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August 14, 1934 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1934-08-14

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The Weather
air and cooler today; tomor-
increasingly cloudy with
wers in west and north.




Roosevelt's Policy Of
Economic Control ...

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


XV No. 43



PRIwCE ElWE ( " AMV.lr ;


'r-w n a I

LargePart Of
Niagara Falls.
Breaks Away
ock Estimated At Thirty
Million Pounds Topples
From Horseshoe
'henomena Of Falls
Explained By Hobbs
edge Crumbles Off Near
Apex Of The Horseshoe;
Thousands Gather

Dr. Louis Hopkins Describes Visit To
University Biological, Forestry Camps

I £ ( -----




Faces Strike Problem

Returning from a trip ti the Uni-
versity Biological Station at Douglas
Lake and the Forestry Camp at Mu-
nising - a trip which he classed "not
as one of inspection but rather a
pleasure tour that.is the privilage of a
director of the Summer Session"-
Dr.. Louis A. Hopkins yesterday re-
turned to the Ann Arbor campus for
the "wind-up" activities of the 1934
summer period.,
Accompanied by his younger son,
Arthur, Dr. Hopkins left his summer
home at Crystal Lake on Monday
morning for the drive which would
take him to the University's northern
Michigan outposts. The Hopkinsres-
idence near Frankfort was the first
of a group of summer homes at Crys-
tal Lake, which have turned that loca-
tion into a veritable summer colony
for Michigan faculty members.
See Summer School
Stopping at Bay View to see the
summer school there, the Hopkinses,
father and son, followed the trail
nearest Lake Michigan to Cross Vil-
lage, the point where Father Mar-]

quette landed almost 300 years ago
and where now stands a cross which
natives claim to be the original erect-
ed by Father Marquette at the time
of his famous arrival.
By way of Sturgeon Bay to Mack-
inaw City, Dr. Hopkins arrived at
the Biological Station at 8 o'clock in
the evening; to be greeted by Prof.
George R. LaRue, director of the
View "Bug Tower"
The "bug" tower, located on a hill
at the station, was among the first
points of interest to be shown the vis-
itors. Consisting mainly of a large
white sheet upon which is focused a
starong electric light, the "tower"
serves to collect insects of many va-
rieties, which are studied by students
at the camp.
A tour through the various labora-
tories, well-equipped in every respect
for instruction and research, followed1
the inspection of the "tower," after
which Dr. Hopkins met all of thec
faculty members at the camp. t
All of the camp's faculty members
have served for a long period-the

shortest being five years- and they
represent Yale, Johns Hopkins, Illi-
nois, Kansas, and Wayne University,
in addition to Michigan.
The camp's area is roughly divided
into sections comparable to those
which might be found in a small uni-
versity town. Housing 160 people, the
station proper has its "Faculty Row"
for. the instructors, "Ladyville" for
women students. "Manville" for the
men, and an appropriately-entitled
"Blissville" for young married couples.
Find A "Union"
Dr. Hopkins found even a miniature
Michigan Union at the camp, serving
a perverted purpose perhaps, but
nonethelessda spot commonly-called
"the Union." Originally the site for
a proposed recreation building, "the
Union" consists of a large concrete
area now used as a "turntable" for
automobiles. The recreation center for'
the camp is now in another building
and provides many entertainment fa-
cilities for those at the camp.Mem-
bers of the Hopkins' party were housed
at 20 East State Street during their
(Contintuedon Page 3))

Prof. Emeritus William H. Hobbs
of the geology department stated
yesterday that it is the spasmodic
falling of huge piles of rock which
have caused both the American
and Horseshoe falls to recede at
the rate of 3.2 feet per year.
He explained these phenomena
by saying that the water falling
over the gorge has created a
churning movement under the
surface of the water and has un-
dermined the soft shale under-
neath the gorge, thereby causing
the top layer, composed of lock-
port dolomite rock, to collapse.
The percentage of recession has
always been much greater on the
Canadian Falls than on the Amer-
ican Falls and this last break
away will make the percentage
even greater, according to Pro-
fessor Hobbs.
He said that if the movement
continues the Canadian Falls will
eventually "capture" the Amer-
ican Falls and the latter will be
nothing but a dry river bed.
NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y., Aug. 13.
- (;)- Crashing with a roar that
stilled the sounds of the giant cata-
ract, a huge chunk of the Horse-
shoe Falls, estimated to weigh30,-
00,000: pounds fell from the brink
into Niagara gorge at 8:20 a.m. today
to. send water splashing high Into tie
Almost as if iffted by a charge of
dynamite, the lip one of America's
wonders heaved, groaned,. and slid
to the bottom. A deafening roar and
a column of water arose more than
200 feet into the air, falling back like
rain drops upon a sea.
A heavy flow of water began to
pass over what was dry rock yesterday
and where hundreds of tourists had
stood' in amazement to gaze at the
wonders of nature in cireating the
great waterfall.
Below the falls today lies a pile of
rock, visible only when mist clears
for a moment.
Residents believed the rock fall had'
changed the contour of the falls con-
siderably. It also has altered the
course of the turbulent waters of the
upper rapids slightly, sending more
water toward the American side.
Engineers of power companies on
the Canadian side, investigating to
determine if the flow of water was
lowered appreciably, stated no great
effect was apparent.
A. S. Robertson, general superin-
tendent of the Hydro-Electric Power
Co. of Niagara Falls, Ont., said a close
watch is being kept on developments
at his company's plant.
Tracy Levee, superintendent of po-
lice on the Goat Island reservation,
said the break-off was halfway to the
apex of the Horseshoe.
He said the rock crumbled off about1
250 feet from the island, located be-
tween Niagara Falls on the American
side and Horseshoe on the Canadian.
The latter is entirely in Canada.
Thousands gathered on the shore
after reports of the rock slide, but
little could be seen because of mist.
Restorino Of 1
Hapsburgs Is
Seen In Move
LONDON, Aug. 13.- P)-The
former Empress Zita, described by
diplomats as a "fast worker" was said
today by an authoritative source to be
going ahead with her efforts to bring
about restoration of the Hapsburg
throne in Austria despite objections
from the Little Entente nations.
Italian officials are said by the
same source to have suggested that
Zita go slowly in her negotiations on
the Continent looking towards making
her son, the Archduke Otto, a king.
While British official quarters de-

Tigers Oppose
Yankees Today
In BigSeries
Expect Rowe And Bridges
To Hurl For Tigers In
Double Header
DETROIT, Aug. 14. - Manager
Mickey Cochrane last night led his
team of first-place Detroit Tigers out
of the Motor City on their way to
New York where they will meet to-
day in a double header, the first two
games of a series of five, with the
Yankees of Gotham.
The Tigers are moving East en-
joying a four and one-half game lead
over the second-place Yanks, mainly
the result of a winning streak which
remains unbroken at 12 games.
The coming Tiger-Yankee series,
according to the experts, is offering
the Tiges their best opportunity to
cinch the American League flag and
thus bring Detroit its first world ser-
ies since 1909. On the other hand, it
is also pointed out that the New
Yorkers have their real chance to
close the gap now separating them
from the ,Bengals, thus leaving the
race up to the best team in the final
.tretch drive.
Indications point to the belief that
the Detroits will toss in their two
best hurlers, Lynwood "Schoolboy"
Rowe and Tommy Bridges, in the
twin bill today. The Yanks may at-
tempt to match these two with Ver-
non Gomez, the league's leading
pitcher, and Charlie Ruffing.
Instead of taking - a day off yes-
terday, the Tigers played an exhi-
bition game with the St. Louis Car-
dinals, and were beaten by "Wild Bill"
Hallahan, 7 to 1.
Navy Will Ask
Greater Funds
For Air Force
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13.-(P) - A
new five-year naval air expansion
program calling for a big increase in
fighting aircraft and pilots is being
drafted by Chairman Vinson of the
House Naval Committee in co-opera-
tion with the Navy department for
presentation to the next Congress.
The author of the Vinson "treaty
navy" ship-building act today told
reporters the projected program
would call for construction of the
2,100 naval planes already authorized
by Congress but not appropriated for;
development of the Philadelphia na-
val aircraft factory, and increase in
the facilities of the Pensacola, Fla.,
naval aviation training school.
"For national defense and reasons
of economy we need a definite pro-
gram for the increase of our naval
air force," Vinson said. "We also need
a large number of reserve planes for
the aircraft carriers built and build-
Vinson said the original five-year
naval expansion program, begun in
1927 and recently completed, had re-
sulted in savings of $25,000,000 to the

Surgeon Performs
A Aew One; Sews
Diap ragm Of Dog
BOSTON, Aug. 13. - VP) - George,
a five-year-old Sealyham, is frisking
about the Angell Memorial Hospital
today completely recovered from an
ingenious operation, the sewing up of
a rent in his diaphragm. Hospital
officials said it was the first opera-
tion of its kind ever performed on an
The dog's diaphragm, the liveliest
organ in his body since it is in con-
stant motion with every breath, was
ruptured. A two-inch rip, perceived
under X-ray, showed the liver and
small intestines crowding upon the
Rings. The chance of the dog's living
more than a few days under this
condition was one in thousands, doc-
tors said.
Dr, Rudolph H. Sneider, who per-
formed the operation, made an in-
cision in the abdomen after paralyz-
ing the diaphragm by means of anes-
thetic. He then carefully pushed the
protruding organs back into place and
took stitches in the torn membrane.
An ordinary bicycle pump was
used as a means of supplying air to
the lungs. An attendant pumped con-
tinuously for two hours until the op-
eration was completed.y
2 Negroes Are
Hanged By Mob
In Mississippi
Victims Were On Way To
Trial For Murder Of A
White Man
ASHLAND, Miss., Aug. 13. - () -
Mobs snatched two Negroes from dep-
uties today and hanged them from a
tree near Michigan City to avenge.
the killing of two white men.
The victims were Robert Jones and
Smith Houey. They were being
brought here for trial for the murder
of Connis Gillispie more than a year
The tree from which they were
hanged was only 150 yards from the
spot where Deputy Sheriff Mark Ma-
son was slain while investigating
Gillispie's death.
Jones was taken from two deputies
while being brought here from Tupelo
and Houey was taken from two other
deputies while being brought from
Holly Springs.
The mobs were masked and dep-
uties said they did not recognize any
of the men. Sheriff R. H. Hudspeth
said that he would do his "best to find
the guilty parties" and District At-
torney Fred Belk promised a "rigid
BUENOS AIRES, Aug. 13. - () -
A British firm has asked a conces-
sion of the Argentine government to
build a channel parallel to the Ber-
mejo river, claiming that it would
enable Bolivia to construct a port in
its own territory and find an exit for
its products.

Austrians Hang
Four Convicted
Nazi Policemen
Executions In Murder Of
Chancellor Reach Eight;
Many Are Jailed
VIENNA, Aug. 13. - (3) - While
pouring rain drenched the improvised
gallows, four policemen were hanged
tonight three hours after they were
convicted of complicity in the Nazi
uprising of July 25.
The four men, accused of taking
part in the raid on the Federal Chan-
cellery in which Chancellor Dollfuss'
was killed, went to their deaths un-
falteringly and s lentl. -
They were Franz Leeb, Joseph
Hackel, Ludwig Meitzen and Erich
The hangings took place in the yard
of the District Court Building, the
hangman being dressed in evening
clothes and a high silk hat.
The four hanged today brought to
eight the total number of Nazis ex-
ecuted since the putsch. A number of
others have been sentenced to prison,
including five policemen who were
given terms varying from 15 years to
Fifteen Nazis who participated in
the capture of the government radio
station on the day Dollfuss was killed
will go on trial tomorrow.
More than 100 prisoners remain to
be tried in connection with the out-
break in Vienna. Numerous others are
under arrest in other parts of the
A short time before the verdict
was anounced in the cases of the
nine policemen whose trial concluded
today, 260 members of the Vienna
police force were arrested on charges
of being members of the outlawed
Nazi party.
Story Of Nunnery
Is Final Offering
Of Players' Group
(Repertory Players Production Staff)
j G. Martinez-Sierra's popular play,
"Cradle Song," will be presented as
the ninth and final play of the sum-
mer by the Michigan Repertory Play-
ers at 8:30 p.m. today and Wednes-
day at the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
It is a play of great appeal to all
types of play-goers, and the Players
feel that it is well-suited as a pro-
duction with which to end their sea-
"Cradle Song" has been used dur-
ing the summer as a drama for a
thorough study of the various phases
of the theatre in course 144, and the
cast is made up of students in the
course, many of whom are now well-
known to the Ann 'Arbor audiences
for their work in other plays pre-
sented during the summer.
The cast includes Virginia Frink,
Jane Brewer, Bertha Stover, Laurine
Hager, Nora Tully, Claribel Baird,
Muriel Horrell, Sara Carnahan, Ruth

New Code For
Stock Market
Exchanges Are Required
To File Information On
Their Operations
Buying Public Will
Be Issued Reports
Corporations Also Made
To Register Securities
They AreOffering
WASHINGTON, Aug, 13. - ()-
The Nation's stock exchanges were re-
quired today by the Federal Securities
and Exchange Commission to tell the
world about themselves as a prere-
quisite to doing business.
The Commission issued its first
rules and regulations for the regis-
tration of exchanges and listed secur-
ities. For the most part, they were
searching questions, designed to lay
the basis for future and more drastic
The Commission also required that
corporations whose securities are now
listed must file a registration state-
ment with the secretary. This state-
ment is virtually only a form, to be
superseded later with requirements
for much more detailed data.
Registration Is Required
Registration is required of ex-
changes as a preliminary to doing
business. Similarly, securities on ex-
changes must be registered before
they can be sold.
Registration means simply that ex-
changes and corporations must file
with the Commission certain specified
information about themselves, which
information will be available to the
public in general, and on which the
public may decide whether to buy or
sell securities. .
Chairman Joseph P. Kennedy, at a
press conference, said that the rules
did tiot as yet constitute safe-guards
for investors, but they will give the in-
formation on which such protection
shall be based.
Kennedy stressed that there is still
"a premium on brains and the ability
to analyze conditions" in the purchase
and sale of securities.
Kennedy emphasized also that the
commission's control was no guaran-
tee of the worth of a stock, and that
any person who expected government
supervision to make the market "go
up when he was long, or down when
he was short" was mistaken.
Establish Rules
The rules and regulations did male
a few absolute requirements of ex-
changes in conformity with the Ex-
change Act. Exchanges must have a
rule for the suspension and expulsion
of members, and must specifically
agree to abide by and enforce the
Exchange Act and theCommission's
Officers, directors and principal
stockholders must, beginning in No-
vember, inform the Commission if
they trade in their company's stock.
The Exchange Act provides that prof-
its made from such transactions must
go into the company's treasury.
The rules also exempt certain se-
curities from registration, and Chair-
man Kennedy emphasized the ex-
emption of foreign government and-
corporation securities. It was neces-
sary to exempt these, he said, to pro-
tect American investors, who might
otherwise suffer if foreign agencies
decided not to list their securities.
HAMMONTON, N. Y., Aug. 13. -I
(') - The birth of a child weighing
one pound and three ounces was re-
ported today by Dr. A. L. Esposito.

-Associated Press Photo
Roy A. Hunt (above) is president
of the Aluminum Company of Amer-
ica, which had four of its largest
plants closed by a strike of union
workers who demand a universal wage
system in various plants and a check-
off plan for collecting union dues.
Eighty Attend.
Final Sunday
N i htSupper,
Event Officially Will Close
Summer Social Series Of
Nearly 80 students and faculty
members attended the last Sunday
night supper of the Summer Session
held recently. This event officially
closed the social season of the Uni-
versity for the summer.
Jane Fletcher, '36, was in charge
of general arrangements, assisted by
the entire Summer Session social
committee of the League. Following
the supper the popular League trio'
consisting of Mary Morrison, '35,
Maxine Maynard, '35, and Jean See-
ley, '36, entertained with four songs.
They sang "Moonglow," "True," "Old
Pappy," and "Why Do I Dream Those
Among the faculty and officers of
the Summer Session who attended the
supper were Prof. Louis A. Hopkins,
director of the Summer Session, and;
Mrs. Hopkins, Prof. Louis M. Eich,
secretary, and Mrs. Eich, Mrs. Byrl
Fox Bacher, dean of women for the
summer, Miss Jeannette Perry, as-1
sistant dean of women, Prof. and,
Mrs. Henry A. Sanders, Prof. andr
Mrs. C. O. Carey, Dr. T. Luther Pur-
Edmonds Wins City
Novice Tennis Title
In the finals of the men's novice1
tournament held yesterday at Palmerr
Field, Robert Edmonds, University
sophomore, defeated Douglas Greg-
ory in three sets, 3-6, 6-4, 6-2. 1
In the Detroit Metropolitan NoviceI
Tournament, held this week, Merida
Hobart of Ann Arbor advanced to the
semi-finals in the women's division
before losing to Ann Simulik, Ham-
tramck district champion, 6-4, 8-6.
Edmonds, the Ann Arbor district
champion, won his first round match;
from the Hamtramck champion in;
straight sets but was eliminated by
the Northwestern representation, 6-2,1
6-4, in the second round.
Miss Hobart and Peggy Gillen arer
the two finalists in the Ann Arbor1
Women's Diztrict Novice Tourna-
ment and will meet at 4 p.m. Thurs-
day at Palmer Field.

Raini Lifts
Hopes For
More Showers Promised
For Midwestern States;
WeatherChanges Rapid
Drought Is Ended,
Weather Men Say
Government Taking Steps
To Buy Up Goods That
Might Be Wasted
(BH Associated Press)
Hope of salvaging slim harvest
swelled in six agricultural states last
night following a week-end of prec-
ious rain.
More showers were promised for
some of the central states-Illinois
and Indiana - and forecasters said
weather changes should be more rap-
id from now on out, indicating that
the drought's third long siege might
be lifting.
Generally, the precipitation came
too late to aid major field crops, but
it came as money from the skies for
farmers striving to meet an acute
water shortage.
Where there were substantial rains,
they freshened prospects of obtain-
ing late crops the farmer had planted
in an attempt to grow some seed for
the fall. Scorched pastures were
given a new lease on life, and'-their
owners hoped more livestock could be
Rain fell at the rate of one inch an
hour at Henryetta; Oka., a sight the
natives had not seen since June 11.
Light rains were general over the state
and in many instances it was the first
measurable precipitation in two
The Cheyenne Indians regarded
the rain as an answer to their animal
dance staged on the North Canadian
river Saturday, and 'prepayed a'tele-
bration feast.
Nebraska - looked upon a rain-
soaked landscape. Cairo, Farwell,
and Boelus in the drought state's
central part, had two-inch down-
pours. In the Panhandle region it
was believed the rain had saved a
fair stand of corn and farmers were
able to start fall plowing.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13.- (P)-
President Roosevelt in conferences on
the drouth today ordered federal pur-
chase of any foodstuffs which might
otherwise go to waste and laid down
an emphatic ultimatum against poli-
tics in the relief campaign.
He authorized Aubrey Williams, as-
sistant federal relief administrator,
and secretary of agriculture Henry
A. Wallace to draft a plan for Gov-
ernment purchase of hay and fruits
in small quantities which might not
otherwise be harvested.
Relief For Small Growers
Williams emphasized this was pri-
marily to afford relief for the small
growers. He said there was no con-
cern over a possible lack of sufficient
food. Officials have explained all
along that food supples would be ade-
The President and Williams were
described as holding the opinion that
a slight improvement has occurred in
the drouth area in the last three days.
The President authorized Williams
to dismiss immediately any Federal
relief worker who is a candidate for
office this year or who prefers to par-
ticipate actively in the political cam-

Fund Sufficient For Relief
Williams said he thought the $525,-
000,000 for drouth relief probably
would be sufficient for relief needs
He and Secretary Wallace ar-
ranged a conference for late today to
draft the food purchase program.
Wallace said after conferring with
President Roosevelt that the Admin-
istration would meet the agricultural
situation resulting from the drouth
through the regular operations of the
the Agriculture Adjustment Act and
he was confident of protection for
Camp News
CAMP DAVIS, Wyo., Aug. 13.-(Via
Radio Station DKC) - Messrs. Alix,
Eisenhour, Harrod, and Shanahan,

Amy Loomis, Michigan Alumna,
Directs Northport Stock Group

NORTHPORT, Aug. 13. - In a year
conspicuously lean for those of the
theatre, Amy Loomis, University
alumna, is carrying on the only pro-
fessional repertory work in the state
with her Vacation Theatre here this
Ann Arbor should needuno intro-
duction to Miss Loomis, but will get
it anyhow.
She is remembered as one of the
charter members of Robert Hender-
son's stock company, which has de-
veloped into one of the great festi-
vals of the country, and as director of

with a festival at Michigan State Col-
lege in East Lansing which proved so
successful that it will be given under
college sponsorship next spring.
Visiting Northport these days is just
like walking through the Ann Arbor
campus, but worse. There isn't an
unfamiliar face in sight. If there are
any of the company who aren't wear-
ing one of your shirts, they're proba-
bly asking you for that two bucks
you borrowed last spring.
First, there's Alan Handley, an-
other alumnus, just out of "New
Faces," the Broadway hit that closed

Examination Schedule

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