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July 31, 1934 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-31

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Librarians To


Austrian riflemen Drive Rebels Into Jugo-Slavia

Annual Meeting


Bishop, Peck, Campbell,
Others, Attend National
CoaVention At Montreal


The University was well represented
at the fifty-sixth annual conference
of the American Library Association,
held June 25 to 30 at Montreal.
William W. Bishop, librarian of the
University, was not able to reachj
Montreal until June 27 as his duties
here at the opening of the Summer
Session delayed his departure for sev-
eral days. He arrived in time, how-
ever, to take part in meetings of the
Board of Education for Librarianship,
of which he has been a member for
the past year.,
Laura A. Peck, senior' cataloguer of
the General Library, represented the
library at the meeting of the commit-
tee on co-operative 'cataloguing.
Other members of the staff present
at the meeting were Ella M. Hymans,
curator of rare books, Ina Rankin,
assistant in the forestry library, Vir-
ginia W. Tibbals, general service as-
sistant, Francis P. Allen, in charge
of museum libraries, Edward A. Chap-
man, in charge of the charging desk,
Constantin J. Mazney, assistant in
reclassification, and Bernard A. Uh-
lendorf, assistant in the order de-
The Law Library was represented
by Catherine Campbell, head of the
catalog department, Bessie M. John-
son, superintendent of the readingt
room, Rebecca Wifson, head of the
order department, and Ernest M. Es-
pelie, junior cataloguer.
Prof. Carleton B. Joeckel of the
library science department and Mr.
Gourlay, who assists Mr. Bishop in
the work of the Carnegie Corporation
Advisory Committee on College Li-
braries, were also present.
Six English librarians, who attend-.
ed the conference through the cour-
tesy of the Carnegie Corporation, vis-1
ited several American institutions be-
fore returning to England. Those who
came to Ann Arbor to inspect the
General Library were Edgar Osborne
of the Derbyshire County Library,
James Ross of the Bristol Public Li-1
brary, P. J. S. Welsford, secretary1
of the Library Association and John
A. Wilks of the University Colleget
Library, London.4


-Associated Press Photo
Telephoned to London from Vienna and sent to New York by radio, this Associated Press picture shows
Heimwehr riflemen and machine gunners of Aust ria on guard at Radkersburg on the Austrian-Jugo-
slavian border where they chased Nazis across from Austria following the assassination of Chancellor Dollfuss.
Many of the rebellious Nazis escaped at border towns but scores were captured and some were killed.

Candidacies Are
Decreasing In
State Primaries
F e w e r Nominations Are
Filed This Year Than For
1932 Elections
Thirty-four fewer candidates have
signified their intention to run for
political office in Michigan than in
1932 according to an announcement
by Frank D. Fitzgerald, secretary of
In 1932 a total of 245 candidates
were certified by the department for
senator, governor, lieutenant gover-
nor, Congress and the State Legisla-
ture. This year petitions were filed
for 217 candidates but six filed writ-
ten notice with the department asking
that their petitions be withdrawn.
Interest in politics in Michigan is
decreasing if the number of these can-
didacies can be taken as a criterion.
Those who have filed petitions for'
the primary elections to be held Sep-
tember 11 for United States Senator
are Arthur H. Vandenberg of Grand
Rapids, (Rep.), the present incum-
bent, Alva M. Cummins of Lansing
(Dem.), Claude S. Carney of Kala-
mazoo (Dem.), Ray D. Schneider of
Detroit (Dem.), and Frank A. Picard
of Saginaw (Dem.), chairman of the
state liquor control commission.
For governor, petitions for the
Democratic primary have been filed
by William A. Comstock of Ann Arbor,
ithe present incumbent, Arthur J.
Lacy of Detroit, and John K. Stack,
Jr. of Escanaba. The Republicans who
have filed petitions for the primary
election for Governor are Frank D.
Fitzgerald of Grand Ledge, present
secretary of state, Alex J. Groesbeck
of Detroit, former governor for three
terms, Orla A. Bailey of Byron, and
John W. Smith of Detroit, former
mayor of Detroit.
The applications for lieutenant
governor include Patrick H. Kane of
Port Huron (Dem.), Allen E. Stebbins
of Ionia (Dem.), John T. Bailey of
Benton Harbor (Dem.), Ernest T.
Conlon of Grand Rapids (Rep.), Fred
R. Ming of Cheboygan (Rep.), and
Thomas Read of Shelby (Rep.).
For representative in the United
States Congress in the districts in
which elections are to be held this
year 38 Democrats have filed peti-
tions and 33 Republicans; for State
senator, 30 Democrats and 38 Repub-
licans; and for State representative,!
25 Democrats and 33 Republicans.
Little June Farrar of San Diego,
Cal., received messages from two ex-
tremes on her fifth birthday. Her
father sent greetings from Alaska,and
J'oe Pelter, attached to the Byrd ex-
pedition messaged from Little Amer-

"Germany and the War Question"
will be the subject of a speech to be
delivered before the League Against
War and Militarism, by Dr. Edward
T. Ramsdell, at 8 p.m. tonight, in the
Dr. Ramsdell, who is minister of
the Federated Methodist church in
Capac, Mich., has recently returned
from a three months visit to Ger-
many, where he was active in the
American church in Berlin. His ex-
periences abroad enable him to throw
revealing light on the present German
economic and political crisis. He is
also familiar with the Russian situa-
tion, having spent one month in Rus-
His visits to Germany and Russia
climaxed a'noteworthy career of study
and teaching both abroad and in this
country. He graduated from the
University in 1923, then taught public
speaking for three years at the Uni-
versity of Colorado. He obtained his
M.A. by taking extension work while
teaching. Three years later, he re-
ceived his B.D. from Boston universi-
ty, and continued work toward his
doctorate the following spring and
winter, studying abroad in Edinburgh
and Munich respectively. He received
his Ph.D. in philosophy from univer-
sity in 1932, and in the fall of that
year joined the Detroit Conference of
Methodist churches, and was assigned
to the Federated church at Capac.
After the lecture, there will be a
general discussion, and a talkie anti-
war film, presented by Dr. Onder-
donk, will be shown.
The state agricultural department
has advised North Carolina potato
growers to store their harvests until
later in the year because of prospects
for better prices.


Engagement Of
Former Student1

Is Announced

Parents Of Elizabeth Jane
Whiting Tell Of Betrothal
To Clifford Domke

Patriotic Smokers
Oppose Nazi Cigar
IBoycott In Vienna
VIENNA, July 30. -(W) - Even on
the smoke-filled tobacco front Aus-
tria's diminutive martyr chancellor,
Engelbert Dollfuss, took no blows
without striking back.
Some months ago the Nazis at-
tempted to cripple one of the govern-
ment's best sources of revenue, the to-I
bacco monopoly, by proclaiming a
"smokers' strike."
Shortly after, Nazis alleged they
had slashed $4,500,000 monthly off the!
monopoly's earnings. Government
spokesmen ridiculed this claim. In theI
meantime, Dollfuss slapped a fine of
$400 on aanyone ad(IvocnatinJ abhStinpncp

Ruth Karpinski
Is Married To
Paul. LAdams
Simple Ceremony Held At
Home Of Bride; Couple
To Travel In North
A simple ceremony marked the
marriage of Miss Ruth Karpinski,
daughter of Prof. and Mrs. Louis C.
Karpinski, and Paul L. Adams, son
of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Adams.
Sault Ste. Marie, at 8:30 p.m. Sat-
urday. The wedding was performed

Announcement has been made by
Mr. and Mrs. Justin R. Whiting of
Oak Lane, Scarsdale, N. Y., of the
engagement of their daughter, Eliza-
beth Jane Whiting, to Clifford How-
are Domke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
0. Domke of Milwaukee, Wis.
Miss Whiting attended the Uni-
versity during the years 1931-32 and
1932-33, being affiliated with Alpha
Phi sorority. She attended the Mount
Vernon Seminary, Washington, D. C.,
and Bradford Junior College beforel
that. Since being in the University
she has been a student at the Art
Students League of New York.
Mr. Domke was graduated from
the literary college of the University
n 1932, being a member of Sigma Al-
pha Epsilon fraternity. He will be a
senior law student next year, affiliated!
with Phi Delta Phi law fraternity.!

Paris Stations
PARIS, July 28.-(R) - A French-
man never knows these days when he
runs for the 5:15 what he'll find in the
station where the train used to be.
A short time ago the French rail-
ways signed an agreement with the
motorbus operators. The railroads
agreed to suppress their local lines
and the bus owners promised to stay
out of the long haul business. Now
*the railroads are trying to, find uses
for the abandoned stations.
Take the Boulainvilliers station. In-
stead of posters calling to the sea-
shore or the mountains, there's a sign:
"First Class Midwife." Part of the
station is rented to a dentist.
Another station is an automobile
showroom. The Porte Maillot station
on the outskirts of Paris has become
"The Cafe of the 'Inn of Father
Louis." Another houses a cheese fac-
A luncheon was given yesterday
noon at the Michigan League honor-
ing Marion Cunningham, of Evans-
ville, Ind., by her hostess, Margaret
Cowie. The guests who were present
were Julie Kane, Ann Edmunds, Betty
Bosworth, Constance Giefel, Roxane
Neal, Jean Rice, Mrs. Richard Over-
ton, Emily Campbell, Mary Bursley,
Betty Aigler and Martha Wheeler.

Britain Warned
Against German
A -Armaments
Baldwin Pleads For The
Expansion Of English
Air Forces
LONDON, July 30. - (') - Possi-
bility of German rearmament in the
air was emphasized in the House of
Commons today by Stanley Baldwin,
acting prime minister, in a strong
plea for the British government pro-
gram of air force expansion.
Following Baldwin's revelation of
concern over the German plans, Win-
ston Churchill, Conservative mem-
ber, charged that Germany "in vio-
lation of the peace treaty has created
a military air force now nearly two-
thirds as strong as our own defence
force." Churchill added that Germany
is increasing her force.


k S+

on political grounds.
The government emphasized its
contempt for the boycott by bringing
out cigars with pro-government bands.
One carried a portrait of- Finance
Minister Buresch on its label; an-
other bearing a likeness of Dollfuss,
and "Pontifex Maximus" was banded
with a picture of Pope Pius, empha-
sizing the close connection between
the Vatican and Vienna, an unpleas-
ant reminder to Nazis and provocative
as well to socialists.

European Peace Pacts Become
Defensive Alliances For Wars

at the Karpinski home, 1315 Cam-
bridge Road, Rev. Allison Ray Heaps,
( reading the service.
Miss Karpinski was lovely in a
gown of white dotted organza, simply
cut, with high neck and long sleeves.
She wore a shoulder length veil,
caught around her head with jasmine
flowers. Her bouquet was of sweet-
heart roses and swansonia. She iwas
attended by her sister, Mrs. Charles
Staubach, as matron of honor, while
John C. Adams, brother of the bride-
groom, appeared as best man.
Miss Ruth Pfohl, harpist, played
the "Lohengrin" bridal music. The
improvised altar before the fireplace
was decorated with palms and bas-
kets of pink gladioli.
Miss Karpinski graduated in 1932
from Smith College, later completing
her requirements for a master's degree
and starting work on her doctor's de-
gree here last year.
Mr. Adams is a member of Phi Beta
Kappa, and is affiliated with Delta
Phi fraternity, having received his
bachelor's and master's degrees here
in 1930 and 1931. He will continue
his workin the law school.
Mr. and Mrs. Adams left for a visit
of six weeks in northern Michigan.

Canoei g.
One of the Most Enjoy-
able Pastimes AnnArbor
Has To Offer. Have
You Tried It?
Huron River at foot of Cedar Street
Phone 9313


i "



Baldwin expressed the belief that
Germany intends a big expansion of
her air armament if she obtains the
right or "seizes the right to re-arm."
"She has every argument in her
favor from her defensive position in
the air to try and make herself se-
cure," Baldwin said, adding that there
is "a situation of potential gravity
which it would be idle and foolish to
Sir Herbert Samuels, liberal, as-
serted that the "present regime in
Germany" is one which "involves dan-
ger to Europe," but chided Baldwin
for failure to push disarmament fur-
ther at Geneva.

(Associated'Press Staff Writer)
Pacts and more pacts - interlacing
promises of amity and good will -
tie Europe today with political webs.
If observed in spirit and to the let-
ter, no one country could attack an-
other without bringing down an ava-
lanche of armies to crush the aggres-
In the score of years since the Bel-
gian neutrality pact became "a scrap
of paper" and the Wilsonian principle
anent "self-determination of peoples"
remade the map of the old world, dip-
lomats and statesmen have been busy
making new alliances designed to pre-,
serve or modify the borders specified
in the post-war treaties.
Four Major Agreements
Aside from the peace pacts them-
selves and the covenant of the League
of Nations, there have been four out-
standing agreements. Oldest and
probably tightest of these is "the
Little Entente."
Binding the "succession states" of
Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Ru-
mania to measures of mutual aid in
maintaining their possession of great
sections of the dismembered Austro-
Hungarian empire, it was brought into
being almost before the ink was dry
on the Versailles documents, chiefly
by Eduard Benes, astute foreign min-
ister of Czechoslovakia.
The Locarno Pact
In 1925 the difficulties of German
ceparations gave rise to the Locarno
pact. Essentially this guarantees the
peace of western Europe and the man-
rier in which it has forwarded the
French shibboleth of "security" has
led that republic to attempt the .still
projected "eastern Locarno" to stifle
animosities on the other side of sGer-
Ureat Britain, France, Italy, Ger-
many and Belgium signed the Locarno
gapers. They guaranteed the inviol-
a.bility of the German-Belgian and
Branco-Belgian borders as fied at
In addition Germany, France and
Belgium engaged never to wage war
3gainst each other except in "legiti-
nate defense" and, in case of a
reach, the otheratwo agreedsto come
to the aid of the party adjudged by
the League of Nations- to be ,the at-.
Fn .ar _" . oo f ra ncvrm - - _ I .

Police Seek Slayers
Reported Seen Here
Two safecrackers who had shot
and killed a Grand Rapids police-
man Sunday, were sought for yes-
terday and today by Ann Arbor po-
The search followed a report'of a
deputy sheriff that he had seen a car,
allegedly owned by the two, parked in
front of a downtown bank Saturday
Floyd Mattis, the deputy who re-
ported having seen the car, expressed
belief that the two may have been
looking over the bank preliminary to
attempting a burglary. The car was
described by Mattis as a blue sedan,
equipped with Colorado license plates
and a city vehicle tag from Denver.
The two were being sought after
the shooting of Albert Menor, 62, in
an office on the second floor of a
Grand Ranids building. Menor had


tually is in alliance with the Little
Entente and with Poland. The latter
country has separate agreements with
Rumania and Czechoslovakia and
only recently entered into a non-ag-
gression pact with Hitlerite Germany.
The present year has witnessed sev-
eral significant moves on the chess-
board. Early in February, after Aus-
tria had appealed to the League of
INations for protection against Nazi
aggression and terrorism, statements
of policv came from G"Tra B Rifn


IlyP~ and ranc1 ue a Lun i nhy stoves and sanitation structures. Ev-
Italy and France announcing they ery effort will be made to preserve as
would take "necessary and sensiblemuhaposbeftentrlba-
measures" to preserve Austrian inde- much as possible of the natural beau-
pendence. ty of the location.
Italy's 48,000 troops near Austria's In view of its proximity to the fed-
border became a factor in the Aus- eral highway and the fact that good
trian situation following Chancellor roads of CCC construction make it
Dollfuss' assassination. easily accessible, it is expected the
camp will be utilized by motorists as
'To Work Together' well as canoeing groups.
A month after the policy statements Men from the Civilian Conservation
Italy, Hungary and Austria promised camp at Houghton Lake have been
"to work together on all problems assigned to the project.
which particularly concern them and Over-night and week-end canoeing
all others of a general order" and trips on the larger rivers of Michigan
also "to proceed to a common con- are becoming increasingly popular
sultation every time one of them con- with summer vacationists. The dense
siders it opportune." vegetation along the streams usually
Functioning just south of this tri- abound with many kinds of wild life
partite contract is the Balkan security and the streams themselves afford
pact signed last February by Greece, ood fishing
Turkey, Yugoslavia and Rumania. It goofsing
m inds them not to attack each other an"""">c<""">o<"he'">d of>n<"o""">e
and to come to the aid of any of the
signatories who may be made the vic-
tim of an aggressor with territorial
State Plans To 0
Build Chain Of
LANSING, July 30 - Canoe camps! Our regular $7.50 genuine Oil
They're something entirely new in of Tulip Wood Croquignole
the plans of the Department of Con- o or Spiral Permanent Wave.
servation forthe development of rec-
reational advantages.
The first canoe camp in the state is Complete
being established on Muskegon rivr"
in Houghton Lake state forest, three
miles west of US-27 and southwest of This is a real push up wave with
Houghton Heights. ringlet end curls. Does not dis- (.
A convenient stop-over location for color white hair., Guaranteed on V
canoeists on sight-seeing and fishing1 ,, <, .}. . , w ;


in :rnctke n d
a., r

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