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August 07, 1934 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1934-08-07

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ation of the Summer Session


in modern education. She has become ac-
interested in the workings of this modern,





world, and is confidently fitting herself for a
place in the scheme of things.
The costume change of the last three or four
years is typical of the mental and psychological
change. The college man who once wore slacks, cor-
duroys, loud ties and flannel shirts, has adopted
the conservative, smart clothes of the average bus-
iness man. The college woman has stepped half
way betwee the extremes of sweaters and flat-
heeled shoes and the elaborate short-skirted toilet
seen some years ago, and appears in plain, chic,
office clothes.
Less students spend their time in the motion
picture life in college and more at a library table.
The change is radical and significant. A greater
leveling seems to have taken place. The intense
study fiend with horn-rimmed glasses and the
casual play-boy have slipped together and blurred
the traditional picture of American student life.
The hot-cha has blended with the sensible, and the
present-day college man, while he can dance and
drink with the rest of them, has learned to view
the world with more sophistication through glasses
less rose-tinted. He has grown up.


- 4e
Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
1 9 3 N T 0 A . ' CO E 9 4ME M B E R O F T H E A S S O C I A T E D P R E S S

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The Associated cress is exclusively entitled to the use
for 'republication cf all news dispatches credited to it
or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local
news published herein. All rights of republication of
special dispatches are resrved.
Enteredsat the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
-mail, $4.25.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street.
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
n Representatives: College Publications Representatives.
Til., .40 East eThirty-Fourth Street, New -York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Phone 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con-
ger, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H.
Kleene. William R. Reed. Robert s. Ruwitch.
REPORTERS: Barbara Bates, C. H. Beukema, Donald R.
Bird, Ralph Danhoff, Frances English, Elsie Pierce, vir-
giia:#~ctt, Bernard H. Fried.,
Office Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phone 2-1214
Uey Loig,
Loose Again.. .
JUEY LONG is at it again! That
H man isn't happy unless he is caus-
ing some sort of trouble and getting his name on
all the front pages in the country.
This time he is fighting again, but instead o
getting punched in the nose as he did last summer,
he's sticking his tongue out at the constituted
legal authority of Louisiana.
They're going to have an election in Louisiana
before long and the mayor of New Orleans, T.
Smmes Walmsley, is a rabid anti-Long man -
as is most of the intelligent element in the state.
Ergo, Huey had the governor, one of Long's sup-
porters, order the National Guard to New Orleans
to "supervise" the registrations for the election.
That made Mayr Walmsley pretty mad so he
got a court order demanding that the National
Guardsmen leave, but the governor, under Huey's
ol'ders, refused.
Another crisis in the situation arose when a
new police comnission, authorized by the state
legislature which is completely under the thumb
cf Long, was due to take office. Mayor Walmsley
obtained a court order directing 'that the commis-
.ion could not function, but, like everyone else, he
couldn't tell what the United States senator from
Louisiana might do, and he was afraid that Huey
might use his National Guardsmen to take over
the offices by force. If that happened the mayor
was prepared to protect his building with New
Orlean's police force.
So now the "Battle of New Orleans" has reached
an impasse. Huey has moved to the governor's
mansion in Baton Rouge but has left his army of
500 in Jackson Barracks in New Orleans while
Mayor Walmsley is still sitting in the City Hall
surrounded by 1,400 policemen, fuming.
The situation is, in short, unbelievable for a
civilized state. It is a contest between the worst
type of machine politics, exemplified by the Long
faction, and the intelligent minority which is prac-
tically powerless because the senator controls most
of the governmental agencies.
There is a growing anti-Long sentiment in
Louisiana which may eventually break down his
machine but it will be no easy task. Each city and
county in the state will have to overturn the local
hierarchy which has been built up over a course of
years by the use of political patronage.' The re-
form movement can do little without the state
legislature to back it and the legislature is now
What Louisiana needs is a few more Walmsleys
and a few less political syncophants like Governor
0. K. Allen; then perhaps, the voters of the state
could be shown just exactly what kind of leader-
ship they have been under for the past years.
Then, perhaps, Huey will descend to the oblivion
he deserves and will leave the front pages of the
The New Deal
College Student. .
skinned college boy of fiction, once
of actual fact, has slipped away in company with
a half dozen other cherished American traditions
through the years of depression. Out of the mo-

rass of the last few years comes a new kind of col-
lege student, the new deal in the university trained
man or woman.
In pace of a lavish happy-go-luckiness, there
has come a shrewd appreciation for the affairs of
the world. Chastened by economic troubles at
home and by the disturbing thought of what is
likely to be his lot after his student days are over,
the typical college man of today has taken to
reading the front page, after a decade's diet of the
comics. The college woman has discovered that

The Theatre

IN A PLAY which requires as large a cast as
Eugene O'Neil's "Marco Millions," last-minute
changes are inevitable - but following is the re-
leased cast, as nearly accurate as possible. The
play opens tomorrow night and plays through
Christians (as they appear)
A Traveler ................ Jay Edward Pozz
Marco Polo - Act I .......... Goddard Light
Marco Polo - Act II and III, Francis Compton
Donata - Act I ................l..one Skiff
Donata - Act III .... . ........Nancy Bowman
Nicolo Polo (Marco's father) ... James V. Doll
Maffeo Polo (Marco's Uncle) . .George Totten
Tedaldo, Legate of Syria (afterwards Pope
Gregory X) .............. Emory Horger
A Dominican Monk ........L. Wayne Smith
A Knight-Crusader ......William Armstrong
A Papal Courier ......... .Charles T. Harrell
Donata's Father .............Paul Sultzbach
Heathens (as they appear):
A Magian Traveler...........Paul Sultzbach
A Buddhist Traveler .............Frank Funk
A Mahometan Captain .... Charles T. Harrell
The Ali Brothers ...............Frank Funk
Paul Sultzbach
Woman..... ..............Virginia Frink
Dervish .......................Carl Ellsworth
A Mongol Priest ............... Calvin Pettit
Kublai, the Great Khan . .Frederic O. Crandall
Princess Kukachin ... . . . ......... Mary Pra
Chu-Yin .:................ William Halstead
General Bayan ............ Morris Greenstein
Ghazun, Khan of Persia ......John Lee Doll
A Buddhist Priest.........Morris Greenstein
A Taoist Priest ............Jay Edward Pozz
A Confucian Priest ...........L. Wayne Smith
A Moslem Priest ................Frank Funk
A Tartar Chronicler ..........Emory Horger
Ladies and Gentlemen of Venice; soldiers, serv-
ants; people of Persia, Mongolia, Cathay, cour-
tiers, nobles, ladies, wives, warriors, chorus of
mourners, slaves: Josephine Allensworth,
Julia Asody,- Paul Auble, Eugenia Bibby,
Geneva Boyce, Jane Brewer, Elaine Brock-
bank, Sara Carnahan, Erwin Dingman, Carl
Ellsworth, Jane Fletcher, Blandina Foster,
Frank Funk, Marguerite Garber, Gladys Good-
win, Frances Friffin, Helen Griffin, Helen Har-
rington, Chesteen Kendall, Cecil Lamb, Ira
Leinbach, Goddard Light, Robert Litt, Eva
Nelson, Charles Orr, Audrey Pray, Calvin
Pettit,-Josh Roach, Gertrude Roe, Lydia Roger,
Katherine Russell, Rose Sabatino, Truman
Smith, Mildred Streeter, Ben Wells, James
Young, Lois Zimmerman, Dan Schurz.
Prologue: A sacred tree in Persia near the con-
fines of India toward the close of the 13th
ACT I., SCENE I. Exteria of Donata's House,
Venice. 23 years earlier.
r SCENE I. Palace of the Papal Legate of
Syria at Acre. - 6 months later.
SCENE III. Persia - 4 months later.
SCENE IV. Mongolia - 11 months later.
SCENE V. Cathay, the Grand throne-room
in Kublai's Palace at Cambulac - 1 month
ACT II., SCENE I. The Little Throne-room
f in Kublai's Summer Palace at Xanadu, "the
city of peace," 15 years later.
SCENE II. The Royal Wharf at the seaport
of Zayton - several weeks later.
SCENE III. Deck of the Royal Junk of the
Princess Kukachin at anchor in the harbor
. of Hormuz, Persia - 2 years later.
ACT III., SCENE I. The Grand Throne-room
in the Imperial Palace at Cambulac - 1
year later - and later in the dining-room
of the Polo home in Venice at the same time,
SCENEII. The Grand Throne-room at
Cambulac - 1 year later.

kling, fast-moving entertainment not often-
equalled in the cinema.
The plot concerns the activities of a famous
German sky, Miss Loy, who, instead of spying on
the enemy as most spies do, chooses to spy on
friendly officials, suspected of treason and other
such things. On occasion they even spy on spies,
which, however complicated it may sound, is an c
actuality. It's commonly known as counter-espion- v
age. i
Miss Loy is assigned to investigate the activities t
of Ali Bey, commander of the Dardanelles defense,
who is suspected of selling war secrets. So she8
goes to Turkey where most of the action occurs.f
Her mission is complicated when she falls in love
with George Brent, an American medical student, f
who follows her to Stamboul. Complicated, we say, 1
because love and spying notoriously don't mix. t
He, however, does not know that she is a spy -
and this complicates matters even further. As her
secretary she uses him in the fulfillment of her
The best scenes take place between Brent and
Miss Loy on the train to Stamboul. She tries to
make him leave, but he persistently turns up when
she least expects it. When the train is bombed
and several passengers injured, he becomes the
hero of the day because of his medical assistance.
Then he lets Miss Loy chase him for awhile.
Miss Loy is especially good at light, bantering,
Noel Cowardish dialogue and Mr. Brent isn't bad at
it either. In this he almost approaches William
Powell, who co-starred with Miss Loy in "The Thin
Man." There is quite a bit of it in the show, which
accounts largely for its entertainment value.
Included in the shorter attractions is a news-
reel in which neither President Roosevelt nor his
family appears, a Charlie Chase comedy, amusingly
different, and some light opera renditions on the
organ by Paul Tompkins. -C.A.B.
The characters of Carl Ed's comic strip, "Harold
Teen," well-known to all newspaper readers will be
brought to life on the screen of the Majestic
theatre today in the picture by the same title.
Hal LeRoy, Broadway musical comedy star, was
sent to Hollywood by Warner Brothers especially
to play the title role. In addition to acting in the
leading role, he does some of the specialty dancing
for which he is prominent.
Rochelle Hudson as Lillums and Patricia Ellis
as Mimi share honors in the feminine leads as well
as being rivals for the love of Harold.
Douglas Dumbrille, on the other hand, is the
wealthy banker, "H. H." Snatcher, who is Harold's
rival for Lillums and comes near to smashing the
youthful romnance.
Others in the cast include Guy Kibbee as Pa
Lovewell, Clara Blandick as Mrs. Lovewell, Hugh
Herbert in the role of director of the show given
by the Junior League, Hobart Cavanaugh as Pop,
Chic Chandler, as Lilacs, Eddie Tamblyn as Sha-
dow, Mayo Methot as Sally, Richard Carle as
Parmelee, and Charles Wilson as McKinney.
While the picture is not a musical there are sev-
eral song numbers in addition to the dance spe-
cialties, sung by members of the cast. The picture
was directed by Murray Roth.
* --- ~ -~G

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the Summr Session office until 3:30; 11:30



Students Recital Series: The con- Recorder's Office of the school in
luding concert in the summer series which registered.
will be given by members of the class .
n Chamber Music, under the direc- The examination in French and
Lion of Hanns Pick, this evening at German for the M.A. in English will
:in fHan APdickru, thevenngr abegiven in Room 2225 A.H. August
8:30, in Hill Auditorium. The program 10O at 1:30 p.m.
will be as follows: Bloch, Prelude
rom the Concerto Grosso for Strings Reading Requirement in German
and Piano; Ravel, Allegro Moderato for Ph.D. candidates: Candidates in
f.o ,m fl^n G''+iug (iirf, £ i4i'r, ll ieds eceptthos of hentura


from the string quartet; F ranck, all fields except those of the natural
Maestoso - Allegro from the Piapo sciences and mathematics must ob-
Quintet; Lekeu, Adagio for fourteen tain the official certification of an
ndividual strings Bach, Recitative adequate reading knowledge of Ger-
and Aria: "Mein Herze schwimmt im man by submitting to a written ex-
Blut," for Voice, Strings, Harp and amination given by the German De-
Piano (Cembalo); Schubert, Andante partment.
- Allegro from the Octet for Clarinet For the summer session this exam-
- Allegro from the Octet for Clarinet, ination will be given on Wednesday,
Horn, Bassoon, two Violins, Viola, August 8, at 2 p.m., in room 203 U.H.
'Cello and Bass; Brahms, Gipsy Ron- Students who intend to take the ex-
minor. the Piano Quartet mnG amination are required to register
minor. 1,their names at least one week before
Charles A. Sink the date of the examination at the
office of the German Department,
Speech Students: Mr. John Eckles, Room 204 U.H., where detailed in-
Program Director and Chief .of the formation with regard to examina-
Announcing Staff of WJR, also known tion requirements will be given.
as "The Inquiring Reporter," will j_
speak on the subject of "How to Get I Master's Candidates in History
Into Radio Work" at the student- The language examination for Mas-
faculty luncheon of the Department ter's candidates in history will be
of Speech and General Linguistics to givenidaysAngus try in
be held at the Michigan Union on Riven Friday, Aug al10, at 4 p.m., in
Tuesday, August 7, at 12:10 p.m., in oom , av .
place of Leo Fitzpatrick, President of,
WJR, as previously announced. This Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
luncheon, which is the last to be held tificate: A tentative list of candidates
during the Summer Session, will be I to be recommended for the Teacher's
open to all students on campus. !ICertificate at the end of the summer
oa ec session has been posted on the bul-




Olson's Edict;

Chicago Quiet

Minneapolis And Alabama
Labor Troubles Remain
In Turmoil

Truckers Hit

University High School Demonstra-
tion Assembly: The fifth demonstra-
tion assembly of the University High
School summer session will be held
this morning at 9 o'clock in the Uni-
versity High School auditorium. The
program will be given by pupils in the
social studies class under the diiec-
tion of Dr. O. W. Stephenson. A short
play entitled "A Choice of Gods,"
which grew out of the scenes studied
in connection with the trial death of
Socrates will be presented. All sum-
mer session students who are inter-
ested are cordially invited to attend
the assembly.

letin board in Room 1431 University
Elementary School. Any . student
whose name does not appear on this
list and who wishes to be so listed
should report this fact at once to the
Recorder of the School of Education,
Room 1437 U.E.S.
Blanks for the payment of the cer-
tificate fee may be secured in the of-
fice of the Recorder. This fee must
be paid by the end of the summer
C. 0. Davis, Secretary
Men's Education Club, Women's
Education Club: The Education Clubs,
will hold a joint dinner meting at the
Michigan UnionWednesday evening,

(By Associated Press)
Gov. Floyd B. Olson's attempt to
rminate the Minneapolis truck
rivers' strike by closing the streets to
holdout" employers brought the
uck owners into Federal Court Mon-
ay in a vigorous counter-attack.
They requested an injunction
gainst the new edict and against the
jovernor's rule by martial law, calling
he edict unconstitutional, and the
nartial rule unnecessary. Meanwhile,
nany permits were granted to ve-
idles carrying necessities, including
But all traffic was by permission
nd permission was available only
o employers who had subscribed to
he peace terms laid down by Fed-
ral mediators or who were exempt
rom the ruling.
As police guarded against trouble
n the Alabama textile strike, fearing
eprisals from the strikers for the ab-
duction of John Dean, their field gen-
eral, it was announced that a warrant
had been issued for one of the two
kidnapers and a grand jury investig'a-
ion was promised at Huntsville, cen-
ter of the strike area.
There was normal activity once
more in the Chicago stockyards,
ocked by a strike since July 24. Some
1,200 drivers went back to work, han-
dling fairly heavy shipments of stock,
under an agreement negotiated by
Gen. Hugh S. Johnson, NRA chief.
Jap Birth Rate
SStill Problem
TOKIO. Aug. 6. - (P) - The pace
at which Japan's population is in-
creasing slackened a little in1933 but
not enough to remove it from the
category of one of the world's most
troublesome economic problems.
The government's statistics bureau
announced that the annual increase,
which for 1932 passed the million
mark for the first time and reached
1,007,868, last year receded to 927,209
in 1933. The birth rate fell from 32.92
per 1,000 in 1932 to 31.55, while the
deathi rate rose from 17.72 to 17.76.
Birth and death rates in Japan are
much higher than in most occidental
countries. America's 1931 birth rate,
for example, was 18 per 1,000 and her
death rate 11.1.

Summer Camps
The University Camp is located in Livingstone
County on the west side of Patterson Lake just
over the northwest county line of Washtenaw.
The site of 180 acres was given by Messrs. Ives
and Erhart and constitutes the area lying between
Base, Mud and Patterson lakes. The land is mostly
woods with a nice stand of white oak timber inter-
spersed with other trees; it is adjacent to the Col.
George game preserve of 1296 acres which belongs
to the University and is under the direction of
the department of biology.
Patterson Lake, of about 80 acres, is a popular
resort with many cottages. The shore is largely
high but often with a low border. There is a con-
siderable marshy area just below the camp. Only
about a hundred yards of the shore line of the
camp is developed and used for bathing. The beach
is rather mirey, and the water far from clear. There
are a good many mosquitoes.
The camp itself occupies the high cleared area
above the lake. There is a director's house, a mess
hall and eleven cottages, painted a dull red, a color
that does not harmonize well with the surround-
ings. For some months the government has been
at work constructing a recreation hall, library and
office building, but as the men work only three
days a week, the project it moving slowly.
The equipment consists of a crafts building, a
baseball diamond, a basket ball court, a tennis
court, and a children's playground. On the lake
is a diving tower, a life boat, given by Henry
Ford, and several row boats.
The title to the University Camp is held by the
Students' Christian Association. They undertake
the responsibility for its maintenance and raise
the money by holding a tag day, by an entertain-
ment in Hill Auditorium, and from gifts. The camp
provides for 120 children of ages ranging from
10 to, 15. The campers are all supposed to be
underprivileged or delinquent children. Approxi-
mately one-half of them come from Ann Arbor
and one-half from the city of Detroit. They pay
one dollar a week toward the expenses of the
The children come to the camp for two four-
week periods. The program beside swimming and
games provides for nature study and arts and
crafts. The camp is the only one in this area that
has an ample background of forest, with an oppor-
tunity for nature trails and similar activities. The
woods contain a- considerable low undergrowth,
which promotes mosquitoes and restricts activity,
but induces the nesting of pheasants and other
birds. A few goats would improve the woods for
play purposes.

University Lecture: Dr. Walter C. August 8th, at 6:30. Prof. John L.
Eells, Professor of Education of Le- Brumm will speak. All men and
land Stanford University will speak women in education are welcome.
at 11:00 on Wednesday morning, 1 J. R. Sharman
August 8, in the Auditorium of the
University High School on the topic, Vanguard Club: Joseph G. Roberts,
"The Future of the Junior College. active labor leader, will address the
Anyone interested in this topic is Vanguard club on the subject of
cordially invited. "War and Fascism," at the Michigan
Union, Wednesday, at 8 p.m. Mr. Rob-
Education B-1$2: Students in the erts will analyze the significance of
course in Adult Education may obtain war from the standpoint of the work-
their Unit Summaries at the circula- ing class, and will throw light on the,
tion desk of the University High Austria-Germany war crisis.
School Library. -
August Seniors, All Schools and swVi M at
Colleges: Students who expect to N EW PORT BEACH
complete work for a degree at the
close of the Summer Session, must TRUNKS'PERMISSIBLE
pay the diploma fee before August 17. Portage Lake 14 miles from town
Call for the diploma fee blank at the
Greater Movie Greater Movie
Season . MICHIGAN Season
in her first starring picture
Charley Chase Comedy - Paul Tompkins - Latest News
Matinee & Evening AAI"CT3 f ATTEND
in Balcony 25c . . . . vAI E IC . . . . COOL MATINEES
Not a Funny Picture, but the Funniest of Pictures.
Hal LeRoy and Guy Kibbee
Matinees15c ......W UE RTH . . . . . Nights 25c
Frederic March Mary Robson
"ALL OF ME" "You Can't Buy Everythin"t


Eddie Bob
' Danoig ever night a Mn

Eddie Bob


Folr YOU!
The Market Place of a
thousand needs, and of
opportunities for home
and business ...
whether you want to
find a lost kitten, sell
an automobile, buy a
house, borrow money

Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
Annemarie ..................Myrna Loy
Beall .................... George Brent
Von Sturm ................ Lionel Atwill
Ali Bey ..............C.. Henry Gordon
Karl ...............'... Rudolph Amendt
Amil ....................... Micha Auer
Myrna Loy cinched her hold on stardom, which
she obtained in "Men in White," "ManhattanI
Melodrama," and "The Thin Man," by turning
in a most excellent performance in the current


Wherein Mr. O'Neill whitewashes
Marco Polo of the Stigma of being
the World's Greatest Liar.
U111"A V VQ. ArITUf A V




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