Italy Continuing
Mobilization As
Civil War Rages
Franz Von Pap en Will Be
Sent As Special German
Envoy To Vienna
Overthrow Planned
Machine Guns, Artillery
Ruthlessly Used; Report
300 Killed
(Continued From Page 1)
Artillery was brought into action
for the first time since the Socialist
civil war in February as the farmers
inthia m obilied in great num be r
The city of Loeben was captured
by the government forces with the
aid of big guns. Loeben is a city of
10,000 population, and 27 persons were
killed there. Styria reports that the
dead included 180 Nazis and 100 gen-
darmes with fighting continuing.
Police discvered pasfor a N az
Klagenfurt, and the revolt followed.
Nazi storm troopers throughout
Styria were called out with a general
Near the airsport in Annabichel, a
suburb of Klagenfurt, 200 Nazis,
armed with machine guns and wear-
ing steel helmets, were attacked by
a mixed force of soldiers and mem-
-bers of the Heimnwehr (Fascist home
After a desperate battle the out-
numbered Nyazis retreated, leaving be-
hind nine dead and sixty prisoners.
The government forces also took two
machine guns.
At picturesque Saktzeit, 200 miles
north of Klagenfurt, in the heart of
the romantic Carinthian castle coun-
try, 400 Nazis captured the postoff ice
and the district governor's headquar-
Hleimwehr Rules Austria With Head As Chancellor
-Associated Press Photo
Following the suppression of an attempted putsch by Austrian Nazis, the Fascist Heimwehr troops
enforced martial law in Vienna yesterday, with Prince Ernst von Starhemberg, their leader, succeeding the
slain Doilfuss in the office of chancellor.
'Air Train To
V oyage So on
Former Professor Here,
. E. Frankli, k'Will Be
Technical Adviser
(Continued from Page 1)
cables. Thus when glider was "cut
loose" its towing cabile was left dan-
gling below, either from the glider
or from the "locomotive" plane. Con-
sequently, there was imminent danger
of the cable becoming entangled in
trees, high-tension wires or other ob-
With artileyand esmal arms blaz-
ing the way in Austria, Premier Mus-
solini sent 48,000 soldiers to the bor-
der with orders to be ready for any
eventuality. '
His action was said by high Italian
officials to be an affirmation that
Italy is ready to protect Austrian in-
Italy, France, and Great Britain
were represented by high sources as
ready to do whatever is necessary to
preserve Austrian integrity, but as
believing that no armed intervention
will be necessary. '
Germany continued to insist that
the Nazi government had nothing to
do with the putsch in which Dollfuss
was killed, and messages of condo-
lence were sent.
The German border, which had
been closed to Nazi refugees from
Austria, was reopened on the grounds
that the restriction no longer was
Chancellor I.Iitler, unverified ru-
mors said, was in Munich, possibly
to prevent Austrian Nazis encamped
near there from crossing into Ger-
Pope Pius, who knpw Dollfuss well,
sent a message of co4 dolence.
Anemia Cures
(Continued from Page 1) s
or degree of anemia could be accu-
rately measured by drawing a little
blood from the lobe of the ear and
af ter the haemoglobin is treated with
hydrochloric acid compare it with a
prepared control.
"There are two types of anemia
which we are specially interested in
at the Simpson Memorial Institute,"
stated Dr. Sturgis, "the first being
pernicious anemia and the second iron
Pernicious anemia, according to
Dr. Sturgis, is a disease usually de-
veloped after middle-age and has all
the characteristics of regular anemia
with the exception that the skin takes
on a yellowish cast.
"Prior to 1926 the mortality rate
for pernicious anemia was 100 per
liver therapy and dessicated stomach
or ventriculum cures tes perenag
observation of the Institute was 4.5
Te second type of anemia, iron
starvation. may be caused by four
things, accordinig to Dr. Sturgis. They
are diminished intake of iron, in-
creased output of iron or a hemor-
rhage, increased demand, and the in-
ability to absorb iron.
In concluding Dr. Sturgis warned
against the use of patent medicines
to cure anemia. Citing one kind of
patent medicine, he said that it con-
tains only 0.83 ounces of liver when
an adequate dose is 10 ounces a day.
-Mrs. Florence Tousey entertained
* nine guests at luncheon yesterday on
Stanley Smith, who is to pilot the
ls"car" in the line, known as the
Bachelor of Science degree in Aero-
nautical Engineering from the Uni-
versity this June.
While here Smith participated
in two National Gliding Contests,
taking second place in 1932 and
first place in 1933. ,
As an undergraduate he was a
member of the Engineering Council,
Tau Beta Pi, national honorary en-
gineering society, Vulcans, senior
honorary society, Triangles, junior
honorary engineering society, and
Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honorary
engineering society and Phi Eta
Sigma, freshman honorary scho-
lastic society.
However, this difficulty has been
eliminated by Dr. Franklin. He has
designed and installed in each glider
a small reel. When a glider drops
off the cable will be wound into the
"car" ahead with the reel.
It is planned to have each of the
three "cars" use d on the Washington
flight carry 200 pounds of mail. If all
goes well and the necessary author-
ization from the Postoffice Depart-
ment is obtained, the "air train" will
take off in the morning from Floyd
Bennett Field and will proceed to
Newark Airport. There, a landing will
be made, each of the gliders being
"cut loose" in the air and coming
down separately.
O'Meara believes the glider not only
offers the most practicable means
of landing mail from aiirplanes in
flight, but that it has other great
possibilities. For example, he is of the
opinion that gliders may be used to
great advantage in mapping air cur-
rents, particularly in the vicinity of
mountain ranges.
.He holds that the crash of the
American Airways liner in the Cat-
skills last June, with a loss of seven
lives was caused by the downward cur-
rent of air usually encountered in
the vicinity of mountain peaks; and
he contends that gliders could be used
to char t such currents and thus render
an invaluable service to aviation.
Two Firms Lose Eagle
After Code Violations
WASHINGTON, July 26. -- (if) -
NR A'has shooed its Blue Eagle from
two big manuf acturing firms and has
received a demand that it take the
emblematic bird away from the Har-
riman Hosiery Mills once more.
Charges of non-conformity with
labor provisions of the codes were in-
volved in all cases.
L. Greif & Brother, Inc., of Balti--
more, large manufacturer of men's
clothing, was accused of failure to
maintain proper differentials between
the minimurh wage under the code
and the higher-salaried jobs.
The Bear Brand Hosiery Co. of
Chicago was the other which lost the
Blue Eagle last night. The National
Labor Relations Board complained
the concern discriminated by dis-
charging a union employe and
shunned collective bargaining.
Jude Uses Old Car in
Orde To Step On Gas
RALEIGH, N. C., July 26. -(P) --
Taking cognizance of the human
tendency to -"step on the gas," Asso-
ciate Justice Heriot Clarkson of the
North Carolina supreme court clings
to his small, old-fashioned automo-
bile for fear that he, too, couldn't
resist the temptation to speed in a
high-powered car.
"I find it safer to drive that car,"
he said. "I like to step on the gas, but
I can't get my car over 35 miles an
Stalker Hall
T our T o V isit
Farm Colony
The third Stalker Hall tour of the
summer will be conducted tomorrow
morning and have as its destination
the Sunrise Co-operative Farm at
Chesaning, Mich. Members of the,
party will leave the Hall at 10 a.m-.
and return at 6:30 p.m. Acc~rding
to Gordon B. Halstead, chairman, the
cost will be low. All interested stu-
dents are welcome.
The Sunrise Co-operative Farm
Community is a collectivist project,
designed to permit a group of fami-
sharing basis. The Farm is located
on the 10,000-acre Prairie Farm in
SThe policy of the Community is
"share and share alike." The colony
maintains its own school, segregates
the children of school age, and serves
its meals in a community dining hall.
It is self-governed by a network of
councils and an executive commit-
The purpose of the tours is to ac-
quaint students with significant co-
operative, education, industrial, so-
ciological, and religious projects in
the state.
In '33-'34 Sports
CHICAGO, July 26. - (P) -- The
maize and blue of Michigan ruled the
Big Ten conference during the 1933-
34 season in the matter of dual-
contest victories in all sports, report
collegiate statisticians.
In the 51 contests in which the
Wolverines participated they were
victorious in 32 and were vanqluished
in 19 for a percentage of .627. The
University of Illinois was a close sec-.
ovid with 33 wins against 20 losses for
a percentage of .622.
With Chicago trailing the pack with
an unimpressive record of 24 victories
in Big Ten competition to 30 defeats,
other Western conference universities
finished the athletic season in the
following order : Pur dlie, Nor thwest-
ern, Wisconsin, Iow a, Indiana, Min-
nesota and Ohio State.
In the matter of ties Chicago leads
the list with six, followed by Minne-
sota and Ohio State with four each.
The others all figured in at least one,
two or three tie contests.
TRAVERSE CITY, July 26. --(P)-
The Michigan Sheriffs' Association
today was on record as believing that
stringent regulation of legalized li-
quor traffic would result in less crime
in the state and greatly reduced law
enforcement costs.
Most of the air over the middle
western and eastern United States
at any given time has drifted there
from the Pacific region.
S au er To Play
In World Fair
All-Star Game
Five M i ch ig an Gridders
Hold Places As Poll Is
With the votes in the All-Star foot-
ball contest in the process of tabula-
tion, comes the bombshell news that
George Henry Sauer, Nebraska's pow-
erful All-American fullback, will have
recovered enough from his appendi-
cits operation to report for tranng
with the squad Aug. 15.
Sauer has been given the greatest
single vote of the contest, but was ex- -
pected to see the game with Mikulak
as fullback from the sidelines. His ap-
strengthen th All-Star tea mandeivie
cago Bes As fullback he wllh op
pose Red Grange, fullback for the
Bears. ,
Whitey WistetHerm an ,rrhar dus ,
and Ted Petoskey, continued in the
race for squad positions, although
Petoskey still was fifth of the ends.
Wistert held third place by seven bal-
lots over Mehringer of' Kansas, but
Bernard jumped 8,000 votes ahead
of Gorman for the center post. Ever-
in thid place. A commnictionro
him to the Daily yesterday expressed
his willingness to play in the game
Aug.d31 if he were elected to the
Latest returns show the following:
Skladany, Pittsburgh .. .. .. .. .43,21.1
Smith, W ashington. .. . .. ... .36,309
Canrinus, St. Mary's ... . ... ..31,354
Manske, Northwestern. .. . ... .28,607
Petoskey, Michig an . .. ... .. .. .18,448
Devore, Notre Dame. .. .. .. ..14,146
Palmer, So. California. . . .... ..8,755
Krause, Notre Dame. .. . ... ..59,469
Schwammel, Oregon State . .. 34,871
Wistert, Michigan .. .. . .... . .24,514
Mehringer, Kansas. .. .. .. .. ..24,507
Rosequist, Ohio State. .. .. .. .21,629
Torrance, Louisiana State .. .19,444
Crawford, Duke . .... .. .. . .. ..8,049
Jorgenson, St. Mary's........6,368
Rosenberg, So. California . .. ..49,916
Schammel, Iowa.......32,229
Jones, Indiana ... .. . . ... .. ..27,237
Corbus, Stanford. .. ... .. . .. .27,103
Gailus, Ohio State. . .. . . .... .18,623
Bernard, Michigan .. . . . .. ..46,234
Gorman, Notre Dame. . .. . ... .38,716
Vuchinich, Ohio State . ... .. ..12,198
Laws, Iowa. .. .. .. . ... . ... ...50,277
Par donner, Pur due .. .. . .... . .37,299
Griffith, So. California . ... .. ..22,664
Lukats, Notre Dame........44,353
Feathers, Tennessee . ... . . ...37,569
Everhardus, Michigan .. . . . ..33,214
Cramer, Ohio State. . .. .. .. ..17,815
Sebastian, Pittsburgh. . .. .. . .14,298
Cook, Illinois .. ... . .. .. .. .. ..14,284
MeNeish, So. Qalifornia. .. .. ..11,976
Saner, Nebraska. . .. .. ... .. ..58,289
Mikulak, Oregon. . ... .. . ... ..49,296
Hecker, Purdue. .. .. .. .. . ... .25,401
Tigers Beaten
1 1-2 And Drop
Below Yankees
Johnson Pitches Excellent
Game; Allows Detroit
Only EightHits
DETROIT, July 26-Henry John-
son, pitching for an inspired Boston
Red Sox team, did disastrous works
to the league-leading Detroit Tigers
at Navin Field yesterday, and now
they lead the league no longer. By
an 11 to 2 score, the worst the Tigers
have suffered this season, he fanned
or forced to weakly pop out some of
the League's best - Cochrane, Geh-
ringer, and Rogell, and held Goose
Goslin to a single and Greenberg to
tWorothy ofo te also is what the
Sox hitters did to Vic Sorrell, Eldon
Auker, Fred Marberry, and "Rusty"
Phillips. Altogether they nicked the
quartet of pitchers for 17 hits, 2
passes, and 11 runs. The Bengal's
celebrated infield contributed three
errors to the Boston cause and Sor-
rell made it four in the second.
Johnson, regardless of his mates'
good work, allowed the Tigers only
eight hits, well distributed, so that
only in the fourth and fifth innings
was Detroit able to convert them
into scores. Bill Cissel, Boston sec-
ond-baseman, had a banner day with
two hits, three runs, and plenty of
assistance in the field. Red Werber
and Eddie Morgan collected two runs
each --Werber with a perfect day at
bat, four out of four.
Today the Tigers take a rest in
preparation for their road trip. Sat-
urday they engage the White Sox in
Chicago and Sunday play two games
with the same team. Detroit is now
two points out of first position in the
League and the road trip will be the
determining factor.
Boston . ... . ..200 110 511-11-17-1
Detroit....000 110 000- 2- 8-4
50-Yard Breaststroke
Event Won By Koeffel
B. Koeffel defeated K. Beal yes-
terday in the 50-yard breast stroke
event of the Summer Intramural
swimming program. Koeffel's win-
ning time was :35.3.
Y. C. Yinn and Dave Hunn finished
third and fourth, respectively.
Beal is leading Yinn in the partici-
pation points for the all-round title
with 480 points. Yinn has 400 points,
Begle 320, and Hunn 280.
The 100-yard free style event will
be held at 4 p.m. Monday in the. In-
tramural pool.
More than 12,000 mountain sheep
or bighorns are estimated to be rang-
ing in the national forests.
Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with
Classified Advertising Department.
'The classified columns close at five
O'clock previous to day of Insertion.
Box Numbermay be secured a no
lne) for one or two insertions.
l er reading lin fo hree or
days from the date of last insertion.
MmInmum three lines per insertion.
By Contract, per line--2 lines daily one
41 es E.OD,2 mots S
4 lines E.O.D. college year ..7c
10lne usdas deie ...9
3,00 lines used as desired . . ..c
1,000 lines used as desired . 0 .
he above rates are per readin lne,
of 7%, point Ionic type, upper and lower
case. Add Oc per line to above rates for
above for boldface, upper and loer
case. A 1c apeine eto sabove rates
Telephone Rate--15c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
10% discount if paid within ten
more insertions.
FURNISHED apartment with private
bath and shower. Also large double.
Hot and cold ruruping water and
shower. Dial 8544. 422 E. Washing-
ton. 47
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. l x
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol-
cagoBuyes. Tmporary offIce, 20
North Main. 2x
WANTED: Male passenger, to Pacific
Northwest, August 1, new car. Box
9K 50
GERMAN tutoring, translation, -in.
terpretation, guide to daily lessons.
Special rate for groups. Phone 6746.
gG g ggi i49
Where To Go
2:0 -Mchigan Theatre, "'Here
Comes The Groom" with Mary Bo-
land and Patricia Ellis.
2:00- M a jes t ic Theatre, "The
WitchingHor" waith Tom Brown
2:00 - Wuerth Theatre, two fea-
tures, "This Side Of Heaven" with
Lionel Barrymore and "Bottoms Up"
3:30 - Excursion No. 9, to Niagara
Falls and Vicinity, under the direc-
$4:00 -Same features at te three
7:00 - Same features at the three
8:30 - Salisbury Field's "Wedding
Bells" by the Michigan Repertory
Players, Lydia Mendelssohn Theate.
League Building.
Canoeing on the Huron every after-
noon and evening.
Dancing at the Blue Lantern Ball-
room. Island Lake.
Dancing at the Whitmore Lake
Pavilion, Whitmore Lake.
HOUSTON, Tex., July 26.-(VP)-A
Gulf hurricane lashed viciously at a
125-mile stretch of Texas coast-line
today, causinfg widespread property
damage and endangering hundreds
of lives. Torrents of rain swept the
sparsely settled coastal region and the
wind piled huge .waves against the
Students Lead
Summer Band
The third concert by the Summer
Band was given Wednesday night in
front of the General Library. Several
students and graduates of the School
of Music assumed the duties of con-
ductor and the last two numbers on
the program "Victors" and "Yellow
and the Blue" were conducted by Cap-
tain Wilfred Wilson, former leader of
the Varsity- Band.
The program opened with Sousa's
"Stars and Stripes Forever" which
was followed by an overture "Mill on
the Cliff"' by C. G. Reissiger. The
latter number was conducted by Alvin
N. Benner. Robert Grant directed
Gounod's "La Reine de Saba."
A suite for military band from
"Sigurd Jorsalfar" by Grkiegwas con-
The program closed with the play-
ing of "The Victors" and "The Yellow
and the Blue."
Jury Fails To Agree In
MalBunco Trial Of Two
NEW YORK, July 26. --(P) --The
jury in the mail bunco trial of James
C. McKay and William J. Graham
reported after three and a half hours
of deliberation today that it was un-.
able to reach an agreement.
Judge Carroll C. 1Iincks called the
jury into the court and told them that
the case was too imnportant and had
lasted too long -for him to accept their
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