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August 01, 1934 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1934-08-01

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T 1,

Adult Teaching
Discussed By
Dr. C. A. Fisher
Says That Universities Will
Direct Attention More In
This Line
(Continued from Page 1)
ter's degree, and residence credit for
a master's degree.
Dr. Fisher estimated that 1934-35
would be a banner year for enroll-
ment in these courses, predicting that
the year would show an increase over
the present year's 2,982 enrollment.
The heaviest enrollment in the his-
tory of the bureau came in 1929-30,
he said, when 4,382 were enrolled.
These extension classes are of-
fered in the principal cities of the
lower peninsula, with tentative plans
formulated for the establishment next
year of at least one class in the upper
The activities of the Michigan For-
ensic Association were next discussed
by Dr. Fisher. He revealed that during
the past school year 12,458 high school
students from 261 schools had par-
ticipated in the contests held through-
out the state. The state debating
schedule was closed here with the
state finals between Ferndale and
Battle Creek Central high schools.
The University, through the Exten-
sion Division, also sponsored a large
number'of institutes through the year.
Chief among those, Dr. Fisher said,
were those of the Michigan Congress
of Parents and Teachers, the Mich-
igan State Federation of Women's
Clubs, the Michigan Federation of
Labor, and the Law Enforcement Offi-
cers of Michigan.
The number of institutes which
could be held here, Dr. Fisher said,
is limited only by the amount of time
faculty members can take off from
their regular duties to lecture to the
people who come to the campus.
Radio broadcasting, the newest
phase of the Extension Division work,
was the last topic discussed by Dr.
Fisher. He estimated that approxi-
mately a half million listened to the
Parent Education broadcasts given
weekly last year, while he quoted
Prof. Waldo M. Abbot, who directs the
University broadcasting studio, as say-
ing that approximately 400,000 lis-r

Head Of Washington On Mt. Rushmore Completed

omen Golfers
Begim Tourney
Matches Today
Miss Jean Kyer Defends
Crown; Mrs. Stauffer Is
Only two of the city's outstanding
women golfers were able to break 100I
in the qualifying round of the tenth
annual city tournament at Huron
Hills yesterday. Mrs. Forrest Stauffer
of Barton Hills with a 94 was the
leader, with Mrs. Reed Orr trailing by
a single stroke.
Miss Jean Kyer, defending cham-
pion and runner-up in the state tour-
nament, was not required to qualify.
Play in all four flights will begin
today, Miss Kyer meeting Mrs. Har-
old Smith and Mrs. Stauffer opposing
Mrs. Bertrand Cushing. Matches will
continue throughout the week, the
final being held at 2 p.m. Sunday.
Far back of the two qualifying
leaders were Mrs. Reed Nesbit with a
101, Dr. Margaret Bell with a 104, and
trailing her by one stroke, Miss Na-
dena Schmidt. A score of 113 was
sufficient to qualify for the cham-
pionship flight.
A single mulberry tree may harbor
as many as one-half million larvae
of the raisin moth.
It is estimated 829,000 tourists vis-
ited the Great Smoky mountains na-
tional park in North Carolina and
Tennessee within the last three years.

Luke Lea, Jr., Free

British Start

Movement For
BigAir Force
jPrime Minister B a l d w in
Expresses His Distrust
Of Germany's Plans
LONDON, July 31.- (P)- Great
Britain went ahead today with her
plans for a stronger air force.
Approval of the expansion program
was voted overwhelmingly by the
house of commons after Stanley Bald-,
win, acting prime minister, expressedl
belief Germany may greatly enlarge
her armaments in the air.
A Laborite motion to censure the
air plans was rejected by a vote of
404 to 60.
Distrust of Germany's plans was in-
dicated by the statements of Baldwin
and Sir John Simon, foreign secretary.
Opponents of increased appropria-
tions for aircraft did not press their
A charge that Germany "in viola-
tion. of the peace treaty has created
a military air force now nearly two-
thirds as strong as our home defense
force" was made by Winston Chur-
chill, conservative member of parlia-
"If we do not act now," Baldwin
told the house, "we may find ourselves
later on in terrible jeopardy."
Great Britain has already served
::::::::s:::_::::::::___ notice she intends to ask for a bigger
-Associated Press Photo navy at the 1935 naval conference.
After serving 80 days of a sentence . The air force was engaged last week
of two to six years, Luke Lea, Jr., is in defensive and offensive maneuvers
shown leaving the North Carolina over London, said by government op-
sMate prison at Raleigh with a parole ponents to have been timed with par-
granted by Gov. J. C. D. Ehringhaus.' liamentary debate on the air program.

Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with
Classified Advertising Department.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock ,previous to day of insertion.
Box Numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in Advance-1llper reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
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days from the dae of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By Contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
month............. r
4 lines E.O.D., 2 iotbs.8c
2 lines daily, col O~e year ... 7e
4 lines E.O.D., colee year . .7c
100 lines used as esi red ....9c
300 lines used as sired ... .8c,
,000 lines used as sired ....7e
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The above rates are r reading line,
based on eight readin lines per inch
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WANTED: Ride to Traverse City. Call
5254. 56
FOUR PASSENGERS for. Cleveland
this weekend. Leave Thursday or
Friday, returning Sunday evening.
Tarkas, 3653. 55
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6; and 7 dol
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. C i-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main. 24
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 1x


-Associated Press Photo
The head of George Washington, part of the gigantic memorial on
Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills of South Dakota, is shown as it
receiving the finishing touches.

Bernard Will
Take Part In
All - Star Tilt
To Get Leave-Of-Absence
1 From Detroit Auto Plant
August 15
Chuck Bernard, Michigan's all-
,American center, will be able to play


tened to other University radio pro- with the all-star squad which meets
grams. the Chicago Bears August 31 in Sol-
diers' Field, Chicago.
ti Some doubt had been expressed as
Stu' enff yuato his playing because of business
St udent Flying sbutarrangements have
been made for him to leave the Detroit
Contests M a ymotor company for which he is work-
' ing fron August 15, when the squad
Oroan Zle d goes into training until the game.
Be Organized Werines secte opayo h
Bernard is the second of the three
Wolverines selected to play on the
The possibility of inaugurating a team who had made definite an-
regular program of student competi- nouncement of his intention to join
tion in aviation next fall under the the squad. Herm Everhardus, se-
sponsorship of the Ann Arbor airport lected at halfback, who is now work-
was seen yesterday by officials of the ing at a boys' camp in northern Mich-
local airport. igan, announced last week that he
Increased interest on the part of will play.
students on the campus in flying led Whitey Wistert, the third Wolver-
airport officials to believe that such a ine, who was selected at tackle, has
program would attract enough un- not yet made any announcement of
pr gacw u d a trcsnogsn his intentions. W istert is now playing
dergraduate entrants to insure its suc- bas ith Wilmino ay g
baseball with Wilmington, a Cincin-
cess. mnati farm in the Piedmont league,
It was emphasized that the compe- and it is doubtful if he will be able
tition should prove close inasmuch as to get a release from his contract to
all the pilots now studying at the
field have been instructed by the same play in the game.
teacher. Furthlermore, it was stated, A forfeit clause in his contract in
teacher. number of flying hours each of case he plays football may be ex-
the competitors has to his credit will cepted, however, inasmuch as the all-
be taken into consideration by the star game is not to be played under
SUcontract, it is said.


wa ges.
Several undergraduates have been
learning to fly at the local airport this
summer and instructors there describe
these pupils as "well on their way to
becoming pilots."
The student competition, if held,
will probably be run off on regular
Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
Yinn Places First
hI Swimming Meet
Yen Yinn took first place in the
100-yard free-style event on the In--
trainural swimming program yester-
day. His time for the distance was
The other participants placed in
the following order, K. Beal, Edward
Begle, and J. Wayhausen.
Despite the fact that he only took
second place in this race, Beal still
leads in the participation points race
with 560 points, Yinn is second with
500, Begle follows with 380, and Hunn
and Koeppel are tied for fourth place
with 280 apiece..-
The next event 'on the swimming
program is the 75-yard medley race to
be held in the Intramural pool at
5:15 p.m. today.
New Forest Fires
Reported In West
SPOKANE, Wash., July 31.-(I{)-
New fires were reported in the smoke-
palled inland Northwest today a,,
thousands of fighters sent out word
that they were controlling other blazes
on scores of fronts.
The small town of Wardner, Idaho,
was threatened for a time today by a
fie foAnn y n a hih wind. Sveal



New York ....
Detroit ...:...
Boston .......
V3t. Louis .....
Philadelphia . .

. . v
. . v
. . c
. e;

W L Pct.
59 36 .621
60 37 .619
54 42 .563
52 47 .525
42 49 .462
44 43 .454
38 55 .409
34 64 .347

Yesterday's Results
Cleveland 9-2, Detroit 7-4.
New York 11-2, Boston 2-1.
Philadelphia 8, Washington 2.
Chicago 5, St. Louis 2.
Games Today
Detroit at Cleveland.
Boston at New York.
Washington at Philadelphia.
Chicago at St. Louis (2).
W L Pct.

New York .............61
Chicago .............58
St. Louis ............. 55
Boston ..............49
Pittsburgh ...........45
Philadelphia ........42
Brooklyn ............40
Cincinnati ...........33



Yesterday's Results
Boston 4, New York 1.
Philadelphia 4, Brooklyn 2.
Cincinnati 6-5, Pittsburgh 4-7.
(Second game 11 innings).
Chicago 7, St. Louis 2.
Chicago, 7, St. Louis 1 (score in-
cludes legal part of July 2 game
plus playoff innings.)
Games Today

1 7 LiIVLatsL'J Ulu1 l '(I'wLIY") lI5'i5IA' 4U 'tJI'L'I'll'I VZui

... .

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