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July 29, 1934 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1934-07-29

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Japs Despondent
Over Onslaught
Of Rayon Mills
Ere Sc i e n c e Displaced
Silkworm, Nippon Was
Prosperous Nation
Silk Price Is Lower

Orders More Soldiers To Austrian Border

Save Lives As
Gondola Falls
Ascend To Approximately
65,000 Feet Before Rip

Director Of Biological Station'
Issues Invitation To Visitors

(Continued from Page 1)
The largest number of students al-
ways comes from Michigan, this year
21, but 21 other states are repre-
sented. After Michigan, Ohio, Illinois,
and Pennsylvania send the most stu-
dents. Far-away Arizona, Utah, West
Virginia, South Carolina, and New
H Tmnhir d td n cd nt h

Brighter Side Is
Japan Decides
Rayon, Tit For

Seen As
To Make

TOKIO, July 27. - UP) - Rayon,
product of man's ingenuity, has
pushed the silkworm from the mono-
poly nature gave him and Japan's
economic and social structure is suf-
fering the consequences.
The severity of that problem can be
.measured best interms of Japan's de-
pendence on silk.
More than 40 per cent of Japan's
rural population and a fifth of its en-
tire population have depended on silk
for a substantial portion of their live-
lihood for a generation. That portion
meant the difference between frugal
comfort and semi-starvation.
Japanese farmers have nearly 12
million acres planted in mulberry
trees, the leaves of which are used
to feed silkworms. Fields formerly de-
voted to grain were turned to these
Besides the 2,500,000 families rais-
ing silkworms there are more than
66,0000 filiatures, where nearly 500,-
000 persons are employed in reeling
cocoons into raw silk fiber.
Now rayon has entered the picture
and made it a black one for Japan's
great silk industry.
America's Part
America has played an important
part in, bringing about the present
predicament. America's periods of
prosperity during the World War and
the 1920's, in which silk stockings for
women passed from the luxury to the
necessities class, created an unprece-
dented demand, bringing wealth to
thousands of farming villages in Ja-
America bought 90 to 95 per cent
of Japan's silk exports in those days,
and raw silk represented from 30 to
40 per cent of the empire's foreign
trade. The export of raw silk to the
United States was not only the most
imnportant factor in the lives of mil-
lions of countryfolk of Japan, but the
most important element in the eco-
nomic structure of the empire.
America fell into depression, pur-
chasing power fell, and Japan's silk
market went to pieces. Return of pros-
perity to the Japanese silk industry
might hve been expected, had it not
been for rayon.
Rayon's development is producing
worldwide results, but the social and
economic changes involvedn are pe-
culiarly Japan's. ther countries -
China, Italy and France - have
raised silkworms for centuries, but in
late years Japan has produced 80 per
cent of the raw silk to feed the looms
of the world's great weaving centers.
In no other land has raw silk come to
occupy such a vital place in the na-
tional economy as in Japan. It ranks
second to rice among her agricultural
Expect No Revival
This year the silk depression
reached its most acute stage. Last
year farmers complained the cocoon
crop was unprofitable when they sold
cocoons at an average of 6.25 yen a
kwan (81-4 pounds). This summer the
price is "$2.50 yen a. kwan.
Depressions have weakened the silk
industry before, but this time there
is no confidence that silk will regain
its prosperous position. There is a
widespread feeling among Japanese
officials, exporters, and the poor
farmers themselves that the golden
age of "Silk is over...
Hence from all the midland upland
prefectures where the silkworm has
flourished demands are coming forre-
lief, for~ a special session of the diet
to vote funds. Various forms of sub-
sidy or dole are demanded.
Officialsand economists, regarding
relief as a mere palliative, contend
silk's decline means new employment
must be fourd for thousands of Jap-
anese; they see the need for a social
and economic readjustment.
See Brighter Side
There are menacing social impli-
cations..Rural distress has beenmthe
sore spot in Japan for more than a
generation; making those areas the
germinating ground for revolution.
Industrial Japan is enjoying a boom,

but the rural population, nearly half
of the whole, ,s falling further into
debt and distress.
As one writer said, "If silk is doomed
Japan is determined at least to have
her share of the carcass."

(Continued from Page 1) tiapsnieseaUnesiua1iUecn.
cent from Moonlight Bowl, near Rapid The investigation of biological
City, S.D. problems has from the first received
At 1:18 p.m. Maj. William E. Kep- much attention. More than 330 sci-
ner, one of the airmen, again estab- entific reports on the plants and ani-
lished radio communication and gave mals of the region about the Biolo-
his position as 20 miles south of Ains- gical Station have been published and
worth, Neb. He said that the tempera- these have been distributed to the
ture was 58 degrees below zero, Centi- biologists in this country and abroad.
grade. tAFaculty Of 13
While the big balloon was virtually The Biological Station has a fac-
stalled at the 14,000-foot level, the y
pilots reported, "we're having a hard ulty of 13 men whose periods of serv-
pull." ice range from 4 to 20 years. From
"Everything hasn't gone perfectly, the University of Michigan come:
you know, Kepner said. George R. La Rue, professor of zool-
"We're climbing very slowly," Capt. ogy and director of the Biological
Albert W. Stevens advised. '"We don't'Station; Alfred H. Stockard, assistant
know yet what the trouble is. We
should betraelg to beat the Devil professor of zoology, secretary; Paul
s aed bastrong sun out, but we're just . Welch, professor of zoology; John
barely climbing." H. Ehlers and Carl D. La Rue, assci-
The world's largest balloon was de- ate professors of botany; Frank N.
scribed as "very sluggish indeed." Blanchard, associate professor of zo-
Sology, and Frank E. Egleton, assistant
Stevens is scientific observer an the poesro olg.Cmn rm
professor of zoology.Coigfm
voyage. With him were Maj. Kepner, other 'institutions are: Frank C.
pilot, and Capt. O. A. Anderson, co- I c ,nrfzrofhinvnKn q


professor of zoology in Wayne Uni-
versity; and Lyell J. Thomas, assis-
tant professor of zoology in the Uni-
versity of Illinois. Mrs. Jewel B.
Stockard, of Ann Arbor, is Dean of
Women, and William M. Brace, M.D.,
Physician to the Health Service at
the University of Michigan, is the
physician to the Station.
The University Tract of about
4,000 acres lies between Douglas and
Burt Lakes with frontage on both
lakes. Entirely cut over many years
ago, this tract is now being replanted
under the direction of Professor W.
F. Ramsdell of the School of Forestry
and Conservation. Since May 1, 1931,
when this work began, more than
650,000 trees, mostly white and Nor-
way pines, have been set out, using
labor secured within the neighbor-
hood. Members of the Forestry School
are carrying out basic scientific stud-
ies which are expected to result in the
improvement of the forest in this
Fire Lanes Constructed
Many miles of firelanes have been
constructed and maintaned to give
protection to the developing forest
and the buildings. The funds for the.
planting and for firelane construction
have come very largely from the Pack
family, formerly of Saginaw, while
the young trees were presented by the
State Nursery near Roscommon.
Since the Biological Station is lo-
cated far from any village, it must.
provide for all the needs of its popu-
lation of more than 160 people. Its
130 buildings are arranged as a vil-
lage on a main street paralleling the
lake shore and on cross streets. Eleven
buildings are used for laboratories
and 92 for living quarters. The re-
mainder include the administration
building containing offices, stockroom,
store, and photographic rooms on one
floor and the dining room and kitchen
on the other; clubhouse; library;
aquarium; garages; and harbor build-
ing. The Station has water and
sanitary systems, and gets its electric-
ity for light and power from the
power line crossing the tract.
On its Annual Visitors' Day, the
Station opens its doors to its friends
and to those who wish to learn more
concerning it nature and work. There
will be numerous exhibits, all free,
plenty of parking space for cars, help
in parking, and guide service.
The hours for Visitors' Day are 2
to 5 p.m., E.S.T., the date, Sunday,
August' 5. A cordial invitation is ex-
tended to all.

Over Forty Will Attend
Library Science Dinner
Reservations for the library science
supper to be held at 5:45 tonight in
the garden of the League already ex-
ceed 40. Additional tickets may be
purchased until this noon at the
League desk.-
ArchibaldkDunningham, Dunedin,
New Zealand, is to speak on New
Zealand libraries..rGeneral arrange-
ments are in charge of Ethel Sauer
and Hazel Armstrong, students in the
library science department.
This is the third in the series of
suppers given for different depart-
ments of the university.
Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with
Classified Advertising Department.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous.to day of insertion.
Box Numbers maybe secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in Advance-Ile per reading line
ton basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10cx per reading line for three or
Minimum three lines per insertion.
days from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertoit.
By Contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
month.... ...... ....F
4 lines E.O.D.. 2 months .8c
2 lines daily, college year ...7c
4 lines E.O.D., college year . ..7c
100 lines used as desired ....9c ,
300 lines used as desired . ...c
1,000 lines used as desired . . ..7'c
2.000 lines used as desired n. ..6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch
of,7 point Ionic type, upper and lower
case. Add 6c per line to above rates for
all capital letters. Add 6c per line to
above for bold face, upper and lower
case. Add 10c per line to above rates
for bold face capital ietters.
Telephone Rate-15c .per reading line
for one or two insertions.
10% discount If paid within ten
more insertions.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at' low price. 1K
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main. 2x
NOTICE: Shampoo and fingerwave
35c, Monday and Tuesday. Balance
of week 50c. Expert work done.
Phone 2-2813, College Beauty Shop.
'LOST: Schaeffer fountain pen with
red streaks, also a matching pencil.
Reward for return of either. Call
5010. R. A. 51

-associated Press Photo
Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy, shown here in a recent proto-
graphic study, yesterday was represented as determined to lend a
prompt hand in the Austrian situation if necessary. There are now more
than 50,000 Italian troops concentrated near the Austrian border.
Penn.State Physicist Is Now
Eavesdropping On Molecules

(Associated Press Science Writer)
STATE COLLEGE, Penn., July 28.
- OP)-A supersound mechanical
ear which can listen to the motions
of atoms and molecules has been set
up by H. L. Yeagley, assistant profes-
sor of physics at the Pennsylvania
State college.
The human ear hears no sound
above 15,000 to 20,000 vibrations a
second. The super ear deals with
sounds ranging from 300,000 to 2,-
000,000 vibrations. It reveals that at
those, extremely short wave lengths,
supersounds directly affect atoms and
It shows that these high frequency
sounds are partly absorbed as they
pass through a gas, and that the
sound energy is absorbed in the spin-
ning and pulsating motions of mole-
cules. The spinning molecules get
warmer as the sound passes and this
extra heat is energy they extract
from the sound.
Chorus Of Atoms
The experiments are rather con-
clusive evidence that if human ears
could hear the supersounds which
are easily detected in the laboratory,
they would be listening directly to a
chorus of atoms and molecules.
The noise would come from the
constant motion of molecules, and
that might be the noisiest noise in the
world, for all molecules possess mo-

tions. Even in metals and solids the
molecules.have motion.
The experiments indicate that the
old expression about the pitcher
"throwing a hot ball" has- some lit-
eral truth. The speed represents an
increase in the kinetic energy of the
baseball and the kinetic energy may
be translated directly into heat. The
spin of the baseball represents energy
of the same type as that absorbed by
the rotating molecules. -
Hearing The Ball
If fans had supersound ears they
could hear a pitched ball creak as it
curved, for experiments at Harvard
have shown supersounds given off by
all sorts of ordinary motion.
Prof. Yeagley's device is one of the
simplest yet made for studying su-
persounds. The "ear" is an airtight
gas chamber with two quartz plates
inside. A third quartz plate outside
controls the frequency of the super-
sounds, which are produced electric-
ally by one of the plates inside the
They pass as sound waves from
this plate to its mate inside the ear.
To reach the- listening plate they
traverse two inches of gas. The re-
ceiving plate takes the sounds and
translates them back into electrical
energy. And it shows that some of
the original sound energy is lost in
passing through the gas. The de-
vice measures this loss so accurately
that the rate of spin of the molecule
baseballs can be calculated.

pilot. They had entered the gondola
of their craft early in the day and rose
from the ground at 7:45 a.m., Eastern
Standard Time, to the cheers of a
huge crowd.
They were in frequent communica-
tion with short wave contacts in
Rapid City, Chicago, and Washington.
They announced that they had
reached an altitude of 16,000 feet
shortly before 8 o'clock but thereafter
the balloon seemed to sink slowly as
preparations were made to seal the
gondola for the next lap of the trip
which they expected to carry them to
the 77,000-foot stage.
In his first contact with National
Geographic and Army headquarters,
Capt. Stevens asked to have a weather
map "sent up."
"How are things going," radio-men
asked him.
"All right," Stevens replied.
"We had an awful time letting down
that spectrograph. It took two of us
to do it. We just got it down. We are
starting to put the ship in order. An-
derson has been ballasting all the
The pilot reported that all of the
equipment had been working well with
the exception of a camera, and that
he believed that had been fixed. I

GaJes, processor oum any in nJUmY i
State College; George E. Nichols,
professor of botany and head of the
botany department at Yale Univer-
sity; Herbert B. Hungerford, profes-
sor of entomology and head of the
department of entomology at the
University of Kansas; William W.
Cort, professor of helminthology and
head of the department of helmin-
thology at the School of Hygiene and
Public Health, Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity; Charles W. Creaser, associate
Women Will Qualify For
All-City Meet Tomorrow
Thirty-three local women golfers
will qualify tomorrow at Huron Hills
in the fourteenth annual city tour-
nament. The 16 low qualifiers will
be paired in the championship flight.
Miss Jean Kyer, runner-up in the
women's state tourney and defend-
ing champion is not required to qual-
ify, but will defend her title in the
niatch play which will begin Wed-
Mrs. James Cissel, runner-up to{
Miss Kyer in 1933, is no longer a resi-
dent of Ann Arbor and will not com-
, pete.,



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BOOKS-for Reference
A Large Table of Books on various subjects of interest








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