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August 11, 1934 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1934-08-11

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Opinions Vary
On Roosevelt's
Silver Order
Leaders Of Western Bloc
Express 'Gratification'
Over Action
Wall Street Diverse
Presidential Order Is Seen
As Cause of New Market

WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. - (A)-
The government's silver coup rang all
the bells in the economic carillon
today and each answered everything
from joy to bewilderment.
President Roosevelt's order taking
possession of silver at a price of 50.01
cents an ounce brought forth such
varying reactions as these:
1. Leaders of the "silver bloc" ex-
pressed gratification. Senator Thomas
(Dem., Okla.), predicted an interna-
tional scramble for silver that would
force a world conference to draft a
uniform world currency for exchange
purposes. He foresaw a "new era of
2. Stock and commodity markets
sensed inflation. Stocks rose $1 to
more than $3 Thursday. The dollar
dropped. Wheat, corn'and cotton rose.
Bonds sold off.
Does Not Mean Inflation
3. Many observers said that, aside
from its possible implications, the
announcement did not mean infla-
tion. Treasury officials pointed out
that silver certificates - for the pres-
ent at least - would be issued only
against the actual cost of the metal
to the government, 50.01 cents an
- ounce. The amount of new currency
turned out thus would be relatively
small. But estimates of the amount
ranged from $25,000,000 to $100,000,-
4. That feelings were mixed in Wall
Street' was indicated by one promi-
nent banker who called the "national-
ization" move merely a concession to
the "silver crowd" of "no great im-
5. Around the famous silver lodes of
the west, there was hope that silver
might go up to its old-time price of
$1.29. Senator Key Pittman hailed the
order as a "process that will hasten
the complete absorption of the silver
surplus in the world."
Reaction Is Puzzlement
6. The first reaction in London's
financial center was puzzlement. This
was shared by the average American
man in the street, to whom details of
monetary theories are largely Greek.
He was speedily assured, though, that
he could keep his silver watch and,
pocket money and that the gov-
ernment had no intention of buying
his wife's spoons.
7. Secretary Morgenthau, keeping
his own counsel, said merely: "We
are going forward with our program;
of rehabilitation of silver." The cap-1
ital awaited the return today of Pres-
ident Roosevelt, to see if he would dis-
close future steps in the program.
Seizing the silver by the right of
eminent domain, the government says
that all the metal, except coined and
industrial must be turned into the
treasury within 90 days. The price is
about half a cent higher than the
figure quoted in the New York market
Laid Down By Congress f
It is a move in the policy, laid
down by the last Congress, which
says the government shall purchase1
silver until it reaches a ratio of 1 to 3
with gold in the currency backing.
Last year the government took overl
Senator Thomas' prediction of a
world conference brought no com-
ment from the administration. It isc
known, however, that PresidentI
Roosevelt has hoped for an interna-
tional understanding on gold andc
Senator Thomas, abandoning av
speaking tour in which he plannedt
to demand further currency inflation,a
said the "aspects and possibilities"e
of the nationalization move "are al-
most unbelievable." ,
He predicted a conference woulda
provide a uniform monetary policy,l
set up an international bank ofb
settlements and create a world na-A
tionalization to work on the worldg
price. Thomas said the government'st
taking over all domestic stocks would
teeitar rom the ratio of one
to three with gold.

Two Acts In The Farcical Comedy Entitled The Battle Of New Orleans'
When urtisH Grndsaf 2
- c
3~ J
F a
I ss{5. ated )rss1ht2
-Associate Prs-ht year-old Mempihis salesman, scoffed
Scattered on the ground here are court orders from the civil district at troopers supporting Senator Huey -soitdPe
court of New Orleans, as they were left by deputy sheriffs who failed Long's cause in New Orleans by call- Denuded of her sails, T. 0. 1W. Sopwith's British chailengi
in attempts to serve the orders on Adjutant General Raymond Fleming, ing them "tin soldiers," he did not deavour" is shown lying idle off Newport, R. IL, after her arrlv
commander of troops brought to New Orleans by Senator Huey P. Long reckon with 'the iron heel of military England. Inset shows the yacht's skipper, George Williams. T
-in his battle with Mayor T. Semmes Walmsley. The orders directed authority. He was jailed and fined deavour seeks to wrest the America's; cup fromn a defender y(
Fleming to disband the troops and cited him for contempt of court. ~ 1sU 1i -n In bp ;hi.nl *h: ". n "mprl h: *h is.;1":d , ^

Liquor Group
To Tell Public
What 'Stuff Is
Alcohol Administration To
Promulgate New Set Of
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10.- (P)-
The federal alcohol control adminis-
tration promulgated a new set of
orders today designed to require dis-
tillers to tell the customers what is in
the stuff.
The orders, a revised code of label-
ing requirements and standards of
identity are issued with hopes that
they will serve as models for state
liquor control agencies, bringing the
federal and state regulations into ac-
For the labels, the FACA now de-
mands: The brand name and the class
and type of distilled spirits; name and
address of distiller, rectifier or im-
porter or bottler if bottled by other
than producer; the alcoholic content
by proof, except for such specialties
as ready mixed highballs, fizzles, cor-
dials and liqueurs; the quantity or net
contents; a statement regarding any
excessive coloring or flavoring ma-
Under the standards of identity, the
FACA defines the newly-coined term
"neutral whisky" in this fashion:
"The distillate taken from the still
at proofs between 160 and 190 de-
grees and the higher proofs as taken
from the still are expected to be
commonly used for blending with
straight whisky . . . The higher
ranges of proof around 190 degrees
neutral whisky becomes substantially
the same as neutral spirits derived
from grain and is not materially im-
proved by aging."
Neutral spirits, the FACA says, "are
practically pure alcohol."
"But," the administration adds,
concerning neutral spirits, "when used
as a blending material with straight
whisky they are required to be de-
rived solely from grain, i.e., must be
pure grain alcohol."
The internal revenue bureau, after
announcing that it had decided to
authorize the use of wood alcohol as
a denaturant in denatured alcohol,
Thursday decided to postpone indefi-
nitely the application of the order.

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val from
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aaiLAAI[:lif iiI Lair, intuijusummi racm uugiii.i in iniepLQ2'I ner jJ.

Is Problem To
Party Leaders
Look Far And Wide For
'Stumpers' But Without
Finding 'Takers'
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. - The si-
lence which hung so heavy over the
making up of the republican national
campaign speakers' list was not hard
to explain. The brisk Mr. Fletcher,
new party organization head, picked
a bad time to attempt the job if he
wanted quick action. Too many
party 'war-horses of the legislative
lot were on vacation.
About the only definite news on the
point in mid-summer was negative.
Borah would not be a party cam-
paigner; neither would young Gerald
Nye of North Dakota. Who will fill
the role they might have had of re-
calling straying western brethren to
the G.O.P. fold after their '32 frolic
to the "new deal" piping of a demo-
cratic Roosevelt does not yet appear.
It certainly will not be any eastern
tenderfoot. If Fletcher ever had any
such idea, the celebrated incident of
the geographical deadline drawn by
western party liberals against former
Senator George Moses of New Hamp-
shire would have given him pause.
That was after Moses' "sons of the
wild jackass" remark.

Son Reveals 'Slips' In Rules
Of Famous 'Potato Hill Sage'

' ire ". tfl..* AA4W ell I IM *(Qt>UO Jt.BRXASlb OCI ICrILUV1 j i,

AMARILLO, Tex., Aug. 10. -- (P) -
The Spartan philosophy which Ed
Howe, "sage of Potato Hill," has
preached through nev/spaper and
magazine columns for half a century
is seen by his son, Gene Howe, Ama-
rillo publisher, as reflecting only one
side of the philosopher's nature.
"My father is sincere in his phi-
losophy, all right," says the son, "but
at the same time he is 100 per cent
human and 1,000 per cent father.
"He started out to bring me up in
his own profession - the newspaper
business as a Spartan would his
son. He did his best to save me from
myself. But he weakened terribly
many times, as most fathers do."
The human, fatherly side of the
man who wrote "The Story of a Coun-
try Town" came out as Gene Howe
related incidents from his boyhood
in Atchison, Kas.
$500 Duck Bonus
"When school was out each spring,
even when I was in the grades," Howe
recalled, "father would start me set-
ting type the very next day. He
would work me 10 hours a day, six
days a week, lecturing me all the
while on making something out of
myself. But before the summer was
over he would relent and send me on
a fishing trip to Minnesota, Wiscon-
sin or Colorado.
"I had a wild desire to hunt ducks
and geese, and overdid the thing. One
day father talked to me about it.. He.
said he had observed that most per-
sons who hunted all the time didn't
amount to much, but since I liked
it so well he would make me a sport-
ing proposition. He then offered me
$500 to give up hunting for five years,
and I accepted..
"About two weeks later a big storm
came sweeping in from the north,
bringing a big flight of ducks with
it. The Missouri river and nearby
lakes were covered with them. I spent
a miserable day pacing up and down
our main street looking for news. Late
in the day, when my spirits were low-
est, father called me into his office.
The Spartan Relents
"'Have you seen all those ducks
flying down the river?" he asked me.
I told 'him I had.
"'Would you like to go hunting?'
he continued. I told him I certainly
"'All right,' he said. 'Take three
or four days off and go on down the

"My suffering was so apparent he
could not endure it.
"When I was 16 he told me bluntly
that I must make my own way, and
not depend on him for anything else.
"But when I was 25 he gave me
controlling interest in the Atchison
Globe. So in spite of his determina-
tion to see that I made by own way
during his lifetime, his heart was
larger than his head, and he made
the mistake of so many others. He
did his best to ruin me."
In his newspaper work the elder
Howe, now 81, adhered to his strict
"Father believed in publishing all
the news," Gene said, "even when his
own family was involved. I once went
with a group of other Atchison boys
to a neighboring town where there
was a saloon. The Globe the next day
told of the party, concluding with:
'The drunkest of all was the son of
the publisher of this newspaper.'
"As a father he still calls me on1
the carpet, but he has always been
considerate. If he called me on long
distance telephone this moment and
told me to hop, I'd hop."
Horses 'n' Mules
Stage Comeback
As .Farm Help'
DODGE CITY, Kas., Aug. 10. - (A')
Consigned to virtual obscurity a few
years ago by the increasing popularity
of farm machinery, horses and mules
are resuming a place of importance
on the rolling farms of southwestern
A recent survey disclosed more
horses and mules on wheat farms
than five years ago, when the mere
mention of such animals brought
quips from farmer and business man
An indication of the returning ten-
dency toward work animals on farms
is seen in the horse sales now held
weekly at, Dodge City, Protection,
Ashland, Bucklin 'and Garden City,
at which good animals find ready
takers. Most farmers are adding one
or two brood mares and a span of
mules to their farm equipment.
Dodge City implement dealers, how-
ever, were quick to assert this trend
did not mean a slump in power{

G 09 P. Issues
1 Challenge To
Fletcher Urges Return To
'Comnion Sense' A n d
SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Aug. 10. --(A')
-Common sense and the Constitu-
tion, twin standards unfurled at the
Republican state convention, are the
banners flown by the party today in
its campaign to rebuild broken lines.
The National chairman, Henry P.
Fletcher, raised the standards in a
challenge to the Roosevelt adminis-
"The Republican party demands
that the substitutes which the ad-
ministration is now offering for sound;
economical government policies be
abandoned, and there be a return to
common sense and constitutional gov-
Fletcher left little of the admin-
istration's program untouched in his
thorough criticism Thursday, and
although 108-degree heat baked the
state fair coliseum, 10,000 delegates
and spectators responded' enthusias-
The national chairman, calling for
a verdict from the voters on the New
Deal Nov. 6, said: "American liberty
should not be sold, even to one's gov-
"If the Blue Eagle can be made to
bring industry to heel, why not have
a black crow symbol of scarcity and
crop reduction for agriculture?"
. He said "there is no difference
between New Deal philosophy and the
philosophy of the Soviet government,"
and that planned economy will not
produce the kind of men and women
who have made the nation a great
For many Illinois Republicans, it
was the opening of their first cam-
paign against a party in, power; for
Illinois placed no Democrats in the
governor's chair from 1916 until 1932.
They took full advantage of their
position to criticize the administra-
tion and its policies, both in speeches
and in a state platform.
Planks criticized the state NRA bill
which enacted codes and provisions
of the federal NRA measure into state
laws, and flayed Democratic policies
of agricultural aid and emergency re-
lief administration.

GLEN COVE, L. I., Aug. 10-(P)--
Mrs. Frances T. Pennoyer, daughter
of J. P. Morgan, can entertain in one
city and put her six children to bed
in another - without leaving her
Her home here, Round Bush, stands
on the dividing line of Glen Cove and
Locust Valley. Part is in the incor-
porated village of Matinecock, while
the other part is within the city lim-
its of Glen Cove.

Going Into Next Room
Same As Leaving Town

"Off The Air"
One other negative bit about re-
publican '34 stump personalities was
that Fletcher himself was going off
the air after his Springfield, Ill., ad-
dress. That, he seems ot have con-
fided to political scribes, was his last
personal oratorical effort of the cam-
Why this should be so he did not
say. Yet it did not cause much sur-
prise. When the Pennsylvania diplo-'
mat was picked for his chairmanship
job it was not expected he would
carry the speech-making hod in the
campaign. Diplomacy - and fund
raising - not oratory, is his specialty.
Diplomacy marked his first mission
connected with organizing the party
verbal artillery for the battle. He
went and talked with Borah, a veri-
table outside howitzer used with dev-
astating effect in certain previous
Borah, it proved, was planning his
independent anti-monopoly'campaign
against NRA and its ways which he
later launched. He was not availa-
ble for republican party draft. Yet,
Mr. Fletcher professed ,to have
gleaned from the, conference a dis-
tinct impression that Borah would doJ
the party anti-"new deal" cause more
good than harm, however, apc where-
ever he operated..
Busy Investigating
Senator Nye is another matter.
With Borah, he had much to. do with.
senate firing at NRA and creation of
the astonishing Darrow board of.
criticism out of which thb "new deal""
opposition got so much glee. He has
a session record of aloofness from the
"new deal" which night make him
useful in the west. Be he has other
plans, plans- that may prove disturb-
Nye is busy pressing his investiga-
ion of war propaganda by munitions
makers toward the publicity stage.
The munitions business, in peace
imes anyhow, is largely eoncentrated
mI the east. It is possible fur will be
Lying in that show before, election
Hmi 117iehmiht ak 1Rr v. 1


nr\ i tely th e ppiat i f te oder

Y our
cooks delicious meals
at acost of
1 1/2c AN HOUR
popular appliance with women and becoming
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device prepares countless casserole dishes that
provide the main course for the evening meal
-and the casserole needs no °watching or
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to find a casserole dinner perfectly cooked,
piping hot and ready for the table. An electric
casserole costs only 1 c an hour to operate.
ECONOMY OF OPERATION is one of the best
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A vacuum cleaner, for example, whisks away
dust and dirt smoothly and efficiently at a cost
of one cent an hour. An electric clock keeps
time as faithfully as the finest watch - never
needing winding or attention - for a fif th of
a cent a day. An electric washer eliminates
much back-breaking labor for two cents,


Where To Go

2:00- Michigan Theatre,
Talk It .Over" with Chester
and Mae Clarke.
2:00 - Majestic Theatre,
Comes the Navy" with James
and Gloria Stuart.



Guaranteed pure and of finer
quality than candy usually
sold at double.the price.
FIFTH Avenge assorted
Chocolates .. .. .. .. .. ... 10c
Chocolates and Bonbons. ... 1c
jb. Frosted Fruit Wafers .......10c
Lime and Lemon Drops. . . . .10c
Peanut Mallows ...........10c


Here a Bargain Presentation
for Saturday. Our buyer has
selected about 200 of,
Fall's Newest
For a timely Sale. Every one
just arrived. All the new style
tendencies - - -
They're everything you want
for smartness and weara-
bility - - -


i _1.-_


2:00 -Wuerth Theatre, two fea-
tures,; "Meet The Baron" with Jack
Pearl and Jimmy Durante and "The
Trumpet Blows" with George Raft.
4:00 - Same' features at the three









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