explained,
"either 1 or 28 millions in securities
as well as other substantial property.
We've got every bit of it in our hands.
There's quite enough to secure the
Jones said some of the "substantial
property" consisted of notes by Chi-
cago merchants and business men,
adding that "we consider these good,
The liquidation process, the chair-
. man asserted, would continue until
it is completed.
"It may take five, it may take 10
years," he said. "We keep after those
, things until they're done."
He waved aside a suggestion that
-t the $11,000,000 of Insull securities,
d put up by the bank but since declared
considerably depreciated, would en-
e danger collection of the balance.
t "That's only a part of the collat-
o eral," he said.
A LOS ANGELES, Aug. 13. - UP) -
,n Raymond W. Robbins, president of
; the Transcontinental and Western
Air Co., and E. R. Breech, president
- of North American Aviation Corp.,
is said in interviews here that unless
tr aviation legislation is. enacted by
Is the next Congress air transport and
y mail lines may be forced to suspend
rs operations next year.

. ll r I, I'll,


No Advance in Price
The Scintillating Music of
EddO ob
Mo t 1 a u um er Balr
- -


Student Health
Are your nerves jangled? Are you tired and dis-
satisfied with life in general? Maybe it's because
you're not smoking enough of a certain brand of
cigarettes. Or perhaps you don't indulge sufficiently
in the Pause that Refreshes. But the chances are,
if you're an ordinary American citizen, especially in
these troublous times, you need a hobby.
"Most of us are hitting the ball too hard," asserts
W. Lloyd Berridge, mental hygienist with the
University of Michigan Health Service. "We are-
inclined to worry about our jobs, expenses and
budgets too much. If we could all find a hobby,
we should be able to relax mentally and, as a result,
we should all be better off."
Mr. Berridge points out that men high in the
business and political affairs of the nation recog-
nize the value of recreation and partake of their
full share of it.
"Some may criticize President Roosevelt," Mr.
Berridge said, "for his unfailing habits of recrea-
tion. Even if the entire outcome of European
and American relations hung in the balance, I
dare say Mr. Roosevelt would have his morning
swim or handball game - while it hung. And
rightly so. Happily, Mr. Roosevelt knows this is the
only way he can remain fit and clear-minded for
the rest of the day - by having his recreation reg-
Many folks, according to Mr. Berridge, are in-
clined to go from bed to work and then back to
bed again, without an intervening period of mental
"It is surprising the number of mental 'cases'
that arise merely from abuse of the mental equip-
ment," he said. "The human body is remarkably
capable of standing abuse, but the mind must be
given rest and relaxation if it is to continue to
function properly. And the hobby is one of the best
agents for producing relaxation.
"With students who become nervous and jumpy
and find it difficult to get along with their asso-
ciates, we usually find one of two things wrong.
Either they are not studying enough or they are
studying too much. It is almost as apt to be one
as the other.
"They may be trying their best to do good work
and in their attempts they may be overlooking the
necessity of a certain amount of relaxation and
exercise every day. Students simply cannot carry
on their work at the University if they do not let

T. R. Paige...........Lionel Barrymore
T. R. Paige, Jr. .......... Franchot Tone
Frank Cousins .............. Lewis Stone
Kitty Lennihan .............Patsy Kelly
Lord Douglas ............ Alan Mowbray
Miss Newberry .......... Clara Blandick
Lifeguard ................ Nat Pendleton
Eadie ..................... Jean Harlow
As I see it all Jean Harlow has is (1) a nam
(2) a figure, and (3) a mop of artificially-colore
hair. But before going further I want to war
you that Jean Harlow is a subject upon which I'n
not qualified, as a reviewer, to write. I'm far to
prejudiced. I don't like Miss Harlow. So; with du
respects to that Good Woman and to this paper
I hereby personally assume all responsibility fo
what appears hereafter.
To begin with, the reason Miss Harlow has (1
is because she has (2) and (3)-see above. Bu
personally I can't see why (2) and (3) should mak
such a big (1) for the girl. There are lots of ambi
tious young women with these same qualities whi
are still right where Miss Harlow should be - i
the last line of the chorus.
Now for the things Miss Harlow hasn't got. The
are, most notoriously, (1) a particle of acting abi
ity, and (2) a brain (at least no intimation of one
In fact, I nominate her for the Number On
"Beautiful But Dumb" girl.
The thing that brought all this on. was Mi
Harlow's most disgusting venture in "The Gi
From Missouri" which is now appearing at th
Michigan Theatre. Advertised as her first appea
ance in eight months, it made me wish it we
her last for over a much longer period.
Miss Harlow's role was most difficult - at lea
for Miss Harlow. She was Eadie - the illegitima
offspring of a drunkard and a hoyden. Broughtu
in a tough roadhouse she ran away from "hom
with the intent purpose of marrying a millionair
The difficulty came when she tried to convin
everyone that she was a Good Woman -.despi
all. That virtue and purity were hers and that s]
was not to be had - for less than a million an
a wedding ring.
Every time Miss Harlow informed a suitor th
she had no past - that she was a good woma
laughs were heard in the audience - horse laugh
The part was too much for her. She can be ba
without trying -but she can't be both bad a]
As far as acting ability goes, Miss Harlow h
picked up a few "tricks" but they are so obvious
"put on" that they lose what little effect th
might have. As a rule she expresses all emotio
with (1) a most affected smile, and (2) a blar
face. But enough.
You wonder why the show received two stars. I
tell you. One star goes to Lionel Barrymore and t
other to Franchot Tone. Franchot deserves spect

swim at
Portage Lake 14 miles from town


--Travel Home by Bus or Boat-
MICHIGAN UNION Hours 12-1 4-6 P.M.



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Join the World and See the Navy!
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Gloria Stuart - Frank McHugh - and the U. S. Fleet
- ---

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