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August 01, 1934 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1934-08-01

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usic Camp Is
'hreatened By
Lack Of Funds

West Pointers Take A Lesson In Fine Points Of War


Annual National Camp Of
High School Musicians r
Founded In 1928
(Continued from Page 1)
not -forthcoming the camp will have
to quit at the end of this year.
The camp's improvement program
has not been too rapid, Dr. Maddy
points out, in view of the fact that it
was accorded sufficient support dur-
ing the first few years and the calibre
of training it purported to offer re-_
quired substantial outlays in buildings
and equipment. As a matter of fact 4
its property, costing $400,000 when
obtained, is largely clear of debt. It
owes $150,000, has paid $250,000. The
tract is made up of 500 acres of land, '
largely in a stand of virgin white
pine, and has on it 107 buildings. The m
chief encumbrance is a hotel and
several small buildings surrounding ~
it, which form the center of the camp. I
This purchase, involving an outlay of e ' x
$104,000, was made in 1931, at the y
height of the camp's prosperity.
The camp this year is carrying on e .s. . ,y
as usual, in spite of the financial
difficulties that threaten its existence.
It has 230 students, each of whom The fine points in conducting
pays $250 tuition. Each of these stu- military academy when they were t
dents is generously provided with of them are shown inspecting tank
board and quarters, three or four com- types weighing 43 tons.
pete uniforms and individual and
group instruction in either instru-
ment or voice, for the full period of
eight weeks. "fCamp Iews
Despite the seriousness of the sit- C
uation, Dr. Maddy believes the camp
will not be allowed to die. His con-F
tacts with musicians, critics and well- FORESTRY CAMP
wishers during the several years of Dr. Samuel T. Dana, Dean of the
the camp's existence have been such School of Forestry and Conservation,
that he is certain the American peo- .aid his annual visit to Camp Fii-
ple regard the camp as a national in- i
stitution - their own camp and that bert Roth this week-end. After greet-
therefore they will not permit it to ing the old forestry students and wel-
pass into history. But, unless help is coming the new ones into the school,
given or the' directors of the camp D.Dn etSna feno o
canfin a.wa ot, ha isjut watDr. Dana left Sunday afternoon for
can find a way out, that is just what Madison, Wis., where he attended a
will happen. meeting at the Wood Products Labo-
, , ratory. Dr. Dana was accompanied
PrincinaFs by Mrs. Dana and her sister, Miss Mil-
dred Merrill, of Washington, D. C.
Sof G me I John L. Meier, a forest ranger on
S f a e the Ottawa National Fores.t, who re-
ceived his master's degree from the
Le au Le a i e School of Forestry and Conservation
gn1932, was a recent over-night visi-
tor in camp. Mr. John Lottie, who is
Superintendents Lose To Mr. Meier's assistant in handling the
extensive land acquisition program
Educational R e s e a r e h, . now being conducted by the Forest
7-6, In Toss-Up Game Service, made the trip with him.
Dr. Samuel A. Graham, professor
A smashing defeat of the Teacher's I of forest zoology in the School of
teamgby the Principals, leaders in the Forestry and Conservation, was a visi-
league, was the highlight of yester- tor last week, passing through camp
day's layin the Education Club soft- on his way to Duluth to attend a
ball league nThe score was 21 to 9. meeting of Lake States entomologists.
At the same time the Educational Mr. Alfred Mathewson, a represen-
Research team defeated the Super- tative of the E. I. du Pont Powder
intendents 7-6, in a contest that was Company, spent last Friday in camp,
a toss-up throughout. ; at which time he gave an excellent
In the Principals vs. Teachers game demonstration of the use of dynamite
the battery for the Principals was in land clearing and ditch construc-
Bekken, pitcher, and Glispy, catcher; tion. This demonstration was en-
and for the Teachers, Schantz, pitch- thusiastically received by the stu-
er, and Lake, catcher. Bowser pitched dents, who showed great interest in
for the Educational Research team the safe and efficient handling of the
and Baker caught. The battery for explosive.
the Superintendents was Vredevoogd, Camping parties, because of the
pitcher, and Hazen, catcher. rainy week-end, were fewer than com-
With each team in the league hav- mon. A group including Ralph Nea-
ing played eight games the standings fus of New Mexico, Maurice Schewe
now are as follows: of Illinois, Bruce Spike of Dexter, and
W L Pct. Horace Nixon of Youngstown, Ohio,
Principals............ 6 2 .750 spent Saturday afternoon and Sun-
Educational Research . 5 3 .625 day on Grand Island, near Munising.
Superintendents .......4 4 .500 David Meadough of Grosse Pointe,
Teachers ............. 1 ' 7 .125 Harold Ezri of Cleveland and Alton
Twork of Dearborn, spent the week-
S hend on beautiful Beaver Lake.
out ekrt Chib Willard Hildebrand of Saginaw,
}PKen Faber of Chicago, Dean Rowland
Wl S o r f Albion and Frank Van Alsburg of<
Holland, brought a beautiful string1
nn l i i of large- and small-mouthed black
A un a Pi enbass into camp from Lost Lake, here
on the Hiawatha National Forest.
The annual Southern Club picnic One of the most interesting student
will take place at Portage Lake this I projects of the summer as being<
year. The club members will start worked. out by William Hopkins of1
-cCambelsport, Wisconsin, a member

at 4:30 p.m. Thursday from the front
of Angell Hall. Transportation will °f this year's forestry class. Hopkins, z
be provided for all whorgo niaided by several students, capturedi
Tickets for the affair may be pur- three young sparrowhawks and has
chased from George Smith, Room 201 succeeded in rearing them by hand.
Chemistry Building, or at Angell Hall The hawks are now almost ready to1
at the time of departure, fly and apparently normal in every
C. T. Huhes, president of the or- respect, most probably due to liberal1
Canization, has charge of the arrange- rations of grasshoppers, bugs, and
rnents for the picnic Assisting him meat, fed to the birds four times'
are S. L. Robinson, transportation; h of the bir
Conrad Temrpleton, entertainment, "Screamy," stating that "this cogno-
Cd Dr. T. L. Purdom, who is chef for men, gentlemen, may appropriately bef
the picnic. applied to any bird or group of birdsi
A tentative menu for the outing in- capable of eating its weight in grass-1
eludes corn on the cob, sausage, and hoppers at a single sitting - and
datermelon, in addition to other pic- then screaming for more. My con-
iic fare. clusion, gentlemen, is that my pets
All southern students are cordially must have observed the procedure of 1
nvited to the picnic. An election of their new manager at the camp
officers for the ensuing year will be table."' E
held at this time. Lee E. Yeager, Grad. l
Phi Delta Kappa To Vanguard Club To f
Hold Its Initiation ear C. L. Meader
Phi Delta Kappa, honorary edu- Prof. Clarence L. Meader of the,
cational fraternity, will have initia- general linguistics department will
Lion ceremonies at 4:30 today at the address members of the Vanguard1
Union, followed by a banquet at 6:00. Club, student' organization, at their
General arrangements are in charge regular meeting at 8 p.m. tonight at

-Associated Press Photo
a war were shown to members of the senior class of the United States
taken to Fort Benning, Ga., the world's largest infantry school, where some
s ranging from small ones capable of making 70 miles an hour to larger
Stratosphere Spectrograph Saved By Parachute

Austrian Strife
Not Ended With
Dollfuss' Death
Problem Of 'Powder In
Politics' Outlives Slain
VIENNA, July 28. - UP) - Austria's
most perplexing problem - powder in
politics-has outlived the "little chan-
cellor" who tried for more than a year
to solve it.
Assassination of Engelbert Dollfuss
climaxed but did not concludea per-
iod of political disorder which began
more than a year ago when the
chancellor told parliament it was par-
alyzed, and called out the army and
police when some legislators threat-
ened to dispute that point.
With Prince Ernst von Starhem-
berg in the, chancellorship, the shoot-
ing still continued.
Up to the time Dollfuss shelved
parliament, Austrian politics had been
intermittently noisy for several years
-but never really rough. When Hit-
ler came to power in Germany, how-
ever, minor clashes between Nazis
and socialists increased and Austria
seemed headed toward the same path
Germany took.
Bombings Begin
Dollfuss had other plans. With
parliament dissolved, he decreed an
end to municipal or even provincial
Hardly had a blanket of silence des-
cended on parliament, however, than
Nazi street demonstrations increased
in violence. Dollfuss muzzled the
Nazi press and prohibited Nazi mass
meetings. Whereupon bombs began
bursting in the streets\ of Austrian
Powder was being applied more ex-
tensively to Austrian politics.
Tourist Trade Hurt
Behind the spectacular was the
bread-and-butter element of Austria's
trouble. Tourists contribute much to
the nation's earnings, and bombings
and street warfare do not make a
pleasant playground for vacationists.
Dollfuss tightened his rein on the
Nazis, but the bombings continued.
The government was in the embar-
rassing position of fighting not only
Nazis but socialists, who protested his
high-handed treatment of parlia-
ment. Some Dollfuss backers urged a
compromise with the socialists to cre-
ate a united front against the Nazis.
But Prince Starhemberg, then com-
mander of the heimwehr, urged
"ruthless crushing" of the socialists.
"Throw the reds out of the Vienna
city hall and provincial diets; dem-
onstrate that this government is real-
ly anti-Marxist," he advised, "and
the bulk of the Nazi following will
immediately swing over to us."
With Socialist Aid
The socialists became more and
more restive. Finally, when the
Heimwehr began taking matters into
its own hands and new anti-socialist
police raids were begun, the socialists
flared into open revolt.
For a week, Dollfuss had civil war
on his hands.
The "reds" were thrown out, but
contrary to Prince Starhemberg's pre-
dictions, the Nazis did not swing over
to Dolfuss. Instead, the bombings
began again -this time with socialist
Then the government appealed to
the "loyal population" to "take mat-
ters into your own hands" and "stamp'
out the terrorists."
The Dollfuss government contended1
the peopleras a whole were loyal, and
that a mere handful of bomb-tossing
terrorists could keep a nation on edge.
To which the opposition replied that
it was more than a year since the gov-
ernment began jailing the "handful,"
and that bombings were increasing.

They said an unpopular government
could not stand in Austria.
Germans Accused
Austria would be quiet, retorted
Dollfuss supporters, if terrorists were
not supplied with money and explo-
sives from Germany.
On the day before Dollfuss' assas-
sination by the Nazis, a 20-year-old
socialists was hanged after police said
he confessed an attempt to blow up
a suburban railroad. Then came the
unsuccessful coup, the assassination,
civil war in some sections.

-Associated Press Photo
Paul Runyan (above), 26-year-old golfer of White Plains, N. Y.,
entered the championship ranks when he defeated Craig Wood of Deal,
N. J., to win his first major title in the National Professional Golf asso-
ciation tournament at Buffalo. Runyan is shown here with the emblem
of victory.

jWhere, To Go

SBa rbour And


1:00 - Excursion No. 10, Greenfield
Village. Meet on Angell Hall steps.
2:00 - Michigan Theatre, "The
Circus Clown" with Joe E. Brown.
2:00 -Majestic Theatre, "The Up-
perworld" with Warren William and
Mary Astor.
2:00 - Wuerth Theatre - "T h e
Thundering Herd" with Randolph
Scott and Judith Allen.
4:00 - Same features at the three
4:10 - Conference, "The Place of
Industrial Arts in a Progressive Cur-
riculum," M. L. Byrn, Assistant Pro-
fessor of Vocational Education.
(Room 1022, University High School).
5:00 -Lecture, "Social Planning
Under Capitalism," Professor Louis
Wirth, University of Chicago.
7:00 -Same features at the three
7:30 - Concert, University Summer
Session Band.
8:00 - Lecture; "Health Insurance"
(Illustrated), Dr. Nathan Sinai.
8:30-Elizabeth McFadden's "Dou-
ble Door," by the Michigan Repertory
Players, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Canoeing on the Huron every af-
ternoon and evening.
Dancing at the Blue Lantern Ball-
room, Island Lake.
Dancingat the Whitmore Lake
Pavilion, Whitmore Lake.

Jordan Halls
To Give Teas
Jordan Hall and Betsy Barbour
House will each give a tea this after-
noon, the former from 4 to 5:30 p.m.,
the latter from 4 to 5 p.m. Both are
open house affairs and friends of
students are cordially invited.
In charge of the Jordan Hall tea
is Garnet Waggoner, assisted by Lu-
rine Burgan, Dr. Theresa Woo, Char-
lotte Myer, Edithe Leef, Ina Ainoos-
terberg, Myrtle Windsor, Esther
Schlundt, Winnifred Naylor, Chloe
Brodan, and Ruth Barwidk.
Mrs. Leona B. Diekema, director of
Betsy Barbour House, will pour at the
Betsy Barbour tea. General arrange-
ments are being made by Barbara
Bates, aided by Betty Longnecker,
Genevieve Hart, Flora Oxford, Mar-
garet Henderson, Buena Mathis, El-
oise Voorheis, and Elizabeth Shad-

Paul Runyan, Winner Of P.G.A. G olfT

-Associated Press Photo
Floating earthward at a leisurely pace by means of a parachute,
the spectograph carried in the gondola of the ill-fated stratosphere
balloon landed undamaged in a Nebraska field and was shipped to
scientists at the University of Rochester, N. Y., by Major William E.
Kepner, commander of the flight. The picture shows crowds surrounding
the basket containing the instrument after it had landed.

Germany has launched acampaign
make roads more beautiful.

! to


Contract Bridge
Lecture To Be
Held At League
Mrs. John Mathes Will
Discuss Fine Points Of
The Game
A lecture on contract bridge for
advanced players will be given at 8:001
today in the Ethel Fountain Hussey
Room of the League by Mrs. John
Mathes, teacher of the regular bridge
lessons on Monday nights.
This lecture will consist of an
analysis of the play of cards, opening
leads, discard signals, and the rule
of eleven. Advanced biddinghtech-
nique will be explained which will
include the penalty double, re-
doubles, choice of correct forcing bids,
and rules for bidding two-suited
hands to show distribution.
Printed sheets outlining points will
be passed out and an open forum dis-
cussion is planned afterwards when
questions on any phase of contract
be answered.
All contract players will be interest-
ed in' this lecture and those enrolled
in the regular classes especially so.
Admission to the talk is 15 cents.


Roosevelt To Confer
With Industrialists"
WASHINGTON, July 31. - (A') -
President Roosevelt expects to ask big
business what it thinks of one of his
most cherished social readjustment
hopes, the linking of factory workers
with the soil.
Officials have been informed the
chief executive intends to invite to
his council table some time within
the next two months men who speak
for about 70 per cent of the nation's
industrial producers.
He wants them to discuss his idea
for decentralization of industry.
It is a long-term idea. It involves
a suggestion that during the next
decade or two, many factories move
from crowded cities to the country-
side. There, amid semi-rural sur-
roundings, the workers would have
factory jobs for the mainstay of
their livelihood. But they would own
their own homes and raise food for
themselves as an anchor to windward
in case of need.
Local Police Capture
Two Escaped Prisoners
Two men who were identified as
Earl Dawson and Robert Allman were
captured Monday morning by Ann
Arbor police following their escape
from the farm of the Michigan State
Prison at Jackson Sunday.
The two were apprehended by Offi-
cer Harold King and Special Police-
man Leonard Vorce of the local police
force after a chase of more than a
mile over Ann Arbor streets.
The two prisoners, following their
capture here, were returned to the
penitentiary immediately.

Tariff Pact With Cuba
Is Nearly Completed
WASHINGTON, July 31. - (;') -
The Roosevelt administration's new!
tariff-bargaining policy is about to
bear its first fruit in the form of
a reciprocal treaty with Cuba.
The final draft, officials disclosed
today, is being negotiated in Havana1
by Ambassador Caffery and Cuban
officials. Announcement of the fin-
ished document is expected early in

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Engagement Of Former
Student Is Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gilbert Webster
have announced the engagement of
their daughter Mary Eleanor to Mr.
Charles Lofgren. The date for the
wedding has been set for Septem-
Miss Webster attended the Univer-
sity in 1931, having been a student at
Northwestern University also.


TORONTO, July 30. - More than
1,000 hunger marchers from all sec-
tions of Ontario straggled into the
city today to demand more liberal re-
lief measures.
The marchers, many of them wom-
en and children, had been en route
for more than a week. Some women
and children were garbed in red and
wore the communist insignia of ham-
mer and sickle.



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