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July 31, 1934 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-31

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Marie Dressler
Loses In Long
StruwoleFor Life
Cancer And Contributing
Illnesses Put An End To
Year's Suffering
Reached Top At 60
Was One Of Best Loved
Actresses When She Died
62 Years Of Age
HOLLYWOOD, July 28. - -
Marie Dressler was Hollywood's
"grand old trouper," although the
stage also claimed her for its own.
The veteran actress had been every-
thing in the show world, from chorus
girl to screen star.
o Although success came to her late
in life and after years of bitter strug-
gle, Miss Dressler made no complaint
of a long period of unemployment be-
fore she became a film sensation by
portraying Marthy in "Anna Chris-
"Middle age is the best part of life,"
she said after celebrating her sixty-
second birthday. "You don't really
begin to live or to appreciate life
until after you're 50.
"Tragic And Pitiful"
"One of the most tragic and pitiful
sights in the world is a middle aged
woman, who feels that life is over for
her, and looks and acts accordingly.
They are such fools. As soon as their
families are reared and their hair is
turning gray, they fold their hands
and give up the game.
"Why, if they only knew it, life is
just beginning for them. They can
start living for themselves instead of
thinking about other people. Their
responsibilities are over. I didn't really
begin to live until I was 50, and I hon-
estly feel younger than I did at 25."
Miss Dressler was born in Cobourg,
Ont., November 9, 1871. Her father
was Alexander Koerber, an officer in
the Crimean war. Anne Henderson
Koerber, her mother, was a musi-
Appears As Cupid
The actress' first public appearance
was as Cupid on a pedestal at the age
of five in a church theatrical per-
When she was 14, she appeared in
the amateur theatrical show at Lind-.
say, Ont., and was laughed at. The
laughs angered her and she joined a
roving light opera troupe. Her first
job paid $8 weekly.
Named Leila at birth, she adopted
the name of an aunt, Marie Dressler,
when she went on the stage.
Success followed the footsteps of
the ambitious young actress. With
the George Baker Opera company, she
played Queen in
"Bohemian Girl";
the foolish wife in
"Frati Diablo," and
Barbara in "Black
Robinson Crusoe."
She supported Lil-
lian Russell in
M i s s Dressler
V made anoutstand
*outstand ing hit for four
dew in "Lady Slav-
saos as Flo Honey-
ery." As one of her
r +aJ5 o e Joe Weber shows,
she played in "Hig-
gledy-Piggledy." She did a Romeo and
Juliet burlesque with Sam Bernard,
and played in an all-star version of
"The Rivals."
It was during these successful days
that she bridged the formerly un-
crossable chasm between the social
"Four Hundred" and the theatrical

world. She became acquainted with
Mrs. Stuvyesant Fish, leader in New
York society, while appearing as an
entertainer at her home, and the ac-
quaintanceship developed into a last-
ing friendship.
Not only social leaders were among
her friends. She was a friend of most
of the famous men and women in
politics, finance, and the arts over the
world. She knew all the presidents
since Cleveland.
Never Forgot Friends
Miss Dressler, however, never for-
got the friends of her early struggle,
the old troupers with whom she wan-
dered from one cheap boarding house
to another. The actress carried on a
large amount of philanthropic work,
the great part of which was unknown
to the public.
She made her'first motion picture in
1914, a Mack Sennett production of
"Tillie's Punctured Romance." In the
company with her were two young
and then unknown players, Charlie
Chaplin and Mabel Normand, who
skyrocketed to fame because of their.
success in that film.
The stage, however, was Miss Dress-
Ier's first love and she returned to it.
Then came the World War, during
which the actress toured the country
selling Liberty Bonds.
The post-war period found her in
desperate circumlstances. She was no
Tex Robertson, Michigan swim star,

Guns Mence Austrian

Rebels From Above

-Associated Press Photo
From a position atop the "Hochhaus" (above), famous Vienna sky-
scraper, machine-gunners of the Austrian government forces stood ready
to pour deadly fire into the ranks of rebels if they should attempt a new
march against the seat of government.
Meanings Of Some Current
Foreign Political Terms
(By The Associated Press)
FASCISM- A system of authoritarian, as opposed to parliamentary,
government; i.e., a one-party administration with its "chief" ("duce"
in Italian, "fuehrer" in German) as dictator. The system is anti-
socialist and anti-communist.
ITALIAN FASCISM - Benito Mussolini's "corporative state" with
capital and labor organized in syndicates according. to industries
and occupations, each under control of a government department
and the whole responsible to him as head of the party and of the
BLACKSHIRTS -The uniformed rank of Italian fascism, organized
as a militia to supplement police, army, navy and air corps in the
national defense.
NAZI - Contraction of the German words for "national socialist work-
ers' Party," the fascist political organization headed by Adolf Hitler.
The "nobility of labor" is exalted with private capital limited in its
earnings. "Purity of race," otherwise anti-Semitism, is preached.
An "Aryan" religion is advocated.
BROWN SHIRTS - The uniformed rank of Naziism, generally known
as "storm troops."
SCHUTZSTAFFEL - Literally "protective squadron," elite of the
"brown shirts," uniformed in black and recently raised by Hitler
to an independent organization.
REICHSWEHR --Literally "federal guard;" the regular army of Ger-
many or of Austria.
AUSTRIAN NAZIS - Adherents in Austria of the Hitlerite platform.
One of their chief objectives, if and when they gain political power,
would be "anschluss" or political union with Germany.
HEIMWEHR - Literally "home guard," the uniformed rank of Aus-
trian fascists who follow the Italian as opposed to the German model.
Intensely nationalistic and sworn to uphold the independence of
Austria. They supported the Dollfuss regime.
SCHUTZBUND -Literally "protective union," the former uniformed
rank of the Austrian socialists. Outlawed after Dollfuss gained power.
But previously their opposition to the heimwehr brought Austria to
the brink of civil war on several occasions.

Dollfuss Gave
Rintelen Post
From Deathbed
Fey Reveals 'Political Will'
Dolfuss Issued Wh ile
(Continued from Page 1)
16 pieces of field artillery, 16 small
tanks, and a regiment of men, and
some in tent under a shrubbery camo-
In a mile and a half strip of terri-
tory along the border, however, there
were no troops.
In an encampment surrounded by a
rusted wall, men could be seen ex-
The correspondent was told that
they were digging an underground
Officers were exceedingly calm and
said they expected no trouble.
One officer-said the troops were en-
gaged in "maneuvers" and nothing
Civilians were allowed to travel
freely about, providing they kept to
the main road and kept moving.
BELGRADE, Jugoslavia,'July 30.-
(P) - The Jugoslavia government re-
sents the idea of Italy's playing a lone
hand in guaranteeing Austria's inde-
pendence, it was stated in foreign
circles today.
In official quarters it was said that
Jugoslavia's attitude with reference
to Austria is that Italy cannot act
alone. The question of Austrian inde-
pendence is not a matter for the great
powers alone, but is of equal concern
to Austria's neighbors who should be
consulted relative to any step taken,
it was stated.
BERLIN, July 30. - WP) -Interest
was centered here today in a state-
ment of the Jugoslav Legation that
unilateral intervention regarding the
Austrian frontier situation might have
serious repercussions.
Berlin newspapers saw in the pro-
nouncement a "warning to Musso-
lini," a demand to "keep hands off
German Austria"' or "opposition to
any interference."
Other reliable observers believed
that the statement might be followed
by expressions of viewpoint by other
nations or that such already had
been communicated to the Hitler
The leaders of the cabinet here have
been engaged in one secret conference
after another for several days, and
conflicting reports are abroad as to
their activities.
The propaganda ministry said that
Chancellor Hitler, Franz von Papen
newly named special minister to
Austria; propaganda minister Goeb-
bels, and Hermann Wilhelm Goering,
Prussian premier, had been in con-
ference at Beyreuth.
To Take New Post
Von Papen's office, on the other
hand, said that the former vice chan-
cellor was in Berlin preparing for his
new post and that he was expected
to take over his diplomatic duties
This was taken to indicate a strong
hope that Austria woud send in its
formal acceptance - the delay of
which has caused not a little worry
here -shortly.
A report from Munich said that the
cabinet members spent the week-end
at Herr Hitler's mountain home at
Still another report, which was
promptly denied at the foreign of-
fice, was to the effect that von Papen
already had gone unofficially and
incognito to Vienna to prepare for his
task there.
Guest Of Hitler
Victor Lutze, chief of staff of the

vacationing Storm Troops, was said
to have been a guest at Herr Hitler's
retreat, and this gave rise to renewed
conjecture as to the projected reor-
ganization of the uniformed organi-
In this connection, it was recalled
that even before the June 30 "purge"
of leaders accused of mutiny against
H{err Hitler, there were persistent re-
ports that the Storm Troops would
undergo a material reduction.
Lutze, reminded in an interview re-
cently that more than half of his
Brown Shirts were not party members,
replied :
"It is taken for granted that all
Storm Troop leaders at first, and all
Storm Troop members later, will be
party members. I shall make sure that
the Storm Troopers will become the
solid support within the party."
J. R. Hawes covered approximately
1,000,000 miles in his 33 years as an
employe of the San Jose, Cal., street
car company.

Heavy Damage Done By Texas Hurricane

-Associated Press Photo
Seven were known to have lost their lives and many were missing
in a hurricane and tidal wave that swept the Texas gulf coast. Shown
here are Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hoffman and their children standing on
the kitchen floor of what was their home at Morales, Tex. When the
storm struck they lay on the floor and were uninjured as the rest of the
house was blown away.



32 Accompany Hobbs
On Niagara Falls Trip
(Continued from Page 1)
for the day with a ride on the "Maid
of the Mist."
Sunday they opened the day by
taking an airplane ride down the
Gorge to Lewiston and back. Twenty
made the flight in three loads. They
completed the tour by a visit to'a
scenic tower, and then returned to
the hotel to pack.
In the afternoon they took the bus
to Welland, boarding the train there
and returning to Ann Arbor at 11:30
Final Report Is
Issued By Jurors
MASON, July 30. - (M) - The Ing-
ham county grand jury which inves-
tigated the state government issued
its final report today but failed to
make any disclosure of crimes in the
"Being called," it said, "to investi-
gate rumors rather than to inquire
into any specific violation of the law
upon the part of any designated in-
dividuals, it must be obvious that the
investigation has concerned itself
with various subjects not in any way
related and then in consequence time
and effort has been expended in an
endeavor toascertain the specific
matters deserving of attention," the
report said.

2:00 - Michigan Theatre, "The
Circus Clown" with Joe E. Brown.
2:00 - Majestic Theatre, "The Un-
derworld" with Warren William and'
Mary Astor.
2:00-Wuerth Theatre, "The Thun-
dering Herd" with Randolph Scott
and Judith Allen.
4:00 - Same' features at the three
4:10- Conference, "Adult Educa-
tion Services of the University Ex-
tension Division," Charles A. Fisher,
assistant director of the University
Extension Division. (Room 1022, Uni-
versity High School).
5:00 - Lecture, "Private Life in
Rural Egypt Under the Greeks and
Romans." (Illustrated). Professor Ar-
thur E. Boak.
7:00 -Same features at the three
8:15 - Concert, Wassily Besekirsky,
violin; Joseph Brinkman, piano; Da-
lies Frantz, piano; Palmer Christian,
organ. (Hill Auditorium).
Canoeing on the Huron every after-.
noon and evening.
Dancing at the Blue Lantern Ball-
room, Island Lake.

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Reward for return of either. Call
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Read.:The' Classifieds


longer a young woman. She belonged
to a past era. Managers were looking
for new faces. Vainly she tried to
find a job.
Savings Used Up
For nine years Miss Dressler did not:
work. Her savings practically van-
ished. Then it was that the films and
California seemed to offer her hope.
"They don't want old women on the
screen," she said. "They want youth
and beauty. I wouldn't have 'a
However, she tried Hollywood.
Then, with the aid of her friend,
Frances Marion, screen writer, she
landed the part of Marthy in "Anna
Christie. Success was hers.
A long term contract followed and.
she appeared in such hits as "Min
and Bill, "Reducing;" "Caught Short,"
"Tugboat Annie," and "The Late
Christopher Bean."
On her birthday in 1933 Miss.Dress-
ler was honored at a mammoth birth-
day party. The same year saw her
winning the award for the year's best
feminine screen.performance.
"If I only could let the world know
how grateful I am for all that I have
been given," she said. "I have every-
thing now that anyone could desire.
Even 'a home which I always swore
I would never own."
She married George Hoppert in

about 1900, but soon after he became
an invalid, and old troupers recall
that he sat in a wheelchair between
the wings and watched her, and died
soon thereafter. She spoke little in
later years of this romance.
Camp News
(Radiogram to The Daily)
-Students of Camp Davis will attend
a rodeo in Jackson this week-end.
The camp has had a good shower ev-
ery day since last Saturday until to-
The nights are cool, but there has
been no frost for several weeks.
Prof. and Mrs. Horace King ar-
rived at camp this afternoon. Prof.
George McConkey called at Camp
Davis this afternoon.
The extension of the Camp Davis
water system will be completed early
next week. The camp still has an
ample supply from the well system.
The students will leave next Fri-
day morning for a day's visit to Yel-
lowstone National Parrg.

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