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August 08, 1934 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1934-08-08

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William Vare,
Leader. Dies
Heart Attack In Atlantic
City Comes After Six
Year Illness
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Aug. 7. -
O/P) - William S. Vare, Republican na-
tional committeeman and for years
the colorful leader of the Republican
organization in Philadelphia, died
suddenly at 11:30 this morning at his
summer home here. He was 66 years
In ill health for the last six years,
the former congressman suffered a
relapse about a week ago from the
heat. This was revealed Monday night
by his son-in-law, Dr. John J. Shaw,
who said earlier today he had shown
Vare suffered a heart attack and
passed away in 20 minutes.
Vare, who was elected to'the United
States Senate in 1926 and was refused
a seat after a three-year fight on
charges of excessive campaign ex-
penditures, was stricken with a par-
alytic stroke in 1928. For many days,
his condition was critical but he ral-
lied to continue his fight for the seat
in the Senate.
Despite his illness he continued his
political activities in Pennsylvania
until recently when he was deposed
as the leader of the Republican or-
ganization in Philadelphia.
Vare was the last of three brothers
who were active in Philadelphia poli-
tics. The first was State Senator G. H.
Vare, who controlled wards in South
Philadelphia. When he died, Edwin S.
Vare succeeded to his seat in the state
senate and became a political power in
the city, and after the death of Sen-
ator Boies Penrose, a factional foe, Ed
Vare became the undisputed leader of
the city organization.
When he followed Penrose to the
grave, William S. "Bill" Vare became
the leader.
Camp News
The climax of the sixth week of
school in the Forestry Camp came last
Tuesday evening when the faculty
and students were guests at the an-
nual banquet given them by the Mu-
nising Rotary Club. The dining-room
of the Beach Inn, which fronts beau-
tiful Munising Bay of Lake Superior,
was the scene of this particularly en-
joyable occasion.
Prof. Robert Craig, Jr., introduced
each student, the latter standing at
this time and giving his home ad-
dress. In addition, Professor Craig
presented Prof. Donald M. Matthews,
Ralph Wilson of the 1933 forestry
class and Charles Stoddard of this
year's class, the latter two being as-
sistants here in camp. Both Mr. Wil-
son and Mr. Stoddard gave short talks
on forestry gubjects.

Noted Aviatrix Killed When Plane Crashes In Ohio

Zuppke Leads
In All-Star Grid
S m all Margin Separates
Leaders As Kipke Rises1
To Fifth Place1
Bob Zuppke of Illinois yesterday
seized the lead in the vote for a coach
of the all-star football team which is
to play the Chicago Bears this month,
but the race continued as close as
ever with four more days of balloting.
About 2,000 points, based on fans'
preferences for first, second and third
choices, separate Zuppke in first place
and Harry Kipke of Michigan in fifth.
Jimmy Crowley of Fordham, who
had led in the previous day's tabula-
tions, dropped to fourth place, behind
Zuppke, Noble Kizer of Purdue, and
Dick Hanley, Northwestern.
The first five were followed by Lou
Little, Columbia, Doc Spears, Wiscon-
sin, Slip Madigan, St. Mary's, Ossie
Solem, Iowa, and Elmer Layden of
Notre Dame in that order.
Just 67 points separated Zuppke,
in first place with a total of 8,673 and
Kizer. Hanley had 8,529, Crowley 85,-
520, and Kipke 83,569.
Although Zuppke led the field in
total points, Noble Kizer was a slight
favorite for first choice by the fans,
receiving first preference by 16,542 to
16,537 for Zuppke. Kipke of Michigan
received his support from first prefer-
ences of the fans, receiving 16,386, but
fell behind for second and third'
President Sees
Drouth Areas,
Hears Reports

Fitzgerald Pat On
Conservation Plan

dictates the policies and personnel
and field officers are chosen through
examinations rather than because of
political influence. It is understood

other candidates for state offices
LANSING, Aug. 7.-(7P)-Frank have been requested to go on record
D. Fitzgerald, candidate for the Re- on the question.
publican nomination for governor,
today answered the demand of sports- EXPECT SIXTH CHILD
men's organizations for a statement ROME, Aug. 7. - (P) - A report
of his stand on ",politics in conserva-
tion." from Riccione that the Mussolinis will
He declared he favors retention of have a sixth child about Februry was
the present system under which a received with delight in the capital
staggered conservation commission today.





-Associated Press Photo
Mrs. Frances Harrell Marsalis (inset), co-holder of the women's refueling endurance flight record, was
killed at Dayton, O., when her light biplane plunged to earth during the 50-mile feature race of the national
women's air meet. The ruins of the plane are shown.

Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with
Classified Advertising Department.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to cay of insertion.
Box Numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in Advance-11e per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
Minimum three lines per insertion.
days from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By Contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
month... ......PC
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ..c
2 lines daily, college year ...7c
4 lines E.O.D., college year '. .7c
100 lines used as desired . . 9c
300 lines used as desired ....Sc
1,000 lines used as desired .. . .7c
2,000 lines used as desired .. .6
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch
of 71' point Ionic type, upper and lower
case. Add 6c per line to above rates for
all capital letters. Add 6c per line to
above for bold face, upperandi lower
case. Add 10c per line to above rates
for bold face capital letters.
Telephone Rate-i5c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
10% discount if paid within ten
more insertions.
WANTED: Passengers to California
after summer session. New Ford
V8. Call at 8717. 60
WANTED: Girl student wants pas-
sage to California after Summer
School. Will pay. Phone 5534. 62
WANTED: Young couple wants ride
to Chicago after summer session.
Will share expenses. Dial 9061.

WANTED: 2 or 3 passengers who can
help drive and share expenses to
Seattle or vicinity, leaving Aug. 17,
returning Sept. 15. Phone 3204.
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main. 2x
WANTED: Young man wishes trans-
portation to New York or Phila-
delphia after Summer Session.
Phone 4121 Ex 386, between 8 and
10 p.m. 65
WOULD LIKE transportation for two
to Vermont or New Hampshire at
end of Summer School. Phone
2-2725. 67
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. Ix
LOST: Pi Delta Theta pin in or near
Women's League Bldg. Finder
please address Norma Green, Wom-
en's League. 6f

University Has In Possession
Rich College Song Literature

Strikes At Meddling

The University of Michigan num-
bers among its most prized posses-
sions a rich literature of college songs,
which for the most part, are the re-
sults -of original contributions by
members of the University student
body and faculty.
In some instances, such as the "Yel-
low and Blue," the songs are not
original as far as the music is con-
cerned as a University production, but
the text of the poem, however, was
here written by a former member of
the faculty, Charles M. Gayley, and
thus has stamped the "Yellow and
Blue" as definitely a Michigan prod-
Other songs, "Laudes Atque Car-
mina," by Prof. Albert A. Stanley, hisC
many other compositions, and the'
songs by Prof. Fred Newton Scott,
written 30 or 40 years ago, have come:
to be 100 per cent University posses-
The advent of football's popularity
in the early years of the present cen-;
tury resulted in the writing of what is
probably Michigan's most popular
song, "The Victors," by Louis Elbel,
who was then a student of the Uni-
versity and now a resident of South
Bend, Ind.
Out of the Michigan Union operas
have come a number of prominent ad-

Cite Reasons
Asia general feature of the program,
several students coming from various
sections of the country gave their rea-
sons for selecting the University of
Michigan, Forestry School for their
formal training, this group including
Ralph Neafus of New Mexico, Albert
Tegge of Connecticut, Willard Hilde-
brand of Saginaw, Roy Semeyn of
Ann Arbor and Lee Yeager of Missis-
Hildebrand gave a very interesting
account of his last summer's trip to
Alaska with Prof. Dow V. Baxter, pro-
fessor of Forest Pathology in the
School of Forestry and Conservation.
Semeyn proved to be the comedian of
the occasion in a witty account. of
camp life in general. Neafus, in a
brief description of cowboy life on the
Southwest Plains, assured the group
that "New Mexico was in the United
States and that timber production
and conservation was of vital impor-
tance in maintaining the limited wa-
ter resources of his native state."
Rotarians To Visit
Mr. W. A. Munro, in behalf of the
Munising Rotary Club, has accepted
Professor Craig's invitation to visit
the camp next Tuesday afternoon, at
which time the annual baseball game
between the students and Rotarians
will be played. A special program is
being prepared by the students and
faculty to be rendered after the ban-
quet in the camp mess hall.
Mr. John Guthrie, General Inspec-
tor of the CCC camps throughout the
United States,, was a Filibert Roth
visitor last week while covering the
CCC camps on the Hiawatha National
Charles Mony of the 1934 Forestry
class, now in charge of the CCC
branch of the white grub survey here
in Upper Michigan and David Bauch,
a former forestry student and at pres-
ent a timber cruser on the Superior
State Forest north of Newberry, were
other visitors.
Complete Big Project
The biggest project of the session
in Forest Mensuration is now being
brought to completion, every student
spending Wednesday and Thursday of
each week in crusing and mapping a

Two Scientists
Challenge Heat
Puzzled By Which Comes
First; Bureau Of Mines
Upsets Original Idea
PITTSBURGH, Aug. 7. - UP) -
Science has a new puzzler - which
comes first, heat or flame?
A theory announced today from thej
U.S. Bureau of Mines challenges the!
common belief that heat always is
first. It shows how flame can pre-
cede heat, and probably does in ex-
plosions of gas, such as drives your
The theory analyzes anew the fa-
mous "flame front" vhich modern
ultra rapid cameras have shown in
burning, gases. Even an explosion is
not the simultaneous flare of all the
gas, as it seems to the eye. Instead a
layer of flame, only a two-thousandth
of an inch thick, spreads over the gas.
This layer is the "flame front." It
spreads through the gas at tremen-
dous speed, but always as a "front."
That is, the layer in burning itself
out spreads to the unburned layer
adjacent. The question has been how
the fire spreads. The universally ac-
cepted theory has been that heat from
the flame front flowed into the adja-
cent thin layer of gas, heating the un-
burned layer to its "ignition point."
Thlsheat flow is challenged in the
new theory, described in the Journal
of Chemical Physics by Bernard
Lewis, physical chemist of the Bureau
of Mines and Guenther Von Elbe,
University of Virginia.
They point out that a flame front
is known to contain highly energized
atoms and "radicals," the latter small
bunches of atoms acting together.
Some of these energized particles pass
out of the flame by diffusion into
the unburned gas adjacent.
There they set up chemical reac-
tions at ordinary temperatures, that
is, in gas hot enough to burn. These
reactions lead to combustion. Further-
more this kind of spread of the ex-
plosive flame is said to be faster
than by heat alone.

ditions to the repertoire of the glee
clubs and the student body in general.
The first opera written and produced
by men only appeared in 1908 and was
the product of the collaboration of
Roy Dickinson Welch and Donal
Hamilton Haines, the latter then a
student, now instructor in journalism
in the University. Mr. Welch is at
present professor of music at Smith
For almost 25 years, the operas con-
tinued one each year, and in most
cases there was one outstanding com-
position in each production that has
outlived the year in which it was cre-
ated. Among this list can be men-
tioned Willis Diekema's "Friar's
Song," "College Days," by Earl V.
Moore, "Men of the Maize and Blue,"
by A. J. Gornetzky, and "The Bum
Army," by Mr. Moore and J. Fred
Lawton. The last two authors are
also well-known for their popular
marching song, "Varsity," written in
Guards Fight I
Among Selves
In New York
PEKSKILL, N. Y., Aug. 7. -- (P) -
Two companies of National Guards-
men turned their bayonets and gun
butts on one another in a free-for-
all at Camp Smith that led today to
an official inquiry.
A 20-year-old Guardsman, Private
Alfred Fleming of New York, who was
to have matriculated at West Point1
in the fall, is in serious condition
from a bayonet wound in the skull.
Half a dozen other officers and sol-
diers are injured.
The fight took place Thursday night
when a group of guardsmen, singing
and shouting, aroused sleepy mem-
bers of another company. Words
passed and the battle was on.
It did not become generally known
until Monday night when Lieut. Col.
I Ames Brown, second in command of
j the 71st regiment, announced he
would preside at the investigation to-
night in the regiment armory at New
York City.
See Return Of 'Higher
Cost Of Living' Again
CHICAGO, Aug. 7.-The "high cost
of living" today appeared to be on the
way back and traders were quick to
assert it was all the fault of the
Around the Board of Trade and at
the Mercantile Exchange traders
Monday saw prices broadened and
trading was heavy, particularly in
small sales.
"It is simply the recognition of the
general public that the cost of food
and living is going to mount," said B.
W. Snow, crop observer for a large
brokerage and commision house. "As
I see it, the worst effects of the
drouth have not been fully realized."

Roosevelt Receives
Direct Pictures Of
Relief Problem


* *
Millikan Says
Paternalism Is
Biggest Threat
Warns That 'Excess Of
Government May Spoil1
The American Dream'
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 7.- (P) -
Too much paternalism, says Dr.
Robert A. Millikan, is a more serious
threat to Americanism than Com-
munism or Naziism.
Paternalism, the cosmic ray au-
thority said in a radio address Mon-
day night, weakens "self reliance, dis-
courages private initiative, diminishes
"Excess government may spoil the
American dream," he warned.
"The American dream is that this
country may always remain a land of
freedom and of opportunity for each
individual to rise to just that position
of power and influence to which his
own character entitles him; a land in
which the standard of living of the
common man is just as high as is
compatible with the total productivity
of the country; a land that has so
intelligent and informed an electorate
that social changes, however far-
reaching, can always be brought about
and only be brought about by con-
stitutional ballot methods * * *''
The scientist warned against the
threat of rule by the bullet instead
of the ballot, declaring "freedom of
speech and of the press are our most
priceless heritage."
External as well as internal influ-
ences might spoil the American
dream, he said. Among the external
influences he listed "Russian fana-
tics." "Nazi emotionalists," "Japanese
or American jingoes," and interna-
tional war.
TEHERAN, Aug. 8. - (P)-The first
all-Persian film has just been shown
in Teheran. All the scenes were
filmed in the city or the surrounding

GLASGOW, Mont., Aug. 7. - (,P) -
President Roosevelt got his first di-
rect picture of the vast drouth relief
problem, which confronts his admin-
istration, when he rode for 200 miles
through the completely . burned-out,
area of eastern Montana and listened
to the reports of his subordinate offi-
cials who are trying to help the
He was told, for example, that the
drouth problem today is three times
greater than when Congress ad-
journed in June, after appropriating
$525,000,000 for its relief.
In a little over one month since the
expenditure of this money began,
more than 20 per cent of it hag been
disposed of and, according to Law-
rence Westbrook, chief assistant to
Harry L. Hopkins, Federal relief ad-
ministrator, the present appropriation
certainly will not last beyond Jan. 1.
And, Westbrook said, upwards of 500,-
000 farm families in the drouth re-
gions must be sustained from govern-
ment funds at least until the first
1935 crops are harvested next June.
The extent of the government task
may be realized when it is stated that
60 per cent of all the land in the
United States now is included in the
emergency drouth area, embracing all
or part of 24 states and directly or
indirectly affecting 26,000,000 people.
Between 300,000 and 400,000 farm
families, something like 25 per cent of
the total in the emergency drouth
areas, now are receiving direct fed-
eral relief. Of this number, perhaps
10 per cent, Westbrook said, never can
hope to regain a living from the lands
they occupy and must be moved else-
Force Playoff In
Education League
The Superintendents forced a play-
off in the Education Club Softball
League yesterday by defeating the
Principals, 9 to 8.
The Principals will meet the Edu-
cational Research team, captained by
Rome Rankin in the championship
game Thursday on South Ferry Field.
Schram and Singer formed the
battery for the winning Superinten-
dents team in its second win of the
schedule over the Principals, while
Bakken and Galaspie formed the bat-
tery for the losing team.
Bakken performed creditably on the
mound, but faulty support in the field
lost the game.
Score by inrfings:
Principals .......... ....100 042 1-8
Superintendents .......303 010.2-9

... here's a friend, indeed
Placed on the market a few months ago
this pipe mixture made many friends be-
fore it had a line of advertising.
Said one smoker to another: "Try a pipe.
ful of this mellow mixture. I've paid much
more for tobacco not nearly so good!"
Aged in the wood for years ..., there's
not a bite in a barrel of BRIGGS! But
B RIGGS would much rather talk in your
pipe than in print. Won't you try a tin
and let it speak for itself?


decorated. Two adults. Rent re-
duced if taken now. 1245 Ferdon.
FIVE TUBE portable radio. Sacrifice.
5970. Mr. Tudek.


Additions daily to our Bargain Table of






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